Year 8 Newsletter

18 May 2020 Message from the Headteacher Dear Parents/carers

I hope this 9th edition of our weekly newsletter finds you and your families well.

You will be wanting to know when we will be opening again. The online learning will continue so please continue to ensure / encourage your child follows the suggestive timetable. As things become clearer, I will communicate with you all. The safety, well-being and welfare of all students and staff will always determine how we will move forward.

The Key Worker School continues and students are busy with their academic learning and also taking part in creative/physical activities they’ve never tried before. If you should need to enquire about the Key Worker School please email [email protected]

Next week is half term, I will be asking staff not to set work for the students however I will write to you with some suggestive fun activities you can take part in as a family. Obviously if students want to engage in some learning there are activities on firefly and also on BBC bitesize and Oak Academy, which is an online education site set up by the Government, which has some excellent activities in al subject areas.

I will write to you all towards the end of the week. Please contact us if you should have any queries.

Take care and stay safe.

Mrs Gallagher

Wellbeing If you have enough of watching things try to listen to radio. There are some really wonderful radio stations – see if you can listen to FM which is broadcast in Hawaii. World Radio FM - All radio stations - Online Radio In honour of May being Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month, we compiled a list of the top 10 radio stations based in Hawaii. This list includes the top radio stations KSSK-FM – 92.3 FM- 158,600 KPHW-FM – Power 104.3 – 146,000 KDDB-FM – 102.7 Da Bomb – 131,300 KINE-FM – Hawaiian 105 KINE – 124,300 KDNN-FM – Island 98.5 – 117,800 KRTR-FM – Krater 96.3 – 110,200 KCCN-FM – KCCN FM100 – 100,200 KUCD-FM – Star 101.9 – 98,900 KUMU-FM – 94.7 KUMU -97,500 KKOL-FM – Kool Gold 107.9 – 92,100 Really interesting to hear how they are coping in far pacific?

Y8 – stars of the week Please find attached Keara O’Donnell’s' Art work for this week. This was an excellent example of what she was asked to do. Mrs Laird Head of Corsac House / Teacher of Art and Design Also a big shout to: I wanted to give a big shout out to Harley Murphy for her excellent dance homework task. The students have been studying Capoeira dance, and they had to make observations from the 3 pictures. Harley went above and beyond, writing 4 pages of detailed notes about this style. I learnt loads from her!

Kind regards Mrs Griggs


Performance – Capoeira Have a go at learning some capoeira moves. (Please check that you have enough space!) Ginga: Esquiva: Bênção: Meia-lua do Frente: TIF: Create your own capoeira dance sequence using the 4 moves. TIEF: Teach the moves/dance sequence to someone you live with. After you have completed the task, document your experience for your performance teacher to see on Firefly. Details of what to include in your documented account can be found on Firefly.

Art - Either by showing the tutorial video you made last week OR demonstrating, teach another member of your household how to complete a proportional and correctly compositional portrait. Once they have completed the drawing task, mark their work with an overall grade, a WWW and a EBI using the guidelines below. Upload their work along with your feedback on Firefly for review… will I agree with your marking?

Art – Hello Year 8s - I hope you are keeping well? Please watch the you tube video below:

Take pictures of your stringed instrument to upload to Firefly. The best ones will be shared in the next week. Your task today is to use your QWERTY keyboard as a musical instrument: Use the link below to help you get adjusted to using this new app.

When you are confident use the link below to choose a song to practice and rehearse. There is a video link for you to get to know the song as well.

In the top RH corner you can share your recording if you are confident to record yourself playing the piece of music you have chosen. For Mrs H. Black classes.

Dental Hygiene Why is a healthy smile important? A healthy smile is important when meeting people and making friends. It can boost your confidence and help you feel good about yourself. National Smile month when having this May 18th--June 18th

If you don't look after your teeth and gums properly you could suffer from a few different conditions such as

• Bad breath • Stained teeth • Tooth decay

• Gum disease • Tooth loss • Dental erosion

Why is a healthy diet important for my oral health? Every time you eat or drink anything sugary, your teeth are under acid attack for up to one hour. This is because the sugar reacts with the bacteria in plaque and produces harmful acids. Plaque is a build-up of bacteria which forms on your teeth. It is better to have three or four meals a day rather than lots of snacks.

What is dental erosion? Dental erosion is the gradual loss of tooth enamel caused by acid attacks. Enamel is the hard, protective coating of the tooth. If it is worn away, the dentine underneath is exposed, and your teeth can look discolored and become sensitive. Drink up Acidic foods and drinks and fizzy drinks cause dental erosion. Still water and milk are the best things to drink. Tea without sugar is also good for teeth as it contains fluoride.

Drink fruit juice just at mealtimes. If you want to drink fruit juices between meals, try diluting them with water. Avoid high energy “sports” drinks high in sugars and glucose.

Snacks Avoid sugary snacks. If you need to eat between meals try these foods instead: • Plain popcorn. • Nuts. • Cheese. • Breadsticks. • Plain yogurt. • Rice cakes.

• Unsweetened cereal. • Plain bagels. • Fresh soup. • Raw vegetable pieces.

• Fresh fruit.

What effects will smoking, alcohol or taking drugs have on my oral health? Smoking can cause tooth staining, gum disease, tooth loss and - more seriously - mouth cancer. Smoking is also one of the main causes of bad breath.

Alcoholic drinks can also cause mouth cancer. If you smoke and drink you are more at risk.

Alcohol can also increase the risk of tooth decay and erosion. Some alcoholic drinks have a lot of sugar in them, and some mixed drinks may contain acids. So, they can cause decay or dental erosion if you drink them often and in large amounts.

Illegal drugs can lead to a range of health problems. Smoking cannabis can have the same effects as smoking tobacco. Other drugs can cause a dry mouth and increase the risk of erosion, decay, gum disease and bad breath. Drugs can also cause you to grind your teeth, which can cause headaches and other problems. Many drugs can cause a craving for sugar, such as sweets and fizzy drinks, which can case tooth decay.

How do I look? Some people are unhappy with how their teeth look and feel self-conscious smiling in photos or in social situations. But you can have treatment to correct any problems. How can I improve my smile? An orthodontic appliance (‘brace') will straighten or move your teeth to improve their appearance and the way they work. It can also help to improve the long-term health of your teeth, gums and jaw joints by spreading the biting pressure over all the teeth. There are many different types of brace and your dental team or orthodontist will be able to talk to you about what is best for you.

Many people want to have whiter teeth. The only person who can whiten your teeth legally for you is a dentist, although there are 'home whitening kits' you can buy, you need to be over 18 to purchase these.

How long will I need to wear a brace? It depends on how severe the problem is, and it may take anything from a few months to two-and-a-half years. However, most people can be treated in one to two years.

What are the dangers of mouth piercing? • Infection. • The surrounding tissues can become inflamed. • Blood infections.

• The tongue can swell. • Teeth can chip and break. • It can be difficult to talk, eat and swallow. • It is difficult to keep your mouth clean. • Dental treatment can be difficult How can I protect my teeth when playing sports? • A mouthguard will help protect you against broken and damaged teeth, and even a broken or dislocated jaw.

• It is important to wear a professionally made mouthguard whenever you play any sport that involves contact or moving objects. • Ask your dental team about a mouthguard. It is a small price to pay for peace of mind.

Top tips for teens • Brush your teeth last thing at night and at least one other time during the day. Use a toothbrush with a small- to medium-sized brush head with soft to medium bristles, and brush for two minutes.

• You should use a pea-sized amount of toothpaste that contains 1350ppm to 1500ppm fluoride. • Have sugary food and drinks just at mealtimes. • Visit your dental team at least once a year, or as often as they recommend. • Clean in between your teeth with ‘interdental' brushes or floss at least once a day, to help remove plaque and food from between your teeth. • Use a mouthwash to freshen your breath and kill bacteria. • Use a straw if you have fizzy drinks, as this helps the drink to go to the back of your mouth and

reduces the number of acid attacks on your teeth. • Wait for at least one hour after eating or drinking anything acidic before you brush your teeth. • Chew sugar-free gum after eating to help make more saliva and cancel out the acids which form in your mouth after eating.

National Smile month this May 18th-June 18th

Year 8 team Hi Year 8, Just sending over a photo of some baking I have done recently for the newsletter, it’s some chocolate brownies topped with mini eggs. Hope you’re having a good week Thanks Miss Twomey

Do you want to thank a member of staff? Please fill in the form below and email to [email protected] and we will pass it on for you