Work Conditions and Risks in Latvia, 2012–2013

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Work Conditions and Risks in Latvia, 2012–2013 WORKWORK CONDITIONSCONDITIONS ANDAND RISKSRISKS ININ LATVIALATVIA 2012-2013 1. Logotips INVESTMENT IN YOUR FUTURE INVESTMENT IN YOUR FUTURE! WORK CONDITIONS AND RISKS IN LATVIA, 2012–2013 The Study “Work conditions and risks in Latvia 2012-2013” was carried out within the project “Practical application of the legislation regarding labour relations and occupational safety in sectors and companies” (No. 1DP/ with financial support of the European Social Fund of the European Union and the state of Latvia. Responsibility for the content of the research shall be borne by the Employers’ Confederation of Latvia, “TNS Latvia Ltd.” and Institute for Occupational Safety and Environmental Health of Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU DDVVI). Riga, 2013 SIA «TNS Latvia» & RSU DDVVI Work conditions and risks in Latvia, 2012–2013 RESEARCH GROUP The Study “Work conditions and risks in Latvia” within the project “Practical application of the legislation regarding labour relations and Occupational safety in sectors and companies” (No. 1DP/ with financial support of the European Social Fund of the European Union and the state of Latvia was carried out by a research group composed of the experts from “TNS Latvia Ltd.” and Institute for Occupational Safety and Environmental Health of Rīga Stradiņš University. Following specialists contributed to the Study: Ivars Vanadziņš, Žanna Martinsone, Svetlana Lakiša, Jeļena Reste, Mairita Grāvele, Mārīte Ārija Baķe, Dagmāra Sprūdža, Inese Mārtiņsone and Maija Eglīte. Quantitative surveys of employers, employees and general public, as well as analysis of focus groups were carried out by “TNS Latvia Ltd.” under the leadership of project director Signe Kaņējeva. Study was carried out by: Signe Kaņējeva, Revita Logina, Ingrīda Libora, Nataļja Kovaļova, Māra Mileiko, Jānis Reinsons, Aleksandra Galahina. SUMMARY Objective of the Study “Work conditions and risks in Latvia, 2012-2013” was to carry out analysis of the development of labour safety system in dynamics by evaluation implementation of the proposals provided in similar studies both in 2005–2007 and in 2009–2010. This Study shall provide additional analytic data in the fields of occupational health, occupational safety and legal labour relations to be potentially serving as a background for adoption of rational and effective decisions for the creation of employment and social policy programs and provision of sustainable development, as well as improvement of the situation of occupational health and safety in different target groups (for example, youth, micro-enterprises etc.). Study included surveys of employers, employees, and permanent residents of Latvia, as well as discussions of focus-groups of the occupational health and safety specialists, and the activities of the Study included also analysis of the available occupational health and safety data bases, as well as analysis of objective situation (performed laboratory measurements) providing opportunity to ground development of occupational health and safety policy programs on the results of the Study. Results of the Study revealed improvement of the situation in separate fields, however, insufficient compliance with the legislation requirements regarding occupational health and safety and legal labour relations in workplaces, as well as insufficient awareness and understanding of general public regarding such requirements is still topical. Further on special attention should be paid to the development of alternative methods for informing and educating people, as well as regular and periodic acquirement of national indicators to assess efficacy of implemented measures related to aspects of occupational health and safety, as well as legal labour relations. Keywords: occupational health and safety, legal labour relations, work environment Client: Employers’ Confederation of Latvia Edited by: Aija Lapsa Cover page designed by: Inese Siliniece Composition by: Inese Siliniece Printed by: EIRO PRINT ISBN 978-9984-793-41-2 2 SIA «TNS Latvia» & RSU DDVVI Work conditions and risks in Latvia, 2012–2013 Honourable entrepreneurs! This has been our third study „Work conditions and risks in Latvia” created within the project “Practical application of the legislation regarding labour relations and labour protection in sectors and companies” co- financed by the European Social Fund. Employers' Confederation of Latvia (LDDK) would like to express our gratitude to everybody who participated in the creation of the study, because this is a valuable material of knowledge allowing to understand the development of labour relationship in Latvia and change of the expectations, job satisfaction and understanding regarding significant matters of the work process of employers and employees right during the post-crisis period. Previous study of similar nature was carried out in the most acute period of crisis – in 2009 and 2010, and back then insufficient understanding of young employees, specialists and managers regarding labour protection and labour law was singled out as one of the most significant problems. This year, looking back to the three recent years, we may conclude that situation is slightly improving in this field, and I am sure that the purposeful work of LDDK aimed at inurement and education of youth in these matters has played certain role in this process. We are pleased to conclude that satisfaction of the employees with current job, work conditions and occupational environment has grown in recent years, and this directly correlates with the growing compliance of the companies with legal requirements of labour protection. Employers pay higher attention to the information of employees regarding occupational risk factors, show higher activity in attraction of external specialists for carrying out of labour protection measures in companies, as well as more frequently take interest on how to make the working environment and conditions more suitable for efficient execution of job. Besides, in the field of legal labour relations employers have become more responsible towards their employees, as improvements in the answers regarding written employment contracts reveal. Undoubtedly, it is impossible to assert that situation in the field of labour protection and legal labour relations is currently ideal in Latvia – there is still a lot of work to do in order to reduce the share of illegal economy still comprising rather high proportion of “envelope wages”. Also, despite the decrease of the number of workplace accidents with fatal outcome, number of workplace accidents as such has increased. This can be partly explained by gradual improvement of economic situation and growing activity in fields traditionally related to more dangerous occupational risks, however, such a tendency leads to more active focusing to further preventive action by duly educating and provision of all the necessary support and consultations to the employers. Project “Practical application of the legislation regarding labour relations and labour protection in sectors and companies” implemented by the LDDK in the duration of five years comes to an end at the end of this year, however, we will continue working in order to provide this support so necessary to the companies with new energy and new resources. I would like to especially emphasize that during the coming years it will be important to concentrate on cooperation with the small companies and even micro-enterprises, number of which has significantly grown especially during the recent years, after the economic crisis. I hereby invite the entrepreneurs to keep taking care of and allocate financial resources for putting in order the working conditions in companies, because this directly affects reputation of the company and employees’ motivation to work at good quality and with efficiency. Good luck! LĪGA MENĢELSONE Director General of the Employers' Confederation of Latvia 3 SIA «TNS Latvia» & RSU DDVVI Work conditions and risks in Latvia, 2012–2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS.......................................................................................................... 6 DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATIONS OF USED TERMS ................................................. 7 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................... 9 2 METHODOLOGY OF THE STUDY ........................................................................................ 12 2.1 JUSTIFICATION OF SELECTED METHODS .................................................................................. 12 2.2 SUMMARY OF THE CARRIED OUT SURVEYS AND DISCUSSIONS ................................................. 12 ENVIRONMENT ............................................................................................................................... 16 1.2.1 DATABASES ............................................................................................................................ 17 1.2.2 RESEARCH AND STUDIES CARRIED OUT IN LATVIA................................................................... 19 3 RESULTS OF THE STUDY .................................................................................................... 160 3.1.1 JOB SATISFACTION ................................................................................................................ 160 3.1.2 SATISFACTION WITH WORKING CONDITIONS AND WORKING ENVIRONMENT ........................... 166 CONDITIONS
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