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Early Life Personality & Characteristics Martin ● Martin was born on November 10, 1483, in ● Luther had a bold personality and strong beliefs. the . Luther ● His Christian faith came first, and his faith guided Religious Leader ● His last name was Luder, but it was later changed what he did in life. to Luther. ● He also was a very skilled writer and speaker. ● His father wanted Martin to become a lawyer, but Martin didn’t like school. Still he got his master’s degree in 1505 at the age of 21. Then he did enter law school but dropped out soon after.

● He was more interested in religion and philosophy. Portrait of Martin Portrait of Luther

Life Story Life Story Life Story

● One day Martin Luther was riding on a ● After he became a monk, the ● In these days, Catholic people often paid for horse when a bolt of lightning struck the University of asked indulgences. These were payments they ground. him to teach theology. made to the church to reduce the punishment for their sins. ● In his fear, he cried out that he would ● Luther was awarded his become a monk. He then decided he Doctor of Theology in October ● On October 31, 1517, Luther wrote to Bishop had to this promise and gave up 1512. Albrecht von Brandenburg. Luther said that everything in his life. indulgences stopped Christians finding true ● He then became a professor. forgiveness for their sins. ● He entered St. Augustine’s Monastery in He continued as a professor Erfurt, on July 17, 1505. St. Augustine’s for the rest of his life. University of Wittenberg in the 1500’s ● He also said that buying indulgences Monastery Bishop Albrecht von stopped Christians from giving to charity. Brandenburg

Life Story Life Story Life Story

● He wrote 95 different points ● Many people believe that Luther nailed ● Luther thought that the had about his thoughts on the his Ninety-five Theses to the door of the All moved away from the basic beliefs of Catholic Church. Saints’ Church in Wittenberg, Germany. Christianity.

● These became known as his ● The Theses spread quickly through ● Many leaders in the church were greedy Ninety-five Theses. Germany. In two months’ time they had and immoral. spread throughout the rest of Europe. ● The date that he sent the letter is ● The Bible was only printed in Latin. This meant now seen as the start of the ● Luther became a popular teacher, common people had no way to know Protestant . speaker, and author. whether their priest was telling the truth. Depiction of Luther with his 95 Theses Depiction of Luther with his 95 Theses ● Luther’s main teaching was that people Latin Bible could be saved through faith in Jesus. Life Story Notable & Quotable Life Story

● The bishop did not reply to Luther’s Theses. The ● Luther hid out at Wartburg Castle. Catholic Church leaders at the time made a lot of “I cannot and will not recant money by selling indulgences. They saw Luther as a ● While there, he wrote essays and major threat. anything, for to go against came up with ideas for a new church. ● He soon was seen as an enemy by . He was forced out of the church on June 15, 1520. conscience is neither right nor safe. ● In April 1523, he married Katharina ● Luther was given the chance to take back his von Bora. She was a nun he had statements, but he did not. Here I stand, I can do no other, so helped to escape from a convent. They had six children together. ● After that, his writings were banned, and it became Pope Leo X help me God. Amen.” a crime to give him food or shelter. Also, anyone Wartburg Castle was allowed to kill him without getting in trouble.

Life Story Late Life Notable & Quotable

● From 1525 to 1529, Luther was ● Luther started having health problems in focused on organizing a new church. 1531. “You are not only responsible for ● He came up with a new form of ● He was known for being moody and worship service. rude in the last years of his life. what you say, but also for what ● He also wrote out a clear summary of ● He gave his last sermon three days its beliefs. before his death. you do not say.” ● He wrote a number of hymns, ● He died of a stroke in February 1546 at including “A Mighty Fortress is Our the age of 62. He was buried beneath Luther painting God.” Wartburg Castle the pulpit in the Castle Church in What does this mean to you? Wittenberg.

Notable & Quotable Legacy Legacy

● Today Luther’s Ninety-five Theses are engraved on ● Luther is praised for helping to create the the door of All Saint’s Church in Wittenberg, Protestant Church. “Even if I knew that tomorrow the Germany. ● There have been a few memorials created in world would go to pieces, I would still ● Luther often wrote bad things about Jewish people. his honor in Germany. He saw them as liars who didn’t believe that Jesus Reformation Day is a holiday celebrated in plant my apple tree.” was God. He even called them the devil’s people ● and told people to set synagogues on fire. Germany and many other places worldwide.

● Experts think his anti-Jewish words helped lead to the hatred of Jews in Germany. Anti-Jewish books All Saints Church What do you think he means? written by Nazis often had quotes from Luther. Luther Statue “You are not only responsible for what you say, but also for what you do not say.”

Martin Luther (1483-1546) Germany He was... - near a lightning strike and decided to be a monk - unhappy with how the Catholic Church was being run and he protested - the initiator of what became known as the Protestant Reformation #ProtestantReformation #saleofindulgences #monk #95Theses #grace c Clark Creative Education MARTIN LUTHER “Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree.” c Clark Creative Education “I cannot and will not recant anything, for to go against conscience is neither right nor safe. Here I stand, I can do no other, so help me God. Amen.” - Martin Luther c Clark Creative Education Your Name BIO Sphere

monk Protestant priest Reformation protest Lutheran

Martin Luther c Clark Creative Education “You are not only responsible for what you say, but also for what you do not say.” Martin Luther