Destination Country Destination Network MCC MNC MCCMNC retail rates (Frw) Algeria ATM Mobilis 603 1 60301 128 Algeria Orascom Telecom Algerie SPA 603 2 60302 55 Algeria Watania Télécom Algérie SPA 603 3 60303 128 Angola Angola Unitel 631 2 63102 108 Angola Movicel Angola 631 4 63104 88 Benin Bell Benin Communications 616 4 61604 87 Benin ETISALAT BENIN SA 616 2 61602 126 Benin MTN Benin 616 3 61603 101 Botswana Botswana Telecommunications Corporation Limited 652 4 65204 128 Botswana Mascom Wireless Botswana (Pty) Ltd. 652 1 65201 101 Botswana Orange Botswana (pty)Ltd 652 2 65202 128 Burkina Faso Office national des télécommunications (ONATEL) 613 1 61301 97 Burkina Faso Orange Burkina Faso S.A. 613 2 61302 115 Burkina Faso Telecel Faso SA 613 3 61303 87 Burundi Econet Wireless Burundi 642 1 64201 88 Burundi Econet Wireless Burundi 642 82 64282 88 Burundi LACELL S.U. 642 7 64207 128 Burundi Office national des télécommunications 642 3 64203 55 Burundi Viettel Burundi S.A 642 8 64208 55 Cameroon Cameroon Orange 624 2 62402 128 Cameroon Camtel 624 5 62405 101 Cameroon Camtel 624 99 62499 101 Cameroon Lycatel 0 1313 1313 101 Cameroon Lycatel 0 1352 1352 101 Cameroon MTN Cameroon 624 1 62401 101 Cameroon VIETTEL 624 4 62404 70 Cape Verde CV MOVEL 625 1 62501 55 Cape Verde Unitel T+ Telecomunicações, SA 625 2 62502 128 Central African Republic ATLANTIQUE TELECOM CENTRAFRIQUE SA 623 1 62301 128 Central African Republic NationLink Telecom RCA 623 4 62304 128 Central African Republic Orange Centrafrique 623 3 62303 55 Central African Republic Preferred Telemedia 0 2030 2030 128 Central African Republic Telecel Centrafrique 623 2 62302 128 Chad Celtel Tchad 622 1 62201 115 Chad Millicom Chad 622 2 62202 97 Chad Millicom Chad 622 3 62203 97 Chad Sotel 622 4 62204 97 Comoros Société Nationale des Télécommunications (Comores Telecom) 654 1 65401 55 Comoros Telco 654 2 65402 55 Congo Airtel Congo SA 629 1 62901 115 Congo Airtel Congo SA 629 7 62907 115 Congo EQUATEUR TELECOM SA 629 2 62902 87 Congo MTN Congo Brazzaville 629 10 62910 101 Congo Preferred Telemedia 0 2818 2818 115 Democratic Republic Of The Congo Africell RDC SA 630 90 63090 115 Democratic Republic Of The Congo Airtel CONGO RDC SA 630 2 63002 115 Democratic Republic Of The Congo Orange SA 630 86 63086 88 Democratic Republic Of The Congo Orange SA 630 89 63089 88 Democratic Republic Of The Congo Preferred Telemedia 0 1233 1233 115 Democratic Republic Of The Congo Vodacom Congo S.A. (DRC) 630 1 63001 60 Djibouti Djibouti Telecom S.A. 638 1 63801 55 Egypt Etisalat Misr 602 3 60203 128 Egypt Orange Egypt for Telecommunications 602 1 60201 128 Egypt Telecom Egypt 602 4 60204 128 Egypt Vodafone Egypt Telecommunications S.A.E. 602 2 60202 128 Equatorial Guinea Guinea Ecuatorial Comunicaciones SA (GETESA) 627 1 62701 55 Equatorial Guinea MUNI S.A. 627 3 62703 128 Ethiopia Ethio Telecom 636 1 63601 128 Gabon Libertis sa 628 1 62801 55 Gabon Libertis sa 628 2 62802 55 Gabon USAN Gabon 628 4 62804 128 Gabon ZAIN GABON SA 628 3 62803 55 Gambia AFRICELL 607 2 60702 55 Gambia Comium 607 3 60703 128 Gambia Gamcel 607 1 60701 55 Gambia QCEL 607 4 60704 55 Ghana Airtel Ghana Ltd 620 6 62006 104 Ghana Ghana Telecommunications Company Limited 620 2 62002 106 Ghana Glomobile 620 7 62007 115 Ghana Kasapa Telecom Limited (ex Celltel-Analog) 620 4 62004 97 Ghana MTN Ghana 620 1 62001 101 Ghana Millicom Ghana Ltd. 0 1783 1783 79 Ghana Millicom Ghana Ltd. 620 3 62003 79 Ghana mNotify Company Limited 0 2856 2856 115 Ghana mNotify Company Limited 0 2857 2857 115 Guinea Cellcom Guinée sa 611 5 61105 88 Guinea Intercel Guinee SA 611 3 61103 88 Guinea MTN Guinea Conakry 611 4 61104 126 Guinea Orange Guinea SA 611 1 61101 128 Guinea-Bissau MTN Guinea Bissau 632 2 63202 101 Guinea-Bissau Orange Bissau 632 3 63203 128 Ivory Coast ATLANTIQUE TELECOM COTE D’IVOIRE SA 612 2 61202 128 Ivory Coast MTN Ivory Coast 612 5 61205 149 Ivory Coast Orange Ivory Coast PLC 612 3 61203 128 Ivory Coast Oricel 612 6 61206 128 Kenya Airtel Networks Kenya Ltd. 639 3 63903 115 Kenya Airtel Networks Kenya Ltd. 639 5 63905 115 Kenya Jamii Telecom Ltd 639 10 63910 88 Kenya Kenya Equity 0 1546 1546 88 Kenya Safaricom Limited 639 2 63902 91 Kenya Telkom Kenya 639 7 63907 113 Kenya Telkom Kenya 639 200 639200 113 Lesotho Econet Ezi-Cel 651 2 65102 55 Lesotho VODACOM 651 1 65101 55 Liberia COMIUM Liberia Inc. 618 4 61804 88 Liberia Lonestar Communication Corporation 618 1 61801 101 Liberia Orange Liberia 618 7 61807 88 Libya El Madar Telecommunications 606 1 60601 55 Libya Libyana 606 0 60600 128 Madagascar Airtel Madagascar 646 1 64601 55 Madagascar Orange Madagascar 646 2 64602 128 Madagascar Telecom Malagasy sa 646 4 64604 128 Malawi Access Communications Limited 650 2 65002 128 Malawi Preferred Telemedia 0 2949 2949 128 Malawi Telekom Network Ltd 650 1 65001 128 Malawi Zain Malawi Ltd. 650 10 65010 55 Mali ATEL 610 3 61003 128 Mali ORANGE MALI SA 610 2 61002 128 Mali Société des télécommunications du Mali (SOTELMA) 610 1 61001 55 Mauritania Chinguitel SA 609 2 60902 128 Mauritania La Mauritano-Tunisienne des télécommunications S.A. 609 1 60901 128 Mauritania Mauritel 609 10 60910 128 Mauritius Cellplus Mobile Communications Ltd 617 1 61701 55 Mauritius Emtel Ltd. 617 10 61710 55 Mauritius Mahanagar Telephone (Mauritius) Ltd 0 1537 1537 128 Mauritius Mahanagar Telephone (Mauritius) Ltd 0 1832 1832 128 Mauritius Mahanagar Telephone (Mauritius) Ltd 0 2756 2756 128 Mauritius Mahanagar Telephone (Mauritius) Ltd 0 2831 2831 128 Mauritius Mahanagar Telephone (Mauritius) Ltd 0 2912 2912 128 Mauritius Mahanagar Telephone (Mauritius) Ltd 0 2924 2924 128 Mauritius Mahanagar Telephone (Mauritius) Ltd 617 3 61703 128 Mayotte BJT Partners 647 1 64701 55 Mayotte Société Réunionnaise du Radiotéléphone 647 106 647106 55 Mayotte Telco OI 647 26 647026 55 Morocco Globalstar 0 1068 1068 128 Morocco ITISSALAT AL MAGHRIB S.A. 604 1 60401 55 Morocco Médi Telecom SA 604 0 60400 128 Morocco WANA Corporate SA 604 2 60402 128 Mozambique MOVITEL, SA 643 3 64303 55 Mozambique Moçambique Celular, S.A.R.L. 643 1 64301 128 Mozambique Preferred Telemedia 0 2817 2817 55 Mozambique Vodacom Mozambique (VM, SA) 643 4 64304 55 Namibia MTC 649 1 64901 115 Namibia Powercom (Pty) Limited 649 3 64903 115 Namibia Preferred Telemedia 0 1262 1262 115 Namibia TELECOM NAMIBIA LTD 649 6 64906 115 Niger ATLANTIQUE TELECOM NIGER SA 614 3 61403 115 Niger Celtel Niger S.A 614 2 61402 104 Niger Orange 614 4 61404 115 Niger Sahelcom 614 1 61401 96 Nigeria Airtel Networks Ltd. 621 20 62120 104 Nigeria Emerging Markets Telecommunication Services Ltd. 621 60 62160 97 Nigeria Globacom 621 50 62150 88 Nigeria MTN Nigeria 621 30 62130 101 Nigeria Multilinks ICS 621 99 62199 108 Nigeria NatCom Development & Investment Ltd 621 40 62140 97 Nigeria PTO Starcomms Mobile 621 1 62101 97 Nigeria PTO Visafone 621 25 62125 106 Nigeria Preferred Telemedia 0 2835 2835 97 Nigeria Smile Communications Nigeria Ltd. 621 27 62127 128 Reunion Free Mobile 647 3 64703 128 Reunion Orange Réunion 647 0 64700 128 Reunion Reunicable SAS 647 4 64704 128 Reunion Société Réunionnaise du Radiotéléphone 647 10 64710 55 Reunion Telco OI 647 2 64702 128 Rwanda Airtel Rwanda Ltd. 635 13 63513 115 Rwanda Airtel Rwanda Ltd. 635 14 63514 115 Rwanda Future Dynamic Innovations 0 3037 3037 101 Rwanda Future Dynamic Innovations 0 3038 3038 101 Rwanda MTN Rwandacell Ltd. 635 10 63510 101 Sao Tome And Principe Companhia Saotomese de Telecomunicaçôes, SARL 626 1 62601 128 Sao Tome And Principe Unitel STP Sarl 626 2 62602 128 Senegal Expresso Senegal ESN 608 3 60803 87 Senegal Orange Sonatel SA 608 1 60801 128 Senegal Saga Africa Holding Ltd 608 2 60802 128 Seychelles Cable and Wireless (Seychelles) Ltd. 633 1 63301 55 Seychelles Mediatech Ltd. 633 2 63302 128 Seychelles Telecom Seychelles Ltd 633 10 63310 55 Sierra Leone Africell 619 2 61902 55 Sierra Leone Africell 619 5 61905 55 Sierra Leone Airtel (SL) Ltd 619 1 61901 55 Sierra Leone Comium SL Ltd. 619 4 61904 55 Sierra Leone Intergroup 619 9 61909 55 Sierra Leone Qcell 619 7 61907 55 Sierra Leone Teltac 0 867 867 128 Somalia Golis Telecommunications Company Ltd 637 30 63730 97 Somalia Hormuud Telecom, Telecom Somalia 637 20 63720 60 Somalia Hormuud Telecom, Telecom Somalia 637 50 63750 60 Somalia Nationlink LLC 637 60 63760 97 Somalia SomaFone 637 4 63704 128 Somalia Somalia Telesom 637 1 63701 97 Somalia Somtelco 637 71 63771 117 Somalia Somtelco 637 82 63782 117 South Africa Cell C Ltd 655 7 65507 79 South Africa Compatel 655 27 65527 88 South Africa Lycatel 655 53 65553 88 South Africa Mobile Telephone Networks (Pty) Ltd. 655 10 65510 115 South Africa Mobile Telephone Networks (Pty) Ltd. 655 12 65512 115 South Africa Multisource Group 655 19 65519 88 South Africa Multisource Group 655 38 65538 88 South Africa Neotel ltd 655 99 65599 128 South Africa TELKOM S.A. SOC Ltd. 655 2 65502 80 South Africa Vodacom(Pty)Ltd. 655 1 65501 115 South Africa Wirels Connect (Pty) Ltd 655 25 65525 88 South Sudan Gemtel 659 3 65903 79 South Sudan MTN South Sudan 659 2 65902 101 South Sudan Network of the World Ltd.
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