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Indonesia Index: Numbers 1 -100 & Special Issue (April 1 966-October 2015) The Editors Abdul Kadir, Hatib. Review of The Banana Tree at the Gate: A History of Marginal Peoples and Global Markets in Borneo, Michael Dove. No. 97 (April 2014), pp. 147-51. Abdulgani, Ruslan. My Childhood World. Ed. and trans. William H. Frederick. No. 17 (April 1974), pp. 113-36. Abdullah, Taufik. Adat and Islam: An Examination of Conflict in Minangkabau. No. 2 (October 1966), pp. 1-24. ---------. Some Notes on the Kaba Tjindua Mato: An Example of Minangkabau Traditional Literature. No. 9 (April 1970), pp. 1-22. Abel, Ben. Beholding a Landmark of Guilt: Pramoedya in the Early 1960s and the Current Regime. No. 64 (October 1997), pp. 21-28. Aberle, Tamara. Review of Indonesian Postcolonial Theatre: Spectral Genealogies and Absent Taces, Evan Darwin Winet. No. 90 (October 2010), pp. 197-99. ---------. Review of Resistance on the National Stage: Theater and Politics in Late New Order Indonesia, Michael H. Bodden. No. 92 (October 2011), pp. 207-10. Abeyasekere, Susan. The Soetardjo Petition. No. 15 (April 1973), pp. 81-108. Indonesia 100 (October 2015) 136 The Editors Abidin, Andi Zainal. Notes on the Lontara' as Historical Sources. No. 12 (October 1971), pp. 159-72. ---------. The I La Galigo Epic Cycle of South Celebes and Its Diffusion. Trans, and adapted C. C. Macknight. No. 17 (April 1974), pp. 160-69. Aboulaffia, Victor, trans. Introduction to Indonesia, No. 57, a Selection of Articles from Archipel, Denys Lombard. No. 57 (April 1994), pp. 1-4. Acciaioli, Greg. Grounds of Conflict, Idioms of Harmony: Custom, Religion, and Nationalism in Violence Avoidance at the Lindu Plain, Central Sulawesi.
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