A company limited by guarantee Halls Trust A recognised Scottish charity website: www.maryhillburghhalls.org.uk Membership Application Form Membership of Maryhill Burgh Halls Trust is open to individuals, 16 years of age or older, who have their main residence or main place of work within the Operating Area of the Trust which is: Maryhill, , Acre, Maryhill Park, , , , , North and Gairbraid areas of . In addition, any individual who does not live or work in the Operating Area but wishes to support the aims and activities of the Trust may apply for membership. Maryhill Housing Association, Cube Housing Association and are Partner Members of the Trust. Members of the Trust are entitled to attend and vote at the Annual General Meeting and any Special General Meeting of the Trust. The business of the Trust is managed by a Board of Directors. Members are entitled to put themselves forward for election to the Board and to vote in elections for nominations to the Board. The Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Trust are available for inspection at the Registered Office address.

Applicant’s Details - Please Print Clearly Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/Other First Names Surname Address

Postcode Telephone No Email Address

I apply for membership of Maryhill Burgh Halls Trust, am 16 years of age or older, and enclose my annual subscription of £1 (Please note that the subscription year runs from the end of November each year) Cheques should be made out to Maryhill Burgh Halls Trust

Signed ______Date ______

Work Address:______(only required if the applicant lives outwith the Operating Area outlined above)

Please state here your interest/connection with the project if you live and work outwith the Operating Area of Maryhill Burgh Halls Trust:


Built 1878 Architect, Duncan McNaughton

Registered Office: 10-24 Gairbraid Avenue, Glasgow G20 8YE Phone: 0845 860 1856 Email: [email protected] Registered in , Company No 276010 Scottish Charity Number SC 036089 Stained Glass designed by Stephen Adam