Christmas in a Time of Loss It Has Been a Year of Reunion; It Tonight, the Low Will Dip to 28 with Has Been a Year of Painful Separa- Wind About 5 Mph
MONDAY 162nd YEAR • No. 198 DECEMBER 19, 2016 CLEVELAND, TN 18 PAGES • 50¢ Solomon Family Solutions bringing lots of local love By CHRISTY ARMSTRONG Banner Staff Writer “It’s such a good organization for kids Solomon Family Solutions, a Cleveland organi- zation which assists families with everything from and for families. They try to bring art therapy to adoption placement, is among the families back together.” groups which have helped spread holiday cheer. — Steve Watson Its first “Deck the Halls” fundraiser was held at the Museum Center at Five Points. The holiday- themed event celebrated the season while also tion, mediation, home studies, expert witness bringing to the forefront the needs of local fami- investigation and drug testing. lies. Chase said these services are often needed by “We offer a variety of services to help families, families going through things like divorce and and they are all income-based,” said co-founder domestic violence. Some, like parent coordina- Andrea Chase. tion, have the organization’s staff working as a Founded in the autumn of 2015, Solomon go-between to handle the children’s affairs for Family Solutions was started after Chase and co- one or both parents. founder Samantha Young saw the need for The organization also offers art therapy servic- “affordable” family services. Having both worked es, under the direction of art therapist Blythe with families in the local nonprofit sector, they Mayfield. The practice involves taking part in art realized services needed by some families could projects while addressing emotional issues. While be costly. families can schedule stand-alone art therapy Banner photo, CHRISTY ARMSTRONG The organization offers a variety of services sessions, they can also be combined with things SOLOMON FAMILY SOLUTIONS leaders stand in front of a festive tree displayed at their organiza- related to court disputes, including supervised tion’s “Deck the Halls” fundraising event.
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