MICROWAVE SPECTROSCOPY INFORMATION LETTER NO . XX April 1 , 1977 Compiled by: R. H. Schwendeman, T. Amano, and P. M. Thrash Department of Chemistry Michigan State University East Lansing, MI 48824 USA MICROWAVE SPECTROSCOPY NEWSLETTER XX List of Contributors No. Contributor Institute Page 1. Bak, B. University of Copenhagen 1 2. Baker, J. G. University of Manchester 2 3. Bauder, A. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology 2 4. Bcaudet, R. A. University of Southern California 3 5. Beeson, E. L. University of New Orleans 3 6. Boggs, J. E. University of Texas 3 7. Bohn , R. K. University of Connecticut 4 47. Brooks, W. V. F. University of New Brunswick 34 8. Brown, R. D. Monash University 7 33. Cassoux, P. Laboratoire de Chemie de Coordination 24 9. Coffey, D. San Diego State University 8 10. Cook, R. L. Mississippi State University 9 11. Cox, A. P. Bristol University 10 12. Curl , R. F. Rice University 11 53 . Dijkerman, H. A. Rijkun i versiteit Utrecht 40 13. Doraiswamy , S. Tata Institute of Fundamental Research 11 14 . Dreizler, H. Universitat Kiel 12 15. Durig, J. R. University of South Carolina 13 16. Favero, P. Instituto Ch i mico "G. Ciamician" 14 17 . Filgueira, R. Departmento de Fis i ca- UNLP 14 18 . Ford , R. G. Memphis State University 15 19 . Gerry, M. C. L. Univers i ty of British Columb i a 15 20. Ghosh , D. K. Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics 16 No . Contributor Institute Page 21. Graybeal, J . D. Virginia Polytechnic Institute 16 14 . Guarnieri, A. Universitat Kiel 12 3. Gunthard, Hs . H. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology 2 22 . Harmony , M. D. University of Kansas 17 23 . Harris, D. University of California, Santa Barbara 17 37 . Hirose, C. Tokyo Institute of Technology 26 24. Hirota, E. Institute for Molecular Science, Japan 18 25 . Hoeft, J . Freie Universitat Berlin 19 26. Honerjager, R. Freie Universitat Berlin 20 36 . Johnson, D. R. National Bureau of Standards 26 27 . Karlsson , F. University of Stockholm 20 28 . Kewley, R. Queen ' s University 21 ~) Kojima, T. Toyama University 21 '--- . 30 . Krisher, L. University of Maryland 22 31. Krishnaji University of Allahabad 22 32 . Kroto, H. W. University of Sussex 23 33 . Kuczkowski, R. L. University of Michigan 24 34 . Kukolich, S. G. University of Arizona 25 40. Legon, A. C. University College London 29 47. Lees, R. M. University of New Brunswick 34 35 . Ljunggren, S . 0 . Royal Institute of Technology 25 36 . Lovas, F. J . National Bureau of Standards 26 37 . Maeda, S. Tokyo Institute of Technology 26 10. Malloy, T. B. Mississippi State University 9 38 . Marstokk, K. M. University of Oslo 27 39 . Matsumura, C. National Chemical Laboratory for Industry 28 ii No . Contributor Institute 40 . Millen, D. J. University College London 29 41. Mills, I. M. University of Reading 30 16. Mirri, A. Instituto Chimico "G . Ciamician" 14 38 . M~l l endal, H. University of Oslo 27 42 . Marino, Y. Sagami Chemical Research Center 30 1. Nygaard, L. University of Copenhagen 1 43 . Oka, T. National Research Council, Ottawa 31 19 . Ozier, I. University of British Columbia 15 44. Penn, R. E. University of Missouri-St. Louis 31 ----- --- - - 41. Robiette, A. G. University of Reading 30 45 . Roussy, G. Universite de Nancy 32 46 . Rudolph, H. D. University of Ulm 33 24 . Saito, S. Institute for Molecular Science, Japan 18 47 . Sastry, K. V. L. N. University of New Brunswi ck 34 48. Schwendeman, R. H. Michigan State University 35 13. Sharma, S. D. Tata Institute of Fundamental Research 11 49. Sheridan, J . University College of North Wales 36 31. Srivastava, S. L. University of Allahabad 22 49. Stiefvater, 0. L. University College of North Wales 36 14. Sutter, D. Universitat Ki el 12 50 . Takarni , M. Instit ute of Physical Chemi cal Research, Japan 37 51 . Tanaka, T. Kyushu University 38 25. Tiemann, E. Freie Universitat Berlin 19 26. Tischer, R. Freie Universitat Berlin 20 iii No . Contributor Institute 25 . Torring, T. Freie Universitat Berlin 19 52 . Tyler, J. K. University of Glasgow 39 53 . van Eijck, B. P. Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht 40 54 . Wertheimer, R. Universite de Lille 41 ss. Whiffen, D. H. University of Newcastle upon Tyne 4'2 56. Wilson, E. B. Harvard University 43 57 . Winnewisser, B. P. Justus Liebig Universitat 44 57. Winnewisser, G. Justus Liebig Univresitat 44 57. Winnewisser, M. Justus Liebig Universitat 44 58. Woods, R. C. University of Wisconsin 45 59. Fayt, A. Institut de Physique, Chemin du 45 Cyclotron 60 h \ . iv 1 Name to whom queries should be addressed : Staff member indicated by +) below . Mailing address : Chemical Laboratory V UNIVERSITY OF COPENHAGEN H. C. 0rsted Institutet 5 , Universitetsparken DK - 2100 Copenhagen, DENMARK Telephone number : 01 35 31 33 FORMULA NAME OF NAME OF PRESENT STAGE COMPOUND INVESTIGATOR OF PROGRESS CHNS(HNCS) isothiocyanic acid +)B . Bak Strong Q- branch H. Svanholt lines identified . 1 , 2 , 3- triazole C . J . Nielsen Parent 1H- form +)L . Nygaard remeasured and +)G . O . S~rensen 2H - form observed . H N 0 acetylazide , c 2 3 3 Lau Hansen Spectra assigned, H and D species +)N . W. Larsen (CH CoN ) 3 3 barrier to internal 3 3 rotation determined . H N N- methyl methylenimine , +)B . Bak Assigned , paper c2 5 D species N. W. Larsen to be written . (CH N=CH ) 5 3 2 T . Pedersen H. Svanholt 1 , 3 - cl - acetone , H. Karlsson 2 LRMW , Acta Chem . et al . Scand . A30(1976)820 . 180 specles. c os tricarbon oxide T . Correll 3 Isotopic species ( O=C=C=C=S) sulphide +)T . Pedersen in progress . +)G . O . S~rensen HN cyanoform +)B . Bak c4 3 Paper accepted, (HC(CN) ) H. Svanholt J . Mol . Structure . 3 C4H2N2 maleonitrile H. Gesmar Assigned . (CN - CH=CH - CN) +)L . Nygaard 4 H 1 , 6- dioxa- 6a.\ - c5 4o2s +)T . Pedersen Paper in ~· -·-· s --. ..., thiapentalene S . V . Skaarup preparation . i ' li I ~ - - .. ·,_ / / :, · .. c H NOS phenylthionylamine +)B . Bak J . Mo l.Structure 6 5 (syn) - (C H NSO) H. Svanhol t 36(1977)55 . 6 5 C6H5N3 phenylazide +)L . Nygaard Exc . vibr . states +)G . O . S~rensen assigned . permanganylfluoride J . H~g J . Mo l. Spectrosc . +)T . Pedersen 61(1976)243 . 2 2 Name to whom queries should be addressed---------------------------------------------- Dr. J. G. Baker Mailing address Aromic, Holeculnr and Polymer Physics Group, Schuster Ls.boratory, T~e University, Manchester H13 9PL. Telephone number 061 - 273 - 4873 FORMULA NAME OF NAME OF PRESENT STAGE COMPOUND INVESTIGATOR OF PROGRESS bromine pentafluoride C. Georghiou Papers on A A and 1 2 B B splittings in 1 2 press. i.oJine pen'tafluoric1e P. N. Jrier v /v Coriolis resonance. 5 9 silyl isocy3.nate J. G. Baker millimeter transitions. 3 Name to whom queries should be addressed____ ~A~·~ -~Ba~u~d~e~r~/~I~1~s~· ~r·~I·~'~}t~·t~n~t~rl~8~r~d~---------- ~1ailing address ______~L~a~ b ~o~I~'8_t~o~r~.~~~f~o~r-·~P~h~,~Y~s~i~c~o~.l~- -·~· ]~h-~c~n~: i~s~'t~r~·J~'------ Jwiss Fed eral Institute of recb~ology Telephone number 01 32 6?. 11 ~xt. 4341 / 4421 ------~--~~~------~~--~~~~~----------- FORMULA NAME OF NAME OF PRESENT STAGE COMPOUND INVESTIGATOR OF PROGRESS I ·'p ·T ( "( . ) ) \V.ri - 1.,.\...-''"' ,..... Dir .i. trorne t ~nne P . tJi5sb er ~ _;er vlork continues c:. ~: c:. F . :}r'O!:er , .• .,1 ,. -'~ 1_ _3 .__, __ 1_; ]h lo roe LhyJ F? ne ox id. E J. \hecani Spectrum qssigned :! .. .i:. tnylr-:Le :~lycol .S • .i - ~. 1 d e r Dideutero spPcie~ 9SSL;ned ,l\.-, •../ ...' . 1r"ins form assi~ned PyruviG "' Cid Jb . Dyllick r structq_re p~pRr sut.ml t ted ' .... ,J ·-- ~- : A V-,. ' ., ) ~ •:.T , ..,:~-- · · 1]_; ) ( ·v .l-..;v -- .:.4• ~ .- .1-_z Ps r'er in ..) ..} _pre p1 r8. t i oc 4 3 Name to whom queries should be addressed Dr . Robert A, Beaudet --------------~---------------------------- ~1ai ling address ____D_eLp_a~rt~m~e~n~t~o~f~C~h~em~is~t~r~y ______________________ __ University of Southern California Los Angeles, California 90007 Telephone number (213) 746 - 2997 FORMULA NAME OF NAME OF PRESENT STAGE COMPOUND INVESTIGATOR OF PROGRESS Pentaborane Schwoch Submitted Hexaborane Schwoch In draft. More work to be done . Dicarbapentaborane(7) Wi ck Doing Isotopes. Beaudet Not yet assigned . Ethynyl phosphine Di Stefano Ass i gned. 5 Name to whom queries should be addressed--------------------------------------------- E . L . Bee son , Jr . Ma i 1 in g add res s ___U_n __ i_v_e_r_.;s_i_t_y..__o--"f--"-N'-"e:_:.w.c..._O;:....;r=-=1-=ce..:;.;a=n=s:.__ ______________ Department of Physics New Orleans , LA 70122 Telephone number (504) 288-3161 ext . 344 FO RMULA NAME OF NAME OF PRESENT STAGE . ) COMPOUND INVESTIGATOR OF PROGRESS C7H6( 0x/ Benzocyclopropene R. T . Gray in progress Name to whom queries should be addressed Dr . James E. Boggs --------------------~=---------------------- Mai ling address Department of Chemistry The University of Texas Austin Texas 78712 Te 1 cph one numb e r _____(,_,5'-=l=-=2'-"')_ - -'-4-'-7=1---'-'75:::.;2:::.;5"----------------------------- FORMULA N~ffi OF NAME OF PRESENT STAGE COMPOUND INVESTIGATOR OF PRO GRESS Fluorosulfuric acid methyl ester K. P. R. Nair manuscript in press 4 7 Name to whom queries should be addressed______ R_o_b_e_r_t __ K_. __ B_o_h_n __________________________ ___ ~1ailing address _______D_e~p~a_r_t_m_e_n_t __ o_f __ C_h_e_m_i_s_t_r~y~--------------------­ University of Connecticut Storrs, Ct. USA 06268 Telephone number__ --~(_2_0_3~)_4_8_6_-_3_0_4_4 ____________________________ _ FORMULA NAME OF NAME OF PRESENT STAGE COMPOUND INVESTIGATOR OF PROGRESS Ethyl cyanoforrnate R. Suenram, 2 of 3 rotamers CH CH CCN 3 2o2 N. True assigned Ethyl fluoroforrnate N. True 2 rotamers and CH cH o CF 3 2 2 torsionally excited states assigned.
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