AT&T Kentucky T: 502.582.8219 @at&t 601 W. Chestnut Street F: 502.582.1573 Room 407
[email protected] Louisville, KY 40203 July 22, 2008 Ms. Stephanie Stumbo Executive Director Public Service Commission 211 Sower Boulevard P. 0. Box 615 Frankfort, KY 40602 Re: Filing of Amendments Dear Ms. Stumbo: Enclosed for filing is a CD-ROM containing the following Amendments. These documents have been electronically filed with the Commission. Business Telecom, Inc. Interconnection Amendment /qq7- oo!>OB P.C.B. Communications, Inc. Case No. 00056 .. flM !B Resale Amendment Case No. 00592 -AM tP~ ITC"DeltaCom Communications, Inc. Interconnection Amendment Jef11 .. 0()130 TelCove Operations, Inc. Case No. 00141-At'k /1 Interconnection Amendment 2£()0-00tf1/ Case No. 00354 --A-M.. ¢Jq MClmetro Access Transmission Services, LLC Interconnection Amendment /qqtp-oo4!tl Case No. 00038-11'11. Jl Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Enclosure 716384 ~ Pmud \pof•MW of lht! u fJ. Olympk Tt\1m AMENDMENT TO EXTEND TERM DATE/AT&T-9STATE PAGE 1 of 1 DeltaCom - KY VERSION - 03/05/08 AMENDMENT TO INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT UNDER SECTIONS 251 AND 252 OF THE TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACT OF 1996 BETWEEN BELLSOUTH TELECOMMUNICATIONS, INC. d/b/a AT&T ALABAMA, AT&T FLORIDA, AT&T GEORGIA, AT&T KENTUCKY, AT&T LOUISIANA, AT&T MISSISSIPPI, AT&T NORTH CAROLINA, AT&T SOUTH CAROLINA AND AT&T TENNESSEE AND ITC^DELTACOM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. d/b/a ITC^DELTACOM D/B/A GRAPEVINE The Interconnection Agreement dated December 5, 2003 by and between BellSouth Telecommunications, Inc.