National Council of Resistance of Iran US Representative Office 1747 Pen·nsylvariia Ave., NW, Suite 1125, Washington, DC 20006; Tel: 202-747-7847; Fax 202-330-5346;
[email protected]; twitter: @ncrius NCRI-US: Iranian Resistance Builds Case for Terror Listing of Revolutionary Guards February 15, 2017 The U.S. Representative Office of the National Council of Resistance of Iran [NCRI-US) held a press conference t_o sh"are details of the Islamic Revolution·ary Guard Corps' (IRGC) terrorist training bases in Iran. Alireza Jafarzadeh, Dep.uty D.i.rector of th:e NCRI-US, explained that the intelligence had come from the NCRJ's lllain con:Stitu,ent group, the Peopl.e's Moja:hedin Organization of Iran (MEK), which had previously exp<ise:<J key information abou_t Iran's i(ucleai weapon program. Click here to watch the press conference. •. The unearthed. informati.on c:On<:e.tning the facilities indicates a rise of recruitment of foreign nationals, an expap.s.i,on that bas be:O,n explicitly endorse:<J by Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei. Current!)', the Quds Force, an operation d.ivisi,on of ll)e I.RGC, is designated by the US Govemment urider executive z order 13224 as an en~ty engaged jn te.rrorisin, b_ut the IRGC itself is not. The NCR! pointe.d out that there i~ ~ c!i.stin:C.ti0Q be.tween. the I_RGC and the Quds ForC:e, either in organization and operations, the Iranian constittllilln or ...._ nationjtl budget. E g 5' f_f)...... Jafarzadeh showed maps and details, inclu(!ing cornrn;md.e,s' na.mes, of 14 terrorist training ceritei's in Iran.