WSDOT Wetland Monitoring Plant List (Updated May 2016)

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WSDOT Wetland Monitoring Plant List (Updated May 2016) WSDOT Wetland Monitoring Plant List (Updated May 2016) Wetland Indicator Status Nativity OBL – Obligate N – native FACW – Facultative Wetland I – introduced FAC – Facultative FACU – Facultative Upland Bold, underline = WA state UPL – Upland noxious weed A dash in one of the indicator status columns indicates that the species Sorted alphabetically by does not occur in that region. scientific name Scientific Name Code Common Name WMVC AW Nativity Abies amabilis ABAM Pacific silver fir FACU FACU N Abies grandis ABGR grand fir FACU FACU N Abies procera ABPR noble fir FACU FACU N Acer circinatum ACCI vine maple FAC FAC N Acer glabrum ACGL Rocky Mountain maple FACU FAC N Acer macrophyllum ACMA bigleaf maple FACU FAC N Achillea millefolium ACMI common yarrow FACU FACU N Achlys triphylla ACTR vanilla leaf UPL UPL N American bird's-foot Acmispon americanus ACAM FACU UPL N trefoil Acroptilon repens ACRE Russian knapweed UPL UPL I Actaea rubra ACRU red baneberry FACU FAC N Adenocaulon bicolor ADBI American trailplant UPL UPL N Adiantum aleuticum ADAL Aleutian maidenhair FAC FAC N Agropyron cristatum AGCR crested wheatgrass UPL UPL I Agrostis capillaris AGCA colonial bentgrass FAC FAC I Agrostis exarata AGEX spike bentgrass FACW FACW N Agrostis gigantea AGGI redtop FAC FACW I Agrostis idahoensis AGID Idaho bentgrass FACW FACW N Agrostis oregonensis AGOR Oregon bentgrass FAC FACW N Agrostis pallens AGPA seashore bentgrass UPL FACU N Agrostis scabra AGSC rough bentgrass FAC FAC N Agrostis stolonifera AGST creeping bentgrass FAC FACW I Scientific Name Code Common Name WMVC AW Nativity Ailanthus altissima AIAL tree-of-heaven FACU FACU I Aira caryophyllea AICA silver hairgrass FACU FACU I Alisma gramineum ALGR water-plantains OBL OBL N Alisma plantago- European water- ALPL OBL - I aquatica plantain Alisma triviale ALTR northern water-plantain OBL OBL N Alnus incana ALIN gray alder FACW FACW N Alnus rubra ALRU red alder FAC FACW N Alnus viridis ALVI Sitka alder FACW FACW N Alopecurus aequalis ALAE shortawn foxtail OBL OBL N Alopecurus geniculatus ALGE water foxtail OBL OBL I Alopecurus pratensis ALPR meadow foxtail FAC FACW I Amaranthus retroflexus AMRE redroot amaranth FACU FACU N Ambrosia chamissonis AMCH silver bur ragweed UPL UPL N Amelanchier alnifolia AMAL western serviceberry FACU FACU N Amorpha fruticosa AMFR desert false indigo FACW FACW I Amsinckia lycopsoides AMLY tarweed fiddleneck UPL UPL N Amsinckia menziesii AMME Menzies' fiddleneck UPL UPL N western pearly Anaphalis margaritacea ANMA FACU FACU N everlasting Anthemis cotula ANCO stinking chamomile FACU FACU I Anthoxanthum odoratum ANOD sweet vernalgrass FACU FAC I Apera interrupta APIN dense silkybent UPL UPL I Apocynum APAN spreading dogbane FACU UPL N androsaemifolium Apocynum cannabinum APCA Indian-hemp FAC FAC N Arbutus mensiesii ARME Pacific madrone UPL UPL N Arctium minus ARMI lesser burdock UPL FACU I Arctostaphylos ARCO hairy manzanita UPL UPL N columbiana Arctostaphylos uva-ursi ARUV kinnikinnick FACU FACU N Arrhenatherum elatius AREL tall oatgrass UPL UPL I Artemisia biennis ARBI biennial wormwood FACW FACW I Artemisia frigida ARFR prairie sagewort UPL UPL N Artemisia suksdorfii ARSU coastal wormwood FACU FACU N 2 Scientific Name Code Common Name WMVC AW Nativity Artemisia tridentata ARTR big sagebrush UPL UPL N Asclepias speciosa ASSP showy milkweed FAC FAC N Asperugo procumbens ASPR German madwort UPL UPL I Athyrium cyclosorum ATCY common ladyfern FAC FAC N Atriplex gmelinii ATGM Gmelin's saltbush FACW FACW N Atriplex patula ATPA spear saltbush FACW FACW I Atriplex prostrata ATPR triangle orache FAC FACW I Atriplex rosea ATRO tumbling saltweed FACU FACU I Avena fatua AVFA wild oat UPL UPL I Bassia scoparia BASC kochia FAC FAC I Beckmannia syzigachne BESY American sloughgrass OBL OBL N Betula glandulosa BEGL resin birch OBL OBL N Betula occidentalis BEOC water birch FACW FACW N Betula papyrifera BEPA paper birch FAC FAC N Betula pumila BEPU bog birch OBL OBL N Bidens cernua BICE nodding beggartick OBL OBL N Bidens frondosa BIFR devil's beggartick FACW FACW N Blechnum spicant BLSP deer fern FAC FAC N Brassica nigra BRNI black mustard UPL UPL I Brassica rapa BRRA field mustard FACU FACU I Bromus aleutensis BRAL Aleutian brome UPL UPL N Bromus arvensis BRAR field brome UPL FACU I Bromus hordeaceus BRHO soft brome FACU FACU I Bromus inermis BRIN smooth brome UPL FACU I Bromus pacificus BRPA Pacific brome UPL UPL N Bromus sitchensis BRSI Alaska brome UPL UPL N Bromus tectorum BRTE cheatgrass UPL UPL I Bromus vulgaris BRVU Columbia brome FACU FACU N Buddleja davidii BUDA butterfly bush FACU FACU I Calamagrostis CALCA bluejoint reedgrass FACW FACW N canadensis Calamagrostis CAPU purple reedgrass UPL UPL N purpurascens Calamagrostis stricta CALST northern reedgrass FACW FACW N 3 Scientific Name Code Common Name WMVC AW Nativity two-headed water- Callitriche heterophylla CAHE OBL OBL N starwort Callitriche palustris CAPA vernal water-starwort OBL OBL N Calystegia sepium CASE hedge bindweed FAC FAC I Capsella bursa-pastoris CABU shepherd's purse FACU FACU I Cardamine oligosperma CAOL little western bittercress FAC FAC N Pennsylvania bitter Cardamine pensylvanica CAPEN FACW FACW N cress Carex amplifolia CAAM bigleaf sedge OBL OBL N Carex aquatilis CAAQ water sedge OBL OBL N Carex arcta CAAR northern cluster sedge OBL OBL N Carex athrostachya CAAT slenderbeak sedge FACW FACW N Carex bebbii CABE Bebb’s sedge OBL OBL N Carex bolanderi CABO Bolander's sedge FAC FAC N Carex canescens CARCA silvery sedge OBL OBL N Carex comosa CACO longhair sedge OBL OBL N Carex exsiccata CAEX western inflated sedge OBL OBL N Carex feta CAFE greensheath sedge FACW FACW N Carex gynocrates CAGY northern bog sedge OBL OBL N Carex hoodii CAHO Hood’s sedge FACU FAC N Carex infirminervia CAIN weak-veined sedge FAC FAC N Carex laeviculmis CALA smoothstem sedge FACW FACW N Carex lenticularis CALEN lakeshore sedge OBL OBL N Carex leporina CALEP oval sedge FACW FACW N taperfruit shortscale Carex leptopoda CALET FAC FAC N sedge Carex lyngbyei CALY Lyngbye's sedge OBL OBL N Carex microptera CAMI appressed sedge FACU FAC N Carex obnupta CAOB slough sedge OBL OBL N Carex pachystachya CAPAC thick-headed sedge FAC FAC N Carex parryana CAPAR Parry's sedge FACW FAC N Carex pellita CAPEL woolly sedge OBL OBL N Carex scoparia CASC broom sedge FACW FACW N Carex stipata CAST sawbeak sedge OBL OBL N Carex unilateralis CAUN lateral sedge FACW FACW N 4 Scientific Name Code Common Name WMVC AW Nativity Northwest Territory Carex utriculata CAUT OBL OBL N sedge Carex vesicaria CAVE blister sedge OBL OBL N Ceanothus sanguineus CESA redstem ceanothus UPL UPL N Ceanothus velutinus CEVE snowbrush ceanothus UPL UPL N Centaurea cyanus CECY bachelor's button FACU FACU I Centaurea diffusa CEDI diffuse knapweed UPL UPL I Centaurea jacea CEJA brown knapweed FACU FACU I Centaurea solstitialis CESO yellow star-thistle UPL UPL I Centaurea stoebe CEST spotted knapweed UPL UPL I Centaurea X CEMO meadow knapweed FAC FACU I moncktonii Centaurium erythraea CEER European centaury FAC FAC I Cerastium arvense CEAR field chickweed FACU FACU N Cerastium fontanum CEFO common chickweed FACU FACU I Cerastium glomeratum CEGL sticky chickweed FACU UPL I Cerastium nutans CENU nodding chickweed FACU FACU N Ceratophyllum CEDE coon's-tail OBL OBL N demersum Chamaenerion CHAN narrowleaf fireweed FACU FACU N angustifolium Chamaenerion latifolium CHLA broadleaf fireweed FACW FACW N Chenopodium album CHAL lambsquarter FACU FACU I Chenopodium atrovirens CHAT pinyon goosefoot UPL UPL N Chenopodium fremontii CHFR Fremont's goosefoot FACU FACU N Chenopodium CHLE narrowleaf goosefoot FACU FACU N leptophyllum Chenopodium murale CHMU nettleleaf goosefoot FACU FACU I Chenopodium CHPR desert goosefoot UPL UPL N pratericola Chenopodium rubrum CHRU red goosefoot FACW FACW N Chenopodium simplex CHSI mapleleaf goosefoot UPL UPL N Chorispora tenella CHTE crossflower UPL UPL I Chrysothamnus CHVI yellow rabbitbrush UPL UPL N viscidiflorus Cichorium intybus CIIN chicory FACU FACU I Cicuta douglasii CIDO western water hemlock OBL OBL N Cinna latifolia CILA drooping woodreed FACW FACW N 5 Scientific Name Code Common Name WMVC AW Nativity small enchanter’s Circaea alpina CIAL FAC FAC N nightshade Cirsium arvense CIAR Canada thistle FAC FACU I Cirsium vulgare CIVU bull thistle FACU FACU I Claytonia perfoliata CLPE miner’s lettuce FAC FAC N Claytonia sibirica CLSI siberian springbeauty FAC FAC N Clematis ligusticifolia CLLI western white clematis FAC FAC N Clematis vitalba CLVI old man’s beard FAC FAC I Comarum palustre COPA purple marshlocks OBL OBL N Conium maculatum COMA poison hemlock FAC FACW I Convolvulus arvensis COAR field bindweed UPL UPL I Coreopsis tinctoria COTI golden tickseed FACU FACU N Cornus alba COAL redosier dogwood FACW FACW N Cornus nuttallii CONU Pacific dogwood FACU FACU N Corydalis scouleri COSC Scoulers fumewort FAC - N Corylus cornuta COCO beaked hazelnut FACU FACU N Cotoneaster franchetii COFR orange cotoneaster UPL UPL I Cotula coronopifolia COCOR common brassbuttons OBL OBL I Crataegus douglasii CRDO black hawthorn FAC FAC N Crataegus gaylussacia CRGA Suksdorf's hawthorn FAC FAC N Crataegus monogyna CRMO oneseed hawthorn FAC FAC I Crepis capillaris CRCA smooth hawksbeard FACU FACU I smoothseed alfalfa Cuscuta approximata CUAP UPL UPL I dodder Cynoglossum CYOF houndstongue FACU FACU I officinale Cynosurus cristatus CYCR crested dogstail grass FACU FACU I Cyperus acuminatus CYAC tapertip flatsedge OBL OBL N Cyperus eragrostis CYER tall flatsedge FACW
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    Golfdom 'S PRACTICAL RESEARCH DIGEST FOR TURF MANAGERS BLUEGRASS WEEVIL CONTROL IN THIS ISSUE Inhibiting Reproduction Sprayable pheromones Curative Programs disrupt oriental beetle mating with periodic for Bluegrass applications 62 Weevil Larvae Require Patience OUR SPONSORS By Steven McDonald and Daniel Biehl he Annual Bluegrass Weevil (ABW) is a pest of highly maintained, short-cut turfgrasses. Historically, this beetle in the weevil family has been a problem in Tthe northeastern United States. However, during the past few years, the ABW Bayer Environmental Science has become a serious pest throughout the entire Mid-Atlantic region. www. BackedbyBayer. com It was believed for years that the destructive ability of ABW [previously known as 800-331-2867 the Hyperodes weevil; Listronotus maculicolis (Dietz)] was restricted to annual blue- grass (Poa annua spp. annua L.), including the perennial subspecies Poa annua spp. reptans Hauskn., and that damage from the ABW was isolated to the Northeast. Recent research and field observations, however, have proved this theory incorrect and sub- stantial damage has been observed in creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera L.) fairways and putting green collars in the Mid-Atlantic region. Most recently, ABW has been reported damaging annual bluegrass in Ohio. JOHN DEERE The damage from ABW during the 2007 season has been widespread throughout the Northeastern and Mid-Atlantic regions. Personal observation and field reports of pyre- throid applications not providing acceptable levels of control are occurring and could 309-765-8000 be related to inconsistent spring weather and also higher than normal ABW popula- tions. Many research efforts have focused on the control of ABW Agrium Advanced adults using pyrethroid chem- Technologies istry in the early spring, timed A with the bloom of the forsythia and dogwood trees.
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