The Life and Complete Works in Prose and Verse of Robert Greene

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The Life and Complete Works in Prose and Verse of Robert Greene ^>5<>J<^>j4>J<>J<>5^^>J<>J<>j4^>J<^^^^^>J< THE HUTH LIBRARY. LIFE AND WORKS OF ROBERT GREENE, M.A. > VOL. XIV.—PLAYS • A LOOKING-GLASSE FOR LONDON AND ENGLAND. GEORGE A GREENE, THE PINNER OF WAKEFIELD. SELIMUS, EMPEROUR OF THE TURKES. AND A MAIDENS DREAME. 1591—1599- >j<>j<>j<^^^^^>j<»x'>5<^^^>J<^^^>5E<^ Look on them all As the rough metal for a mighty bell That shall one day have the full ring of heaven, Wherein each grain by the one tone divine Is thrilled, which each contributes of itself With the sweet silvery soimd of the whole bell I Leopold Schefer. CJje ^utf) Hitiratp. THE Life and Complete Works IN PROSE AND VERSE OP ROBERT GREENE, M.A. CAMBRIDGE AND OXFORD. IN FOURTEEN VOLUMES. FOR THE FIRST TIME COLLECTED AND EDITED, WITH NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS, ETC., BY 7HE REV. ALEXANDER B. GROSART, D.D., LL.D. (Edin.), F.S.A. (Scot.), St. George's, Blackburn, Lancashire. vol,. XIV.—PIAYS. A LOOKING-GLASSE for LONDON AND ENGLAND. GEORGE A GREENE, THE PINNER OF WAKEFIELD- SELIMUS, EMPEROUR OF THE TURKES. AND A MAIDENS DREAME. 1591—1599. PRINTED FOR PRIVATE CIRCULATION ONLY. 1881—83. 50 Copies.'\ ,\ , V\\ Priniedby Hazell, Watson, Gfi Viney, Ld., L<mdm and Ayleslury "LI2AbI,-'" i_ *- rN 'J5>„ , /^ ^ f .fiV^ ,f f f ELIZABETH AN- JACOBEAN o/ tp-ty 'l/e^yu^ ^yLayi^ey ik( Verse and Prose LA R G E LY Trom^ i?b& Zhirojrv' of ^^i^# fbs>^.tisf»^y-f,<)4^ r_^^^.//t^t7Uc-^..<7'KJ, cyl/rciJ a^-n^y z-ciofzj, »iCc: M^.j4^ca^j(My ^.-fi.aik='^4^^Z'tk 'Si) ,3^i-7^y FOR PRIVATE CIRCULATION ONLY PLEASANT CONCEYTED CO- mcdjcof Geor^ a^recncy the Pimxt \j4i it rcasfimdrytimesaBcdhythcfavantsoftbcri^ tionourablc the Earjcof Sujfcx» Imprinted at London by Simon Stafford fox Curhbcn Burby ; And arc to b^* fo Id ailm iho^ ccdc (be RojaM Exthangc. i j^^r ; CONTENTS. PAGE A Looking-Glasse for London and England . i George a Greene, the Pinner of Wakefield . 115 Selimus, Emperour of the Turkes . .189 A Maidens Dreame 293 *^* Fac-sirnile to face title-page of ' George a Greene' at page 117, In the Note (page igo) I promised the fac-simile only in large paper but finding that by cutting to the edge, exactly as in the original, it could be given in all the sizes, it is given. Why, Rome was naked once, a bastard smudge. Tumbled on straw, the den-fellow of whelps, Fattened on roots, and, when a-thirst for milk. He crept beneath and drank the swagging udder Of Tyber's brave she-wolf ; and Heaven's Judea Was folded in a pannier. Thomas Lovell Beddoes. V. A LOOKING GLASSE FOR LONDON AND ENGLAND. 1594. G. XIV. NOTE. For my text I am again indebted to his Grace the Duke of Devon- shire, whose exemplar of the 1594 4to is only slightly defective in three leaves, (Sig. B 2 and 3). (These broken bits Xemble had not observed, as he marks on title-page " Collated and Perfect. —J. P. K."). Besides this, I have had the advantage of the use of the 1598, 1602 and 1617 4tas. Another (apparently), vrithout title-page, in the possession of F. Locker, Esq., kindly sent me by him. I note here a few con- temporary MS. notings on it. At the opening there is written " fflorifli," and so several times onward ; and after the first line-speech of K. of ' ' ' ' Paph. heere enter {i.e. Rasni). Clownes ' are changed to i. Ruff.', '2, Ruff.' (i.e. ruffian) ; and instead of 'Exeunt' is repeatedly written ' Clear. ' In Rasni's first great speech of penitence, in margin is written ' ' that all the fubiects of o' foueraigntie ' a variant for That hian and beaft, the woman and her child.' At the close are written these un- printed lines— "Thou famous Citty London cheif of all Theis Weft vnited nations do containe, More finne in thee, then in nin'vay remaines." Opposite is the title-page of 1594. This edition is much the more accurate, but shares with all a number of flagrant misprints—indicated in their places. G. Looking Glalse for lond6n and England. Made by Thomas Lodge Gentleman, and Robert Greene, LONDON Printed by Thomas Creede, and are to be fold by William Barley, at his fhop in Gratious ftreete. 1594. [Dramatis Persons. Rasni, King of Nineveh. King of Cilicia. King of Crete. King of Paphlagonia. Thrasybulus, a young gentleman, reduced to poueriy. Alcon, a poor man. Radagon, ! his,„. jons. „ , fat ClesiphoN; Vfurer. L/dge. Lawyer. ' Accepted from Dyce, who annotates here, "Occasionally through- out the 4tos Rasni, Cilicia, Remilia, Alvida, are printed Rosin, Cicilia. Remilias, and Alvia" ; and again, " 'In like manner,' says Malone (in his note about xasi^xzms,—Shakespeare by Boswell, vol. ii., p. 221), 'in the "Looking GlaiTe for London and England," written by Thomas Lodge and Robert Greene, the cruel and brutal son who treats his parents, Alcon and Samia, with neglect and contempt, and refuses them any succour in their utmost need, is called Radagon, by metathesis, from u dragon.^ It had perhaps escaped Malone's notice that a very un- exceptionable personage, called Radagon, figures in the Host's Tale, in Greene's ' Never Too Late,' Part II." The misprints 'Rafin'for ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Rafni,' Cicilia for Cilicia,' Remilias ' for Remilia,' and Alvia for ' Alvida,' are put right throughout. G. DRAMATIS PERSONS. Smith, Adam, his man. Clown. Firjl Ruffian. Second Ruffian. Gouernor of lappa. Mafter of ajhip. Firft Searcher. Second Searcher. ' A Man in deuiVs attire. Magi, Merchants, Sailors, Lords, Attendants, &'e, 'Rem.iiaa, fi/ler to Rafni. Alvida, wife to the King of Paphlagonia. Samia, wife to Alcon. Smith's Wife. Ladies. An Angel. Art Euil Angel. OSEAS. lONAS.] ; : A LOOKING-GLASSE FOR LONDON AND ENGLAND. Enters Rafni King of Niniuie with three Kings of Cilicia, Creete, and Paphlagonia, from the ouerthrow of leroboam. King of lerujalem. \_Rafni^ "O pace ye on, tryumphant war- riours Make Venus' Lemmon, armd in al his pomp, Bafh at the brightneffe of your hardy lookes. For you the Viceroyes are,^ the Caualires, lo That wait on Rafnis royall mightinefle Boaft, pettie kings, and glory in your fates. That ftars haue made your fortunes dime fo high. To giue attend on Rafnis excellence.^ ' ' of '98 ' excellencie.' ' The 4tos 1594 and '98 and.' The 410 ; ;:; 8 A LOOKING-GLASSE FOR Am I not he that rules great Niniuie, Rounded with Lycus' ^ filuer flowing fl:reams ? Whofe Citie large Diametri containes, Euen three daies iournies length from wall to wall Two hundreth gates carued out of burniflit brafle, As glorious as the portoyle of the Sunne ; 20 And for to decke heauens battlements with pride, Six hundreth Towers that toplefle touch the cloudes This Citie is the footefloole of your King A hundreth Lords do honour at feete my ; ^ My fcepter flraineth both the paralels : And now t'enlarge the highneffe of my power, I haue made ludeas Monarch flee the field, And beat proud leroboam from his holds. Winning from Cades to Samaria. Great / Jewries God, that foilde fl:out Benhadad,' oq Could not rebate the ftrength that Rafni brought For be he God in heauen, yet, Viceroyes, know Rafni is God on earth, and none but he. Cilicia. If louely fliape, feature by natures fkill Faffing in beautie fair Endymions, That Luna wrapt within her fnowy brefts. Or that fweet boy that wrought bright Venus bane, Transformde vnto a purple Hiacynth ; If beautie Nunpareile in excellence. May make a King match with the Gods in gree ; 4° Rafni is God on earth, and none but hee. ' 4tos • Lycas." ^ ' » Ibid. poralels.' Ibid. ' Benhadab.' — ;': ; LONDON AND ENGLAND. 9 Greet. If martial lookes, wrapt in a cloud of wars, More fierce than Mavors ^ lightneth fro his eyes. Sparkling reuenge and dyre difparagement If doughtie deeds more haughtie ^ then any done, Seald with the fmile of Fortune and of Fate, MatchlefTe to manage Lance and Curtelex ' If fuch high actions, grac'd with vidtories. May make a King match with the in Gods gree ; Rafni is God on earth, and none but hee. 50 Paphlag. If Pallas wealth Viceroyes Rafni. inough ; peace,* Paphlagon, no See wheres my fiflier, fair Remilia, [more. Fairer then was the virgin Dania,* That waits on Venus with a golden fhow * She that hath ftolne the wealth of Rafni's lookes. And tide his thoughts within her louely lockes. She that is lou'd, and loue vnto your King, See where fhe corbies to gratulate my fame. Enters Radagon with Remilia7?/?^r to Rafni, Alvida 60 wife to Paphlagon ; and other Ladies, bring a Globefeated in a fhip. Remilia. Victorious Monarch, fecond vnto hue, ' 4tos 'Mars.' See onward, and Glossarial-Index, s.v. " = haut, i.e. to be so pronounced, though printed as usual in full. 'Vims frequenter. ' = curtle-axe. * ' peace ' dropped in '98 4to. * = Danae. ' Dyce annotates, " We should read, I think ' That Venus wait [i.e. waited] on with a goldenykower (Walker's Crit. Exam, ofthe Text ofShakespeare, etc., ii. 60)," Doubtful. —; 10 A LOOKING-GLASSE FOR Mars vpon Earth, and Neptune on the Seas, ^ Whofe / frowne, ftrows all the ocean with a calme, Whofe fmile, drawes Flora to difplay her pride, Whofe eye holds wanton Venus at a gaze, Rafni, the Regent of great Niniuie For thou haft foyld proud leroboams force. And, like the bluftering ^ breath of ^olus 70 That ouerturnes the pines of Libanon, Haft fcattered lury and her vpftart groomes. Winning from Cades to Samaria ; Remilia greets thee with a kind falute. And for a prefent to thy mightinefle, Giues thee a Globe folded within a ftiip, ' As King on Earth and Lord of all the Seas, With fuch a welcome vnto Nyniuie As may thy fitters humble loue afford.
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