Education Cluster Gap Analysis (January - April 2021)
YEMEN: Education Cluster Gap Analysis (January - April 2021) Overall Progress Achieved Achieved Gap Target 5,551,039 Achieved 2,322,023 Gap 3,229,016 42% Target and Achieved per Activity 1,116,186 Provision students/teachers and school 1,425,891 administration with school feeding program Establish, expand and rehabilitate new classrooms 535,750 (Temporary or Permanent), including gender- 576,073 sensitive and disability-sensitive WASH Facilities Provide students/learners, teachers, school 1,100,000 administrators in schools/learning spaces with 152,830 COVID-19 PPE kits 700,000 Provision students with learning materials in formal 99,439 and non-formal settings 456,812 Conduct hygiene awareness sessions and 22,348 campaigns 150,000 Provision of school-based Psychosocial support to 19,120 school staff and students 140,000 6,489 Train teachers, educators and school administration 683,188 Provision students and schools / learning spaces 10,036 with hygiene kits and cleaning materials 181,603 2,985 Targeted Provision of unpaid teachers incentives Reached 172,000 Provision teachers/educators with teaching 2,338 materials 20,000 3,999 Support children with school transportation 235,000 Support children with non-formal education 175 programs 500 Train education actors (female/male) on policy, 201 planning, data collection and fundraising Train teachers and staff in schools/learning spaces 60,000 on hygiene, Covid-19 prevention practices and safe 99 schools protocols - 200,000 400,000 600,000 800,000 1,000,000 1,200,000 1,400,000 1,600,000 Establish,
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