September 11, 2020 Daily

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September 11, 2020 Daily ... Community Farm cookout to be held Ohio on travel ban to New York, Washington D.C. Kid’s Corner Toys ForLess than Tots a month event after Ohio to wasbe removedheld SPORTS Bumper Crop Farm at E.113th Street and Kid’s Corner The Friends of Zack Reed will sponsor its 22nd MENU TIPS from New York’s travel advisory, it’s back on the Woodland Ave. will hold a Community Farm Coo- Mikkarrie Miller enjoyed Annual 2018 Toys for Tots Holiday Party & Celebrity her summer playing with her young- warning list.According to the New York advisory, Tribe Battling White Sox, kout on Saturday, September 12 from 2:00 p.m. to Fashion Show with the goal to collect 1,000 toys for the ‘King of Ameri- Sensational Seafood er sister, Mikiaraq. Walking through needyanyone children who travels of Northeast to Ohio Ohio. has Beverages to quarantine will be upon pro- Twins For Top Spot 6:00 p.m. Everyone is welcome to join in the fun, can Seafood’ Meals Made Easy the vegetable and flower garden videdreturn.Also, with admission. Ohio residents Celebrities who invited want toinclude: visit NewAlec food, and games. A tour of the gardens will be across the street and waiting for the Blackmon,York have Andreato fi ll out Vecchio, a Traveler Tiff any Health Tarpley, Form. and VanessaOhio is grills it up given and fresh produce from the garden will be sound of the ice cream truck were Whiting,also on theEsq. warning Doors open list forat 6pm. Washington, Admission D.C.Was- is $10 at See Page 4 See Page 5 available for purchase. For information call 970- favorite things to do this summer. thehington door withD.C. a listsnew, Ohiounopened as a toy high-risk for donation area, (or along $20 234-5438.. Miller She likes to eat popsicles. withoutwith 29 a other toy). states. VOL. 41 No.35 Tuesday, September 8, 2020- Friday, September 11, 2020 Daily FREEEASTSIDE NEWSFREE ISSUED FRIDAY READ ON - WRITE ON SERVING: LARCHMERE - WOODLAND, SHAKER SQUARE, BUCKEYE, WOODLAND, MT. PLEASANT, READ ON - WRITE ON LEE & AVALON, HARVARD - LEE, MILES - UNION, UNIVERSITY CIRCLE AREA, WARRENSVILLE HEIGHTS, VILLAGES OF NORTH RANDALL, HIGHLAND HILLS AND CITY OF EAST CLEVELAND “COVERING THE NEWS TODAY FOR A BETTER TOMORROW” Gun violence on the rise in city as homicides reach 119 The Riggins family held a toll, families are appealing for jus- ultimately dropped after Lesure failed “There’s a ton of community press conference with Channel 19’s tice. to show up for the trial. members who believe what I be- Harry Boomer. Information was This past week, Shawtale Several fatal shootings hap- lieve, and that is that more police, released to the public in the hope Lesure, 21, became the 119th homi- pened over Labor Day weekend. Luis in and of itself, is not going to that witnesses will come forward to cide of 2020. There were 85 homi- Rodriguez-Rivera,19, died Sunday change the situation.” identify the person who fatally shot cides recorded during this same pe- night after being shot multiple times in “It’s always one-sided. Allante Riggins. riod last year. the Clark-Fulton neighborhood on the We talk about the crime, but we The murder was caught on According to the police West Side. The victim was found ly- don’t talk about the crime that video surveillance at the strip mall at report, a 57 year old man has been ing in the street at West 43rd Street and happens to community mem- E. 75th Street and Kinsman Ave. arrested in Lesure’s death. He was Storer Avenue at about 9:40 p.m.Don’t He Forget bers,” To Turn Jones said. Anyone with information shot her following an argument at was pronounced dead at MetroHealthYour Clock Forward “There’s too many mur- is asked to call 216- 623-5464. 10:30 p.m. on Thursday on East 65th Medical Center. ders, there’s too many killings and Hundreds of families in Street, north of Union Avenue. He On Monday, homicide detec- people are shooting. … That’s Cleveland are waiting for answers. had been previously charged with tives investigated the fatal shooting of something we have to fi ght,” domestic violence against Lesure in As gun violence takes its Renae Issac, 59. He was shot in his Jones said. June 2018, but those charges were South Moreland apartment about 10:50 “But simultaneously, p.m. we also need to work on building Health director resigns within hours A preliminary investigation a stronger bridge between com- During yesterday’s 2 p.m. that Duwve said she would not be tak- indicates that the man’s neighbor went munity and police,” Jones said. COVID-19 press conference, DeW- ing that position, citing personal rea- to check on the man and found him “When our offi cers do something ine announced that Dr. Joan Duwve sons for withdrawing her name from unresponsive. the scene by Cleveland that is wrong, that is harmful to Allante Riggins’ father, A. Masserati Riggins, and his two sisters held would be fi lling the position that for- consideration. EMS, according to police. the community, that there is jus- a press conference on September 3 seeking justice for Allante who was mur- mer director Dr. Amy Acton had re- Duwve, a native of Ohio Rodney Benson, 54, was tice there as well.” dered a month earlier at the strip mall at E. 75th Street and Kinsman Road. signed from in June. and graduate of North Olmsted High shot to death last Wednesday. Garfi eld Just hours after announcing School, is a medical doctor who has Heights police released little informa- Dr. Joan Duwve would be fi lling the extensive experience in public health tion on the shooting that happened Cermemony held for summer interns director of the Ohio Department of and most recently served as the Di- about 12:05 a.m. Wednesday on East During this past sum- The summer youth pro- dents were Javeon Golston rector of Public Health under South Health position, Gov. Mike DeWine 136th Street and Christine Avenue. mer, the Burten Bell Carr gram was divided into two - 4 and Curtaisia Ward. Golston announced that she had withdrawn her Carolina’s Gov. Henry McMaster at Police found Benson shot at name from consideration for the posi- the state’s Department of Health and the intersection and an ambulance took Center (BBCC) placed 20 stu- week sessions which went from attends St. Edwards High tion. Environmental Control. Prior to work- him to Marymount Hospital, where he dents in summer jobs through July through August. BBCC School and is on the football Duwve released the follow- ing in South Carolina, Duwve served died, according to police. the Youth Opportunity Unlim- placed their students in busi- team. Ward attends St. Martin ing statement:“I am thrilled to return Indiana governors Mitch Daniels, Eric No arrests have been made in ited (Y.O.U.) program. YOU nesses in their immediate area De Porres High School. Holcomb and Mike Pence as the Chief to Ohio, where I grew up,” said Dr. the case. has been in existence since To let the students Duwve in the press release. “Through Medical Offi cer with the Indiana De- As the unsolved cases pile- which consists of the Kinsman forging strong partnerships across the partment of Health and as the Medi- up, Cleveland City Council voted on 1982 and has employed more area and Buckeye-Woodland. know that they were appreci- state, I fi rmly believe that together, we cal Director for the Division of Public Wednesday to accept a nearly $8-mil- than 160,000 students from Of the 20 students ated, the BBCC staff spon- can build healthier communities that Health and Preparedness. lion grant that will pay to add 30 of- the ages of 14-18-year-old in placed by BBCC, two students sored two events to show their in turn create greater opportunities for DeWine said that his admin- fi cers to the police department. all Ohioans to thrive.” istration will continue its search for a their Summer Youth Employ- appreciation to the students for Councilman Basheer Jones were placed at EAST SIDE Within a few hours of the full-time director of the Ohio Depart- ment Program, also known as DAILY NEWS doing fi ling their summer work. The stu- announcement, DeWine announced ment of Health. argued police need to build better rela- tionships with the community fi rst.“We “Summer Jobs,” which pro- work and learning basic job dents were presented certifi - Ceremony commemorates 9/11 anniversary know we’re living in a city where a lot vides subsidized employment skills for their future. The stu- cates for their services. It’s been 19 years since and 40 more died in Pennsylva- of crime is taking place,” Jones said. for youth during the summer. the 9/11 terror attacks took the nia. lives of 2,974 people, yet the More than 400 New Piney-Woods fundraiser for students death toll continues to rise as York fi refi ghters and police offi - The Piney Woods School, opportunities that we make people who were at Ground cers were among the dead. one of America’s oldest indepen- available to them,” says Piney Zero on that fateful day suc- According to the CDC, dent, historically black boarding Woods School President Will cumb to related illnesses. schools, announces a major fun- Crossley. “No student should 3,946 of the more than 105,000 Today marks the anni- draising campaign to award up to be denied a Piney Woods edu- members of the World Trade versary of the deadliest terror at- 200 additional low-income stu- cation because of a family’s tack on American soil in which Center Health Program, which dents with future scholarships and limited fi nancial circumstanc- 2,750 people were killed at the supports fi rst responders and sur- tuition assistance to attend school es.” World Trade Center in New vivors at Ground Zero during and at its rural Mississippi campus.
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