for SpringSpring 20122012 2the road MANHEIMM AND AUTOTRADER.COM GOING STRONG PLUS:PLUS: PoliticalPolitical AdsAds inin anan ElectionElection YearYear Know Your Numbers New LightLight on EnergyEnergy CConservationonservation ForFor AllAll CoxCox Employees andand FamiliesFamilies Cox Enterprises, Inc.Inc. | Cox Communications, Inc. | ManheimManheim | CoxCox Media GroupGroup | InSide Cox — Spring 2012 4 Manheim and are driving growth through innovation and service. Editor Jay Croft Contributors Teresa Crowder Melanie Harris Loraine Fick Kimberly Hoch Andrew Flick Christina Setser Deborah Geering Carole Siracusa Photographers Bob Andres Jenni Girtman Design and Production Cristin Bowman Contact InSide Cox Cox Enterprises, Inc. Corporate Communications P.O. Box 105357 Atlanta, GA 30348 Email:
[email protected] Web: Phone: 678-645-4744 InSide Cox is published by Cox Enterprises, Inc., for our employees, families and friends. Your feed- back is highly valued. Please send your questions, comments and suggestions to InSide Cox. Follow Cox Enterprises, Inc., on Facebook and Twitter. You are here. You make it work every day. 25 Cox Conserves Cox locations switch to energy- effi cient lighting, plus a map of sustainability efforts across the country. Contents On the Cover Our car companies are on the road to even better for ways to connect customers with cars. 2the Photo: John Kelly/Getty Images road MANHEIMMANHEIM ANDAND AUTOTRADER.COMAUTOTRADER COM GOING STRONG 2 Dialogue Letter from Jimmy Hayes and more. 17 In Business Cox Business helps the “American Idol” show go on; Cox Media Group invests in digital content production; Cox Digital Solutions and Yahoo! team up on political ads and more.