ARTICLES The Nationalizing Processes in Slovakia 1969-1988 88 Juraj MARUŠIAK The Case Study of Hungarian Minority The Nationalizing Processes in Slovakia 1969–1988 The Case Study of Hungarian Minority * Juraj MARUŠIAK Ústav politických vied Slovenskej akadémie vied The institute of Political Science of the Slovak Academy of Sciences Dúbravská cesta 9, 841 04 Bratislava, Slovakia
[email protected] T ¡ presence of the Hungarian and Ukrainian minorities after World War II in Slovakia was recognized for the first time officially, in the legal documents in the Constitutional Act on the Slovak National Organs, adopted on 31 July 1956 (Act nr. 33/1956 Coll.), which strengthened their powers. According to § 2 the Slovak National Council obtained responsibility for the „provision of the favorable conditions for the economic and cultural life of the citizens of Hungarian and Ukrainian ethnicity.“ 1 However, there was still in power the so called “Ninth-of-May Constitution” adopted in 1948, according to which Czechoslovakia was described as the “national state, free from the all hostile elements, friendly living in the family of Slavic states and in the friendship with all peaceful nations in the world”. However, the preamble of Constitution defined respective “hostile elements” as the “descendents of the foreign colonists settled with us and, enjoying all democratic rights, in accordance with our constitution, together with us.” They were accused of the assistance in the “malicious aggression against our peaceful state” in 1938. Therefore the minorities were still treated as a hostile element within the Czechoslovak society, although the ethnic Hungarians received their civil rights back at the end of 1948.