
I -'-~- -~I- - I•1i -- ' NO. 16. VOL. XII. LAKE PROVIDENCE, EAST CARROLL PARISII, LA., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1899. l i ii iii .. li i iii i i i i i i iir~ ~IA-

heightened by making the "joining of TO T AK E DO WN CHINA' S G RE AT W ALL cling the wife with thanks, I am, yours XX-RAYED AMOTOR FRAUD OUR BUDG(T OF HUr IM 1l lcao ya leate xpects o Get t e most dutifully, the posts with the base rough. The C • B d E t h thing ork Prom the Ch ne "CUTHBERT BARTON. was put together with artistio AU HT R-PROVOKING S TRIES 'OR W i se Governament. P RP TU L MO IO M CH NE L C E C "So you've been offering him a wife," A E E A T N A I clumsiness. The keyholes by which According to Frank Lewis, a Chii W NT BY CL CK OR . OV RS OF FU . remarked Alice, when she had finished T HA T E O W K the clockwork was reached were con- L E N cago civil engineer, the Chinese Gov- it to her uncle. the letter and returned cealed under the base of the big brake. ernment contemplates the destruction SWOMA5IN LUENCE "I told him it was time for him to got Thisblock, it was found, F could be lifted De '0'eP- CIHAP•TER IX. Investors Sent It to the Patent Office After Tnellned to Sfubborn-Iithert married," was the short reply. "This * of the ancient Chinese wall, that sep- D ME TI ENCOETEI . Aldrich Got Into Prison--atent Office from the baseboard, but even then oa ainThis Case-A Double G•tof A O S C L answer, the rascal. Prefers arates China proper from Chin( so The news of Margaret's engagement Is his WVouldn't Bother With It-Scientifce the two little keyholes were not sus- Morninglest Vndliturbeod-An u rti.r- to choose his own partner. Wants an Tartary. He is bound for China, on traveled rapidly, for S- was one of American Tries a Slragraph. picious appearance, eating Rteort-Too Sure, Jte., ate. old mare to his liking. Let him get for they were behalf of a syndicate of Chicago cr.pi- those limited communities in which one unseen "works" made to resemble worm holes. It was an automobile personally one. Confound him! Thinks of 'giving In revealing the talists, to assist in tearing down the knows every one else, if not "We have no doubt whatever," says Digan to balk and r ant, famous structure. He said: and where up Blackstone and winning laurels with which made a perpetual motion ma- Ayd when 'twas told to move os safi, at least by sight or hearsay, He the Scientific American, "that Mdr. of others his pen . ' W inn ing fiddlesticks. chine "mote" the Scientific American I auto, but I sha'u'tl" that the enterprise a lively interest in the affairs an "I understand eaems to be the congenial occupation of hasn t sense enough to know he's has found a new use for the X-ray. Aldrich believed that his extensible -Harper'r4Bazar. is one of the Chinese Government's idiot. 'HIas serious intentions of de- arms, with the weights flung far out own conception, and is independent of a large portion of the inhabitants. scending on my rural fold!' I'd like to r.there came to the office of the paper An Interesting Report. Opinions were somewhat divided in on one side of the shaft and drawn Russian, German or French influence. know what else he's been doing for the wInot long ago a box containing a mys- "What sudden popularity among the matter. The unprejudiced regarded torions machine. Along with it came snugly in on the other side, would The cost will be great, involving mill- the cousins as a last six months? 'Wants to enjoy some t the girls Howard Hicks in ei4oying.". a marriage between tote-a-tetes with me.'" a letter from a man in Bradford, not only insure perpetual rotation, ions of dollars. The concessions that happy solution of the unpleasant state argumentative "Yes; he got his sister to start a i Confound his assuranco! What are you Penn.,p who said that the machine was but in a machine of sufficient size will be granted will be worth the can, of affairs, while the more interested, it num- report that he is a womanihater."- of sons whose laughing at? Perhaps you consider the invention of J. M. Aldrich, now would exert a not inconsiderable die, and I anticipate that there will be notably the mothers Maybe you agree with him?" Chicago Record. matrimonial designs had thus been frus- amusing? serving a sentend6 in Auburn Prison ber of horse power. As a matter of sharp competition." 'About the wife part, I certainly do. frictionless machine trated, shook their heads rather doubt- for obtaining money by fraud. Al- fact, even in a Morning Rest Undlsturbal. Mr. Lewis said he has information of dire I know I shouldn't let any one select my IC there would be no turning moment CHAPTER Vl-I-Continued. fully, and prophesied all manner drich drifted into Bradford some time First Cook-"How do you'likeyour that a New York syndickte is the only husband." it was, Mr. Aldrich "We will not dispute the po nt. I be- e•tastrophes. from what tUey considered "Indeed, Miss! Anddo you think any aago and succeeded in interesting sev- whatever, and as now place?" other American.concern after the pro- hopcd it would starting his machine it &leve you love me in your Way, not a a loveless union. They one would take that trouble? Have erala men in his perpetual motion con- found that on Second Cook-"First rate. There ject'and that there are two British turn out well; so they assured oach very unselfish or disinterested way. some sense, for heaven's sake. I've trivance.t was very quickly brought to rest by alarm clock about the plaeo." syndicates out, a French syndicate You found me there in B'conset. The other. Indeed, they were inclined to pity isn't an enough to drive a saint crazy. Come, After they had seen it "mote" and the energy consumed in overcoming -Ohio State Journal. and three German companies. The place was dull and lonely to you. For Margaret, and, with admiring glances at sit hero, and I'll tell you what I1lldo " the internal friction. If he had been some reasou you enjoyed Tim or John, they wondered what she had scrutinized its exterior, they ad- Chicago syndicato is said to have such une.sp'ained Alice took a chair beside her uncle, content, as many another unfortunate A Double Grief. my society. You thought It an excellent had seen in Brian to lke. vanced money to the inventor to en- men back of it as the Armours, Mar- and he began in a confidential tone: had been before him, to consign his stolen, opportunity to try your arts of fascina- Margaret well knew that she was an monkey, who calls tiable him to perfect his machine and "So your fox terrier has-been shall Field, L. Z. Leiter and Carter "That independent to the scrap heap, it would tion on a girl who, so far as you knew, object of unusual ocmment. "There son, sha'n't have a cent of g4ggt it through the Patent Office. But, machine Miss Mary?" Harrison. himself my and for his would place implicit trust in your hon- were people in S- ," to use her own my money. I'll cut him off, that's what ast weeks went by, and Aldrich ab- have been better for him "Yes; isn't it a shame? And I had The Great Wall of China known in would sit at her table and esty of purpose. Please let me finish. words, "who I'll do, and I'll leave it all to you." sorbed the money advanced him with- victims; but, being of an ingenious just paid this year's dog tax on him, the language of the co',try as Wan li I speaking truth, nothing more. The break her bread and her oh'ractor at am "All what, uncle?" )1nut any apparent result, the pro- and resourceful mind, and doubtless too."-Chicago Record. Ch'ang Ching, or the 'Tenou Thousand pastime amused you and gratified your the same time." Yet, notwithstanding, "A': my money. You don't seem to moters became suspicious. At last 'tempted of the devil,' he conceived Mile Iiampart." is a remarkable forti- vanity at the same time. You knew the knowledge that she a'forded gratlil- Alice." One Great Objection. be smart, Aldrich was locked up in the county the idea of overcoming the trouble- fication, which was constructed by that she m'ght learn to like you. There oation to their curiosity filled her with "Oh! I understand perfectly, now. I "Bathe in the ocean!" cried the she might not give a feeling akix to indignation. jail, only to be released when thepro- some friction by means of concealed order of the Emperor Shi-Hwang-Ti, was no reason why am much obliged, but you may save 14 pure water crank. her heart and her future happiness in "Notorlety Is the fate of greatness," tooters concluded that they lacked clockwork, and, acting upon the the first universal Emperor of China. yourself any trouble in the matter, as, LO "Of course; why not?" your keeping. You realized this, yet the Colonel told her, by way of consola- a'evidence against him. Later he was thought, he carefully carved and Its purpose was to protect the north- of course, I wouldn't take it." "Why, it's never been filtered or you staid on, selll knowing you had n�tion. "You and Brian are the most to help yourself," itsent to prison in Now York State. whittled out the wooden bed plate of orn and the northwestern frontier of the "You'll not be able North Amer. itention of marrying her. And when prominent figures in neighborhood chuckled the oil man. "If I choose to Aldrich's motor, like Keely's, is in- the machine and placed therein the bailed. "-Philadelphia his empire from the hordes of barbar- in- -just now. Think of the distinction. But ican. you had tireo. of the divers:on, you make my will to that effect you'll have to dupe anybody springs and the train of gears. With ians which swarmed into the territory. suited her with a declaration of love seriously, my dear, I'm glad you two geniously contrived to take it." who thinks something can be made perpetual motion so palpably accom- Rather Generous in hi C se For this purpose he united fortifica- and no proposal of marriage. You have reache I such a sensible settle- was the deter- T s a . "Indeed I wouldn't," Most perpetual motion plished, however, Mr. Aldrich saw in tions which varionus feudal princes allowed a sordid motive to cheat your ment. Expected it all the time. Not mined answer, as Alice rose from her from nothing. Mr. Stubb-"Well, I'll give you quite so soon, though. You've made the machines don't go, but Keely's did his creation a means of immediate if in the last Ihad erected for a similar purpose. It heart of its noblest instincts. You- chair. "It belongs to Bertie, and I m gain. Hence, three things eredit for your cooking Oh, I wonder I can say so much! There quickest time on record." The old gen- touch a cent of it." I-and so does Aldrich's. Kiecly's motor unlawful is said that several millions of men wouldn't were week." pre times when I positively despise you, tleman's eyes twinkled at this evidence "How dare you defy'me to my face," wastv a big machsine, immovable, and it followed: Mas.y simple people Mrs. Stubb-"Is that all? Why, were oxcupied for ten years in the own humor. was and others when-I believe I am los- of his cried the old gentleman, rising in his wasa a simple task for its constructor relieved of their money; Aldrich you had to give Bridget cash." -Chii. work, in which period half a million ing my self-respect. I wish you had About this time he was deep in some within turn. "I say you shall have it." itto connect it by unseen tubes with given space for repentance eago News. of them died. The wall is said to be sever gone to S'conset." cherished plans intended to affect the "And I say i sha'n't." tl Prison, and the Scientific his He gave the source of power under the floor, Auburn about 1255 miles long, with a height She started from her chair and walked future of son and niece. "For mercy's sake, what is all this b American is enabled to 'point a moral Street Car Axltely. Her hands no hint of his desires to either party but this motor from Bradford can be of from ' twenty to twenty-five feet, 'to the opposite window. about?" and adorn a tale,' for the benefit of the "Thorn are two kinds of trolley trembled nervously, though her words concerned, for he could be politic on oc- 0ecarried about in a hat box, and its with towers forty feet high and about "Oh, Bertle!" cried Alice, turning at snared investor." faces." had not been uttered with passion, but casion, and he realized tha' this was a amaker showed unusual mechanical all too easily 200 or 300 yards apart. The thickness the sound of the laughing voice. "What are they?" with a slow, deliberate emphasis that matter to be handled with much caution. "You impudent scamp," added the e]skill in so concealing the "works" at the top is sufficient for six horse. Save them accusing force. "A fine pair, a fine pair," he would "have you dared to show your thatt it puzzled the experts who ex- Expensivre Spots. "The one we wear when we want to men to ride abreast, while the base is privay permitted him to Colonel, / Brian had listened with bowed head. chuckle, when brazen face here." apnineds it. It is one of the most Two mothers of large families were get on and the one we wear when we much broa-er. The facings are of interrupt her, give such espression to his feelings: .Only once he had tried to "I protest at brazen, father. My cleverlyci contrived frauds that ever discussing domestic matters one day, want to get off."-Chicato Record. hewn stone, laid in good mortar, antd then she had silenced him with a mo- "Plenty of spirit in the girl, and that d classic countenance is strikingly like drew money from the pockets of the and the younger of the two spoke the interior is filled with earth and tion. Even after she hat paused he young scamp, confound him, he'll be father's. Among my fritnds it is Explalning a Statement. yet." my guileless. with a sigh of the way in which her stones while the top islayers of brick. did not speak for some seconds. something sa'd to be both modest and retiring." B "What do you moan by saying he me," he said, at The scamp in question had enjoyed is the exterior construe- table-cloths were spotted through the The wall was completed about 211 'You are hard upon "Another word of your impudence, So simple on himself?" asked the irri- last. "I acted contemptibly, but won't all the advantages a young man in his tion of this motor that it seemed all daily mishaps of her two boys. is stuck B. C. A considerable part of it is sir, and you will retire with your modest ti tatingly precise boarder. you try to think there was some little position could expect or hope for. you grinning thet] more wonderful to Aldrich's dupes. "Perhaps you'd like to know how I now in a ruinous condition. It ex- a good showing, countenance. What are "I mean," said the Cheerful Idiot, excuse? I don't know why I am such a "I want you to make and no bet- | square, thick, Woolen base, have helped my boys to be careful at tcnds from the seashore on the Gulf his father had said to him, when he like-an ape for, Alice with First, a "that he is one of his own firmest ad- worthless fellow. Perhape because no ter sense than to laugh at you! I want seemingly*, a solid piece; on this block the table," said the older woman, "It if Pe-che-lee, westward beyond Soo- one cares whether I ever amount to started out on his co'lege career. "You herents."-Indianapolis Journal. to know how yo'u dared to send me that twot posts, supporting a horizontal is the plan on which my mother Chow, on the borders of Turkestan, anything or not. I have not been so must look to your future and take up trash." a brought us up, and I've never found ]lain Point. its northerly limit being north of fortunate as you. You have been loved something practical. I prefer law, on the ishaft; on the shaft, at its middle, The The Colonel threw the letter a better. Pekin. It passes up steep mountains, 'adpraised all your life. I have had though it is a scoundrelly profession. he spoke. large fly wheel. Then, on the shaft, "I want to enlist to go to the Phil- most, I dare say. If desk as discouragement and condemnation on Still, as good as "My letter," Eaid Bort!o in assumed oon either side of the fly wheel, straight "The rule in our family," she pro- fppnes," said the seedy-looking man. lown into gorges and ravines and all sides. Perhaps I deserved so much, you do start in it, stick to it. And for "I your opinion of aarms at right angles to each other; at ceeded, when urged by her friend to Srosses rivers, valleys and plains with- come out a first- surprise. am sorry "I am a good tighter." but it disheartens a man to be forever heaven's sake don't its merits is so poor. I considered it theti ends of the arms, metal wqights explain her method, "is this: Any )ut regard to obstacles. class idiot, fit only for a show piece. "That is of minor importance," an- running him down." quite excellent of its kind. You remem- ono swinging levers-the movers of the one who makes a spot on the table- Her face softened as she answered In And don't break your neck, or get in swered the reoruiting officer. "Are you bherI spoke of my detiro to be with you, , Many an inventor, chasing cloth must cover it with a piece of ?iarriagO Customs of Zoles. a gentler tone: "They are wrong todis- debt." motor. . good swimmer?"-Chioago Po.t. acd lo, I arrive with the wings of speed theg will-o'-the-wisp of perpetual money, and the piece r-;ust be large courage and condemn you. No one Bertliehad managed to go through Pray tell me The daughter of t Zulu in comfort- on the scene of b ttle. to make a wheel enough to hide the stain entirely; no A lHintFor the Amateur Farmer. knows their possibilities for good or college without falling a victim to the what caused the interchange of polite amotion, has sought ible circumstances does not leave her about its rims are allowed! The children have eviluntil they have been tried. There latter evils. He had followed his invective." turn by gravity by placing gather's kraal without much pomp and out of tl cir own are redeeming traits even in the worst, father's counsel as to adopting law, "I'll tell you, sir." remarked his ecircumference weights on hinged pro- to provide the coins many queer rites, which doubtless are are not one of the worst. Your not yet passed the bat. rulo applies to apd you though he had father, with some warmth, "I'll tell you,- jectingji arms, and having these arms pocket-money. Tho held by her people in high estimation. chance is before you. I want to forget Under pretext of reading for this and me as well as to when I got that trash of yours I de- throwt the weights away from the their father An article in a recent issue of Cassel's all that has happened. For your sake, end, he spent much of his time in New cided to lot you go to the devil and wheela on one side and draw them in them. The sum goes to buy new and for mine, I wish to fool- " She York, from which point he paid fre- Magazine on Zululand asserts that the leave my money to this headstrong ono the other. But, despite the most table linen. hesitated and her face grew crimson. quent visits to The Cedars. Sitting in minx, marriage customs of those dusky Afri- young woman, but the forward ingenious devices of those who have "The firtt year I triod this plan we Not so much from his glance as from his offloe one day, and, poring over a with the most unheard-of impudence. de- sans are subject to innumerable varia- of the con- had money enough for three hand- the drift of her own thoughts. law dictionary, he was rather surprised claredB she wouldn't touwb a penny of it. sought to disprove the laws tdons, each tribe having its own peou- "Why won't you understand:" she to receive from his father a letter set- But we'll ro3 about that; and lot me sservation of energy, all these weighted soipe table-cloths; but since then liarities. Hair dressing is an im- embarrassment, after of a certain been lens and less. This is cried, in helpless ting forth the good points tell you, sir, you've got to walk a pretty iwheels have refused to go. there has portant feature both to the bride and itsilence that was almost felt. " Why nameless young lady, and urging upon year, and although none straight line or-- This machine from Bradford, on the the fourth bridegroom, and the attention paid to can't you comprehend that I want you him the advisability of marrying her, mind the straight line," f yet reached his "Oh, I don't face of it, is an honest weighted wheel of my four boys has the coiffure of the pair would shame to have what belongs to you?" and finally settling in life. returned Bertie. comfortably, "provided of fifteenth birthdaly, and they are by no it," answered Brian, in the name of all that's holy," motor, but unlike all other motors How to work the plow and mind the the performance of a fashionable hair- "I don't want "Well, there isn't a wife at the end of it. Un- deft iq their man- with dogged resistance. "The thought he ejaculated, "thatmust bo answered." its kind, it goes. With no uncertain means unusually baby at the same time.--Judge dresser. A cone shaped erection, for less it is the one I shall choose." forks and spoons, of that money is always between us." And so it was. To such purpose that "Fudge!" was the contemptuous com- motion does it go, either; it is so full agement of knives, instance, is the lawful coiffure of a to save themselves Pity the iceman. "You don't want it because you can't it sent his easily moved father into a mont. but the old gentleman manifested *of energy that it has to have a gov- they have learned nulu wife, and thus cannot be legally I sup- summoned. from run- and others so well that I am inclined Giles--"I don't see how that ice- have it without an incumbrance, towering passion. Alice was 11o further anger. Probably he had ernor4 and a brake tQ keep it worn till the mariiage rites are duly pose?' And that young lady, looking quite cool nning away with itself. A brake on a to think their contributions to the man manages to make a living." " gathered some new ideas in the last few ,ompleted. Save for the allimportant you, and composed, came tripping into the and found them diverting. p is impres- 'Table-Cloth Fund' will be very Miles--"Why, I thought th.ere was , "If the incumbrance means Mar- moments perpetual motion machine :one, the head of a Zulu bride is closely garet, there is nothing I desire so much room prepared for a scene, and wonder- "What are you glaring at Alice for?" asive. The weighted levers of this slight."-Youth'a Companion. big money in t4he ice business?" to disturb the shaved, an assegai being used for the as the incumbrance." ing what had occurred he said, presently. "Do you want to to the trans- Giles-"There is if one sell enough. equllibrium of her uncle's temper. machine are so attached purpose; while, as soon as a youth is "Then take it, please, Brian. The in- stare her out of countenance?" downward half but you see he gives nearly allof it a Well, uncle?" she said, with a sonell- how 'verse arms that in the A Satisfactory Sentence. of a marriageable age, his head is cumbrance finds you so slow of compre- "Oh, no; I was only thinking of each revolution they fall outward weigh."-Chioago Record. hension." latory inquiry. charmingly well she is looking. The "Your worship," said the wily shorn to leave a ring around the scalp, "Well, uncle," he mim!cked. "Yo'" respons- and forward, thus lengthening the Brian was slow no longer. M!argarot's air of The Cedars is no doubt solicitor, who was defending the stal- Too Sure. and then liberaly besmeared with fat come in smiling and mincing, just as ible. You, too, look wonderfully well rradius of the revolution. On the up- dock, "you can- meaning flashed upon him. and with a young wart prisoner in the Mrs. Waggles-"Did Mr. Wiggles and ocher, without which ungnents no though there were no impudent preserved. No one would take you for wardv half of the revolution the levers client of joyful face and glad cry he started to- scamp in the world." not possibly convict my seem to be excited when he proposed Zulu would feel fittingly decorated for ward her. a day over forty-five, if that." aclose up and the weights describe an submit, sir, with "I dare say there are a great many," "Humph!" was the old gentleman's a housobreal•ing. I to you?" his bride. When the bridegroom-eleot asoof rotation with a shortened rr,dius. morally But she stopped him rather precipi- she rejoined agreeably; "and old ones, comment. "As big a fool as ever. Your all defroence, that neither Mrs. Wigglos-"No; he was so cool has been shorn of all his hair save the tately with the words: As each transverse arm with its jointed nor legally can you convict him. I too, for that matter." talking has given me a confounded about it, and seemed to be so dead wool on the crown, which is trained "Don't be foolish, Brian, plea-e. I do you mean?" he broke in, lever and weight rises a little past the "What headache. Go out of the room, for will tell you why. certain that I would havo him, that the in a circular shape and some four want you to understand that this is quick to take exception to her words. heaven's sake. Alice, take him out in Ihorizontal it slides forward and down- "Mr. Sikes, here, as the evidence inches in diametor, a ring is sewed to merely a business arrangement. We of arguing th.a weight on clearly proves, did not break into first time he asked me Irefusedhim." "But, Lord!" what's the use the grounds and try to keep him quiet �ward, thus throwing this, of gam and charcoal; in this the shan't be very affeotoonat', but neither girl? Her,'! real this letter and end still further from the -Somerville l(Mass.)Journal. with a for a while. I must have a little sleep." tthe opposite any house at all. He found the parlor Zulu thrusts long snaiffspoous,uneedles, need we quarrel." tell me if you consider it the proper "Certainly, I'll depart, by all means," centre andti increasing the turning c window open, as the witnesses admit, A Touaching Tribute. and small utility articles, anti is very "Then you wish simply to patisty your thing for an importinent puppy to write said Bertie, with alacrity. "Delighted, momentc on that side, at the same he said, rather rue- and all he did was to put in his right ye moind proud of his ring, which is the badge sense of obligation," to his father!" I'm sure. Come, Alice, you must take timet decreasing the smoent on the Widow Farrelly-"Do fully. "You don't care for nm the least He thrust the letterin her hand, and arm and remove seioe unimportant the beautiful bookay Mr. GCoogan of manhcod. care of me, you know." upward half of the revolution. The bit, Margaret?" her eyes glanced over the somewhat The Colonel chuckled quietly as they articles. Now, sir, Mr. Sikes'sarm is me this mawnin'? Ah, the its mean transverse arms are kept in placo by presinted "Ifcaring for you means giving you my aggressive chirography, while left the room together. not he himself, and I fail to see how mon!l his wolfe died jist tin days A Sadt Monarch's Freak. dawned upon heor. means of small rooking leveis which poor eart, I can only say I haven'tit to glve. lIo as CQgr1NCan) I you can punish the whole individual ago." "At thle time tlhe malady of Ludwig think you need not complain. Mar- "DEAR RESPECTED PATER-YoursB of extend from steadying arms attached for an offence commlittod by only one Widow Muj~rhy-"Begorra, they King of Bavaria, was at riage will not make a great difference in the 15th inst. duly to hn I. (Contents to the shaft. I, the n:nd noted. Would say in answer that I am of his limbs." kipt well, didn't they?"--Harper's its ivorst, he gave orders that thirty of our love. We shall always Le good LtAike to DC After Aldrich had been sent to pris- Thtnag They Would Ietlly "Very well, sir," said the cautions Weekly. be put in the triends, I hope. Are you satisfied?" very well satisfied with my present on someof his dupes were still ready his finest horses should s!ngle blersedness, and while in London. C Solomon of the bench, "':I have heard, '"Iam happy to get you on any terms," state of to believe that there was something Took ier at liHerWord. best condition possible for a rac' appreciating your interest in my behalf, The women who go to London tci of a similar defence before to-day, so he responled. "Ior no other man can couldn't make it writes Professor J. H. Gore in the ever claim you.' And maybe some day 1 prefer to choo•e my own partner, when make speeches at the international in his motor. They I find the prisoner's arm guilty, and "I'll know better next time," said it after- Ladies' Home Journal. "When the to w ll learn to love me, If only a I elect to assume the cares of domestic congress need not fear that they will go, however; something was wrong sentence it to six monthis' imprison- Mrs. Ferguson, speaking of u i somewhere. So they sent it to the '"Itold George's unole to con- report came that no further improve- lift. get lost In the big town, says the New ment. The gentleuan himself can ward. "Though the Bible says it is not good Office. The Patent Oflice is our house." ments could be made, he had them "Don't do:ude yourself with any such York Commercial Advertiser. The hos- Patent accompany it or not, as he chooses. sider himself at home in idea. That is all, I believe. Please fr man to be alone, it is far more risky, overrun with perpetual motion ma- "Well?" brought into an open field where every har- pltality sub-committee (Isn't that ex- Mr. Clerk read the sentende." form of noise-making de- leave me now." to ymmind, to jog along in double chines, and the examiners seldom stop "Well, it wasn't five minutes after- conceivable old mare Is to one's pressive?) has drawn up a list givling Then Mr. Sikes smiled a fourteen- vice had been stationed. The horses S"How cold and inlifferont you are," Ds., unless the to look at them. They haven't time. he began to grumble about trkias. minute Information upon hotels and inch smile, and the plan of the de- ward that he said, turning to obey her request. The motor was shippedback to Brad. She oooking."-Chicago Tribuune. were tied to posts, and the King from "You make It very hard for me." "I've been do'ng finely; w nning boarding houses, and such details as fence became apparent, as he quietly an elevated stand gave the signalthat I am fear ford. Then itwas sentto the Scientifle to unscrew his guilty cork Her eyes drooped beneath the inten- golden opinions on all sides. the lowest charge for rooms and mealm Sproceeded Lookling Ahead. started the flare of trumpets, the becoming too great, and Black American offio. The Bradford peoe sity of his gaze, but she male no re- ful of week and the distances from arm, and leave it in the custody of gtone ha a tendency to monotony; so per day or pie wanted it taken apart and looked "Isn't Willie growing fast?" said a booming of cannob, the firing of mark, and the next second he had left hotel or boarding house to the West- the court.--Tit-Bits. four- outlandish noises. ber to her own thoughts. I have veraysrous intentions of mat into; they didn't want to take it apart North side lady, referring to her bombs, and other pe- minster palace hotel, either by bus or they didn't know year-old son. The horses reared, plunged, struggled In a somewhat jubilant but rather themselves, because Ktarrowest.Street In the Weorl,. ouliar frame of mind he sought Miss ting the old boy aside and gaiilbg rail. Furthermore, Mrs. Broadey Reid, what infernal contrivances might be "Yes," replied her husband with a to get free, and finally breaking loose, of future Hitton, and confided to her sympathetto laurels with my pen. Visions the convener of the "literature sub- soreted in it. The examiners here "Kitty Witches" Row, Great Yar- frown, "and I hate to see it, to." started in the wildest of gallops from ear his late go d fortune. greatness pass before my eyes, and- committee," has prepared a map, show. and failed Imouth, can justly claim to le the "Hate to see it? WVhy so?" this bedlam. But toward whatever blot; it is the outcome of my fooked it over very carefully ;Two hours later, as Margaret sat pardon this ing positions of the various halls, r narrowest street in the world, the have to pay carfare for him eorner of the field they fled they were perturbed feelings-who knows but that the to find any concealed devices. They "We'll alone in one cornor of the veranda, are to be held. sooner."-Ohio State Jour- just as terrifying, misty future you may be where the meetings said it was the cleverest-looking mo- - en trance at one end being only t renty- that much stopped by noises Brtian stole up behind her chair, and in the dim and and sent to another quarter to be fright- droped in her laparing of old-fashioned known not as Col. Barton merely, but Now what the American visitors would tolr they had ever seen. Rather than u nine inches and at the other fifty-six nal. desan and crquislto workmanship. as Col. Barton, the father of Cuthbert appreciate more than a list of mreeting destroy the machine, they took an X. inches. ened again and again. Wheu the your heart swell with When Woman Comes Into Her Own. too tired to run well, SEero is something I prize very high- Barton. Does halls, of which they have enough and ray photograph of the innooent-look- It gives some idea of the width horses became honuse. Of y.' he sid. 'It belonged to my mother. pride at the thought? to spare at home, would be a list of tei ing wooden base. when one mentions that neighbors can There are burglars in the th9 .King found the spectacle uninter- "Now, to descend from the heights of that no doubt remains. should like to see it on your finger. rooms, a diagram showing how to find 'Phe mystery vanished when the X. shake hands and put out each other's esting and ordered the orgy to cease. Pearls for the pearl of peorlia" ambition to ordinary reality. The city The man has risen and is searching the Boyal stables of the Inn wherp "Pickwlck" was writ- ray revealed the silhouette of a com- candles across the street. Why these By this cruel freak SHis sudden appearance and unex- grows warmer every day. Nothing so constructed has Sforsomething in the darkuesa. any moment transpiring. The last hot ten and the site of the "Old Curiosity mon,1 every-day dlockwork, with its s rows have been lost a number of their most valuable eted action made her blush warmly. discussion; "Have you mislaid yout revolver?" wave knooked the bottom out of the Shop," and the house where Bill Sikes big steel spring extended. The gears a given rise to a good deal of animals." '"Put it on for me,' she repllesLrathe- tfalters the wife. aervously. and holding her hand toward market, and everybody is now busy pro- met his death. They would also like were connected with the main shafl t some writers give the reason that day, 'Is it "No, my necktie," falters the man. Mrs. Howe's 'Iovely" Romark. him. "'am not sure-that I know the pounding the question of the to wander through the abbey and (of the nmotor by means offa small rod I when there was a very high tide the hot enough for your' w ter might flow through them; For after all he is only a man,-De- Mrs. Julia Ward Howe's sense df "I'm thinking you have the best of it stand long and worshipfully before the extending through one of the posts, , a Stroit Journal. ex- It others, in the event of an invasion the ridiculous has always been a sav i bsadbco nfeSso,' he rejo'ned, down there, and I have serious inten bust of Longfellow. They would pre- Itwo bevel wheels in the top of the peaosl perlenolng a keen thrill of pleasaure as N•o Sign of Progreesle. her to avoid grand- dropping on your rural fold and for "lodginpg"-of which they have serving to transmit the motion of thee they would prove an excellent means ing grace, leading Shand toched her.K "Why, it tis tions of at tete-a- heard such picturesque accounts-to cloekwork4 to thile revolving shaft and I of defence, or that the ground plans "Here is a paragraph which will in- iloquence. On one occasion a lady alcol0and makes quite a show." enjoying some argumentative senti- ttets with you. Meantime- I can't hotels where Amerleanlsed servants weaghtc.1 No wonder a governor and I of the rows were suggested by the terest you, my dear," said Mr. Dar- Newport, trying to get a fine S"It is very beauttul,"added Margaret, out of her, said, one moonlit tsastatnig the mlnllleent pearls with write any more. I hear Thompson out- rave learned to say "elevator" and Sbrske were needed. The probleu a fishermen'snets which, spread on the ley to his wife. "A progressive ment 'e"ifal �teret "How oanI theakyeo r#o hopping up the steps after his "crackers" and "mair" and "dtning- of conoesling the joint, after thee Denes to dry, had a narrow pathway Swoman in Bt. Louis uses thetelephone evenfhg on a vine-hang veranda: In aseod Il see his for It?' usual fashtsa. room." And last, butnaot least, they "works" had been inserted in the eleft between them which represented in making social calls." "Mrs. Howe, do say something lovely elsailo oountensane, with his grinning ,the rows. Yarmouth has lIt5 rows, my piastral" Wherenpon every iS heteled her eyes tohl, butdroped will want to drive in Rotten Row, buy hollowed-out bose of the machine, "That's not progreelveneeas" sadt about mliuth within 4a unlmportant distan listened for the reply. In he: them Immnadately. Somethln la ba thb was solved by forming a bevel I and their total length exceeds seven IMrs. Darley. one of beS-U* ~ears, stack through the tarn Is Rwest street and taste Mrs Howe sa t to wame bood to irn Oa puretr Iade4m osyof a cabnma that isute 4 maskng it oonident wit:h miles, "Kitty Witches' being the deliestelyt uealtivated voioe of the hbae. Thu Smeost uintereeting and the nhrroweo o1 she smpl1 hla ot. mponded: "I think it 1 4 a•ll y as ldh a sabosm anwa b a nell* hebontoemedg "'No;e". o WndM-oe i , a uiabiellyg r, at4 tah e*Itw wu a aUL..Phladpiahie Iajura to dart.lfaw .la&..The4 1gpMUo - M,e 94 LtoIro** ar assoe , - . .,.q p ,w .

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