N. SCOTT ROBINSON 2611 Edgewood Avenue 443-632-6200 Parkville, Maryland 21234-4012
[email protected] http://www.nscottrobinson.com EDUCATION 2013 Ph.D. Musicology-Ethnomusicology, Kent State University Dissertation: “Tradition and Renewal: The Development of the Kanjira in South India” Co-Directors: Terry E. Miller and Ralph Lorenz Supporting Area: American History/Popular Culture Studies 2002 M.A. Ethnomusicology, Kent State University Thesis: “The New Percussionist in Jazz: Organological and Technical Expansion” Advisor: Terry E. Miller 1994 B.A. Music, Rutgers University Supporting Area: Anthropology ACADEMIC HONORS, AWARDS, AND GRANTS 2011 Awarded $10,000.00 World Music Education Grant for Towson University World Music Ensemble from The Presser Foundation 2010 Winner of Indian Summer Music Award-Native Spirit category in Native American music for CD Wind & Fire by Mark Holland and N. Scott Robinson 2005-2006 Awarded $10,000.00 Senior Performing Arts Fellowship, American Institute of Indian Studies, University of Chicago, for study and research of percussion in Carnatic music in Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, and Kerala, India 2002 Creative Arts Achievement Award, Kent State University, Graduate Student Senate 1996-2003 Awarded Full Tuition Scholarship and Graduate Teaching Assistantship at Hugh A. Glauser School of Music, Kent State University 1994 Griffis Prize for scholarly paper “Javanese and Balinese Gamelan,” Asian Studies Department, Rutgers College, Rutgers University 1992 Performed on CD Harlem Renaissance by Benny Carter, winner of Grammy Award for Best Instrumental Composition category 1989-1992 Nicholas Scholarship, Mason Gross School of the Arts, Rutgers University N. Scott Robinson 2 TEACHING EXPERIENCE 2003-2013 Full-time Lecturer 2003-2004/2006-2011, Adjunct 2004-2005, Adjunct II with Associate Graduate Status 2011-2013, Music Department, Music History and Culture/Instrumental Music Divisions, Towson University, Towson, MD GenEd Courses: MUSC 111 Introduction to Music in the U.S.