Map & Tourist Guide

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Map & Tourist Guide LOCAL GOODS FOR GOURMETS HOTELS HOLIDAY HOUSES 1 | Valmiermuiža beer brewery Hotel "Dikļu pils" Holiday house "Mednieku namiņš" The brewery offers both excursions and beer tastings, sells live Dzirnavu iela 2, Valmiermuiža Dikļi, Kocēni municipality ph. 64207480 GPS: 57.5978, 25.1025 Mednieku, Sigulda ph. 26553922 medniekunamins GPS: 57.1618, 24.8255 beer, bath-house accessories and souvenirs. There is also a little phone: 20264269 Hotel "Aparjods" Holiday house "Pilskalni" “Pilskalni”, pub where you can enjoy beer foods and organize celebrations. Ventas iela 1a, Sigulda ph. 67972230 GPS: 57.1414, 24.8446 Kocēni parish, Kocēni municipality ph. 29299268 GPS: 57.4615, 25.2684 Visitors are welcome to ride a horse or a pony and see the park of GPS: 57.5559, 25.4311 Hotel "Kārļamuiža" Holiday house "Ezerklabi" Valmiermuiža, or to get acquainted with the surroundings of “Kārļamuiža”, Kārļi, Amata municipality ph. 26165298 GPS: 57.2406, 25.2121 “Jaun-Klabi”, Amata parish, Amata municipality ph. 29266445 GPS: 57.1784, 25.2449 Valmiermuiža on horseback. SPA hotel "Ezeri" Holiday house "Jaunbrenguļi" “Ezeri”, Sigulda municipality ph. 67973009 GPS: 57.1319, 24.8542 “Jaunbrenguļi”, Raiskums parish, "Jonathan Spa Estate" Pārgauja municipality ph. 26330479 GPS: 57.3183, 25.1964 “Vējiņi”, 1 3 2 | Zilver house wines Amatciems, Amata municipality ph. 29222011 GPS: 57.2254, 25.3034 Holiday house "Vējiņi" The winery offers you to purchase Zilver house wines which have “Pīlādži”, Sigulda municipality Hotel "Sigulda" Straupe parish, Pārgauja municipality ph. 29289796 GPS: 57.3449, 24.9185 been made after old recipes and from berries and fruit grown and phone: 26320208 Pils iela 6, Sigulda ph. 67972263 GPS: 57.1555, 24.8524 Holiday house "Meža rozes" “Meža rozes”, harvested on the spot. Group tastings have to be previously Hotel "Santa" Amata parish, Amatas municipality ph. 29143244 mezarozes GPS: 57.1899, 25.2069 arranged. GPS: 57.1322, 24.8530 “Kalnjāņi”, Sigulda municipality ph. 67705271 GPS: 57.1307, 24.8456 Holiday house "Upeslejas" Hotel "Bīriņu pils" “Upeslejas”, Straupe, Pārgauja municipality ph. 29441970 upeslejas GPS: 57.3635, 24.9589 EN Bīriņi, Limbaži municipality ph. 64024033 GPS: 57.2438, 24.6595 Holiday house "Ezersēta" “Gaižēni”, 3 | Household farm “Vīnkalni” Hotel "Mālpils muiža" Raiskums parish, Pārgauja municipality ph. 29262455 GPS: 57.3247, 25.1382 “Vīnkalni” is a biological farm and an open-air pizzeria at the same “Vīnkalni”, Kauguri parish Pils iela 6, Mālpils, Mālpils municipality ph. 26666600 GPS: 57.0064, 24.9494 Holiday house "Miltkalni" “Miltkalni”, Lēdurga parish, Krimulda municipality ph. 29156130 GPS: 57.2472, 24.7209 time. Here you can enjoy Italian food in nature, cook pizza on an open Beverīna municipality Hotel "Melturi" fire, purchase grape vines, go on a hike along the Miegupe track with phone: 29491187 “Melturi”, Amata municipality ph. 29267224 GPS: 57.2188, 25.2314 Holiday house "Kužas" “Kužas”, Vaidava parish, Kocēni municipality ph. 29472671 GPS: 57.6344, 25.1932 a guide as well as enjoy a special programme for the newly-weds. GPS: 57.4769, 25.4452 Hotel "Hotel Segevold" Mālpils iela 4b, Sigulda ph. 67974848 GPS: 57.1436, 24.8571 Leisure complex "Avoti" “Avoti”, Hotel "Naktsmājas" Valmiera parish, Burtnieki municipality ph. 29499342 GPS: 57.5581, 25.4408 4 | Krimulda manor wines Mednieku iela 3, Sigulda Vaidavas iela 15, Valmiera ph. 64201200 GPS: 57.5274, 25.3902 At the winery you will be introduced to the economic activity at the phone: 29111619 Hotel "Wolmar" Tērbatas iela 16a, Valmiera ph. 64207305 GPS: 57.5435, 25.4307 Krimulda manor and the manor’s historical centre as well as offered various wines for tasting and purchasing. GPS: 57.1677, 24.8298 "Kolonna Hotel Cēsis" Vienības laukums 1, Cēsis ph. 64120122 GPS: 57.3140, 25.2746 HOSTELS Hotel "Pils" Pils 4b, Sigulda ph. 67709625 GPS: 57.1544, 24.8532 5 | Līgatne winery Hostel "KABA" Enjoy wine made from berries and fruit harvested in Līgatne and Phone: 26521467 Hotel "Katrīna" Puķu iela 2, Sigulda ph. 26613131 GPS: 57.1403, 24.8177 Mazā Katrīnas iela 8, Cēsis ph. 20008870 GPS: 57.3116, 25.2680 cheese made in Līgatne while sitting in the cellar cave of Lustūža Hostel/hotel "Krimuldas pils" cliff. Please arrange group visits prior. GPS: 57.2330, 25.0421 Hotel "Atpūta" Mednieku iela 3, Sigulda ph. 29111619 GPS: 57.1677, 24.8298 Rīgas iela 49, Cēsis ph. 64127811 GPS: 57.3037, 25.2418 Hostel "Putniņkrogs" Hotel "Kaķis" Saules iela 23, Cēsis ph. 64120290 GPS: 57.3087, 25.2946 Pils iela 8, Sigulda ph. 29150104 GPS: 57.1563, 24.8517 Sports centre "Kocēni" MAP & Hotel "Annas Hotel" “Annasmuiža”, Alejas iela 4, Kocēni, Kocēni municipality ph. 64220647 GPS: 57.5221, 25.3350 Zaube parish, Amata municipality ph. 64180700 GPS: 57.0343, 25.3633 Hostel "Priekuļi" J. Daliņš Stadium hotel Dārza iela 12, Priekuļi ph. 64130015 GPS: 57.3077, 25.3616 TOURIST GUIDE J. Daliņa iela 2, Valmiera ph. 64224184 GPS: 57.5408, 25.4393 Hostel "Mēnesnīca" Hotel "Vidzeme" Vadu iela 3, Valmiera ph. 29388898 GPS: 57.5276, 25.4457 Ausekļa iela 31, Valmiera ph. 64229606 GPS: 57.5289, 25.3950 GAUJA NATIONAL PARK CAMPSITES GUEST HOUSES Campsite "Apaļkalns" “Apaļkalns”, SIGULDA, LĪGATNE Raiskums, Pārgauja municipality ph. 29448188 GPS: 57.3174, 25.1479 CĒSIS, VALMIERA Campsite "Siguldas pludmale" PĀRGAUJA, AMATA Guest house "Livonija" Peldu iela 2, Sigulda ph. 29244948 GPS: 57.1575, 24.8367 Pulkveža Brieža iela 55, Sigulda ph. 67973066 GPS: 57.1495, 24.8594 Campsite "Makars" KRIMULDA Guest house "Brūveri" Gaujas iela 36, Līgatne ph. 29244948 GPS: 57.2545, 25.0457 KOCĒNI, PRIEKUĻI “Brūveri”, Sigulda municipality ph. 26092153 GPS: 57.1554, 24.8198 Ozolkalns campsite “Ozolkalns”, RESTAURANTS Guest house "Reinis" Drabeši parish, Amata municipality ph. 26400200 GPS: 57.2999, 25.2172 “Kalnzaķi”, Krimulda municipality ph. 29272255 GPS: 57.1796, 24.8175 Campsite "Zuši" "Dikļu pils" Dikļi, Kocēni municipality ph. 64207480 GPS: 57.5978, 25.1025 Guest house "Mauriņi" “Zuši”, Krustiņi, Inčukalns municipality ph. 28327110 GPS: 57.1296, 24.6293 “Mauriņi”, Allaži parish, Sigulda municipality ph. 29208640 GPS: 57.0569, 24.8323 "Aparjods" Ventas iela 1a, Sigulda ph. 67974414 GPS: 57.1414, 24.8446 Campsite "Jaunarāji" “Jaunarāji” Hotel "Kaupo" "Gadalaiki" “Ezeri”, Sigulda municipality ph. 67973009 GPS: 57.1319, 24.8542 Brenguļi parish, Beverīna municipality ph. 29121702 GPS: 57.5470, 25.4899 “Jaunbeites”, Sigulda municipality ph. 29607356 GPS: 57.1410, 24.8410 "Kropotkins" Pils iela 6, Sigulda ph. 67972263 GPS: 57.1555, 24.8524 Campsite "Rāceņi" Rāceņi-3 Guest house "Parks" Vaidava parish, Kocēni municipality ph. 29232478 GPS: 57.4447, 25.2689 2014 "Timiāns" “Kalnjāņi”, Sigulda municipality ph. 67705271 GPS: 57.1307, 24.8456 Atbrīvotāju iela 1, Sigulda ph. 29407215 GPS: 57.1555, 24.8587 "Kungu Rija" 1st km of the Turaida–Ragana Campsite "Paegļi" “Paegļi”, Guest house "Lantus" “Lantus", Straupe parish, Pārgauja municipality ph. 29819364 GPS: 57,4272, 24,8051 road, Krimulda municipality ph. 67971473 GPS: 57.1842, 24.8315 Bērzaine parish, Kocēni municipality ph. 26519319 GPS: 57.6317, 25.2430 "Garšas Frekvence" Campsite "Unguri" “Unguri”, Guest house "Rakši" Raiskums parish, Pārgaujas municipality ph. 29120992 GPS: 57.3530, 25.0874 Mālpils iela 4b, Sigulda ph. 67974883 GPS: 57.1436, 24.8571 “Rakši”, Drabeši parish, Amata municipality ph. 29263798 GPS: 57.2756, 25.1979 “Briedīši”, "Mālpils muiža" Campsite "Briedīši" Guest house "Nītaures dzirnavas" Raiskums parish, Pārgauja municipality ph. 26466916 GPS: 57.2946, 25.1253 Pils iela 6, Mālpils, Mālpils municipality ph. 27843843 GPS: 57.0064, 24.9494 “Dzirnavas”, Nītaure, Amata municipality ph. 26665040 GPS: 57.0730, 25.1858 Campsite "Zemturi" “Zemturi”, "Bīriņu pils" Bīriņi, Limbaži municipality ph. 64024033 GPS: 57.2438, 24.6595 Guest house "Kalniņi" “Jaunkalniņi”, Līgatne parish, Līgatne municipality ph. 29482791 GPS: 57.1690, 25.0408 Drabeši parish, Amata municipality ph. 26022248 GPS: 57.2367, 25.2601 "KANNAS" “Annas muiža”, Amata municipality ph. 64180700 GPS: 57.0343, 25.3633 Campsite "Žagarkalns" "Rāmkalni" “Vītiņkalni”, Guest house "Bērzi" Mūrlejas iela 12, Cēsis ph. 26266266 GPS: 57.3114, 25.2245 “Bērzi”, Plācis, Pārgauja municipality ph. 26117306 GPS: 57.3625, 24.9769 Inčukalns municipality ph. 29100280 GPS: 57.1248, 24.6585 Guest house "Villa Alberta" "Kaķis" Pils iela 8, Sigulda ph. 29150104 GPS: 57.1563, 24.8517 Līvkalna iela 10a, Sigulda ph. 27770203 GPS: 57.1660, 24.8626 "Agnese" Tērbatas iela 16a, Valmiera ph. 64207301 GPS: 57.5435, 25.4307 Guest house "Līvkalns" "Alexis" Vienības laukums 1, Cēsis ph. 64120122 GPS: 57.3140, 25.2746 Pēteralas iela b/n, Līvkalni 3, Sigulda ph. 67895183 GPS: 57.1699, 24.8734 BICYCLES "Raganas Ligzda" Guest house "Pie Žorža" Vārpu iela 1, Ragana, Krimulda municipality ph.
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