FEBRUARY 2018 | Volume 105 | Number 2 A publication of EVANGELISTIC FAITH MISSIONS CRADLEEthiopia OF A PAGE 2 MISSIONARY MOVEMENT PAGE 3 DECADES OF MINISTRY FRUIT IN ETHIOPIA Page 2 EFM KIDS’ PAGE Page 4 FUNDING THE MISSION Page 5 MISSION SPEAK Page 6 EFM NEWS AND NOTES Page 8 DECADES OF MINISTRY FRUIT IN ETHIOPIA Faith Hemmeter MISSIONARY HERALD (USPS 353-460) A wholesome monthly magazine published in the interest of aggressive, Faith Hemmeter recently world-wide missionary work. Subscription only $2 per year. received this letter from a Published by Evangelistic Faith Missions 168 Ikerd Lane P. O. Box 609 pastor in Ethiopia. Bedford, Indiana 47421-0609 Periodical postage paid at Bedford, Indiana 47421, and other mailing offi ces. Layout design: Jon Plank Dear Faith Hemmeter, another church. I hope and believe
[email protected] Greetings in the name of our Lord that our Master will give me some Printed by Country Pines Printing, Shoals, IN and Savior Jesus Christ. He is our hope souls for His kingdom. As Paul said, All business communications, manuscripts, exchanges, subscriptions, etc., should be and the coming king. Praise His name! “though our outward man perish, yet addressed to: Evangelistic Faith Missions I was so happy when I saw your the inward man is renewed day by day” P. O. Box 609, Bedford, Indiana 47421-0609 picture with Samuel Mesfi n on Face- (2 Cor. 4:16). Amen. Yes, I am praying
[email protected] book last year, and I read your testimo- that my motivation will be stronger Telephone: 812-275-7531 Offi ce hours: Monday-Friday, ny of how the Lord had answered your for the glory of God.