Legalbrief | your legal news hub Monday 27 September 2021

Independent boss denies firing editor

Despite the specific reference - in a lawyers' letter dated 7 December - to the previous day's front page report on the Public Protector's findings that the awarding of a fisheries tender to Sekunjalo Marine Services Consortium was 'improper', Independent News & Media boss Iqbal Surve is adamant there was 'not a shred of evidence' to back allegations that Cape Times editor Alide Dasnois was fired.

In a statement yesterday, he says Dasnois was offered alternative strategic positions within the group and she was still considering these. Media reports say Dasnois is considering her legal options. As recorded in yesterday's Legalbrief Today, lawyers for Sekunjalo Investments - in a letter to sent to Chris Whitfield, the group editor in the Western Cape - reportedly referred specifically to the Cape Times article on the Public Protectors' findings. According to the Mail & Guardian, the lawyers' letter demanded a front-page apology in Monday's edition (which did not happen) from the newspaper's editor and the journalist concerned, 'and that proper prominence be given by the newspaper of the findings of the Public Protector concerning Sekunjalo. It is only appropriate given the history of aspersions cast on the company', stated the letter, which adds: 'If you fail to accede to this demand, Sekunjalo will issue summons on Tuesday against the individuals concerned in their personal capacity, as well as against the newspaper, for the recovery of damages suffered by the company. The company will also lodge a complaint with the Press Ombudsman for breaches of the press code if this demand is not met'. Yesterday's Mail & Guardian report

A statement from Surve yesterday said that following a regional strategic meeting in last week a decision had been taken to make a number of changes to the various print Cape Town titles run by the group. 'The decision to make changes at the Cape Times is in line with our medium term plans to ensure that Independent is competitive and ensures the sustainability of the business and the security of its employees.' He added: 'I want to state for the record the leadership of this group remains fully committed to the editorial independence of all our journalists and editors. To suggest otherwise is patently false and devoid of truth.' Statement

The SA National Editors' Forum (Sanef) said yesterday it was 'shocked' and 'concerned' at the situation. 'Sanef condemns any interference with the independence of editors and journalists when carrying out their duties. Ahead of the release of yesterday's Surve statement, Sanef said: 'We call on Sekunjalo Holdings to clarify the issues relating to Dasnois' sudden dismissal without delay and to desist from making threats against the staffers.' A second Mail & Guardian Online report quotes Wits University journalism professor Anton Harber as saying: 'Dr Survé's one company is suing journalists from his other company. I've never seen anything so bizarre. Surely he has to find a more sensible way to deal with these differences.' First Mail & Guardian Online report Second Mail & Guardian Online report

And the Cape Times editorial staff have expressed concern that the newspaper's editorial independence is under threat, notes a report on the News24 site. The newspaper's editorial staff said in a statement: 'We, the overwhelming majority of editorial staff of the Cape Times, wish to register our deep anger and protest at the dismissal of our esteemed editor Alide Dasnois. 'Although Dasnois was told three days ago not to return to work, staff have still not been officially informed of the reason for her sudden dismissal. 'The staff's concern, from the sequence of events, is that the new owners of the newspaper, Sekunjalo Independent Media, are attempting to compromise the editorial independence of the Cape Times. 'If this is so, this is a direct threat to the standing and independence of this proud newspaper,' said the statement, that was supported by editorial staff at the Cape Argus and The Star. Full report on the News24 site See also a Beeld report

Independent News & Media has appointed Gasant Abarder as editor of the Cape Times to replace Dasnois. Primedia said yesterday that Arbarder left Eyewitness News (EWN) without notice, adding that Abarder's actions were in violation of his contractual obligations and the company was assessing their options. 'Abarder absconded from his position as EWN news editor in Cape Town, despite a contractual obligation to work three months' notice.' On Friday evening Abarder wrote an e-mail to management informing them that he was leaving with immediate effect, after he agreed to serve his full notice period when he resigned November. Today's Business Day quotes labour lawyer Michael Bagraim as saying it appeared that Abarder was in breach of contract. 'The shortening of a notice period can only be done by agreement of both parties. It seems (he) has exposed himself to a damages claim.' Full BDlive report Full Business Day report (subscription needed) See also a report on the IoL site