
Copeia, 2001(3), pp. 656–667

Phylogenetic Relationships of Cyprinid in Subgenus Notropis Inferred from Nucleotide Sequences of the Mitochondrially Encoded Cytochrome b Gene


Cytochrome b sequences (1140 bp) from 16 considered to be members of subgenus Notropis and several taxa were analyzed phylogenetically. Phy- logenetic analysis of cytochrome b was sensitive to sampling of outgroup taxa, prob- ably resulting from substitutional rate heterogeneity among outgroups. Maximum- likelihood analysis was more robust to these effects as compared to maximum par- simony. Both maximum parsimony and maximum-likelihood analysis supported re- moval of Notropis candidus and Notropis shumardi from subgenus Notropis. of the 14 remaining species was supported by the maximum likelihood analysis. Regardless of the method of analysis or use of outgroup taxa, phylogenetic analysis of cytochrome b indicated strong support for the following hypothesis of relation- ships: ((Notropis rubellus, Notropis suttkusi), (Notropis amoenus, Notropis stilbius, ((No- tropis atherinoides, Notropis oxyrhynchus), (Notropis amabilis, Notropis jemezanus)))). This phylogenetic hypothesis implies that morphological characters associated with increased olfaction were derived independently among members of subgenus No- tropis, perhaps in response to in more turbid habitats.

HE subgenus Notropis is an ecologically di- group (Notropis shumardi, Notropis candidus, N. T verse yet morphologically conservative oxyrhynchus, Notropis. jemezanus); (3) the photo- group of North American cyprinids. Distribu- genis group (Notropis photogenis, N. amoenus, No- tions of the 17 nominal species range from tropis stilbius); and (4) the ariommus group (N. highly restricted (Notropis oxyrhynchus, found ariommus, Notropis scepticus, Notropis semperasper, only in the Brazos River, TX) to nearly conti- Notropis telescopus). Coburn (1982) proposed a nental (Notropis atherinoides, found throughout hypothesis of relationships for these species the central United States from the Gulf of Mex- groups, placing the shumardi group sister to the ico to Canada). Habitats are primarily riverine atherinoides group and the photogenis group sister and range from broad channels of turbid rivers to the ariommus group. (Notropis girardi) to clear creeks and streams Aside from placement of N. rubellus (formerly (Notropis ariommus). Subgenus Notropis are of subgenus Hydrophlox) in subgenus Notropis broadcast spawners, scattering eggs and sperm (Dowling and Brown, 1989; Mayden, 1991), without preparation of substrate, although at modification of subgenus Notropis since it was least two species, Notropis amoenus and Notropis defined by Coburn (1982) has centered primar- rubellus, are known to spawn as nest associates ily on members of the N. shumardi species with other species ( Johnson and Page, 1992). group. Based upon a cladistic analysis of varia- Members of subgenus Notropis are relatively tion in chromosomal NORs, Amemiya and Gold small and round bodied and lack striking col- (1990) hypothesized that N. oxyrhynchus (for- oration. However, two species, N. rubellus and merly of N. shumardi species group) was more Notropis suttkusi, display red and orange colora- closely related to N. atherinoides (N. atherinoides tion on the head and base of fins during the species group). Based upon reinterpretation of breeding season. characters associated with the olfactory capsule, Coburn (1982) conducted a detailed mor- Coburn and Cavender (1992) placed N. girardi phological study of N. atherinoides, the spe- (formerly of subgenus Alburnops) in the N. shu- cies for Notropis, and employed a cladistic mardi species group and moved N. oxyrhynchus analysis to define a monophyletic subgenus No- (formerly of N. shumardi species group) into the tropis based upon synapomorphies shared be- N. atherinoides species group. Coburn and Cav- tween N. atherinoides and other species of genus ender (1992) also raised the question of affini- Notropis. Coburn (1982) described four distinct ties of species placed in the N. shumardi species species-groups within subgenus Notropis: (1) the group by noting that characters of the olfactory atherinoides group (N. atherinoides, N. amabilis, N. capsule used to diagnose the N. shumardi species rubellus, Notropis perpallidus); (2) the shumardi group were distributed widely outside of sub-

᭧ 2001 by the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists BIELAWSKI AND GOLD— OF SUBGENUS NOTROPIS 657 genus Notropis. Prior to the analysis of Coburn nitrogen or 95% ethanol, and stored at Ϫ80 C (1982), N. shumardi was placed outside of sub- until processed. Collection localities, drainage, genus Notropis in subgenus Alburnops (Snelson, and catalog number of voucher specimens are 1968). Two recently described species, N. can- presented in the Materials Examined . A didus (Suttkus, 1980) and N. suttkusi (Hum- single specimen of Notropis semperasper was col- phries and Cashner, 1994), represent geograph- lected from the James River, Virginia, but reli- ically distinct populations formerly considered able sequences of its cyt b gene could not be to be part of N. shumardi and N. rubellus, re- obtained. The cyt b gene (1140 bp) was se- spectively. quenced directly for representatives of 24 spe- The purpose of the present investigation was cies of Notropis; cyt b sequences of N. rubellus to use complete sequences of the mitochondri- were kindly provided by T. E. Dowling of Ari- ally encoded cytochrome b (cyt b) gene to infer zona State University. a hypothesis of phylogenetic relationships among species of subgenus Notropis and, in par- DNA extraction, amplification, and sequencing.— ticular, to investigate phylogenetic affinities of Whole fish were ground in liquid nitrogen, and species in the N. shumardi species group. Mito- DNA was extracted by phenol-chloroform treat- chondrial genes have been useful in studies of ment and ethanol precipitation (Sambrook et the phylogenetic relationships of several groups al., 1989). DNA preparations were used as tem- of North American cyprinids. Schmidt and Gold plate for primer-directed amplification of target (1995) used partial cyt b sequences to infer phy- DNA sequences via polymerase chain reaction logenetic affinities of Notropis topeka, and com- (PCR). PCR amplification used the primers LA, plete cyt b sequences provided the basis for a LC, HA, HB, and HD described in Schmidt et hypothesis of relationships among species of the al. (1998). PCR thermal profile consisted of 35– cyprinid genera Luxilus (Dowling and Naylor, 45 cycles of 95 C denaturation for 1 min, 48–50 1997) and Lythrurus (Schmidt et al., 1998). Cyt C annealing for 1 min, and 72 C extension for b even has been used to investigate cyprinid re- 45 sec. Excess primers, nucleotides, and poly- lationships at the subfamilial level (Briolay et merase were removed from DNA amplification al., 1998). Other mitochondrial genes also have products by using Prep-A-Gene௡ DNA purifica- been used effectively in studies of North Amer- tion system (BioRad). Double-stranded DNA ican cyprinids (e.g., Simons and Mayden, 1997; amplification products were sequenced directly Broughton and Gold 2000). with ABI PRISM௢ (Perkin Elmer) dye-termina- Five species of subgenus Notropis (N. candidus, tor cycle-sequencing kits and an Applied Biosys- N. girardi, N. jemezanus, N. oxyrhynchus, and N. tems (Perkin Elmer) 377 automated DNA se- shumardi) exhibit pronounced enlargement of quencer. Sequencing used primers LA, LC, HA, brain structures (olfactory bulb and facial lobe) HB, and HD described in Schmidt et al. (1998). associated with olfaction (Coburn, 1982, pers. The cyt b sequence of an individual was deter- comm.). Previously, four of these were consid- mined from a minimum of two independent se- ered a monophyletic group (shumardi species quencing-reactions for each primer. group; Coburn 1982). However, with the excep- tion of N. shumardi and N. candidus, our analysis Patterns of sequence variation.—Measures of nu- of cyt b indicated that species with pronounced cleotide composition were obtained by using enlargement of brain structures associated with PAUP* version 4.0d63 (D. L. Swofford, Sinauer, olfaction were not closely related. Because these Sunderland, MA, 1998, unpubl.). Homogeneity species also tend to prefer more turbid waters of nucleotide composition was tested among (Huber and Rylander, 1992), our findings sup- taxa by using chi-square tests of contingency ta- port the hypothesis that enlarged olfactory ca- bles of nucleotide counts, as implemented in pabilities might have evolved within subgenus PAUP*. Maximum likelihood provided the sta- Notropis to compensate for reduced visibility in tistical basis for testing expectations of the mo- turbid waters of large rivers. lecular clock (Yang et al., 1995). Likelihood ra- tio tests of the molecular clock were conducted by using the optimal topology obtained from MATERIALS AND METHODS maximum-likelihood analysis of all ingroup and Taxa examined.—Cyt b sequences were acquired outgroup taxa. from 16 of 17 nominal species of subgenus No- tropis and from eight species belonging to five Maximum-likelihood analysis of DNA substitution other assemblages within genus Notropis (see models.—Prior to estimating a topology, an op- Materials Examined). Whole fish were captured timal DNA substitution model for analysis of the with seines, transported in either liquid cyt b was selected by using maximum likelihood. 658 COPEIA, 2001, NO. 3

A hierarchy of candidate DNA substitution tained using random addition of sequences. models was constructed based upon three sub- Heuristic maximum-likelihood analysis was car- stitution matrices and four models of among- ried out using the DNA substitution model that sites rate variation. Substitution matrices includ- provided the best fit to these cyt b sequences. ed the F81 matrix (Felsenstein, 1981), the With the complete set of taxa, computational HKY85 matrix (Hasegawa et al., 1985), and the constraints prevented estimation of substitution GTR matrix (Yang, 1994a). Models of among- parameters during tree search; consequently, sites rate variation were (1) equal rates among approximate parameter values were used (Yang, sites (Poisson model); (2) Poisson model plus a 1996; Yang et al., 1994, 1995). Approximate pa- correction for invariant sites (Poisson ϩ INV rameter values were obtained by maximum-like- model; Gu et al., 1995); (3) variable rates lihood estimation, using the best-fit model and among sites, modeled using a discrete approxi- an approximate topology. The latter was gen- mation to the Gamma distribution (Gamma erated via neighbor-joining analysis (Saitou and model; Yang, 1994b); and (4) variable rates Nei, 1987) of a GTR distance matrix. among sites, plus a correction for invariant sites Because of controversy over the sister group (Gamma ϩ INV model). to subgenus Notropis (Coburn, 1982; Mayden, Likelihood ratio tests (Goldman, 1993) were 1989; Coburn and Cavender, 1992), eight spe- used to identify a candidate model that provid- cies from other lineages of genus Notropis were ed maximum explanatory power using the few- sampled for use as outgroups. These included est parameters. Models were tested in a pairwise representatives from subgenera Alburnops and fashion and in a two-stage process. The first Hydrophlox, and the N. dorsalis, N. texanus, and stage was to test substitution matrices in N. volucellus species groups (set 3). Based upon of increasing complexity (F81 vs HKY85 and characters associated with osteology of the skull, HKY85 vs GTR). The second stage was to test M. M. Coburn (pers. comm.) hypothesized that the relative fit of each models of among-sites subgenus Alburnops is the most of these rate variation by using the optimal substitution lineages within genus Notropis. Consequently, N. matrix. The chi-square distribution was used to edwardraneyi and N. potteri (subgenus Alburnops) evaluate the gain in likelihood associated with were employed as outgroups to the remaining using a more complex model (Yang et al., Notropis. 1995). Relative support for individual nodes of a to- Maximum-likelihood scores were computed pology was assessed by nonparametric boot- for each model by using PAUP*. With the ex- strapping (Felsenstein, 1985; Penny and Hendy, ception of nucleotide frequencies, all parameter 1985). Bootstrap proportions (PB), obtained us- values for a given model, including the topolo- ing the maximum-parsimony criterion, were gy, were estimated using maximum likelihood. based on 1000 pseudoreplications. When using Computational limitations prevented estimation the maximum-likelihood criterion, bootstrap of substitution parameters concurrently with es- analysis is necessarily constrained by computa- timation of a tree for all 24 taxa; hence, models tional limitations; hence, PB was estimated (100 were evaluated using subsets of taxa. Ingroup pseudoreplications) by fixing substitution pa- taxa were placed randomly into two subsets of rameters to their maximum likelihood values. taxa, whereas outgroups were placed into a Statistical tests of alternative hypotheses were third subset. Subsets of taxa were composed as conducted using the method of Kishino and follows: Set 1—N. ariommus, N. atherinoides, N. Hasegawa (1989). candidus, N. girardi, N. jemezanus, N. photogenis, Effects of individual outgroup taxa on esti- N. rubellus, and N. stilbius; Set 2—N. amabilis, N. mation of a topology for ingroup taxa were in- amoenus, N. oxyrhynchus, N, perpallidus, N. shu- vestigated by jackknifing (Lanyon, 1985), that is, mardi, N. scepticus, N. suttkusi, and N. telescopus; each outgroup was excluded singly and and Set 3—N. boops, N. chrosomus, N. edwardra- maximum-parsimony and maximum-likelihood neyi N. longirostris, N. nubilus, N. potteri, N. tex- analysis was carried out on the reduced dataset. anus, and N. volucellus. The Robinson and Foulds (1981) tree metric was used to summarize differences between to- Phylogenetic analysis.—Phylogenetic analyses pologies. The value of this tree metric indicates were carried out by using a test version of the number of collapsed and reassembled PAUP*. Heuristic searches under maximum branches required to convert one topology into parsimony (unweighted) were performed with another. Impact of outgroup taxa also was in- the tree bisection and reconnection branch vestigated by comparing topologies generated swapping (TBR) algorithm. TBR branch swap- using only ingroup taxa to those obtained using ping was performed on 100 starting trees ob- all ingroup and outgroup taxa. Topologies ob- BIELAWSKI AND GOLD—PHYLOGENETICS OF SUBGENUS NOTROPIS 659


Substitution matrix Models of among-sites rate variation F81 HKY85 GTR

Set 1 (lmax ϭϪ3355.9) 1—Poisson Ϫ4475.7 Ϫ4161.2 Ϫ4129.5 2—Poisson ϩ INV Ϫ4279.5 Ϫ3913.8 Ϫ3884.7 3—Gamma Ϫ4281.3 Ϫ3906.3 Ϫ3881.9 4—Gamma ϩ INV Ϫ4279.5 Ϫ3905.3 Ϫ3884.9

Set 2 (lmax ϭϪ3329.4) 1—Poisson Ϫ4248.0 Ϫ3940.3 Ϫ3913.1 2—Poisson ϩ INV Ϫ4104.5 Ϫ3761.3 Ϫ3732.4 3—Gamma Ϫ4104.6 Ϫ3752.6 Ϫ3729.8 4—Gamma ϩ INV Ϫ4102.7 Ϫ3748.7 Ϫ3730.2

Set 3 (lmax ϭϪ3488.14) 1—Poisson Ϫ4694.0 Ϫ4382.7 Ϫ4354.2 2—Poisson ϩ INV Ϫ4457.1 Ϫ4098.8 Ϫ4072.7 3—Gamma Ϫ4459.5 Ϫ4091.1 Ϫ4070.6 4—Gamma ϩ INV Ϫ4457.1 Ϫ4089.3 Ϫ4070.4

Note: F81 is the substitution matrix of Felsenstein (1981); HKY85 is the substitution matrix of Hasegawa et al. (1985); and GTR is the general- time-reversible substitution matrix of Yang (1994a). lmax indicates the log likelihood score of a dataset under the unconstrained multinomial model. Species composition in Sets 1–3 is given in text. tained from analyses that excluded outgroup among nominal species of subgenus Notropis was taxa were rooted a posteriori to tree selection. homogenous at all three codon positions: first The unrooted topology for ingroup taxa was positions, ␹2 ϭ 0.88, 45 df, P ϭ 1.0; second po- specified as a ‘‘backbone’’ constraint upon sitions, ␹2 ϭ 0.21, 45 df, P ϭ 1.0; and third po- which location of outgroups was estimated by sitions, ␹2 ϭ 45.4, 45 df, P ϭ 0.46. Nucleotide using either parsimony or likelihood criteria. composition among outgroup taxa, however, ex- hibited significant heterogeneity at third codon ␹2 ϭ ϭ RESULTS positions: first positions, 2.19, 21 df, P 1.0; second positions, ␹2 ϭ 0.07, 21 df, P ϭ 1.0; Sequence variation.—There were 368 variable po- and third positions, ␹2 ϭ40.2, 21 df, P ϭ 0.007. sitions among the nominal species of subgenus Notropis and 400 variable positions among all Maximum-likelihood analysis of DNA substitution species. Average percent nucleotide sequence models.—Likelihood ratio tests were based on divergence, excluding conspecific comparisons, log-likelihood scores for each candidate model between nominal members of subgenus Notropis (Table 1). Regardless of the set of taxa or model was 11 Ϯ 2% (average Ϯ SD). Average percent of among-sites rate variation, the optimal sub- sequence divergence among outgroups was 13 stitution matrix was the GTR matrix (Table 2). Ϯ 2% (average Ϯ SD). Nucleotide sequence var- The fit of the GTR matrix was improved by iation within subgenus Notropis was predomi- modeling variation in substitution rates among nantly at synonymous sites (96%), most of sites (Table 3). However, the Gamma model did which (88%) were at third codon positions. Pat- not provide significantly better fit to cyt b than terns of variation among codon positions fol- did correcting for the presence of conserved lowed those expected for protein-coding se- sites (Poisson ϩ INV; Table 3). Based on the quences sampled from closely related taxa (Ko- foregoing, we employed the GTR substitution cher and Carleton, 1997), that is, sequence di- matrix (Yang, 1994a) combined with a correc- vergence within subgenus Notropis was 2.6 Ϯ tion for invariant sites. 1.1%, 0.34 Ϯ 0.2%, and 31.1 Ϯ 6.3% (average Ϯ SD) at first, second, and third codon posi- Phylogenetic analysis of ingroup and outgroup tions, respectively. Average amino acid sequence taxa.—Maximum-parsimony analysis yielded a difference among all species from genus Notro- single most-parsimonious tree with a length of pis was 1.1 Ϯ 0.6% (average Ϯ SD). 1676 steps (Fig. 1). Bootstrap analysis indicated

With one exception, overall patterns of nu- very strong support (PB ϭ 99%) for monophyly cleotide composition were similar among all of N. rubellus, N. suttkusi, N. amoenus, N. stilbius, sampled species. Nucleotide composition N. atherinoides, N. oxyrhynchus, N. amabilis, and 660 COPEIA, 2001, NO. 3

TABLE 2. LIKELIHOOD RATIO TESTS OF DIFFERENT SUB- N. oxyrhynchus (PB ϭ 52%); a sister-group rela- STITUTION MATRICES. tionship between N. amabilis and N. jemezanus

(PB ϭ 70%); a sister-group relationship between HKY85 vs GTR Model of F81 vs HKY85 N. atherinoides and N. oxyrhynchus (PB ϭ 98%); 2 among-sites rate df ϭ 4, ␹ 0.05 ϭ 2 a a and a sister-group relationship between N. sutt- variation df ϭ 1, ␹ 0.05 ϭ 7.48 12.76 kusi and N. rubellus (PB ϭ 100%; Fig. 1). There Set 1 also was strong support (PB ϭ 100%) for a sister 1—Poisson 2␦ϭ629.0* 2␦ϭ63.4* group relationship between N. candidus and N. 2—Poisson ϩ INV 2␦ϭ731.4* 2␦ϭ58.2* shumardi; however this was placed sister to 3—Gamma 2␦ϭ750.0* 2␦ϭ48.8* N. texanus (N. texanus species-group). Although ϩ ␦ϭ ␦ϭ 4—Gamma INV 2 748.4* 2 40.8* not strongly supported by the bootstrap analysis, Set 2 placement of the remaining species traditionally 1—Poisson 2␦ϭ615.4* 2␦ϭ45.4* considered members of subgenus Notropis (N. 2—Poisson ϩ INV 2␦ϭ686.4* 2␦ϭ57.8* perpallidus, N. photogenis, N. telescopus, N. scepti- 3—Gamma 2␦ϭ704.0* 2␦ϭ45.6* cus, and N. ariommus) also suggested closer re- 4—Gamma ϩ INV 2␦ϭ708.0* 2␦ϭ37.0* lationship to species previously not considered Set 3 members of subgenus Notropis (Fig. 1). 1—Poisson 2␦ϭ622.6* 2␦ϭ57.0* Maximum-likelihood analysis yielded three 2—Poisson ϩ INV 2␦ϭ716.6* 2␦ϭ52.2* trees of equal likelihood (Ϫln L ϭ 8016.3); the 3—Gamma 2␦ϭ736.8* 2␦ϭ41.0* strict consensus of these three trees is presented 4—Gamma ϩ INV 2␦ϭ735.6* 2␦ϭ37.0* in Figure 2. In contrast to maximum-parsimony

Note: F81 is the substitution matrix of Felsenstein (1981); HKY85 is analysis, maximum-likelihood analysis indicated the substitution matrix of Hasegawa et al. (1985); and GTR is the gen- monophyly (PB ϭ 51%) of all species tradition- eral-time-reversible substitution matrix of Yang (1994a). Species com- position of Sets 1–3 is given in text. Asterisks (*) indicate a significant ally placed in subgenus Notropis examined ex- gain in likelihood. cept N. shumardi and N. candidus (Fig. 2). Boot- a Critical value of chi-square is Bonferroni corrected for eight con- trasts. strap analysis indicated strong support (PB ϭ 100%) for the monophyly of N. rubellus, N. sutt- kusi, N. amoenus, N. stilbius, N. atherinoides, N. N. jemezanus (Fig. 1). Within this clade there was oxyrhynchus, N. amabilis, and N. jemezanus (Fig. bootstrap support for monophyly of N. amoenus, 2). Within this clade, there was support for the N. stilbius, N. atherinoides, N. oxyrhynchus, N. ama- same relationships supported by bootstrap anal- bilis, and N. jemezanus (PB ϭ 69%); monophyly ysis of the maximum-parsimony topology (Fig. of N. atherinoides, N. amabilis, N. jemezanus, and 2). Placement of N. amoenus and N. stilbius also


2 a GTR matrix ϩ ASRV model 2␦ df ␹ 0.05 Taxa Set 1 (ingroup) Poisson vs. Poisson ϩ INV 489.6* 1 6.24 Poisson vs. Gamma 495.6* 1 6.24 Gamma vs. Gamma ϩ INV b 1 6.24 Poisson ϩ INV vs. Gamma ϩ INV b 1 6.24 Taxa Set 2 (ingroup) Poisson vs. Poisson ϩ INV 361.4* 1 6.24 Poisson vs. Gamma 366.6* 1 6.24 Gamma vs. Gamma ϩ INV b 1 6.24 Poisson ϩ INV vs. Gamma ϩ INV 4.4 1 6.24 Taxa Set 3 (outgroup) Poisson vs. Poisson ϩ INV 563.0* 1 6.24 Poisson vs. Gamma 567.2* 1 6.24 Gamma vs. Gamma ϩ INV 4.6 1 6.24 Poisson ϩ INV vs. Gamma ϩ INV 0.4 1 6.24

Note: GTR is the general-time-reversible substitution matrix (Yang, 1994a). Species composition of Sets 1–3 is given in text. Asterisks (*) indicate a significant increase in likelihood. a Critical value of chi-square is Bonferroni corrected for four contrasts. b Increasing the complexity of the model did not yield an increase in likelihood score. BIELAWSKI AND GOLD—PHYLOGENETICS OF SUBGENUS NOTROPIS 661

Fig. 1. Single most-parsimonious tree (1676 steps) Fig. 2. Optimal topology (ϪlnL ϭ 8016.3) recov- derived from maximum-parsimony analysis of com- ered from maximum-likelihood analysis of cyt b se- plete cyt b sequences (CI ϭ 0.34; RI ϭ 0.37). Numbers quences, using the GTR substitution matrix combined above nodes represent nonparametric bootstrap pro- with a correction for invariant sites. Numbers above portions (1000 replications). Bootstrap proportions nodes are bootstrap proportions (100 replications). less than 50% are not shown. Asterisks (*) indicate Bootstrap proportions less than 50% are not shown. hypothesized members of subgenus Notropis. Asterisks (*) indicate hypothesized members of sub- genus Notropis. could not be resolved using maximum likeli- hood (Fig. 2). There was strong support for a best tree consistent with a monophyletic sub- sister-group relationship between N. candidus genus Notropis, including N. candidus and N. shu- and N. shumardi, although in the maximum-like- mardi, provided a significant decrease in fit to lihood topology this clade was not sister to N. cyt b relative to a monophyletic subgenus Notro- texanus (Fig. 2). pis where N. candidus and N. shumardi were ex- The method of Kishino and Hasegawa (1989) cluded (⌬l ϭ 21.8, t ϭ 2.14, P Ͻ 0.05). Our was used to test the hypothesis that subgenus finding that subgenus Notropis does not include Notropis, excluding N. shumardi and N. candidus, N. shumardi, and N. candidus does not depend provided a significantly better fit to cyt b se- on the assumed location of the root, as no al- quences than did a subgenus Notropis that in- ternative location for the root could yield a cluded N. candidus and N. shumardi. Under max- monophyletic subgenus Notropis. imum parsimony, the best tree consistent with a Phylogenetic analyses also were carried out monophyletic subgenus Notropis (including N. using multiple representatives of the following candidus and N. shumardi) resulted in a signifi- taxa: N. atherinoides, N. photogenis, N. rubellus, N. cant decrease in fit to cyt b sequences relative scepticus, N. stilbius, N. suttkusi, and N. telescopus to the topology shown in Figure 1 (length dif- (see Materials Examined for locality informa- ference ϭ 26, t ϭ 2.02, P Ͻ 0.05). Retesting the tion). Results of analyses where multiple repre- best tree consistent with a monophyletic sub- sentatives of these species were used were simi- genus Notropis, excluding N. candidus and N. lar to those obtained by using a single represen- shumardi, did not indicate a significant differ- tative of each species (data not shown). ence relative to the most-parsimonious tree (length difference ϭ 17, t ϭ 1.25, P Ͼ 0.05). Relative rates of evolution among taxa.—Homoge- This result indicates significant support under neity in rate of nucleotide substitution was in- the maximum-parsimony criterion for exclusion vestigated by using the maximum-likelihood of only N. candidus and N. shumardi from sub- consensus topology for all ingroup and out- genus Notropis. Under maximum likelihood, the group taxa (Fig. 2). Rate homogeneity was re- 662 COPEIA, 2001, NO. 3


Outgroup taxon excluded in Maximum Maximum jackknife analysis parsimony likelihood N. boops 0 0 N. chrosomus 14 8 N. edwardraneyi 12 0 N. longirostris 10 8 N. nubilus 7 8 N. potteri 10 0 N. texanus 7 0 N. volucellus 0 0 jected either when using members of subgenus Alburnops to place the root (2␦ϭ86.4, P Ͻ 0.05) or the more conservative maximum-likelihood estimate of the root under the assumption of a molecular clock (2␦ϭ53.32, P Ͻ 0.05). When using the more conservative location for the Fig. 3. Strict consensus of six equally parsimoni- root, four of the six largest deviations from ous trees (857 steps) derived from maximum-parsi- clocklike expectations were associated with the mony analysis of cyt b sequences of 14 species of sub- outgroup taxa N. boops, N. longirostris, N. nubilus, genus Notropis (CI ϭ 0.50; RI ϭ 0.38). Numbers above and N. volucellus. When using members of sub- nodes represent nonparametric bootstrap propor- genus Alburnops to place the root, the six largest tions (1000 replications). Bootstrap proportions less deviations from clocklike expectations were as- than 50% are not shown. Location of the root was sociated with the outgroup taxa N. boops, N. chro- inferred a posteriori to tree selection. somus, N. edwardraneyi, N. longirostris, N. texanus, and N. volucellus. olution: Relationships of N. ariommus, N. girardi, Effects of outgroups on ingroup topology.—Jackknif- N. perpallidus, and N. scepticus were not resolved, ing outgroup taxa, followed by maximum-par- and there was a loss of resolution relative to simony and maximum-likelihood analysis, re- placement of N. amoenus and N. stilbius (Fig. 3). vealed different levels of sensitivity to outgroup The maximum-likelihood topology generated sampling. Maximum parsimony was the more after exclusion of outgroup taxa, N. candidus sensitive, as greater differences in topology were and N. shumardi, exhibited no loss of resolution observed among jackknifed datasets (Table 4). but differed from that previously obtained (us- Maximum-likelihood topologies, however, also ing all taxa) in placement of N. photogenis and exhibited dependence upon outgroup sampling N. scepticus (Fig. 4). Relationships previously (Table 4). Despite sensitivity of both phyloge- supported by bootstrap analysis were unaffected netic analyses to outgroup taxa, N. candidus and by exclusion of taxa. N. shumardi consistently were placed outside of a clade comprised of the remaining species of DISCUSSION subgenus Notropis, that is, placement of N. can- didus and N. shumardi outside of subgenus No- Phylogenetic affinities of Notropis candidus and No- tropis was not dependent on any one outgroup tropis shumardi.—Both maximum parsimony and taxon. Furthermore, under maximum likeli- maximum-likelihood analysis of all 24 species of hood, monophyly of a subgenus Notropis that ex- genus Notropis examined were incompatible cluded N. candidus and N. shumardi was not con- with a monophyletic subgenus Notropis (sensu tradicted by jackknifing outgroup taxa. Coburn, 1982). Maximum-likelihood analysis, Topologies obtained from phylogenetic anal- however, supported monophyly of a clade com- ysis after exclusion of outgroup taxa, N. candi- prised of all species of subgenus Notropis exam- dus, and N. shumardi are shown in Figures 3 and ined except for N. candidus and N. shumardi. 4. Under maximum parsimony, exclusion of Jackknife analysis under maximum likelihood these taxa resulted in a general decrease in res- indicated that exclusion of N. candidus and N. BIELAWSKI AND GOLD—PHYLOGENETICS OF SUBGENUS NOTROPIS 663

and N. shumardi. This was not surprising be- cause N. candidus formerly was considered to be a of N. shumardi in the Mobile Bay basin [subsequently elevated by Suttkus (1980) to spe- cies status]. These two species typically inhabit turbid waters of main channels of large rivers (Gilbert and Bailey, 1962; Suttkus, 1980); N. can- didus is endemic to the Mobile Bay drainage of Alabama and Mississippi (Suttkus, 1980), where- as N. shumardi is widespread in major tributaries of the Mississippi basin and drainages of the Texas Gulf coastal slope (Lee et al., 1980). The allopatric distributions and sister-group rela- tionship of these two species suggests a histori- cal drainage connection between the Mississippi Basin and the Mobile Bay drainage. Mayden (1987) noted that the Mobile Bay included rel- atives of species present in the Mississippi Basin and hypothesized that divergence between spe- cies in the two regions was initiated by splitting of a connection between the Tennessee River and Mobile Bay drainage. Results of this study Fig. 4. Optimal topology (ϪlnL ϭ 5037.5) recov- are consistent with this hypothesis. Moreover, N. ered from maximum-likelihood analysis of cyt b se- candidus and N. shumardi exhibit distribution quences of 14 species of subgenus Notropis. The mod- patterns that are nearly identical to those of two el used was the GTR matrix combined with a correc- other big-river species pairs: Scaphirhynchus pla- tion for invariant sites. Numbers above nodes repre- torhynchus and Scaphirhynchus suttkusi (Williams sent bootstrap proportions (100 replications). and Clemmer, 1991), and N. edwardraneyi and Bootstrap proportions less than 50% are not present- N. blennius (Suttkus and Clemmer, 1968). Al- ed. Location of the root was inferred a posteriori to though the specific nature and timing of a his- tree selection. torical connection between the Tennessee River and Mobile Bay systems remains controversial (Starnes and Etnier, 1986), the relationships be- shumardi from a monophyletic subgenus Notropis tween N. candidus and N. shumardi and the oth- was not dependent on any individual outgroup er big-river species pairs supports the notion taxon. Although maximum-parsimony analysis that the connection probably involved a large (and bootstrap analysis) supported monophyly river (Mayden, 1987, 1988). of only eight species of subgenus Notropis, K-H tests indicated that only exclusion of N. candidus Phylogenetic analysis of subgenus Notropis.—Exclu- and N. shumardi was supported under the par- sion of N. candidus and N. shumardi from sub- simony criterion. These results indicate that N. genus Notropis raises the question of monophyly candidus and N. shumardi should be excluded of the remaining 14 species currently placed in from subgenus Notropis. Exclusion of N. shumar- the subgenus. Maximum parsimony and non- di from subgenus Notropis is not without prece- parametric bootstrapping indicated monophyly dent, as Snelson (1968) suggested that N. shu- of a subset (eight species of subgenus Notropis). mardi might be more closely related to members K-H tests, however, indicated that, after exclu- of subgenus Alburnops. The cyt b data, however, sion of N. candidus and N. shumardi, relation- do not indicate a relationship between N. can- ships suggested by maximum parsimony provid- didus and N. shumardi and the two members of ed no better fit to the data than monophyly of subgenus Alburnops (N. edwardraneyi and N. pot- the remaining 14 species of subgenus Notropis. teri) examined in this study. Alternatively, rela- Alternatively, maximum likelihood supported tionships among outgroup taxa were not strong- monophyly of the remaining 14 species of sub- ly supported by cyt b sequences, and resolution genus Notropis. Jackknife analysis indicated that of their relationships will require sampling ad- this hypothesis was unaffected by any one out- ditional DNA sequences or additional taxa. group taxon. There was strong support in both maximum- Jackknife analysis also indicated that both parsimony and maximum-likelihood analysis for maximum-parsimony and maximum-likelihood a sister-group relationship between N. candidus estimates of relationships among species of sub- 664 COPEIA, 2001, NO. 3 genus Notropis were sensitive to sampling of out- mardi, none of the species with an enlarged ol- group taxa. Swofford et al. (1996) suggested factory apparatus were closely related in any of that sensitivity of a topology to the most diver- the phylogenies inferred from cyt b sequences. gent taxa (i.e., outgroups) in phylogenetic anal- Independent development of an enlarged olfac- ysis is an indication that systematic error is in- tory apparatus in N. jemezanus, N. oxyrhynchus, fluencing the analysis. Analysis of cyt b data re- and N. girardi within subgenus Notropis, and in vealed heterogeneity in both nucleotide com- N. candidus and N. shumardi outside of subgenus position and rate of substitution among Notropis, clearly suggests that increased olfactory outgroup taxa. These two are both potential capabilities have arisen repeatedly in the evo- sources of systematic error (Kuhner and Felsen- lution of these species. Huber and Rylander stein, 1994; Lockhart et al., 1994), and the (1992) conducted a detailed analysis of relation- greater sensitivity exhibited by maximum parsi- ships among various aspects of brain morphol- mony to jackknifing is consistent with its pre- ogy and turbidity of preferred habitat of North sumed greater sensitivity to the negative affects American cyprinids and found that enlarge- of systematic error as compared to maximum ment of brain structures associated with olfac- likelihood (Huelsenbeck, 1995). Consequently, tion (olfactory bulb and facial lobe) was corre- differences between maximum-parsimony and lated with turbidity of preferred habitat. They maximum-likelihood topologies when all taxa hypothesized that species adapted to turbid en- were used may be the result of differences in vironments should possess increased taste, hear- sensitivity to heterogeneity in nucleotide com- ing, and olfaction capabilities relative to species position and substitution rate among the out- adapted to clearer waters. Interestingly, N. je- group taxa, that is, to systematic error. mezanus, N. oxyrhynchus, and N. girardi (species Regardless of the method of analysis (maxi- that possess an enlarged olfactory apparatus) mum parsimony or maximum likelihood) or tend to prefer more turbid waters (Huber and use of outgroup taxa, phylogenetic analysis of Rylander, 1992). With the exception of N. ath- cyt b indicated strong support for the following erinoides, which can be found in water of varying hypothesis of relationships: ((N. rubellus, N. sutt- turbidity, all other species of subgenus Notropis kusi), (N. amoenus, N. stilbius, ((N. atherinoides, N. generally prefer waters of low turbidity (Lee et oxyrhynchus), (N. amabilis, N. jemezanus)))). This al., 1980; Huber and Rylander, 1992) and pos- hypothesis is largely incompatible with relation- sess a relatively small olfactory apparatus. ships hypothesized by Coburn (1982). For ex- It appears that homoplasy associated with spe- ample, taxa placed by Coburn (1982) in N. ath- cialization for life in turbid habitats is in part erinoides species group (N. atherinoides and N. responsible for the conflict between morpho- amabilis), N. shumardi species group (N. oxyrhyn- logical and molecular hypotheses of relation- chus and N. jemezanus), and N. photogenis species ships for subgenus Notropis. Enlargement of the group (N. amoenus) were placed together based olfactory apparatus could be viewed as a trophic on phylogenetic analysis of cyt b sequences. specialization, as it could enhance food capture, However, the phylogenetic hypothesis generat- or at least food identification, particularly in tur- ed from cyt b sequences is consistent with Ame- bid waters. Interestingly, replicated patterns of miya and Gold (1990) and Coburn and Caven- trophic specialization have lead to significant der (1992) in placing N. oxyrhynchus (formerly conflict between morphological and molecular of the N. shumardi species-group) as sister to N. hypotheses in other fish lineages (Martin and atherinoides, and Dowling and Brown (1989) and Birmingham 1998; Ru¨ber et al. 1999; Hanel and Coburn and Cavender (1992) in placing N. ru- Sturmbauer, 2000). Collectively, these findings bellus and N. girardi, respectively, in subgenus question the general utility of morphological Notropis. Placement of N. girardi by Coburn and characters associated with trophic specialization Cavender (1992) as a relative of N. candidus, N. for inferring phylogenies. shumardi, and N. jemezanus was not supported by analysis of cyt b sequences. MATERIALS EXAMINED Coburn and Cavender (1992) placed N. shu- mardi, N. candidus, N. jemezanus, and N. girardi Traditional {in braces}, collection into a clade based on a pronounced enlarge- localities, drainages (in parentheses), and cata- ment of the olfactory apparatus. Except for N. log number of the voucher specimen [in brack- oxyrhynchus, which possesses a moderately en- ets] are listed below. Where required, all collec- larged olfactory apparatus, all other species of tions were made under valid scientific collecting subgenus Notropis possess relatively small olfac- permits. Specimens of N. girardi were collected tory apparatus (Coburn, 1982, pers. comm.). in 1984 prior to being listed (federally threat- With the exception of N. candidus and N. shu- ened) in 1998. Voucher specimens for most col- BIELAWSKI AND GOLD—PHYLOGENETICS OF SUBGENUS NOTROPIS 665 lection localities were deposited in the Texas tropis}, Clinch River, Tennessee, (Clinch River), Cooperative Wildlife Collection (TCWC) at Tex- [TCWC:8295.04]; N. telescopus {subgenus Notro- as A&M University. Notropis amabilis {subgenus pis}, North Fork, Holsten River, Virginia, (Hol- Notropis}, Johnson Creek, Texas, (Neches River), sten River); N. texanus {N. texanus species- [TCWC: 10865.01]; N. amoenus {subgenus Notro- group}, River, Mississippi, (Gulf River), pis}, Deep River, North Carolina, (Cape Fear), [TCWC:8289.02]; N. volucellus {N. volucellus spe- [TCWC: 10864.01]; N. ariommus {subgenus No- cies group}, Cahaba River, Alabama, (Cahaba tropis}, Clinch River, Tennessee, (Clinch River), River), [TCWC:10860.01]. Nucleotide sequenc- [TCWC:8295.03]; N. atherinoides {subgenus No- es were deposited in GenBank (AF352261– tropis}, Cahaba River, Alabama, (Cahaba River), AF352290). [TCWC:8291.01]; N. atherinoides {subgenus No- tropis}, Blue River, Oklahoma, (Red River), N. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS atherinoides {subgenus Notropis}, Huron River, Michigan, (Huron River); N. atherinoides {sub- We thank R. E. Broughton, R. C. Cashner, T. genus Notropis}, Red River, Oklahoma, (Red Riv- E. Dowling, D. A. Etnier, W. M. Howell, W. J. er); N. boops {N. texanus species group}, Briar Matthews, and W. C. Starnes for assistance in Creek, Oklahoma, (Red River), [TCWC: obtaining the species examined in this study 10863.01]; N. candidus {subgenus Notropis}, Black and K. Vaughn for assistance with cataloging Warrior River, Alabama, (Black Warrior River), voucher specimens. We also thank T. E. Dowling [TCWC:7989.01]; N. chrosomus {subgenus Hydro- for kindly providing cytochrome b sequences of phlox}, Gurley Creek, Alabama, (Black Warrior two representatives of Notropis rubellus;L.R. River), [TCWC: 7248.01]; N. edwardraneyi {sub- Richardson, L. B. Stewart, L. R. Cervantez, and genus Alburnops}, Black Warrior River, Alabama, R. A. Dworak for laboratory assistance; K. A. (Black Warrior River), [TCWC: 7988.01]; N. gir- Dunn, R. L. Honeycutt, J. Rice, A. Rooney, D. ardi {subgenus Notropis}, South Canadian River, L. Swofford, T. F. Turner, T. Ward, and Z. Yang Oklahoma, (Arkansas River) [TCWC:7663.01]; for valuable discussions; and D. Rowe for valu- N. jemezanus {subgenus Notropis}, Pecos River, able assistance in a of areas. We are New Mexico, (Pecos River), [TCWC:10867.01] grateful for the comments of three anonymous N. longirostris {N. dorsalis species group}, Red reviewers. Research was supported in part by a Creek, Mississippi, (Pascagoula River), [TCWC: National Science Foundation Doctoral Disser- 10859.01]; N. nubilus {subgenus Hydrophlox}, Lee tation Improvement Grant (DEB-9700717), in Creek, Arkansas, (Arkansas River); N. oxyrhyn- part by a Thomas Slick Research Fellowship, chus {subgenus Notropis}, Brazos River, Texas, and in part by the Texas Agricultural Experi- (Brazos River), [TCWC:10862.01]; N. perpallidus mental Station under Project H-6703. 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