Volume 3 —No. // WIIITINSVILLE, MASS. September 1945

Now that hostilities have ceased and the war is over, we are look- Employment of Veterans ing forward to the return of all the men who left the Whitin Ma- We have willingly obligated ourselves to reemploy each per- chine Works to do their bit in the son who left us for the armed services. Each one, upon his return, armed services of our country. We have written you from time to time again assumes his old place in the seniority list. His rate of pay saying that we were proud of the will be at least what it was when he left plus a correction for the contributions which you were mak- value of the dollar. He will be fitted into the mill in a position ing, and that a hearty welcome awaited you back here when you most agreeable to him and his fellow workers. We are now work- returned home. ing long hours in order to be able to absorb you upon your return. All that I can say again is that We would appreciate a word from each who expects to return to we are looking for you all to come our mill. It will help us to prepare for you. back to the Whitin Machine Works and take up your work where you KUPFER BROS. CO. left off. We are back in peace times again. Earle H. Barclay, Mill Mgr. No doubt your experience in the armed forces has been helpful and you may have acquired many spe- To Our Boys in the Services: To Our Employees cial skills. We shall try to the best in the Armed Services: We rejoice that the Day we have of our ability to make your wel- been looking for has come at last. CONGRATULATIONS on the come a warm one and to fit you into The settling back to Peace pursuits successful termination of the war our scheme of operations in the may take some time to work out best way possible. The Bill of We are fully convinced that the Rights for servicemen grant you completely but most anxieties and textile industry offers a much bet- dangers are now behind and that is certain privileges which will be ter opportunity for steady employ- carefully preserved here. a reason for much rejoicing. ment than most other industries. Some of you may decide to stay We are very short handed at pres- So, welcome home whenever you in the Service beyond the time ent and need many more employees. can get home. when release is made possible. To We sincerely hope that you will Yours sincerely, those of you who wish to come back all consult us before looking for WHITIN MACHINE WORKS into Industry again we have your jobs elsewhere and we assure you E. KENT SWIFT, President job waiting for you and we hope that you will be given every con- to see you here in Whitinsville in sideration on your return which, the near future. I am glad to be we hope, will be in the very near Northbridge Album Fund $2,601.85 able to give this assurance at a time future. Softball game (Joe Topp's vs when there is more or less uncer- Plummers AC) 106.01 PAUL WHITIN W M W Office Force 10.00 tainty regarding employment and MANUFACTURING CO. seniority. Grand Total $2,717.86 The best of luck to all of you and R. C. WHITIN, Asst. Treas. ngratulations on a job well done. WHITINSVILLE SPINNING In Memoriam RING COMPANY ••••• 1st Lieut. William H. Ward STUART F. BROWN, Treas. — Mgr. * News From Home WHITINSVILLE, MASS.

CPL. RODOLPH COUTU (Woonsocket), Comber Job. I'm just sweating out I'm NEWS FROM HOME Cushing General Hospital, Framingham, trip home—September." PFC. AR-,,./ Issued Monthly writes, "It's great to be in the U. S. A. THUR BEDARD, JR., U. S. M. C. (No.—" again. I have a leg injury and I'm still Ux.), West Pacific, writes, "I'd sure Editor-In-Chief on crutches. I have hopes that my leg like to meet somebody from home." LAWRENCE M. KEELER will be as good as new again. I'm look- PVT. BILL GAWEL is in Nervana, Alas- Associate Editors ing forward to visiting the shop." ka. JOHN BUCZYNSKI, Cox. Capt. HANS THEILER PVT. THOMAS MARSHALL HENRY CLANG, S lic, writes, "Thanks of Yard, Pacific, writes, "HERMAN JAMES DUGGAN for DONALD WALKER's address. DON, MULDONIAN, C. B. M. and I went to JOSEPH MACHOTA RED JONES and I worked in the Silk his ship for chow. In looking over N. F. ENSIGN HENRY BAILEY Room together. It was certainly a swell H. we noticed that FLOYD GUDAN- Political Analysts picture of the Linwood Honor Roll. I OWSKI, TM 2/c, the star baseball catcher DANIEL DUGGAN SAM CURRIE hope the Japs take the unconditional sur- is way down below the Equator among Sports Editors render so we can all be home by 1946. the Admiralty Islands. I agree with R. M. MARKER HAROLD CASE ARTHUR G. CLARK Right now we're on submarine patrol. STEVE BURKE, PR 3/c, when he says, Fish Editor The subs are using us for targets, with "My kid sister is getting to be quite a SALLY JONES dud torpedoes. If they ever hit us it's gal." Had I known he had such a good Business Manager goodbye." • SGT. EDDIE DUSZLAK looking sister I'd make sure he and I THOMAS H. DRISCOLL (Dudley), Brazil, S. A., writes, "I was would be stationed together." CPL. Humor Editors pushing quarter and half ton bombs BERNELL JORDAN (Woonsocket), EUGENE KENNEDY JAMES JONES around in Italy and now it's a pencil. The Thalgen, Austria, writes, "There sure are Whispers Editor sun sets very early (5:30 p. in.) so it some pretty girls in Whitinsville. I see "GUSSIE" WINCHELL LORENZ must be winter, but a person from Mas- where DAVE FERRIS has 17 wins and 2 Society Editors sachusetts wouldn't realize that." defeats—not bad for a freshman. I've MRS. DOUGLAS CARR SGT. HAROLD YOUNGSMA writes, "I been playing quite a bit of ball in the MRS. THOMAS MARSHALL MRS. PATRICK McGOVERN am now in the Army of Occupation and in Battalion and Corps leagues." PFC. Concert Editors a colder part of Germany. I'm hoping I ROGER BRISSETTE, U. S. M. (Pas- don't have to remain here this winter." RAYMOND ADAMS coag, R. I.), writes, "Guess it can't last CPL. OMER PARENT (No. Ux.), much longer with the Japs. Tell the old Shop Talk Editors Ryuku Islands, Pacific, writes, "The next gang on 421 hello." SGT. JOE (THE LEON BARNES RAY BARLOW MRS. R. M. MARKER time CAJETAN VERMETTE writes let BARBER) HARMONIAN writes, "Af- PATRICK McGOVERN him know I think he's doing a grand job. ter 20 months in England yours truly is ROBERT WILSON Say hello to BILLY WARD, SHARKEY now in Casablancas, North Africa. Cold Suburban Editors and the rest of the Core Room. I see my and damp in England but hot and damp Rockdale ...... GERALD GAUDETTE brother EDGAR is part of the Army of here, with plenty of dust to boot. All Riverdale DR. EARLE BARCLAY Occupation. I hope he gets home to his meals served in restaurants downtown Linwood J. HAROLD BASZNER Plummers FLOSSIE PIELESKI wife and daughter soon. The baby are flavored with garlic. Just imagine brother, ARTHUR, is now an officer and working in Saropian's after a meal like am very proud of him. I'm still kicking that. We don't drink water—wine and and the Japs are getting most of the champagne when we can get it. The fours bothering. Give my regards to ROLAND young ladies in the N. F. H. (July) are — HEROUX, FRANCIS SHUGHRUE and certainly a treat for sore eyes." his dad, and RICHARD and GEORGE PFC. HAROLD O'CONNELL, Maheim, Acknowledging Letters LEMOINE. No purple hearts, just a Germany, writes, "France is a dirty coun- few stars good conduct medal, three try. We could smell the towns three miles from the Boys Asiatic, Pacific stars on the ribbon of away. Germany was bombed ten times the same name PVT. EIFLYN worse than England. We heard the good ROBERTS (Vinal Haven, Me.), Epirnay, news of the Jap surrender at 2 :00 Wed- (By Lawrence Keeler) France, writes, "People in France are nesday morning, August 15th. The boys very nice to us; that is, the majority of let out a war whoop that you maybe them. Thank the shop for the Xmas heard in Whitinsville. We took over a T/5 OSCAR ASADOORIAN writes, check. I just saw in the N. F. H. SGT. local pub and drank wines that tasted "Met PAUL DUGGAN in Venice—same HERBERT HULTQUIST is in the Phil- like hard cider, and beer. I will try to see old PAUL. He has put on some weight." ippines. I used to work with him in the TOM FITZGERALD." PFC. MUR- PFC. MIKE JOHNSON, Antwerp, shop. Would you please tell KAY RAY KEELER. Aleutians, writes, Belgium, writes, "You have to have at ROSEN that a poor private from his "Thought you might be interested in the least one star to meet the prices. The home town would like his address? I reaction up here to the news that Japan Government is very unstable and the would like to know the whereabouts of will accept our terms if we'll let the value of the franc is not known. I passed OLAF HOLMQUIST and my cousin, Emperor remain in power. The boys are through Aachen and Cologne — utterly BILL BRUCE. By the way, the women divided into three groups—those who destroyed. It's a welcome sight and lets over here are Okay but nothing like the want complete surrender, those who agree you know what it took to win this war. good women of the U. S. A. I see that to the Emperor remaining in power be- These Belgian girls are amazing. Most there are some pretty chicks in North- cause he is the head of their religion and all of them speak English. You see little bridge. Tell PAT DUGGAN and JOE those (not many) who don't give a damn cafes boasting of a jazz quartet—they CONNORS I would like to be back on and just want the war over. Most of us want unconditional surrender on the jazz from Gershwin to Brahms. It's a the old job again." LT. LEO ASA- pity to see fine music in an attempt to DOORIAN, Italy, writes, "Just returned basis the Jap religion is too strongly in- liven it up. We usually have a swell time from Stresa, Lake Maggiore—swimming, terwoven with military deeds of the an- sticking to G. I. places." CPL. BOB horseback riding, boat-riding and danc- cestors to be allowed to remain. The main PIERCE, Brussels, Belgium, writes, "I ing. Since the end of the war here I've thing all the men have been worrying over have played some golf in Belgium. They been stationed near all the borders in for the past week is whether their jobs have some beautiful golf courses. Please Italy, France and Yugoslavia. I'm an- will still be open to them when they re- give all the men at the Golf Club my best." ticipating the day I'll be home and see turn." MAJOR DICK DUNN, Mc- T/4 RAY SCHAT, Antwerp, Belgium, familiar faces again. My outfit will be Clellan Field, Sacramento, Calif., writes, writes, "Sure have seen a lot of Europe coming back in December." SGT. "It really is a nice base, a very nice since I have been here. I've met HENRY ANDY AVADISIAN, Burghausen, Ger- officers' club and good weather. I have HOULE from Linwood and DON GRAY many, writes, "We're on the German- no job as yet. Tell the boys in the shop in Germany." . . PVT. MARY ONAN- Austria border keeping things under con- I know, hello." BILL ROSBOROUGH IAN, William Beaumont General Hosp., trol but they don't give us any trouble. F 2/c, (Blackstone), U. S. S. Medust, El Paso, Texas, writes, "I am training The SS Troops killed hundreds of Jews Pacific, writes, "Before I came into to be a Surgical Technician. We have a here and buried them in one spot so the outfit I was working in the Carpenter lot of wounded men here. Some of them civilians are re-digging them now. It's Shop for JACK SHAW, a pretty swell are injured very badly but their morale a hell of a sight and smells worse. I spend fellow to work for and, also, all the other is admirable. They have the real Ameri- the biggest part of my time swimming but fellows in the shop." EARL KARL- can spirit. I have visited Juarez, Mexico. I wish it was good old New Pond instead. SON, AOM 2/c, (Uxbridge) U. S. S. St. It's beautiful but it is not home." Give my regards to the boys on the (Continued on Next Page) * News From Home WHITINSVILLE, MASS.

that PVT. GERRIT OPPEWALL is in address." PFC. LEO LAFRANCOIS, Acknowledging Letters—coned Nurnberg, Germany. I went through Germany, writes, "I'm due to come home Nurnberg last week while I was travel- shortly for discharge on points (94). One Louis, Pacific, writes, "Have one of the ing from Czechoslovakia to Germany. of the things I saw was the Remargen Whitinsville fellows on board — JOE Believe me Nurnberg is really bombed to slaughter pen where the Jerries burned RONDEAU, swell fellow. It looks like hell. I am living in a swell town, 16 miles our 1000 P. O. W." CPL. JOE things are about over out here. It will from Fuld°. Give my regards to GEORGE LAVERDIERE, deserted island in the be a happy day when once more we can GIGARJIAN. The Y-D is supposed to Pacific, writes "It certainly feels good to walk the streets as free men. It's been come home in October. The boys are see some of the girls from home. Some a diversion and one which will not be dreaming of all the drinking they will of the boys looked them over and said forgotten in a short time. Do you intend get in Boston." CPL. EARL MAR- they would make Whitinsville their printing the N. F. H. until all the boys TINSON (Uxbridge), Panama Canal home." PFC. ROSS RAJOTTE, are back or does it stop with V-J Day?" Zone, writes, "I'm now living in a jungle. Rouen, France, writes, "I refused to PFC. DANNY HENEY, France, I like my job, including the food. I have sign papers to go home as I decided to writes, "I ran across a town boy last met up with much of the wild life, in- marry a Normandy little French Mada- week—ROSS RAJOTTE. He expects to cluding the reptiles." CAPT. JIM moiselle. I did send you several pictures get moved soon. Of all the country I've TRUSLOW is at Frankfurt, Germany. of my girl. I was lucky to see DAN seen there's nothing like the good old "The Army gave the Navy a building HANEY of Rockdale. We sure were sur- town. Best to my friends." T/5 with one end blown off but the Navy prised to see one another. DON is in the FRANCIS MAGOWAN, Kassel, Ger- turned their SeeBees loose and their LeHavre district." PFC. MURRAY many writes, "It's too bad I didn't have building is much better than any of the MORAN, Augsburg, Germany, writes, "I TOM FITZGERALD's address sooner, Army's. ADM. GHORMLEY is the Top was much surprised to learn that FRAN- when I came through Stuttgart. I will be Navy out here and he is a swell guy." CIS MAGOWAN is close by in Fursten- discharged when I get to the States but PVT. GENE KENNEDY, 3706 feldbruck. I am still sweating out my that may not be until the end of the war. AAF, B. V. Sqdn. H, Sheppard Field, discharge." PAUL GALENIAN, Ptr. It will be good to see my wife and son and Texas, writes, "The end of the war is 2/c, Nantucket, Mass., writes "What is all my folks and friends." PFC. CARL being very well received in Texas. The the deadline for sending in our pictures? GRAY (Millville), , writes, "Every- main topic is when will we get out. For I left my ship at Leyte and came back thing is all right here except it is a little the next 15 days I will be on restricted on an Army transport in March. I left lonesome. We have an outdoor movie duty. A High School football injury has Boston May 1st for Shoemaker, Cal. Was every other night and a can of beer. Give reappeared very alarmingly. There is hospitalized June 6th until July 12th, at the boys in Dept. 413 my best regards an outside chance that the doctors may which time I was sent back to Boston for and tell them to keep pitching." decide this will be an opportunity to get limited. I guess that's about all with the PVT. BILL LYMAN, Camp Gruber, rid of one G. I. Gene. I had a long let- exception that finally the favorite of all, Okla., writes, "The war ended last night. ter from HENRY BAILEY. He is anx- the N. F. H., will finally make its appear- There was a little celebrating done here ious to get home and married. I hope I'll ance in . Thanks and well done to but not too much. Last Sunday I was in be out of this God-forsaken state that the entire staff." HARVEY GAU- Tulsa, Okla., having a grand time on my day." . CPL. BOB PARKER, The THIER, BM 2/c, U. S. S. Portland, Pa- birthday and if you remember they did Hump, India, writes, "Our job of supply- cific, writes, "I'm sending in my picture. announce the war was over, but a few ing the British 14th Army in their drive The Captain has just read a message say- minutes later said it was a rumor. The the length of Burma culminated in the ing Japan has agreed to surrender. No camp is very clean—hot and the trans- recapture of Rangoon. Now our planes news could be greater. I thank you and portation service is very poor. I want to are flying supplies over the Hump to your co-workers who have helped to make get home to my wife and two boys." China. It rains 12 to 15 hours a day; all it possible for me and many others to re- HARMON MIEDEMA, F 2/c, U. S. S. the rivers in the area are roaring high, ceive the N. F. H. In Navy talk "Well L. S. T. 486, Pacific, writes, " I met TONY filled with debris picked up when they Done To All." I hope to see some of the CAMPO, in Shoemaker, Cal., and ELSIE overflowed their banks." PFC. JOHN boys in Tokyo.".. LEO MOORADIAN, PARKER in Chicago." NAP LE- REI, Bad Wildengen, Germany, writes, MMG 1/c, Espiritio Santo, New Hebrides, DOUX, Ph. M. 1/c, U. S. S. Wythe, Pa- "I have 81 points and am still sweating writes, "Thanks for JIM ZMUDSKY's cific, writes, "The war came to an end. out the point system." PFC. BILL address. How did Whitinsville receive I was never so glad and happy in my life. GOYETTE (Uxbridge), Ludvvigsburg, the news of V-J Day? Did it take the One of the first things I do when I get Germany, writes, "I'd still rather be in police force to quiet the folks down or back is to look up everybody and kiss the the Army fighting for our country than the State Militia? We didn't get to bed girls and shake hands with all the fel- to have our country overrun by these until 4 A. M. LARRY CHAUVIN wrote lows." 2ND LT. MURIEL CUM- damned Germans and Japs. I don't know from the saying the civilians MINGS, Mourmolon, France, writes, "I how the Japs treat prisoners but I do are very courteous to them—this includes came back from Paris and I had a very know how these Germans treated them. the fairer sex, too. BILLY LANGLOIS nice time but you need more than a couple Tell CARRIE YACINI I was asking for left quite a while ago to go to Okinawa. of days. I also have hopes of getting to her." CPL. DON GRAY writes, "I A short time ago we had three fish total- Belgium." S/SGT. OLIVE COUR- am in Southern France after seeing a lot ing 25 lbs. We spear them. Best to the TEAU, Camp Edwards, Mass., writes "I of Northern France, Germany and Bel- Spinning Job boys." T/SGT. SUDY finally got a break. It feels good to get gium. I've also been to Marseilles and to ASADOORIAN, Frielendorf, Germany, home every week-end. This place has Nice. You would think you were back in writes, "How's everybody feeling after swell food." PFC. JOHNNY LA- Florida. I've met RAY SCHAT." V-J Day? I'll bet people sure did cele- • FLASH, Philippines, writes, "It surely JOHNNIE DEA/LAIS, S 2/c, U. S. S. brate, which no one can blame them for. feels kind of funny going up in one of Portsmouth, Atlantic, writes, "I sure My buddy and I killed two bottles of those Gliders. I got my Glider Pin and miss good old Whitinsville—also the girls champagne. Probably now I will get home we drew our first Glider pay. New I know. Foreman H. B. STUART was soonerthan expected. The Album was the Guinea was terrible. It was pretty bad one swell fellow to work for." PFC. best thing the people back home could do when we made a beachhead in the Phil- GERRIT OPPEWALL, Nurnberg, Ger- for us boys." PFC. JOE ROY, New ippines. I would like to have IRVING many writes, "I have been taking it easy Bedford, writes, "I'm cooking for the BELANGER, LEO BOULANGER and waiting for orders to come in to go to officers. I find that some are very hard to JOE SAMPSON's addresses. I will be the States. We are in Category 2 so as please. I go swimming often. Will you glad to come back to my wife and my son. long as they leave us that way we won't see BERN RAINVILLE and get my pic- Here is my picture." VERNON WIL- complain at all." CPL. RUSTY BO- ture?" MARTIN CAHILL, SC 3/c, LARD, F lic, U. S. S. Pennsylvania, Pa- HANAN (Wilkinsonville) is in the Phil- (Milford), Philippines, writes, "Plenty of cific, writes "JOE LAVALLEE has been ippines. SGT. EMILE AUSSANT, flies and heat. If this land doesn't drive in the Navy for six years, five on the old Florence, Italy, writes, "Not a chance of a man crazy nothing ever will. I intend Pennsy. This old ship has really been getting out of the Army now—lack of working in the shop after the Navy lets around and we are all pretty proud of shipping space. Last week I met up with me out." PFC. JOE LAVENSKI her record. She'll be heard from again. a fellow called MOUSSE TTE from Say hello to the Payroll Dept. and also Rockdale." . . ROLAND DION, SM 2/c (No. Uxbridge), Philippines, writes, "At give my best to DON WALKER, JACK U. S. S. Troilus, Pacific, writes, "So far present I'm a company carpenter. How GILCHRIST, PHIL RAE, CONNIE this new duty has been alright. It's not about the addresses of GERARD PIC- VISBECK and ED PARKER." PFC. quite as exciting as the landing craft. ARD. PATRICK DESJOURDY and CROCHY GARABEDIAN writes, "I see I would like to have JIMMY SPRATT's CAMILLE THERRIEN?" WHITINSVILLE, MASS. * News From Home Back Home — he was relating some of the beautiful spots that he has seen, and error of the game. you can bet your bottom dollar that he Fish Stories Mrs. "Sally" Jones tells a good one on has seen a lot. I gathered from his con- "Sally." "One night last week I put a versation he has travelled considerably. pan of live clams on the porch to keep Francis Scott writes—"The last let- (By Sally Jones) them cool. 'Sally' sleeps on the porch ter I got from you was at Okinawa and so I told him the clams were there but Whitinsville has been the ideal paradise that was over a month ago—I've got a evidently he forgot about them. During for fishermen who didn't want to squander surprise for you, the first of this month the night they started to hiss and move (Aug.) I made Coxswain, you know that's their time and energy for the past week in the pan and 'Sally' woke up with a the same rating "Joe" Burns has. I'm or so. Old Meadow Pond produced the start and was sure a skunk had pushed doing a lot of travelling now and I've got two top fish around these parts again. the door open as the catch on the door a new "Album"—I haven't got many One was a seven and a quarter pound sometimes does not hold. He wouldn't bass, and the other was a six and a half pictures in it yet but by the time I get get out of bed, afraid he would step on home I imagine I'll have quite a few. pound bass. Both of these beautiful fish the skunk and so he spent a half hour Harry Newton RM 3/c writes, "I ar- were captured by two Worcesterites. The wondering what to do. Finally after rived at our new station a few days ago, only reason these Worcester boys are on getting all nerved up he thought of the it is really "out in the sticks".—There is top is because the town fellasWillie are Mont- too clams and immediately removed them to a stream of water near here and I bet d--- busy. this author told him. This was the only is in the lime light again. You the back porch. there are a hundred thousand salmon gomery, going upstream to lay their eggs. I had boys know that Gummy would not place some fresh salmon just out of the water, a bet on a pony and never has. As he is A Letter from fried in deep fat, and I never tasted fish on the heavy side that lets him off as a "The Night Owl" in my entire life that was so good. We jockey. But Gummy got to thinking that are stationed on the edge of the ocean and he would like to try riding the ponies. we have a nice fresh water lake, too. Seals - Since there was a carnival at Rockdale are plentiful, one of the boys killed one our friend thought that the Hobby horses (By James H. Jones) and is tanning the skin. Yesterday my would be a good way to get a little prac- To Pvt. James Thurber friend and I were walking alongside a tice. So up to Rockdale he went. • • • Hello Jimmy — brook and we came upon a bear track and As he got off the bus one of his pals told I received your letter and everything the orner had is being taken care of. Congratulationsof your I bet it was near a foot in diameter. My him that the m n c mallb• -th rowed out to a s chicken for sale. Monty purchasedhim. one,He newto you daughter. and your I wife haven't on seen her yet but friend and I also and there his courage failed wanted to ride the ponies but his better I hope to before long. Cpl. Bernard island off the coast and I didn't realize judgment told him "no". As he stood KOetten wrote to me and says, "I am at how far it was until we got started. There there debating with himself he thought of present in a small town named Tepe in is a sea weed that grows up here that is his old friend Nel Vandells. Nel has a Czechoslovakia. It is quite close to the about fifty times as big as it is at the fluid that puts courage into a fellow. German border and it has all German beaches back home. Just before we got After having a few, Monty felt much people in it except for the Czechs who to the island we got stuck in the darn sea better and after a couple more he put moved in since V. E. Day. Most of the weed. I was scared for a minute because his chicken in Nels refrigerator and men in our company have shipped out and the waves were getting higher and higher, started for the hobby horses. . • . Wil- the remainder are pulling guard out at we could hardly move for the weed, the ham then bought himself a couple of the P. W. Camp. This camp will be waves were hitting us broadside but we s--- round trip tickets and stood watching the broken up this week—and we are sup- made it O. K. After trying to climb the merry-go-round. He then made up his posed to move. Our Division is supposed cliffs we decided it was about time to mind and grabbed a horse. Then the to be deactivated and we will be sent to start for shore. We made it just in time blamed thing started. Our hero jumped replacement centers. I may get home for as there was a fog coming in from the upon the platform, lost his balance and thirty days sometime this fall unless we sea. I bet there were a few thousand birds made a three point landing—on his back get shipped direct to the Pacific. I get eying all around the island. I never heard —lost his straw hat, but none of the cour- my N. F. H. very regular and I am sure as loud a racket as those birds made— age fluid. He finally got hold of a Nag, glad to receive it. The pictures sure are they must have been what they call a . like a parrot but its body is like a crow righted himself and then tried •to ked mount was interestingthe "kids" are and T1OW what young surprises men and me, thatW and"Sea what Parrot" a noise up here. it makes Its headwhile is •flying just-f the horse again. The pony around. There is quite a bit o one of these that go up and down. As it I have only been over for six mourns. up here and it really is a "fisherman's came down Monty with an effort threw managed to see a little action towards the paradise." There you are "Jimmy" how his leg over it, and as it went back uP end of the war. We are credited with would you like to go up to Kodiak, Alaska. Willie could not make the grade. After taking "Pilsen" Czech. I have only one I guess this will be all for now and don't many tries Monty put his arms around "Battle Star" so my points don't total forget to write once in a while. the pony's neck and held on for dear life, very high." — Well Jimmy I was glad to From your Friend Gummy did not use the second ticket he hear from "Bernie" and now that the James H. Jones had bought, but gave it to Jim McRob- war is over he probably will be able to erts as he made his way back to Main see more of the scenery around him than Excerpts from Protest Letter Street. After another visit with Nel, he he could from the inside of a tank. I made his way home. . • . But through the certainly hope so. . . . Philias Remellard Dear Mr. Keeler grape vine we learn that "Monty" went of 411 has been receiving some interesting I write to protest against the statement back to Rockdale the next night to get souvenirs from his sons in Germany. I on the flyer in the NFR. It strikes me that his chicken. . • . Softball hit its stride at remember one noontime he came to the it is a rotten thing to send out to the North- Vail Field in the New Village when Pete crib with quite a lot of German currency. bridge boys and girls who will presumably Topp's team played Hadley's Furniture He had quite a "Roll", but the most inter- show it to their friends. To read this they Co., of Worcester. The whole staff of esting of these souvenirs was a Miniature may well imagine that Whitinsville is com- N. F. H. was there including Gussie, Til- Hand Painted Center piece of a "Lady's posed chiefly of "Soaks" and drunks. I am lie Marker, Ye Olde Editor himself, a Pin". In its original setting it must have dead sure that I did not spend last Thurs. few others and yours truly. . . . Al Sunn been a wonderful piece of jewelry. Phil morning in bed with "ice packs on my and Ab Montgomery turned out for the ought to feel proud of the nice collection head" and I am dead sure that scores of game and as usual to give their dogs a he has. Dave Buma dropped in to see trg; other people were in just as good condition run. One of the spectators sitting on the now that he is back from Germany. Dave last Thursday morning as they are on any grass was the old coach of the Whitins- certainly has done his share and we are other morning--rneaning by that, perfectly ville Crusader's, John Cunningham. proud to have him back with us looking so ber and in their right mind. I am no prudeJ— John was, to our knowledge, enjoying the good. I hope to have a chat with him game very well. He didn't, however, see before long. I'll bet he has had a lot of Al Sunn's quadruped sneak up in back interesting experiences. I was down on and I think I have a fair sense of umo of him. We don't know if it was from Church Street the other night and I ran but if this statement appearing in NFH oi1:—./ the excitement of the game or from sheer into Sgt. Richard Garabedian in front of which are Editor-in-Chief is supposed to be weakness that made Al's dog cock up on the Pythian Building. He was surrounded funny I am sorry for the sense of fitness John's back and do as nice a job as ever by a number of his friends so I did not of things of your staff. you've seen. The owner of the wetted have a chance to talk with him much out- Yours truly, back did not know of the incident until side of greeting him with a Welcome BRYANT NICHOLS

* News From Home WHITINSVILLE,

hell or high water, fellows and girls con- unfamiliar faces shall be reappearing tine to get married (and more power to here at home. When this occurs we can "Shavings" from the them!). Here are the recent weddings of really feel that this is over. It is of tre- Pattern Shop ye olde town of Northbridge: Miss Clara mendous relief to know that the shooting Almasian of 7 Johnston Avenue became has stopped, but to really feel that the the bride of S/Sgt. Charles Ampagoomian affair has ended will come only when the (By Patrick A. McGovern) of Church Street on Aug. 11. The cere- boys have come home. Let me add that mony took place at Trinity Episcopal for those who will never return let us Boy it's just great to be writing this Church with Rev. Elise Gasparian of all unite in prayer the glory of their first PEACE TIME issue—last issue I Providence, R. I. officiating. On Aug. deeds and supreme sacrifice which they wrote about that MARCH OF PEACE. 14, Miss Joanne M. Vandebaan, 72 North made, shall live with us long aft:T we I certainly had no idea—and I guess Main Street was married to Alexander C. are no more. Coming back to the millions more were of the same trend of DeJong of Grand Rapids, Mich. Rev. Dr. weather report, at the moment it is warm, mind—that the FOLDUP would occur so Y. P. DeJong, father of the groom, of- in fact it is very warm, as a matter of quickly. Likewise in the last issue I ficiated in the Christian Reformed fact it is just plain outright hot. Good old wrote about Lige Gilmore getting Church. The marriage of Miss Adri- New England weather, it runs the garnet "dunked" from his "dinghy". This time enne L. Landry, Northbridge, to Capt. up and down the thermometer like no- its the same "dinghy" and the same Bernard N. Gareau, Webster, took place body's business. I guess though from "dunking" only John Jessen is the victim. on Aug. 15 in St. Peter's Church. Rev. some of the letters I have received describ- Being of old Viking stock John set out Charles E. Landry, brother of the bride ing the temperature out in some of those to show Lige how the Norsemen of old celebrated the nuptial high mass.... Miss Pacific bases that 95-100 degrees is when did their sailing. With a fair breeze on Anne Mary Igoe, 307 Mill Street and it starts to cool off. But be that as it may, the starboard quarter everything was go- John N. Carpo, Navy, Hammerton, N. J., when it gets up to 95 I call it hot. ing fine. Just off Joe Topp's landing he were married in St. Joseph's Church, There isn't a great deal to report on turned to wave at some friends on shore— Woods Hole, Mass.... In Woonsocket, on activity around here except the celebra- smack into the sail comes a strong breeze Aug. 18, Miss Theresa Broullard, Woon- tion V-J Day, which gave a lot of people and smack into Davey Jones' locker goes socket, was wedded to Robert Pouliot, a chance to blow off some steam and did a John. It took him a half hour to make Church Street, Linwood. The Ashton lot of good, and so far as I have heard shore—thereby he becomes a charter Family of Riverdale is quite busy these no harm. They had a dance in the street, member of the Dunker's Club. Two from days. On Aug. 18, Normand J. Ashton, parades, and the good old Rockdale Drum the same boat—maybe she needs some Navy, was married to Miss June N. Mur- and Bugle got right there and did th ir ballast, Lige! In order to make more ray. Recently the engagement of Miss stuff. Saw Ernest Girouard the other floor space, one of the Whitin Machine Louise Lavalley, Manchaug, to Lawrence day who has been home on leave after Works' buildings is being raised one Ashton, Water Tender 2/c, was made.... many months in Europe. lie looks fine story. Its quite an engineering feat. With On Aug. 31, Miss Sonia Lasell, Linden and says it is just as good to be home as a series of winches and jacks a very small Street, became the bride of Lt. Alfred he thought it was going to be. Also section of the roof is raised at a time. Jaretzki, 3rd, at the Village Congrega- heard that Bill Spratt has been promoted Then the building is done beneath it. The tional Church. Announcement has to First Lieutenant which was good news first section housed the elevator shaft and been made of the engagement of Miss to hear. Bill is out in India still flying one of the engineers told me the elevator Pauline Bedrosian, 133 Church Street, the Hump with the other fellows. Bill's itself weighed approximately 30 tons. It's to Rochambeau A. Herosian of Worcester. brother, Archie, has been in the Navy a a slow tedious job—one that demands Mr. Herosian is a former Army Para- couple of months, and according to his much skill. S/Sgt. Edward Fournier trooper. Pfc. Kathleen Dechene, mother has given Uncle Sam twenty has been awarded the PURPLE HEART. USMCR, wired her father that she was pounds of his excess weight, and is now Previously the Sgt. had a bronze medal to be married to "Jimmie" on Wednesday, right down in fighting trim. Lot of you for bravery in action. He spent several Aug. 22 at New Birn, N. C. Con- boys who have been away for two or three months in the hospital in England with gratulations and best wishes to all these years or longer, will remember Archie as wounds received while in action with the new brides and grooms !—and getting the little Spratt boy, but believe me he is famous 75th Infantry Division.. F lic back to the weather, it's nice to know no longer little, over 6 ft. and almost 200 E. M. Vernon A. Willard who formerly the Japs are finding it pretty hot these lbs., and that is what I call a pretty big worked in the pay roll department was days in the Land of the Rising ( ?) Sun ! boy. Still have several letters that I one of the lucky members of the crew should acknowledge, but again find that of the U. S. S. Pennsylvania. You no time doesn't permit it this trip, but will doubt all read about the Jap suicide plane let them accumulate and maybe next which sneaked in on it on the last day of Northbridge News month I can make the column all about fighting. She had escaped from the Pearl II the letters.... For the last several months Harbor attack in 1941 and this time. too, I have wound up with "So long until next managed to stay afloat. There were many (By Gerry Gaudette) month", but I think now I better just wind casualties, however, but Vernon escaped up by saying "So long till I see you", unhurt. Home from two-and-a-half There are a lot of people that are going because no doubt many of you will be years of Pacific duty is Thomas Crockett around saying that the sudden ending home within the next month and each who is a very popular fellow with Uncle of this war against Japan was due to the successive month, and all of you wi'l be Sam's boys. Reason? He's the baker, atomic bomb, and some are even saying home before too many months I sincerely you see, and the boys sure do love their the Russians entrance into the war had hope. chow! After a furlough with his wife and a lot to do with the Japs deciding that son he will report to Davisville, R. national suicide wasn't the best policy. Well, it's But you and I know that the real reason SO LONG! is because in writing last month's column Linwood New 00 LONG! HOW LONG I personally asked you guys to hurry up and get this thing over with as I was get- (By J. Harold Baszner) YOU GONNA BE GONE? ting tired of writing this column. At A LONG, LONG TIME what? least that's the way I feel but it's sur- I don't know just how to start this prising how few people I can get to agree column. With the Japs surrendering and with me. In any event, it is just so all of us waiting to see what happens good to have it over that words seem to when our boys go into Japan to occupy The Hitching Post be awfully inadequate to express one's the country. But this I will say, that the real feeling. The talk here at home, millions here at home didn't forget for (By N. Carr) of course, is probably the same as what one minute their first move on hearing of you people are talking. and that is when the surrender. Everyone was looking at— Happened to notice today that the and how quick will the boys start to the other fellow and breathing out with woodbine on our side fence is turning red. come home. There is no question but there reverence—"Thank God it's over." The That fact coupled with the very change- are bound to be some cases which will churches were filled with people offering able weather of the past few weeks has seem unfair to certain individuals, and up their thanks, just as you would exreet convinced me that we're in for an early yet it would seem that within the next them to do as a Christian and civilized fall. But, come hurricanes, hailstorms, 90 days familiar, or perhaps I should say (Continued on Next Page) * News From Home WHITINSVILLE, MASS.

Linwood News — cont'd boys from Whitinsville that he used to Riverdale. We will be glad to see you, chum around with, James Kane and Jack and we think that you could do worse some w' nation.... T/Sgt. Norman Boutiette, who Driscoll. He was at the same place as other place. June Murray and Nor- has been overseas 10 months is home on Jimmie. One hour after he received my mand (Giggy) Ashton were united in a furlough with his wife, Mrs. Josephine letter, he was sitting in Jimmies' bunk. holy matrimony at 9:00 A. M., St. Peter's Boutiette in East Douglas, and his par- We all offer our congratulations to you Church, Rockdale, on August 18th, 1945. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Boutiette. Lt. on your promotion, and by the way, They are making their home with his drop us a line when you get the chance. parents until Normand returns to duty. S/Sgt. Roland Boutiette of Camp Bland- Lawrence Ashton is home for several jag, Fla., is also home on a furlough. Well, so winds up another month of weeks, after having been absent for Pfc. Raymond Pelland of Georgetown reporting, and what a month. The drop- ping of the Atomic Bomb on the Japs was twenty months. Chester Hayward University, Washington, D. C., is visit- came home this week with his honorable ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rend Pe- startling news and horrifying to them. land. Corp. Paul E. Grenon has re- Then immediately following came their discharge. He also has been away from turned to Fort Devens after a 30-day acceptance of the Peace terms. We here home many months, and has started in courting his wife all over again. On furlough with his mother, Mrs. Odelia at home can't imagine what a stupendous Grenon. T/4 Oliver J. Laflamme has thing this Bomb is, but we are sincerely the bulletin board we hung the clippings returned to Fort Devens after a 30-day grateful that we, the men of Science I from the Stars and Stripes that Clarence mean, who worked on this device, were Hayward sent us to describe the Invinc- furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. ible Second Armored, which was reviewed Joseph Laflamme. Pvt. Leopold Roy on our side and not on the enemy's. And now the fathers and mothers of you boys by President Truman on his recent visit is home on a 30-day furlough with his to Berlin. Letters like Clarence's are parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jean Roy. overseas, are waiting anxiously for you to return. We pray that it won't be long quite welcome, and everybody enjoys Corp. Edward Grenon of Camp Shanks, them. George Poulin is expecting his N. Y., has returned after spending a before you will all be home onee again. We are thankful that the fighting is over, discharge shortly, and expects to return 10-day furlough with his wife, Mrs. Pearl to Riverdale for employment. Did you (Matte) Grenon, and daughter, Jacquelin. but in our prayers we will never forget all those who made it possible for us to hear what happened to the girl who wore Pfc. George E. Poulin who has been cotton stockings? Nothing. You can't overseas for two years in the European have Victory. Our families are safe, our homes standing, and our children looking make footprints in the sands of time by theater of operations is spending a 30- forward to a new Era of Peace and Se- sitting down. day furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Poulin. Mr. and Mrs. curity. All this was possible only through Bernard B. Conlee of Sunset Avenue each and everyone of you. We have this have announced the marriage of their son, to say in all sincerity—"Thank you fel- lows each and every one, from the bottom Plummers News B. Clyde Conlee, MM 3/c to Miss Cather- of our hearts." ine Owens, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. See you next month. So-long. John T. Owens of 862 North 23rd St., (By Florence Pieleski) Philadelphia, Pa. The ceremony took place Aug. 11 in St. Francis Church, Plummers celebrated VJ night by a Philadelphia. The couple are spending Riverdale News huge bonfire between Dicks station and several days with his parents. He has the P. A. A. club. Hundreds of old car been in the South Pacific for 20 months. tires were piled up, drenched with oil We take this opportunity to wish them (By Earle Barclay) and set off. The smoke billowed far and both loads of happiness and best wishes. wide as all of Plummers silently watched. Pfc. Roland Baillargeon, who has We are beginning to write the final A pensive stillness sustained as all been overseas for seven months in the chapters in the book called News From thoughts seemed as one,—"It won't be European theater of operations, has re- Home. We hope you have enjoyed it so long now when you boys will be back." ported to Camp Benning, Ga. after far, and we know you will be in a recep- Then a car parade was formed for down- spending a 30-day furlough with his tive mood for most any kind of news from here out. There is no difference be- town; there people let loose their emo- wife, Mrs. Irene (Boileau) Baillargeon tions. We cheered, sang, danced in the and family. S/Sgt. Emory Pouliot of tween the way that Northbridge received streets and many of us visited the Camp Edwards is spending a 30-day the news about Japan and any other mid- churches. To everyone's delight, Gussie furlough with his wife, Mrs. Florida dlesex village and farm the world over. and Lawrence drove their jeep on the Pouliot. Pvt. Barbara E. Jackman in Pandemonium held sway. It is even pos- sible that the vibration and the music of sidewalks causing us mere pedestrians to the WAC Medical Corps has been trans- roam in the gutters. Cpl. Bob Brown ferred to Camp Edwards from Des the spheres suffered some interference. spent 30 days with his wife and baby Moines, Ia. Pvt. Jackman is the daugh- It lasted well into the third day in Rock- and has returned to Camp Swift, Texas. ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Jackman dale. No work at all was done on Wednes- Bob has been overseas 8 months as a Pvt. Gerard J. Boulanger has been day, but on Thursday a number of the medical man having charge of a house transferred to Fort Ord, Calif. from places of business and industry were used as a unit hospital. Most of the pa- Camp Rucker, Ala. He is the son of Mr. ready to go again. A great number tients he cared for were slave laborers of the industrial restrictions were almost and Mrs. Doria Boulanger... Pvt. Clar- and in a pitiable condition. On VE day ence E. Dumais, son of Mr. and Mrs. immediately removed, and that gave us some of the Russians were a bit home- Joseph Dumais was home this month on quite a feeling of relief. It seems that sick and not having any Vodka handy, a brief furlough. He was looking fine. He in the past decade or more the govern- celebrated by drinking anti-freeze. I had to report back to camp the day after ment has been precipitated into business understand there were no ill effects. I the Japs accepted the Peace terms. He and had placed many shackles on Free bet it thawed them out though. Bob has won't forget that date, coming as it did. Enterprise. However, it looks now as two battle stars and while overseas was We hope to see him home again soon. if Mr. Truman hopes to be able to leave American Business to its own devices. lucky not to even get a scratch, but when I know some of you fellows who know he hit Camp Swift he became a casualty him will be glad to hear that my cousin, American Industry and business is made in a barber chair. It seems that Bob and Second Lt. Frederick L. Bellefeuille, son up of innumerable little fellows, who are his barber were playing commandos when of Mrs. Leon A. Bellefeuille, has been frequently referred to as the "little busi- ness man". He doesn't want Uncle Sam the "clipper man" playfully swing the promoted to First Lieutenant. He is a chair in which our fair Bob reposed; Bob pilot on a B-25 in the 21st Air Service poking an inspector's nose into his pay- flew through the air without a parachute in the Philippines, and is assistant oper- roll, production sheets and sales records and was fortunate enough to receive only ations officer. He received his commission for any reason whatsoever, and he re- minor injuries, such as a black eye, a at Turner Field, Ga., in November, 1943. serves the right to go into bankruptcy as cut forehead, and several scratches. What Lt. Bellefeuille was an advance instruc- he damned pleases. So therefore let us we at home would like to know and espe- tor to the Free French pilots at Turner all express ourselves as being against Uncle Sam in business. The first vet- cially his wife, is, does this "wounded in Field before going overseas in November, action" accident call for a Purple Heart? \4•••"1944. His knowledge of the French lang- eran to return to the fold is Wop Opatka. All kidding aside, Bob, we were glad you uage enabled him to do this in a very cap- Wop was discharged from the service a escaped serious injury. Walter Ellis, able manner. He worked on the Magneto few days ago, and is reporting for work S lic was home for 10 days leave. He Job in the Whitin Machine Works just on September the 4th. We are welcom- returned to Chicago to pre-radio school. before entering the service. Just a short ing him, and each of you boys who left time ago I sent him the address of several us will find a place waiting for you in (Continued on page 9) * News From Home WHITINSVILLE, MASS.

Hosp APO 513 PM NY; S. C. Burke PR Partial List of Overseas Service Men 3/c Navy 825 FPO SF; J. H. Burns S 2/( USS Elmore ITO SF; J. Burroughs,,ft,e, of Northbridge S 1/c USS LCS (L) (3) 107 FPO SF; W. G. Burroughs S lic USS Aggressar FPO (FINAL LIST IN NEXT MONTH'S ISSUE) PtId., Me.; T/Sgt. W. E. Burroughs Hdas 11 Tank Bn APO 260 PM NY; T/3 R. Butler 456 AAA Bn APO 403 PM NY. R. E. Aehorn MM 3/c USS Bountiful M BA Co APO 518 PM NY; H. Bedigian Pvt. R. C. Calnan Inf Co F APO 21081 MM 3/c USS Richard S. Bull FPO NY; FPO SF; Pvt. F. Adam 102nd GMT, Proc PM SF; Cpl. R. I. Cameron WAC Det Co APO 689 PM NY; Cpl. R. Adams J. Bedoian S lic USS Leyden FPO NY; USSTAF APO 633 PM NY; J. P. Camp- P. Bedrosian RM 2/c Navy 931 FPO NY; Hdas Co. 23rd Repl. Depot APO 18141 bell S 1/c SS Arthur M. Huddell FPO PM SF; Capt. A. N. Ahmadjian 1308 Pfc. M. L. Beinema 397 Inf APO 447 PM NY; T/4 E. J. Beland 154 Gen Hosp NY; R. S. Caron RM 3/c USS LST 341 Engrs APO 299 PM NY; Lt. IL Ahmad- FPO SF; D. S. Carr Phm 2/c LCT (6) jian 846 Engrs APO 126 PM NY; C. APO 226 PM NY; A. Belanger SF lic GP 73 Flotilla 25 FPO SF; T/4 E. J. Aldrich CSK lic FPO SF; Lt. Fred Ald- 133 NCB FPO SF; Pvt. H. A. Belanger 3045 Co 125 Ord B AM Co APO 782 PM Carroll 327 Med Bn APO 102 PM NY; rich 1009 Sig Co APO 218 PM NY; Sgt. R. W. Caston MM 2/c 144 NCB FPO SF; NY; S/Sgt. I. Belanger 5 Engr Sp Brig H. L. Aldrich ICD ATC 1326 AAF APO J. Cawley AM 2/c CASU (F) No. H2 431 PM NY; Pvt. A. J. Alix 177 Engrs APO 562 PM NY; W. Belanger SS George F. Patten FPO NY; Ens. R. Ben- FPO SF; Pfc. A. Caya ET 24 Cav Rec APO 986 PM Seattle, Wash.; Sgt. G. E. Sq APO 339 PM NY; Pvt. L. N. Chabot Allen 337 Bomb Sad APO 559 PM NY; ner USS Oakland FPO SF; E. J. Benoit BM 2/c USS Lexington FPO SF; Pfc. USIVIC 34 Repl Draft 3 Marine Div FMF Pvt. A. Almasian 953 F A Bn APO 230 FPO SF; A. Charlwood EM 3/c USS PM NY; V. Almasian S lic USS Haskell J. Berkowitz 406 Ftr Sad APO 141 PM YMS 352 FPO NY; Pfc. W. L. Chauvin FPO SF; A. L. Ames Rdm 3/c USS NY; W. C. Berkowicz USS Massachusetts 126 Cml Proc Co APO 709 PM SF; S/Sgt. Lloyd E. Acree FPO SF; Cpl. T. Ampa- FPO SF; Cpl. W. Berkowitz 818 En r J. Cheras 925 F A Bn APO 447 PM NY; Avn Bn APO 126 PM NY; Cpl. L. goomian 885 Bomb Sad APO 520 PM NY; L. Chesley S 2/c USS Hancock FPO SF; Pvt. W. E. Annette 445 Ord Co APO Bertone 166 Engr C Bn APO 403 PM NY; Pfc. M. A. Bertone 3181 Engr P D Co P. Chiras CM 3/c CB MU 524 FPO SF; 758 PM NY; V. Antoian GM 3/c SS John Pvt. S. Chiras 334 Inf APO 84 PM NY; J. Crittenden FPO SF; H. Antorian RM APO 14493 PM SF; M. F. Bikes BM 2/c USS ATR 5 FPO NY; C. P. Billiel MM F. Chosta SF lic 111 NCB FPO SF; P. 2/c USS Cortland FPO SF; 170 A. Ara- Chosta USS Anco FPO SF; H. P. Chre- lic USS Oyster Bay FPO SF; J. L. Bilo- kelian 401 Bomb Sad APO 557 PM NY; tien SC 3/c USS West Point FPO NY; A. Arakelian F lic USS Canberra FPO deau S lic USS Tennessee FPO SF; Pfc. W. M. Bilodeau 649 Med Ch. Co APO H. A. Clang SC 1/c USS LCI (L) 715 SF; P. Arakelian S lic USS Denver FPO SF; Cpl. H. G. Clark 109 Stat Hosp FPO SF; V. Arakelian S 2/c USS 230 PM NY; S/Sgt. A. T. Bisson G Sect Ha U S FFT APO 887 PM NY; APO 502 PM SF; R. F. Clark AM 2/c Liguria FPO NY; G. W. Armston Cox USS Pine Island FPO SF; T/4 P. Cogan SS Theodore Sedgewick FPO NY; Pvt. Pvt. J. Blaine 68 CA APO 464 PM NY; F. W. Blair AOM 1/c Navy 140 FPO 333 Stat Hosp APO 827 PM New Orleans, A. R. Arpin 347 Bomb Sad APO 520 PM La.; Lt. L. P. Cole G-2 Sect CPBC APO NY; Sgt. A. Asadoorian 3rd Air Eng SF; J. J. Blair S 2/c USS Natchez FPO 956 PM SF; J. Collins S 2/c USS Leroy NY; R. Blair AMM 2/c CASU 33 FPO Sqd APO 237 PM SF; H. Asadoorian Wilson FPO SF; B. C. Conlee MM 2/c Pho M 2/c Intrepon 2 FPO SF; Lt. L. SF; H. L. Blakely S 1/c USS Clarendon FPO SF; F. Bloem MM 2/c USS Hog- USS Langley FPO SF; J. R. Conlee 2/( Asadoorian 168 Inf APO 34 PM NY; USS LCI (L) 749 FPO SF; R. Conlee T/5 O. Asadoorian 53 Sig Bn APO 464 gatt FPO SF; Comdr. F. J. Blouin 13SS McMM USS PC 1242 FPO SF; J. F. Ingersoll FPO SF; Cpl. E. Boileau 99 PM NY; T/Sgt. S. Asadoorian 974 Ord Connor Mm 3/c 104 NCB FPO SF; R. M. Evac Co APO 758 PM NY; Sgt. V. Asa- Sig Bn APO 310 PM SF; Pvt. M. Boileau Co 377 Re 83 RB 17RD APO 873 PM NY; Connor McMM lic USS YAG 18 FPO NY; doorian 166 Engr C Bn APO 403 PM Lt. E. T. Connor Hq. 9th Div. Artillery NY; J. B. L. Ashton WT 2/c USS Sar- Sgt. W. Boileau Pet L Supply Div BAD No. 1 APO 635 PM NY; Pfc. A. Bolivar APO 9 PM NY; J. B. Connor S 2/c USS gent Bay FPO SF; N. J. Ashton S 2/c Otterstetter FPO NY; D. A. Corron FC USS Keawah FPO NY; Pfc. R. Aubin 141 Inf APO 36 PM NY; Cpl. D. Bolivar USMCR UMR 153 MAG 25 FMAW FPO 2/e USS Providence FPO NY; Pfc. U S. 5th Field Depot FMF Pae FPO SF; T/5 Cournoyer Ila Co Base Sec No. 2 APO H. D. Audette 1636 Engr C Bn APO 350 SF; Pvt. E. N. Bolivar 873 A/B Engr Avn Bn APO 72 PM SF; F. J. Boratyn 465 PM NY; W. H. Courteau GM 3/e PM NY; Sgt. E. Aussant 755 Tank Bn SS Santa Rita FPO SF; A. Couture F APO 464 PM NY; Sgt. A. Avadisian 62 CM 2/c 59 NCB FPO SF; J. F. Bosnia AOM lic ACORN 48 FPO SF; Pvt. F. 2/c USS Randolph FPO NY; A. Couture Armed Inf Bn APO 446 PM NY; C. MM lic USS Memphis FPO NY; K. A. Avakian F lic USS Birminham FPO Boucher 505 Prcht Inf APO 469 PM NY; Pfc. G. Boucher 317 Inf APO 80 PM NY; Cram S 2/c USS LST 611 FPO NY; Pfc. SF; G. D. Avakian F lic USS Talladega J. C. Cronin 120 AACS APO 942 PM FPO SF; J. D. Avakian MM 2/c USS Pfc. R. Boucher Ha 1 MAW FPO SF; E. Boudreau AMM 3/c VT 99 FPO SF; Seattle, Wash.; R. Crossland S lic USS ATR No. 66 FPO NY. Colbert FPO SF; Cpl. F. IV. Crothers L. W. Bachand MM 1/c Navy 3205 Cpl. L. J. Boulanger 329 Bomb Sqd APO 634 PM NY; G. W. Boutilier RT 3/c 306 Inf APO 77 PM SF; 2nd Lt. M. A. FPO SF; Ch. Mach. A. J. Bailey Navy Cummings ANC 81 Gen Hosp APO 513 128 FPO SF; Pvt. J. Baghdasarian 810 Navy 926 FPO SF; Cpl. IV. T. Boyd 166 Engr C Bn APO 403 PM NY; Sgt. PM NY; Cpl. R. Cunningham 18th Repl Sig Serv Bn APO 887 PM NY; Pfc. R. R. Breault 704 TD Bn APO 654 PM NY; Depot APO 872 PM NY; J. C. Cyr TM Baillargeon 347 Inf APO 448 PM NY; 2/c USS Ludlow FPO NY. F. Baker EM 3/c Navy 28 FPO SF; G. Sgt. J. J. Brennan 676 QM Salv Coll Co Pvt. J. Da Fonseca 244 Qm Depot Co APO 350 PM NY; A. Broadhurst 117 W. Baker S lic SS Joshua W. Alexander APO 901 PM SF; Pfc. A. Dagirmarjian FPO NY; Sgt. H. J. Baker 593 EB&SR NCB FPO SF; Pfc. A. J. Brochu 143 Inf APO 36 PM NY; Cpl. C. A. Bronson USA Hosp 4110 Det of Pts APO 316 APO 926 PM SF; N. J. Baker USS High- PM NY; Cpl. P. Dagirmarjian 370 Q M land FPO SF; Pvt. R. Baker 471 Ord Btry 6 Defense Bn FPO SF; S/Sgt. J. Brosnahan 67 Tac Rec Gp APO 595 Bkry Co APO 928 P MSF; Sgt. F. N. Evac Co APO 403 PM NY; C. Barlow Dakin 88 Ftr Sqd APO 689 PM NY; USS Mayo FPO NY; W. Barlow MMM PM NY; Pfc. W. Brosnahan 372 Engr GS Reg't APO 350 PM NY; Cpl. E. R. Capt. A. P. Dalton ANC 124 Gen Hosp 2/c ABSA-1 FPO SF; K. W. Barnes APO 168-A PM NY; P. C. Daubney S 2/c EMM 3/c USS Bosque FPO SF; T/5 L. Brouillard 27 Marines 5th Marine Div. FPO SF; Lt. J. P. Brouillette USS Wil- USS Bon Homme Richard FPO NY; Barrette 104 Inf APO 26 PM NY; J. N. S. C. Daubney F lic USS Gen E A Bartlett S lic USS New Jersey FPO SF; loughby FPO SF; C. Brown GM 3/c USS San Diego FPO SF; Lt. K. F. Brown C Anderson FPO SF; Sgt. E. Dawicki 499 F. R. Basinet S 2/c USS Griffin FPO SF; Serv Sqd (Air) APO 690 PM NY; Cpl. Cpl. G. J. Baszner 130 Gen Hosp APO 228 CRC Crew 42835 APO 966 PM SF; F. A. Browning MMS 1/c 9 NCB FPO SF; W. Dawicki 126 Ord Maint Bn APO 254 PM NY; Capt. R. W. Baszner 5317 Air PM NY; Lt. IV. T. Decks USCGR USS Depot APO 494 PM NY; Pfc. R. Baxen- Major R. W. Browning 516 AAA Bn Gen G M Randall FPO NY; Cpl. F. dale 289 Ord INIM Co APO 74 PM SF; APO 953 PM SF; Sgt. R. Bruneau 515 Repl Co APO 226 PM NY; E. E. Brun- DeJong 126 Ord Maint Bn APO 254 PY - Pfc. R. J. Beauchamp AT Co 117 Inf NY; Seaman G. DeJong SS Harve APO 30 P MNY; Sgt. W. Beauchamp elle S 1/c ABCD Navy 3205 FPO SF; J. Buczynski Cox Navy 3205 FPO SF; Cushing FPO NY; S. DeJong GM 3/t••••••' 639 Auto Wpns Bn APO 230 PM NY; SS Flomar FPO NY; Lt. A. T. Dejourdy Pvt. A. L. Beaudoin 265 C A APO 937 E. Buma EM 2/c Navy 3237 FPO SF; R. C. Buma WT 3/c USS Sunadin FPO WT2/5th Cav APO 201 PM SF; Pfc. PM Seattle, Wash.; T/5 J. P. Beauregard R. J. Dejourdy 66th Q M Co APO 454 Hdas Sect Corn Z CWS APO 113 PM NY; SF; E. G. Burgess 276 Inf. Regt. APO 461 PM NY; C. E. Burke Cox LISS Cottle PM NY; Pvt. W. G. Demaque 846 Engr T/Sgt. E. J. Bedigian 425 QM Co APO (Continued on Next Page) 782 PM NY; T/5 G. Bedigian 434 Ord FPO SF; Lt. M. H. Burke ANC 304 Stat. * News From Home WHITINSVILLE, MASS.

Plunimers News — cont'd Overseas Service Men—cont'd R. E. Gilmore MMS 3/c Navy 157 FPO NY; E. J. Girourd 118 NCB FPO SF; Num, Pvt. H. Gjeltema 707 EPDE APO 493 Walter, an enlisted man in the Navy, has Air Bn APO 126, PM NY; J. Demars PM NY; R. J. Gniadek AMM 3/c CASU2 signed up for four years. This will enable S 2/c USS Portsmouth FPO NY; Pfc. FPO SF; Lt. R. F. Gonyor 198 Ord Base L. A. Departie Co C Hqs Bn GHQ PM him to further his studies and experience Depot Co APO 980 PM Seattle, Wash.; in Radar. Abraham Damerjian MM SF; Pfc. L. Derkosrofian 242 Inf APO Pvt. A. D. Goorigian 863 AAAAW Bn 3/c wounded in the Pacific and a wearer 411 PM NY; T/5 P. Der Sarkesian 537 APO 654 PM NY; Ens. Z. J. Gory USS of the Purple Heart was home for 30 Ord Co H MFA APO 403 PM NY; Pfc. LST 965 FPO SF; Pfc, D. U. Gosselin V. J. Deslauriers APO 18833 PM SF; days. In the service for 28 months, Abra- 312 Depot Repair Sqd. APO 520 PM NY; Pfc. B. Devaney 579 Q M Ldry Co APO ham earned 6 battle stars. He reported T/5 F. R. Gosselin 104 Cav Ben Sq APO to Boston for new assignments. Pvt. 339 PM NY; J. P. Devaney S 2/c USS Joe da Fonseca writes from Okinawa 18020 PM NY; Pvt. G. M. Gosseline 12 Oklahoma City FPO SF; B. DeVries S Engr C Bn APO 8 PM NY; Pfc. J. L. that he finds the Pacific to be a pretty 2/c USS Parks FPO SF; Sgt. M. H. De Gosselin 1340 Engr Bn APO 230 PM NY; big puddle. He has been at Oahu, , Young 279 Sig Pigeon APO 958 PM SF; T/5 R. E. Gosselin 871 A/B Engr Any Bn Leyte, , and Peleiau. Well, it won't Pvt. L. F. Dion 95 Stat Hosp APO 627 APO 74 PM SF; Sgt. J. C. Graham 3448 be long now Joe, when you'll be back on PM NY; P.A.Dion S2/c 27 NCB FPO SF; Providence Street. Sgt. Jack Driscoll R. J. Dion SM 2/c USS Troilus FPO NY; Ord MAM Co APO 403 PM NY; Sgt. R. R. J. Dion AMM 2/c USS Hornet FPO Graves 23d Q M Grp APO 244 PM SF; is at Okinawa with the 5th Air Force Cpl. D. F. Gray 539 Eng Lgt Pont Co Bomber Group. Jack has 4 battle stars SF; Pl. Sgt. L. E. Drinkwater 5 Tank En APO 408 PM NY; D. P. Greenwood Car- and has been 22 months in the Pacific H & S 5 Marine Div FPO SF; Cpl. J. R. rier Aircraft Serv Unit No. 22 FPO NY; area. His family tells me he writes reg- Driscoll 405 Bomb Sqd APO 70 PM SF; Lt. (jg) W. H. Greenwood VR 10 FPO ularly and is in good health and high Cpl. A. DuBois 88 Cav Ren Sqd APO 258 spirits. Pvt. Warren Robertson is in SF; J. A. Gregoire S lic USS Baltimore PM NY; Pfc. P. J. Duggan 337 Inf Serv FPO SF; F. Gudanowski TM 2/c AROLT El Paso, Texas sweating out shipping Co APO 85 PM NY; S/Sgt. E. A. Du- hamel 290 Ord Co MM APO 18081 PM No. 2 FPO SF; L. A. Guertin Navy 3205 orders for occupational work. Warren FPO SF; R. Guertin USS Mobile FPO had completed his freshman year at NY; J. P. Dumas GM 3/c USS Pasig SF; A. G. Guillaume USS Vulcan FPO Wharton School of Finance in Penn. when FPO SF; Ens. P. B. Dundas South Solo- SF; Pfc. N. I. Gurzenda U S Hosp Plant he entered the service a year ago. He is mon Sub Area FPO SF; Pvt. P. Dupre a mechanic in the ground crew of the Air Co A Inf APO 15746 PM NY; D. Du- 4189 APO 209 PM NY; G. V. Guyette quette U S Naval Hosp Navy 116 FPO 301 Inf APO 94 PM NY; J. A. Guyette Force. He was also the swell guy who ABCD Navy 128 FPO SF; L. J. Guyette kept the Payroll Computation girls NY; Pvt. H. Duquette NPCS APO 980 SF 2/c USS Euryale FPO SF. happy. Mike Bikes BM lic Diver 2/c PM Seattle Wash; Sgt. E. P. Durant is in Cuba waiting for Uncle Sam to re- 1060 Engrs APO 75 PM SF; M. Duso Cpl. J. Hagopian Suippes Sub Area lease him for "home duties". His wife SC 2/c USS L L B Knox ITO SF. APO 752 PM NY; Sgt. A. Halajian 544 has been expecting him for some time, Sqd APO 634 PM NY; T/4 G. R. Hall F. G. Ebbeling S 1/c USS Denebola 1572 Engr Hq Shop Co APO 14202 PM therefore she continually postpones send- FPO SF; Cpl. E. R. Eldridge 1464 AAF SF; A. Hamilton MOMM 2/c USS LCC ing their little son, Kenny, to the barber. BIT APO 447 PM Minn., Minn.; G. R. She wants daddy to take him. Better Emery S 1/c CASU No. 9 FPO SF; Pfc. 60-145 FPO SF; R. D. Hamilton S 1/c hurry Mike, cuz the kids are beginning A. Emonds 643 T D Bn APO 654 PM NY. USS Quincy FPO SF; Pfc. G. Hamm 37 Repl Bn APO 874 PM NY; S/Sgt. J. coo/ tochapelle call him S licMary is Ann.on Iwo Francis Jima and hasLa- Cpl. H. Farland 61 Gen Hosp. APO 63 Handfield 3014 Ord Co APO 505 PM NY; seen Archbishop Spellman when he visited PM NY; E. B. Farley SS Mission San R. J. Handfield USS Wilkes FPO SF; the boys there.... Sgt. Charles (Pee-Wee) Juan FPO SF; C. Feddema SS Elmira Pvt. R. E. Hanny 568 AAA Bn APO 654 Lachapelle is sweating out time in Born- Victory ITO SF c/o Alaska SS Co; Pfc. PM NY; Pfc. K. Harder 421 F. A. Bn burn, Germany. He has enough points L. W. Feddema 965 Engr Sqd APO 520 APO 14208 PM SF; C. E. Harding M for a discharge so we should be seeing PM NY; T/5 R. E. Ferguson 66 Q M Co 3/c ABCD Navy 128 FPO SF; R. R. him soon. Pvt. Roland Lachapelle is APO 454 PM NY; Sgt. J. M. Fitzgerald Haringa Ph M 1/c 4 Med Bn H & S Co 4 at Camp Blanding, Fla., lamenting over USMC Marine Torpedo Bomb Sqd 242 Marines FPO SF; Sgt. A. Harmaian his tough luck. It seems that he volun- FPO SF; Lt. Thomas Fitzgerald 2nd Mil 1252 AAF BU APO 524 PM NY; C. E. teered for Paratroopers but that branch Govt Regt APO 758 PM NY; T. Flagg Harriman USS Tekon FPO SF; C. F. of the service is full or some such thing, S 2/e USS LST 890 FPO NY; Capt. E. Harrington SM 3/c USS Achelons ITO the real story dearie is that the nylon Flamand 399 Bomb Grp (M) APO 140 SF; Cpl. G. Harwood 131 Ord if M Co is now going for the use of stockings for PM NY; Lt. (jg) G. B. Foley Com Haw FA APO 403 PM NY; J. F. Hayes CM women not for parachutes. Catch? Sea Front FPO SF; Cpl. J. E. Forsythe 3/c 13 NCB FPO SF; Pfc. C. Hayward S/Sgt. Bill Bikes is at Fort Devens Hos- Hqs Det Q M Grp APO 502 PM SF; Cpl 48 Arm Med Bn APO 252 PM NY; Sgt. pital recuperating from stomach disor- J. J. Forsythe 315 Ord Depot Co APO R. Hayward 367 FA Bn APO 98 PM SF; ders. He was in Italy for 2 years. 718 PM SF; Cpl. R. J. Forsythe 37 Traffic Cpl. W. Healy 390 Inf APO 98 PM SF; Eddie Rabitor, C.P.O. is at as Reg. Grp APO 403 PM NY; Sgt. E. J. Pfc. H. Heerdt Sect. 30 BAD No. 1 APO an instructor in the Pacific Fleet School. Fournier 295 Repl Co G APO 874 PM 635 PM NY; C. Heffernan S 1/e LCT He expects to be home via the point sys- NY; Cpl. G. Fowler 878 Bomb Sqd APO 1077 FPO SF; Pvt. E. C. HeIland 417 tem soon. Pfc. Francis Hayes, a 237 PM SF; C. O. Frieswick MM 2/c Inf APO 76 PM NY; Pfc. A. J. Henault Marine, recently visited with his uncle USS Grundy FPO SF; Lt. J. G. Gamble 38 ADG APO 528 PM NY; Pfc. D. F.- Jimmy Hayes on Guam Island. Jimmy 645 T D Bn APO 45 PM NY; Sgt. L. Heney 2830 Engr C Bn APO 562 PM NY; is a recreational supervisor. Gamelin 693 F A Bn APO 758 PM NY; Sgt. R. A. Heroux 387 Bomb Sqd APO This little item should interest some of Pfc. K. Garabedian 104 Inf APO 26 PM 72 PM SF; Cpl. R. Heroux USMCR 23 you boys who are expert in flame throw- NY; H. Garabedian S 1/c SS Francis Marines 4 Marine Div FPO SF; R. ing devices. Henry Lawton of the Cost Warren FPO NY; T. Garabedian 122 Q Heroux S 2/c 129 NCB FPO SF; Pvt. W. Dept. has a primitive system of flame M Car Co APO 413 PM NY; T. Gara- Higgins Inf Co E APO 15647 PM NY; throwing by the old system of several bedian AMM 3/c CASU 31 FPO SF; Cpl. S/Sgt. J. Hiscock 1801 Ord S & M Co matches in a back pocket, thru spontan- A. J. Gaucher 56th Med Depot Co APO APO 75 PM SF; Cpl. C. J. Hisoire 65 eous combustion, they hurl Henry into 322 PM SF; Pvt. A. J. Gauthier 88 Engr Repl Draft FPO SF; G. L. Hisoire USS the air howling—he performs a beautiful (Hn) Bn APO 403 PM NY; S/Sgt. Gilbert Is FPO SF; W. F. Hogarth S 1/e Irish Jig, does a cute trick of fanning his A. Gauthier Hqs Co AAFECMTO USS Memphis FPO NY; Lt. O. M. Hol- fanny and finally makes a dash for the APO 528 PM NY; S/Sgt. F. H. land Sta No. 2 CAR ATC APO 857 PM place marked "Men". The men tell me Gauthier 580 Signal Depot Co APO Miami, Fla.; Capt. J. F. Horan 308 Stat he has a medal of honor on his thigh in 772 PM NY; J. R. H. Gauthier USS Port- Hosp APO 862 PM NY; Cpl. H. G. Houle the form of a blister. This, I would like land FPO SF; Sgt. K. Gauthier 75 Ftr 1197 Engr Base Depot APO 350 PM NY; r- to see, but am anxious to know if all Sqd APO 430 PM NY; Sgt. L. A. Gau- T/Sgt. B. Howard 788 Bomb Sqd APO )flame throwers go thru this same pro- thier 275 Engr C Bn APO 451 PM NY; 558 PM NY; Lt. Col. R. O. Huddleston cedure. The Cost Dept., my second R. C. Gauthier USS Texas FPO SF; T/5 Hdqs 1st Corp APO 301 PM SF; T/5 W. home where I spend 9 hours each working R. J. Gazaille 963 Ord HAM Co APO 957 Hulitsky 949 F. A. Bn APO 403 PM NY. PM SF; A. P. Gendron BM 2/c Navy day, had a softball team which bowed Cpl. W. J. Irwin 538 Base Hqs & AB low to defeat. Our lovable bachelor Bob 423 FPO NY; Pvt. A. Gigarjian Co 11 Sqd APO 662 PM New Orleans, La.; English who did all this season's mit work En APO 4131 PM New Orleans, La.; J. has retired to knitting. Gigargian SC 1/c USS Zircon FPO NY; (Continued on Next Page) * News From Home WHITINSVILLE, MASS.

Jim Houghton, Jerry Bruso and Ernie as Dutch hastily searched for it. Bonynor played in the outfield. Pretty finally found the ball inside his pants, Sports Column fair team isn't it? They only lost two the crowd roared and Hall perched o. league games, both in the last half. For first base. Dutch better get a tighter belt. some reason or other tho' the gang from It won't be long now so, (By Harold Case, pseudo Meadow Pond couldn't seem to overcome Hang on, Bill Cunningham) a jinx held by the Plummer A. C. Here's Casey Hiyah: the lowdown on that game played sev- Boy! is this going to be a short column eral days too late for me to recount in this month. Eight clippings is the total last month's NFII. It was a dilly! You swiped for the month and the last soft- couldn't ask for a more perfect day for ball game ended last night. The gym a game and I think there must have been Overseas Service Men—cont'd several hundred fans on hand to razz or will be closed for a couple of week in Cpl. A. Jacobs 137 Stat Hosp APO 246 September so there won't be anything root. Mostly the former, because Pete PM SF; S/Sgt. R. Jacques 387 Bomb happening there—what the h--- am I Topps and Adam Rutana had to play in Sqd APO 74 PM SF; Sgt. R. E. Jacques going to write about? I think Gerry this final and deciding game. Some 867 Bomb Sqd APO 966 PM SF; Pvt. M. Gaudette was right last month when he wise guy started right off by presenting G. Jenkins 47 Engr Const Co APO 244 said he thought that Lawrence was ask- Topps with a huge wash tub where he was PM SF; J. A. Jessen USS Andromeda ing for news ahead of time. Here's installed in right field. Pete made no FPO NY; Pfc. M. P. Johnson 776 F A what I have anyway. Coach Smith re- effort to get rid of the tub until Mike, the Bn APO 562 PM NY; P. P. Johnson RT leased the '45 football schedule the other umpire, ordered it removed. I'll be darned if I don't think he would have used it! 3/c USS Jaciy C. Robinson FPO SF; day. I hope a lot of you may be home in S/Sgt. R. D. Johnson Casual Co APO time to take in a few of the games. The However, he offered no objections to being 11408 PM SF; Pvt. R. L. Johnson AT Co schedule : Sept. 15, Haverhill, away; left out in the field with only a glove but 394 Inf APO 449 PM NY; E. J. Jones he hollered his head off at Mike because Sept. 22, Fitchburg, away; Sept. 30, S 2/c USS LST 522 FPO NY; Pfc. R. Wellesley, away; Oct. 6, open, home; he went down on called strikes his first Jorritsma 16 Bomb Sqd APO 182 PM SF; Oct. 13, Westboro, away; Oct. 20, St. time up. Said they were too low. What Pfc. F. A. Joslin USMC 9th AAA Bn Peter's (Wore.), home; Oct. 29, Bartlett, he meant was the ball was high enough FMF FPO SF; Sgt. H. Joyce 304 Stat but too low for him to bend and hit. Adam away; Nov. 3, Southbridge, home; Nov. Hosp. APO 205 PM NY. 10, Uxbridge, away; Nov. 22, Millbury, got a piece of the ball his first time up Sgt. E. F. Kane 908 Air Engr Sq APO home. Leo has but two lettermen back but as it was sixty feet to first he didn't 149 PM NY; Cpl. J. J. Kane 403 Troop but both are pretty big fellows and from run. Some bird hollers, "Whyn't you Carrier Sqd APO 920 PM SF; Pfc. J. P. the size of the squad I saw out practicing run!" and Adam, all of twenty feet down Kane Hq 354 Ftr Grp APO 141 PM NY; the other night he ought to find a few the baseline grunted, "Too far." Along J. J. Kane EM 8/c USS Vulcan FPO NY; about the fifth or sixth Rutana wished he more to make up a fully manned team. F. J. Kapolka S 1/c USS Massachusetts Leo says the season looks like a tough had Topps' tub because somebody belted FPO SF; Lt. M. Karoty ANC 115 Gen one but he usually comes up with a tricky the ball out in right field and over Adam's Hosp APO 758 PM NY; K. Kazarien Q set of plays if he hasn't the brawn. "Old head it goes for a homer. The damage USS LSM 141 FPO NY; Pfc. M. - Gloomy Leo" they call him. Like Gil wasn't too bad as Plummer's finally won Keeler 373 Air Serv Sqd APO 980 Dobie. Remember him? Never had a de- 14-4. Eli Belanger changed his allegiance Seattle, Wash.; M. R. Keith BM cent team or a player at the start of the and rooted for the P. A. C. with vim and CBMU 620 FPO SF; Pfc. M. Kellihk_ s*"-/ football season and each weekend things vigor. Later on Sunday evening when 183 Engr C Bn APO 403 PM NY; S/Sgt. got worse but his outfit always wins one the post mortems were being held at R. Kelliher 18 Weather Sqd APO 633 off and on. Van j Marsoopian and Hanley Topps', the matter of Belanger's conduct PM NY; J. Kenderian SC 2/c USS Buma are giving Coach a hand in shap- was discussed and the verdict was "in the Hutchinson FPO SF; W. J. Kennedy GM drink for him!" In the water he went, ing the '45 squad. University of Ala- 3/c SS Louis Marshall FPO NY; E. C. bama coach, Frank Thomas sees an up- and seeing as how he could 'vim' there Kilcline MM 2/c 115 NCB FPO SF; Pfc. swing in the game this year but adds that wasn't any danger of his drowning. When A. Kingston 568 AAAAW Bn APO 638 it will be three or four years before the Eli went in he managed to get a hold on PM NY; A. Klocek AMM lic CASU 44 game gets back to its prewar level. Leo Bouley and Boy! what a splash Leo FPO SF; H. P. Klocek GM 2/c Navy Thomas states that the returning player made. No wonder the fishing's all shot 157 FPO NY; R. A. Klocek CPO USS will have a hard time taking a position in The Meadow.Brother, ain't that awful? Pomfret FPO SF; Sgt. J. Kmiotek 387 away from the players now in college. I hope these teams get together next year Fighter Sqd APO 595 PM NY; Cpl. B. H. Loss of timing and a temporary lull in so you can see them. Everyone enjoyed Koerten 5 Tank Bn APO 412 PM NY; interest will be the veterans' greatest them so much that they could easily turn Cpl. J. P. Konvent 672 A T Bn APO 453 handicaps. So much for football with into a regular Sunday afternoon affair. PM SF; Cpl. S. Konvent 21st TRG 5 Army more next month. The National Box- These games served a double purpose— Trans Sec APO 464 PM NY; T/5 J. A. ing Association has unfrozen the titles of besides providing amusement for local Kooistra 54 Arm'd Bn APO 260 PM NY; its championship boxers out of service. fans the sum of 8106.01 was collected C. T. Kosiba EM 1/c USS Henry A. Wiley This action places all champions out of which Topps and Plummers have con- FPO SF; Cpl. J. F. Kroll 19th Sta P W the services on a competitive basis and tributed to the Service Album Fund. APO 502 PM SF; K. Kroll CEM 28 NCB notices have been sent to the titleholders All citizens of Northbridge know Sally FPO NY; Cp. M. J. Krull 838 Bomb Sqd that they must make arrangements for Jones and I'm sure not one of you has APO 559 PM NY; C. Kupelian FC 3/c the defense of their titles. Joe Louis isn't forgotten what is Sally's favorite sport. USS LSM 285 FPO NY; CpI.,J. P. Kurek affected yet as he is still in uniform but Fishing. The guy has been paddling a 3 Stat Comp Sqd APO 634 PM NY; Pvt. it may not be for long. Now let's get canoe about Meadow Pond for so many B. Kurowski 6677 MTOUSA APO 782 what there is of the local sports and call years in quest of a decent size fish that PM NY; Cpl. J. A. Kurowski 72d Air- it quits for the time being. The softball I'd like to have a nickel for every mile he drome Sqd APO 690 PM NY. has traveled. So what happens? A fish- league ended last night when Pete Topps defeated the Office 10-3 for the second erman came down from Worcester a few half title. Topps' gang won the first half, weeks ago to fish the Meadow and went too, so there wasn't any playoff. The home with a seven-pound, four ounce bass league started with seven teams and which is leading the Mac-Ben fishing ended up with the same number. It was contest to date. Kind of tough, hey? a very successful season and the winning What am I talking about! I'm getting team was, without any doubt, the best worse than Jonesy for paddling around all-round team represented. You know the pond. Next time, next time, maybe. most of the players and probably you Here's the usual final screwy story: would like to meet the champs. Benny Irvin Hall, Philly second baseman, made ,tomr, Bardon was the captain and pitcher, a base hit which bewildered Dutch Leon- Freddy Seipitowski and Leo Bouley ard, veteran Washington pitcher, and caught, "Red" White, first and he really left the fans limp from laughter. powdered the ball all summer, Pat Hall smashed a pitch back at Leonard in Mateer, second, Frank Hogan, short stop, the eighth inning of the first game of a and Bill Hall was way ahead of any third doubleheader. Leonard got his glove on sacker in the league. Norm Burroughs, the ball but it mysteriously disappeared