Chapter 4

Assessing and Understanding Performance

Fall 2005 Department of Science Kent State University Performance

• Measure, Report, and Summarize • Make intelligent choices • See through the marketing hype • Key to understanding underlying organizational motivation

Why is some hardware better than others for different programs?

What factors of system performance are hardware related? (e.g., Do we need a new machine, or a new ?)

How does the machine's instruction set affect performance?

Computer Architecture CS 35101- 002 Defining Performance Case Study: Airplane

Airplane PassengersRange (mi)Speed (mph)

Boeing 777 375 4630 610 288,750 Boeing 747 470 4150 610 286,700 BAC/Sud Concorde 132 4000 1350 178,200 Douglas DC-8-50 146 8720 544 79,424

•The 747 carries the most Passengers •DC-8 has the longest range •Concorde has the highest speed •The 777 has the highest throughput

Which airplane performs the best?

The answer depends on how performance is measured

Computer Architecture CS 35101- 3 002 Defining Performance Computer Systems

• Case 1: Individual Computer Users – Response () — How long does it take to execute my job (Executing Time)? — How long must I wait for the database query?

• Case 2: Data Center, Switching Systems – Throughput – (Total amount work done in a given Time) — How many concurrent jobs can the machine run in a given Time period? — How many subscriber calls can the handle without dropping the

• Need different performance metrics Computer Architecture CS 35101- 4 002 : TIME, TIME, TIME

• Response Time (latency) — How long does it take for my job to run? — How long does it take to execute a job? — How long must I wait for the database query? • Throughput — How many jobs can the machine run at once? — What is the average execution rate? — How much work is getting done?

• If we upgrade a machine with a new what do we increase? • If we add a new machine to the lab what do we increase?

Computer Architecture CS 35101- 002 Execution Time

• Elapsed Time – counts everything (disk and memory accesses, I/O , etc.) – a useful number, but often not good for comparison purposes • CPU time – doesn't count I/O or time spent running other programs – can be broken up into , and user time

• Our focus: user CPU time – time spent executing the lines of code that are "in" our program

Computer Architecture CS 35101- 002 Computer Performance Definition Response Time

Current Focus : Response Time • To Maximize Performance  Minimize Response Time (Execution Time):

Computer X: PerformanceX = 1

Executing TimeX

Computer Y: Performancey = 1

Executing Timey

What if PerformanceX > PerformanceY ?

Computer Architecture CS 35101- 7 002 Relative Performance

For some program executing on computer X:

If "X is n times faster than Y"

PerformanceX  = n PerformanceY

Assume computer X runs a program in 10 seconds while computer Y takes 15 seconds to run the same program. Then computer X has better performance than computer Y. How much better?

Performance Execution Time 15 seconds X = y = = 1.5 10 seconds PerformanceY Execution TimeY

Computer Architecture CS 35101- 8 002 Performance Metrics End-User Perspective

• Elapsed Time (Response Time or Wall-Clock Time) – Total time to complete a task • Disk and Memory Access, I/O OS overhead, CPU execution time etc)

• CPU Execution Time – Actual time CPU spends for a specific task • System CPU Time (Time spent in OS on behalf of your program) • User CPU Time (Time spent in executing lines of code inside your program) – Does not count I/O or time spent running other programs

System Performance ~ Refers to Elapsed Time for an unloaded system CPU Performance ~ Refers to User CPU time (This is our primary focus)

Computer Architecture CS 35101- 9 002 Performance Metrics Hardware Perspective

• Designers measure hardware performance via clock cycles • Clock “ticks” indicate when to schedule events:

time • Clock runs at a constant rate • cycle time = time between ticks = seconds per cycle • () = cycles per second (1 Hz. = 1 cycle/sec)

• Therefore: cycle time = 1/clock rate

1 12 A 4 Ghz. clock has a ×10 =250 picoseconds  ps cycle time 4×109

Computer Architecture CS 35101- 10 002 How to Improve Performance

seconds cycles seconds = ´ program program cycle

So, to improve performance (everything else being equal) you can either (increase or


______the # of required cycles for a program, or

______the clock cycle time or, said another way,

______the clock rate.

Computer Architecture CS 35101- 002 Improving Performance Example: Favorite program

Our favorite program runs in 10 seconds on computer A, which has a 4 GHz. clock. We are trying to help a computer designer build a new machine B, that will run this program in 6 seconds. The designer can use new (or perhaps more expensive) technology to substantially increase the clock rate, but has informed us that this increase will affect the rest of the CPU design, causing machine B to require 1.2 times as many clock cycles as machine A for the same program. What clock rate should we tell the designer to target?"

Computer Architecture CS 35101- 12 002 Improving Performance Example: Favorite program

CPU Time = CPU clock cyclesA A Clock rateA

10 seconds = CPU clock cyclesA 4 X 109 cycles sec

CPU clock cycles 9 A = 10 seconds X 4 X 10 cycles = 40 X 109 cycles sec sec CPU TimeB = 1.2 X CPU clock cyclesA

Clock rateB 6 seconds = 1.2 X 40 X 109 cycles

Clock rateB 9 8 X 10 cycles = 8 GHz Clock rate = 9 = B 1.2 X 40 X 10 cycles seconds 6 seconds Computer B must have twice clock rate of A to run program in 6 seconds

Computer Architecture CS 35101- 13 002 How many cycles are required for a program?

• Could assume that number of cycles equals number of instructions n n n o o i o i t i t t c c c u u u r t tr tr s s s n i n in


d t d h h .. t r t s n th . 4 1 2 3 5 6


This assumption is incorrect,

different instructions take different amounts of time on different machines.

Why? hint: remember that these are machine instructions, not lines of C code

Computer Architecture CS 35101- 002 Different numbers of cycles for different instructions


• Multiplication takes more time than addition

• Floating point operations take longer than integer ones

• Accessing memory takes more time than accessing registers

• Important point: changing the cycle time often changes the number of cycles required for various instructions (more later)

Computer Architecture CS 35101- 002 Now that we understand cycles

• A given program will require – some number of instructions (machine instructions) – some number of cycles – some number of seconds • We have a vocabulary that relates these quantities: – cycle time (seconds per cycle) – clock rate (cycles per second) – CPI () a floating point intensive application might have a higher CPI – MIPS (millions of ) this would be higher for a program using simple instructions Computer Architecture CS 35101- 002 Performance

• Performance is determined by execution time • Do any of the other variables equal performance? – # of cycles to execute program? – # of instructions in program? – # of cycles per second? – average # of cycles per instruction? – average # of instructions per second?

• Common pitfall: thinking one of the variables is indicative of performance when it really isn’t.

Computer Architecture CS 35101- 002 More on Clock cycles in a prog. CPI

Average Clock cycles CPU time = Instructions per program X Per instruction

“Clock cycles = Instructions per program X Per Instruction” (CPI)

= Instruction Count X CPI

CPI is an average number of clock cycles for all instructions executed in a program

Computer Architecture CS 35101- 18 002 CPU Performance Equation CPI

Recall: End-User CPU time Clock cycle time in program = x Clock cycle in program

End-User CPU Clock cycle time x Instruction Count X CPI = time in program or End-User CPU Instruction Count X CPI = time in program Clock rate

Computer Architecture CS 35101- 19 002 CPU Performance and its Factors … so far: new units of measure

seconds Time = = seconds x cycle program cycle program

= Instructions x Clock cycles x Seconds Program Instruction Clock cycle

CPU Execution time for a program Instruction count Avg. CPI Clock cycle time

How do we measure these performance factors? (We will talk about this shortly)

Computer Architecture CS 35101- 20 002 CPU Performance Factors ..Measure

CPU Execution time By running the program for a program

Clock cycle time Published as part of the computer decumentation (clock rate)

Instruction count Using Simulators of architecture, Hardware counters

Avg. CPI Using detailed simulation of the implementation, hardware counters

Computer Architecture CS 35101- 21 002 CPI Example

• Suppose we have two implementations of the same instruction set architecture (ISA).

For some program,

Machine A has a clock cycle time of 250 ps and a CPI of 2.0 Machine B has a clock cycle time of 500 ps and a CPI of 1.2

What machine is faster for this program, and by how much?

• If two machines haveC tohmep sautemr Aer cIhSitAec wturhei cChS 3o5f1 o01-ur quantities (e.g., clock rate, CPI, execution time, # of ins00tru2 ctions, MIPS) will always be identical? CPI Example Same ISA

• Each computer executes same number of instructions (I) for the program

CPU time in A = Clock cycle time x Instruction Count X CPI

• CPU timeA = 250ps x I x 20 = 500 x I ps

• CPU timeB = 500ps x I x 1.2 = 600 x I ps

• Hence Computer A is faster by:

CPU performance Execution time A = B CPU performanceB Execution timeA

600 x I ps = = 1.2 500 x I ps

Computer Architecture CS 35101- 23 002 # of Instructions Example

• A compiler designer is trying to decide between two code sequences for a particular machine. Based on the hardware implementation, there are three different classes of instructions: Class A, Class B, and Class C, and they require one, two, and three cycles (respectively).

The first code sequence has 5 instructions: 2 of A, 1 of B, and 2 of C The second sequence has 6 instructions: 4 of A, 1 of B, and 1 of C.

Which sequence will be faster? How much? What is the CPI for each sequence?

Computer Architecture CS 35101- 002 MIPS example

• Two different compilers are being tested for a 4 GHz. machine with three different classes of instructions: Class A, Class B, and Class C, which require one, two, and three cycles (respectively). Both compilers are used to produce code for a large piece of .

The first compiler's code uses 5 million Class A instructions, 1 million Class B instructions, and 1 million Class C instructions.

The second compiler's code uses 10 million Class A instructions, 1 million Class B instructions, and 1 million Class C instructions.

• Which sequence will be faster according to MIPS? • Which sequence will be faster according to execution time?

Computer Architecture CS 35101- 002 Remember

• Performance is specific to a particular program/s – Total execution time is a consistent summary of performance

• For a given architecture performance increases come from: – increases in clock rate (without adverse CPI affects) – improvements in processor organization that lower CPI – compiler enhancements that lower CPI and/or instruction count – Algorithm/Language choices that affect instruction count

• Pitfall: expecting improvement in one aspect of a machine’s performance to affect the total performance

Computer Architecture CS 35101- 002