Asks Budget Hike Totaling $583,264
Property of the Watertown Historical Society XTowwatertownhistoricalsociety.orgn tlimes The Waiertown - Oakviilc Weekly Timely Coverage Of News In The Fastest Growing Community In Litchfield County VOL, 31, NO. 25 Subscription Price $6.00'Per Year PRICE is CENTS' JUNE 23, 1977 Diplomas Awarded To 303 High School Graduates The Class of 1977 at Watertown Class officers are John F, High School graduated 303 Pillis. president: Robyn M, members on Tuesday in outdoor Kaminski, vice president: exercises held on the high school Michele T. Beauehamp, grounds. secretary; and Joan D. D'Ad- Presenting the class were Asks Budget Hike dona, treasurer. WHS principal William P, The graduates, with Honor Williams, and Superintendent of Society members denoted by an Schools James Q, Holigan, asterisk, are; Awarding the diplomas were Donald Poulln, chairman of the Eric R. Adam, Laurie Irene Totaling $583,264 Albano, Paul Anthony Altomarl, Board of Education, and Board Peter H, Archibald, Matthew members Mrs. Virginia Slavin Baker, Ann Balnis, Michele The Board of Education has and Mrs. Shirley Zuraitis, Barabasz, Alan B. Bares. submitted a mial budget of Sfi,. The Rev. Harry Frank, Trinity Edward Peter Barkus. Cynthia 577,950 to the Tnwn Council for Lutheran.Church, asked the In- Murray Barnes. Gerald J. Earth the 1977-78 fiscal year vocation, and the Rev. William Jr., Vicky Jean Bartlett, The figure is an inrrease of Zito, First Congregational Alessandra Maria Bassi, "Debra $58,'i.2rt4 over what was ap- Church, gave the Benediction. Alice Bates, John Bavone III, propriated for 197677. hut the The high school band, con- Michele Teresa Beauehamp, Al Board anticipates a net increase ducted by Robert M, Pettjnicchi, R.
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