NAT. NAT. HlST. BUL L. SIAM Soc. 55 (1): 85-97 ,2007


η 'son R. Roberts 1 and David Catanul


A poorly known paper describing new taxa of cyprinid from the Red River basin of North North Vietnam (NaUYEN & DOAN , 1969) is regarded here ぉ validly published for purposes of zoological zoological nomenclature in 出e sense of the ICZN. The present taxonomic status of the 2 new

genera , 16 new species ,and 1 new subspecies 釘 e reviewed on the basis ofthe original specimens , examined by us for the first time , and the hitherto unpublished original figures (see preceding paper paper by NaUYEN , 2007). No type specimens were designated in the original publication. Lec- totypes 悶 designated here from the material originally reported and figured for La ichowcypris dai ,Nicholsicypris dorsohorizontalis ,Li ssochilus laocaiensis , takhoaensis ,Varicorhinus argenta ωs ,V. erythrogenys ,V. microstomus ,Onychosloma microcorpus ,and O. brevicephalus. Neotypes 蹴 designated for Crossocheilus namlenensis and Eη, throculter pseudobrevicauda macrothalmus. macrothalmus. Biological observations are reported .f or several of the taxa. La ichowcypris ,a distinctive distinctive Cyprininae known only from the Red River basin , has not been seen since 1970 and might might be extinc t. Li ssochilus laocaiensis ,refe 汀ed to the ,apparently is a valid valid species. Recently collected material indicates it and other congeners are progynous her- maphrodites maphrodites that undergo marked changes in coloration as they change 合om sexually imrnature juveniles juveniles to females to males. Li ssochilus longibarbus is a junior syno 町 m of Spinibarbus mac- racanthus racanthus (Pellegrin & Chevey 1936) , which is in tum a junior synonym of Barbus alloiopleurus Vaillant Vaillant 1893. 百le species should be known as Paraspinibarbus alloiopleurus (Vaillant 1893). The iII ustrated type specimen of Crossocheilus benasi Pellegrin & Chevey 1936 is designated as neotype neotype of Crossocheilus namlenensis Nguyen & Doan 1969; the nominal species thus becomes an an objective junior synonym of benasi (Pellegrin & Chevey 1936). The holotype of of E. η throculter hypselonotus ぬovantieni Banaresu 1967 from the Boi River in north Vi etnam is is designated as nωtype for Erythroculter pseudobrevicauda macrothalmus Nguyen & Doan 1969; 1969; this nominal subspecies 出us becomes a junior objective synonym of Ancherythroculter daovantieni daovantieni (Banarescu 1967). Hemibarbus longianalis Nguyen & Do an 1969 , preoccupied by Hembarbus longianalis Kimura 1943 ,is permanently invalid.

Key words: Acrossocheilus laocaiensis ,Ancherythroculter daovantieni ,Lissochilus laocaiensis , Neolissochilus Neolissochilus benasi , Paraspinibarbus alloiopleurus ,Spinibrarbus macracanthus , progynous hermaphroditism hermaphroditism

IResearch Associate IResearch , Smithsonian Tropical Research lnstitute; tysonregale 氾[email protected] 2S en ior Collection Manager , Department of Ichthyology , Califomia Academy of Sciences; dcatania@calacademy. org org (for reprint requests). Received Received 5 Sep 旬mber 2006; accepted 31 October 2006.



A poorly known paper in Vietnamese by Nguyen Van Hao and Hoa Le Doan is an im- portant portant con 凶 bution to knowledge of the 合国hwater fishes of the Red River basin (NOUYEN & DOAN , 1969). In addition to a review of the then current taxonomic status of various poorly poorly known North Vietnamese cyprinid fishes ,it includes original descriptions of 2 new genera , 16 new species ,and 1 new subspecies ,all in the far 凶ly Cyprinidae. It represents 吐le most substantial contribution to date to systematic ichthyology of the Research Institute for Aquaculture Aquaculture in Hanoi (RIAH No. 1) which houses the most comprehensive collection of the fishes fishes of the Red River basin to be found anywhere. Th e present 釘 ticle is preceded by an English English translation by Nguyen Van Car 由 (NOUYEN , 2007) and an article with 15 of 由e 17 hitherto hitherto unpublished figures by Nguyen Van Hao ,one of the original authors (NouYEN , 2007). 百le present paper concems: 1) designation of lectotypes for all but two of the species level taxa; taxa; 2) designation of neotypes for the two species-level t砿 a remaining without lectotypes; 3) 3) current taxonomic staωs of the generic and species taxa; level and 4) biological observa- tions tions on some of the taxa. For some years before and after 1969 Vietnam was politically , academically and scientifically scientifically one of the most isolated countries in the world. Vietnamese ichthyologists had v註tually no contact with colleagues in any other coun 住Y (Mai Din Yenh ,pers. comm. , 1999). τ'h ey taught each other and decided amongst themselves how to report on 日sh species. Some intemationally intemationally accepted conventions were not followed.τ 'h e work by Mai Din Yen (MAI , 1978) 1978) as well as that ofNoUYEN & DOAN (1969) reflects this isolation. New species were proposed proposed in both of these works without designation of type specimens. Many specimens are reported reported on but none are referred to by institutional catalog numbers. In In the present paper all of the spec 泊施ns used in the accounts of new species by NOUYEN & DOAN (1969) ,al 血ough not named in the paper as such ,紅 e regarded as syntypes ,and hence eligible eligible for lectotype designation. Most of these specimens 釘 e in the fish collection of the Research Research Institute for Aquaculture No. 1 in Hanoi. Wh enever 白ey could be identified , the specimens specimens originally drawn for inclusion in NOUYEN & DOAN (1969) but not published until NOUYEN , V.H. (2007) (preceding article) 眠 designated as leωtypes. 百ley have been identified as as such on the basis of a combination of information: labels on the specimen bottles includ- ing ing the n創 nes given to the new species and often the same locality data; scale bars in mm on the the original figures making it possible to calculate the approximate or in some instances the precise precise standard lengths of the specimens figured; and 合om the drawings themselves. These

紅 'e of such high quality 血at not only the species but sometimes the actual specimen which served served as the basis for a drawing can be identified with near certainty.

Lectoypes 紅 e designated for all of the new species level taxa described by NOUYEN &

DOAN (1969) for which: 1) the original drawings 紅 'e available (see preceding article); and 2) specimens 紅 e present in the RIAH fish collection coηesponding to the drawings. In a few instances instances either the draw 泊gs are missing or no specimens could be found co 町 esponding to the the drawings.τ 'h ese instances are considered below. Th e order of presentation of the taxa follows 白紙 ofthe original paper (NOUYEN & DOAN , 1969). Neotypes are designated for Crossocheilus namlenensis and Eη throculter pseudobrevi- cauda macrothalmus. As of consequences these nominal taxa become objective junior syno- nyms ,respectively ,of benasi Neolissochelus (Pellegrin & Chevey 1936) and Anerythroculter daovantieni daovantieni (Ban 紅白cu 1967). R E D RI VE R CY PRI N ID AE D ESC RIB E D B Y NG U YEN AN D D OAN ,1 969 87

Fi gur e 1. Laichowcyp ri s dai (N guye n a nd D oa n 1969). a, 239 -111111 lec totype( RI A H 101 6) (ph oto by fir st auth or);

b, 59.7 -111111 lecto paratype (CAS 2 18975 ).( ph oto s by Jon Fo ng)。 88 TYSON R. R OBERTS AND D AVID CATANIA

Figure 2. Opsarius mocopterus (Nguyen and Doan 1969). A highl y tuberc ul ate sexually mature male similar to specimens illustrated for Paradaniop.l' macropterus Nguyen and Doan, 1969.

Figure 3. Neolissochilus be nasi (Pellegrin and Chevey 1936). Above, draw ing of the type specimen of N. be nasi designated here as the neotype of Crossocheilus nam/enensis Nguyen and Doan 1969 (from Pe ll egrin and Chevey, 1936). Below, a subacl ult or young ad ul t Neolissochilus IJ enasi (Pe llegrin and Chevey, 1936), a va lid species apparentl y endemi c to the Reel Ri ver Basin . .By the present designation of a neotype, Cros­ socheilus namlenensis Nguyen and Doan 1969 becomes an objecti ve synonym of thi s species. RED RIVER CYPRINIDAE DESCRIBED BY NGUYEN AND DOAN , 1969 89

The RIAH fish collection is almost entirely uncatalogued. During our visit the specimens designated designated here as lectotypes and some other specimens were assigned the catalog numbers reported reported here. It is hoped that the entire collection will be inven 旬 ried ,catalogued ,and made accessible accessible for scientific research.


None ofthe 17 new species-Ievel t鼠 a (16 new species and 1 new subspecies) proposed by NGUYEN & DOAN (1969) has had a type specimen designation. Here the specimens utilized in 曲 e original descriptions are reg 紅白d as syntypes. Th ese specimens 釘 e deposited in 由e fish fish collection of RIAH No 1 (Research Institute for Aquaculture , in Hanoi). All of the new species species were illustrated ,and all but two of the illustrations 紅 e extant and have been repro- duced in the preceding paper (NGUYEN , V.H. 2007). Le ctotypes 紅 e hereby designated for 14 of of the 17 nominal taxa. Wh enever possible the specimen originally figured has been identified and designated as the lectotype. Neotypes are designated for two nominal taxa for which no specimens 釘 'e extent in 出e RIAH collection ,Crossocheilus namlenensis and Eη throculter pseudobrevicauda pseudobrevicauda macrothalmus. By these designations they become ,respectively ,objective junior junior synonyms of Neolissocheilus benasi (Pellegrin & Chevey 1936) and Arche η throculter daovantieni daovantieni (Banarescu 1969). The only nominal species of NGUYEN & DOAN (1969) for which neither lectotypes or neotypes are here designated are Lissochilus brevispinis and 拘 ricorhinus argentatus. AI 血ough no ofspecimens either of these are extent in the RIAH fish collection , the figures published in the preceding paper (NGUYEN , V.H. 2007) should perr 凶t their their eventual identi 白cation ,after which neotypes may be designated for them also.

La ichowcypris dai. Lectotype RIAH 1016 ,239 mm ,Thi Lai Chow ,26 Jan. 1965. This This is the specimen figured (NGUYEN , V.H. 2007: 白 g. 1). There 釘 'e a number of other specimens 白at should be reg 訂 ded as second 紅 y type specimens. The ph 釘 yngeal jaws and teeth teeth and the frrst gill arch of the right side illustrated in the original drawing of L. dai 紅 'e in the the bottle with the lectotype.

Nicholsicypris Nicholsicypris dorsohorizontalis. Le ctotype RIAH 1041 ,71. 5 mm ,Cam Son ,Bac Giang , 15 15 Sep t. 1964. The original account mentions 5 specimens of body leng 出 49-74 mm , but on1 y2 specimens ,7 1. 5 and 75.6 mm SL ,were present in the RIA Hanoi fish collection in 1998. These 紅 'e the only specimens of 出is taxon found in the RIAH fish collection in 1999. Th e 71. 5一mm specimen from Cam Son , bearing a tag cloth numbered 11 64. 0344 and now catalogued catalogued as RIAH 1041 , looks like it might be the specimen figured (NGUYEN , V.H. 2007: fig.2). fig.2).

Paradaniops macropterus. Lectotype RIAH 1036 ,80 .4 mm ,Phongτ 'h o, Lai Chau ,26 Jan.1965. Jan.1965. 百le original paper mentions 5 specimens with body length of 74- 80 mm. This 80.4 一, mm specimen ,a maωre male , highly tuberculate , with enlarged dorsal ,pelvic ,and anal fins ,and breeding breeding coloration ,apparen tI y is the specimen figured (NGUYEN , V.H. 2007: fig. 3). Th e original original drawing has the loc a1i ty “Nam Mu ,Phong Tho." 90 TVSON R. ROBERTS AND DAVID CATANIA

Daniops nammuensis. Le ctotype RIAH 1036 ,80 .4 mm ,Phong Tho , Lai Chau ,26 Jan. 1965. 1965. The origin a1 paper mentions 2 specimens with body lengths of 60 and 80 mm ,No speci- mens were found labeled with this name in 1999 and 仕le figure (fig. 4 in the origin a1 publication) is is missing. This nominal species has been interpreted by MAI (1978) and KOTTELAT (2001) as as based upon the female of P. macropterus. ln the absence of any evidence contraindicating their their con c1 usion , the specimen designated as lectotype of Paradaniops macropterus also has been selected as the lectotype of D. nammuensis.

Crossocheilus Crossocheilus namlenensis. Neotype MNHN 1935 ・0338 or 0339 ,“ Laokay" (specimen il1 ustrated in PEL 回 GR 町&CHEVEY , 1936: 226 ,fig. 4). The origin a1 account of C. namlenensis mentions 3 specimens ,body length 40- 50 mm. Th ese specimens had been missing for a long time already by 1999 (Nguyen Van Hao ,pers. comm. ,Jan. 1999). Given the strong likelihood that 出is nomin a1 species is the same as Ne- olissochilus olissochilus benasi (Pellegrin & Chevey 1936) (see discussion below) the il1 ustrated syntype of of that species is hereby designated as lectotype of C. namlenensis.

Lissochilus Lissochilus longibarbis. Le ctotype RIAH 1078 , 194 mm ,Ngoi Bo ,Lao Cai ,20 Nov. 1963. 1963. Many specimens of 143-390 mm are mentioned in the origin a1 account but the only specimen specimen found at RIAH in January 1999 is RIAH 1078 , 194 mm. Thi s specimen bears a c1 0th label label with “ 63.0348 Ngo". It apparen t1 y is 白e specimen drawn (NGUYEN , V.H. 2007: fig. 6). The standard length of the specimen drawn ,ca1 culated from the sc a1 e bar ,is 192 mm.

Lissochilus Lissochilus brevispinis. No lectotype designated. Th e origin a1 account indicates 3 specimens ,body length 96- 137 mm. No specimens were located located found in 白e RIA Hanoi fish collection in 1999.

Lissocheilus Lissocheilus laocaiensis. Lectotype RIAH 173 , 38.7 mm , Trinh Quen ,Lao C 泊, 21 Feb. 1962. 1962.

Lissocheilus Lissocheilus laocaiensis is 仕'eated as av a1 id species under this n創 ne by Mai (1 978: 93) 佃 d by T. Nguyen (1 997: 2; paper cited by Kottelat , 2001: 119 , not seen by us). Ko 抗elat (2001: 119) tentatively treats the species as a junior synonym of Acrossocheilus clivosius clivosius (Li n 1935) (type loc a1 ity Kweiping ,Kwangsi , China). We note a long history of of taxonomic confusion and synonymization 創 nong sever a1 apparen t1 y c1 0sely related and perhaps perhaps synonymous nomin a1 species in c1 uding but not limited to Acrossocheilus iridescens (Nichols (Nichols & Pope 1927) (type loc a1 ity Hainan); Cyclocheilichthys microstoma Pellegrin & Chevey 1936 (type loc a1 ity Ba Mun ,Nam So , of the rivi 色re Noire R., Tonkin ,Viet- nam [=Muang So ,Nam Saw? , the same as that for L. laocaiensis?]; 加 d Acrossocheilus longipinnis longipinnis (Wu 1939) (type locality Li -kiang ,Nan basin , South China (see Eschmeyer , 2007 ,and references cited 由erein). We suspect that this uncertainty about the number of species species and their identification is due largely to 出es 凶 king but poo r1 y understand change in in coloration as the juve 凶les grow to adulthood (figs. 4- 5). 百le biological significance of of this change app 釘 ently has not been investigated previously. Our investigations indi- cate cate it is linked to stages in sexual maturation ,and 白紙 there are at least two species of Acrossocheilus Acrossocheilus in the Red River basin. The indentifications of these species remain to be RED RIV ER CYPRJ Nl DA E DESC RlB ED BY NGU YEN AND DOAN ,1969 91

Fi gur e 4. Ac rossoc he il us sp. or spp. a, 63 mm ,Na m Saw at Muon g So , R ecl Ri ve r ba sin ,Vi eln am ,co lor

patt 巴rn cor res poncl in g to t ype spec im en of A. lao caie lハ:is; b司 LaiChau III 出 ke t, 141 mm ,m at ure female female (?)

determined. determined. Should it turn out that th e Red River is inhabit 巴d by a sin g le endemic sp 巴cies of of thi sg roup , the name A. mi crostom αwo uld hav e priority over A . lao caiensis.

Gan ・αlα ichowensis. Lectotyp e RIAH 1052 , 79.0 mm ,Phon g Tho , Lai Chau ,26 Jan . 1965 . The lot RIAH 1052 include s 3 specimen s,69 . 2-79.0 nun. The sta ndard length calculated from the drawing and it s sca le bar is 79 111m. Th 巴 79.0- mm sp巴cime n appears to be the one dra w n (NGUYEN ,Y. H. 2007 : fig .9). The lo ca lit yw ritt en on the dr aw in g is Nam Mu ,Phon g Tho. Tho.

Pu n. fiu s takho αensis. Lec tot ype RIAH 140 ,91. 0 mm ,Nam Lay , Lai Chau ,29 Nov. 1965 . Th e lot RIAH 140 in clude s nin e 巴vid entl y co nspec ific spec imen s,46.8-92 .0 mm . The stand a rd len g th of the drawn specim 巴n,calculat 巴d from the sc ale bar on the c1 ra w in g,is 92.6 92.6 mm .Th e 91 mm spec imen ,how 巴ve r,appear s to be the sp巴cim en ac tually drawn (NG UYEN , Y. H. 2007 :fig . 10 ) 92 TYSON R. ROBERTS AN D D AV ID CATANIA

Figure 5. Acrossocheilus sp from Nam Sap, a tributary of Black Ri ver, Red Ri ver basin , 85 km SE from Son La on road to Moe Chau. This is our best sample ill ustrating the change in color pattern with sexual maturation (determined by examination of the gonads in the freshl y caught specimens). Upper left row, late juve­ ni les and sexuall y active females, 65.5-98.5 mm; upper ri ght row, sexua ll y active males, 85.0-157 mm. Below, the largest male, !57 mm. RED RIVER CYPRINIDAE DESCRIBED BY NOUYEN AND DOAN , 1969 93

Varicorhinus Varicorhinus argentatus. Le ctotype RIAH 67 , 147 mm , Suoi Ru t. two specimens 72.6-147 mm with a label “Scaphiodontichthys パ匂 ricorhinusl argentatus" argentatus" (RIAH 67 , Suoi Rut ,20 Nov. 1965). 百1e 147 ・mm specimen app 釘 'ently is tl1 e spec 泊施n drawn (NOUYEN , V.H. 2007: fig. 11). Based on tl1 e scale bar tl1 e SL should be 137 mm. The 72.6-mm specimen is not tl1 e same species.

Varicorhinus Varicorhinus erythrogenys. Le ctoype RIAH 1068 , 141 mm , Suoi Rut ,Hoa Bi 凶1,20 Nov.1965. The lot RIAH 68 includes 2 specimens ,141-146 mm. 百1e 141-mm tuberculate male appe 釘 s to be tl1 e specimen drawn (NOUYEN , V.H. 2007: fig. 12). 百1e standard leng 白 of tl1 e figured figured specimen calculated from tl1 e scale bar on 血e drawing is 139 mm.

協 ricorhinus microstomus. Le ctotype RIAH 1070 , 131 mm , Suoi Rut ,Hoa Binh ,20 Nov.1965. RIAH 70 comprises 4 evidently conspecific specimens wi tl1 standard lengths of 98.7 , 118.5 ,122.5 姐 d 131 mm. Th e standard leng 出 of tl1 e specimen drawn calculated from tl1 e scale scale bar should be 124 mm , but tl1 e 131 ・mm specimen appe 紅s to be tl1 e one illustrated (a blotchy blotchy spot ne 紅tl1 e middle of the body in 出e fig 町 'e is an individual color feature present only only in 血e 131 ・mm specimen) (NOUYEN , V.H. 2007: fig. 13).

Onychostoma breviceph αlus. Lectotype RIAH 1087 ,209 mm ,Nam Na , Lai Chau , 10

M 低 1965. Thisappe 釘'S to be 出e specimen drawn (NOUYEN , V.H. 2007: fig. 14). The standard leng tl1 of tl1 e spec 出1en figured ,calculated from the scale bar ,is 210 mm.

Onychostoma microcorpus. Le ctotype RIAH 1405 , 115 mm ,Ban Trang , Lai Chau ,26 Oc t. 1965.

This This 115 ・mm specimen , in ajar that was labelled Scaphiodontichthys microcorpus ,ap- pears pears to be tl1 e specimen drawn (NOUYEN , V.H. 2007: fig. 15).

Hemibarbus longianalis. Lectotype RIAH 132 , 116 mm ,Muong Tung , Lai Chau , 18 Mar.1965. Th e lot RIAH 132 includes four evidently conspecific specimens wi tl1 standard lengths

104 ,116 ,119 ,釦 d 120 mm. The 116 ・mm specimen , wi tl1 an upwardly directed caudal pe- duncle ,apparently is tl1 eone tl1 at was drawn (NOUYEN , V.H. 2007: fig. 16). 百1e lengtll of tl1 e specimen specimen drawn ,calculated from the scale bar ,is 116 mm.

Eη throculter pseudobrevicauda macrothalmus. Neotype: IBTS 626 , holotype of EηIth ・- roculter roculter hypselonotus daovantieni Banarescu 1967 ,collected in 血e Boi R., Nortll Vietnam. Th e unpublished original drawing of tl1 is taxon is missing. No specimens labe l1 ed with tl1 is name were found in tl1 e RIAH fish collection. The species was identified , hav- without ing ing seen ei tl1 er tl1 e figure or the specimen , as E ηthroculter hypselonotus daovantieni by MAI (1 978: 151). Th is identification is substantiated by 出e present designation ,by which Erythroculter Erythroculter pseudobrevicauda macrothalmus Nguyen & Doan 1969 becomes an objective junior junior synonym of Ancherythroculter daovantieni Banaresu (1967). 94 TYSON R. ROBEIUS AND DAVID CATANIA


La ichowcypris and L. dai. - Mai Din Yenh referred to this species as La ichowcypris day (MAI , 1978: 29). T. T. NGUYEN ET AL. (1 999) referred to it as Cyprinus day (paper cited by KOT 四 LAT , 2001: 21 , 70; not seen by us). A similar conclusion was reached by KOTTELAT (2001: (2001: 21). Wh atever its generic status , L. or C. day or dai (the original spelling) , with an unusually deep body and boldly 抑 iped color pattem similar to those in some other Southeast Asian Cyprininae Cyprininae generally assigned to Cyprinus ,is a distinctive and impressive species. Individu- als als up to 6 kg were observed (Nguyen van Hao ,pers. comm. 1998). Efforts by the authors to collect collect additional specimens were unsuccessfu l. Th e species reportedly was never observed in 出e huge reservoir formed by the Hoabinh Hydroelectric Dam built by the Soviets and completed completed in 白e 19 6O s. Apparently no specimens have been collected since 197 1. The fish surveys conducted by RIAH in the early 1960s obtained at least 10 specimens of of this striking t甑 on. Th e original description mentions 10 specimens body length 49 -6 0 cm , but this evidently is an error for 49 mm to 60 cm. In 1998 only 6 specimens could be located. located. In addition to 血e239 ・mm lectotype designated above , there is a slightly larger fish of287 mm 合om Suoi Tac Nghia Lo , with the date 11 November 197 1. If this is the 住ue date of of collection ,出 e specimens could not have been utilized in the original description ,and hence could could not be considered as a potential neotype. Such a simple inte 中retation is complicated however by the fact 出at the excised pharyngeal arch drawn with the 239-mm fish 釘 efrom 白is specimen ,and the drawing is dated “III 1969." A much smaller fish , kindly presented by Nguyen Van Hao to the fish collection of the Califomia Califomia Academy of Sciences ,is CAS 218795 , 59.7 mm , Lai Chau Prov. ,26 Jan. 1961 (date (date of collection possibly incorrect) (Fig. 1). 百lI s probably is the only specimen of L. dai in in any museum collection other than RIA No. 1 in Hano i. A radiograph of it shows 21 + 19 =4 0 vertebrae. vertebrae.

Nicholsicypris Nicholsicypris dorsohorizontalis. - The species is recognized by Maurice Kottelat as po ・ tentially tentially valid ifNGUYEN & DOAN ,1969 is considered as a published work (KOT 四 LAT ,2001: 11 6- 117). We have not researched the problem of whether N. dorsohorizontalis is congeneric with with N. normalis (NICHOLS & POPE ,1927) , the type species of Nicholsicypris Chu 1935.

Paradaniops ,P. macropterus ,and P. nammuensis.-Para ぬniops is a junior synonym of Opsarius Opsarius McClelland 1839 (type species Opsarius maculatus McClelland 1839). KOITELAT (2001) (2001) pointed out , that P. nammuensis and P. macropterus 釘 e probably female and male of 出e same species ,and selected P. macropterus as the senior synonym. He also suggested that P. P. macropterus might be a junior synonym of Opsarius pulchellus (Smi 白 1931). A freshly collected collected male specimen of O. macropterus in breeding condition is shown in Fig. 2. This di 妊ers su 佐iciently 企om breeding males of O. pulchellus to indicate 出at it probably is not conspecific conspecific with 白紙 species.

Crossocheilus Crossocheilus namlenensis.- This n創 ne does not appear in MAI (1978) and app 紅 ently did did not occur in print again until KOT 四 LAT (2001). Having seen neither type specimens nor original original figure , the latter could only leave the species in Crossocheilus. From the original figure figure (NGUYEN , V.H. 2007: fig. 5) the species is clearly a Neolissochilus ,and probably a RED RIVER CYPR 町 IDAE DESCRIBED BY NGUYEN AND DOAN , 1969 95 junior junior synonym of N. benasi (Pellegrin & Chevey 1936) ,a species origin a1 1y described in Cros- socheilus socheilus a1 though it does not belong in 血e same subfamily. Crossocheilus is in Labeoninae , Neolissochilus Neolissochilus in . Neolissochilus benasi currently is recognized as av a1 id species (ESCI 品ffiYER , 2007).

Lissochilus Lissochilus brevispinis.- τois species was not mentioned by Mai Din Yen (1978) or appar- ently ently by 佃 yotherau 由or since its original description until KoτTELAT (200 1), who indicated 血at it is does not belong in Lissochilus. It is recorded in the online version of Eschmeyer's “ Catalog ofFishes" (as of9 Oc t. 2007) as Acrossocheilus brevispinus with the (undocumented) remark “ placed in Acrossocheilus based on current status of Lissochilus". A more likely generic identification identification is Poropuntius. There seem to be 2 or 3 otherwise undescribed species of this genus genus in the Red River basin of northem Vietnam (pers. ob 凶s. ふPoropuntius species 訂areof 負ten 1 subject subject tωoi 泊nt 位ra 部spe 配ci 出fic 佐trophic polymorphism (ROBERTS , 1998). The resulting morphs differ strikingly strikingly in lips and horny jaw sheaths so that different individu a1 s of the same species have mouth-parts mouth-parts resembling cyprinid genera such as Acrossocheilus and Lissochilus. If NGUYEN & DOAN (1 969) is recognized as a published work , then P. brevispinus probably is av a1 id species species without a type specimen designation.

Lissocheilus Lissocheilus laocaiensis was treated as av a1 id species under this name by MAI (1978: 93) and by T. Nguyen (1997: 2; paper cited by KOTTELAT , 2001: 119 , not seen by us). KOTTELAT (2001: (2001: 119) tentatively 悦 ated the species as a junior synonym of Acrossocheilus clivosius (Li n 1935). 官le latter species apparently is present in 血e Nan Ri ver basin but perhaps not in 白at of the Red River in northern Vietnam. 百le Red River has a sm a1 1er but very distinct species species c1 early distinct from A. clivosius. This This species undergoes changes sex and coloration as it grows. Sm a1 1 fish less than 50 -6 0 mm SL with undeveloped gonads have six thin black vertic a1 bars on a yellow body. Medium-sized 自由 lose this coloration. The narrow dark bars are replaced by wider and paler b紅 s. Fish with 血is coloration well developed may have ripe ovaries. The largest individuals have no vertic a1 bars at a11. Instead the body has an overall pale bluish tint and the dorsal fin acquires acquires a black margin. Th ese fish are males. These observations , based mainly on two sm a1 1 population population samples ,documented by preserved specimens and photographs (figs. 4- 5) ,indicate that that this species is a progynous hermaphrodite. Individu a1 s pass through 白ree distinct color phases phases related to their sexual physiology: non-reproductive juven i1 es ,reproductive fem a1 es , and then reproductive m a1 es. Further Further collections and study are needed on Acrossocheilus in the Red River basin. Meanwh i1 e the name A. laocaiensis may be used for the species smaller than A. clivosius just mentioned that might be endemic to the Red River basin.

Lissochilus Lissochilus longispinis is based upon a subadult specimen of the species now generally known as Paraspinibarbus macracanthus (Pellegrin & Chevey 1936) (Ko 廿 ELAT , 2001: 34 , fig.43). 官 le latter nominal species ,however ,is a junior synonym of Barbus alloiopleurus Vaillant Vaillant 1893 (holotype MNHN 1892-261 , 132 mm ,examined by the first au 血or in Paris). Henceforth 血e species should be known as Paraspinibarbus alloiopleurus (Vaillant 1893).

Garra laichowensis is not a Garra. It app 訂 ently belongs in the genus Placocheilus Wu (in (in Wu ,Li n,Chen ,Chen & He 1977: 382). Th e type species of Placocheilus is Discog- 96 TYSON R. ROBERTS AND DAVID CATANIA nathus nathus caudofasciatus Pellegrin & Chevey , 1936: 223 ,figs. 1-2 (type locality Song Da at Lai Lai Chau).

Puntius Puntius takhoaensis should be referred to Systomus.

Varicorhinus Varicorhinus argentatus ,V. erythrogenys ,V. microstomus ,Onychostoma brevicephalus , and O. microcorpus 釘 'e all referable to the Asian genus Onychostoma Gunther 1896 (type species species Onychostoma laticeps Gunther 1896). 百le genus 拘 ricorhinus Ruppell 1835 (type species species 拘 ricorhinus beso Ruppelll835) is African.

Hemibarbus longian αlis Nguyen and Doan 1969 ,preoccupied by Hembarbus longianalis Kimura 1943 ,is permanently invalid.

Erythroculter Erythroculter pseudobrevicauda macrothalmus ,following designation of a neotype (see above) ,is an objective junior synonym of Anche η 't hroculter daovantieni (Banarescu 1967). For For more information about ぬis species see Ka π'E LAT , 2001: 18 ,fig. 13).


Nguyen Van Hao kindly agreed to the prep 紅 ation and publication ofan English 1佃 guage version version of his paper with coau 出or Doan Le Hoa (1 969). He made the only existing set of original original figures available and gave permission for them to be copied photographically. He helped helped to identify the type specimens in the RIAH No. 1 fish collection and accompanied 出e authors authors on a trip to collect fresh specimens at some of the type localities.

Al though the frrst au 血orhe 紅 d about Nguyen and Doan's 1969 paper d町 ing an initial visit to to Hanoi in 1992 ,he was unable to obtain a copy of it 白en. Neither Nguyen Van Hao or Mai Di nh Yen had it. Nguyen Tuong Anh fmally located a copy and sent it from Saigon in 1998. As on several other occasions , the first author is indebted to Imre Csavas , former Senior Advisor Advisor in Aquaculωre to 由e FAO regional Office in Bangkok , for facilitating my work in an an Asian coun 町. Through his good 0 妊ices 1 was welcomed to the Research Institute for Aquaculture Aquaculture No. 1 in Hanoi and enabled to examine specimens of endemic Red Ri ver basin fish fish taxa available only in 由e RIAH fish collection. Museum work at RIAH and field work in northem Vietnam was supported by grants from the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute and the Califomia Academy of Sciences. Final Final editing of text and figures for 血is and the three articles on Nguyen and Doan 1969 preceding it was done in the Faculty of Environment and Resource Studies ,Mahidol University University (Salaya campus). RED RIVER CYPRINIDAE DESCRIBED BY NGUYEN AND DOAN , 1969 97


BANARESCU ,P. 1967. Notes on the genus Erythroculter Berg (Pisces ,Cyprinidae) , with description of a new subspe ・

cies. cies. Rev. Ro Ul 旬 . Biol. Se r. 200 1. 12(4): 215-227. ESCHMEYER ,W. N. 2007. Catalog of Fishes on-line version ,updated 9 Oc t. 2007 ( searc h/ ichthyology/catalo g/ fishcatsearch.html).

FE 限 A則 S, C. 2002. [Review of] Freshwater fishes of northem Vietnam. A preliminary checklist of the fishes known orexpec 旬:d to occur in northem Vi etnam with comments on systematics atid nomenclature by M. Kottela t. Copeia 2002(4): 1168-1170. KσITELAT ,M. 200 1. Freshwater fishes of northem Vi etnam. A preliminary checklist of the fishes known or expected to to occur in northem Vi etnam with comments on systematics and nomenclature. Th e World B 副 tk ,W:錨 hington , DC ,iii+123+21 pp. , 15 pls. MAI , D. Y. 1978. Di nh loai ca nuoc ngot; Cac tinh phia bac Vietnam [Identification of the freshwater fishes of North Vietnam]. Vietnam]. Na Xuat Ban Khoa Hoc Va Ky Th uat ,Ha Noi , 340 pp. ,48 pls. NOUYEN VAN HAO. 2007. Figures ofthe new taxa ofcyprinid fishes described by Nguyen and Doan ,1969. Nat. Hist Bull. Bull. Siam Soc. 55(1): 77-84. NOUYEN VAN HAO AND DOAN LE HOA. 2007. Some data on the composition ,origin , and distribution of cypririd fish fish species in Northem Vietnam with descriptions of new taxa. Translated by Nguyen Van Canh. Nat. Hist. Bull. Bull. Hist. Siam Soc. 55 (1): 59 ー76. Originally published as 白e Report of the Freshwater Fishes Studies Branch , Hanoi in the First Scientific Seminar of the Fisheries Di vision , Democratic Republic of Vietnam. [1969] [1969] (in Vietnamese). NOUYEN VAN HAO AND DOAN LE HOA. [1969]. Mot so dan lieu ve thanh phan nguon goc va phan bo cac loai 住ong ho ca chep 0 mien Bac Viet Nam. Bao cao tai Hoi nghi hoc thuat nganh Thuy san , lan 1, i+ 19 pp. [F or English translation see preceding article]. PELLEORIN ,1., AND P. CHEVEY. 1936. Poissons nouveaux ou rares du Tonkin et de l' Annam. Bull. Soc. 2001. Fr. v. 61: 61: 219-23 1. ROBEIITS ,T. R. 1998. Review ofthe tropicalAsian cyprinid fish genus Poropuntius , with descriptions ofnew species

and 凶 phic morphs. Nat. Bull. Hist. Sia 畑 Soc.46 (1): 105-135 WU ,H.-W. , R.-D. LIN , Q.-X. CHEN ,X.- L. CHEN 刷 D M.-Q. HE. 1977. Barbinae. Pp. 229-394. In: Wu , H.-W. (ed.) Zhongguo like yulei zh i. [The cyprinid fishes of China] Volume 2. People's Press , Shanghai [in Chinese].