Bruce John Stewart Macdonald: Just the Man for the Job

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Bruce John Stewart Macdonald: Just the Man for the Job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  • Hoffmeister in Italy
    Canadian Military History Volume 2 Issue 2 Article 8 1993 Hoffmeister in Italy J.L. Granatstein York University Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Military History Commons Recommended Citation Granatstein, J.L. "Hoffmeister in Italy." Canadian Military History 2, 2 (1993) This Article is brought to you for free and open access by Scholars Commons @ Laurier. It has been accepted for inclusion in Canadian Military History by an authorized editor of Scholars Commons @ Laurier. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Granatstein: Hoffmeister in Italy Hoffmeister in Italy J .L. Granatstein This article is excerpted from Granatstein's The Generals: The Canadian Army's Senior Commanders in the Second World War and is published with permission of the author and Stoddart Publishers, Toronto. The author expresses his gratitude to Dr. Bill McAndrew and Lieutenant-Colonel J.A. English for their assistance which will be evident in this article. hris Vokes, commanding the citing his "ability to think clearly C 1st Canadian Infantry and quickly. Good leadership Division's 2 Brigade in which the qualities. Will make a good G Seaforth Highlanders served, had staff [operations] officer and with heard about Major B.M. more experience a bde. comd. "3 Hoffmeister. "There is no such Staff College had prepared thing as a bom soldier," Vokes Hoffmeister for battle, and when was told, "but he is the next best the 1st Division was detailed for thing to it. He takes to soldiering the operations in Sicily, Hoffy's like a duck to water." Vokes men, for so the Seaforths now wanted Hoffmeister to take over thought of themselves, were the Seaforths, and he had ready.
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