


April 1 , 1977

Compiled by:

R. H. Schwendeman, T. Amano, and P. M. Thrash Department of Chemistry Michigan State University East Lansing, MI 48824 USA MICROWAVE SPECTROSCOPY NEWSLETTER XX

List of Contributors

No. Contributor Institute Page

1. Bak, B. University of Copenhagen 1

2. Baker, J. G. University of Manchester 2

3. Bauder, A. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology 2

4. Bcaudet, R. A. University of Southern California 3

5. Beeson, E. L. University of New Orleans 3

6. Boggs, J. E. University of Texas 3

7. Bohn , R. K. University of Connecticut 4

47. Brooks, W. V. F. University of New Brunswick 34

8. Brown, R. D. Monash University 7

33. Cassoux, P. Laboratoire de Chemie de Coordination 24

9. Coffey, D. San Diego State University 8

10. Cook, R. L. Mississippi State University 9

11. Cox, A. P. Bristol University 10

12. Curl , R. F. Rice University 11

53 . Dijkerman, H. A. Rijkun i versiteit Utrecht 40

13. Doraiswamy , S. Tata Institute of Fundamental Research 11

14 . Dreizler, H. Universitat Kiel 12

15. Durig, J. R. University of South Carolina 13

16. Favero, P. Instituto Ch i mico "G. Ciamician" 14

17 . Filgueira, R. Departmento de Fis i ca- UNLP 14

18 . Ford , R. G. Memphis State University 15

19 . Gerry, M. C. L. Univers i ty of British Columb i a 15

20. Ghosh , D. K. Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics 16 No . Contributor Institute Page

21. Graybeal, J . D. Virginia Polytechnic Institute 16

14 . Guarnieri, A. Universitat Kiel 12

3. Gunthard, Hs . H. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology 2

22 . Harmony , M. D. University of Kansas 17

23 . Harris, D. University of California, Santa Barbara 17

37 . Hirose, C. Tokyo Institute of Technology 26

24. Hirota, E. Institute for Molecular Science, Japan 18

25 . Hoeft, J . Freie Universitat Berlin 19

26. Honerjager, R. Freie Universitat Berlin 20

36 . Johnson, D. R. National Bureau of Standards 26

27 . Karlsson , F. University of Stockholm 20

28 . Kewley, R. Queen ' s University 21 ~) Kojima, T. Toyama University 21 '--- . 30 . Krisher, L. University of Maryland 22

31. Krishnaji University of Allahabad 22

32 . Kroto, H. W. University of Sussex 23

33 . Kuczkowski, R. L. University of Michigan 24

34 . Kukolich, S. G. University of Arizona 25

40. Legon, A. C. University College London 29

47. Lees, R. M. University of New Brunswick 34

35 . Ljunggren, S . 0 . Royal Institute of Technology 25

36 . Lovas, F. J . National Bureau of Standards 26

37 . Maeda, S. Tokyo Institute of Technology 26

10. Malloy, T. B. Mississippi State University 9

38 . Marstokk, K. M. University of Oslo 27

39 . Matsumura, C. National Chemical Laboratory for Industry 28

ii No . Contributor Institute

40 . Millen, D. J. University College London 29

41. Mills, I. M. University of Reading 30

16. Mirri, A. Instituto Chimico "G . Ciamician" 14

38 . M~l l endal, H. University of Oslo 27

42 . Marino, Y. Sagami Chemical Research Center 30

1. Nygaard, L. University of Copenhagen 1

43 . Oka, T. National Research Council, Ottawa 31

19 . Ozier, I. University of British Columbia 15

44. Penn, R. E. University of Missouri-St. Louis 31 ------41. Robiette, A. G. University of Reading 30

45 . Roussy, G. Universite de Nancy 32

46 . Rudolph, H. D. University of Ulm 33

24 . Saito, S. Institute for Molecular Science, Japan 18

47 . Sastry, K. V. L. N. University of New Brunswi ck 34

48. Schwendeman, R. H. Michigan State University 35

13. Sharma, S. D. Tata Institute of Fundamental Research 11

49. Sheridan, J . University College of North Wales 36

31. Srivastava, S. L. University of Allahabad 22

49. Stiefvater, 0. L. University College of North Wales 36

14. Sutter, D. Universitat Ki el 12

50 . Takarni , M. Instit ute of Physical Chemi cal Research, Japan 37

51 . Tanaka, T. Kyushu University 38

25. Tiemann, E. Freie Universitat Berlin 19

26. Tischer, R. Freie Universitat Berlin 20

iii No . Contributor Institute

25 . Torring, T. Freie Universitat Berlin 19

52 . Tyler, J. K. University of Glasgow 39

53 . van Eijck, B. P. Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht 40

54 . Wertheimer, R. Universite de Lille 41 ss. Whiffen, D. H. University of Newcastle upon Tyne 4'2

56. Wilson, E. B. Harvard University 43

57 . Winnewisser, B. P. Justus Liebig Universitat 44

57. Winnewisser, G. Justus Liebig Univresitat 44

57. Winnewisser, M. Justus Liebig Universitat 44

58. Woods, R. C. University of Wisconsin 45

59. Fayt, A. Institut de Physique, Chemin du 45 Cyclotron 60 h \ .

iv 1 Name to whom queries should be addressed : Staff member indicated by +) below .

Mailing address : Chemical Laboratory V UNIVERSITY OF COPENHAGEN H. C. 0rsted Institutet 5 , Universitetsparken DK - 2100 Copenhagen, DENMARK Telephone number : 01 35 31 33


CHNS(HNCS) isothiocyanic +)B . Bak Strong Q- branch H. Svanholt lines identified .

1 , 2 , 3- triazole C . J . Nielsen Parent 1H- form +)L . Nygaard remeasured and +)G . O . S~rensen 2H - form observed .

H N 0 acetylazide , c 2 3 3 Lau Hansen Spectra assigned, H and D species +)N . W. Larsen (CH CoN ) 3 3 barrier to internal 3 3 rotation determined .

H N N- methyl methylenimine , +)B . Bak Assigned , paper c2 5 D species N. W. Larsen to be written . (CH N=CH ) 5 3 2 T . Pedersen H. Svanholt

1 , 3 - cl - acetone , H. Karlsson 2 LRMW , Acta Chem . et al . Scand . A30(1976)820 . 180 specles. c os tricarbon oxide T . Correll 3 Isotopic species ( O=C=C=C=S) sulphide +)T . Pedersen in progress . +)G . O . S~rensen

HN cyanoform +)B . Bak c4 3 Paper accepted, (HC(CN) ) H. Svanholt J . Mol . Structure . 3 C4H2N2 maleonitrile H. Gesmar Assigned . (CN - CH=CH - CN) +)L . Nygaard 4 H 1 , 6- dioxa- 6a.\ - c5 4o2s +)T . Pedersen Paper in ~· -·-· s --. ..., thiapentalene S . V . Skaarup preparation . i ' li I

~ - - .. ·,_ / / :, · .. c H NOS phenylthionylamine +)B . Bak J . Mo l.Structure 6 5 (syn) - (C H NSO) H. Svanhol t 36(1977)55 . 6 5 C6H5N3 phenylazide +)L . Nygaard Exc . vibr . states +)G . O . S~rensen assigned .

permanganylfluoride J . H~g J . Mo l. Spectrosc . +)T . Pedersen 61(1976)243 . 2 2 Name to whom queries should be addressed------Dr. J. G. Baker Mailing address Aromic, Holeculnr and Polymer Physics Group, Schuster Ls.boratory, T~e University, Manchester H13 9PL. Telephone number 061 - 273 - 4873


bromine pentafluoride C. Georghiou Papers on A A and 1 2 B B splittings in 1 2 press.

i.oJine pen'tafluoric1e P. N. Jrier v /v Coriolis resonance. 5 9

silyl isocy3.nate J. G. Baker millimeter transitions.


Name to whom queries should be addressed____ ~A~·~ -~Ba~u~d~e~r~/~I~1~s~· ~r·~I·~'~}t~·t~n~t~rl~8~r~d~------~1ailing address ______~L~a~ b ~o~I~'8_t~o~r~.~~~f~o~r-·~P~h~,~Y~s~i~c~o~.l~- -·~· ]~h-~c~n~: i~s~'t~r~·J~'------

Jwiss Fed eral Institute of recb~ology

Telephone number 01 32 6?. 11 ~xt. 4341 / 4421 ------~--~~~------~~--~~~~~------


I ·'p ·T ( "( . ) ) \V.ri - 1.,.\...-''"' ,..... Dir .i. trorne t ~nne P . tJi5sb er ~ _;er vlork continues c:. ~: c:. F . :}r'O!:er , .• .,1 ,. -'~ 1_ _3 .__, __ 1_; ]h lo roe LhyJ F? ne ox id. E J. \hecani Spectrum qssigned :! .. .i:. tnylr-:Le :~lycol .S • .i - ~. 1 d e r Dideutero spPcie~ 9SSL;ned

,l\.-, •../ ...' . 1r"ins form assi~ned PyruviG "' Cid Jb . Dyllick r structq_re p~pRr sut.ml t ted ' .... ,J ·-- ~- : A V-,. ' ., ) ~ •:.T , ..,:~-- · · 1]_; ) ( ·v .l-..;v -- .:.4• ~ .- .1-_z Ps r'er in ..) ..} _pre p1 r8. t i oc 4 3 Name to whom queries should be addressed Dr . Robert A, Beaudet ------~------~1ai ling address ____D_eLp_a~rt~m~e~n~t~o~f~C~h~em~is~t~r~y ______University of Southern California Los Angeles, California 90007 Telephone number (213) 746 - 2997


Pentaborane Schwoch Submitted

Hexaborane Schwoch In draft. More work to be done .

Dicarbapentaborane(7) Wi ck Doing Isotopes.

Beaudet Not yet assigned .

Ethynyl phosphine Di Stefano Ass i gned.

5 Name to whom queries should be addressed------E . L . Bee son , Jr . Ma i 1 in g add res s ___U_n __ i_v_e_r_.;s_i_t_y..__o--"f--"-N'-"e:_:.w.c..._O;:....;r=-=1-=ce..:;.;a=n=s:.______Department of Physics New Orleans , LA 70122 Telephone number (504) 288-3161 ext . 344


Name to whom queries should be addressed Dr . James E. Boggs ------~=------Mai ling address Department of Chemistry The University of Texas Austin Texas 78712 Te 1 cph one numb e r _____(,_,5'-=l=-=2'-"')_ - -'-4-'-7=1---'-'75:::.;2:::.;5"------


Fluorosulfuric acid methyl ester K. P. R. Nair manuscript in press 4


Name to whom queries should be addressed______R_o_b_e_r_t __ K_. __ B_o_h_n ______

~1ailing address ______D_e~p~a_r_t_m_e_n_t __ o_f __ C_h_e_m_i_s_t_r~y~------­ University of Connecticut Storrs, Ct. USA 06268

Telephone number__ --~(_2_0_3~)_4_8_6_-_3_0_4_4 ______


Ethyl cyanoforrnate R. Suenram, 2 of 3 rotamers CH CH CCN 3 2o2 N. True assigned

Ethyl fluoroforrnate N. True 2 rotamers and CH cH o CF 3 2 2 torsionally excited states assigned.

Isopropyl fluoroforrnate N. True Ground state (CH ) CH0 cr 3 2 2 assigned, vib. satellite analysis in progress.

Isopropylthiol fluoroformate N. True Ground statG (CH ) CHSCOF 3 2 assigned.

Propargyl esters N. True LRMW ; 2-3 conformers; HC::CCH202CX JACS, in press (X=F,Cl,CN,CF ) 3

C4I-i502 Allyl esters N. True LRMW; c4HsCl02 H2C=CHCH 202CX 1-4 conformers; . C4HsF02 (X=H ,F,Cl,CN) submitted c5H5No 2

C4H802 n-Propyl esters N. True LRMW ; C4H7Cl02 CH3CH2CH202CX 2-5 conformers; C4H7F02 (X=H,F,Cl,CN,CF3) submitted C5H7N02 CsH 7F302 5

CsH1202 Neopentyl esters N. True LRMW ; c6HnCl02 (CH 3 )3CCH 2o2cx 1-2 conformers c6Hll F0 2 (X=H , F, Cl , CN , CF3) submitted c7HnN02 C7Hll F 302

C5H1oo2 tert- Butyl esters N. True LRMW ; c6H9r 3o2 ( CH3)3C02CX 1 conformer (X=H , CF ) 3

C5H1oo2 Isobutyl esters N. True LRMW ; C5HgCl02 (CH3)2CHCH202CX 1- 5 conformers C5HgN02 (X=H,F , Cl , CN , CF3) C6HgF 3o2 C, ITqF0 ) . 2 C7H13Cl02 3 , 3-Dimethylbutyl esters N. True LRMW ; c7H13ro2 (CH3)3CCH2CH202CX 2-t- conformers (X=F ,Cl)

c5Hloo2 2-Butyl esters N. True LRMW ; C5HgCl02 CH3CH2CH(CH3)02CX 3-5 conformers c HgF0 (X=H , F, Cl,CN , CF ) 5 2 3 C5HgN02 C5HgF302

c H ClOS Ethyl thiol esters c . Silvia., N. True 3 5 LRMW ; c3H5FOS CH3CH2SCOX 2-3 conformers C4H5NOS (X=F,Cl , CN , CF3) c4H5r 3os

C4H7ClOS Isopropyl thiol esters c . Silvia, N. True LRMW ; C4H7FOS (CH 3 )2CHSCOX (X=F,Cl , CF ) C5H7F30S 3

C4H7ClOS n-Propyl thiol esters c . Silvia, N. True LRMW ; C4H7FOS CH3CH2CH2SCOX 2-4 conformers c H r os ( Y== ? , c1 , cr ) 5 7 3 3

C5H,.ClOS tert-Butyl thi ol esters- c . Silvia, N. True LRMW ; C5H~F30S (CH3)3CSCOX 1 conformer (X=Cl,CF ) 3

C4HgN02 Nitrite esters N. True LRMW ; C4HgN02 RONO 3- rotamers C5HHN02 (R=isobutyl , n-butyl , isoc:.f'lyl) 6

C3H7N03 Nitrate esters N. True LRMW; C3H7N03 RON02 1-4 conformer::: c4HgN03 (R=isopropyl , n-propyl, C4HgN03 n-butyl , 2-butyl, C3H5No 3 allyl, 3,3-dimethylbutyl) C6Hl3N03

C4H7BrO n-Butyryl halides L. Thomas, N. True LRMW; c4H7ClO CH3CH2CH2COX 2-3 conformers C4H7FO (X=F , Cl,Br)

C5Hl00 Isovaleryl halides and aldehyde L. Thomas, N. True LRMW; c5H9Br0 (CH 3 )2CHCH 2COX 2-4 conformers c5HgC10 X=H,F,Cl,Br c5HgFO

CsHloO Valeryl halides and aldehyde L. Thomas, N. True LRMW; C5HgClO CH3CH2CH2CH2COX 3-5 conformers CsHgFO (X=H,F,Cl,CN) C5HgNO

C5H120 tert-Butylacetyl halides and L. Thomas, N. True LRMW; C5H11ClO aldehyde 1-3 conformers C5H11FO (CH3)3CCH2COX C7H11NO (X=H,F,Cl,CN)

CgHgBr m-bromoethylbenzene M. Farag, LRMW; CgH10o p-ethylbenzaldehyde B. Musselman 1 conformer

C10H120 p-isopropylbenzaldehyde M. Fa rag LRMW; 1 conformer

H Br m-bromopropylbenzene J . Bernardino LRMW; c9 11 2 conformers 8 Name to whom queries should be addressed------Professor R. D. Brown Mai 1 ing add re ss ______;C:::::...:.:h:.::::e~m:..:;i~s:...:t~ry..__=D:..::e::..~:p::..:a:::r:...:t:.:..:m.:.:e::.:n..:...t:..t, ______Monash University, Wellington Road, Clayton, Victoria, 3618, Australia. Telephone number 541 3550 ------~~--~~------


searching for HNC/DNC isocyanide J. G . Crofts vibrational satellites H . I . Gunn interstellar detection of HN13 c, DNC,H15NC .

glycine M . P. Bassez many lines measured assignment being sought

ketene G. L. Blackman assigned, dipole G. McMullen moment measured paper in preparation

HC Br bromoacetylene A. Porter study of vibrational 2 satellites, dipole moment. iodoacetylene A. Porter rotational constant, quadrupole coupling, dipole moment

cyanoaz irid ine A. L . Ottrey cis and trans species assigned, quadrupole coupling analysed

H N-CH -CN g lycinoni tri le A. L . Ottrey quadrupole coupling 2 2 analysed . Paper in preparation.

urea D . Cliff study of vibrational satellites and planarity completed .

HC _ C - CN - A. Porter additional measure­ ments for radio­ astronomical purposes

CH -CN D . Winkler additional 3 measurements for radioastronomical purposes . 8


Name to whom queries should be addressed Dewitt Coffey, Jr. ----~~--~~~~------Mailing address Department of Chemistry ------~------~------San Diego State University San Diego, California, 92182, USA

Telephone number____ --~7~1~4~-~2~8~6_-~62~15~------

FORMULA NAME OF NAME OF PRESENT STAGE COMPOUND INVESTIGATOR OF PROGRESS Methyldisilane Ground state and dipole moment Trimethyldisilane B rotational constant Trimethylgermylsilane B rotational constant 2 4 6 Tetracyclo[ ' 7.o ' J R. Bell Ground state, excited heptan-3 -one states of lowest freq. vib. ~ode, dipole moment . Manuscript submitted. 2 6 Tricyclo[2.2 . l.O ' J H. Nishimoto Ground state and heptan-3 -one dipole moment

Bicyclo[2.2.l] K. Fukunaga Excited states of hept-5-ene-2-one lowest vib. mode, deuterated species and dipole moment

Bicyclo[2.2.l] E. Hoopes Excited states of heptan-2 -one lowest vib. mode, deuterated species and dipole moment 2 4 Exo-3-oxatricyclo[3.2.l.0 ' ] Ground state rot . octane constants 9


\~~c to ah o~ queries should be addrcsscd __ ~R~·~L~·~C~o~o~k~o~r~T~.~B~.~~~!a~l~l~o~y~.~·I~r~.~------1-t:li ling address p. o. Drw*·er 516 7 Department of Physics Xississippi State University, Miss. State, MS 39762 Telephone nucber~6~0~1~-~3~2~5-~2~8~0~6~------


: !! SBrN 2-Bromothiazole Assignment in progress, 3 2 (qar

; 4 H3~2Cl Chloropyrazine Spectrum assigned, work ©/cl continuing ..

:6H80 7 oxabicyclo[4-l.O]hept-3-ene Manuscript in preparation. Work on isotopic species <() started.

: 7Hl0 1,3 cycloheptadiene Excited states and dis­ 0 tortion effects under study. : 7Hl0 a) bicyclo[3.2.0]hept-6-ene Isotopic work continuing. , ;7Hl0° V 1-cyclohepten 2-one Manuscript in preparation. ;7Hl2° ~ cycloheptanone Assignment in progress. ;7H12° cc() 8-oxabicyclo[S.l. O]octane One conformer assigned . (cycloheptene oxide) Work in progress.

: H Cl0 2-Furoyl Chloride Low resolution spectra 5 3 2 ~I analyzed.

: H Cl0 CH CH=CHCOC1 Crotonyl Chloride Low resolution 4 5 3 spectra analyzed.

:eH 0 o-Valerolactone Assignment :; 8 2 (t in progress. 10


Name to whom queries should be addressed____ ~D~r~· ~A~· -P~e~t~e~r~C~o~x~------Mai 1 ing add res s __ ~D~e:.!p:::a::.:r:..t:::m:::e::.:n:::.::.t-=.o.::.f-=.P..:.:h".:!.y..:s..:i:..:c:..:a:..:l~C-=h~e:..:m_i_s_t~r=-=y'--__,_------­ Bristol University Bristol BS8 lTS , U. K. Telephone numbe r Bristol 24161

FORMULA · NAlviE OF NA..\1E OF PRESENT STAGE COMPOUND INVESTIGATOR OF PROGRESS CBrF 3 trifluoromethylbromide Dipole moments CC1F t r ifluoromethylchlori de 3 Y. Ka"1ashima and structures CF I 3 trifluor omethyliodide ~n progress CHF 3 Fluor ofor m Y. Kawashima Further excited states in progress CH No 3 nitrosomethane P. H. Turner Gauche-sym interactions CH No 3 2 methylni trite M. J . Corkill Isotopes P. II . Turner completed CH BF 3 2 difl uoromethylborane P. R. R. Langridge- Smith In thesis R. Steveris CF 3No 2 t rifluoronitr omethane P. R. R. Langridge- Smith In thesis C H 0(CH CHO) 2 4 3 acetaldehyde J . Hardy Gauche- Sym P. H. Turner interactions C3H2N2 malononi tri le Y. Kawashima Structur e and e ~ - ~.,S c H Nc 4 9 2 t - butylnitromethane P. R. R. Langridge- Smith ~ determined R. Stevens H No c4 9 2 t-butylnitrite M. J . Corkill Barrier in t r ans determined CSH402 4H- Pyran- 4- one C H os 4H- Pyr an- 4- thione I. C. Ewart In manuscript 5 4 with Glasgmv CSH4S2 4H- Th i apyran- 4- thione BrF si trifluorosilylbromide 3 T. R. Gayton Structures , ClF Si tri fluorosi l ylchloride dipoles and 3 P. Preece excited states F Isi trifluorosilyli odide 3 ~n progress 12 Name tn whom queries should be addressed------R. F. Curl Mailing address Chemistry Department Rice University Houston, Texas 77001 Telephone number (7 13) 527-8101' Ext. 3288

FORMULA NAME OF NAME OF PRESENT STAGE COMPOUND INVESTIGATOR OF PROGRESS BC H N Methylisocyanide-borane J . F. Stevens In proof 2 6 J. w. Bevan (CH 3NCBH 3) BC H N t-butylisocyanide-borane J. F. Stevens Manuscript in 5 12 J. w. Bevan preparation ((CH 3)3CNCBH 3) CH N Ammonium cyanide J. vJ. Bevan Strong evidence 4 2 for spectrum (NH 3HCN) C2H6N2 cis-azomethane J. F. Stevens Preliminary report Austin 1976 Almost complete C H NO 3-aminopropanol M. A. Norri s Manuscript in 3 9 preparation c H N trimethylamine cyanide J. w. Bevan Band spectrum 4 10 observed ((CH 3)3NHCN)

13 Name to whom queries should be addressed S. Doraiswamy f , 3. D. Sharma Mailing address Chemical f hysics Group, 'Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Colaba, Bombay 5.

Telephone number______21 91 11 Extn. ·354 __


1, 2. 3, 5-Tetrafluoroben .ene S.D. 8harma Being :t-·ublished 3. Dorais;vamy (Can. J. Physics)

3-Bromopyridine .:::. Doraiswamy Manuscript in S. D. Jharma preparation

1, 2, :-Trifluorobenzene S. Dorai~>: amy Dipole Moment c·: ...... ,.,, w.L'. ~.na rma determined

F enta:luorop he no l .:>. C.. I.Iehrotra Analysis in progress 3. D . .:;,harma ;.}. Doraiswamy 12

14 !I. Dreizler, A. Guarnieri, D. Sutter Name to whom queries should be addressed------Mailing address Institut fur Phvsikalische Chemie der Tfniversitfit Kiel D-23ooo Kiel, Olshausenstr. 40 ~ 60, Ceb. S 12 c

Telephone number 0431 - 880 2753 I 2751 / 2752


CII ClO(CH 0Cl) 3 3 Methyl­ r.. l. Suzuki Centr. Distortion CD ClO(CD 0Cl) hypochlorite A. Guarnieri near complete 3 3 Cl0 N (ClONO) Kitrosyl­ F. Rohwer Investig:1tion 2 started hyrochlorite

Forrnylchloride J.h'iese,K.F. Dossel ,D.II.Sutter Zeernan-stU

Metacyanothiophene J.Wiese,D.fi.Sutter Dipolemoment 9¥~~rupole coup- constants

cn 3-o-cn 3 Dimethyl ether 11.Lutz,H.Dreizler excited torsional cH -o-or states 3 3 CD -se-CD Dirnethylselene G.K.Pandev,H.Dreizler excited tor­ 3 3 sional states CH 3-se-CH3

Acetyl cyanide G.K.Pandey,H.Dreizler torsion-vile- ration inter­ action 13


Name to whom queries should be addressed__ D_r_. _J_a_m_es_R_._Du_r_i....::eg~------­ Mailing address Department of Chemistry University of South Carolina Columbia, S.C. 29208 Telephone number------803-777-6612 FORMULA NAME OF NAME OF PRESENT STAGE COMPOUND INVESTIGATOR OF PROGRESS c2H5BF2(cH3CH 2BF2) Ethydifluoroborane Y. S. Li manuscript in preparation c Hl( (CH )lH) Dimethyl phosphine P. Groner and submitted (J. Chem. Phys . ) 2 3 Y. S. Li c3H7I((CH3)2CHI) Isopropyl iodide Y. S. Li quadrupole CH F 0Si(F SiOCH ) 3 3 3 3 Methoxytrifluorosilane M. A. Sens work in progress CH 7PSi(CH3SiH 2PH 2) Methylphosphinosilane R. 0. Carter work in progress c2H8Si(CH3CH 2SiH3) Ethyl s il a ne P. Groner submitted (Chem. Phys.) c H Si Methylsilacyclobutane M. J. Fl a nag an work in progress 4 11I . I (CH CH CH SiH cH ) 2 2 2 2 3 16

Name to whom queries should be addressed____ ~P~a~o~l~o~F=av~e~r~o~------~1ailing address ______~Is~t~l~·t~u~t~o~C~h~i~m~i~c~o~"~G~·~C~i~am~i~cl~·a=n~'-'------Via Selmi, 2 Bologna, ITALY Tel cphone number______


NOCl Nitrosyl-chloride t'Iirrj. Anltarmoni c NU.br " bromide ·.:::ervellati force field Cazzoli Proparpyl amine Cervellati Caminati Submitted for De,CT.li-Espost i T:irri nublication Alogen cyanides Favero Cazzoli t:xcited. states Corbelli by energy transfer exneriments N-methyl parafluo­ Scappini In progress -roaniline Cervellati Th;.,ro lacetic acid Caminati In nro,'"Tess Scapnini I\-sul nhinylaniline Caminati Torsional barrier, I.1irri di11ol:e moment.. Submitted for publication (CHJ) 2 C~C(6N) 2 1,1 dimethyl - Damiani In T)ro,cTress 2,2 dicyano-ethylene Scan"Qini 1- ex;vne Damiani Two rotational Corbelli conformers assignee

17 Name to whom queries should be addressed Jr. I'o1:· PrLo .• · ' i Jcc-~r-;jr~l Mailing address De par t::lrt Ento de .0':ls ic::1 - ULl F

0,3 J J 8 G J J ~ ~T 4q - 0. C• 67 1900 La 2la ta - i1.r.g;2ntin:: . Telephone number------


,. ... T"' 0 ·;(;• Cr·lorCJbe zerH:'­ l .' l~ . iF, • .. . . T·or;;--:j_3. ~)#) Ect-r·lJ . :v. I .I:::.. r:: '), ·•' ,,} _i \ .... / (_ ~'>uL 0 ' ~ - ic t'l.ci l ~~~~- C'.1. r • ~; ornr r· s in : - ~ s f,~ i :'{::-:t- . l. ~{CJ b crto flo ": i''i} rrl).. eirc-L

·t:rifl uororc.etLyl :_; earc1-· j r~ ! -·r('"" · bj:poc:tloritc ~ :{ol.. er·Lo ·~ . IFilr~1lcir.:: ~ ··i".ro . . · ~ . ~ .. .! ' lo~ol _ fo }?antoni 15

18 Name to whom queries should be addressed Robert G. Ford ------~------Mailing address Dept . of Chemistry Memphis State University r-.1enphis, TCimessee 38152 Telephone number 901-454-2623 --~~~~~~~------


1,2-pentadiene cis and gauche forms assigned

2II-azirinc isotopes being prepared

azidobenzene partial assignment

·I' 19

Name to whom queries should be addressed______~D~r~ · ~M~. C~· ~L~·~~G~e~r~r~yL------Mailing address Department of Chemistry, The University of British Columbia 2075 Wesbrook Place Vancouver, B.C ., Canada V6T lWS Telephone number 604 - 228-2464 I ----~~--~~~~------·I FORMULA NAME OF NAME OF PRESENT STAGE , I COMPOUND INVESTIGATOR OF PROGRESS

Phosphoryl Fluoride R. H. Kagann Distortion Moment I . Ozier Transitions Analysed

HCCC(O)NH2 Propiolamide G. B. Little Manuscript in preparation

HCCC(O)Cl Propiolyl chloride R. W. Davis Manuscript in prep'n

Difluorosilane R.W . Davis Distortion Analysis Manuscript in preparation

HCOOH R. W. Davis Distortion with G. Winnewisser, Analysis;Isotopic H. Mantsch (Germany) Subn .

HNCS Isothiocyanic Acid L. Szalanski Isotopic Subn . with K. Yamada, G. & M. MW and MMW studies. Winnewisser (Germany) Manuscript in preparation 16 20 Name to whom queries should be addressed Professor D, K, Ghosh Mailing address Microwave Spectroscopy Laboratory Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, 92 ,Acharya Prafu11a Chandra Road , Calcutta 700 009, INDIA . Telephone number_.....3~5_---'-lt-_2...::.8_,1:.L-/-L5 ______


c6H?O m-fluorophenol D. K. Ghosh Spectrum R, N. Nandi observed. A. Bhaumick Analysis in progress .

c n Fo o-fluorophenol R, Nandi Work 6 5 A. Chatter jee abondoned,

21 Name to whom queries should be addressed Jack D. Graybeal ------~------Mailing address Department of Chemistry Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Blacksburg, Virginia 24061 Telephone number703-951-5406------• FORMULA NAME OF NAME OF PRESENT STAGE COMPOUND INVESTIGATOR OF PROGRESS

G. M. Ault Manuscript Bromoacetonitrile-d2 s. R. Bailey Submitted

Sulfur oxytetrafluoride c. F. Shoemaker Manuscript M. 1 . Gum Submitted J. D. Graybeal

Idoacetonitrile G. M. Ault Additional work in progress

Chromyl fluoride c. F. Shoemaker Partial Assignment s . R. Bailey Made J . D. Graybeal 17 22

Name to whom queries should be addressed_____ M_a_r_l_i_n __ D~ ·~H~a~r~m~o~n~y~------Mailing address __ ~D~e~p~a~r~t~rn~e~nut~o~f~C~h~e~rn~,~·s~t~r~Y~------­ The University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas 66045

Telephone number__ ~(9~1~3~)~8~6~4~-~3~9~8~0~------

FORMULA NAME OF NAME OF PRESENT STAGE COMPOUND INVESTIGATOR OF PROGRESS Perdeuterohydrazine Baron, Harmony In press Chae Manuscript in Preparation Norborn-2ne Chae Submitted for Publication

N-methyl hydroxylamine Harmony In progress

35 37 Cyclopentyl chloride Loyd CJI,, CJI, and several excited states assigned Cyclobutylamine Newton, Harmony In progress

C_H Bicyclo[3 . l .O]bexene l. 8 Mathur Several isotopic species assigned 3,3-Dimethylcyclopropene Wang, Harmony In press


Name to whom queries should be addressed____ ~D~a~v~l~·d~H~a=r~r~i~s ______Mailing add re ss______.:D::..:e:::Jp::.:a::::r:::..t::.m::.:.e::.n=t_:::.o.:::f--=C.:.:h:.::c::.:.m:::i:.::s:..::t:.:r:....y ______University of California Santa Barbara, CA 93106

Telephone number______~(8~0~5~)~9~6~1~-~2~5~34~------


SrF Strontium Fluoride P. Domaille laser-microwave double resonance 18

24 Name to whom queries should be addressed------Eizi Hirota Mailing address Institute for Molecular Science Okazaki 444 JAPAN 2789 Telephone number------0564-Sl- FORMULA NAME OF NAME OF PRESENT STAGE COMPOUND INVESTIGATOR OF PROGRESS

CsHs 1,4-Pentadiene T . Shigemune One rotamer [CH2=CHCH2CH=CH2J E . Hirota assigned. C6H1 oS 7- Thiabicyclo K. Irie Work in /CH2CH2, [2 . 2 . l]heptane progress . HC -S- CB 'crhCH2/ ClHOt; (HOC103) Perchloric acid K. Fujimoto Assigned. CH2F2 Methylene fluoride E . Hirota Almost completed. C3HsO, C3H70D Isopropanol E . Hirota Work in [ (CH 3 ) 2 CHOH, (CH 3 ) 2 CHOD] progress. 1-Silabicyclo T . Ikeura Manuscript [2 . 2 . l]heptane K. Tanaka submitted . _, CHzCH2, HSi- CH2-CH ' cHz CHz /

F2S (SFz) Sulfur difluoride Y. Endo Work in S . Saito progress . Methane E . Hirota Work in progress .

N02 Nitrogen dioxide R. Awata Work in progress.

C·t Hl t;Si l - Silabicyclo[2 . 2 . 2] A. Kawaguchi Almost [HSi(CHzCH2) 3CH] Octane T . Tanaka completed . H3N Ammonia T . Ikeura Work in K. Tanaka progress S . Akiyama (relaxation studies) . 19 PRESENT STAGE FORMULA NAME OF NAME OF COMPOUND INVESTIGATOR OF PROGRESS

CH 3 Br Methyl bromide M. Ieki Work in E . Kurnarnoto progress (laser spectroscopy) . C2H40 Vinyl alcohol S . Saito Work in [CH2=CHOH] progress (.vibrationally excited states) . Hydroperoxyl S . Saito Work in radical progress . (Stark effects . Collaboration with Dr . C . Matsurnura) CHO Formyl radical S . Saito Work in [HCO , DCO] progress . CNO NCO radical S . Saito Work in [NCO] progress .

25 Prof. Dr . J. Hoeft Name to whom queries should be addressed------Mailing address Institut fiir Molekiilphysik , Freie Universi tat Berlin, Boltzrnannstr. 20, D-1000 Berlin 33 . Germany

Telephone number____ ~8~3~8~· ~3~5~9~0~------

FORMULA NAME OF NAME OF PRESENT STAGE COMPOUND INVESTIGATOR OF PROGRESS 'I Brl Bromine monoiodide 'l' iemann, doubl e resonancet Dreyer dipole moment ; for publication CuCl Copper monochloride ~ Hoeft , Efs assit;ned Nair, Cui Copper monoiodide ' Tie:r:1ann CsOH Cesium hydroxide Tarr ing vibr.-rot . interaction, in proeress 26 20

~ame to whom queries should be addressed R. Eoner j 8.g er ------~-=------Mailing address :D'reie Unj v ers it iit Berlin, Inst i tut fUr ~. : olekiilphys ik

~ oltzmann-Strafe 20, D-1000 Berlin ~3 0-:'0/83t3 42 )5 Telephone number------FORMULA NAME OF NAME OF PRESENT STAGE COMPOUND INVESTIGATOR OF PROGRESS

Diatomic (IVa/VIa)-Kolecules Systematics of rotation~l mgcnetic moments, 1ir • E on e r j tiger work completed, und Z.:f:-c.turforE1Ch. 32a 1977 H . Tischer

Dit't omic I'.'Iolecules ·vj tli S_,_rstematics of ('!" and t .:> tT 1 ( ~ Vs.l (~YJcc :~ lec tr ons, (V/V)-, (I'J/VI); (III/VIJ)~ ~T' Compounds I ~ork in progress

27 Name to whom queries should be addressed______Fred Karlsson ___ Mailing address Department of Physical Chemistry, Arrhenius Laboratory University of Stockholm, Fack S-104 05 STOCKHOLM, Sweden Telephone number 08/15 01 60/2374

FORMULA NAME OF NAME OF PRESENT STAGE COMPOUND INVESTIGATOR OF PROGRESS We are still tryi.ng to assign Fred Karl ss on the spectrum. 2- Chloro-1,3-butadien Zuzana Smith Comparison with electron diffractio

Fred Karlsson Work in progress . trans-l~Ch l oro-1 .~-butadien Zuzana Smith Comparison with electron diffracti d

Fred Karl sson Work in progress . cis-1-Chloro-1 ,3-butadien Zuzana Smith Comparison with electron diffracti d 28 21 Name to whom queries should be addressed_____ R_o_g_e_r __ K_ew_l_e_r ______Mailing address Department of Chemistry Queen's University Kingston, Ontario, Canada K7L 3N6

Telephone number__ 6~1~3~-~5~4~7_-~5~8~5~5 ______


1-methoxybutadiene R. Kewley Cis and trans conformers. Manuscript in preparation. C H 3 5NS methylthioacetonitrile R. Kewley Gauche conformer assigned CSH802 3-valerolactone R. Kewley Initial assignment

CS11 10N2 tert-butyl cyanamide R. Kewley Partial assignment, NH and ND species

morpholine S. Vallillee Centrifugal distortion study underway for NH and ND species

,/' -· \ ({ . 229 )) ~~i Name to whom queries should be addressed____ T_a __ k_e_~_·d_·i __ ~-~-o~j_i_m_i · _. ______

Mailing address ____~D~ ·e~p~~~~ r__ t_rn_c_n_t __ o_f~· __P_h~y- ~~ l~·c~c ______

ToyaDa uni ver1~i ty

Telephone number ______


T. .i~o j i111a l) l' ep_~ration .

Cr1 0 ( C.d 0l-i) ~ ·1 c thyl alcohol 4 3 Cni.A) (h.uC O) } ( L1.-l·11·.: u ou b le rcbonanc ....; ) .

1~ethyl nL3rcaptan Iviillimcter vvJve spectrosco_tJy.

Hydr:.JZ ine s. T...:un Jkawa I'Hllirr..: ter '.-lave s_r,ectroscopy. 22 30 Name to whom queries should be addressed Lawrence C . Krisher Mailing address Institute for Physical Sciences University of Maryland College Park, Maryland 20740 Telephone number (301) -454-3439


Acetamide L . Krisher Extensive Walter Rowe spectrum; (G . W. Univ . ) A- E in progress .


Name to whom queries should be addressed ..;.'ntJ.B'. Kill.3Hl~Ml/Dr.S.L.Sill.V ASTAVA Mailing address PHYSICS D.i<..:P A.ri~hBI~'.r, UiHV .iH.:>l TY Oi ALLAHA.bAD,

AuL AH. Ab A.J-2 1 Fll 1 2( ll~ Ill Ai


N-IDetbyl pyrazol e N. K. Narai n Assignment by ..COubl e Anu rag saxe na Iteso na nee. Parti ar results eommu ni eat ed.

0 rtho flourob romo Anu !'ag Sd.xena b enz. ene Anil Kumar Srivastava work in progress

Meta flourobromo Anurag saxena Anil Kumar Srivastava work in progress

Meta flouroehloro Anurag saxena Centrifugal di sto rtio benzene Anil Kumar eo nsta. nts being Srivastav a ev arua ted. 23

32 Name to whom queries should be addressed H.W.KROTO Mailing address School of Molecular Sciences, University of SUssex, :,3righton, U.K. BN1 9QJ. Telephone number Brighton 667 55

Name of Name of Present stage Formula Compound Investigator of progress

C3f£ 6S (CH3hCS Thioacetone B. M. Landsberg complete

C 2H4Se CH:PHSe Se lenoacet aldehyde M. Hut chins on IT

C 2H2S H2C=C =S Thioketene K. Georgiou complete

11 C3f£ 4S CH2=CHCHS Thioacrolein " C 2H 5NO CH:PH2NO Nitrosoethane M.Maier in progress D. Mil verton

BC1F2 F 2BC1 Difluoroboron Chloride M.Maier in press

CsHN T-T (C::ChCN C yanobutadiyne Ao Alexander viboanal. complete D.R. M. Walton 1, 3-Pentadiyne A. Alexander suspended M.Maier D.R. M. Walton

11 C 7H4 CH 3(C=C)3fl 1, 3, 5-Heptatriyne ms. in preparation

11 C6H3N CH 3(C=ChCN 1 cyano 2, 4 pentadiyne " CsHtoSi (CH3)sSiC=CH Trimethyl silyl ethyne A. Alexander Broadband Spectra D.R. M. Walton

11 C 6H9NSi (CH 3)3SiC=CCN Trimetbyl silyl cyano ethyne " C8H9NSi (CH 3)sSi(C=ChCN Trimethyl silyl cyanobutadiyne " "

CH 3P Phospha ethene J. F . Nixon work in progress N.P.C.Simmons CF2HP CF2=PH C Difluoro phospha ethene " 11 CClH2P CH2=PCl P Chloro phospha ethene 11 " C2H3P CH:P= P 1-Phospha propyne " " CFP FC=P C-Fluoro phospha ethyna-~.:. " " BCF2H4N CH 3NH:=BF2 N Methyl amino difluoro K.Georgiou almost completed borane C.Kirby Trimethylaminoalane C . Kirby Broadband Spectrum J.,D.Smith

BCH 3S CH 3B=S B Methy1 thioborine C.Kirby work in progress BClS ClB=S B Chloro thioborine I I work in progress Vinyl isocyanate " two conformers 24 FORMULA NAME OF NAME OF PRESENT STAGE COMPOUND INVESTIGATOR OF PROGRESS

C4HsN CH2==C=CHCN Cyano allene S. Hopkin nearl y complete D. R . M. Walton Br C 3H 3 CH2=C=CHBr Bromo allene " " C;PlH 3 CH2=C=CHCl C hloroallene " " Cj!3I CH2=C"'CHI Iodoallene " "

33 Name to whom queries should be addressed------R. L . Kuczkowski Mai l ing address Department of Chemistry ------~------~------University of Michigan Ann Arbor , Michigan 48109 Telephone number 31 3-764-7540


C2D403 Ethylene Ozonide U. Mazur Struc . in Press J . Mo l. Spect .

C2H403 Ethyl ene Ozonide J . Fong Mech . Studies on D. Species

H Fo Fluoroethylene Ozonide U. Mazur Isotopes c 2 3 3 c H 0 Ethylene Oxide A. Me i nzer Mech . Studies 2 4 paper written

CH Bo BH -co A. Venkatachar I n press 3 3 J. Mo l. Struc .

H Sb Stibabenzene J . Fong Assigned c5 5 H BN (CH ) N- B(CH ) p . Kuznesof Isot opes Assigned c6 1 8 3 3 3 3 13 C5H4 1 , 4 penta d i yne K. Hillig Searching for c c H BFN P . Cassoux* 4 Species 3 11 Assigned 13 c H BF P . Cassoux D and c 3 9 3 Assi gned

HF NOS HN=SOF P . Cassoux Man usc ript 2 2 Submitted

C H F P J . Fong 1 Conformer 3 2 2 Assigned * Laboratoire de Chimie de Coordination , B . P . 4142 , 31030 Toulouse , Cedex , France . 34 Name to whom queries should be addressed------Dr . S. G. Kukolich Mailing address Department of Chemistry ------University of Arizona Tucson, AZ 85721 602-884-2969 Telephone number------FORMULA NAME OF NAME OF PRESENT STAGE COMPOUND INVESTIGAtOR OF PROGRESS

13 Acetonitrile ( c) Lind-Kukolich Looking for 13c lines in maser spectrometer

HDO Water - D Kukolich Beam relaxation meas ­ urements completed

BrCN Cyanogen Bromide Cogley High resolution work in progress

COS (OCS) Carbonyl Sulphide Kukolich Relaxation studies in progress

Methyl Acetylene Cogley High resolution work in progress

35 Name to whom queries should be addressed------Stig 0 Ljunggren Mailing address Department of Physical Chemistry The Royal Institute of Technology S- 100 44 Stockholm 70, Sweden

Telephone number 08- 787 85 93


c H No s 3-Nitrothiophene 4 3 2 w Ralowski In press c4H3No 2s 2- Nitrothiophene w Ralowski In press C5H402 CycJopentene- 3,5-dione s Ljunggren In progress H 0 c4 8 1 , 2- epoxybutane s Ljunggren Spectrum recorded 26

Name to whom queries should be addressed F. J. Lovas Nailing address Optical Physics Division------National Bureau of Standards Washington, D. C. 20234 Telephone number (301)-921-2021 ~--~------


dioxymethane R. D. Suenram Spectrum assigned, F. J. Lovas i sotopi c work in progress.

methylenimine R. Pearson Manuscript in Press, F. J. Lovas J . Chem. Phys.

ethyl hypochlorite R. D. Suen r am Spectrum assigned, F. J. Lovas manuscript in D. R.'.Johnson preparation

ethyl cyanide D. R. Johnson mm measurements F. J. Lovas completed, interstel1ar detection, manuscript submitted to Ap . J .

chlorine nitrate D. R. Joh nson Manuscript in press, R. D. Suenram J . ~1o l. Spectroscopy

(CH cH 0 - ~ - CN) ethylcyanoformate R. D. Suenram Manuscript in 3 2 with N. S. True preparation 0 and R. K. Bohn


Name to whom queries should be addressed Prof. Shire Maeda/Dr. Chiaki Hirose Mailing address Research Lab . of Resources Uti1ization/Tokyo Institute of Tech . 0- okayama , Meguro-ku 7okyo 152, Japan Telephone numberJapan 03-726- 1111 , ext . 2316


C. Hirose inv.-rot. coup1ng manuscript in :!Preparation

T. Ogata work continuina at Shizuoka Univ. 27


Name to whom queries should be addressed K.-~1.Marstokk/H .M 0llendal Mailing address Department of Chem i stry The University of Os l o Blin dern , Os l o 3, (Norway) Telephone number 02/466800 ext. 8674


B. H. Ellingsen Two ro t amers ass igned H.M0llendal Paper s ubmi t.ted J . Mol. Struct . l , 2- di am in oethane H.M0 ll enda l Spec trum observed Thiophene-2-aldehyde C.J.Ni e l sen Work completed , e l ec tron diffrac ­ t i on in progress Thiophene-3-aldehyde C. J . Nielsen Work comp l eted , el ec tron diffrac­ tion in progress :1 Th i ethane Paper submitted , Acta Chem.Scand .

HOF F o r my 1 f l u o r i de Parent and deuterated speci e assigned . 1 80 1n. prepara t 1• 0 28


Name to whom queries should be addressed------Chi Matsurnura Mailing address National Chemical Laboratory for Industry ------~------~~~------Honmachi-1, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 151 Japan Telephone number (03) 377-5211 ----~~~~~------


M. Sugie Normal & D completed 13c ln. progress c H6F (CH cF CH ) 2,2-difluoropropane M. Sugie Torsional excited states 2 2 3 3 3 analyzed CC1 0 (Cl C=O) Phosgene K. Endo 13 2 2 c in progress c H Cl (CH CCl=CH ) 2-chloropropene K. Endo 13 3 5 3 2 c in progress C H ClF (CH CHFC1) 1,1-chlorofluoroethane 2 4 3 C H c1 (CH ClCH Cl) 1,2- dichloroethane 13 C completed 2 4 2 2 2 H. Takeo D in progress C H F (CH CHF ) 1,1-difluoroethane 2 4 2 3 2 1,1,1- chlorodifluoroethane 29 40 Name to whom queries should be addressed D. J. MILLEN/A. C. LEGON

Mailing address Department of Chemistry, University College London, 20 Gordon Street, London WC1H OAJ , England .

Telephone number 01-387 7050


hydrogen-bonded complex S . C . Rogers Spectrum assignedd CH2FN of and Preliminary (HCN ··· HF) publication Chem . Phys . Letters, 41, 137 (1976) .

C H FN hydrogen-bonded complex J.W. Bevan Preliminary 2 4 of methyl cyanide and S.C. Rogers publication (J . C . S . (CH CN ··· HF) 3 hydrogen fluoride Chem . Cornrn., 1975, 130) . Isotopic work in progress .

hydrogen-bonded complex A. S . Georgiou Spectr um assigned . of t - butyl cyanide and Isotopic work in hydrogen fluoride p r ogress .

H FO hydrogen-bonded complex J.W. Bevan Pr e liminary 3 of water and hydrogen S . C . Rogers publication (J.C.S . (H O··· HF) 2 fluoride Z. Kisiel Chem . Cornrn ., 1975, 341). Further work in progress .

C H FO hydrogen-bonded complex A. S . Georgiou Spectrum assi gned . 2 5 of ethylene oxide and {''O• •• H-F} hydrogen fluoride l / c H SO trimethylene sulphoxide J . W. Bevan Work completed . 3 6 Paper a ccepted by /"-.;;:=.c) P r oc . Roy.Soc . A. \ ".../ • I C H 0 bicyclo[3 .1. 0]hexanone J.W. Bevan Almost complete . ·I 6 8 P . J . Mjoberg Collaboration with

· ·· ~ .· S . O . Ljunggren ,. \ . ....:: (_,• '-· --- (Stockholm) thujone and related Z . Kisiel Band spectra terpene molecules assign ed .

cyclopent-2-enone R . F . Walker Almost complete .

trimethyl silyl A. Samsam Cyani de i socyanide cyanide/isocyanide isomerisation under investigation

C2Ii2N2 hydrogen-bonded dimer P . J . Mjoberg Preliminary of hydrogen cyanide publication {HCN • • • HCN} s ubmi tted 41 30 Name to whom queries should be addressed___ I_an ___ M_ . __M_i_l_ l _s ______Mailing address Department of Chemistry, University of Reading, Whi teknights , Reading, Berkshire, ENGLAND

Tel ephone number Reading 0734 - 85 123 Ext . 7944


CH NOS i 3 Silylisocyanate J . A. Duckett Work on resonances (SiH NCO) 3 A. G. Robiette completed, 2nd MS in preparati on

CH NSSi 3 Silylisothiocyanate A. G. Robiette M'.S submitted (SiH NCS) 3 K. F. Doessel CH NSeSi 3 Silylisoselenocyanate A. G. Robiette Work in progress (S i H NCSe) 3 J. A. Duckett c HN (HCCCN) 3 Cyanoacetyl ene P. D. Mallinson MS submitted c DN (DCCCN) 3

Thietan and deuterated H. Vlieser Hork in progress spec1es (trimethylene on centrifugal sulphi de) distortion

Tetrahydrofuran H. Wieser Work in progr ess

Dideuter omethylcyanide P. D. Mallinson Work in progress I . M. Mills


Name to whom queries should be addressed.__ ~Y~o~n~e~z~o~M~o~r~i~n~o~------Mailing address. ___s_a_::.g_a_m_i_C_h __ e_m_i_c_a_ l___ R_e_s_e_a_r_c_h_C_e_n_ t_e_r______Nishi- Ohnuma 4-4-1, Sagamihara Kanagawa 229 , Japan Tel ephone number______


C2H4s (CH 2=CHSH) Vinyl mercaptan M. Tanimoto Manuscript in (CH =CHSD) 2 (Ethenethiol) preparation 43 31 Name to whom queries should be addressed__ T_._O_k_a ______Mailing address Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics National Research Council of Canada Ottawa, Ont . KlA OR6, Canada. Telephone number (613) 992-2621 or 992- 7835


GeH 4 Germane w. Kreiner Manuscript B.J. Orr stage .

CH 3I Methyl iodide E. Arimondo ' Pure ' ' ' P . Glorieux quadrupole spectrum. CF3I Trifluoro- methyl " " iodide

Camphor E. Arimondo IR- rf double P . Glorieux resonance .

44 Name to whom queries should be addressed Robert E. Penn ------Mailing address Univ of Mo -St. Louis Dept . of Chemistry I 8001 Natural Bridge Rd ., St. Louis, Mo. 63 121 I ' Telephone number------453 - 53 11 FORMULA NAME OF NAME OF PRESENT STAGE COMPOUND INVESTIGAtOR OF PROGRESS

Penn & Buxton In press ,I ~· Chem. ~· Penn in progress

Penn & Owens in progress

Penn two forms assigned

01sen in progress 32

45 Georges ROUSSY Name to whom queries should be addressed------Mailing address Laboratoire de CHIMIE THEORIQUE ------~------Universite de Nancy I Case Officielle 140- 54037 NANCY Cedex (France) Telephone number (28) 27 . 00.24 (poste 2048) ----~--~------~~------~------


Phenylisocyanate A. BOUCHY in press M. MASSON D species

Phenylisothiocyanate A. BOUCHY ~n press

Vinylisocyanate A. BOUCHY ~n press

3 Pyridine aldehyde L. HAECK Work continuing

4 Pyridine aldehyde L. HAECK Work continuing

13 Toluene Mme A. CHOPLIN* c species assigned \ analytical uses

.,.CH3 LfC". ~ (_- - (

C4H8 ti I ·~ Butene 2 c~s M. LEDOUX * Multiple substi­ tution, analytical H.c:::-c i" Bute ne A. BOUCHY < ; (ri ;_ uses [ rlJ

C H 0(CH cH CHO) Propionaldehyde Mme R. TOUROUDE * Multiple substi­ 3 4 3 2 tution, analytical uses

* in collaboration with Prof . F . GAULT - STRASBOURG- 33 46 Name to whom queries should be addressed H. D. Rudolph ------~------Mailing address Institute of Physical Chemistry University of Ulm D- 7900 Ulm (Donau), W. -Germany Telephone number 0731/1762302 or 1762303


hexaborane (10) D. Schwoch (in Analysis of large coll.with R.A . Beaudet) amplitude motions.

trifluoromethylbromide H. Jones IR- MW - DR studies F . KohJer continuing with isotope C0 2 laser .

CFN cyanogen fluoride H. Jones IR- MW - DR and 2 photon work (FCN) Z. Naturforsch . 31a, 1614 ( 19 7 6) . ---- Collisions between M-states analysed .

CF I trifluoromethyliodide H. Jones IR-MW-DR studies 3 F . Kohler continuing with isotope C0 2 laser .

H. Jones Vibrational states . c2HF fluoro - acetylene direct 1-doubling. (HCCF) Manuscript in preparation .

c H s d -dimethylsulfide J . Demaison Work continued, 2 6 6 D. Schwoch paper in prepa-­ ((CD ) S) 3 2 B . T . Tan ration . c H SiCl ethylchlorsilane V . Typke Work continued . 2 7 (C 2H5SiH2Cl) H 0 propynal H. Jones Analysis of IR- MW ­ c 2 3 F. Kohler DR signals con­ (H-C=C-CHO) tinued .

C4H2N2 vinylidenedicyanide B . T . Tan Paper in prepa­ J . Demaison ration . Work (H CC(CN) ) 2 2 continued on (D CC(CN) ) 2 2 additional iso­ topic species . ! I c H H allylamine I . Botskor N- cis Lep- gauche 3 7 isomer assigned . (CH 2 =CH-CH 2-NH 2 ) Manuscript in preparation . 34


J . Demaison Manuscript D. Schwoch submitted . B.T . Tan

c H F a-d -orthofluorotoluene D. Schwoch Internal rotation 7 7 3 barrier studies . (CD c H F) 3 6 4 Work resumed. GeH germane W. A. Kreiner Double resonance 4 (in collabo­ observed and ration with assigned. Dipole T. Oka, NRC, moment measured Ottawa) by various methods of laser spectro­ scopy. 2 manuscripts ready .

47 Name to whom queries should be addressed__ ~K~.-2V~·~L~--N~ . --~S~a~s~t~r~Y~------­ Mailing address Physics Department University of New Brunswick Fredericton, N. B. , E3B 5A3 Telephone number (506) 453-4723


ocs Carbonyl Sulphide R. M. Lees M-resolved doubl· resonance in ground and Vz=l states . 1 Aminomethyl Cyclopropane W. V. F . Brooks Tentative assign ment .

OD Hydroxyl Radical _ K. P . Lee ESR Spectrum of M. H. Rashid OD in excited K. V. L . N. Sastry vibrational states . Work completed .

OH Hydroxyl Radical K. P . Lee Microwave K. V. L . N. Sastry Spectrum in excited vibrational states . Work in progress . 35


Name to whom queries should be addressed____ ~R~·~H~ · ~S~ch~w~e~n~d~e~m~a~n~------

Mai 1 ing add re ss ______..:::.D...;.e.Lep-'-a~r..:..tm_e.:...n~t.;;__o:...;f:;;__C~h.;..ce:.....m""'"i'"""s--'t;_;;.;r..._y ______Michigan State University East Lansing, MI 48824 U. S. A.

Telephone number____ ~(5~1~7~)~3~5~3...;.-...;.9...;.4~1~2 ______


M. Pagitsas Gauche and R. A. Creswell trans rotamers assigned

P. Thrash One species R. A. Creswell assigned

Dimethylformamide S. Brown R. ElZaro Parent, d , 7 and CD3 species assigned c H NO (HCONHCH ) N-methylformamide R. A. Creswell Manuscript in 2 5 3 R. ElZaro preparation

H 0 (CH CH CH CHO) Butyraldehyde P. Lee c4 8 3 2 2 Two rotamers assigned

H N· (NH ) Ammonia 3 3 T. Amano Lineshape analysis

F 0P Phosphoryltrifluoride T. Amano 3 Infrared-microwave double resonance cos Carbonyl sulfide P. Thrash Lineshape analysis (OCS-CH F) 3 36 49 As indicated (*) (general queries Name to whom queries should be addressed to Professor J. Sheridan)

~4a il ing address School of Physical and Molecular Sciences,

University College of North t·Jales,

Bangor, Gwynedd LL57 2UW, U.K.

Telephone number Bangor 51151


C3H3~l0 oxazole A. Kumar Completing structure J. Sheridan* c H N 0 azoxymethane s. Lowe Partial assignment; 2 6 2 J. Sheridan* higher barrier (CH 3N:NO.CH3) evaluated; work continuing

C5H602 y-angelicalactone A. Kumar l~o r k continuing [4-hydroxy-3-pentenoic J. Sheridan* acid-y-lactoneJ C H S vinyl mercaptan J.N. Macdonald* Planar syn-form 2 4 assigned; dipole; (CH 2=CH.SH) exc ited states in progress

c4H80 ethyl vinyl ether N. L. 0\-Jen* Several vibrational (with G.O. S~rensen, states of one rotamer Copenhagen) assigned; v3; dipole C6H4F2 orthodifiuorobenzene C. ~Ji 11 i ams Rinq structure deter- O.L. Stiefvater* mined. D-species in progress

C6H4F2 meta-difluorobenzene C. vJi 11 i ams Ring structure in O.L. Stiefvater* progress

C3H}lS isothiazole I. Bu tterworth Structure study in 0. L. Sti efva ter* norma 1 and 5-d1 axis frame conc1udea C H N S 1 ,2,3-thiadiazole I. Butten:vorth Dipole and quadrupo1e 2 2 2 O.L. Stiefvater* analysis completed. Excited vib. states in progress c H NS 1 ,2,5-thiadiazo1e O.L. Stiefvater* Complete structures in 2 2 2 normal and 3,4-d reference frame s 2

C2H2N2S 1 ,3,4-thiadiazole O.L. Stiefvater* Structure determinati on I in 2,5-d2 and 2-d - frames well advanled __FORt~ULA , _____ NAME OF NAME OF PRESENT STAGE COMPOUND INVESTIGATOR OF PROGRESS

C4H203 maleic anhydride O.L. Stiefvater* Complete structures in normal and 3,4- d2 reference frames (Manuscript) C3H602 propionic acid O. l. Stiefvater* Manuscript III in preparation (barrier function) C4H8o isobutyraldehyde O.L . Stiefvater* Torsional equilibrium structure determined Methyl barriers and gauche/gauche tunnelling states completed c4H70F isobutyryl fluoride O.L. Stiefvater* Barrier work nearing completi on


Name to whom queries should be addressed____ ~M=I=CH~I~O~T=A=KA~M=I ______Mailing address Microwave Physics Laboratory, the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research, Wako, Sai tama 351 , Ja an Telephone number__ ~0~4~8~4_ -=6~2-~l~l~l~l~------


Propynal M. Takami IR- MW triple resonance M. Suzuki on normal species in progress

.HMN uorh. _-on a1 species near 9cmpletion-

IR- MW D. R. and T. R. on d in progress 1 35 . 35 CH C£0(HCO C£) Formyl chrolide M. Suzuki Sextic centrifugal distortion const. determined by MMW work. 38

51 Name to whom queries should be addressed Takehiko Tanaka Mailing address Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Kyushu University 33, Fukuoka 812 , JAPAN Telephone number 092 - 641 - 1101

FORMULA NAME OF NAME OF PRESENT STAGE COMPOUND INVESTIGATOR OF PROGRESS C6H1 oS 7-Thiabicyclo K. Irie In progress /CH2CH2'0 [2.2.l]heptane HC- S-CH ~'cH2CH21 C2H6 Ethane K. Matsumura In progress 1 3 (CD 3 CH 3) 13 CD3CH3 N02 Nitrogen dioxide R. Awata In progress ( 14N02' 1 sN02) ~~~~~~fonal\ ( states J C1H1 '+Si 1-Silabicyclo A. Kawaguchi Manuscript in (HSi(CH2CH2) 3CH) [2.2.2]octane preparation H3N Ammonia K. Tanaka In progress S . Akiyama (Relaxation) studies Fluoroacetylene T. Tanaka I n progress Laser- microwave) double ( resonance CH2F2 Methylene Fluoride K. Kawaguchi In progress I Laser- microwave) doubl e ( resonance cos Carbonyl Sulfide K. Tanaka In progress Laser- microwave)· double ( resonance I I I 39

52 Name to whom queries should be addressed Dr. J .K. Tyler ------~------Ma i ling address · Chemistry Department, University of Glasgow, GLASGOW Gl2 8·QQ , SCOTLAND.

Tel ephone number 041-339-8855


C5H4N2 Diazocyclopentadiene A. E. Laird Dipol e moment HNO A. E. Laird Decomposition of adduct with dimethyl anthracene-HNO detected Acetyl nitrosyl A.E. Laird Decomposition of adduct with dimethyl anthracene - a ll products not yet i dentified c H o s Ethylene monothiocarbonate A. E. Laird I n progress 3 4 2 C3H4S3 Ethylene tri thiocarbona te L.V. Kennedy I n progress c H S Thiophene L. V. Kennedy Analysis of 4 4 deuteriated mixtur es 40


Name to whom queries should be addressed__ ....::B:::..:•!....::P~' !_ • _v.!..,;a==-n~""E-"'i'-::0"""3'-"0"----~ '5"-"3"-"3"--"2"-'6"-'2"-.. -/-/_')"'-. 3"'-3"'2==-6=1=------

FORMULA NAME OF NAME OF PRESENT STAGE COMPOUND INVESTIGATOR OF PROGRESS C H F (CLF CO Ch) Difluoroacetic acid Maagdenberp 2 2 2o2 2 Two rotamers found . c ~F 0 (CHF COF) Difluoroacetyl van Eijck J . Molec . Struct, 2 3 2 fluoride ir; press .

( r"-OCCvr.L i·'· .r ~' ) Glyoxylic acid van Eijck r:l'wo rotarners found , paper sub:r, i t ted. (CH 1''C00h) Fluoroacetic acid van Isotopic species 2 Eijck} ( CH :B'C OJ.i') Fluoroacetyl fluoride van Eijck 2 for two rotamers . (Cb CtPCCOH) ct - fluoropro};ionic van Bijck Spectrum assigned. 3 acid kethyl bromide } Wensink , Data on pressure L.ethyl iodide Dijkerman induced shift . Trifluoro methane 41


Name to \vhom queries shoul.d be addressed Pr . '~ERTFF.Ir1ER ----~~.~~~~~~------~hiling address Laboratoire de Spectroscopie llertzicnne U.E.R. de Physique Fondamentalc

B. P. 36 __~5~9~6~5~0~-~VI~L=L=E=t~JE~t~~.T=E_D~ , -~'A~S~C~O______Telephone number (20) 9I.92.22 Poste 2I . 84

FORMULA NA~1E OF NAME OF PRESENT STAGE COMPOID!D INVESTIGATOR OF PROGRESS Oil - OD Hydroxyl MARLIERE - DESTOHBES Interpretation of Uv - IR-~1\·! spectra BN03 Nitric Acid JOURNEL Spectrum assigned CH 3nr methyl bromide BOUCHE'R - BURIE mo l ecular beam measure­ DEHAISON - DURRULLE rnent~ape r submitted methyl iodide " " mo l ecular beam measurements trioxane COLNONT Excited states isotopic species sulfur dioxide ( BELLET ground state fort"aldehyde ) DANGOISSE - DELDALLE isotopic species formic acid ] DEPAm:nfACKEP--DUTERAGE EXCITED states Ozob ~ :1'-lONNANTfTIL - HILLEHOT Laser spectra ocs Carbonyl sulfide Ozone 03 ( LENAIRE Infrared laser spectra S()2 Sulfure dioxide s l )l, S1lanc \ ll'FRLIHONT near IO ).!m -- ~ CH3Ctr methyl cyanide LYSZYK C3J!60 (H2C0)3 trioxane l CD20 (D2CO) formaldehyde D2 CH F methyl fluoride B.MACKE 3 CH 3 c~ methyl cyanide J.LEGRAND Saturated absor p tion so2 Sfilfure dioxyde B. SECARD and time resolved eo carbone oxyde { F . ROHART spectroscopy ocs Carbonyl sulfide A.BAUER - M. BOCEY excited states C H Si (SiH CCH) silyl acetylene J.CARLIER - M. GODON 2 4 3 42

ss Name to whom queries should be addressed______PROFESSOR D. H. 1.vHIFFEN __ ~1ailing address ------DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY UNIVERSITY OF NE\JCASTLE UPON TYNE NEIVCASTLE UPON TYNE, NEl 7RU. U. K.

Telephone number______~N~E~\'~~~A~S~T~LE~U~P~O~N~T~YN~E~' ~?~8~5~1~1~------


Thiazyl trifluoride C.E. Small ~Jork on excited vib. states completed. Manuscript in preparation.

~rsenic trifluoride J.G. Smith Excited vibrational states. Spectrum assigned.

CC1F (CF Cl) Trifluoromethyl chloride C. E. Small Spectrum measured. 3 3 F ov (OVF ) Vanadyl trifluoride C. E. Small Search in progress. 3 3 COS (OCS) Carbonyl sulphide J . D. Huse mm-wave vibrational I states of isotopic speci es. 43


Name to whom queries should be addressed E. Bright Wilson ----~--~~------r.tailing address Department of Chemistry, Harvard University 12 Oxford Street, Cambridge, Mass. 02138

Telephone number_ _;(1...... 6_1...:..7--:.)_4~9.:;_5_-4_.0_8_::5;___.. ______

FORMULA NAME OF NAME OF PRESENT STAGE COMPOUND INVESTIGATOR OF PROGRESS Malonaldehyde s. L. Baughcum various isotopic species assigned. Coriolis inter­ actions between tunneling states solved for sever~ deuterated specie: Perturbations for normal species in progress.

C2H5N~2 Ethyl Nitrite Po H. Turner Three rotamers assignedo

C H F 0 cis-1, 2-difluoro- c. w. Gillies Completed. 2 2 2 ethylene oxide CH Cl Methyl chloride R. c.· Horn Pressure shift · I 3 s. Lo Coy and line width. Name to whom queries should be nddrcsscd Protcssor JYJallLl~::u rv.Lllll\:;\'\'..L:J:JI:;J. ·------Mailing nddrcss Phys i b.1l is cll..:._S~hemi s che s I n_s i tu t, Ju_~_tus __ Lie lJ i g-Uni vc rs ita t, Heinricll-l}..l!ff-Ring 58, D 6300 Lahn-Giessen __West Germony Telephone number_ (0641) 702-5 79...... :0=------


CHNO (HNCO) K. Yamada and Manuscript in M. Winnewisser preparation CHNS (HNCS) Isothiocyanic acid K. Yamada, Assignment of M. Winnewisser, excited vibra- G. Winnewisser and tional states (M.C . L. Gerry, in progress Vancouver) C30S (OCCCS) Tricarbon oxide W. Peau and MW work in sulphide M. Winnewisser progress Methylfulmide M. Winnewisser MMW work on and (E . F . Pearson excited states Rolla , Missouri) in progress ais- Formic acid E. Bjarnov MW work on (W.H. Hocking, isotopic Vancouver) species in progress

C!b02 (HCOOH) trans-Formic acid G. Winnewisser M1v, r-rMW work on isotopic species in progress l I C3HN (I-ICCCN) Cyanoacctylene G. Winnewisser MW on multi ply R. A. Cres1-vell substituted isotopic species in progress

CHN (HNC) M. Winnewisser MMW work on R. A. Creswell excited states in progress

Formaldehyde R. A. Cornet MW , MMW work R. A. Creswell on isotopic G. Winnewisser species in pro­ gress R. A. Creswell BaO Barium } Manuscript in CaO Calciu~ oxide G. Winnewisser SrO Stront1um (W . H. Hocking , preparation Vancouver and E. F . Pearson, Rolla , Missouri) t.j g Q______M_~g 1} ~.? j_ ~I!\_ .9_~ t si~ ______.. _ _ As ab o y ~ ___ .. ___ .... Work in progres: 'I 45

58 Name to whom queries should be addressed R. Claude Woods ------~~~~~~------Mailing address __~D~eLp~ar~tm~e~n_t __o~f __Ch~em~i_s~t~ry~------­ University of Wisconsin , 1101 University Avenue Madison, Wisconsin 53706

Telephone number--~(6_0_8~)~2_6_2_-_2_8_92______


formyl 1on Saykally, Szanto, in progress Anderson

protonated nitrogen Saykally, Szanto, i sotope Anderson, Piltch substitutions

HCCCN cyanoacetylene Saykally, Piltch, vibrati onal Szanto satellites I I

FCN flourine cyanide Saykally, Piltch , vibrational I I Szanto satellites ''

metastable carbon monoxide Saykally, Dixon, data analysis Anderson, Szanto, in progress Ellsworth

CN cyanide Dixon in press

HNC hydrogen isocyanide Saykally, Anderson, further Szanto vibrational satellites

59 Or FAYT Andre Name to whom queries s h ou Id b e a dd resse d------·------Mailing address Institut de Physique - Unite SPEC - Chemin du cyclotron, 2 B-1348 LDUVAIN LA NEUVE BELGIUM Telephone number__ D_1_D_I_4_1_ . _B_1_. _B_1 ______


Sulfur Dioxyde R. Van Riet Isotopes &o Name to whom queries should be addressed N. Pozdeev ----~~~~~------Mailing address Bashkirian Filial of Academy of Sciences of the USSR Institute of Chemistry, Prospect Octiabria, 71 Ufa, 450025, USSR Telephone number______


Cyclopentanone excited states, rs ring structure manuscript

1,1-dimethylsila­ work in progress cyclopent-3-en

bkame to whom queries should be addressed------C. Richard Quade Mailing address ______~D~e~p~a~r~tm_e~n~t~o_f __ P_h~y~s_i_c_s ______Texas Tech University Lubbock Texas 79409 Telephone number______(~8~0~6~)_-~7~42~-~3~7~8=1~------


CH cH 0JH ethyl alcohol (gauche) R. Kakar & Manuscript in 3 2 CH CH 0D C. R. Quade preparation 3 2 CH DCH 0H 2 2 CH DcH 0D 2 2

methyl azido formate R. Kakar Manuscript in preparation 46


BC1F - Difluoroboron chloride - 32 CHNS - Isothiocyanic acid - 1,19,57 2 BclS - B Chlorothioborine - 32 CHO - Formyl radical - 24 + B H - Pentaborane - 4 CHO - Formyl ion - 58 5 9 B H - Hexaborane, 4, 46 CHOP - Formyl fluoride - 38 6 10 BaO - Barium Oxide - 23, 57 CH FN - Hydrogen-bonded complex of 2 hydrogen cyanide and hydrogen BrF Si - Trifluorosilylbromide - 11 fluoride - 40 3 BrF - _Bromine pentafluoride - 2 CH F - Methylene fluoride - 24,51 5 2 2 Bri - Bromide - 25 CH N o - Dinitromethane - 3 2 2 4 BrNO - Nitrosyl bromide - 16 CH 0 - Formaldehyde - 29,54,57 2 CBrF - Trifluoromethylbromide - 11,46 CH o -Dioxymethane - 36 3 2 2 CBrN - Cyanogen Bromide - 34 CH o - Formic acid - 19,54,57 2 2 CC1F - Trifluoromethyl chloride CH BF - Methylborondifluoride - 11 3 3 2 - 11,55 CH Bo - Borine carbonyl - 33 3 CC1F 0 - Trifluoromethylhypochlorite 3 - 17 CH BS - B Methyl thioborine - 32 3 CC1H P - P Chlorophospha ethene - 32 CH Br- Methyl bromide - 24 ,53, 54 2 3 CC1 0 - Carbonyl chloride - 39 CH Cl - Methyl chloride - 56 2 3 CFN - Cyanogen fluoride - 46, 58 CH Cl0 - Methyl hypochlorite - 14 3 CFP - C Fluorophospha ethyne - 32

CF HP - C Difluorophospha ethene - 32 CH F - Methyl fluoride - 54 2 3 CF I - Trifluoromethyliodide - CH Fo s - Methyl fluorosulfonate - 6 3 3 3 11,43,46 CH F 0Si - Methoxytrifluorosilane - 15 3 3 CF No - Trifluoronitromethane - 11 3 2 CH I - Methyl iodide - 43,53,54 3 CHClO - Formylchloride - 14,50 CH N - Methylenimine - 36 3 CHF - Fluoroform - 11,53 3 CH NO - Nitrosomethane - 11 3 CHN - Hydrogen isocyanide - 8,57,58

CHNO - Isocyanic acid - 57 47

CH NOSi - Silyl isocyanate - 2,41 HF 0 - Difluoroacetyl flouride - 53 3 c2 3 CH No - Nitromethane - 11 HI - Iodoacetylene - 8 3 2 c2 CH NSSi - Sil yl isothiocyanate - 41, 14 c H BrN - Bromoacetonitrile - 21 3 2 2 CH NSeSi - Sil yl isoselenocyanate - 41 H F 0 - Fluoroacetyl fluoride - 53 3 c2 2 2 CHl - Phospha ethylene - 32 H F 0 - cis-1 ,2- difluoroethyl ene oxide - 56" c2 2 2 CH - Methane - 24 c H F o - Difluoroacetic acid - 53 4 2 2 2 2 CH BF N - N-methylaminodifluoro­ H IN - Iodoacetonitrile - 21 4 c 2 borane - 32 2 2

CH N - Ammonium cyanide - 1~ 4 2 H N S - 1, 3, 4 thiadizole - 49 c2 2 2 CH N 0 - Urea - 8 4 2 H N S - 1, 2, 3-thiadi azole - 49 c 2 2 CH 0 - methanol - 29 2 4 c H N S - 1, 2, 5- thiadiazole - 49 CH os - Methyl mercaptan - 29 2 2 2 4 c H o - Gl yoxylic acid - 53 CH N - Methylamine - 29 2 2 3 5 c H S - Thioketene - 32 CH NO - N- methyl hydroxylamine 23 2 2 5 H Cl F - 1,1,1-chl orodif luoroethane - 39 c2 3 2 CH 7PSi - Methylphosphinosilane - 15 c H Cl 0 - Ch l oroethyl ene oxide - 3 CH B - Methyl di borane - 44 2 3 8 2 c H Cl F - 1,1,1- dichlorofluorethane - 39 2 3 2 CH Si - Methyldisilane - 9 2 8 H Fo - Fl uoroacetic acid - 53 c2 3 2 CN - Cyanide radical - 58 H Fo - 1-Fluoroethylene ozonide - 33 c2 3 3 CNO - NCO radical - 24 H F P - PF - CH=CH - 33 c2 3 2 2 2 CNX - Halogen cyanide - 16 c H N - 2H - azirine - 18 CO - Carbon monox ide - 54 2 3 C H N - Methyl Cyanide - 34 ,41,54 CO - Metast1ble carbon monoxide - 58 2 3 C H NO - Methylfulmide - 57 CO + - Carbon mo noxide ion - 58 2 3 C H No - Acetyl nitrosyl - 52 2 3 2 COS - Carbonyl sul fide -34,47 ,48, 51, 54 , 55 c H N - 1,2,3-triazol e - 1 HBr - Bromoacetyl ene - 8 2 3 3 c2 C H N 0 - Acetylazide - 1 2 3 3 HF - Fluoroacetylene - 46,51 c2 48

C H P - 1-phosphapropyne - 32 C H No - Ethyl nitrite - 56 2 3 2 5 2 c H ClF - 1,1-chlorofluoroethane - 39 C H No - Glycine - 8 2 4 2 5 2 c H c1 - 1,1-dichloroethane - 39 H - Ethane - 51 2 4 2 c2 6 C H FN - Methylcyanide-HF - 40 H BN - Methylicocyanide-borane - 12 2 4 c2 6 C H F - 1,1-difluoroethane - 39 C H N - Cis-azomethane - 12 2 4 2 2 6 2 c H N - Glycinonitrile - 8 H N 0 - Azoxymethane - 49 2 4 2 c2 6 2 c H 0 - Acetyaldehyde - 11 H o - Dimethylether - 14 2 4 c2 6 c H o - Ethylene oxide - 33 C H os - Mercaptoethanol - 22 2 4 2 6 C H o - Vinyl alcohol - 24 c H o - Ethyl ene glycol - 3 2 4 2 6 2 c H os - Thioacetic acid - 16 c H S - d -dimethylsulfide - 46 2 4 2 6 6 c H os - 1, 3-dithietane, 1-oxide - 44 c H Se - Dimethylselenide - 14 2 4 2 2 6 C H o - Ethylene ozonide - 33 C H B - Dicarbapentaborane - 4 2 4 3 2 7 3 C H P - Ethynyl phosphine - 4 H C1Si - Ethylchlorosilane - 46 2 4 c2 7 c H S - Vinyl mercaptan - 49,42 c H P - Dimethylphosphine - 15 2 4 2 7 c H Se - Selenoacetaldehyde - 32 c H N - 1,2-diaminoethane - 38 2 4 2 8 2 c H Si - Silylacetylene - 54 H Si - Ethylsilane - 15 2 4 c2 8 c H BF - Ethyldifluoroborane - 15 C HC10 - Propiolyl chloride - 19 2 5 2 3 c H s s - 4 c HN - Cyanoacetylene - 58,57,41 2 5 3 3 c H Cl0 - Ethylhypochlorite - 36 C H BrNS - 2-Bromothiazole - 10 2 5 3 2 c H FO - Hydrogen-bonded complex C H N - Malononitrile - 11 2 5 3 2 2 of ethylene oxide and hydrogen fluoride - 40 H o - Methylene ketene - 8 c3 2 c H N - N-methyl methylenimine - 1 c H 0 - Propynal - 50,46 2 5 3 2 C H NO - Acetamide - 30 C H Br - Bromoallene - 32 2 5 3 3 c H NO - Nitrosoethane - 32 C H Cl - Chloroallene - 32 2 5 3 3 C H NO - N-methylformamide - 48 C H I - Iodoallene - 32 2 5 3 3 49 1

c H NO - Oxazole - 49 c H o - Trioxane - 54 3 3 3 6 3 c H NO - Propiolamide - 19 C H S - Thioacetone - 32 3 3 3 6 c H NO - Vinylicocyanate - 45 C H S - Thiethane - 38 3 3 3 6 C H NS - Isothiazole - 49 C H S - Trimethylene s ulfide - 41 3 3 3 6 C H NS - Vinyl isocyanate - 32 c H SO - Trimethylene sulfoxide - 40 3 3 3 6 c H - Propyne - 34 c H FO - 1-fluoro 2-propanol - 38 3 4 3 7 c H c1 0 - 1,3-dichloroacetone - 1 c H I - I sopropyl iodide - 15 3 4 2 3 7 C H N - Cyanoaziridine - 8 C H N - Allylamine - 46 3 4 2 3 7 C H o - Propionaldehyde - 45 C H N - N-Methylethylidenimine - 3 3 4 3 7 c H o - Malonaldehyde - 56 C H No - Dimethylformamide - 48 3 4 2 3 7 c H o - Pyruvaldehyde - 3 c H 0 - Isopropanol - 24 3 4 2 3 8 c H o s - Ethylene monothiocarbonate - C H BF - (CH ) NBF - 33 4 2 3 9 3 3 3 3 3 52 c 3H NO - 2-amino-1-propanol - 38 c H o - - 3 9 4 3 3 C H NO - 3-aminopropanol - 12 C H o - Formic aceticanhydride - 3 3 9 3 4 3 C H BFN- (CH ) NBH F- 33 C H S - Ethylene trithiocarbonate - 52 3 11 3 3 2 4 3 C H AlN - Trimethylaminoalane - 32 12 Allene episulfide - 44 3 c H si - Trimethyldisilane - 9 3 12 2 C OS- Tricarbon oxide sulfide - 57,1 c H Cl - 2-chloropropene - 39 3 3 5 c HN - Cyanoform - 1 4 3 c H Fo - a-fluoropropionic acid - 53 3 5 2 c H N - Vinylidenedicyanide - 46 4 2 2 c H N - Ethyl cyanide - 36 I 3 5 c H N - Maleonitrile - 1 I 4 2 2 C H N - Propargylamine - 16 3 5 c H o - Maleic anhydride - 49 4 2 3 c H N - 2-propene-1-imine - 44- 3 5 c H ClN - Chloropyrazine - 10 2 c H NS - Methylthioacetonitrile - 28 4 3 3 5 c H N - Cyano allene - 32 4 3 C3H6F2 - 2, 2- difluoropropane - 39 so

c H No s - 2-Nitrothiophene - 35 c H FN - Hydrogen-bonded complex of 4 3 2 4 10 t-bytyl cyanide and hydrogen H No s - 3-Nitrothiophene - 35 fluoride - 40 c4 3 2 H S - Thiophene - 52 H N - Trimethylamine cyanide - 12 c4 4 c4 10 c H Cl- 2-Chloro-1,3-butadiene- 27 c H si- Methyl silacyclobutane- 15 4 5 4 10 c H Cl - cis-1-chloro-1,3-butadiene -27 c HN - Cyanodiacetylene - 32 4 5 5 H Cl - trans-1-chloro-1,3-butadiene -27 H NS - Metacyanothiophene - 14 c4 5 c5 3 c H No - Ethyl Cyanoformate - 32 c H - Methyl diacetylene - 32 4 5 2 5 4 c H N - N-methyl Pyrazole - 31 c H - 1,4 pentadiyne - 33 4 6 2 5 4 c H o - Divinyl ether - 37 c H BrN - 3-Bromopyridine - 13 4 6 5 4 c H o - Vinyl acetate - 37 c H N - Diazocyclopentadiene - 52 4 6 2 5 4 2 H FO- Isobutyryl fluoride - 49 C H os - Pyran-4-thione - 11 c4 7 5 4 c H - 1 Butene - 45 c H os - Thiophene-2-carboxaldehyde - 38 4 8 5 4 c H - cis 2 Butene - 45 c H os - Thiophene-3-carboxaldehyde - 38 4 8 5 4 c H 0 - Butyraldehyde - 48 c H o - Pyran-4-one - 11 4 8 5 4 2 c H o - 1,2-epoxybutane - 35 c H o - Cyclopentene-3,5-dione - 35 4 8 5 4 2 4 c H 0 - Ethyl vinyl ether - 49 c H o s - 1,6-dioxa-6a\ thiapentalene - 1 4 8 5 4 2 c H 0 - Isobutyraldehyde - 49 c H s - 1 thio-pyran-4-thione - 11 4 8 5 4 2 c H o - Tetrahydrofuran - 41 c H Sb - Stibabenzene - 33 4 8 5 5 c H N - Aminoethyl cyclopropane - 47 c H o - Cyclopent-2-enone - 40 4 9 5 6 H N - Cyclobutylamine - 22 H o - yangelicalactone - 49 c4 9 c5 6 2 c H NO - Aziridinylethanol - 44 c H - Dimethylallene - 46 4 9 5 8 c H NO - Morpholine - 28 c H - 3,3- Dimethyl cyclopropene - 22 4 9 5 8 c H No - t-butylnitrite - 11 c H - 1,2- pentadiene - 18 4 9 2 5 8 c H No - t-butylnitromethane - 11 c H - 1,4-Pentadiene - 24 4 9 2 5 8 c H NSi - Trimethyl silyl cyanide/ C H 0 - 1-methoxybutadiene - 28 5 8 4 9 isocyanide - 40 51

c H o - 2-Valeroacetone - 10 C H - Bicyclo[3. l . O]hexene - 22 5 8 2 6 8 H - 3-Valerolacetone - 28 H 0- 3-Bicyclo[3 . l . O]hexanone- 40 c5 8o2 c6 8 H Cl - Cyclopentylchloride - 22 c5 9 c6H8o - 7-oxabicyclo[4 . l . O]hept-3-ene - 10 C H - 3-methyl-1-butene - 48 5 10 C H NSi - Trimethyl silyl cyano 6 9 C H N - Tert-butyl cyanamide - 28 acetylene - 32 5 10 2 C H si - Trimethyl silyl acetylene - 32 H - 1-Hexyne - 16 5 10 c6 10 HF Pentafluorophenol - 13 C H - Isopropenylcyclopropane - 48 c6 5o - 6 10 c H F -1,2,3, 5 tetrafluoro benzene- 13 c H s - 7-Thiabicyclo[2 . 2. l]heptane 2 4 10 6 6 - 24,51 c H F - 1,2,4 Trifluorobenzene - 13 6 3 3 C H Si - l -Silabicyclo[2 . 2. 1] 12 c H N - Methyl cyano diacetylene - 32 6 heptane - 24 6 3 H BrF - m-Fluorobromo benzene - 31 c6 4 H BrF - o-Fluorobromo benzene - 31 H - Methyl triacetylene - 32 c6 4 c7 4 H ClF - m- Fluorochloro benzene - 31 H NO - Phenylisocyanate - 45 c6 4 c7 5 c H F - Difluorobenzene (meta) - 49 c H NS - Phenylisothiocyanate - 45 6 4 2 7 5 H F - orthodifluorobenzene - 49 H - Benzocyclopropene - 5 I c6 4 2 c7 6 2 7 4 6 c H Cl 0 S- Chlorobenzene sulfonic H Tetracyclo [3 . 2. 0 . 0 ' . 0 ' ] 6 5 2 c7 6o - acid - 17 heptan-3- one - 9 .I

C H FO - m-fluorophenol - 20 c H F - a-fluorotoluene - 46 6 5 7 7 c H FO - 0- fluoro phenol - 20 c H - Toluene - 45 6 5 7 8 c H N - Phenylazide - 1 H FN -N- methyl para-fluoro­ 6 5 3 c7 8 ani line - 16 c H NO - 3-pyri dine aldehyde - 45 .I 6 5 c7H80 - Bicyclo[2 . 2. 1] hept- 5- C H NO - 4- Pyridine Aldehyde - 45 ene- 2- one - 9 6 5 2 6 c H NOS - Phenylthi onylamine - 1 c H o - Tricyclo[2 . 2 . l . 0 ' ] 5 7 8 6 heptan- 3- one - 9 C H NOS - N-Sul f i nylani line - 1& 6 5 c H - Bicyclo[3 . 2. 0]hept- 6- ene - 10 c H N - Az i dobenzene - 18 7 10 6 5 3 H - 1,3 cycloheptadiene - 10 c 10 H N - 1,1 dimethyl 2,2 dicyano­ 7 c6 6 2 ethylene - 16 c H - Norbornene - 22 7 10 52

H o- Bicyclo(2.2.l]heptan-2-one- 9 F S- Sulfur difluoride- 24 c7 10 2 H o - 1-cyclohepten-2-one - 10 F As - Arsenic trifluoride - 55 c7 10 3 2 4 C H o - Exo-oxatricyclo(3.2 . l . o • ] 11 7 10 F3ISi - Trifluorosilyliodide - octane - 9 F NS - Thiazyl trifluoride - 55 c H o - Cycloheptanone - 10 3 7 12 F 0P Phosphoryl fluoride 48,19 H o - 8-oxabicyclo(S.l.O] 3 c7 12 octane - 10 F 0V - Vanadyl trifluoride - 55 3 H si - l-silabicyclo[2.2.2] F os - Sulfur oxytetrafl uoride - 21 c7 14 4 octane - 51,24 F I - Iodine pentafluoride - 2 5 c H NSi - Trimethyl silyl cyanodiace­ 8 9 tylene - 32 GeH - Germane - 43, 46 4 H o - Camphor - 43 HNO - Nitroxyl - 52 c10 16 c H o - Thujone and related terpene HN0 - Nitric acid - 54 10 16 3 molecules - 40 HN + - Protonate d n1trogen. - 58 CaO - Calcium oxide - 57 2 HO -Hydroxyl radical - 47,54 ClF Si - Trifluorosilyl chloride - 11 3 H0 2 - Hydroperoxyl radical - 24 ClH0 - Perchloric acid - 24 4 H 0 - Water - 34 2 ClNO - Nitrosyl-chloride - 16 H N - Ammoni a - 51 , 48 3 24' ClN02 - Nitrosyl hypochlorite - 14 H4N2 - Perdeuter ohydrazine - 22 , 29 ClN0 - Chlorine nitrate - 36 3 H Si - Silane - 54 4 CrF 0 - Chromyl fluoride - 21 2 2 MgO - Magnesium oxide - 57 CsOH - Cesium Hydroxide - 25 N0 2 - Nitrogen dioxide - 24 , 51 CuCl - Copper monochloride - 25 o2s - Sulfur dioxide - 54,59 Cul - Copper monoiodide - 25 0 - Ozone - 54 FH 0 - Water-hydrogen fluoride - 40 3 3 SrO - Strontium oxide - 57 FMn0 - Permanganylfluoride - 1 3 FSr - Strontium Fl uoride - 23

F2HNOS - Imidosulfuryl fluoride - 33 F H Si - Difluorosilane - 19 2 2 LOW RESOLUTION STUDIES c H ClOS - Ethylthiol chloroformate - 7 c H o - n-Propyl formate - 7 3 5 4 8 2 C H Fo - Ethyl fluoroformate - 7 C H No - n-Butyl 3 5 2 4 9 2 nitrite - 7 C H FOS - Ethylthiol fluoroformate - 7 C H No - Isobutyl nitrite - 7 3 5 4 9 2 C H N0 - Allyl nitrate - 7 C H No n-Butyl nitrate - 7 3 5 3 4 9 3 C H No - n- Propyl nitrate - 7 C H No 2-Butyl nitrate - 7 3 7 3 4 9 3 c H No - Isopropyl nitrate - 7 c H c10 - 2- Furoyl chloride - 10 3 7 3 5 3 2 c H Cl0 - Propargyl Chloroformate - 7 c H F o - Propargyl trifluoroacetate - 7 4 3 2 5 3 3 2 c H Fo - Propargyl fluoroformate - 7 4 3 2 c H Cl0 - Crotonyl chloride - 10 4 5 c H Cl0 - Allyl chloroformate - 7 C H No - Allyl cyanoformate - 7 4 5 2 5 5 2 c H Fo - Allyl fluoroformate - 7 C H F o - n-Propyl trifluoro­ 4 5 2 5 7 3 2 acetate - 7 c H F os - Ethylthiol trifluoro- 4 5 3 acetate - 7 C H F 0S - Isopropylthiol 5 7 3 trifluoroacetate - 7 c H No - Ethyl cyanoformate - 7 4 5 2 C H F os - n-Propylthiol trifluoro­ 5 7 3 c H NOS - Ethylthiol cyanoformate - 7 acetate - 7 4 5 c H o - Allyl formate - 7 n-Propyl cyanoformate - 7 4 6 2 c H Br0 - Isovaleryl bromide - 7 7 5 9

n-Butyryl chloride 7 c5H9Cl0 - Isovaleryl chloride - 7

n-Propyl chloroformate - 7 C5H9ClOS - t - Butylthiol chloroformate - 7 C H Cl0 - Valeryl chloride - 7 c H ClOS - Isopropylthiol chloro­ 5 9 4 7 formate - 7 C5H9Cl02 - Isobutyl chloroformate - 7 c H ClOS - n- Propylthiol chloro­ 4 7 furmtte-7 c5H9Cl02 - 2-Butyl chloroformate - 7 c H FO - n-Butyryl fluoride - 7 c H FO - Isovaleryl fluoride - 7 4 7 5 9

n-Propyl f l uoroformate - 7 c H Fo - 2-Butyl fluoroformate - 7 5 9 2 c H Fo - Isobutyl fluoroformate - 7 Isopropylthiolfluoro­ 5 9 2 formate - 7 C H o - Isovaleraldehyde - 7 C H FOS - n-Propylthiol fluoroformate 5 10 4 7 - 7 54

c H o - Valeraldehyde - 7 C H F0 - 3, 3- Dimethylbutyl 5 10 7 13 2 fluoroformate - 7 c H o - 2-Butyl formate - 7 5 10 2 c H Br - m- Bromoethylbenzene - 7 c H o - Isobutyl formate - 7 8 9 5 10 2 C H o - p-Ethyl benzal dehyde - 7 10 c H o - t-Butyl formate - 7 9 2 5 10 c H Br m-Bromopropylbenzene - 7 11 C H No - Isoamyl nitrite - 7 9 5 11 2 c H o - p-Isopropylbenzaldehyde - 7 10 12 C H F o - 2-Butyl trifluoro- 6 9 3 2 acetate - 7 c H F o - t-Butyl trifluoro­ 2 6 9 3 acetate - 7 c H F o - Isobutyl trifluoro­ 6 9 3 2 acetate - 7 c H F 0S - t-Butylthiol trifluoro­ 6 9 3 acetate - 7 c H NO - Valeryl cyanide - 7 6 9 c H N0 - 2-Butyl cyanoformate - 7 6 9 2 c H No - Isobutyl cyanoformate - 7 6 9 2 c H Cl0 - t-Butylacetyl chloride - 7 6 11 c H c1o - Neopentyl chloroformate - 7 6 11 2 C H Fo - t-Butylacetyl fluoride - 7 6 11 C H Fo - Neopentyl f l uoroformate - 7 6 11 2 c H o - t-Butylacetaldehyde - 7 6 12 C H o - Neopentyl formate - 7 6 12 2 c H No - 3, 3- Dimethylbutyl nitrate - 7 6 13 3 c H F o - Neopentyl trifluoroacetate 11 3 2 7 - 7 c H NO - t - Butylacetyl cyanide .._ 7 7 11 c H No - Neopentyl cyanoformate - 7 7 11 2 C H Cl 0 - 3,3- Dimethylbutyl 13 2 7 chloroformate - 7