NEWS F OM HOME Volume 3 —No. // WIIITINSVILLE, MASS. September 1945 Now that hostilities have ceased and the war is over, we are look- Employment of Veterans ing forward to the return of all the men who left the Whitin Ma- We have willingly obligated ourselves to reemploy each per- chine Works to do their bit in the son who left us for the armed services. Each one, upon his return, armed services of our country. We have written you from time to time again assumes his old place in the seniority list. His rate of pay saying that we were proud of the will be at least what it was when he left plus a correction for the contributions which you were mak- value of the dollar. He will be fitted into the mill in a position ing, and that a hearty welcome awaited you back here when you most agreeable to him and his fellow workers. We are now work- returned home. ing long hours in order to be able to absorb you upon your return. All that I can say again is that We would appreciate a word from each who expects to return to we are looking for you all to come our mill. It will help us to prepare for you. back to the Whitin Machine Works and take up your work where you KUPFER BROS. CO. left off. We are back in peace times again. Earle H. Barclay, Mill Mgr. No doubt your experience in the armed forces has been helpful and you may have acquired many spe- To Our Boys in the Services: To Our Employees cial skills. We shall try to the best in the Armed Services: We rejoice that the Day we have of our ability to make your wel- been looking for has come at last. CONGRATULATIONS on the come a warm one and to fit you into The settling back to Peace pursuits successful termination of the war our scheme of operations in the may take some time to work out best way possible. The Bill of We are fully convinced that the Rights for servicemen grant you completely but most anxieties and textile industry offers a much bet- dangers are now behind and that is certain privileges which will be ter opportunity for steady employ- carefully preserved here. a reason for much rejoicing. ment than most other industries. Some of you may decide to stay We are very short handed at pres- So, welcome home whenever you in the Service beyond the time ent and need many more employees. can get home. when release is made possible. To We sincerely hope that you will Yours sincerely, those of you who wish to come back all consult us before looking for WHITIN MACHINE WORKS into Industry again we have your jobs elsewhere and we assure you E. KENT SWIFT, President job waiting for you and we hope that you will be given every con- to see you here in Whitinsville in sideration on your return which, the near future. I am glad to be we hope, will be in the very near Northbridge Album Fund $2,601.85 able to give this assurance at a time future. Softball game (Joe Topp's vs when there is more or less uncer- Plummers AC) 106.01 PAUL WHITIN W M W Office Force 10.00 tainty regarding employment and MANUFACTURING CO. seniority. Grand Total $2,717.86 The best of luck to all of you and R. C. WHITIN, Asst. Treas. ngratulations on a job well done. WHITINSVILLE SPINNING In Memoriam RING COMPANY ••••• 1st Lieut. William H. Ward STUART F. BROWN, Treas. — Mgr. * News From Home WHITINSVILLE, MASS. CPL. RODOLPH COUTU (Woonsocket), Comber Job. I'm just sweating out I'm NEWS FROM HOME Cushing General Hospital, Framingham, trip home—September." PFC. AR-,,./ Issued Monthly writes, "It's great to be in the U. S. A. THUR BEDARD, JR., U. S. M. C. (No.—" again. I have a leg injury and I'm still Ux.), West Pacific, writes, "I'd sure Editor-In-Chief on crutches. I have hopes that my leg like to meet somebody from home." LAWRENCE M. KEELER will be as good as new again. I'm look- PVT. BILL GAWEL is in Nervana, Alas- Associate Editors ing forward to visiting the shop." ka. JOHN BUCZYNSKI, Cox. Capt. HANS THEILER PVT. THOMAS MARSHALL HENRY CLANG, S lic, writes, "Thanks of Yard, Pacific, writes, "HERMAN JAMES DUGGAN for DONALD WALKER's address. DON, MULDONIAN, C. B. M. and I went to JOSEPH MACHOTA RED JONES and I worked in the Silk his ship for chow. In looking over N. F. ENSIGN HENRY BAILEY Room together. It was certainly a swell H. we noticed that FLOYD GUDAN- Political Analysts picture of the Linwood Honor Roll. I OWSKI, TM 2/c, the star baseball catcher DANIEL DUGGAN SAM CURRIE hope the Japs take the unconditional sur- is way down below the Equator among Sports Editors render so we can all be home by 1946. the Admiralty Islands. I agree with R. M. MARKER HAROLD CASE ARTHUR G. CLARK Right now we're on submarine patrol. STEVE BURKE, PR 3/c, when he says, Fish Editor The subs are using us for targets, with "My kid sister is getting to be quite a SALLY JONES dud torpedoes. If they ever hit us it's gal." Had I known he had such a good Business Manager goodbye." • SGT. EDDIE DUSZLAK looking sister I'd make sure he and I THOMAS H. DRISCOLL (Dudley), Brazil, S. A., writes, "I was would be stationed together." CPL. Humor Editors pushing quarter and half ton bombs BERNELL JORDAN (Woonsocket), EUGENE KENNEDY JAMES JONES around in Italy and now it's a pencil. The Thalgen, Austria, writes, "There sure are Whispers Editor sun sets very early (5:30 p. in.) so it some pretty girls in Whitinsville. I see "GUSSIE" WINCHELL LORENZ must be winter, but a person from Mas- where DAVE FERRIS has 17 wins and 2 Society Editors sachusetts wouldn't realize that." defeats—not bad for a freshman. I've MRS. DOUGLAS CARR SGT. HAROLD YOUNGSMA writes, "I been playing quite a bit of ball in the MRS. THOMAS MARSHALL MRS. PATRICK McGOVERN am now in the Army of Occupation and in Battalion and Corps leagues." PFC. Concert Editors a colder part of Germany. I'm hoping I ROGER BRISSETTE, U. S. M. (Pas- don't have to remain here this winter." RAYMOND ADAMS coag, R. I.), writes, "Guess it can't last CPL. OMER PARENT (No. Ux.), much longer with the Japs. Tell the old Shop Talk Editors Ryuku Islands, Pacific, writes, "The next gang on 421 hello." SGT. JOE (THE LEON BARNES RAY BARLOW MRS. R. M. MARKER time CAJETAN VERMETTE writes let BARBER) HARMONIAN writes, "Af- PATRICK McGOVERN him know I think he's doing a grand job. ter 20 months in England yours truly is ROBERT WILSON Say hello to BILLY WARD, SHARKEY now in Casablancas, North Africa. Cold Suburban Editors and the rest of the Core Room. I see my and damp in England but hot and damp Rockdale ...... GERALD GAUDETTE brother EDGAR is part of the Army of here, with plenty of dust to boot. All Riverdale DR. EARLE BARCLAY Occupation. I hope he gets home to his meals served in restaurants downtown Linwood J. HAROLD BASZNER Plummers FLOSSIE PIELESKI wife and daughter soon. The baby are flavored with garlic. Just imagine brother, ARTHUR, is now an officer and working in Saropian's after a meal like am very proud of him. I'm still kicking that. We don't drink water—wine and and the Japs are getting most of the champagne when we can get it. The fours bothering. Give my regards to ROLAND young ladies in the N. F. H. (July) are — HEROUX, FRANCIS SHUGHRUE and certainly a treat for sore eyes." his dad, and RICHARD and GEORGE PFC. HAROLD O'CONNELL, Maheim, Acknowledging Letters LEMOINE. No purple hearts, just a Germany, writes, "France is a dirty coun- few stars good conduct medal, three try. We could smell the towns three miles from the Boys Asiatic, Pacific stars on the ribbon of away. Germany was bombed ten times the same name PVT. EIFLYN worse than England. We heard the good ROBERTS (Vinal Haven, Me.), Epirnay, news of the Jap surrender at 2 :00 Wed- (By Lawrence Keeler) France, writes, "People in France are nesday morning, August 15th. The boys very nice to us; that is, the majority of let out a war whoop that you maybe them. Thank the shop for the Xmas heard in Whitinsville. We took over a T/5 OSCAR ASADOORIAN writes, check. I just saw in the N. F. H. SGT. local pub and drank wines that tasted "Met PAUL DUGGAN in Venice—same HERBERT HULTQUIST is in the Phil- like hard cider, and beer. I will try to see old PAUL. He has put on some weight." ippines. I used to work with him in the TOM FITZGERALD." PFC. MUR- PFC. MIKE JOHNSON, Antwerp, shop. Would you please tell KAY RAY KEELER. Aleutians, writes, Belgium, writes, "You have to have at ROSEN that a poor private from his "Thought you might be interested in the least one star to meet the prices. The home town would like his address? I reaction up here to the news that Japan Government is very unstable and the would like to know the whereabouts of will accept our terms if we'll let the value of the franc is not known.
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