An Alternative Approach to Addressing Core City Housing through Design Interventions: Case of Kolkata, India Tapas Mitra 1 Sheuli Mitra 1 1 School of Planning and Architecture, Bhopal, India, Neelbad Road, Bhauri, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh 462030,
[email protected],
[email protected] ABSTRACT The residential neighborhood continuum, spread across the physical fabric of the core city of Kolkata is representative of the city’s unique character. Due to non-availability of space at the core and overloaded infrastructure, mass housing initiatives in public and private sector across all segments have happened largely in its urban peripheries resulting in consumption of large land banks and cutting off the lower income housing sector from the city areas serviced by large scale trunk infrastructure. The core in turn has degentrified and experiences outmigration and social degeneration. The present paper, which captures a part of a larger continuing research, presents the case of the residential cores of the Kolkata Municipal Corporation where the housing scenario presents certain conditions as follows: (i) Presence of significant building premises where the existing building is in good condition and architecturally significant and is being lived in by the original owners/mix of original owners and tenants. (ii) Decay where the structure has gradually decayed, because of various factors, some of which include, lesser use of the building due to outmigration, downgrading of socio- economic conditions, inability of aged family members to maintain the house etc. and (iii) Transformation which results in modification/demolition of old structures. In all the scenarios mentioned above, the market forces compel a transformation into the developer driven apartment as the predominant housing typology, which is usually unaffordable to the local community and caters only to higher income demand replacing lower income communities in the city core.