The Preaidct T-Emained at the Aksel N1eleen Ranch in ~R, Colo~

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The Preaidct T-Emained at the Aksel N1eleen Ranch in ~R, Colo~ THE PRESIDENT ' S APPOnmmNTS L TUEsllAt, SEP'.mm&R l, l9S.3 FRASER, COLORADO The Preaidct t-emained at the Aksel N1eleen Ranch in ~r, Colo~ . l THE PRESI . T1 S APPOINTMENTS L WEDNESDAY, SEPTBlBER 2, 1953 FRASER and DDVER 10:30 - Mr. Frank Carlson d¥, Fhser, Colorado. 'the Pr eident let\ rra er, Colorado, and te>red to the. Do Reaidcce 1n ver, Colorado. The President attiTed at the Doud Residenc in DenTer. 6:1S pm (Honorable Robert Cutler) OW THE RECORD (Mr.. Cutler rieted the President o.,_ a ional Security Council} THE PRESIDENT' S APPO:ntJ."MENTS THURSDAY j SEPmmER 3 I 1953 9200 (Brigadier General Woodbury .. Burge s) OPF THE RECORD (Br-ieted the President.) ~ .. Ed Lan.e, New York (Mr. Lane i.s a .f':riend of th Pre ident and ked to pq his r pects Whil.a pa · sing tbru Den r) 10:1; - Mr. and • Norri w. Cochran and children, orris III and Amt. Altad«W., Cali£omi (Mr. and Mrs. Norris Cochran a.r friends ot Mrs.. Eisenhower and · ed to pay their respeets to th eident} 11:15 am Honor \>le Harry Darby. Kan as City, Kan as (Mr. Darby discus$ed \ the President the PNsident 1 s. propos trip to Kansas City in Octo r) The President departed for Cherry Rill Country Club wne~ he had Lunch and played olt with th . £ollowing: Mr. L. • Pexton; Denver, Colorado Mr. William ?1ichol on,,. Denver.- Colorado Mr. Joe Dyer, DenYer, Mr. p old, D~ver, Colorado Mr.. Gordon Williams• Denve:t", Colorado 4:30 The President departed the golf oour but at.op d enroute and spok to five nuns and on priest. 5: .3 5 Arrived Doud residence. THE PRESI T'S APPOilf TS IDAY, SEPTilmER 4, 19$3 LCURY AlR FORCE BASE 8sOO 8ll General Joa h T. McNarnq• Diego, Cal.1.torn.i 10:00 am Brigadier G neral John T. rague, USAF, ding ral.1 Lowey Air Force Ba e, nver, Color do (Asked it he ght pq his respect.a prior to the President's depa.rtur ) llsS3 The President departed for Chel"J.7 H111s Country Club. 12:10 Luncheon with the following at. Cherry Hills Country Cl: b: Sen tor ene D. MUlikin, Colorado Hon. Harry Darby, Kansas City, Kansas Mr . Harry Anholt Mr. Rip o1d Mr. James Black Mr. John Cul.breath Mr. Joe Dfer Mr. Jack Foster Mr. Mark K~ 8J' Mr. W. • Moncrief Mr. Aksel Nielsen Mr. L. • Pexton Mr. Rarol Writer Mr. Ned .......... ""'- Gen. Howard McC. Snyder Mr. w. F. ichol on Directors ot Cherry Hills CoUJ'ltry Olub1 Mr. David G. Gordon, President (Host,) Mr. Robert P. Manin, Vic Presid t Kr. John R. Moran, S Cl' tary Mr. William H. Brereton, Treasurer Mr. Richard f . Braun Mr. Herman A. ard:t; Mr . E. J . Campbell Mr. J . ver tt. Collier Mr. org Dudley Gr ci Mr. Robert c. Johnson Mr. Robert L. .l'l.alllll.u:IR: Mr. O. G. in Mr. J . Hal My ns • Clarence E. Sherwood Mr. Robert E. rren FRIJlAY, SEPTPllBER 4, 1953 Page 2 2:00 p1I Th President. plqed golf with the following at Cherry Hills Country Clubi Mr. John Culbreath Mr. James Black Mr. W. F. Nicholson Ned Bumba The hes1dent departed Cbeft'T Hilla Countr.r Club Al°'riYed Doud residence. \__ THE PRESIDENT'S APPOINTMENTS &TURDAY, SEP'l'mmsR 51 1953 ImRY AIR FORCE BASI 8100 aa Amba&aad.o.r Jamee C. Dunn - Spain (APJ>Qini:ment cont'inted through staw Department. Ambaasada.r Dunn obtained Presid.-it' a aignatJu:re on letter he is hand­ delivering to Generalu ·imo.) 10:00 Mr,. "William. Heney, ot California. (Mr. li8lU"J' i.s a. tl'iend ot Paul Hottman and ie wit.h the Los Angeles Tilnee and Aaerieaa BJ-oadaastit>g Compan;y. Mr.. M\tr1"8f Snyder brought hi1a to shake luulde with the President) 10:33 am The Pre.sident departed for Cheri')" Rills Count17 Club when he plqlild golf' and bad luncheon with th. following: Mr. Gene Gregory Mr. Rip Arnold 4t30 i:a The d~ed Cherry Hills Countey- Club 4:45 re Aniftd Doud residence. THE PRESIDENT'S APPOINTMmTS \_1 SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1953 9iU am Th• President and Mrs. Eisenhower, aco~ed b7 Colonel Schulz and Coltm.el Draper, departed the Do ReeiAenee for Obapel Ill, Lowry Air Force Base. The Presid t and 1!.irts. Eisenhower at.tenditd Church Sel"'t"ice at Chapel #1. 10:44 am The President and Mrs. Eisenhow•r, accompanied 'b1 ColQt\el and Mrs. Oa.venah, m\~red Presidential car and motored on · hort tour about the Ba e •. The Prea1dernt and Ml's. Eisenhower and Colonel and Mre. Cavanah s~pped at the otticers' Club, LoW17 Air Fore Base, for Brunch. llt30 The Freed.dent and Mrs. Eisenhower dtparted the 0.ttiCeJ"s 1 Club. 11:39 - Arrivect at th . Doud Residence. THE PRESIDENT 1 S APPOIN1l'MlmTS c roNDA.Y, SEPTEHBER 7, 1953 I.OW-UY IR FORCE BASE Hon. John Foster Dulles, cretar:Y or state 11:1; am Hon. Robert Stevens, Se~ of the Arlfl:! ll:4S Mr. Charles Reid, Omaha, Nebraska (Original Eisenhower eupporteP) !he President, ccQll'.J)anied b1 General Srqder, d•parted tor Cher17 Hills Country Club where he bad luncheon. with the tolleWingi Mr. Rip Arnold, Denver Gen.. Uowa.rd Mee. ~er Mr. Fred Newton, Denver Mr.. John Culb th, DenY r The Pr.rsldent pl~ golt with the f'ollow!ngt Mr. Rip Amol.d Ml". Fred Newton Mr. John Culbre4tb 5:00 JD The President depat-ted. Cherry Hill.s Cotmtr;r Club - '\.__ 5slS lD Arri.ftd Doud Re8idenct L THE PRBSID.ENT' S APPOIN'l'MDll'S L 'l'UESDAY, SEP'l'l!MBKR 8, 1953 S:OO am HonOJ!"able H. J. Porter, publican Nati.ona.l C tteema.n, Texas 9:15 am TS 195.3 u Y AIR FOBCE BASE 71.38 orce B s 8:30 • Alma Schnei er, Dir otor1 D nver lint 9t00 • • F. icholaon, tor, Colorado ( .. Nicholson e in to discuss u po r") 10:00 (Brigadier nel-a.l oodbury • THE RECORD (Briefed th P sident) 11:20 1e~ll"'t•eo. Lowt7 Air Force for tze on neral Ho •t 11:30 Arriv Fitz Hospital 1:10 Departed Fitzs ans eral Hospital. 1:30 v Dou Re idence 8:45 eeideit departed th Do aidence tor LoW17 1r Fore · where h en la.ned for flight to aehington to attend funeral of Th Chie! Justice ~ the Unit St tes, Honor bl Fred Vinson. 9t00 rbome for ashington, D. c. (The Preeidenti. a.boa t e COLtllm t. MATS TBRMDAL, Washington -ational ilrpot-t. t to the Whit Hou ) 8;00 9«00 or bl John Foster Dulle , ta.17 ot State Honorable Harold E. Sta.Js 1 Direoto:r, Foreign Operat.ions A • Honora~l-e l>ougl.a.e rttntr, 2nd, Counselor, State · pa it (Appointment i-equested b7 th S c1"etaey d thr Kr. epbena) Jkmorabl !'thur S. • .&.J:1t111u.u~ ten I b1liz t1on (Wuhed to di ens 10:00 Hono;:nb1e Bicha.t'd Nixon, Th Vice: Pre8ide11t Honorable He~rt. Brownell, The Attomey General Honorable Sherman Ad a Honor bl. Bernard Sbtmley Honorable ~ald Ro~ga11 (Appoint t arrang . 'T Gov mor A t.o discus labor poll< - ) U:OO His ~rial Hlghne , Crown Prine Akihito of Japan H.. E. lli.tdch1 Araki,_ Amba sad.or of Japan Honoral:tl John F., S _ on , Chief or Pl'.'Otocol, Stat Depart ent (Appoin _ t reque by th J paneae Ala ssador through tocol) The P11"9sldent witnesnd th, in hi Ot.tie , of Honol"able GM'ald D. MQrg 1 a A4Jdni tr, ti'VI - Aa iatant tG the Preside\. Mrs . Mor an bel'a of th te Hou Staff also witnee h any. 12;10 Honorabl.e Martin P. Du-kin, Seer .tary or bor 12tSO Hono?"&ble Charl E. Wilson, Seen ey- Dei'en , had WN with the resident. l •42 (The President lett for th Wa hington Ca he -) 2t00 Jiit The Pl"fJsid _ t atten _ a ri. _ eemoe at the 0 thedr&l tof! th late Hont1rab1e · - Mf' in . n, Th Chi f tio of th Unite Stat • 2:53 (The President return~d to th Wh1 Hou ) ):2) (the Pl'eaitient departed tol' MA.TS . TERMWL,, Waahingt 1.rport, whe-re he enplane for n-ver, Colorado.) THE PRESIDENT ' S PPOIN'I'XDTS FRIDAY, SEP'mmER llt 1953 LOIRI AIR FORCE BASE 9:00 all Honol'able Richard Nixon, The Vice President U:OOaa The ~idtnt departed tor Oherl"Y Hills Coun\?'7 Club where be pl.tqed golt with the following: Hon. Rieluu'd Hixon,. The Vice Pr'eaident. Hon, Dan Th<>rnton, Govenior of ColeJ>ado Major John Eisenhower Mr. L. M. Pexton, Denver, Colorado Hr. Ed Do.d.1$7• Denver, Colo~ado Mr. Bud Tutt, Colorado Springs, Colorado Mr. Thqer itt, Colorado Springs, Oolorad.o Mr. Charles 0 1Toole, Colo~o Springs, Colorado THE PRESIDENT'S APPOINTMENTS L SU'URDAY' SEPTli.MBER 12 I 19;3 LOWRY AIR FORCE BASE 9:00 aa Honorab-1e Paul G. Hotf'Jnan. $8.dena, Calli'omia lOsOO am Honorable Richard Nixon, Tb Vic Pre$id _t 10:4S a.a The Presid.- t depart;ed tor Cherry Hills Cowtry Cl b wher he pla7 golf with the following; Ron .
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