119 bus time schedule & line map

119 - Preston Via , Chorley View In Website Mode Hospital, Moss, Manor Lane, Broadgate

The 119 bus line (Chorley - Preston Via Astley Village, Chorley Hospital, , Manor Lane, Broadgate) has 3 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Chorley Town Centre: 6:10 AM - 6:30 PM (2) Preston City Centre: 6:13 AM - 7:10 PM (3) Towngate: 7:30 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 119 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 119 bus arriving.

Direction: Chorley Town Centre 119 bus Time Schedule 80 stops Chorley Town Centre Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 6:10 AM - 6:30 PM Bus Station, Preston City Centre Tuesday 6:10 AM - 6:30 PM Lava Ignite, Preston City Centre 149 Church Street, Preston Wednesday 6:10 AM - 6:30 PM

Railway Station, Preston City Centre Thursday 6:10 AM - 6:30 PM Fishergate Bridge, Preston Friday 6:10 AM - 6:30 PM

West Cliff, Broadgate Saturday 6:20 AM - 6:30 PM Fishergate Hill, Preston

Beech Terrace, Broadgate

Meadow Court, Broadgate 119 bus Info Direction: Chorley Town Centre Terminus, Broadgate Stops: 80 Trip Duration: 78 min Ardee Road, Broadgate Line Summary: Bus Station, Preston City Centre, Broadgate, Preston Lava Ignite, Preston City Centre, Railway Station, Preston City Centre, West Cliff, Broadgate, Beech Taylor Street, Broadgate Terrace, Broadgate, Meadow Court, Broadgate, 1&2 Broadgate, Preston Terminus, Broadgate, Ardee Road, Broadgate, Taylor Street, Broadgate, Flyover, , St Teresa's Flyover, Penwortham Church, Penwortham, St Marys Health Centre, Penwortham, Cop Lane School Stop Only, St Teresa's Church, Penwortham Penwortham, Manor Lane, Penwortham, Parklands Queensway, Preston Avenue, Penwortham, Moor Avenue, Penwortham, Central Drive, Penwortham, Sainsburys, St Marys Health Centre, Penwortham Penwortham, Birch Avenue, Penwortham, Blackthorn Drive, Penwortham, Millbrook Way, Cop Lane School Stop Only, Penwortham Penwortham, Hill Rd South, Penwortham, Plough Inn, Kingsfold, Kingsfold Drive, Kingsfold, Lindle Poplar Drive, Preston Lane, , Rawstorne House, Whitestake, Old Manor Lane, Penwortham Pope Lane, Whitestake, Whitestake Corner, Whitestake, Parker Lane, Whitestake, Penwortham Danesway, Preston Way, Whitestake, Brook Lane, Farington Moss, Parklands Avenue, Penwortham Church Lane East, Farington Moss, Hillside Avenue, Farington Moss, Road, Farington Moss, Moor Avenue, Penwortham Lower Field, Farington Moss, Fiddler Lane, Farington Moss, Moss Lane, Farington Moss, Fylde Avenue, Central Drive, Penwortham Farington Moss, Bannister Lane, Farington Moss, Central Drive, Preston Manor House, Earnshaw Bridge, Wheatsheaf Inn, Earnshaw Bridge, Earnshaw Drive, Broadeld, Sainsburys, Penwortham Westeld Drive, Broadeld, Fire Station, Broadeld, Birch Avenue, Preston Leisure Centre, Towngate, , Towngate, Westgate, Towngate, Gables Hotel, Leyland Town Birch Avenue, Penwortham Centre, Ruskin Avenue, Leyland Town Centre, Beechway, Preston Methodist Church, Leyland Town Centre, Starkie Street, Turpin Green, Young Avenue, Bent Bridge, Blackthorn Drive, Penwortham Wagon And Horses, Bent Bridge, Bent Lane, Bent Bridge, Dawson Lane, , Western Millbrook Way, Penwortham Avenue, Buckshaw Village, Village Park, Buckshaw Millbrook Way, Preston Village, Mayower Crescent, Buckshaw Village, Community Association, Buckshaw Village, Hill Rd South, Penwortham Drive, Buckshaw Village, Birtley Avenue, Buckshaw Village, The Hub, Buckshaw Village, Plough Inn, Kingsfold Wolseley Distribution Centre, Buckshaw Village, Wolseley Trade Centre, Buckshaw Village, Hartwood Pope Lane, Preston Green Farm, Hartwood, Hospital Stop 3, Chorley Kingsfold Drive, Kingsfold Hospital, Hospital Stop 4, Chorley Hospital, Badgers Walk, , Mimosa Close, Euxton, Pope Lane, Penwortham Close, Astley Village, Broadelds, Astley Village, Deer Lindle Lane, Whitestake Fold, Astley Village, Village Centre, Astley Village, Long Copse, Astley Village, Road, Lancashire College, Southport Road, Parklands Hs, Rawstorne House, Whitestake Southport Road, Woodville Road, Southport Road, , Chorley Town Centre, Bus Station, Chorley Old Pope Lane, Whitestake Town Centre

Whitestake Corner, Whitestake Pope Lane, Longton Civil Parish

Parker Lane, Whitestake

Penwortham Way, Whitestake

Brook Lane, Farington Moss

Church Lane East, Farington Moss Coote Lane, Farington Civil Parish

Hillside Avenue, Farington Moss Hillside Avenue, Preston

Croston Road, Farington Moss

Lower Field, Farington Moss

Fiddler Lane, Farington Moss

Moss Lane, Farington Moss

Fylde Avenue, Farington Moss Fylde Avenue, Farington Civil Parish

Bannister Lane, Farington Moss

Manor House, Earnshaw Bridge Crofters Meadow, Farington Civil Parish Wheatsheaf Inn, Earnshaw Bridge

Earnshaw Drive, Broadeld 11-15 Broadeld Drive, Leyland

Westeld Drive, Broadeld

Fire Station, Broadeld

Leisure Centre, Towngate

Tesco, Towngate Towngate, Leyland

Westgate, Towngate 106 Towngate, Leyland

Gables Hotel, Leyland Town Centre Northcote Street, Leyland

Ruskin Avenue, Leyland Town Centre 83-85 Hough Lane, Leyland

Methodist Church, Leyland Town Centre Balcarres Road, Leyland

Starkie Street, Turpin Green Turpin Green Lane, Leyland

Young Avenue, Bent Bridge

Wagon And Horses, Bent Bridge Bent Lane, Leyland

Bent Lane, Bent Bridge Beaumaris Road, Leyland

Dawson Lane, Buckshaw Village

Western Avenue, Buckshaw Village

Village Park, Buckshaw Village Central Avenue,

Mayower Crescent, Buckshaw Village Mayower Crescent, England

Community Association, Buckshaw Village Fusiliers Close, Whittle-Le-Woods Civil Parish

Lancashire Drive, Buckshaw Village Burgheld Drive, Whittle-Le-Woods Civil Parish

Birtley Avenue, Buckshaw Village Patricroft Drive, Whittle-Le-Woods Civil Parish

The Hub, Buckshaw Village Village Way, Euxton Civil Parish

Wolseley Distribution Centre, Buckshaw Village Wolseley Trade Centre, Buckshaw Village

Hartwood Green Farm, Hartwood

Hospital Stop 3, Chorley Hospital

Hospital Stop 4, Chorley Hospital

Badgers Walk, Euxton Badgers Walk, Euxton Civil Parish

Mimosa Close, Euxton

Buckshaw Hall Close, Astley Village

Broadelds, Astley Village

Deer Fold, Astley Village

Village Centre, Astley Village

Long Copse, Astley Village

Southport Road

Lancashire College, Southport Road

Parklands Hs, Southport Road

Woodville Road, Southport Road Woodville Road, Chorley

Booths, Chorley Town Centre Union Street, Chorley

Bus Station, Chorley Town Centre Clifford Street, Chorley Direction: Preston City Centre 119 bus Time Schedule 83 stops Preston City Centre Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 6:13 AM - 7:10 PM Bus Station, Chorley Town Centre Clifford Street, Chorley Tuesday 6:13 AM - 7:10 PM

Booths, Chorley Town Centre Wednesday 6:13 AM - 7:10 PM Union Street, Chorley Thursday 6:13 AM - 7:10 PM Woodville Road, Southport Road Friday 6:13 AM - 7:10 PM West Bank, Chorley Saturday 6:30 AM - 7:10 PM Parklands Hs, Southport Road

Lancashire College, Southport Road

Ackhurst Public House, Southport Road 119 bus Info Direction: Preston City Centre Westway, Astley Village Stops: 83 Trip Duration: 78 min Long Copse, Astley Village Line Summary: Bus Station, Chorley Town Centre, Booths, Chorley Town Centre, Woodville Road, Buckshaw Cps, Astley Village Southport Road, Parklands Hs, Southport Road, Lancashire College, Southport Road, Ackhurst Public Deer Fold, Astley Village House, Southport Road, Westway, Astley Village, Long Copse, Astley Village, Buckshaw Cps, Astley Broadelds, Astley Village Village, Deer Fold, Astley Village, Broadelds, Astley Village, Buckshaw Hall Close, Astley Village, Mimosa Close, Euxton, Alker Lane, Euxton, Hospital Stop 5, Buckshaw Hall Close, Astley Village Chorley Hospital, Hospital Stop 3, Chorley Hospital, Buckshaw Hall Close, Astley Village Civil Parish Hartwood Hotel, Hartwood, Hartwood Green, Hartwood, Wolseley Trade Centre, Buckshaw Village, Mimosa Close, Euxton Wolseley Distribution Centre, Buckshaw Village, The Hub, Buckshaw Village, Dorset Drive, Buckshaw Alker Lane, Euxton Village, Lancashire Drive, Buckshaw Village, Columbine Close, Euxton Civil Parish Community Association, Buckshaw Village, Highland Drive, Buckshaw Village, Village Park, Buckshaw Hospital Stop 5, Chorley Hospital Village, Western Avenue, Buckshaw Village, Dawson Lane, Buckshaw Village, Beaumaris Road, Bent Hospital Stop 3, Chorley Hospital Bridge, Russell Avenue, Bent Bridge, Young Avenue, Bent Bridge, Starkie Street, Turpin Green, Dorothy Hartwood Hotel, Hartwood Ave, Leyland Town Centre, Gables Hotel, Leyland Town Centre, King Street, Leyland Town Centre, Hartwood Green, Hartwood Westgate, Towngate, Tesco, Towngate, Leisure Centre, Towngate, Fire Station, Broadeld, Westeld Wolseley Trade Centre, Buckshaw Village Drive, Broadeld, Earnshaw Drive, Broadeld, Longmeanygate, Earnshaw Bridge, Wheatsheaf Inn, Wolseley Distribution Centre, Buckshaw Village Earnshaw Bridge, Bannister Lane, Farington Moss, Five Acres, Farington Moss, Moss Lane, Farington The Hub, Buckshaw Village Moss, Fiddler Lane, Farington Moss, Lower Field, Farington Moss, Croston Road, Farington Moss, Hillside Avenue, Farington Moss, Church Lane, Dorset Drive, Buckshaw Village Farington Moss, Parker Lane, Farington Moss, Penwortham Way, Whitestake, Parker Lane, Lancashire Drive, Buckshaw Village Whitestake, Whitestake Corner, Whitestake, Old Pope Old Worden Avenue, Whittle-Le-Woods Civil Parish Lane, Whitestake, Rawstorne House, Whitestake, Lindle Lane, Whitestake, Kingsfold Drive, Kingsfold, Community Association, Buckshaw Village The Plough Inn, Kingsfold, Hill Road South, Fusiliers Close, Whittle-Le-Woods Civil Parish Penwortham, Millbrook Way South, Penwortham, Blackthorn Drive, Penwortham, Birch Avenue, Highland Drive, Buckshaw Village Penwortham, Sainsburys, Penwortham, Central Broadstone Drive, England Drive, Penwortham, Moor Avenue, Penwortham, Parklands Avenue, Penwortham, Manor Lane, Village Park, Buckshaw Village Penwortham, Manor Lane, Penwortham, St Marys Central Avenue, England Health Centre, Penwortham, St Teresa's Church, Penwortham, Fishergate Hill, Broadgate, Beech Western Avenue, Buckshaw Village Terrace, Broadgate, Meadow Court, Broadgate, Terminus, Broadgate, Ardee Road, Broadgate, Taylor Dawson Lane, Buckshaw Village Street, Broadgate, Fishergate Hill, Broadgate, Hartington Road, Broadgate, Railway Station, Beaumaris Road, Bent Bridge Preston City Centre, Ring Way the Courts, Preston Beaumaris Road, Leyland City Centre, Arrival Stand, Preston City Centre

Russell Avenue, Bent Bridge Bent Lane, Leyland

Young Avenue, Bent Bridge

Starkie Street, Turpin Green Turpin Green Lane, Leyland

Dorothy Ave, Leyland Town Centre 83-85 Hough Lane, Leyland

Gables Hotel, Leyland Town Centre 13-15 Hough Lane, Leyland

King Street, Leyland Town Centre Towngate, Leyland

Westgate, Towngate 88 Towngate, Leyland

Tesco, Towngate

Leisure Centre, Towngate Lancastergate, Leyland

Fire Station, Broadeld Nursery Close, Leyland

Westeld Drive, Broadeld

Earnshaw Drive, Broadeld

Longmeanygate, Earnshaw Bridge

Wheatsheaf Inn, Earnshaw Bridge

Bannister Lane, Farington Moss

Five Acres, Farington Moss Five Acres, Farington Civil Parish

Moss Lane, Farington Moss

Fiddler Lane, Farington Moss Lower Field, Farington Moss

Croston Road, Farington Moss

Hillside Avenue, Farington Moss Cheshire House Close, Preston

Church Lane, Farington Moss Coote Lane, Farington Civil Parish

Parker Lane, Farington Moss

Penwortham Way, Whitestake

Parker Lane, Whitestake

Whitestake Corner, Whitestake Pope Lane, Longton Civil Parish

Old Pope Lane, Whitestake

Rawstorne House, Whitestake

Lindle Lane, Whitestake Lindle Lane, Hutton Civil Parish

Kingsfold Drive, Kingsfold Pope Lane, Penwortham Civil Parish

The Plough Inn, Kingsfold

Hill Road South, Penwortham

Millbrook Way South, Penwortham Millbrook Way, Preston

Blackthorn Drive, Penwortham

Birch Avenue, Penwortham Beechway, Preston

Sainsburys, Penwortham

Central Drive, Penwortham Central Drive, Preston

Moor Avenue, Penwortham

Parklands Avenue, Penwortham

Manor Lane, Penwortham Danesway, Preston

Manor Lane, Penwortham

St Marys Health Centre, Penwortham

St Teresa's Church, Penwortham Queensway, Preston Fishergate Hill, Broadgate

Beech Terrace, Broadgate

Meadow Court, Broadgate

Terminus, Broadgate

Ardee Road, Broadgate Broadgate, Preston

Taylor Street, Broadgate 1&2 Broadgate, Preston

Fishergate Hill, Broadgate

Hartington Road, Broadgate Fishergate Hill, Preston

Railway Station, Preston City Centre 79 Fishergate, Preston

Ring Way the Courts, Preston City Centre Ring Way, Preston

Arrival Stand, Preston City Centre Lord's Walk, Preston Direction: Towngate 119 bus Time Schedule 46 stops Towngate Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 7:30 PM Bus Station, Preston City Centre Tuesday 7:30 PM Lava Ignite, Preston City Centre 149 Church Street, Preston Wednesday 7:30 PM Thursday 7:30 PM Railway Station, Preston City Centre Fishergate Bridge, Preston Friday 7:30 PM

West Cliff, Broadgate Saturday 7:30 PM Fishergate Hill, Preston

Beech Terrace, Broadgate

Meadow Court, Broadgate 119 bus Info Direction: Towngate Terminus, Broadgate Stops: 46 Trip Duration: 42 min Ardee Road, Broadgate Line Summary: Bus Station, Preston City Centre, Broadgate, Preston Lava Ignite, Preston City Centre, Railway Station, Preston City Centre, West Cliff, Broadgate, Beech Taylor Street, Broadgate Terrace, Broadgate, Meadow Court, Broadgate, 1&2 Broadgate, Preston Terminus, Broadgate, Ardee Road, Broadgate, Taylor Street, Broadgate, Flyover, Penwortham, St Teresa's Flyover, Penwortham Church, Penwortham, St Marys Health Centre, Penwortham, Cop Lane School Stop Only, St Teresa's Church, Penwortham Penwortham, Manor Lane, Penwortham, Parklands Queensway, Preston Avenue, Penwortham, Moor Avenue, Penwortham, Central Drive, Penwortham, Sainsburys, St Marys Health Centre, Penwortham Penwortham, Birch Avenue, Penwortham, Blackthorn Drive, Penwortham, Millbrook Way, Cop Lane School Stop Only, Penwortham Penwortham, Hill Rd South, Penwortham, Plough Inn, Kingsfold, Kingsfold Drive, Kingsfold, Lindle Poplar Drive, Preston Lane, Whitestake, Rawstorne House, Whitestake, Old Manor Lane, Penwortham Pope Lane, Whitestake, Whitestake Corner, Whitestake, Parker Lane, Whitestake, Penwortham Danesway, Preston Way, Whitestake, Brook Lane, Farington Moss, Parklands Avenue, Penwortham Church Lane East, Farington Moss, Hillside Avenue, Farington Moss, Croston Road, Farington Moss, Lower Field, Farington Moss, Fiddler Lane, Farington Moor Avenue, Penwortham Moss, Moss Lane, Farington Moss, Fylde Avenue, Farington Moss, Bannister Lane, Farington Moss, Central Drive, Penwortham Manor House, Earnshaw Bridge, Wheatsheaf Inn, Central Drive, Preston Earnshaw Bridge, Earnshaw Drive, Broadeld, Westeld Drive, Broadeld, Fire Station, Broadeld, Sainsburys, Penwortham Leisure Centre, Towngate, Tesco, Towngate Birch Avenue, Preston

Birch Avenue, Penwortham Beechway, Preston

Blackthorn Drive, Penwortham

Millbrook Way, Penwortham Millbrook Way, Preston Hill Rd South, Penwortham

Plough Inn, Kingsfold Pope Lane, Preston

Kingsfold Drive, Kingsfold Pope Lane, Penwortham Civil Parish

Lindle Lane, Whitestake

Rawstorne House, Whitestake

Old Pope Lane, Whitestake

Whitestake Corner, Whitestake Pope Lane, Longton Civil Parish

Parker Lane, Whitestake

Penwortham Way, Whitestake

Brook Lane, Farington Moss

Church Lane East, Farington Moss Coote Lane, Farington Civil Parish

Hillside Avenue, Farington Moss Hillside Avenue, Preston

Croston Road, Farington Moss

Lower Field, Farington Moss

Fiddler Lane, Farington Moss

Moss Lane, Farington Moss

Fylde Avenue, Farington Moss Fylde Avenue, Farington Civil Parish

Bannister Lane, Farington Moss

Manor House, Earnshaw Bridge Crofters Meadow, Farington Civil Parish

Wheatsheaf Inn, Earnshaw Bridge

Earnshaw Drive, Broadeld 11-15 Broadeld Drive, Leyland

Westeld Drive, Broadeld

Fire Station, Broadeld

Leisure Centre, Towngate

Tesco, Towngate Towngate, Leyland 119 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in North West. About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved