Senate Keeps Health
20--MANCHESTER HERALD. Friday. Oci. 6., 1989 TOWN OF MANCHESTER LEGAL NOTICE CARS I CARS b e c a u s e y o u never FOR SALE know when someone will DEADLINES; For classified odvertlsments to Zoning Commission will hold a public hear- FOR SALE be searching for the Item be published Tuesday through Saturday, the Monday October 16, 1989 at 7:00 P.M. in ttie Hearing w u have for sale, it's BUICK 1979 Skvhawk - 2 deadline Is noon on the day before publica Center, 494 Main Street, Manchester, Connec better to run your want ad door hatch, good con- 1984 HONDA Civic Wagon tion. For advertisements to be published ticut to hear and consider the following petition: - 646-0767 or 649-4554, for several days ... cancel dltlon, standard. Monday, the deadline Is 2:30 p.m. on Frldoy. MANCHESTER - DAY CARE REGULATIONS Jack.__________ ing It os soon os you aet $700/best offer. 644- results. Application to amend the following Sections of the 6343. 1986 JEEP Wagoneer Ll- Manchester Zoning Regulations: Article I. Section 2.01; Article SUBARU 198'2-GL, red, 5 mlted - Excellent con II. Sections 2.01.08, 2.01.14 Now; 2.02.09; 2.02.16 New; Soc- dition, 43,000 miles, CARS jg i I CARS 3.01.07 New; 3.02.07 New; Sections 4.01 03- speed, air, sunroof. CARS 140K miles. $600/best automatic, air condl- FOR SALE CARS 4.01.08 New; 4.02.08 New; 4.02.09 New; Sections 5.01 04- tlonlng, am/fm FOR SALE L l j FOR SALE FOR SALE 5.01.12 New; 5.02.08 New; 5.02.09 New; Sections 6.01 04- offer.
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