Preserving the Truth 500 Years & Counting GOD RESTORES HIS CHURCH Titanic influence of the Influence of the Reformation

• Restoration of Scripture in common language • Restoration of true Gospel • Restoration of genuine teaching & worship • Restoration of genuine sacraments Influence of the Reformation • Increased value of marriage & family • Increased value of education • Increased value of vocation • Existence of religious freedom 1530+ VERY EARLY LUTHERAN IN 1555 SCANDINAVIAN REFORMATION GOD RESTORES HIS CHURCH The prominent reformers 1300 1400 THE GREAT SCHISM AND THE AVIGNON PAPACY John Wycliffe – Morning Star

• England • Oxford • 3 significant writings • Visitors from Prague • Translated Bible from Latin into English • Spread throughout England - Lollards Jan Hus - The Goose from Gooseland

• Czechoslovakia • University of Prague • Spoke against church immorality • Rejected RC theology & turned to Scripture • Avid consumer & defender of Wycliffe • Excommunicated, tried for heresy, & burned at stake • Roast this goose but a swan will arise 1400 1500 Martin – Firebrand for Scripture

• Germany • 1st Crisis – 1505 violent storm & vow • 2nd Crisis – 1510 pilgrimage to Rome • 3rd Crisis – 1515 the tower experience • brought RC Church to crisis • St. Peter’s Basilica • Prince • Pope’s power of the keys & the treasury of merit • • October 31, 1517 Luther posts his 95 theses – Firebrand for Scripture

• Heidelberg 1518 – Luther presents gospel at debate • 1518 – Luther meets w/ a cardinal & declares two prior popes to be in error • Leipzig 1519 – Luther meets w/ Johan Eck, declares that councils erred, takes the mantel of “Hussite” MARTIN LUTHER’S STOMPING GROUNDS Martin Luther – Firebrand for Scripture

• 1520 Pope Leo issues bull condemning Luther as heretic, a wild boar in the vineyard (Luther & students burn it) • Last major crisis 1521 – ; Here I stand • Hides in Castle & translates NT into German SCHMALKALDIC LEAGUE 1530+