Dust in the Atmosphere of Mars 2017 (LPI Contrib. No. 1966) 6008.pdf REDUCED GRAVITY AND AEROSOL DEPOSITION IN THE HUMAN LUNG. Chantal Darquenne and G. Kim Prisk. Dept. of Medicine, University of California, San Diego, USA (9500 Gilman Dr., MC 0623A, La Jolla CA, 92093-0623,
[email protected]). Introduction: The deposition of aerosol in the each particle size, the data showed that, at shallow Vp human lung occurs through a combination of inertial (<200ml), DE and H were not different between impaction, gravitational sedimentation and diffusion. gravity levels. In contrast, at larger Vp, when the For 0.5 to 5 µm-diameter particles and resting aerosol bolus reached the alveolar regions of the lung, breathing conditions, the primary mechanism of DE and H were strongly dependent on the G level. The deposition in the intrathoracic airways is steady increase in dispersion with increasing Vp sedimentation, and therefore the fate of these particles suggests a continued presence of mixing processes in is markedly affected by gravity. Besides one the early generations of the acinar region. This mixing experimental study performed in the 1970s [1], our may facilitate particles entering the alveolar cavities laboratory has performed all of the experimental and eventually depositing. studies of aerosol deposition in the lung in altered Understanding “enhanced diffusion”: We gravity to date [2-12]. These studies have mostly been performed a series of bolus studies with a protocol performed in humans during parabolic flights both in designed to induce complex folding patterns within the microgravity (µG) and hypergravity (~1.6G). This lung [7].