The Talking Bear Wins
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whatzup WEB SIGHTS ART & MUSEUMS GARRETT HERITAGE DAYS PINK DROYD WWW .GARRETTHERITAGEDAYS .COM HTTP ://PINKDROYD .COM ARTLINK THREE RIVERS FESTIVAL REMNANTS WWW .ARTLINKFW .COM WWW .THREERIVERSFESTIVAL .ORG WWW .REMNANTSBAND .COM The Talking Bear Wins NORTHSIDE GALLERIES KARAOKE/DISC JOCKEYS RENEGADE WWW .NORTHSIDEGALLERIES .COM WWW .FTW -RENEGADE .COM Tops at the Box: While it was CINEMA AMERICAN IDOL KARAOKE paul NEW STEWART Steven Soderbergh’s latest, a strip- WWW .FACEBOOK .COM /AMERICALIDOLKARAOKE WWW .REVERBNATION .COM /PAULNEWSTEWART per flick called Magic Mike, that ScreenTime FORT WAYNE CINEMA CENTER SWING TIME KARAOKE entertainMENT THE SUM MORZ sizzled towards the top on release WWW .CINEMACENTER .ORG WWW .SWINGTIMEKARAOKE .COM WWW .SUMMORZ .COM GREG W. LOCKE DANCE UNLIKELY ALIBI day, it was Seth MacFarlane’s fea- MEDIA WWW .MYSPACE .COM /UNLIKELYALIBI ture film debut, Ted, that ended up FORT WAYNE BALLET FORT WAYNE MUSIC URBAN LEGEND owning the weekend, taking in just weekend, selling another $12 mil- WWW .FORTWAYNEBALLET .ORG WWW .FORTWAYNEMUSIC .COM WWW .1URBANLEGEND .COM over $54 million over its first three lion, upping the mega-movie’s 24- FORT WAYNE DANCE COLLECTIVE LOCL.NET WHAT SHE SAID day total to just over $180 million. WWW .FWDC .ORG WWW .LOCL .NET WWW .MYSPACE .COM /WHATSHESAIDBAND days. This news comes as no sur- I suppose this means we can expect DINING & NIGHTLIFE WBYR 98.9 THE BEAR RETAIL prise, as: (a) The film was heavily WWW .989THEBEAR .COM advertised for weeks and weeks; a fourth Madagascar flick. Gotta 3 RIVERS CO-OP WHATZUP 3 RIVERS CO-OP NATURAL GROCERY & DELI (b) people really like leading man wonder if Ben Stiller will once WWW .3RIVERSFOOD .COOP WWW .WHATZUP .COM WWW .3RIVERSFOOD .COOP Mark “The Depahted” Wahlberg; again bring along his Greenberg AFTER DARK WXKE ROCK 104 SPORTS & RECREATION and (c) a whole lot of people love buddy for writing duties. Hey, WWW .MYSPACE .COM /AFTERDARKFW WWW .ROCK 104RADIO .COM even floppy haired Brooklyn in- THE ALLEY SPORTS BAR CREEARE RANCH MacFarlane’s three stupid televi- WWW .PROBOWLWEST .COM MUSIC SERVICES & SUPPLIES WWW .CREEARERANCH .COM sion shows, “Family Guy,” “Amer- tellectuals like Baumbach need a BEAMER’S SPORTS GRILL DIGITRACKS THEATER & DANCE ican Dad” and “Cleveland.” Word solid paycheck from time to time. WWW .MYBEAMERS .COM WWW .DIGITRACKSRECORDING .COM is that the movie is fun and funny, New This Weekend: Three CALHOUN STREET SOUPS, SALADS & SPIRITS FORT WAYNE MUSICIANS ASSOCIATION ALL FOR ONE PRODUCTIONS and crude and obvious. Obviously should-be-huge flicks open this WWW .MYSPACE .COM /CALHOUNSOUPSSALADSSPIRITS HTTP ://FWMA .US WWW .ALLFORONEFW .ORG obvious. It features a stoner teddy coming week, starting with the CHAMPIONS SPORTS BAR SWEETWater SOUND FIRST PRESBYTERIAN THEATER WWW .CHAMPIONSFORTWAYNE .COM WWW .SWEETWATER .COM WWW .FIRSTPRESBYTERIANTHEATER .COM bear, tons of hot, one-dimensional much anticipated Spider-Man re- CHECKERZ BAR & GRILL WOODEN NICKEL MUSIC STORE FORT WAYNE CIVIC theatre babes and an idiot Broseph type boot, The Amazing Spider-Man. WWW .CHECKERZBAR .COM WWW .WOODENNICKELMUSICFORTWAYNE .COM WWW .FWCIVIC.ORG who needs to make a major life Starring Andrew Garfield, Emma COLUMBIA STREET WEST FORT WAYNE YOUTHEATRE choice. Awesome. If you make it a Stone, Rhys Ifans, Sally Field, WWW .COLUMBIASTREETWEST .COM PERFORMERS WWW .FORTWAYNEYOUTHEATRE .ORG / point to still watch the very stale Martin Sheen and Dennis Leary DEER PARK IRISH PUB ALLAN & ASHCRAFT IPFW DEPT. OF THEATRE WWW .DEERPARKPUB .COM WWW .ALLANANDASHCRAFT .COM WWW .IPFW .EDU /THEATRE “Family Guy” after all these years, and directed by Mark Webb ((500) DON HALL’S FACTORY ALMOZT ALICE JAM THEATRICALS we’re guessing you won’t be dis- Days of Summer), Amazing looks WWW .DONHALLS .COM /LOCATIONS .ASP ?ID=30 WWW .MYSPACE .COM /SLIPKITTYBAND WWW .FWEMBASSYTHEATRE .ORG /EVENTS _BROADWAY .HTM appointed by Ted. pretty damn promising to us DON HALL’S TRIANGLE PARK AUTOVATOR More From the Box: Magic dweebs at the ZeCat offices. We WWW .DONHALLS .COM /LOCATIONS .ASP ?ID=38 VENUES WWW .AUTOVATOR .COM Mike, starring Channing Tatum, dig the casting selections and love FIREFLY COFFEE HOUSE BACKWATER ALLEN CO. PUBLIC LIBRARY WWW .FIREFLYCOFFEEHOUSEFW .COM WWW .BACKWATERBAND .NET WWW .ACPL .LIB .IN.US Matthew McConaughey and a that Webb is directing. And we THE GIN MILL BIFF & THE CRUISERS ANDERSON PARAMOUNT THEATRE bunch of other in-shape dudes, were excited to learn that the mov- WWW .GINMILLLOUNGE .COM WWW .BIFFANDTHECRUISERSBAND .COM WWW .ANDERSONPARAMOUNT .ORG took the No. 2 spot at the box, ie is shot by the increasingly great LATCH STRING BAR & GRILL MIKE CONLEY C2G MUSIC HALL having a surprisingly huge open- DP John Schwartzman. Should be WWW .MYSPACE .COM /LATCHSTRING WWW .MIKECONLEY .NET WWW .C2GMUSICHALL .COM ing weekend, selling just under great, we thinks, if only visually. LUCKY LADY DOWNSTAIT EMBASSY THEATRE WWW .WWW .ALUCKYLADY .NET WWW .MYSPACE .COM /DOWNSTAIT WWW .FWEMBASSYTHEATRE .ORG $40 million in the U.S. over its And it opened early for the holiday MAD ANTHONY BREWING CO. ELEPHANTS IN MUD FORT WAYNE PARKS & REC. DEPT. first three days. Sure, you see a weekend, so by the time you read WWW .MADBREW .COM WWW .ELEPHANTSINMUD .BANDCAMP .COM WWW .FORTWAYNEPARKS .ORG movie about male strippers and these very special words the movie PIERE’S entertainMENT CENTER THE FREAK BROTHERS FORT WAYNE PHILHARMONIC you say you’re not surprised that will already be out everywhere. WWW .ITSTHEPARTY .COM WWW .FREAKBROTHERSONLINE .COM WWW .FWPHIL .ORG it did well. Lots of horny 30- and Opening on Thursday (also RUSTY SPUR SALOON TIM HARRINGTON BAND HONEYWELL CENTER WWW .RUSTYSPURBAR .COM WWW .MYSPACE .COM /TIMHARRINGTONBAND WWW .HONEYWELLCENTER .ORG 40-something ladies out there in early) will be the Katy Perry docu- SHOWGIRL III THE JAENICKE CONSORT INC. NISWONGER PERFORMING ARTS CTR. this post-Carrie Bradshaw world. mentary, Katy Perry: Part of Me. WWW .SHOWGIRL 3.NET WWW .JCONSORT .COM WWW .NPACVW .ORG But to a huge Soderbergh fan like The film will probably feel like an SNICKERZ COMEDY BAR JOE JUSTICE PHILMORE ON BROADWAY myself, the movie’s success is a MTV special, or even a 90-minute WWW .SNICKERZCOMEDYCLUB .BIZ WWW .JOEJUSTICELIVE .COM WWW .PHILMOREONBROADWAY .COM surprise. Yeah, yeah, yeah – the commercial for Katy Perry. But WRIGLEY FIELD BAR & GRILL JUNK YARD BAND WAGON WHEEL THEATRE hey, we happen to (at least in the WWW .WRIGLEYFIELDBARANDGRILL .COM WWW .THEJUNKYARDBAND .NET WWW .WAGONWHEELTHEATRE .ORG guy made the Ocean’s movies, and EVENTS KILLNANCY Contagion did solid numbers, and context of pop stars) really like WWW .KILLNANCY .COM this year’s Haywire wasn’t a total Perry. If only to stare at for 90 BREW HAVEN KILL THE RABBIT WEB SIGHTS listings are a valued-add- flop. But $40 million over three minutes – a sexy, annoying alter- HTTP ://BREWHAVEN .TRIONTAVERN .COM WWW .KTRROCKS .COM ed service provided at no additional cost native to Zooey Deschanel. to contracted whatzup advertisers. days is big numbers for the guy BUSKERFEST LEFT LANE CRUISER Rounding out this week’s big WWW .DOWNTOWNFORTWAYNE .COM WWW .MYSPACE .COM /LEFTLANECRUISER who made Full Frontal, Bubble, Facebook pages may be linked on what- releases is Oliver Stone’s heavily CHARLEY CREEK ARTS FEST MARSHALL LAW zup’s site, but are not published in the The Good German, Che, The Girl- WWW .CHARLEYCREEKARTSFEST .ORG WWW .ROGERMARSHALLBAND .COM print edition of whatzup. friend Experience, The Limey (my promoted new ensemble film, Sav- FANDANA Festival MIKE MOSES For information on this and other whatzup personal favorite from the man), ages, about two really smart, re- WWW .FANDANAFESTIVAL .COM HTTP ://MIKEMOSESPRESENTS .COM advertising programs, call 260-691-3188 Schizopolis and many, many other ally studly pot farmers (Kick-Ass FORT WAYNE PRIDE FEST MY LOST TRIBE or e-mail [email protected]. poorly performing films. Great, and Tim Riggins) who have to go WWW .FWPRIDE .ORG /ABOUT .HTML WWW .MYLOSTTRIBE .NET we say, for Hollywood’s other, rescue their shared girlfriend (that and arguably better, Steven S. young babe Blake Lively) when Pixar’s latest hit, Brave, did (that old babe) Salma Hayek’s well in its second week, selling an- Mexican drug cartel kidnaps her in other $34 million, taking the No. an attempt to bully the studs into 3 spot last weekend while upping giving up some green. Older dude the movie’s 10-day total to just babes Benicio del Toro and John under $132 million. Big bucks for Travolta are also along for the ride Disney punks. in what will likely be considered Tyler Perry’s new flick, clev- Oliver Stone’s comeback film. His erly titled Tyler Perry’s Madea’s latest comeback film, that is. Looks Witness Protection, took the No. 4 like a solid B+ dollar rental, made spot at last weekend’s box over its perfect for a very bored, snowed- first weekend, selling $26 million in December afternoon. But really, amid the stiff competition. Blah. why go to the theater this weekend The Noah Baumbach-penned and see anything other than Webb Madagascar 3 rounded out the and Garfield’s Spidey or Wes An- weekend’s Top 5 with another derson’s Moonrise Kingdom? strong performance in its fourth [email protected] 30 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- July 5, ’12.