S" 5 Castroites Hijack Colombian Airliner
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m /■ A t«n g» Dailj Net Pn m Rm V'or IfM^Week Ended The Weather fnly M, ie67j Fair Umlght, clouda Increa*- / Ing, low In 60s; cloudy and warm with acattered ahowera 14,729 'tomorrow, high 80-80. Manchester— A City of Village Charm VOL. LXXXVI, NO. 261 N - (TWENTY PA6E&-TW0 SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, AUGUST 7, 1967 (OlsMlfled AdverUslof on Fngo IT) PRICE SEVEN CENTS ■k. ^ Medical Thieves ^assi».s" MIAMI, Fta. (AP) — Two bandits dressed In op erating room gxAvns over 5 Castroites Hijack powered a security guard and robbed a cashier at Jhckson Memorial Hhapital o f |2S0 earty txxkiy. Police said the men, wearing green Surgical gowns, attached the guard Colombian Airliner and cashier as the pair was' .•> ■ .-9 « V > I transferring the funds be tween hospital offices. The would-be surgeons •i escaped wiHh the loot. Bus Driver Exiles Held ^Gets Lost’ Ike Remains In P lan to In London Satisfactory; Kill Castro LONDON (AP) — A big, red, m j HAVANA (AP)— Five double-decker London bus lost Ills M in or partisans of F^del Castro its way in the heart of London hijacked a Colombian air WASHCNOTON (AP) For- Sunday. liner with more than 70 mer President Dwight D. Eisen Instead of heading down Hay- persons aboard to take market from Piccadilly Circus, hower, suffering a minor diges' them to Havana Sunday. No. 9 rumbled straight on to tlve ailment, continued under Leicester Square, Meanwhile, the Cuban gov observation today at the Army’s a woman passenger called ernment displayed six cap Walter Reed General Hospital, out: “ He’s going the 'wrong tured invaders from Flor his condition unchanged since way.’’ ida whom is accused of planning to kill Castro. Sunday, a spokesman said. “ “P- ^ . , arated the driver from the pas- The Cuban government said ’Ihe h o s p i^ issued a one- sengers and the conductress, the plane, whose passengers in sentence statement saying, the driver didn’t hear. cluded (our U.S. citizens, was "There has been no appreciable At Leicester Square, he cut to free to resume its flight today. change in General Elsenhower’s the right and headed for Trafal- All the passengers were report condltion; medicsil observations Square, ed safe. continue.’ ’ /• The six captive Cuban exiles, _ „ , , . "I ’m late for work, stop him,” paraded at a four-hour news yeHed a passenger who was conference, all said they were doing Sunday switchboard serv- his home in Gettysburg, Pa.,_ jgg tn exporter’s office. recruited and trained by the and was flown to Walter Reed U.S. Central Intelligence Agen on Saturday by helicopter. At Trafalgar Square the driv cy in Florida. (AP Photofax) er nosed down the Horse Two said they carried poi Watts, the Los Angeles area tom by racial rioting -last summer, began its His ailment has been de Guard’s Parade—far off No. 9’s scribed by hospital spokesman ^"iite” soned bullets intended (or ^ second Summer Festival today, hoping to instill more pride in the district. Prime Minister Castro. ’Two oth only in general terms, as a "m i- j,ear the houses of Parlla- ■Hie area has been relatively calm this year. Artists, singers and designers, ers said they were CIA agents. nor gastro-inteslinal upset’’. ment the driver drove with less like those in photo, are displaying their wares during the festival. Cuban authorities declined to On Stmday his coiidition' was certainty. The conductress • t say whether the capUves would reported as greatly improved, pulled the stop cord, walked be shot. and the statement said Eisen- around to the front and gave ‘V Guests at the news conference hower probably would not stay some instructions. ’The driver included delegates to the meet Only Few Incidents Blur long in the hospital. headed back toward Trafalgar ing of the LaUn American Or- Medical tests and X-rays, Square, ganization of Solidarity— they said Sunday, were encour- Up ahead was a No. 15 bus. OLAS— a gathering of revolu- aging. "Follow the No. 16,” shouted Uonaries from 27 naUons. Chiba Eisenhower’s doctors, it was Calm Civil Rights Scene (See Page Twelve) apparently aimed to use the announced, planned to take ad capUves to offset Venezuelan vantage of his present stay to charges that Cuba landed guer > NEW YORK (AP) — a population of about 18,600, James A. Slusser, "there were perform routine examinations This South Vietnamese boy wears a new-style war rillas near Chiracas in May. Civil peace, with only a with about 360 Negroes. no racial overtones to the in- and dental work which had been Mother Charged bonnet as he trudges across a shallow stream in a Uruguayan Sen. Rodney Aris- few exceptions, prevailed In Pittsburgh, police said cidents.” scheduled for later this month, village of the Kylo Valley. He grabbed the wicker mendi said he felt sure OLAS ' across the nation' today about 4,000 youths got tired of Providence, Mayor Jo- When Eisenhower, 76, was basket chapeau when he and many other villagers would vote to condemn the Unit waiting for buses after a show g^pjj a . Doorley’ jr . ordered a hospitalized in May for eight In Shooting of were evacuated ahead of an advance by Korean sol ed States for the exiles’ action, imid^federal,oim state /ui n+and oniir lo- rnTtoss^dtossed rocks “and nd 'bottles U Z Scurfew e w anda it^ ban b a i on liquor sa__-aales «lays with acute gastroenteritis. and about 600 OLAS delegates, M I enorts aimea at SOIV- Ui which windows were smash- Sunday in South Provl- was fed Intravenously the Four Children diers. The basket previously served as a foxhole special guests and leftist ob ing racial problems and ed and eight persons were in- ^gnce after four nights of 24 hours or so. But in their liner. (AP Photofax). DUNSTABLE, Mass. (AP) servers at the netvs conference preventing further rioting. Jured, none seriously, a few report Sunday the doctors said . roared their approval. T h e trouble spots Sunday were stolen from a Michigan Gov. George Rom- the upset this time was minor TheI'he oodlesbodies ofor rwfour r children, ana*» - , _ -rs* v of whom had been shot, were | f l Yiet RcSCUC B id The Colombian government were: Wichita, Kan., where a sporting goods store. nev Sundav ended a *two-week dnd apparently the tests and X . , j „ j said the DC4 plane, flying from white man was wounded by a Although most of the crowd rays made Saturday showed tound tWs morning^ folloiring a Bogota to the Colombian islands sniper’s bullet; Great Bend, was Negro, said police Supt. (See “Page Ten)~ nothing more serious. They did of San Andres and Provldencla Kan., where a Negro tavern not mention intravenous feed- in the Caribbean, carried 71 was firebombed; and Pitts General Rescued passengers and four crewmen. burg)!, Pa., where teen-agers ’Ihe doctors did not say It said the pilot, Rafael Madera, rioted after a rock ‘n’ roll whether the current iUness is telephoned from Havana to re show. related to the one suffered in ‘’® port that a group of pra- Rap Brown Sounds May, which involved inflamma- Reporting no disturbances The victims were the children On Copter Sweep Castraltes had forced him to fly were previously riot-wrecked tion of the lining of the stomach there. and intestines. had been shot and apparently Detroit, Providence, R.I., Mil Negro Call to Arms had been dead since Sunday SAIGON (AP) — A U.S. Army eral was directing an air mobUe waukee, Wls., and Cam night. brigadier general was wounded assault of one American compa- crewmen *^d that* the arm ^ bridge, Md. The victime were the children in the leg today when Viet Gong ny and a company of South Vlet- NEW YORK (AP) - While of “ revolution. ’The white man men who took it over were four At Wichita, as the city enter- o( Mr. and Mrs. Francis G. Con- (Ire hit his helicopter as he was namese rangers when he saw j ed its second night of police- African-robed youths waved reading his own Bl- bl6. which says after the rain* nolly Jr. Officials said the par- trying to rescue two crewmen that the helicopter had been t* enforced curfew Sunday, a sni- palm fronds, and a machete- Bulletin ents had returned to their home from a downed helicopter on the shot down. , , per shot a man in the leg. carrying Mau Mau guard stood time ” at 7 a.m., after .the (Ire, which outskirts of Saigon, U.S. sources Just as the general’s hellcop- ment was cnnaMarinJ .i l r ?: by. Bl.,1. P.w.r .dvo,,., H. Th. rll, 1„ St, was discovered by a neighbor reported. ' ter set down to try to rescue the nuest There ? ,f** RIOT MURDER CHARGE about three hours earlier, had ’There were other reports that crew, Viet Cong j;uerrUlaa Hig j.V jg-,,-„ ^ „ ,two p.trM o m M Ih. .taoung ^ ' arm themselves agaliu^a hunr Negro neighborhood, was DETROIT (AP)Detroit been extinguished. thfCe U.S. helicopters burned opened fire'With small arms and (jramatlc visit to the ^ ^ 8 scene. ’The sniper was . not The victims were identified as after being shot down and that automatic weapons. meeting * ky (white) conspiracy of geno- called to support 17 Negroes police said today that two De- found. Tension had eased dur fhtdt policemen have been Brencta, 16; Gregory, 11; Gary, two more were badly damaged -The helicopter quickly took off One passenger US Armv ing the day in the wake of a charged with plotting the.