House of Commons Business, Innovation and Skills Committee

Formal Minutes

Session 2016–17

The Business, Innovation and Skills Committee

The Business, Innovation and Skills Committee is appointed by the House of Commons to examine the expenditure, administration, and policy of the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills.

Current membership Mr Iain Wright (Labour, ) (Chair) Paul Blomfield (Labour, Sheffield Central) Richard Fuller (Conservative, Bedford) Peter Kyle (Labour, Hove) Amanda Milling (Conservative, Cannock Chase) Jonathan Reynolds (Labour (co-op), Stalybridge and Hyde) Amanda Solloway (Conservative, Derby North) Michelle Thomson (Independent, Edinburgh West) Kelly Tolhurst (Conservative, Rochester and Strood) (Conservative, North Warwickshire) Chris White (Conservative, and Leamington)


The Committee is one of the departmental select committees, the powers of which are set out in House of Commons Standing Orders, principally in SO No 152. These are available on the Internet via

Publications The Reports and evidence of the Committee are published by The Stationery Office by Order of the House. All publications of the Committee (including press notices) are on the internet at A list of Reports of the Committee in the present Parliament is at the back of this volume.

The Reports of the Committee, the formal minutes relating to that report, oral evidence taken and some or all written evidence are available in a printed volume.

Additional written evidence may be published on the internet only.

Committee staff

The current staff of the Committee are Chris Shaw (Clerk), Martin Adams (Second Clerk), Josephine Willows (Committee Specialist), Duma Langton (Committee Specialist(, James McQuade (Senior Committee Assistant), and Jonathan Wright (Committee Assistant).

Contacts All correspondence should be addressed to the Clerk of the Business, Innovation and Skills Committee, House of Commons, 7th Floor, 14 Tothill Street, London SW1H 9NB. The telephone number for general enquiries is 020 7219 5777; the Committee’s email address is [email protected].

Business, Innovation and Skills Committee: Formal Minutes 2016–17 1

Formal Minutes of the Business, Innovation and Skills Committee, Session 2016–17

Monday 23 May 2016

Members present:

Mr Iain Wright, in the Chair

Richard Fuller Amanda Solloway Amanda Milling Michelle Thomson

1. The Sale and Acquisition of BHS

Ian Greenstreet, Partner, Nabarro, Tony Clare, Partner, Deloitte, David Clarke, Partner, KPMG, Richard Cousins, Partner, PwC, and Emma King, Partner, Eversheds; Owen Clay, Partner, Linklaters, Steve Denison, Partner, PwC, and Anthony Gutman, Co- Head, EMEA Investement Banking Services, Goldman Sachs, Ian Grabiner, Chief Executive Officer, Arcadia, Lord Grabiner, Board Member, Taveta Investments Ltd, Paul Budge, Finance Director, Arcadia Group, Director Taveta Investments Ltd, Gillian Hague, Director, Arcadia Group and Taveta Investments, Ltd, and Chris Harris, Group Property Director, Arcadia Group gave oral evidence.

[Adjourned till Tuesday 24 May 2016, at 9.00am

Tuesday 24 May 2016

Members present:

Mr Iain Wright, in the Chair

Paul Blomfield Jonathan Reynolds Richard Fuller Amanda Solloway

2 Business, Innovation and Skills Committee: Formal Minutes 2016–17

Peter Kyle Michelle Thomson Amanda Milling Chris White

1. Sale and Acquisition of BHS

The Committee considered this matter.

2. Powerhouses and engines: Government policy and regional growth inquiry

Ordered, That the following written evidence relating to Business views on EU referendum be reported to the House for publication on the internet: UK Northern Powerhouse Limited (PEG0002); Future Network West Midlands (PEG0003); CIC Regions & Clusters Subgroup (PEG0004); Dr Alistair Clark (PEG0006); IPPR North (PEG0007); Rail Delivery Group (PEG0008); Local Government Association (PEG0009); CURDS, (PEG0010); Universities UK (PEG0011); (PEG0012); The National Physical Laboratory (PEG0013); The (PEG0014); The Policy Institute at King’s College London (PEG0015); EEF – the manufacturers’ organisation (PEG0016); (PEG0017); The Regional Studies Association (PEG0018); The Institution of Engineering and Technology (PEG0019); Birmingham City University and Midlands Economic Forum (PEG0020); Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce (PEG0021); Universities West Midlands (PEG0022); Acas (PEG0023); Institute of Directors (PEG0024); Birmingham City University and Midlands Economic Forum (PEG0025); Federation of Small Businesses (PEG0026); CLA (PEG0027); NCC Group plc (PEG0028); (PEG0029); East Midlands Councils (PEG0030); Midlands Aerospace Alliance (PEG0031); Mr Alex Burrows (PEG0032); GW4 Alliance (PEG0033); The Academy of Social Services and its Campaign for Social Science (PEG0034); RTPI (PEG0035); NuScale Power LLC (PEG0036); Transport for the North (TfN) (PEG0037); Institution of Civil Engineers (PEG0038); British Property Federation (PEG0039); Confederation of British Industry (PEG0040); Manchester Airport (PEG0041); Creative (PEG0042); London School of Economics (PEG0043); Allerdale Borough Council (PEG0044); (PEG0045); General Motors UK (PEG0046); SMMT (PEG0047); Midlands Engine (PEG0048); Newcastle City Council (PEG0049); Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (PEG0050); CityREDI (PEG0051); East Midlands Airport (PEG0052); Manchester City Council (PEG0053)

4. Business views on EU referendum

Business, Innovation and Skills Committee: Formal Minutes 2016–17 3

Ordered, That the following written evidence relating to Business views on EU referendum be reported to the House for publication on the internet: Andrew Lockridge (EUR0022).

Professor Brad Mackay, University of St Andrews, Raoul Ruparel, Co-Director, Open Europe, and John Springford, Senior Research Fellow, Centre for European Reform; Paul Nowak, Deputy General Secretary, TUC, Josh Hardie, Deputy-Director General, Policy and Campaigns, Confederation of British Industry, Mike Spicer, Director of Research, British Chambers of Commerce, and Lee Hopley, Chief Economist, EEF gave oral evidence.

[Adjourned till Monday 25 May 2016, at 8.45am

Wednesday 25 May 2016

Members present:

Mr Iain Wright, in the Chair

Richard Fuller Amanda Solloway Amanda Milling Michelle Thomson

1. The Sale and Acquisition of BHS

Ian Greenstreet, Partner, Nabarro, Tony Clare, Partner, Deloitte, David Clarke, Partner, KPMG, Richard Cousins, Partner, PwC, and Emma King, Partner, Eversheds, Owen Clay, Partner, Linklaters, Steve Denison, Partner, PwC, and Anthony Gutman, Co- Head, EMEA Investement Banking Services, Goldman Sachs, Ian Grabiner, Chief Executive Officer, Arcadia, Lord Grabiner, Board Member, Taveta Investments Ltd, Paul Budge, Finance Director, Arcadia Group, Director Taveta Investments Ltd, Gillian Hague, Director, Arcadia Group and Taveta Investments, Ltd, and Chris Harris, Group Property Director, Arcadia Group gave oral evidence.

[Adjourned till Tuesday 7 June 2016, at 9.00am

4 Business, Innovation and Skills Committee: Formal Minutes 2016–17

Tuesday 7 June 2016

Members present:

Mr Iain Wright, in the Chair

Paul Blomfield Amanda Solloway Richard Fuller Michelle Thomson Peter Kyle Kelly Tolhurst Amanda Milling Craig Tracey Jonathan Reynolds Chris White

1. Visit to Farnborough Air show

Resolved, That the Committee visit Farnborough Air Show

2. Working practices at Sports Direct

Ordered, That the following written evidence relating to Working practices at Sports Direct be reported to the House for publication on the internet: Unite Union (WSD0001).

Ordered, That the correspondence relating to Sports Direct submitted by the Executive Deputy Chairman of Sports Direct be reported to the House for publication.

Steve Turner, Assistant General Secretary, and Luke Primarolo, Regional Officer, Unite Union, Chris Birkby, Managing Director, Jennifer Hardy, Finance Director, Transline, and Andy Sweeney, Chief Executive Officer, Best Connection Group Ltd, Mike Ashley, Executive Deputy Chairman, Sports Direct International, and Keith Bishop, Keith Bishop Associates gave oral evidence.

[Adjourned till Tuesday 7 June 2016, at 3.15pm

Tuesday 7 June 2016

Members present: Business, Innovation and Skills Committee: Formal Minutes 2016–17 5

Mr Iain Wright, in the Chair

Richard Fuller Amanda Solloway Amanda Milling Michelle Thomson

1. The Sale and Acquisition of BHS

Robin Saunders, Managing Partner of Clearbrook Capital Partners LLP, Nicholas Giauque, Managing Member: London, Farallon Capital Europe LLP, and Joseph Dryer, Head of Capital Markets and Advisory, RiverRock gave oral evidence.

[Adjourned till Wednesday 8 June 2016, at 8.45am

Wednesday 8 June 2016

Members present:

Mr Iain Wright, in the Chair

Richard Fuller Amanda Solloway Amanda Milling Michelle Thomson

1. The Sale and Acquisition of BHS

Darren Topp, Chief Executive, BHS, Richard Price, former Managing Director, BHS, and Michael Hitchcock, former Finance Consultant, BHS, Mark Tasker, former Board Member, Retail Acquisitions Ltd, Eddie Parladorio, former Board Member, Retail Acquisitions Ltd, Stephen Bourne, Board Member, Retail Acquisitions Ltd, and Aidan Treacy, Chief Financial Officer, Retial Acquisitions Ltd, Dominic Chappell, Director, Retail Acquisitions Ltd gave oral evidence. [Adjourned till Tuesday 14 June 2016, at 9.00am

6 Business, Innovation and Skills Committee: Formal Minutes 2016–17

Tuesday 14 June 2016

Members present:

Mr Iain Wright, in the Chair

Richard Fuller Amanda Solloway Peter Kyle Michelle Thomson Amanda Milling Kelly Tolhurst Jonathan Reynolds Chris White

1. Business views on the EU Referendum

Ordered, That the following written evidence relating to Business views on the EU Referendum be reported to the House for publication on the internet: CBI (EUR0024).

John Longworth, Chair of the Business Council of Vote Leave, and Roland Rudd, Chairman, Business for New Europe; Jennifer Brown, Managing Director, pampeano, Paul Kahn, President, Airbus Group UK, Pam Watts, Financial Director, SWEEEP Kuusakoski, and Guy Schanschieff, Managing Director, Bambino Mio; Stephen Kon, Senior Partner, King & Wood Mallesons, Alex Depledge, former CEO and founder of, Julie Price, Insurance Broker, Julie Price & Co Ltd, and Phil Eckersley, Managing Director, Bridgewater Home Care gave oral evidence.

[Adjourned till Wednesday 15 June 2016, at 9.00am

Wednesday 15 June 2016

Members present:

Mr Iain Wright, in the Chair

Richard Fuller Amanda Solloway Amanda Milling Michelle Thomson

Business, Innovation and Skills Committee: Formal Minutes 2016–17 7

1. The Sale and Acquisition of BHS

Sir Philip Green, Chairman, Arcadia Group gave oral evidence.

[Adjourned till Tuesday 28 June 2016, at 9.00am

Tuesday 28 June 2016

Members present:

Mr Iain Wright, in the Chair

Paul Blomfield Jonathan Reynolds Richard Fuller Amanda Solloway Peter Kyle Michelle Thomson Amanda Milling Craig Tracey

1. Working practices at Sports Direct

Ordered, That the following written evidence relating to Working practices at Sports Direct be reported to the House for publication on the internet: Transline (WSD0002).

2. Access to finance

Gareth Oakley, Managing Director, SME Banking, Lloyds Banking Group, Rishi Khosla, Chief Execitive Officer, Oaknorth Bank, and Marcus Stuttard, Head of UK Primary Markets & Head of AIM, London Stock Exchange; Chris Hulatt, Chief Financial Officer & founder, Octopus Investments , and James Meekings, UK Managing Director & co- founder, Funding Circle gave oral evidence.

[Adjourned till Tuesday 28 June 2016, at 3.00pm

Tuesday 28 June 2016

Members present:

8 Business, Innovation and Skills Committee: Formal Minutes 2016–17

Mr Iain Wright, in the Chair

Richard Fuller Amanda Solloway Amanda Milling Michelle Thomson

1. The Sale and Acquisition of BHS

Alex Dellal, Allied Commercial Exporters, Paul Sutton, Neville Kahn, Managing Partner, Financial Advisory, Deloitte gave oral evidence.

[Adjourned till Wednesday 29 June 2016, at 9.00am

Wednesday 29 June 2016

Members present:

Mr Iain Wright, in the Chair

Paul Blomfield Amanda Solloway Richard Fuller Michelle Thomson Amanda Milling Chris White Jonathan Reynolds

1. Careers education, information advice and guidance

Resolved, That the draft Report prepared by the Sub-Committees on Education, Skills and the Economy be the First Report of the Committee to the House.

Ordered, That the provisions of Standing Order No. 137A(2) be applied to the Report.

Ordered, That the Chair make the Joint Report to the House.

Ordered, That embargoed copies of the Report be made available, in accordance with the provisions of Standing Order No.134.

2. The Sale and Acquisition of BHS Business, Innovation and Skills Committee: Formal Minutes 2016–17 9

Michael Sherwood, Vice Chairman, Goldman Sachs, Anthony Gutman, Co-Head, EMEA Investment Banking Services, Goldman Sachs, and Michael Casey, Goldman Sachs; Mark Sherwood, former Property Director, BHS, Paul Budge, Finance Director, Arcadia Group, Director Taveta Investments Ltd, Chris Harris, Group Property Director, Arcadia Group, and Brett Alexander Palos, Director, Taveta Investments Limited gave oral evidence.

[Adjourned till Tuesday 5 July 2016, at 9.00am

Tuesday 5 July 2016

Members present:

Mr Iain Wright, in the Chair

Paul Blomfield Jonathan Reynolds Richard Fuller Michelle Thomson Amanda Milling Kelly Tolhurst Chris White

1. Pubs Code Adjudicator

Resolved, That the Committee inquire into the UK labour market without EU freedom of movement.

[Adjourned till Tuesday 12 July 2016, at 2.00pm

Tuesday 12 July 2016

Members present:

10 Business, Innovation and Skills Committee: Formal Minutes 2016–17

Mr Iain Wright, in the Chair

Paul Blomfield Michelle Thomson Richard Fuller Kelly Tolhurst Peter Kyle Craig Tracey Amanda Milling Chris White Amanda Solloway

1. The Digital Economy

Draft Report (The Digital Economy), proposed by the Chair, brought up and read.

The draft Report was agreed to; the Formal Minutes relating to the consideration of the Report are published in the Second Report of the Committee, Session 2016-17, (87).

2. Exports and the role of UKTI

Ordered, That the following written evidence relating to Exports and the role of UKTI be reported to the House for publication on the internet: Legatum Institute (EXP0097).

3. Working practices at Sports Direct

Ordered, That the following written evidence relating to Working practices at Sports Direct be reported to the House for publication on the internet: Unite Union (WSD0003); Bolsover District Council (WSD0004); Best Connection (WSD0005); Gangmasters Licensing Authority (WSD0007).

4. Access to Finance

Ordered, That the following written evidence relating to Access to Finance be reported to the House for publication on the internet: Financial Conduct Authority (ATF0063).

Christopher Woolard, Executive Director of Strategy and Competition, FCA, and Keith Morgan, Chief Executive Officer, British Business Bank; Anna Soubry MP, Minister for Small Business, Industry and Enterprise, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills gave oral evidence.

[Adjourned till Tuesday 19 July 2016, at 12.30pm

Business, Innovation and Skills Committee: Formal Minutes 2016–17 11

Tuesday 19 July 2016

Members present:

Mr Iain Wright, in the Chair

Paul Blomfield Amanda Solloway Richard Fuller Michelle Thomson Peter Kyle Kelly Tolhurst Amanda Milling Craig Tracey Jonathan Reynolds Chris White

1. Working practices at Sports Direct

Draft Report (Working practices at Sports Direct), proposed by the Chair, brought up and read.

The draft Report was agreed to; the Formal Minutes relating to the consideration of the Report are published in the Third Report of the Committee, Session 2016-17, (87).

2. Pubs Code Adjudicator

Dave Mountford, Pubs Advisory Service & Landlord, Gary Mason, Tied Tenant, and Simon Clarke, Tied Tenant and Royal Institute of Surveyors Surveyor, Stuart Gallyot, Company Secretary & Director of Legal & Estates, Punch Taverns, and Simon Townsend, Chief Executive Officer gave oral evidence.

[Adjourned till Wednesday 7 September 2016, at 9.30am

Wednesday 7 September 2016

Members present:

Mr Iain Wright, in the Chair

Paul Blomfield Amanda Solloway Richard Fuller Michelle Thomson

12 Business, Innovation and Skills Committee: Formal Minutes 2016–17

Peter Kyle Chris White

1. Working practices at Sports Direct

Ordered, That the following written evidence relating to Working practices at Sports Direct be reported to the House for publication on the internet: Transline (WSD0008); Gangmasters Licensing Authority (WSD0009).

[Adjourned till Tuesday 13 September 2016, at 9.00am

13 September 2016

Members present:

Mr Iain Wright, in the Chair

Paul Blomfield Michelle Thomson Richard Fuller Craig Tracey Peter Kyle Chris White Jonathan Reynolds

1. The use of UK-manufactured arms in Yemen

Question proposed, that the draft Report (The use of UK-manufactured arms in Yemen) proposed by the Chair be brought up and read.

The Committee divided.

Ayes, 6 Noes, 1 Paul Blomfield Richard Fuller Peter Kyle Jonathan Reynolds Michelle Thomson Craig Tracey Business, Innovation and Skills Committee: Formal Minutes 2016–17 13

Chris White

Question accordingly agreed to.

Paragraph 3 read as follows:

“We heard evidence from Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, Saferworld and Oxfam on the crisis in Yemen and the evidence of violations of IHL; from Professor Philippe Sands QC on the findings of his and others' legal opinion on the lawfulness of UK arms exports to Saudi Arabia in the context of the conflict in Yemen; from ADS, the leading trade body for the aerospace, defence and security industries; from leading experts on our relationship with the Gulf and our arms export policies; and from Ministers from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, the former Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, the Ministry of Defence and the Department for International Development. We are grateful to all of those who gave oral and written evidence.”

Paragraph rescinded.

Paragraph 33 read, as follows:

“The Saudi authorities announced on 31 January 2016 the results of an investigation into the October 2015 airstrike on a Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) facility in Sa'ada. Tobias Ellwood wrote to us about the steps taken by the Saudis following this investigation,1 as follows:

• Inviting MSF to Riyadh to discuss the incident and agree on new measures, including a hot line to MSF and greater protection for hospitals; • Setting up a new investigation team outside Coalition Command to review all existing procedures and suggest improvements; • Improving Saudi procedures on rules of engagement and targeting; • Ensuring that people on the ground who are providing intelligence to Coalition forces are aware of all protected sites on the no strike list and have better means of communicating information to pilots; and • Providing additional IHL training for Saudi officers and pilots, including courses supported by the US and UK.

On 4 August 2016 the Joint Incidents Assessment Team (JIAT), comprising 14 members from coalition states, reported its conclusions to eight further incidents they had investigated. The JIAT found that the coalition had abided by military rules of engagement in six out of the eight incidents and in only one of the instances in which errors were made were there civilian casualties and therefore reparations required. The JIAT reported that "Coalition forces are committed to observing the

1 FCO supplementary evidence

14 Business, Innovation and Skills Committee: Formal Minutes 2016–17

rules laid down in international conventions on humanitarian law and in particular not directly targeting civilians during military operations and take all measures to preserve their safety and lives." The JIAT's legal adviser said that the work of the JIAT in assessing the incidents "depends on ensuring the legal aspects of target operations that are compatible with the international law, and on using the American and British mechanism to assess accidents in addition to the law of armed conflict.2 Mr Ellwood admitted:

I share the Committee’s frustration that that information has been slow to come forward. This is a nation that is not used to sharing information in this manner and to having to expose internationally the details of what it does. This is the first time it has had to do sustained warfare. It must look up and answer to the international standards that we expect. We will make it very clear if we feel that it does not meet those standards, but we require time, and Saudi Arabia will require time, to provide the analysis that needs to be done in all these cases.”

Paragraph rescinded.

Summary rescinded.

Paragraph (now paragraph 3) brought up, read the first and second time, and inserted.

Paragraph (now paragraph 33) brought up, read the first and second time, and inserted.

Summary amended and agreed to.

Resolved, That the draft Report prepared by the Business, Innovation and Skills and International Development Committees be the Fifth Report of the Committee to the House.

Ordered, That the provisions of Standing Order No. 137A(2) be applied to the Report.

Ordered, That Chris White make the Joint Report to the House.

2. Corporate Governance

Resolved, That the Committee inquire into Corporate Governance.

2 Saudi Arabian Embassy media statement, 5 August 2016 Business, Innovation and Skills Committee: Formal Minutes 2016–17 15

[Adjourned till Tuesday 11 October at 9.00 a.m.

Tuesday 11 October 2016

Members present:

Mr Iain Wright, in the Chair

Richard Fuller Amanda Solloway Peter Kyle Michelle Thomson Amanda Milling Craig Tracey Chris White

1. Industrial Strategy

Resolved, That the Committee visit Coventry in connection with its inquiry into Industrial Strategy.

Ordered, That the following written evidence relating to Industrial Strategy be reported to the House for publication on the internet: ABB (ISG0051); Aberdeen & Grampian Chamber of Commerce (ISG0107); ABHI (ISG0083); ACAS (ISG0168); ADS Group (ISG0095); Aerospace Technology Institute (ISG0037); AIRTO Ltd (Association of Innovation, Research & Technology Organisations); (ISG0034); Aldersgate Group (ISG0138); Alliance for Intellectual Property (ISG0106); Angel Trains (ISG0058); ARM Ltd (ISG0005); Arqiva (ISG0080); Association of Convenience Stores (ISG0165); Association of Independent Professionals and Self-Employed (IPSE); (ISG0122); Balfour Beatty (ISG0164); BFI (ISG0177); BioIndustry Association (ISG0078); British Aggregates Association (ISG0162); British Ceramic Confederation (ISG0030); British Chamber of Commerce (ISG0181); British Coatings Federation (ISG0009); British Glass (ISG0021); British Hospitality Association (ISG0073); British Marine (ISG0141); British Plastics Federation (ISG0105); British Property Federation (ISG0042); British Standards Institution (ISG0113); British Woodworking Federation (ISG0114); BT (ISG0153); Buckinghamshire Thames Valley LEP (ISG0092); Building Engineering Services Association (ISG0169); Business in the Community (ISG0084); Campaign for Science and Engineering (ISG0158); Cancer Research UK (ISG0099); Carbon Capture and Storage Association (ISG0119); Centre for Competition Policy (ISG0125); Centre for Local Economic Strategies (ISG0081); Centre for Process Innovation (ISG0033); Centre for Urban and Regional Development Studies (CURDS); (ISG0185); CF Fertilisers (ISG0082); Chemical Industries Association (ISG0103); Chief Economic Development

16 Business, Innovation and Skills Committee: Formal Minutes 2016–17

Officers Society (CEDOS); (ISG0056); CIPD (ISG0064); Civil Engineering Contractors Association (ISG0008); CoalImP (ISG0101); Commercial Broadcasters Association (ISG0167); Competition and Markets Authority (ISG0128); Confederation of British Industry (ISG0133); Confederation of Paper Industries (ISG0031); Construction Industry Training Board (ISG0155); Construction Products Association (ISG0024); Cornwall Council (ISG0063); Creative England (ISG0175); Creative Industries Federation (ISG0137); Cumbria County Council (ISG0094); Dell EMC (ISG0043); Dr Jian Tong (ISG0116); Dr Richard Worswick (ISG0018); Dr Richard Worswick (ISG0019); Dr SIMON LEE (ISG0124); East Midlands Chamber (Derbyshire ,Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire); (ISG0039); EDF Energy (ISG0060); EEF - the manufacturers' organisation (ISG0067); Energy & Utility Skills (ISG0098); Energy & Utility Skills Group (ISG0088); Energy Intensive Users Group (ISG0120); Energy Technologies Institute (ISG0126); Engineering Professors' Council (ISG0047); England's Economic Heartland Strategic Alliance (ISG0097); Environmental Services Association (ISG0061); ESCO (ISG0022); Food and Drink Federation (ISG0139); FSB (ISG0166); General Electric UK (ISG0108); General Motors UK (ISG0147); GPMA (ISG0179); Graphic and Print Media Alliance (ISG0159); Greater Manchester Combined Authority (ISG0070); Greenpeace UK (ISG0036); Groupe Eurotunnel (ISG0151); Heathrow Airport Limited (ISG0109); High Value Manufacturing Catapult (ISG0049); Hilton Worldwide (ISG0102); HVM Catapult (ISG0052); ICAEW (ISG0183); Independent Networks Co-operative Associationnt Networks Co-operative Association (ISG0011); Industrial Communities Alliance (ISG0012); Innovate UK (ISG0028); Institute for Family Business (ISG0054); Institute of Directors (ISG0025); Institute of Economic Affairs (ISG0045); Institution of Mechanical Engineers (ISG0143); IPPR (ISG0118); Jag Patel (ISG0006); Lady Iveta Kurpniece (ISG0003); Leonardo Helicopters (ISG0176); LEP Network (ISG0086); Local Government Association (ISG0016); Manchester Airports Group (MAG); (ISG0135); Manufacturing Technologies Association (ISG0053); Maritime UK (ISG0093); Mastercard (ISG0044); Metalysis (ISG0180); Midlands Connect (ISG0150); MillionPlus (ISG0136); Milton Keynes Council (ISG0089); MIMA (Mineral Wool Insulation Manufacturers' Association); (ISG0115); Mineral Products Association (ISG0096); MODELAREA TRANSPORTULUI DE POLUANTI IN RAURI ILEANA MOTOC (ISG0002); Mr Edmund Mackenzie (ISG0066); Mr Matthew Rhodes (ISG0069); Mr Roy Price (ISG0004); National Insulation Association (ISG0184); New Anglia LEP (ISG0173); New Economics Foundation (ISG0172); New Economics Foundation (ISG0182); Norfolk County Council (ISG0087); Chamber of Commerce (ISG0050); Novartis UK (ISG0077); Nuclear Industry Association (ISG0059); Oil & Gas UK (ISG0100); Pact (ISG0156); Policy Links, Centre for Science, Technology & Innovation Policy (CSTI);, University of Cambridge (ISG0127); Professor Paul Nightingale (ISG0134); Professor Stephen Temple (ISG0001); Professor Timothy Foxon (ISG0032); Rail Delivery Group (ISG0017); Rail Freight Group (ISG0013); Rail Supply Group & Railway Industry Association (ISG0029); Recruitment & Employment Confederation (ISG0129); Recruitment & Employment Confederation (ISG0130); Recruitment & Employment Confederation (ISG0131); Recruitment & Employment Confederation (ISG0132); Recruitment and Employment Confederation (ISG0076); Rees Malcolm Rees (ISG0121); Renewable Energy Systems Group (ISG0161); RenewableUK (ISG0171); Research Councils UK (ISG0148); Business, Innovation and Skills Committee: Formal Minutes 2016–17 17

Resources and Waste UK (ISG0174); Responsible Finance (ISG0062); Rools-Royce (ISG0146); Royal Aeronautical Society (ISG0145); (ISG0071); Samsung (ISG0055); Samsung (ISG0140); Satellite Applications Catapult (ISG0072); SEC Group (ISG0079); Semta (ISG0026); Sheffield Hallam University (ISG0065); Sheffield Political Economy Research Institute (SPERI); (ISG0057); Society of Chemical Industry (ISG0149); Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT); (ISG0091); Solent Deal Authorities (ISG0010); South East Midlands Local Enterprise Partnership (ISG0117); SPRU, University of Sussex (ISG0111); SSE (ISG0144); Staffordshire County Council (ISG0110); SUEZ (ISG0170); Sustainable Energy Association (ISG0090); Tata Steel UK (ISG0152); Tees Valley Combined Authority (ISG0046); The Association of Medical Research Charities (ISG0041); The Banks Group (ISG0104); The Commercial Broadcasters Association (ISG0023); The Creativity Partnership (ISG0014); The Institution of Engineering and Technology (ISG0075); The Publishers Association (ISG0154); The Research & Development Society (ISG0123); The Royal Academy of Engineering (ISG0142); The Royal Society (ISG0157); The Takeover Panel (ISG0020); Tidal Lagoon Power (ISG0027); TIGA (ISG0178); Tony Hartwell (ISG0163); TUC (ISG0112); UCL (ISG0007); UK Chamber of Shipping (ISG0068); UK Metals Forum (ISG0035); UK Petroleum Industry Association (ISG0038); Unite the Union (ISG0048); Onshore Oil and Gas (ISG0074); Universities UK (ISG0160); University Alliance (ISG0015); Weinberg Next Nuclear (ISG0040); York, North & East Riding LEP (ISG0085).

Rt Hon Sir Vince Cable; Rt Hon Michael Heseltine, and Rt Hon George Osborne MP gave oral evidence.

[Adjourned till Tuesday 18 October 2016, at 9.00am

Tuesday 18 October 2016

Members present:

Mr Iain Wright, in the Chair

Richard Fuller Amanda Solloway Peter Kyle Michelle Thomson Amanda Milling Kelly Tolhurst Chris White

18 Business, Innovation and Skills Committee: Formal Minutes 2016–17

1. Future World of Work

Resolved, That the Committee inquire into Future World of Work

2. Work of the Department

Alex Chisholm, Permanent Secretary, Angie Ridgwell, Director General for Finance and Corporate Services, and Doug Watkins, Director, Human Resources, Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy gave oral evidence.

[Adjourned till Tuesday 25 October 2016, at 9.00am

Tuesday 25 October 2016

Members present:

Mr Iain Wright, in the Chair

Peter Kyle Michelle Thomson Amanda Milling Kelly Tolhurst Amanda Solloway Chris White

1. Access to Finance

Draft Report (Access to Finance), proposed by the Chair, brought up and read.

The draft Report was agreed to; the Formal Minutes relating to the consideration of the Report are published in the First Report of the Committee, Session 2016-17, (HC 84)

2. Careers advice, information and guidance

Draft Special Report (Careers education, information, advice and guidance: Government Response to the First Joint Report of the Business, Innovation and Skills and Education Business, Innovation and Skills Committee: Formal Minutes 2016–17 19

Committees of Session 2016-17) brought up, read the first and second time, and agreed to.

The Government’s response to the First Joint Report of the Business, Innovation and Skills and Education Committees of Session 2016–17 was appended to the Report.

Resolved, That the Report be the First Special Report of the Committee to the House.

Ordered, That the Chair make the Report to the House.

[Adjourned till Thursday 27 October 2016, at 10.00am

Thursday 27 October 2016

Members present:

Mr Iain Wright, in the Chair

Richard Fuller Chris White Amanda Milling

1. Industrial Strategy

Hamid Mughal, Director of Global Manufacturing, Rolls-Royce, and Professor David Greenwood, Warwick Manufacturing Group; Councillor Bob Sleigh, Leader of Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council, and Chair, Westmidlands Combined Authority, Matthew Rhodes, Greater Birmingham and Solihull Local Enterprise Partnership, and Jonathan Browning, Chair, Coventry and Warwickshire Local Enterprise Partnership (at 11.15am); Andy Palmer, Chief Executive, Aston Martin, David Bailey, Professor of Industrial Strategy, Aston Business School, and Tony Burke, Assistant General for Manufacturing, Unite gave oral evidence.

20 Business, Innovation and Skills Committee: Formal Minutes 2016–17

[Adjourned till Tuesday 1 November 2016, at 9.00am

Tuesday 1 November 2016

Members present:

Mr Iain Wright, in the Chair

Richard Fuller Kelly Tolhurst Amanda Milling Craig Tracey Albert Owen Anna Turley Michelle Thomson Chris White

1. Industrial Strategy

Ordered, That the following written evidence relating to Industrial Strategy be reported to the House for publication on the internet: Richard Blausten (ISG0192).

2. Whirlpool

Ordered, That the correspondence relating to Whirlpool tumble dryers submitted by the Managing Director of Whirlpool UK be reported to the House for Publication.

3. Airbnb

Ordered, That the correspondence relating to Airbnb submitted by the Mayor of London be reported to the House for Publication.

4. Corporate Governance

Ordered, That the following written evidence relating to Corporate Governance be reported to the House for publication on the internet: 30% Club (CGV0126); Aberdeen Asset Management plc (CGV0102); ACAS (CGV0146); ACCA (CGV0100); Allen & Overy LLP (CGV0071); B LAB UK (CGV0083); Baillie Gifford (CGV0108); BlackRock (CGV0097); Board Intelligence (CGV0125); British Bankers' Association (CGV0085); Caerus Consulting Ltd (CGV0122); Campaign for Merit in Business (CGV0008); Campaign for Triple Purpose Capitalism (CGV0059); Campaigner, Artist and Inventor Bob Goodall (CGV0052, CGV0140); Chartered Institute of Internal Auditors (CGV0143); Chris Philp (CGV0089); CIMA (CGV0014); CIPD (CGV0110); City of Business, Innovation and Skills Committee: Formal Minutes 2016–17 21

London Law Society (CGV0147); City of London Law Society (CGV0148); ClientEarth (CGV0104); Commonwealth Businesswomen’s Network (CGV0131); Communication Workers Union (CGV0072); Confederation of British Industry (CBI) (CGV0069); Co­ operatives UK (CGV0158); Council for Work and Health (CGV0019); DAC Beachcroft LLP (CGV0079); David Chivers (CGV0103); Deloitte (CGV0145); Director and Founder of Consulting company Steven Phillips (CGV0064); DLA Piper LLP (CGV0115); Dr Amama Shaukat (CGV0087); Dr Barnali Choudhury (CGV0160); Dr Ewan McGaughey (CGV0149); Dr Konstantinos Stathopoulos (CGV0027); Dr Rodion Skovoroda (CGV0042); /Leeds University (CGV0038); EEF, the manufacturers' organisation (CGV0142); Emeritus Professor of Corporate Governance Laura Spira (CGV0024); Employment Lawyers Association (CGV0065); Equality and Human Rights Commission (CGV0152); Eric Chalker (CGV0135); Fidelity International (CGV0107); Financial Reporting Council (CGV0078); FIT Remuneration Consultants (CGV0005); Hampton-Alexander Review (CGV0106); Hermes Investment Management (CGV0090); High Pay Centre (CGV0040); Howard Kennedy LLP (CGV0112); ICAS (CGV0139); ICSA: The Governance Institute (CGV0111); Inspiration for Success (CGV0138); Institute for Family Business (CGV0054); Institute of Business Ethics (CGV0016); Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (CGV0116); Institute of Directors (CGV0034); International Corporate Governance Network (CGV0025); International Institute for Self-governance (CGV0012); IPA (CGV0161); John Lewis Partnership (CGV0099); JOHN MCGLONE (CGV0128); Legal & General Group Plc (CGV0098); Legal and General Investment Management Ltd (CGV0095); M Garsdale (CGV0105); Manifest (CGV0062); Mazars LLP (CGV0134); Mercer (CGV0101); MobiCycle Ltd (CGV0155); Mr Charlie Geffen (CGV0030); Mr Daniel Hibbert (CGV0001); Mr David Offenbach (CGV0057); Mr Dowshan Humzah (CGV0130); Mr Francois Knuchel (CGV0129); Mr Guy Jubb (CGV0011); Mr JOHN DAVIES (CGV0003); Mr John Mills (CGV0121); Mr Michael Nisbet (CGV0082); Mr Michael Romberg (CGV0002); Mr Ryan Turner (CGV0074); Mr Sheetal Radia (CGV0046); Mrs Helena Morrissey (CGV0017); Ms charlotte valeur (CGV0123); Ms Joy Allen (CGV0051); Nestor Advisors Ltd (CGV0117); New Bridge Street (Aon Hewitt Ltd) (CGV0093); NJMD Corporate Services Limited (CGV0028); Oxfam GB (CGV0133); Patrick Andrews (CGV0004); Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association (CGV0141); People Innovation Ltd Jane Williams (CGV0058); Phoenix Group Holdings (CGV0096); PIRC Limited (CGV0154); PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (PwC) (CGV0159); Prism Cosec (CGV0066); Private Individual (CGV0081); Professor Alex Edmans (CGV0006); Professor Andrew Keay (CGV0010); Professor Charlotte Villiers (CGV0013); Professor David Kershaw (CGV0120); Professor Lorraine Talbot (CGV0044); Professor Michael Gold (CGV0075); Professor of Finance Grzegorz Trojanowski (CGV0055); Professor Paul Moxey (CGV0041); Professor Ruth Sealy (CGV0043); Professor Vanessa Knapp (CGV0031); Public Concern at Work (CGV0073); Quoted Companies Alliance (CGV0056); Recruitment and Employment Confederation (CGV0153); Rosemary Greaves (CGV0127); Rosemary Greaves (CGV0132); Royal London Asset Management (CGV0076); RPMI Railpen (CGV0119); RSA (Royal Society of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce) (CGV0113); Severn Trent Plc (CGV0070); ShareAction (CGV0124); ShareSoc, The UK Individual Shareholders Society (CGV0021); Sheetal Radia (CGV0150); Sheffield Institute of Corporate and Commercial Law (CGV0037); Short Richardson and Forth LLP (CGV0007); Simon Witney (CGV0114); Society for the Enivornment (CGV0039); Spencer Stuart (CGV0092); Standard Life plc (CGV0091); TBP2 Limited (CGV0048); The Alternative Investment Management Association (CGV0077); The Association of Investment Companies (CGV0053); The Durham Company Law Project (CGV0029); The Equality Trust (CGV0033); The Go-Ahead Group plc (CGV0020); The Investment Association (CGV0109); TLT LLP (CGV0026); Tomorrow's Company (CGV0118); Trade Union Share Owners (CGV0068); Trades Union Congress (CGV0060); Trades Union Congress (CGV0156); UK Policy Governance Association (CGV0067); UKSIF (CGV0157); Unite

22 Business, Innovation and Skills Committee: Formal Minutes 2016–17

the Union (CGV0094); United Kingdom Shareholders' Association (CGV0080); University College London (CGV0032); University of Southampton Brenda Hannigan (CGV0045); Usdaw (CGV0035); Vocational Rehabilitation Association (CGV0023); Which (CGV0144); Willis Towers Watson (CGV0063); Women on Boards UK (CGV0050); WWF-UK (CGV0015).

[Adjourned till Tuesday 8 November 2016, at 9.00am

Tuesday 8 November 2016

Members present:

Mr Iain Wright, in the Chair

Richard Fuller Michelle Thomson Peter Kyle Craig Tracey Amanda Milling Anna Turley Albert Owen Chris White

1. Industrial Strategy

Ordered, That the following written evidence relating to Industrial Strategy be reported to the House for publication on the internet: Manufacturing Technology Centre (ISG0193).

Kevin Baughan, Chief Development Officer, Innovate UK, Celia Caulcott, Vice-Provost (Enterprise), University College London , John Latham, Chair of University Alliance & Vice Chancellor of Coventry University, Sarah Main, Director, Campaign for Science & Engineering, Stephen Ibbotson, Director of Business, Institute of Chartered Accountants for England and Wales, Stephen Tarr, Managing Director (Projects), Balfour Beatty, and Ben Wilmott, head of Public Policy, Chartered Institute of Personnel Development gave oral evidence.

Business, Innovation and Skills Committee: Formal Minutes 2016–17 23

[Adjourned till Tuesday 15 November 2016, at 9.00am

Tuesday 22 November 2016

Members present:

Mr Iain Wright, in the Chair

Richard Fuller Amanda Solloway Amanda Milling Michelle Thomson Albert Owen Chris White Craig Tracey

1. Appointment of Specialist Adviser

Ordered, That Paul Coombes be appointed Specialist Adviser to assist the Committee in relation to its inquiry on corporate governance.

2. Corporate Governance

Ordered, That the following written evidence relating to Corporate Governance be reported to the House for publication on the internet: International Integrated Reporting Council (CGV0164); The Modern Corporation Project at Cass Business School; Frank Bold (CGV0165); and Yixi Liao (CGV0166).

3. Industrial Strategy

Rhian Kelly Director for Infrastructure, CBI, Ashley Shackleton, Head of Public Affairs, British Chambers of Commerce, Lee Hopley, Chief Economist, EEF, Stephen Pattison, Vice-President Public Affairs, ARM Holdings, Alex Brummer, City Editor, Daily Mail, Mariana Mazzucato, RM Phillips Professorship in the Economics of Innovation, University of Sussex, Paul Nowak, Deputy General Secretary, TUC, Paul Kahn, President, Airbus UK, Simon Walker, Director General, Institute of Directors, Mark Littlewood, Director General, Institute of Economic Affairs gave oral evidence.

[Adjourned till Wednesday 23 November 2016, at 9.00am