The Preaidct t-emained at the Aksel N1eleen Ranch in ~r, Colo~ .


10:30 - Mr. Frank Carlson d¥, Fhser, Colorado.

'the Pr eident let\ rra er, Colorado, and te>red to the. Do Reaidcce 1n ver, Colorado.

The President attiTed at the Doud Residenc in DenTer.

6:1S pm (Honorable Robert Cutler) OW THE RECORD (Mr.. Cutler rieted the President o.,_ a ional Security Council} THE PRESIDENT' S APPO:ntJ."MENTS THURSDAY j SEPmmER 3 I 1953

9200 (Brigadier General Woodbury .. Burge s) OPF THE RECORD (Br-ieted the President.)

~ .. Ed Lan.e, New York (Mr. Lane i.s a .f':riend of th Pre ident and ked to pq his r pects Whil.a pa · sing tbru Den r)

10:1; - Mr. and • Norri w. Cochran and children, orris III and Amt. Altad«W., Cali£omi (Mr. and Mrs. Norris Cochran a.r friends ot Mrs.. Eisenhower and · ed to pay their respeets to th eident}

11:15 am Honor \>le . Kan as City, Kan as (Mr. Darby discus$ed \ the President the PNsident 1 s. propos trip to City in Octo r)

The President departed for Cherry Rill Country Club wne~ he had Lunch and played olt with th . £ollowing: Mr. L. • Pexton; Denver, Colorado Mr. William ?1ichol on,,. Denver.- Colorado Mr. Joe Dyer, DenYer, Mr. p old, D~ver, Colorado Mr.. Gordon Williams• Denve:t", Colorado 4:30 The President departed the golf oour but at.op d enroute and spok to five nuns and on priest. 5: .3 5 Arrived Doud residence. THE PRESI T'S APPOilf TS IDAY, SEPTilmER 4, 19$3 LCURY AlR FORCE BASE

8sOO 8ll General Joa h T. McNarnq• Diego, Cal.1.torn.i

10:00 am

Brigadier G neral John T. rague, USAF, ding ral.1 Lowey Air Force Ba e, nver, Color do (Asked it he ght pq his respect.a prior to the President's depa.rtur ) llsS3 The President departed for Chel"J.7 H111s Country Club. 12:10 Luncheon with the following at. Cherry Hills Country Cl: b: Sen tor ene D. MUlikin, Colorado Hon. Harry Darby, Kansas City, Kansas Mr . Harry Anholt Mr. Rip o1d Mr. James Black Mr. John Cul.breath Mr. Joe Dfer Mr. Jack Foster Mr. Mark K~ 8J' Mr. W. • Moncrief Mr. Aksel Nielsen Mr. L. • Pexton Mr. Rarol Writer Mr. Ned ...... ""'- Gen. Howard McC. Snyder Mr. w. F. ichol on Directors ot Cherry Hills CoUJ'ltry Olub1 Mr. David G. Gordon, President (Host,) Mr. Robert P. Manin, Vic Presid t Kr. John R. Moran, S Cl' tary Mr. William H. Brereton, Treasurer Mr. Richard f . Braun Mr. Herman A. ard:t; Mr . E. J . Campbell Mr. J . ver tt. Collier Mr. org Dudley Gr ci Mr. Robert c. Johnson Mr. Robert L. .l'l.alllll.u:IR: Mr. O. G. in Mr. J . Hal My ns • Clarence E. Sherwood Mr. Robert E. rren FRIJlAY, SEPTPllBER 4, 1953 Page 2

2:00 p1I Th President. plqed golf with the following at Cherry Hills Country Clubi Mr. John Culbreath Mr. James Black Mr. W. F. Nicholson Ned Bumba

The hes1dent departed Cbeft'T Hilla Countr.r Club

Al°'riYed Doud residence.


8100 aa Amba&aad.o.r Jamee C. Dunn - Spain (APJ>Qini:ment cont'inted through staw Department. Ambaasada.r Dunn obtained Presid.-it' a aignatJu:re on letter he is hand­ delivering to Generalu ·imo.)

10:00 Mr,. "William. Heney, ot California. (Mr. li8lU"J' i.s a. tl'iend ot Paul Hottman and ie wit.h the Los Angeles Tilnee and Aaerieaa BJ-oadaastit>g Compan;y. Mr.. M\tr1"8f Snyder brought hi1a to shake luulde with the President) 10:33 am The Pre.sident departed for Cheri')" Rills Count17 Club when he plqlild golf' and bad luncheon with th. following: Mr. Gene Gregory Mr. Rip Arnold

4t30 i:a The d~ed Cherry Hills Countey- Club

4:45 re Aniftd Doud residence. THE PRESIDENT'S APPOINTMmTS \_1 SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1953

9iU am Th• President and Mrs. Eisenhower, aco~ed b7 Colonel Schulz and Coltm.el Draper, departed the Do ReeiAenee for Obapel Ill, Lowry Air Force Base.

The Presid t and 1!.irts. Eisenhower at.tenditd Church Sel"'t"ice at Chapel #1. 10:44 am The President and Mrs. Eisenhow•r, accompanied 'b1 ColQt\el and Mrs. Oa.venah, m\~red Presidential car and motored on · hort tour about the Ba e •.

The Prea1dernt and Ml's. Eisenhower and Colonel and Mre. Cavanah s~pped at the otticers' Club, LoW17 Air Fore Base, for Brunch.

llt30 The Freed.dent and Mrs. Eisenhower dtparted the 0.ttiCeJ"s 1 Club.

11:39 - Arrivect at th . Doud Residence. THE PRESIDENT 1 S APPOIN1l'MlmTS c roNDA.Y, SEPTEHBER 7, 1953 I.OW-UY IR FORCE BASE

Hon. John Foster Dulles, cretar:Y or state

11:1; am Hon. Robert Stevens, Se~ of the Arlfl:! ll:4S Mr. Charles Reid, Omaha, Nebraska (Original Eisenhower eupporteP) !he President, ccQll'.J)anied b1 General Srqder, d•parted tor Cher17 Hills Country Club where he bad luncheon. with the tolleWingi Mr. Rip Arnold, Denver Gen.. Uowa.rd Mee. ~er Mr. Fred Newton, Denver Mr.. John Culb th, DenY r

The Pr.rsldent pl~ golt with the f'ollow!ngt Mr. Rip Amol.d Ml". Fred Newton Mr. John Culbre4tb

5:00 JD The President depat-ted. Cherry Hill.s Cotmtr;r Club

- '\.__ 5slS lD Arri.ftd Doud Re8idenct


S:OO am HonOJ!"able H. J. Porter, publican Nati.ona.l C tteema.n, Texas

9:15 am TS 195.3 u Y AIR FOBCE BASE

71.38 orce B s

8:30 • Alma Schnei er, Dir otor1 D nver lint

9t00 • • F. icholaon, tor, Colorado ( .. Nicholson e in to discuss u po r") 10:00 (Brigadier nel-a.l oodbury • THE RECORD (Briefed th P sident)

11:20 1e~ll"'t•eo. Lowt7 Air Force for tze on neral Ho •t

11:30 Arriv Fitz Hospital 1:10 Departed Fitzs ans eral Hospital.

1:30 v Dou Re idence

8:45 eeideit departed th Do aidence tor LoW17 1r Fore · where h en la.ned for flight to aehington to attend funeral of Th Chie! Justice ~ the Unit St tes, Honor bl Fred Vinson. 9t00 rbome for ashington, D. c. (The Preeidenti. a.boa t e COLtllm t. MATS TBRMDAL, Washington -ational ilrpot-t. t to the Whit Hou ) 8;00

9«00 or bl John Foster Dulle , ta.17 ot State Honorable Harold E. Sta.Js 1 Direoto:r, Foreign Operat.ions A • Honora~l-e l>ougl.a.e rttntr, 2nd, Counselor, State · pa it (Appointment i-equested b7 th S c1"etaey d thr Kr. epbena)

Jkmorabl !'thur S. • .&.J:1t111u.u~ ten I b1liz t1on (Wuhed to di ens

10:00 Hono;:nb1e Bicha.t'd Nixon, Th Vice: Pre8ide11t Honorable He~rt. Brownell, The Attomey General Honorable Sherman Ad a Honor bl. Bernard Sbtmley Honorable ~ald Ro~ga11 (Appoint t arrang . 'T Gov mor A t.o discus labor poll< - )

U:OO His ~rial Hlghne , Crown Prine Akihito of Japan H.. E. lli.tdch1 Araki,_ Amba sad.or of Japan Honoral:tl John F., S _ on , Chief or Pl'.'Otocol, Stat Depart ent (Appoin _ t reque by th J paneae Ala ssador through tocol) The P11"9sldent witnesnd th, in hi Ot.tie , of Honol"able GM'ald D. MQrg 1 a A4Jdni tr, ti'VI - Aa iatant tG the Preside\. Mrs . Mor an bel'a of th te Hou Staff also witnee h any.

12;10 Honorabl.e Martin P. Du-kin, Seer .tary or bor

12tSO Hono?"&ble Charl E. Wilson, Seen ey- Dei'en , had WN with the resident.

l •42 (The President lett for th Wa hington Ca he -)

2t00 Jiit The Pl"fJsid _ t atten _ a ri. _ eemoe at the 0 thedr&l tof! th late Hont1rab1e · - Mf' in . n, Th Chi f tio of th Unite Stat •

2:53 (The President return~d to th Wh1 Hou )

):2) (the Pl'eaitient departed tol' MA.TS . TERMWL,, Waahingt 1.rport, whe-re he enplane for n-ver, Colorado.) THE PRESIDENT ' S PPOIN'I'XDTS FRIDAY, SEP'mmER llt 1953 LOIRI AIR FORCE BASE

9:00 all Honol'able , The Vice President

U:OOaa The ~idtnt departed tor Oherl"Y Hills Coun\?'7 Club where be pl.tqed golt with the following: Hon. Rieluu'd Hixon,. The Vice Pr'eaident. Hon, Dan Th<>rnton, Govenior of ColeJ>ado Major John Eisenhower Mr. L. M. Pexton, Denver, Colorado Hr. Ed Do.d.1$7• Denver, Colo~ado Mr. Bud Tutt, Colorado Springs, Colorado Mr. Thqer itt, Colorado Springs, Oolorad.o Mr. Charles 0 1Toole, Colo~o Springs, Colorado THE PRESIDENT'S APPOINTMENTS L SU'URDAY' SEPTli.MBER 12 I 19;3 LOWRY AIR FORCE BASE

9:00 aa Honorab-1e Paul G. Hotf'Jnan. $8.dena, Calli'omia

lOsOO am Honorable Richard Nixon, Tb Vic Pre$id _t

10:4S a.a The Presid.- t depart;ed tor Cherry Hills Cowtry Cl b wher he pla7 golf with the following; Ron .. Richard Nixon,, The Vic Presid :t. Mr, ~ Anholt-, DenvQ, Col.orad<> ·· .. Will.tam Niehol.SQn, Denv r, Mt-.. Wil liam Flenniken~ DenY' r, Colorado Mr. Robert Manning, l>enver, Colorado Mr., Fre Mannt;ng, Jr. ,. Denver, Oolerado lof.l'. Rip !mold, Denver. Colorado Hon. Dan Thornton, GoYernor of' Colorado Mr. Marie _er , Denver., Colorado Hon. Paul G., Pasade-• Ca.l1.f'o.l'D1a Majo~ John Eisenhower THE PRESIID:Nr•s APPOINTJIENTS smmAY, SEP'l'EMBER l3t l9j3

l0t45 am The President attended Chureh Senices at the Corona Presbyterian ChUI"ch

12 i 20 Jll The Pre.eident. lett for CheJ'r;y Hilla Ceuatry Club Where he had Luncheon with the to.U.owing: Mi"s. Eisenhower Maj Gr and Mra. John Eis.enhower Howard S&Qda HJ'. Leonard Kronend.ock

3t45 pill Th• Pl"eaident left tor stapl.eton Ail"ti ld to see Major and Mrs. John Eisenhower oft tor Ghicago.

4:40 pa The Pl"esid.ent returned to the Doud Residence. L The President lett tor the Brown Palace Hotel tor dinner. THE PRESIDmT•s AP TMENTS nv..... ;wnY I U., 1953 DENVER, COLORADO

:30 8ll Mr. an Mr • Oliver J. Bryan and children, Dinah and David Denver, Colored

8:45 8ll ~..ica".ur Edwin C. Johnecn, Colorado Congres Byron G. Rogers, Colorado

9:00 Hr. Th s Camp ll, .AlDUQ[WtJ:'QU , 10100 am Hr. Ma on Kn ckles, President, Republican Club ot Colorado, Den: r Mr. Milton J. Blak , President, Citiz f or Eisenhovel'I- ixon,, Den• , Colorado Hr. J A.. Gaynor, esident, J. A. Ga7Jl r Compa.ny, Denver l0cl5 Admiral Wilson D. Legget.t., Chief ot th

10145 Mr. Ed mingbaa,

12:4S p1 The President l&.tt tor the idenc

3tSO pra The Preaidtftt le.rt the Doud Residenc . !or th iTel" F · eral Center accoapanied b7 General Howard SnJder and Mr. Aka l 1 l en, Denver, Colorado. - 4:10 :r.a Th President arriY at th D Yer Federal Center where he s et by • Otto K1oin, who accompanied th President through the Center.

'nl Preeident lett the Denv r Federal Cen r and proceed to the Raneh or • Aksel iel t inspect catt~ •

6105 pa Th President returned to the Doud Residence. LOWRY IR FORCE BA

8:00 aa Senator Eugene Hillik1n, Colot"ado Sen tor Ugh 'ler, N braeka Senator Frank A. Barrett, w,.oa.tng

9:00 am ichard M. Bimp on, Penngylv ar Chenoweth, Colorado 9t1S Misa Derth Adkins. Washington, D. c. Miss Ann Wh ton. v: ahington, D. C. (They ha¥ been attending w eu' · in Wyoming an asked t.o e& the ·resident s they passed through D nve~) 9:30 am Mr. J lm C.. Camelius, . . e polis• Minneso (Mr. Cornelius i under consideration tor oftiee with the Unit States Information g&noy)

10115 - The President left for \he Cherry Hills Countey Club where be plqed gol.l with the following: Mr. Ri Arnold, Denver, Colorado Mr. William Flenniken, Denver. Colorado Mr. Robert Warren, Denve!", Color o 2100 pa The Preaident at.tended a LUi'lchecn in hi• honor given bJ' • Aksel iel.8fm and · • WUliaa Flenniken t th CherJ7 Hills Co\Jntry Club. The tollowing guests trom Denver present.t

Hon. Dan hornto Mr. Ben c. a1g Mr. Mark Oraael' Mr. rdon • Robert Warrc Mr. AUSVQlk Ga.-rett Mr. Rip Arnold Mr. John w. Knight, Jr. Dr. Howard SJvde.r Mr>. John !.vans • John A. Cul th Mr. Frank J. Jobils Mr. T. Kenneth Loughlin Mr. R. E. N. r Mr. Frank L. Ha.ya Mr. W. E. Morgan Mr. W rren Will~ Mr. Bal Swan 'l'RE PRESIDENT'S APPOINTMENTS WEDNESDAY 1 , 1953

_ StOO St te s :tor Steven McNichole, Colora.d (Senator M _iehol wish d to discuss the uranium. ituat.ion. · ppoint ent wae ananged a\ the sugg stion or G&vemor Thornton)

The Pl" •id< t l"eQUT-4 the followi,ng - . 1'8 of t Board Of Directors or Uran± Ore Produo rs asociation o! the est.em States: Mr. BoJti Oll , NoNood. > Colorado Mr. Robert Ul.iams, No:t"WOod, Mr,. K. N. v , indo Rock, Arizona Mr. Sam eal,, Window Rock, Ariz~ Mr •. Kato E. Sella, Fa1'mingt.on, New Mexico Mr. 't Ski re, Dov Creek, Ce.l()J"ado Mr. Lev ·mi.a.JlS; Norwood;, Colorado 9:00 Honorabl It. Benson, lOtOO Chancellor Ch ster Alt i" ot the Uni.vers1t7 of Denve.r (Appoin ent. arranged at. the sugg at.ion ot rrtOl" Th.ornt who th.;>ugbt th Pre..sid · t would ·- joy meetin_g Chan~ellor Altel!')

10:40 am The Prea:ld•t. depart for Wright & McGill , 146.3 York str e~, »-enver, Colorado, to look at som ti bing eq'ld ent.

The P:resid.~t arriffd at the Chel"ey" B1U Country Glu.b whet' he played golt wit.h th t'ollowing; Hr. Mason ukl , Denv&r, Co1or MP. Al Schnpte~, D.mvi!!l', Col&rado Ml-. C. Waltei- Allen, Den r, Colorado THE PRESIDEHT 1 S APPOIN'l'MENTS THURSDAY, SEPmmER l?, 1953

The Pres!.dent. spent th day at the Ranch ot Mr. Bal ·Swa..n

fishing with Judge Orie Phillips and Mr. Aksel Nielsen.

both of l) · ver.


8:00 alt Mrs. Kathleen Wortz, Denver, Colorado

1h05 am Hrs. Carol.1n Greene~ Colorado Springs, Colorado Mrs . Thomae L. Pelican and, SUsanne Steven (Mre. Pelican, a friend of s. Doud, wrote s. Doud asking where 'hh97 IJight aq th President. paea b7. AppoUtment was requested b7 Ml!-s,. Ei.aenhower)

S:l5 am General Htm17 L. Lars 11, Director ot the Colorado Civil Uetense Agency, Denver, Colorado (General Lar"n is a friend of the President's ·and wanted to pq his reapecta)

9s00 Ul (B.rigadie!' General Woodbl11!'1' M. Burgess, Colorado Springs, Colo.) (Briefed the President - OFP THE RECORll)

9>30 Hr. Pa.l.Jner Hoyt, Edit.or ot the Denvel' Poat.1 Den'lfer, Colorado 10:2.5 am {The Presid.-it departed tor CherJ7 liUls Count17 Club)


The Pre id t and Mrs. Eisenhower depart nver, Col.or , aboe.rd th COUJMBINE, r or night to Chie and w shington, I>. a. '" ~.

2:20 CD'l' Arrived at Glenvi N val Air Station, 0hi(;ago 1 Dl.1noie.

Th Pres1d t- and ~s - Ei enhower motored to the Co~ d Hilton Hotel in Chicago an et the Republican w meeting in Chica o . Following a brief speech by the reeident, th !"$tumed to th COLUMBINE . jor It Hr • John Ei nhower and their thre children. joined th i>Msident and Mr • Eisenhow r !or th re inder ot the night. 4tOS CDT Airborne for Washington, D. C.

7:U Arrived t. MATS 'l'eminal, Washington tiona.l Airport. The PJ"esident and Mrs . Eisenhower an n of their party otor direct to the Whit Hou e. THE PRESIDENT ' S APPOINMNTS l./ SUNDAY, SEPT.EMBm 20• 1953

(Honorable Robert Cutlet') OPP THE RKCCfiD

(Honorable Shennari Ad.ams) (Honoftble E. Stephens) OFF THE RICORD (HonOPable Herber\ Brownell, The Attorney General)

2:5S fD (Honorable George Allen) OFF TH& RECORD T•s AP 0 TS , 1953

8:30 Th Pr a1dent 1 rt th Whit Hou for TS Terminal, ahingt. tional. Airport. 9:00 Airboni tor e to r Air For

11:00 Arriv t est.on!" Air Force • Th President va by Honorable Christian A. Hert. r, OoTernor of s chu ett , ator · e tt Salt stall, J . Loring Brooks, Jr. , O il'm8n ot th Eastern States Expo ition C ttee, and Colonel David H. Chatte~n, C Otticer, West<>Yer Air Fore •

UslO Westo'Yel" Air Foree Ba . tor odtion, est Spr field, a chu etts.

Kr. J. Loring Brooks introd ced Go¥ rnor Herter to a 10Uths public. GOY rnor Herter xpl&in ignific siti Youth Progr President award 4-H' t C pion hip Bann r.

Goftmor Hert r pr sented. to the President th yo th hoaen to e pre ent tion ot 4-H n to the Pr id t.

GoYernor Hel"ter clo pro , introducing Cri r, who mad• an announ t. llt5S am 11:57 Gov rnor and Senator Lo on noor where thy

12;05 President. w s scort. b7 Gov. Hert r • Saltonstall to the had table in Luncheon Tent on ground ssachus tt Building.

Bl sing by Rabbi Price. MO t, SBPTDIBER 21, 1953 Pag 2

Oovemor Herter a.tended greetings to distinguished gue1ta pre en ator Saltonstall who told about Gr en Pa.ature Contest and r.que t the President to make the award to the winner. 1:05 18 GoYemor Herter d 8 ator Sal.ton•tall scorted the a14eot to the Loung on econd flo r of the a chu tt Building.

lsl5 JB President left s ch etts Boilding, nt red automobile otor to 11

lt22 pn car entered Coliseum by West. ent stopped in front ot platform steps.

1:25 Honor b7 U. S. Arm:r Band.

I. Loring Brook int due GoYem r Herter. GoTemor Herter introduced tor Saltonstall. Senator Saltonstall introduced th President. 1130 The Presi ent pok • L i:4s :y de rted Co.lla ·'tH for W stover Air Fore .. , chwsetts.

2:20 Jll Airborne for logan International. Airport, st Boston, Mae•· 2t45 JB rr1 at Logan Airport, t.ional rd Terminal, East ston, ••· A small del. gation the President at the Airport and, after a brier exch ge ot grffti.nga, th aidential Part.7 proceed by otorcade to the Algonquin Cl b.

,3215 Pl Arrived t the Algonquin Cl b.

3130 pa t with publi her • 4:00 · • Robert Cho t 410, Reception C ttee arranged by V..r. Tom 4:15 y:a to Heated 7:1S rted by itorcad.e tor ston Garden. Arrived at Boat<>n Garden . MONDAY, SEPT1!lmER 211 1953 Pag ;; ( _) '7:4S to Presidtnt particip ted in dinner lhJO J11

8s.30 pa Short. peeehes troa S to 8 mi.nut • durat.ion by tbe tf>UoWing: to 9230 Sel,l.ator Saltons\all Congressman Martin ~ nator Bridge$ Ambas or Lodge

· . 9: 30 Jill to Speech by th President. lO:·OO ia lOilS pm The Pnfitient and party departed by motorcade tor Logan Airport.

10:30 Arrived at Logan Ai!'pot't. 10;45 AirbGrne for Washington,, D. c.

~ . 22nd. l2:2J a Al"rived MA.TS Terminat, Washington Na\1onal. Atrport1 aatl :motored d~t tfl> the t.e House . '1'HE PRESIDENT'S APPOINTMENTS 'l'UESDA , SEP'l'EMBER 22, 1953

9:50 (The President lett tor Con titution Hall)

10:00 The heaident exten ed. gf'eetinga to the 79th Annual Convention of th riean Banker saoci tion at Constituti Hall. 10:4S Honor ble France E. Willis, erican Ambassador--Designate to SWits.erlan (Mis Willia asked, thru Protoco1, to pq her re ct to th P · iden betore her departure) lliOO The Preai ent preeent the Pre 1dent.' s Cup to Mr . Fageol, winner of the President.' Cup Regatt • • Fa.geol's boa\ wa "Slo- o- Th toll iWing w re pre ent: Mr. d Mrs. Lou Fageol, SilYeX" Lake, Ohio Mr. and • ·Ray Fageol, Silver Lake, Ohio· Mr .. and I?• · H ad.Jnan, ttle, ashin on Mr. Willi Carlson, Scar al , ew York • Geor Maxwell, ew York, New York Mr. Alfre Johnson, Los eles, Calitomia • Olitford Harri.son, Se ttle. a .hingt.on Mr. Edward c. Baltz • John A. Rem Mr. Edgar rri Mr. B. Treadw ll Hr. Jack J. Blank Mr.. :ward R. Carr Mr. W. A. Roger• Commi.9 !oner el S Mr . Horac Walk r ll:lS am The PNsid.ent witness the ring in, in hi Ottiee, of • J ck rtin, a dminist~ ti: A 8i tant to the Pr sident. The following we e .t; e. Jack 1n Donald in Juc:IT · in H • Harold cia.te Ju tic of the prem Court. Mr • Harold Hobert Tart, Jr. Ra.y Bli IJ.oyd ft Marie Tric Co.le Younger Illv Ingall John Marshall Paul w. Walt r 'tom Shrorer Victor Johnston Henry Fox • & s. Che er rtin Hal Alderso Paul rshall H&l"'l'ey Higl.e:r George ¢ch Hon . Lends Strau e Viet r al John He.Elroy Iswis a. Stevens Toa Col B E. Tate John Hamilt L. Rioh 1a7 , 1953 Page 2 lltl5 811 Svearina in of Mr. Jack tin (Continu ) Hon. Leonard Hall Mr. Morgan Stanlq Pratt Mr. Harlow D Yid Ba ...... - .. ff?". G enther Robert hreya Mr. Jack Governor A Dr. Hauge Mr. bb Mr. Hugh Mr.'an Colonel Schulz Mr. Willia C er ch Mr. Minnich Colon 1 Draper Mr. Hag rt7 Mr. Will Mr. Sr\Yder • Rumbo h Hr. steph 8 Mr. Ma r n Mr. Shanle;y General Carroll ll:30 Sena or H. Alex.and• th, a J r q ( tor Smith 1"eqU ated this thru Mr. Shanlq l st wee and vi ed to discus labor situation and the tor 1gn it tion) 12:00 (Mr. Carter e) OFF THE RECORD (Arranged at the suggestion ot vemor n""'-)

Th• Presiden~ dropped h1' the first ting or the c aion on Fo~ gn Economic Poliey, me ting in the C inet oo •

1:00 Ja. (LUNCH)

2:00 Honorabl Ch&rl s E. Wilson, Secretary ot Def n

( • Pre ton Hotchlda, M> Ang lea, Calltornia) OFF THE RECORD (Pre ident., oundel"' Insurance Compa!11'

.3:00 r, Acting Chi t of Protocol) E. st iphen ) THE PRESI T' S APPOINTMENTS WEDNE8DAY, SE 231 1,53

. :00 . e following bad breakt st with th Pre ident: Honorabl Rob$rt cutler Honot'able J ea s. L&¥ (Brief the Pr sid t. n NSC M ting)

9i00 ( · • Jame F. , Uinn l"QilllrttJSOt ) OFF THE BECO (Bon. G: b>:iel (Ananged: at th dbiect.ion ot Govemor M • Discussed Mirule .ota politi )

The President c ive the Member ot the Unit States C ttee ror United Nati ns n.,-. (Pupo e of the m eting was to gtT• pu :u.01t7 tor forthcoming ebservance ot United N: tions na,-, '9cto r 24,. u to gi'ff eneow t to peopl who an he1ping promot it. Th Chairman ot the C ttee, Thoma.a J. Wat on, pres nted to the P sident bound volum containing teetimonie.l of the Qrgani tiQDe s f'tP til'Dtation of tmtir $Uppon ot and belie! 1n th Unit. N tiona.) The following v .N pre t: Ackerman .. Clara Bailey, Depa nt of Agriculture Ad .. , Dr.. Earl, ational Council of Chueh , 122 Av • 1 H. I\!. 1 Wa ldngton, D. 0. Adams, Wintield, c/o Oentral ntcA, 'berland,. eyl d Al shire, Pat,, U. s. C tte for UN 1 Washington, D. C. Allen, Kermit., U. s. Co tt t r UR Day, W ihington, v. C • . Alpher, Mr11t Robert, UN Day C t.t , 728 Warren St . , Westfield, New JeMe7 Apter, :vid, UNESOO Relation. Sta.ft, rtment ot Stat e Ari •• Leonard • , Nati nal Cont ren of Christian Jewa, 733 Southem Building, Wa hington, D. c. j Bailey, Mr. & M:rs. c. IJ.0:1111 U. s. Ct>mmitt fQr UN Day, Sl.6 • 2l:et Stu .. W, , Waehl.ngt; , D. o. . . , Balbach, Louis J . , o. s. Committe tor UN llaT .. 816 ... 2lQ.t Str&et,, • w., W shingt.on, D. c. Bal"d, Mr~ Max, UN D.q Committ , 30 P tton Driw, Jert91 Becke:r, stephen, or of Flemington, N Je~sey min t, Mr. R1ehard R. , National Association of Mamltdt 'lU"ers, 9l.8 - 16th St et, N. W. , Washington, D. C. r, Mr. ur1 I B' nai B' rith, 1003 st . • N.w •• Wa.e .,D.e. Bol.hian, Mr • Fred K. , Girl. Scout of he D. c., 3001 Conu. Ave., • W., Waehington, D. c. ~. Sanford H. , r1ean JtJWieh Con ••, 921 - 15th St., N. W. , Washin on, D. e.. Bomholdt, e. Laura, American Assoc t.i ·n of Univer it.7 W en, 1634 Eye st.. , • W. , Washington, D. C. Bl-ock, stuart, CIO, 11 Jackson Place, Washington, D. c. Brown, Dr. rancis J.,, erioa.n Council n Educ t.ion, l.785 • Ave . , N. w., Wa. ington, D. c. U.S. for UN Day (Contin1ltld) 1Jard9tt, Mrs. Ha.J'Ql4, erioan gi_on Auxllla.ry, 777 • M rldian ., Indianapolis, In • .tch r 1 Dr. garet.,, Howard. Un1ver ity, 2401 - 6th St. , N. W. • Wa !ngbon,, D. .c; . Campbell; Wallace J . , 0 rat.1 , e at the USA, 1025 V ont A . , Uhingt®1 D. C. -bell, 1 Al q .erque, ew exico C _l en, • ta, Camp Fire Girl er, 1101 J ff rson St,., .w., Washington, D. c. Carman, ioic 1 UM Dq Com . , ·105 Pikeville, 08.kridge, Tenn. Can, Mr. Reect, Supt. of Sehool 1 ~ertown, Maryl Cawley, Edward J . , National. Council or Oat olie a, 1312 Ma each tt ve . , Washington,_ _I> .. c. Oaldey, Francis R. , azine Publish rs A sn, . lOOS,. 1101 V$rmont Ave .,. WaslUngt,on, f>. c. Chal-l.-swor h, Pre • Jame c., erican Ac f!ll'q of olitic & Science, .3931 Cheat ut ., Phil el.phi 4, P • ci k, Helen M. I Md . St t& Dept. o:f Edu.cati I tim re l, . • Claric, s.. J a, Vienna, Virgini!J. Oocb:ran 1 t>oris, De~nt of State Conway, Mrs. E. w• ., D. c. Zont Club, 4912 ... 4?tl\ s ., .w. ,Wa .,n.c. e k, Howard A. , D pa e t ot Cope, Ii! -. rley F. , TIW1 610 Wire Bldg., a.s~ton, D. e. Cross. • ~ e t, 4400 nck Rd., BaJ.$ · ore_, · land, Mr • • M., UN Day Com., 2Sll ~e.-ide Dr. 1 IA>uinill ., KJ. Curran, Nr. John M.. , Roehe er MW, SS St. Paul St., Roch st r, N.Y. Cohen, . , A t. S .ey, bl .. , U-nit , tion Dal.ton, Mr_,, . · • H. , N tiona.l Council. 0£ thollc 1312 a chusetta Avr •11 • w., \fa h., D. C. Daly, Jeae G., United c rical T:ra:v•ler- ot Am., 632 • Puk St..reet, Columbus, Ohio D son, M:r. Jo ph M. , Baptist Joirl C • on fair , 1628 - 16th St., N. w., w shingt.on, D. c. de S . • Aubin, W., r1can e.tional Red Oro • de Sh :Zo, • Oharl s N. , AS#O. omen, r1e.$ll Fam B\lreau. Fe4.r tlon, Pauls Crossroad. , Vlrginia Doolittle, His.s B tte1 Am r. W 1n Radio TV, 1711 N • , N. w., shington, D. c. Dunke1 · rger, Harold, UN Day c.oa., ~tys Colle •,J P nn ¥lve.nia Dunn., John H. , UN Day Committee, Benj. Franklin Jr. High SchQC11 Urt1mitown, Penns7lvan1a ~, Eliube1)h, C CotmoU tor eri an Unit , 2226 · Cathedl"a.l ve., Wa ington, D. c. Elchel'beJ-ger, C-1&.l"k M. , rican Assa.. f'or the UN 1 .3 5 E. 46t.h St.. t New Yo City Eudy_. Milt n, Mc onal.d & EU.dy, 1005 New York Av· ., N.W. , ash. ,D.O. Evan , 1 Depar t t t e Evans, 't:il l:tam B., Bd . ot ucation, Montg ey Gounty1 ontg ry County, r;yla.nd Ferebee, Dr. Dorothy B. , National Council of N G W ~ ; 1318 Vermont. Ave ., Walsh1ngton 1 l). O. WEDWlDA'Y, ~ 23, 1953 Page 3 U. S. Comrni'ttee tor UN Dq (Ce>ntil\uetl) Yert'is, Muriel, Lea,g'UI or W en Vo~ rs. 1026 - 17th st •• N. w• • Washington, D. C. . Pie~st., H rbert, Department of State Fir at.on • Hanry s., Fireston Tire & Rubber Co . , ron l?, O.lli Flinn, Mr. w. G., Intl . Aa • ot · h!nista, 9th lt Mt . Venao Plac I N. ., Waehingt.on, D. e. Fo , Mn •. M&ry. 2607 W ndo e Rd • .- t11nnre. Marylan Fo a, Mr • Hugh 1 Harttord, Conneeticttt Poi4de,; H. P. , 1417 Belmont St. 1 • • , Wqhingt.on# D. C. Fowler, Rev . Alldr•, National. Fr temal Council ot Clhu:rehe , 3U - 'rd st.., s.. W. , aehington, n. c. Fox, lvin,, :33 Hemlock Lane, BaJ' $bore, ?i Y~ Fr , Ro rt W. , el"ican Bo k Pu\Jlisher Council, 12 ... 17th StMet., N. W• • Was~ 1 D. C. nr, Bernard, Fir stone Rubber · C:02n1t>a11'3' . mek, Frank B. 1 50 State Stnet.., Boston, · & • eriek1 Karl. H., UN Day Cont. • Elwo Aft Apt • , Fl ndngton, • J . Fri · , Ri.c rd, D · ent of State . ry, rnarc1 .. Librarian, Atomic En rg Commiasio Garland,. • otla w., UN y c•. , • 6th st., W cbula, Florida ~bas, 01.g B., , U. s. C tt• to;:- UN ..,. Gee 1 Mrs.. iola, Roch steJ-, N York Gen.ti). , • FeliX:, Big Brother of Am$J"ica., ad St. Station Bldg. , Philad.$.lphl 1 P • Gershovitz, s. D. , tional J Jh Welta al'd, 11•5 E. 32nd st., N York Oi\7 GotJta• t.t7, League ot Voten, 1026 - l?th st., .W• • Wasnington, D. o. L. B~e\t, UN Dq Committee, SU hanne Glas Co.,. Col: bia., p • . Gl"Mtl# Mi e e, The BroOld.rlgs Instituti n, 722 J c Plac , • W. , Waoh1ngton, D. C. Greenfield, t: s . Albert, 6399 Drexel oad, Overbl'Ook; Phil ... 3lt Pa. Greer, Mis Do-~tb7 • , World OouncU o! Philadelph • John Wanamaker Store. Phlladelpbia, P • Greer, Mrs. R. , 506 3. Fannin, fyl6r, Taae ckl 71 • Carrie A. , atl.. Ae$ll. ol Ct>lorad OllB!t.t ?67 Col bia Rd . , f. W. , W 8h:ingt n, D. c. H ond~ Paul,. Mr-. & Mrs . , · ond & Braxt n, 230 Park A e., NtC Hand, Mrs. Ba.yard, League of om Votel'lJ t WUkee-Barre, ~ ...... 6' !. River Road, Ukes rre, a. Hardy, Ralph, Natl. A an. or Radio & TV d atel"s, 1771 lf St. , N. w., W sldngton, D. C. lta.sthgs, s . J. WaJ.'l"tln1 6220 • 33ri St., City•United Church Wta. Hatling, Hr .. Kenneth. UH, llll Conn . Ave. , • w., Wa b . , l>. C. ' • t ~ ... JI ., .. ~ J,ohn o .. , Natl.. Retail Dry Goods, A ~sn-, SS ~ . • , ash. D.G. H6cbt1 R. S. ,. Oelta .L1ne; ew Orl ans,, .Louis1 Hedrick, a. Launa, N tl. Assn. ot Co.lored Wi en,. Inc . ~ lll4 o St.n :-t,, • w.,. WaShing\ n1 D. c. H derson, Hr. Horace E., Jr. Chamber or C rce, e of Glouc \ r st., Willi ~ burg" Vu inia Herb,. Mr .. -:r c . ,. UN Day C . ,. ·106 Linden A: •1 Metuchen, • J ...... ~ .... SDA.Y I 23, 1953 P ge 4 9:.30 u. ) • W. , aahington, D. C. a h.D. C•

•Y .C. torial

• h.,n.c•

• Av • , •• ,

Intl. Pe ce, St. , . D.C. bington, D. C • • • , Wa h. , D. C. D. C. Ill • ., Co ell.,

n. , 1010 V · ont.

• tor UNESCO, 17 S v.s .A. , 1SS s 44th

. , fl sh.D.C• •Y •

• , N.I.C •

• WEDNESDAY, SEiPTDIBER 23, 1953 Page 5 U. s . Committe for UN Day (Continued) McNulty, C. H. , Banlc:-ot Melbourne, Melbourne, Florida McVitt.y, Mrs . Marion, United World Federalists, 41 W. 10th Street, New York City M_aley, Miss Margaret, National Comicil. of Catholic Women, 1312 Massachusetts A.venue, N. W. , Washington, D. c. Meyerson, Mr. Bernard, Assn. of Intl. Relations Clubs, UN Plaza at 46th St. , New York City Miller, Miss Mina Marie, Assn. for Childhood Education Intl. 1200 - 15th St., N. W., Washington, D. c. Minten r, Mr. Bradshaw, Pillsbury Mills, Inc. , Minneapolis, Minn. Mitchell, Clarence, National. Assn . :tor the Advancement of Colored People, 100 Mass. Ave . , N. w., 'lashington, D. c. Moore, Hugh, Dixie Cup Co . , Easton, P nnsylvani Moritz, Paul W., Natl. Council of ?MCA ' s, 291 Broadway, NYC Munsell, David, ll? Cactoctin Ave . , Frederick, Maryland Murphy, Robert, Dept of Stat.e, Asst, Secy for UN Affairs Nason, John W. , Foreign Policy Assn. , 345 E. 46th St., NYC Nelson, Rev. Clarence T., Natl. Lutheran Cowcil, 4320 Argyle Terrace, N. W., Washington, D. C. Nutter, Mr. Harold P. , Lions Intemational, $90 Cooper st., Camden, Nev Jersey O•Drien, John T. , 1726 M Street, N. W. , Washington, D. C. Odor,_ Mrs . E. Franlr.lin., American Women's Voluntary Services, 917 Perry Pl.ace, N. E. , Washington, D. C. Parke.r , Mr • William, National Planning Assn., 1606 New Hampshire AV< • , Washington, D.. C. Patterson, Dr. Ernest Minor, A • Aead o:t Political. & Social Sc~en,:::f'J 1 Apt. F... l:J)5 1 Garden Co·urt Apts., 47th & Pine St., Phllad.&lphia, Pennsylvania Perkins, rs. Mary Lee, UN Da.y Com., R. 1, Box .308, College Park, Marylan Petersen, Howard c., Fidelity-Philadelphia Trust C'O . , Phila, Pa. Phillips, Mrs. Ethel c., American Jewish Co ., 386 Fourth Ave., NYC Piepho, Miss I , Natl. Council ~f Catholic Women, 1.312 Mass. , Ave., N. W., Washington, D. C. Pierson, W rren Lee, Trans World Ail"line , 6.30 Fifth Ave . , NYC Price, Mrs. Ruth A. , AAUN Regional Director, 909 Fourth Ave., Seattle, Washington Purvi. , Harry H.. , 217 Woodbin A'Ve., Northport, New York Quakenbush, Mr . Granville, UNDq Com., New Brunswick, N.J . Reid, Robert H. , Mr. and Mrs. and daughter, National. Education Aseociation, 1201 - 16th St. , N. w., Washington, D. C. Rice, Andrew E., American Veterans Com., 1751 New Hampahire Avenue, N. w., W shington, D. C. Richard.son, Mrs. Howard, Gen . Fed. of Women ' s Clubs, 14S E. 4$tb Street, NYC Roach, Constane , UNESCO Relations Sta.ft, Department of stat Robinson, Miss Ma.1'7 V. , Altrusa International., 20.32 Belmont Rd., N. W. , Washington, D. c. Rowson, Richard, Foreign Polley Assn., 345 East 46th St. , NYC R07e, Mr. Walter, Mayor, Columbia, Pennsylvani Rttssell, Mrs. Ft"anklin, Gen. Fed. ot Womens' Clubs, 1734 N St., N.W., Washington, :o. c. WEDNESDAY, SEPT»IBER 23,, 1953 Page 6

9:30 am U. s. Committee for UN Day (Continued) Ryan,, Miss ry M. , Natl. Cat holic Educ tional Assn. , 1785 Masa . Ave . , N. w., Washington, D. C. Se.ere, Joyce, U. s. Committee for UN Day Salit, Dr. forman, Synagogue Council of erica, llO w. 42nd street, NYC Sanborn, Mr. Herbert J . , Library of Congress,, Washington, D.C . Sandifer, Durward, Department or State Sauers, John, IBM, Washington, D. C. Saymon, Eleanor, Department or St te Schaefer, Miss Rita, 1951 Seminary Rd., Silver Spring, Maryland Schiff, Philip, National Jewish Welfare Board, 1637 Mass. Av ., Washington, D. C. Scrivener, Katherine, D. c. Public Schools, Washington, D. C. Schuck, Arthur A. , Boy Scouts of America, 2 Park Ave., NYC Scruggs, Miss Marguerite, Future Homemakers of America, U.S. Office of Education, fashington, D. c. · Seamans, Harry, Department of State Seq, Dr . Joseph W. , Optimist International. 809 Hillwood Ave., Falls Church, Virginia Serviss, Trevoe K. , American Textbook Publishers Institute, 285 Columbus Ave., Boston, Mass . Sharp, Mr . Howard I . , American Legion, 705 Sterling Ave., Dover, Ohio Shivers, R. Kelvin, Civitan Intl, 1010 Vermont Ave . , Wash. , D. C. Shorrock, W111iam J., Civic Education rviee, 1733 K St., N. w., Washington, D. C. Sibley, Harper, Sibley Farm Service Corp. , Sibley, Illinois Simon, Mrs . David R. , Natl. Feder tion of Temple Sisterhoods, 4301 (assachueetts ' ve. , .W. , fasbington, D. C. Smith, Berne.rd, U. 3. Committee for UN Day Smith, Rock n . , UN Day Committee, 1 S. St. , Masontown, Pa. Smith, William H. , 3605 Tilden St., Brentwood, Maryland Snavely, Dr. Guy, Assn. of erica.n Coll ges, 726 Jackson Place, • W., Washington, D. C. Spanton, W. T. , Future Farm rs of Americ , U. s. Office ot Edueation, Washington, D. C. Spitzer, Mrs . Mary, UN Day Committee, 3 ood Ave., roeth Ad s, . Steinbarger, Mrs. Helen T . , American Library Assn, Public Library, Washington, D. C. Stephens, Mrs. Waldo E. , League of Women Voters, 1026 - 17th Street, N. w., ashington, D. C. Sunderland, Mrs. Francis A., UN Day Committee, Laurel Road, New Canaan, Connecticut Sweetser, Mr. Arthur, 3060 Garris!>n st. , N. w., lashington, D. C. Swope, Mr. Herbert Bayard, 745 - 5th Avenue, NYC Talton, Mr. & Mrs . Roland, U. s. Committee for UN Da;y 'ntackrey, Mr. Russell I ., Assn . of Land Gr ant Colleges & Universities, 17g5 Massachusett s Ave., W shington, D. C. Thompson, Miss Julia, Amer ican Nuraes Asso. , 711 - 14th St., N. W. 1 ashington, D. C. Tourover, Mrs. Raphael, Hadassah, 16.35 Harv rd St. , N. W., .,D. C. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2.3, 1953 Page 7 9:30 U. s. Cornmitte for UN Day {Continued} Travethan, Mr . Perey F., Goodwill Industries of America, Inc., 1218 N. Hampshire Ave., Washingt.on, D. c. Urban, Miss Frances, American Home Economics Assn., 1600 - 20th St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Urquhart, Mr . George W. , United Connnercial Travelers or America, 632 N. Park St., Columbus, Ohio Valliant, Mr . Jeramiah, 1013 Russell Ave ., 5alisbury1 Maryland VanKirk, Rev. Walter w., Natl. Council of the Churches of Christ, in the USA, 297 - 4th Av ., New York City Wagner, Dr. Paul A., Film Council of America, 600 Davis St., Evanston, Ill. Walser, rs. Kenneth, Oenoke Ridge, New Canaan, Conn. Warren, Miss Gertrude, Woman 's National Farm & Ga.rd.en Assn., 2400 - 16th St., N. w., a hington, D. c. Watson, Tho s J., Jr., Intemational Business ( chines, 590 Madison Ave ., New York City Weiss, Miss Barbara., Young Adult Council, 345 E. 46th St., NYC Weitzer, Mr . Bernard, Jewish War Veterans, 3147 - 16th St., N.W., Washington, D. C. Whalen, Hon . Grover A., 500 Park Avenue, New York Cit7 White, Mr • Dean R., UN Da.7 Com., New Brunswiok, New Jersey Wilson, Rufus H.., AMVETS, 1710 Rhode Island Ave ., N.W., Wash ., D.C. Wilson, Theodore H., Rotary Intem tiona.1., 1420 N. Charles St., Baltimore, Maryland Wood, William, CBS, Television, Washington, D. C. Wooton, Mr . Paul, Society of Business !l.k'lgazine Editors, 1015 National Press Bldg., fashington, D. c. Young, W. Harvey, Camp Fir Girls, Inc., 2817 - 31st St., N.W., Washington, D. C. Youhg, Mrs . Maury, Natl, Federation ot Temple Sisterhoods, 2810 McGill Terrace, N. W., Washington, D. C. Zellerbach, J . D., Crown Zellerbach Corp.,· e/o Sherry Netherland Hotel, New York City

9155· am (Honorable Charles E. Wilson, Secretary of Defense} (Admiral Arthur • Radford, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Sta.ft) OFF RECORD {Honorable Harold E. Talbott, Secretary ot the Air Fore ) 10:25 am {The President let"t tor the Depart. ental Auditorium, Dept. of Labor)

10:30 The President said a few words of greeting to the Fall Meeting o.t The President's Committee on Employment of the Physically Handicapped. (Following bis r marks to the meeting the President received tram Bruce Barton, President of ·the Institute for the Crippled and Disabled, the President's Trophy. The President then pre­ sented this trophy to the disabled person who i the 1953 winner. This year the Institute donated the Trophy in memory ot Colonel John N. Smith, Jr., who died earlier this year and who was for Tears Director of the Institute for the Crippled and Disabled.) WEDNESDAY, SEP'IEMBER 23, 195.3 Pag 8 11:00 am Honorabl Allen • Dulles, Director of Central Intelligence Agency (Mr. Dulles requested this appointment) lli.30 aa Th President received a group of Foreign Delegates who have been attending the Colloquium on Islamic Culture at Princeton Universit7. (Arrangements for this call on the President were ade by C. D. Jackson and Abbott Washburn. This is a group of oslea scholars and religious leaders who have attended thi Colloquium with outstanding U. S. philosophers, educators and ministers. Dr. Dodg ot Princeton and Dr. Clapp, Acting Librarian of Congress will scort this group. The discussions at Princeton dealt with literature, history, ducation, social reform, law, science, philosophy and art. The conterenc dealt with cultural rather than political or economic tters, special attention being given to problem or conserving ancient values and of adapting the to d ands of modern life. The Moslem scholars represent some three hundred million people in lands lying between Egypt and Malaya) The following were present: Dr. Ba7ard Dodg , Princeton Universit7 Dr. Verner • Clapp, Acting Librarian of Congress H.E. Hadji Agua_Salim, formerly Minister of Foreign Affairs and now Adviser to the Foreign Minister, INDONESIA Dr. Khalita Shujauddin, Speaker ot th jab Legislative Assembly, PAKIST Mazheruddin Siddiqi, Fellow, Institute of Islamic Culture, and Edltor of "Isl.Sl!lie Lit-erature", Lahore. PAKISTAN Dr. Amir Ali, Dean or the College of Agriculture, Osmani University, Hyderabad, INDIA Dr. Muhanmed Niza.muddin, Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Osmani University,, Hyderabad, INDIA Mojtab Minovi, Professor of ~he Universit7 of Tehran and Chief of the Department of High r Education in the Minist?'T of Education, IRAN Dr. s. R. Shataq, formerly a member of the faculty ot the UniTersity or Tehran and a member of th Parliament, at present time a Visiting Lecturer at Columbia University in New York, and a well known philosoph r, IRAN Shaikh Uhammed al-Hajr, a leading Qadi (Judge) of al.- YAMAH Dr. Jawad Ali, Secreta?'T or the Iraqi cad at Baghdad, IRAQ Mustafa Zarka, Professor of Islamic Law & Jurisprndence, Syrian UniTersit7, Damascus, SYRIA Chafic Jabri, Dean of the Faculty of Letter , Syrian Universit7, Damascus, SYRIA Dr . Sami Midany, President of the S7rian Universit7 and Dean of the F eulty or Law, SYRIA Shaikh Abdullah al.-Gosheb of Jerusalem, President or th Mu lim Board of Elders for Jordan - HASHEMITE KINGDOM OF JORDAN Dr. Sobhi Mahlnassani, formerly judge and now a barrister and lecturer on Muslim Law at the American Univer sity of Beirut and Universite Saint-Joseph. LEBANESE REPUBLIC Pu.hyiddin Husuli, re' ently' a member of the Council or Minister ; Editor of th• le ding Muslim newspaper in Lebanon and an alumnu ot the American UniTersity of Beirut. LEBANESE REPUBUC ------.- -

OOESDAY, SEPTF>1BER 2.3, 195.3 Page 9

11:.30 Colloqui on Islamic Culture (Continued) Mustafa er, formerly Vice-Rector of the state universities at Cairo and Alexandria and now Director General of Antiquitiee, F.GYPT Dr. Mohammad el- Dahay, Professor of Islamic Philosophy at the University of al-Azhar in Cairo - EGYPT .Dr. Mahmoud Hoballah, Professor of Ethics and Psychology at th University ot al-Azhar, on leave to serv as Shaikh of the Mosque and Director of the Islamic Center on Mass . Ave. 1n Washington, D. C. - EGYPT Mohamad Khal.a.fallah, Dean of the Faculty of Letters and Pro­ fessor of the Arabic Language and Literature in the Universit7 of Alexandri - F.GYPT Saeed Ramahdan, delegat ot the Muslim Brothers (Ikhwan al­ Muslimin) in EGYPT Dr. Orb n H. Alisbah, Professor o! Ma.tham ties in th Universit7 ot Ankara; on leave at the Institut of AdTa.noed Study in Princeton - TURKEI Halil Inalcik, Professor of History, in th University of Ankara - TURKEY Dr. Hi.tai Timur, Professor of International. Law & History of the Tu:..-·klsh Re-volution at the University or Istanbul; exchange ~rofessor at Columbia University in New York - TURKEY Dr. Sabri Ulgener, Professor of Economics and Dean of the Graduate Scho~l of Journalism at the University of l$tanhul.. - TURKEY

12:00 Wayne E. Richards, of Arkansaa City, Kansas, C sr..d&r-in-Chief, Veterans or Foreign ~ are Omar B. KetchUll, Director, National Legislativ Service, V. F. W. Admiral Leland P. Lovette, Director, Public Rel tions, V. F. W. (Commander Richards is newly elected Commander ot V. F. W., and asked if he might pay his respects to the President. He is le ving for Kore and Far East on September 25th) General Wilton B. Per ons

12:15 pll Honorable Arthur Summerfield, The Postmaster General

1:00 JD Honor bl John Foster Dulles, The Seoretar;r of State, had Luncheon with the President. {On the way back to the Executive Office, Luncheon, the Presid.:it stopped off at th R cording Room and made two film recordings; One for the C ity Chests and Councils or erica; the other for th Ernie Pyle Testimonial Celebration)

7:30 pm The Presid.:it gave a Stag Dinner for a group of busineBs m.Eln and goYemment officials 1n ordar '..,c, discuss t.h Heritage Foundat.ion' s campaign for a Crusade tor Freedom. 'The following ere present: Frank Abrams, standard Oil Company, New York City Barney Balaban, Paramount Pictures, Inc. , New York City Thomas n•Arey Brophy, Kenyon & Eckhardt, Inc., New York Cito, C. F. Craig, A. T. & T. , New York City "l> •t: WEDNESDAY, , 1953 Page 10 Stag Dinner (Continued) Everett R. Cook, Cook Co. (exporters) M phis, Tenn. Harlow H. C-..irtic , General Motors Corp., Detroit, Mich. Hon . Robert Cutler, bite House, Washington, D. C. Hon . Allen Dulles, Central Intelligenc Agency Morse G. Dial, Union Carbide & Carbon Corp., New York City B njamin F. Fairless, U. S. Ste l Corp., Pittsbu.~gh, Pa. Henry Ford, II, Ford otor Co . , Grosse Pointe, Michigan Fred G. Gurley, Atchison, Topeka &: Santa F Railway- Syst , Chicago, Illinois Hon . C. D. Jackson, hite House, 1 shington, D. C. John L. McCa.ff'rey, International Ha~est r Co ., Chicago, Ill. John J. McCloy, Chase National Banl<, York City Richard K. Mellon, T. ellon & Sons, Pittsburgh, Pa. Louis A. Novins, Executiv Vice PNlsident, Anerican Heritage Foundation, New York City Arthur W. Page, A. T. & T., New York City Hon . Bernard l • Shanley, White House, i hington, D. C. Hon . W. Bedell Smith, Under Secretary of State, Wash ., D. C. E. J . Thomas, Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co ., Akron, Ohio Hon. Charles E. Wilson, Secretary or Defense, Washington, D. C. THE PRESID 'S APPOIN™ENTS THURSDAY, , 195.3

8:00 General John E. Hull, Commander Designat , Far F.aet Command, had breakf st with the esident. (General Hull is leaving in a few days for Tokyo to relle~ General k Clark. ) 9:15 Mr • Helen Roger Reid, President, New York Herald Tribune, Inc. (Mrs. Reid wired Mr . St phen last week, at nver, statin& she was anxious to have th President•s advice on two important ters.) (General Wilton B. Per on ) OFF THE RECORD 9:45 (Honorable Lewis Struss, Chairman, Atomic Energy Com.) OFF THE RECORD 10:00 tional S curity Council Hon. Richard ixon, The Vice President Hon. Walt r B. th, Under Secretary- of St t Hon. Charles E. Wilson, Secretary or Deren Hon . Harold E. St ssen, Director, Foreign Operations Administration Hon. Arthur S. Fl ng, Director, Ortic ot Defens Mobiliz tion Hon . Georg M. Humphrey, Secretary of the Tr a ur;y Hon. Herbert Brownell, The Attorney General Hon . Joseph M. Dodge, Director, Bureau or the Budget Hon. Lewi Straus , Chairman, Atomic Energy C ssion Mrs. Katherine C. Howard, cting Federal Civil Def n Administrator Hon . Robert T. SteYene, Secretary o! the Anrry Hon. Robert B. Anderson, S cretar;y of the Navy Hon . Harold E. Talbott, Secretary of the Ail" Foree General Harold W. Bull, NSC Consultant on Continental Defense James Phinney Baxter III, NSC Consultant on Continental. Deten J s B. Black, NSC Consultant on Continental. Defense Alan Gregg, NSC Consultant on Continental. Def ns David J . McDonald, NSC Consultant on Continental Defense Arthur W. Page, NSC Consultant on Continental Deren Admiral Arthur w. Radford, Chairman, Joint Chief8 of St tr Hon . Allen W. Dulles, Director, Central Intelligence Agenc7 Hon. Robert Cutler Hon . C. D. Jackson Brig. General Paul T. Carroll Hon. Jame S. ~' Jr. Hon. s. Ev rett Glea n 12:45 (Dr. Arthur Bums) OFF THE RECORD 12:50 (Mr. L. M. Pexton, Denver, Colorado) OFF THE RECORD

1:00 JD (LUNCH)

2:45 Dr. Arthur Bum Dr. Gabriel Hauge THURSDAY, SEPTFJmER 24, 1953 Pag 2

3:00 pm (Speech Conterenc•) OFF THE RECORD (Governor Adams, Dr. Hauge, Mr. Hagerty-, Mr. Jackson, Mr . Hugh s and Mr. Harlow) 4:10 pm Mr. Fred G. Gurley, ChicagG, Illinois, President of the Atchison, Topeka and Sant& Fe Railroad. (Arranged by Governor Ad.ams)

5:00 pm The Members of the Judicial Conference of the had Tea with the President at the Whit Hous : (This conferene composed of the Chief Justice or the Supreme Court of the United States, who acts aa Cha1nnan, and the Chi t Judge or each of the Circuits ot the United States. The Attorney General is net a Memb r but is alwa.ys invited to the Conference) The following were present.: Hon. Hugo L. Black, Senior Associate Justice and Acting Chief Justice, Supreme Court of the United States Hon . Herbert Brownell, The Attorney General The Chi f Judges of U. S. Court ot Appeals, as follows: Hon . Calvert Magruder, First Circuit Hon. Harrie B. Chase, Second Circuit Hon . Jolm. Biggs, Jr. , Third Circuit Hon. John J. Parker, Fourth Hon. Joseph C. Hutcheson, Jr. , Fifth Hon. Charles c. Simons, Sixth Hon . J. Earl Major, Seventh Hon. Archibald K. Gardner, Eighth Hon. William Denman, Ninth Hon. Orie L. Philips, Tenth Hon. Harold M. Stephens, D. C.

L 1 S APPOIB'J.'MrtiU8 Pmmmt 25, 1953

9:00 ( orabl Do or to Canada) OFJI' ( Konorable tiJle1&'1Hl1n

Honorable Ezra 'Taft Benson. ~ ot Agriculture (Asked it he see the Preeidmt riet.17 before Cabinet)

10:00 - Cabinet Meeting Hn. Riobard Nixon, The Vic Hon. John Poster Dullea. The Hon . George • ~. 'the eoretary or be Tnasur,r Hon. Charles • WU.eon, The SeoMta:17' ot Det Hon. Herbert B.rolftlell., Th• ttomq Ceneral Hon. Arthw:- ~el.d, The Poetmuter Gene:nl Hon. Do-uglu a:y, Th Seoretarr ot th Interior t • ra Tart. Ben on, The Secl"flt.aey ot cultlU"t: Hon . Sinclair Weeks, The ~ ot C · :re Hon . Lloyd A. ehbum, The Un n Seol"8tar;y of Labor Hon . OV.ta Culp Hobt:J71 Secretary of, ueation Welfare lion. J'os J>h M. Dodge, Diftctor, u ct the get- Hon . Harold E. Sta•aeu, DiN.ct.or, Foreign tions Ad:min tr :tion Hon . Arthur s. Fl g, Director, Otti tense blliz tion Hon . She Ad Hon. ma1"d "' anlq Bon. o. D. Jaakaoa Hon. Wilton B. Persona Hon. Robert Cutler Hon . abri 1 H uge Hon. t Hugh.a Ron. Walter Williams Hon . Gerald org&n Gen. Paul T• Can-oll ,;_;J • Arthur nnieb ( Amb&seador Lodgtt and Chairman oung were abaenfi) l2t4S pa H orable rd M. Canaday, Toledo, Ohio (The Pr$aidct · te Mr. Canaday teaber 7th, stating b• waul.d be glad to see b1a w en be n to &ahington)

1100 - 2100 pa .ea lis.

2t30 y;a · tor G'tJ.7 Cordon, Orega (A~ by Govemor Adams)

2i45 H.E. Dr. ario, the 1'"'01"'8 ot Indanesi Honor ble Zairin Z in, Cha e d' Attairs, ;,- y or Indon s1a (Dr. &:m.ario heading hi& eount17's delegation t UN General sac'b~J is 1 ader ot National1at Party and te ent \hought call. on the PS'Qident would be FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 2S, 1953 Page 2 ( 2:4S Foreign Minister of Indonesia (Continued) indication of the sincerity and value of the friendship of this countt"Y, and would create desirable atnrosphere tor call or the Vice President ot this eountr;y on the President of Indonesia, next month.) Honorable Allan Shivere, Governor ot Texas. THE PRESIDENT' S APPOINTMENTS SATURDAY, , 1953

9:00 &II (Honorable Arthur Gardner, erioan Ambassador to Cuba) OFF THE RECORD (Ambassador Gardner asked it he might have an OFF THE RECORD appointment w1 th th President)

9:30 am Colonel Thomas Eric st. Johnston, C. B. E~, The Chief' Constable ot Lancashire, England (Colone1 St. Johnston asked if while in thi country h might. shake hands with the President. The State Dspart- ent cleared this. Col . Johnston is her as guest ot State Dep rt.ment, visiting our police departments and , prisons, and lecturing on British Police Administration. f W s member or the original U. s. British Planning Team at SHA ) 9:45 am Honorable Hugh s. Cumming, Jr. , erican bassador-designate to Indonesia (Asked it might pay respects to the President before departing tor post) 10:00 H.E. Karoly Szarka, the ster or the Hungarian People's Republic (Hon . Raymond uir, Acting Chief' of Protocol) (Pr ented his credentials and paid respects to the President)

10:05 am H.E. Syed Amjad Ali, the Ambassador or Pakistan (Hon. Raymond Muir, Acting Chief of Protocol) (Pr sented his credentials and paid respects to the President)

lOilO H.E, Ato Yilma Deresea, the Ambassador ot Ethiopia (Hon. Raymond Muir, Acting Chier of Protocol) {Presented his cred ntials and paid respects to the President) 10:15 H. E, Mouse Al- Shabander, the Ambassador of Iraq (Hon . Raymond Muir, Acting Chief of Protocol) (Presented his credentials and paid respects to the President) 10:40 (Mr . Edward H ath, Det>ut7 Conservativ Whip, M er or Parli ent) {Hon. Berna.rd Shanlq) (Mr. He th was in to see Mr. Shanlq and while here he et Colonel St. Johnston who had seen the President earlier. Mr. Shanle7 then aked if Mr. Heath might shake hands with the President OFF THE RECOBD) 11:00 Honorable Albert. F. Nuter, erican baesador to Argentina (Dr. Milton Eisenhower) {Ambassador Nuter asked for this thru Protocol, stating h wished to pq respects before departing tor his post. ) 12:15 (Mr. Kevin Mccann, Pre ident. Defiance College, Defiance, Ohio) (Dr. Milton Eisenhower) (Personal friend of the President's} OFF THE RECORD


ll:,00 $ll The Preaiant and Mrs . Eisenhower attended the 11;00 o•clock Church Serdce at ~he Nattonal Presbyterian Church.

The Preeiden~ ga

(St t

eral Sir Ian J cob, D!r$otor GeJ1 ll"a1 of th Britt _ Broadoasting CoJ'pOrai~ · (Genel'al. Jacob is personal.17 acquainted with the Pt-eaident and wished to :y his r .spee.ts vhil in thi ountry. in t. MqUested thru S\a Department)

9:30 Mr. Daniel · • General ssenger ent, t1m :re ft Ohio RaUro (To innte the p - to a D:Umer to be given bl Baltimore in honor ot Colonel Whi , who is retiring a Pre. id ot the • o., to become Chairman ot ard, and for Mr. H. E. Simpson, nevl.7 a inted Preeltieat. Mr. sqs thi baa hap: ed onl.7 three tllle in _ e lnm . 7ear ) lOtOO The · dent re.oei• the ti Ml Devel.op.nent Advisory Board .. (Erie Johnato , Cha.i.nnan of the Board, ask it the id t Yo'Uld :ceive thi :reconetitut Board, since aU . bera w re: ppoin b7 t President and eauee of the importance of the field 1n which t y ld.11 provide policy guidance.) the lollowiag we:re p~ serttz Mr. George A. Ba.m&s 1 Sp eial ssistant to Chainnan, !DAB Mr. 00.e D. C1ark, Depttty Executive A.sat . to Chairman, IDAB ltr. Gardnel" C ies, M her of IJlA.B Dr .. Robert P. Danielt ber of lDA.B Mr. lia.rve7 s. Firestone, Jr., Kemb&r ot ID Mr. Joseph P. Grace. Jr., iber of IDAB Mr. ·:urice A. cheeon, 'ber of IDAB Mr. Eric Johtlst.on, Obairaan, IDA Mr . Griffith Johnston Mr. Frank C. K:Uw.ball, Exec. A at. to Chairman, IDAB Mr. Her cbel ». lfows , Member ot ID lb-. · ld Stassen, Direct.or., Foreign rations • Mr. 'r · chard, Assistant. to Mr. Firest • Mrs . Jessie Vann, Member of IDAB Dr. Willi . • Whiw, ber ot IDAB Mr. t. F •. rlhitt ore, M ber of IDAB

10:25 am Admiral Willi.aa D~ Le qr 10:30 Admiral Arthur w., Chai · ,, J

11:00 - Honor. bl 0-ab?Liel Hauge Honorabl Arthur ~ Burn 1 Ec:onomie Ad'Vi.sor (This is thl 1r usu l Mondlq" appointment. with the President) Honorable Ch rles E. WU · on, secretary ot Del s• (This is SeoretarJ Wilson 'f t18Us.l ond ppoin nt, ne hour) SEPTEXBER 28.t 1953 Page 2

12130 pa (Honorabl Herbert Brownell, The Att.omq General.) O THE 12:4S H.B.H. Prince an Waithqakon, Minister ot Foreign of Thaila.n H.E. Pote sin, The Ambaandor ot Thall (Hon. Raymon Muir, Acting Chief ot Protocol) (The Ambaa or of Thailand requested. this tocol., which recomaendecl that Prince Wan W&itha.J'akon be ce.1Yecl b7 the Preeidmt. as it wae t 1 t tlds would be ot erueial hlportance to iland, icula.rl au of t e det at. ot Prince Wan in his tor the Presidenc7 ot t ID General As bl7. )

1:00 ~ (LUICH)

2:4S J~ Evan ll ell, U. S. Court. ot Claiu (Judge Hovell requested this appointment earl7 this ontb en said he oul.d lik t.o bis ct• sul:ait hia Naignation)

3:00 ( Geot-ge u11111i11J111rq. , The Nt&l7 of the 'l're 8V7) OFF (Halt- hout>) (Honorabl.e Harol! E. Staasen, Director, Foreign Operatt .) 0 HE RECORD

The Pnai ent of P and Seno De arrived at t • . te House an wen greeted b;r the al.dent d a. Mnhow r d em rs of th Cabinet and their wiYea .

SiOO Th Preaident Mn. Eisenhower gaYe 1n nor ot H. • , The euden.t ot Pa.uci­ The following ere resents The Preeident and ra. H. • Th Presidmt of P r de H.E. The assador or and Senor Heurt.eaatte The Hon . and ejanciro .IMDlllUQ (Brother of • and mber of National e bl.1") H. • Altred Aleman - Minister ot Finance of Panaaa The Hon . S or. ff nri de Obarrio - Comptroller eral The Hon. J in Jo allarin - Member of Adv. Cea. on Re1at1one with us Dr. Isaias P1nill.a ... Legal viaer t.o sident n.t1111aon Lt. Colonel Franklin Bernal .... d.-d~Camp to Preaidmt Remon 'lhe Vice President and • 1xon The Seol"8t&17 ot State and • Dulle• The Secretar.y ot the TreasurT and The retar,y or Defense Mrs. 11 The Attomey General and s. Br<:nmell Th o t.maater Genenl and Mrs :tmLerti ld 'the Sec:reta17 of th Interior • c :r \ p 3 L 100 (

aris, r . 1d to a. R• 9s.30 Honol'"&ble Clarence B. Randall, Chairman, C ssi on F rei onomic ollc7 (The President direct Mr. Ste en to arrange thi aa h w1 h to talk t.o Mr. dal.l ho t tariff and labor) {Hon. Sherman s) OFF THE RECORD 10:00 Th Presid et with the Ccmni sion on ganiza.t1on of be ~-utive ranch of the Govennent. Justice Harold H. Burt.on administered the oath. '?he following ere pre nt.: Hon. ld H. ton, esociat, U. s. Sup Court Hon. Herbert HOOY r Hon . Artb FleJJIDing Hon. Herbert Brownell Hon . J ea • Farlq • Ho r F rguson, Michigan n. John L. McClellan, rkansaa Dean o Cady Hollister, Comell Unb'ereity De bert Gerald Storq, South m ethod.1 t • Jos ph P. Kennedy • Sidney A. tch ll Congrea · Clarence J. row, Ohio Oongre Chet Holifield, Californi& (Hon. Sherman Ad s) OFF RECORD 11:00 Th President vu present, with the Fir t. orget- Not, opening ual Drive ot th Dieabled erican Vet.era.n (Thie 1s the "kiek-otr tor at.ional DriT and all pro.tit from aal ot torget-Jile-nots, w:Qich are by hospitalized vet rans, s to v terans.J Th toll.owing nre present: Jami Dianne ade, tour, p;veeen tox-gEit-! G-nct Donald c. e, Departaent Co!lf':lande1·_, V for D. c. Colonel • E. Leonard, Director ot Veteran t re, D.C. a. Kathryn Shade Miss Viola Palombo, Vice C er, Alexa.ndri , V • ( G ral P u1 T . Carroll) 0 THE RECORD ll:15 H.E.. Paul. Van Z eland_, the Foreign Minister of elgi H.E. ron Silverct"U7•.1 the bassador ot Belgium Hon . John Fo ter Dulles, cretar,y ot St t (General u1 T. Carroll) OFF THE RECORD {The Secretary of Stat went in a little h ot the Belgians tor a t min tea talk alon with the Pr•eid t.) 12:45 The President present Unit States sur,y Distinguished rvice Award to three volunt er wor. ers in the SaTings progr • The toll.owing w re present: J ckson P. Dick, orgia's State rls<>17 Chairman (rec'd :ward) Elsie B. Hoplcin , U.S. savings nd C • volunteer, Galve~on, texas (rec'd aw ) TUESDAY; SEPTDtBTm 29, 195.3 Page 2

12:45 Treaeu17 Distinguisbod Service Awarda (Continu ) John T. Rohr,, Lucas Count7, Ohio, Ting C tt (rec'd award) Hon . orge M. H hrq, Secretary ot the Treasury Mr. Ted Bond, A ai tant to th Seeret.&1'7 ot th Tre Ur'7 Mr. ila Lennartson, Assis t to th cretary or the 8Ul7 · • Fred hel.Dle, other of filsi B. Hopkins (General. Paul 'r. C rroll) OFF THE RECORD

1:00 pl (LUNCH)

2:30 Jlll (Senator H. Alexandttr th, Jeraq) OFF THE RECORD (Mr. John V. Rife, ecuti Vice Pr sident, CIO) (Mr. M&XN\ 11 Rabb)

2:45 H.E. Dr. V• • elJ;ington too, the lbassa.dor ot China Lt. Gen . Chiang Ching- Kuo (Hon . RaiJmond Muir, Acting Chi t of Protocol) ( er Paul T. Carroll) (Lt. Gen .. Chi Ching-. is the eld st on of Pre ident Chiang Kai- hek and is vi iting the Unit Stat s at. the invitation of the Department ot Del nse and the Depart nt. ot State. Requested this hl'U Protocol)

riel Haug~) OFF ·nm RECORD hi t:ri.p to Paria) (Honor ble Robert B. erson, Secret&17 of the N .,-) (Mr. Th s S. Gates, ot Philad.Uphia) OFF THE REOORD (Mr. Gate i under consideration tor appointment a Under l"e or h Na~) THE PRESIDENT'S APPOINTMENTS WEDHESDAY, SEP'mmER 30, 1953 thOO am (General Cutler d Mr, Lv l>rieted t.h President. on NSC in th& Pre$1dent• o.tfic ) OFF THE RECORD

9t00 The Prtsi ent witnessed th swearing-in, in his Oltice, ~ Louis B.. Toomer Register or th Treasur,r.. Geneftl Elbert. P. Tuttle, el'al Counsel tor Treasury Department, &din:1n1 t red the oath. ·'fhe following were pre nt: Mr .. B. s. Admu Mr. orge S. :y Mr .. Ernestine Baldwin Hr.. Donald H. Men-itt Dr'. 1'. H. Br er Mr. J ae :tchell Mr. Geoi-ge T. Brinson Mr. E. Fred J.c )torraw MF. John H. Calhoun Mrs. Mildred Miss Robert.a Church s. Jean Rector Judge J s E. Cobb Mr. SCOTel Richal'd on Mr.. Richard c. Da.req P:rote SOI" G. F. Riven, Sr. Mt9. John \f slq Dobbs • stanlq Roberts Mr. Roy G,, Foster Mr. Philip Sadler Mr,. Settle Headl.,- Mr. Willi J.. Shaw Mr. Roe$ A. Hetilefinger Mr .. Thomas E. Sikes Ml> .. W. b7 Hill s. Jo bin Singleton Mr. B mard. G. lioltzha:tie!" Mr, Ro n Singleton Mrs. Home s. Jane Morrow Spaulding Mr. Perry Howard • Bettie stokes Mr. $idnq A. Jone Mrs. Poll.7 stokes Dr. d Mrs Cal K1a.h • J SundT Mr. Edwin t. Kilby Mr._ W.. Roscoe Tuckar Mr. Loui Lantier Mr. Val J . Washington Mr, org G. McCq

9:15 The President l"9Cttived .from !"epl"f18 ntativea ot the National Fisheri•• Xnstitut , a 200 whale halibut, caught i-eo ntly 1n the Stat ot W ahingto • (The tish was ~t by crew or tishbo t F-rqa in H te st..rait, and tum over to Naiional Fi eries Institute, which repre.­ sent. all ot fishing industJ:7. The fish lAmt to _ rgenq Hospital, u they indicated they would be glad to ha.v i\.) The following were present i Conpeseman Thor c. Tollef' on, Wa.shingta Mr. Murray Wheeler, Pu.bllc Rel tion Director, N tional. isheries Institute Mr. Charles Jackson, Ma.nag r, Fish ries Institut Mr. Robert M•han Mr. Hart'7 v. Smith

9s25 am Honorable Harol.'4 E. Sta s , Directol'" Foreign Operations Adnt. (Mr. Morris Wolf) (Mr, Welt ie t.o be appointed new General Coun el tor FOA, and a.nn~nt or this will take place alter their ting with the Presidea't. ~ • 2

·, lOtOO • !he President met with the Comnd.ssion lnt.• lte1 tiona 1n th• Cabinet • Jueti Burton adsdnistered the ath. The :tollow1ll8 w re sent• Bono le Harold H. Burton, AS90Ciate uatioe, u. s. Court lfono~bl ClaMnUA ion, Chaiman ot the Commission. And•r.acm, Ho • Wllliaa Appl.87, Ho • La,qenc A. ane,, Mr. Frank, Jr. t'\l.e, Hon. John s. Burton, on. John E. Cordon, Hon •. G Dingell, Hon . Jobn D. Dc>lllver, Hon. Juies I. Drl.sooll; HQ!l. E. Fol80m Hon . Marion B. Bobb,-, Hon . Ovet.a Culp Hw.itJ')hr 7, Hon . Hub&?"\ H. Jones, Mr. H, Kerr., .. Clarie Leopal , ~. Alic • son, Mr. Noah M. etenon, Hon . Val Sahoeppel, Hon. drew F. Thomton, Hon. Dan Adams, Hon. Shel't!IAn Hauge, Hon. lJabrlel.

U100 am • ersons)

ea Conterence Hr. hilip T. rp ee, Chabman, epublican Sta: Finan· Com., Pa. M:r. Wal.tor HIf Atuienberg, Pttbl1sber1 -hiladalphia Inquirer Mr. ari Wheeloek Kr. Tom McCabe,, ol SC•tt P per Co . Dr. Milton aenhower (This s a.rran at the suggeatt o:t DI". Hilton E1aenhC>!Wff'. The7 discussed. With the residet a bil"thday gift., "Ei•etmow•l" Seholar hip ") (Gen. aul f. C&JTOU) THE RECORD Hon. John Fest r- null•a, Seoretaf")" ol Stat. ( • Paul T. C rroll) OFF THE RECOR& (Seoret. DuU sk tor a b r ... hOlll" appoinr..ment)

1•00 pa The eatdent ;y a stag lunch on in honor ot H. .R. The Crowa Prince · 'f Hol'W'q ( OlGY) ~ The t llowirlg preM11t.; HRH Thtt C Prince of NoJWa7 (Olav) H.,E. The Am ssado:r t rroNq (Morg n.atieme) Mr.. Torfinn Orteclal ..- Couneelor ot' lhba q R , Adudral ...:r'ling ffcstvedt • WaYal t ache ot - basq C der dreae St g - ide to the Crown Prince WE t, SEPTEllBER 30. 1953 pg 3 1:00 Luncheon - orwa7 (Continued) The. Seeret81'7 of Stat• '?he Secretary ot Deten e The Att rney Geteral 1 Mon. Harold E. Stas ( Aclm17al Arthur W~ Radford General. Nath F.. Twining General tthew B, Ri~ Adtniral Robert B., c m 7 Hon. Livings.ton t. Merchant Hon. Douglas hur, Il Bon. Oharle U. Bay, former bassado Norwq Hon. ow Os'bome, President, Americ ·andinavian Foundation d toner sad.or to No~ Hon,., Gabriel uge Coanel Sigurd A.rneaen, Publisher, NQrdisk Tidende Judge Norri G.. Bakke, prominent Nol!"Wegian.... loan .. ClU'tord Niekel Carv'er, Baker, Carvel' and ?Tell an personal tri ot Crown Prince Mr.. ry S. Morg • -~org u. Vetl een1 p,... -~ aident rec-1.ved th• J11exnoers ot t.h t's Advi 017 ttcee HOtl.sing. ('!'his is t,he first eetiftg ot t.hie Conunitctee,. and tbtV a ed if they might call on the Preei ant while in Wa hingtonJ The followin were resent: Ron. Albert M. Cole, Chai w. H rbert Welch, eeuti George L. Bliss, M r r utive C .:tte J Pri &ident, Centur,r F eral vings and Loan Association, ew York, .. Y. Eme t J. Bohn, M ber of eeuti Committ.&•J Dir.ector. Cleveland Housing ~ uthorit;y, Olev~land, Ohio · ey A. Camp• Jr. , Vice President and TreasureF11 Liberty National We Insuranee Co •• Bi.rmingham, llabama A. R. G~ 1 Pl"$s1dfll'.lt, F.ederal H e Loan Bank, Chicago, Ill. Ri.cha J. Grq, Preeid.«it, .. ding an Oonstru.ctio Trades Department, rican F .ration ot L bor, W shingt.on, D. C. R. G. Hughes~ First Vice aident, National Association of H e Build.en, P , Texas llodney Lockwood, M bet> ot Executi111 Co _t.teeJ National A sociation of H Builders, troit, Michigan Wi111 A.- t'..arcus, Senior Vice President., erican Compa..nt, San raneisco• Oalitol'llia Norman P. · son, beasu.rer, William P. Proctt>l" Co., North, Massa.ehusett Rebert M. Morgan 11 .Vice Pr eident and. Treasur~, The Boaton FiTe , Cents &•inga Bank, Boston, · UAssachusetts Thomas I. Mops, Chairman, rican Legion Housing Cota., Pittsburgh, Pa . Ak el N.ielsen, M bel" of cutive Co Titl ranty C ., D r, Colorado , 4

2:45 Adviso:ry "tt e GU H~using (Continued) R n Patrick, Financial Vi e Preeid t, Bank L1t Insurance Comp&.nT, Des- inea, low: Jame W. OU e1 r of C tt ; The oss-Rous . ~. 'B timo:re, and Bnice Sa!&~t Brue; :Ya . Compa?JT1 Realtor , Indianapolis, In. d. John J.. ~ 1 Viee P-reeid . , The Cha$6 ational of th Cit7 ot .flW York, ew Yo:rk, N. Y. Al xand · " r, Ale r e?' C.omp ,. Tean ek, Nev Jer Jamee Thimmes, Cha1J'ilan, CIO Housing COJmBitte , Pittaburgh, Pa. Ral.J;>h '.l'. Walker, . riean Institute ol chit ots, N York, N.Y. Paul R. William , Arehit ct, Lo Angeles, Calitond.a Ben B. Wooten, Pres1d . t, First National , Dalla , T as

Ronol'a'ble He:rben ~r (Hon.. Sh l'lllan Mame) on 'l'1lE MOORD (lfalf... a pointaen\)

Mr. Charle Geddes, ident, Po$ Telegr·:ph and T epho Intemaiional Mr. WUlia11. C. Dohert.y, eici t, at.tonal ssociation of Carrier (This ppoin ent. was an t th . est. of Mr. Dohert7 through Gov mor Ad • Mr. Geddes i ho Postal Telegraph and Te1ephon Internatii . arters :t. - . 1 • ) Ju a h~un"::us.~. Judge and Mrs. Frank JJ. Parent ~ He1 st. rl 4 . r Miss B••erl7 nder 7:SS (The PreaideRt and a. Eisenh r l tt th Whit Hou e tot1 the Sher•ton-Oarlt Hotel) StOO th President and Mrs. B:lsenhower att,emied a dinnetl" tendered in tt\eil" honor,. by H.E. Colon, l Jose • B C8.nten, Pl-esident or ~he Republic of Panaaa..