The Teacher’s Guide to TECH 2020 Jennifer Gonzalez The Teacher’s Guide to Tech Copyright ©2020 by Jennifer Gonzalez This document is copyrighted material. Your single-user license gives you permission to use this document for yourself and your classroom only. You may keep electronic or paper copies of this document in multiple places for your own use or student use: on your home computer, school computer, personal devices, and student-accessible devices. You may make photocopies of individual pages for classroom use. Reproducing or sharing this document with other users is considered a violation of copyright. If you would like to share this with other teachers in your building, please purchase additional user licenses. For more information on licensing, visit Any other questions about this guide should be directed to
[email protected]. Menu | Introduction | The Tips | The Tools | The Terms | References | Index Menu MenuPREVIEW: not all pages are included, so page numbers not accurate and most links will not work. INTRODUCTION 9 Know Your Legal Stuff 48 Plickers Classroom Sown to Grow How This Guide Works 10 Management 76 THE TOOLS 53 BehaviorFlip How I Choose the Tools 13 Audience Response Bouncy Balls Animated GIFs 54 New in 2020 14 & Backchannels 63 Class Charts AnswerGarden Classcraft Am I Some Kind of Tech Art 55 Poll Everywhere ClassDojo Expert? 16 Adobe Fresco Slido ClassroomQ Adobe Illustrator Wooclap ClassroomScreen Adobe Illustrator Draw THE TIPS 18 YoTeach! GoNoodle Adobe Photoshop Sketch