Council for Trade-Related Aspects Original: English! of Intellectual Property Rights anglaisl ingles



The present document reproduces' the Plant Breeder's Rights Regulations, as notified by under Article 63.2 of the Agreement (see document IP/N/lIAUS/lIRev.l).2

Conseil des aspects des droits de propriete intellectuelle qui touchent au commerce



Le present document contient le texte du Reglement sur les droits des obtenteurs', notifie par I' Australie au titre de l'article 63:2 de l'Accord (voir le document IP/N/lIAUS/lIRev.l).2

Consejo de los Aspectos de los Derechos de Propiedad Intelectual relacionados con el Comercio



En el presente documento se reproduce' el texto del Reglamento de los Derechos de los Mejoradores de Plantas, notificado por Australia de conformidad con el parrafo 2 del articulo 63 del Acuerdo (vease el documento IP/N/lIAUS/lIRev.l).2

'English only/anglais seulementlingles solamente.

2with regard to the texts reproduced in the present document, reference is made to footnote 2 in document IPlNllIAUS/P/2.lPour ce qui est des textes reproduits dans le present document, voir la note 2 du document IPINI 11 AUS/P/2.1Con respecto a los textos reproducidos en el presente documento, se hace referencia a la nota de pie de pagina 2 del documento IPlNllIAUSIP12. IP/N/lIAUSIP/3 Page 2

~ Statutory Rules 1994 No. 3521

Plant Breeder's Rights Regulations

I, THE ADMINISTRATOR of the Government of the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council and under section 4 of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901, make the following Regulations under the Plant Breeder's Rights Act 1994.

Dated 11 October 1994.

P. BENNETT Administrator By His Excellency's Command,

BOB COLLINS Minister for Primary Industries and Energy

Citation 1. These Regulations may be cited as the Plant Breeder's Rights Regulations.

50723 (94R383) CaL No. 94 5180 7 IP/N/lIAUS/P/3 Page 3

Plant Breeder's Rights 1994 No. 352

Commencement 2. These Regulations commence on the date of commencement of the Plant Breeder's Rights Act 1994.

In terpretation 3. (1) In these Regulations, unless the contrary intention appears: " Act" means the Plant Breeder's Rights Act 1994.

(2) In the Schedule, a reference to a section or subsection, is a reference to that section or subsection of the Act.

Prescribed fees 4. The fee payable under subsection 80 (2) of the Act for a matter set out in the Schedule is the fee specified in the Schedule for that matter.

SCHEDULE Regulation 4


Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Item no. Act, service or occasion in respect Fee of which fee is payable

1 On making a request under $140 subsection 19 (4), whether or not the request includes a request under subsection 19 (10)

2 On making a request for a $100 certificate under subsection 19 (11)

3 Amendment of the registerv on $140

notification of assignmentu under section 21 IPINIl! AUSIP13 Page 4

Plant Breeder's Rights 1994 No. 352

SCHED ULE-contin ued

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Item no. Act, service or occasion in respect Fee of which fee is payable

4 On lodgment of an application $400 under section 26

5 On making a request for a variation $70 of an application under subsection 31 (1)

6 On lodgmen t of a detailed $1400 description in support of an application under section 34

7 On lodgment of an objection under $200 section 35

8 On making a request for a copy of $70 an application, an objection or a detailed description under subsection 36 (2)

9 On lodgment of an application for a $800 declaration of essential derivation under subsection 40 (1)

10 Grant of PBR in a plant variety $250 under section 44

11 On lodgment of an application for:

(a) revocation of a PBR under $800 subsection 50 (8); or

(b) revocation of a declaration of $800 essential derivation under subsection 50 (9) IPINIl!AUSIP13 Page 5

Plant Breeder's Rights 1994 No. 352


Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Item no. Act, service or occasion in respect Fee of which fee is payable

12 On making a request for a copy of $70 an entry in the register under subsection 62 (2)

13 On making an annual subscription $30 to the Plant Varieties lournal issued under section 68

14 On purchasing a single issue of the $8 Plant Varieties lournal

15 For annual maintenance of a PBR­ $ 250 on each anniversary of the grant

16 For the undertaking, on request of a $70 per hour or person, by the Secretary or the part of an hour Registrar of any work required or authorised under the Act and for which a fee is not prescribed under any other item

NOTE 1. Notified in the Commonwealth of Australia Gazette on 18 October 1994.

Printed by Authority by the Commonwealth Government Printer

1111111111 9 780644 320696 IPINIl! AUS/P/3 Page 6

Statutory Rules 1994 No. 353 1

Plant Breeder's Rights Regulations 2 (Amendment)

I, THE ADMINISTRATOR of the Government of the

Commonwealth of Australia, acting..... with the advice of the Federal Executive Council and under section 4 of the Acts Interpretatioll Act 1901, make the following Regulations under the Plant Breeder's Rights Act 1994.

Dated 11 October 1994.

P. BENNETT Administrator By His Excellency's Command,

BOB COLLINS Minister for Primary Industries and Energy

1. Commencement 1.1 These 'Regulations commence on 1 January 1995

70724 (94~385) Cat. No. 1)4 5UH I) IP/N/I/AUSIP13 Page 7 Plant Breeder's Rights 1994 No. 353

2. Amendment 2.1 The Plant Breeder's Rights Regulations are amended as set out in these Regulations.

3. Schedule 3.1 Omit the Schedule, substitute:

SCHEDULE Regulation 4


Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Item no. Act, service or occasion in respect Fee of which fee is payable

1 On making a request under $500 subsection 19 (4), whether or not the request includes a request under subsection 19 (10)

2 On making a request for a $100 certificate under subsection 19 (11)

3 Amendment of the register on $100

notification of assignment"- under section 21

4 On lodgment of an application $300 under section 26

5 On making a request for a variation $100 of an application under subsection 31 (1) IPIN/lIAUSIP/3 Page 8 Plant Breeder's Rights Regulations 1994 No. 353


Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Item no. Act, service or occasion in respect Fee of which fee is payable

6 On lodgmen t of a detailed description under section 34 for:

(a) a variety tested under section $1400 37 to establish that the variety is distinct, uniform and stable

(b) a variety to which subsection $1400 38 (3), (4) or (5) applies (c) each of 2 or more varieties of $1200 the same plant species tested simultaneously at the same site in Australia under section 37 to establish that the varieties are distinct, uniform and stable, for which a complete application and detailed description are lodged on the same day by the same approved person or applicant or agent of the applicant under section 34

7 On lodgment of an objection under $100 section 35

8 On making a request for a copy of $50 an application, an objection or a detailed description under subsection 36 (2)

9 On lodgment of an application for a $800 declaration of essential derivation under subsection 40 (1) IPIN!I!AUSIP!3 Page 9

Plant Breeder's Rights 1994 No. 353

SCHEDULE --continued

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Item no. Act, service or occasion in respect Fee of which fee is payable

10 Grant of PBR in a plant variety $300 under section 44

11 On lodgment of an application for:

Ca) revocation of a PBR under $500 subsection 50 (8); or

(b) revocation of a declaration of $500 essen tial derivation under subsection 50 (9)

12 On making a request for a copy of $50 an entry in the register under subsection 62 (2)

13 On making an annual subscription $40 to the Plant Varieties Journal issued under section 68

14 On purchasing a single issue of the $14 Plant Varieties Journal

15 For annual maintenance of a PBR $300 -on each anniversary of the grant

16 For the undertaking, on request of a $75 per hour or person, by the Secretary or the part of an hour Registrar of any work required or authorised under the Act and for which a fee is not prescribed under any other item IP/N/lIAUSIP/3 Page 10 Plant Breeder's Rights Regulations 1994 No. 353

NOTES 1. Notified in the Commonwealth ofAustralia Gazelle on 18 October 1994. 2. Statutory Rules 1994 No. 352 .

Printed by Authority by the Commonwealth Government Printer IP/NIl!AUS/P/3 Page 11

Statutory Rules 1995 No. 290 1

Plant Breeder's Rights Regulations2 (Amendment)

I, THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL of the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, make the following Regulations under the Plant Breeder's Rights Act 1994.

Dated 3 October 1995.

BILLHAYDEN Governor-General By His Excellency's Command,

BOB COLLINS Minister for Primary Industries and Energy

1. Amendment 1.1 The Plant Breeder's Rights Regulations are amended as set out in these Regulations.

[NOTE: These Regulations commence on gazettal: see Acts Interpretation Act 1901, s. 48.]

75329 (95R389) Cat. No. 95 5522 6 ISBN 0644 342870 IPINIl!AUSIP/3 Page 12

Plant Breeder's Rights 1995 No. 290

2. Regulation 3 (Interpretation) 2.1 Subregulation 3 (1): Insert the following definition: "'authorised testing establishment' means an establishment authorised under regulation 3A.".

[NOTE: Words and expressions defined in the Act have the same meaning in these Regulations as they do in the Act. For example: "contracting party" means a State, or an intergovernmental organisation, that is a party to the Convention; "Convention" means the International Convention for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants, a copy of the English text of which is set out in the Schedule to the Act.

Other words and expressions that are defined include "PBR", "plant variety" and "breeder".]

3. New regulation 3A 3.1 After regulation 3, insert:

Authorised testing establishment "3A. (1) For the purposes of conducting a test growing of a plant variety under section 37 of the Act, the Secretary may authorise, in writing, an establishment to conduct the test growing.

"(2) An establishment may be authorised only if the Secretary is satisfied that it is capable of conducting a test growing of a variety in a manner appropriate to give effect to the obligations of Australia under the Convention.".

4. New regulation 4 4.1 Add at the end:

Refund and remission of fees in specified circumstances "4. (1) If a person has paid, in respect of a matter, an amount greater than the prescribed fee for the matter, the Secretary may refund to the person so much of the amount as excess to the fee. IP/N/II AUSIP/3 Page 13 Plant Breeder's Rights 1995 No. 290

"(2) If a service in respect of which a person has paid a fee has not been provided, or has been provided only in part, the Secretary may refund the fee, or so much of the fee as is proportionate to the part of the service that has not been provided, as appropriate. "(3) If a person to whom a refund could be made under subregulation (1) or (2) agrees, the Secretary may remit, against a fee that the person subsequently becomes liable to pay, an amount equal to the amount that could be refunded.".

5. Schedule (Fees) 5.1 Before item 1, insert: "lA Designation of an approved person $50 under section 8

1B Renewal of designation of an $50". approved person 5.2 Item 6, Columns 2 and 3: Omit paragraph (a), substitute: "(a) a variety tested under section 37 to establish that the variety is distinct, uniform and stable: (i) if the testing is conducted by an authorised establish­ ment; $ 800 (ii) in any other case $1400".

NOTES 1. Notified in the Commonwealth of Australia Gazette on 10 October 1995. 2. Statutory Rules 1994 No. 352 as amended by 1994 No. 353. IP/N/lIAUS/P/3 Page 14

Statutory Rules 1988 No. 621

Plant Variety Rights Regulations

I, THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL of the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council and in accordance with subsection 13 (2) of the Plant Variety Rights Act 1987, hereby make the . following Regulations under that Act. Dated 21 April 1988.

N. M. STEPHEN Governor-General By His Excellency's Command, JOHN KERIN Minister of State for Primary Industries and Energy

Citation 1. These Regulations may be cited as the Plant Variety Rights Regulations. Commencement of Part 11 of Schedule 1 2. Part II of Schedule 1 commences on 1 July 1988. Interpretation 3. (1) In these Regulations, unless the contrary intention appears, "the Act" means the Plant Variety Rights Act 1987. (2) In Schedule 2, a reference to a section or subsection, without an enactment being cited, is a reference to that section or subsection of the Act. 11947/88 (S.R. 72/88)-Cat. No. 8843431 IP/N/l! AUS/P/3 Page 15

Plant Variety Rights 1988 No. 62

Declaration of genera and species of plants 4. For the purposes of subsection 13 (1) of the Act, each genus or species specified in column 2 in Schedule 1, in an item in that Schedule, being a genus or species of a plant, is declared to be a genus or species to which the Act applies . .Prescribed fees S. The fee set out in item 7 of Schedule 2 is payable to the Commonwealth by a grantee in respect of the occasions described in that item and fees as set out in that Schedule are payable to the Commonwealth in respect of acts and services specified in that Schedule by the person requesting the act or service.

SCHEDULE 1 Regulation 4 GENERA AND SPECIES PART I Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Item Genus or species Common name of genus or species

1 Anigozanrhus Kangaroo paw 2 Brassica (oilseed species only) 3 Gossypium Cotton 4 Macadamia 5 Malus Apple 6 Ph alaris 7 Phaseo/us vulgaris Bean 8 Rosa Rose

PART 11 Column I Column 2 Column 3 Item Genus or species Common name of genus or species

1 Agrosris Bent 2 Alsrroemeria 3 Arranema 4 Avena Oats 5 Carica Paw paw 6 Chamelaucium Geraldton wax 7 Citrus 8 Cynodon Bermuda grass 9 Decaspermum 10 Dianthus Carnation 11 Eucalyptus 12 Festuca Tall fescue 13 Fragaria Strawberry 14 Freesia 15 Gerbera 16 G/ycine max Soybean 17 Grevillea 18 Helianthus annuus Sunflower 19 Lactuca sativa lettuce 20 Lechenaultia 21 Lilium Lily 22 Lolium Ryegrass IP/N/l! AUS/P/3 Page 16

Plant Variety Rights 1988 No. 62

SCHEDULE I-continued

Column Column 2 Column 3 Item Genus or species Common name of genus or species 23 Lycopersicon Tomato 24 Medicago 25 Melaleuca 26 Metrosideros carminea 27 Orchidaceae (all genera and species) 28 Ornithopus Serradella 29 Panicum 30 Persea americana Avocado 31 Pisum Pea 32 PrUflUS Almond 33 Rhododendron 34 Rubus .35 Schlumbergera (Zygocactus) .36 Setaria 37 Solanum tuberosum Potato 38 Stenotaphrum 39 Stylosanthes Stylos 40 Trifolium Clover 41 Vitis Grape 42 Zea mays Corn 43 Zoysia

SCHEDULE 2 Regulation 5 FEES Column Column 2 Column 3 Act, service or occasion in respect Item of which a fee is payable Fee

I Consideration under section 18 of an application 300 2 Consideration of a request under subsection 19 (1) to vary an application 55 3 Consideration of an objection lodged under subsection 20 (I) 60 (plus S50 per hour after . the first 2 hours) 4 Preparing and giving under section 21 a copy of an application or objection 50 5 Consideration under subsection 26 (I) of an application 1000 6 Preparing and issuing under subsection 26 (5) a certificate of plant variety rights 200 7 Each anniversary of the grant of plant variety rights to the grantee 200 8 Consideration of information supplied under subsection 31 (I) 100 9 Consideration under subsection 35 (8) of an application under subsection 35 (7) 600 10 Consideration of a request under subsection 39 (4) 100 II Collating and issuing, by the Secretary or Registrar, of publications in relation to plant varieties 50 (per hour) 12 Undertaking, by the Secretary or Registrar, of any other work required or requested by a person to be done in relation to the Act 50 (per hour)

NOTE 1. Notified in the Commonwealth of Australia Gazette on 29 April 1988.

Printed by Authority by the Commonwealth Government Printer IPINIl!AUSIP/3 Page 17

~USTRALIA .11v -~@.~

Statutory Rules 1988 No. 3691

Plant Variety Rights Regulations2 (Amendment)

I, THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL of the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council and in accordance with subsection 13 (2) of the Plant Variety Rights Act 1987, hereby make the following Regulations under that Act. Dated 15 December 1988.

N. M. STEPHEN Governor-General By His Excellency's Command, PETER COOK Minister of State for Resources for and on behalf of the Minister of State for Primary Industries and Energy

Commencement 1. These Regulations commence on 1 January 1989.

Schedule 1 2. Schedule 1 to the Plant Variety Rights Regulations is amended: (a) by omitting from column 2 in item 2 in Part I "oilseed species only"; (b) by omitting from Column 2 in item 30 in Part II "americana"; (c) by omitting from Column 3 in item 32 in Part II "Almond"; (d) by adding at the end of that Schedule the following Part:

16167/88 (S.R. 368/88) -Cat. No. 886808 7 IP/N/ll AUS/P/3 Page 18

Plant Variety Rights 1988 No. 369

Part III Column I Column 2 Column 3 Item Genus or species Common name of genus or species 44 Acacia 45 Achimenes 46 Acmena 47 Actinidia Kiwifruit 48 Agapanthus 49 Allium cepa Onion 50 Arachis 51 Begonia 52 Bothriochloa 53 Bromus 54 Callistemon 55 Carthamus tinctorius Safflower 56 Casuarina 57 Choysia 58 Chrysanthemum 59 Cicer arietinum Chickpea 60 Cuphea 61 Cyc\amen 62 Cyphomandra 63 Dactylus Cocksfoot 64 Daucus carota Carrot 65 Desmanthus 66 Dryandra 67 Duboisia 68 Elaeocarpus 69 Euphorbia pulcherrima Poinsettia 70 Hordeum Barley 71 Impatiens 72 Indigofera 73 Juglans Walnut 74 Kalanchoe 75 Limonium 76 Linum usitatissimum Linseed 77 Litchi 78 Lotus _79 Lupinus 80 Macropidia Black kangaroo paw 81 Mangifera 82 Nephelium 83 Olea 84 Paspalum 85 Pennisetum Pearl millet 86 Pinus 87 Piper 88 Pyrus Pear 89 Rhipsalis 90 Sesamum indicum Sesame 91 Sorghum 92 Streptocarpus 93 Syzygium 94 Te\opea 95 Thryptomene 96 Vigna Mungbean 97 Zantedeschia IP/N/lIAUS/P/3 Page 19 Plant Variety Rights 1988 No. 369

NOTES 1. Notified in the Commonwealth of Australia Gazette on 21 December 1988.

2. Statutory Rules 1988 No. 62.

Printed by Authority by the Commonwealth Government Printer lP/Nil/AUSIP/3 Page 20

Statutory Rules 1989 No. 131 1

Plant Variety Rights Regulations2 (Amendment)

I, THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL of the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council and after being informed by the Minister of State for Primary Industries and Energy that the Minister has considered advice referred. to in subsection 13 (2) of the Plant Variety Rights Act 1987 in relation to each genus or species of plant that, by virtue of these Regulations, is declared to be a genus or species to which that Act applies, hereby make the following Regulations under that Act. Dated 14 June 1989.

BILL HAYDEN Governor-General By His Excellency'S Command, JOHN KERIN Minister of State for Primary Industries and Energy

Commencement 1. These Regulations commence on 1 July 1989.

Principal Regulations 2. In these Regulations, "Principal Regulations" means the Plant Variety Rights Regulations. IP/N/lIAUSIP13 Page 21

474 Plant Variety Rights J 989 No. J 31

Interpretation 3. Regulation 3 of the Principal Regulations is amended by adding at the end the following suhregulation: "(3) In Schedule I, where the common name of a genus or species of plant, or of a member of a genus or species of plant, is specified in column 3 of an item in that Schedule, that common name does not affect the meaning of the taxon specified in column 2 of that item.".

Declaration of genera and species of plants 4. Regulation 4 of the Principal Regulations is amended by adding at the end the following subregulation: "(2 ) For the purposes of subsection 13 (I) of the Act, a gen us or species of plant that: (a) produces fruit, vegetables, nuts or grain legumes that are commonly harvested for consumption by persons or animals; (b) produces oil seeds that are commonly harvested for extraction of oil or for consumption by persons or animals; (c) is commonly used as a turfgrass; or (d) is herbage or a pasture legume commonly used for the purpose of feeding animals; not being a genus or species of plant specified in column 2 of Schedule I, is declared to be a genus or species to which the Act applies.".

Prescribed fees 5. Regulation 5 of the Principal Regulations is amended: (a) by omitting "item 7" and substituting "item 11 "; (b) by omitting "by the person requesting the act or service". 6. After regulation 5 of the Principal Regulations the following regulation is inserted:

Notice-paragraph 35 (1) (b) of the Act "6. For the purposes of paragraph 35 (1) (b) of the Act, notice shall be given in writing. ".

Schedule 1 7. Schedule 1 to the Principal Regulations is amended: (a) by adding at the end of the heading to column 3 in Parts I and II "or a member thereof'.'; (b) by omitting from column 2 in item 7 in Part I "vulgaris"; (c) by omitting from column 2 in item 18 in Part II "annuus"; (d) by omitting from column 2 in item 19 in Part II "saliva"; (e) by omitting from column 2 in item 37 in Part II "tuberosum"; (f) by omitting Part III and substituting the following Parts: IP/N/lIAUS/P/3 Page 22

Plant Variety Rights 1989 No. 131

PART III Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Common name of genus or species Item Genus or species or a member thereof 1 Acacia 2 Achimenes 3 Acmena 4 Actinidia Kiwifruit 5 Agapanthus 6 Allium Onion 7 Arachis 8 Begonia: 9 Bothriochloa 10 Bromus 11 Callistemon 12 Carthamus tinctorius Safflower 13 Casuarina 14 Choisya IS Chrysanthemum 16 Cicer Chickpea 17 Cuphea 18 Cyclamen 19 Cyphomandra 20 Dactylus Cocks foot 21 Daucus carota Carrot 22 Desmanthus 23 Dryandra 24 Duboisia 25 Elaeocarpus 26 Euphorbia pulcherrima Poinsettia 27 Hordeum Barley 28 Impatiens 29 Indigofera 30 Juglans Walnut 31 Kalanchoe 32 Limonium 33 Linum Linseed 34 Litchi 35 Lotus 36 Lupinus 37 Macropidia Black kangaroo paw 38 Mangifera 39 Nephelium 40 Olea 41 Paspalum 42 Pennisetum Millet 43 Pinus 44 Piper 45 Pyrus Pear 46 Rhipsalis 47 Sesamum Sesame 48 Sorghum 49 Streptocarpus SO Syzygium 51 Telopea 52 Thryptomene IP/N/l!AUS/P/3 Page 23

Plant Variety Rights 1989 No. 131

Column I Column 2 Column 3 Common name of genus or species Item Genus or species or a member thereof 53 Yigna Mungbean 54 Zantedeschia

PARTlY Column I Column 2 Column 3 Common name of the genus or Item Genus or Species species or a member thereof 1 Abelmoschus Okra 2 Aechynomene Joint vetch 3 Afromomum Guinea grains 4 Agropyron Couch (not Queensland blue) 5 Aira Silvery hair grass 6 Aleurites Tung 7 Alopecurus Kneed fox tail 8 Alysicarpus 9 Amaranthus 10 Anacardium Cashew t1 Ananas Pineapple 12 Annona Custard apple, Soursop 13 Anthoxanthum Sweet vernal grass 14 Apium Celery 15 Areca Betel nut 16 Armoracia Horseradish 17 Arrhenatherum Tall oat grass 18 A rtoca rpus Jackfruit 19 Asparagus 20 Astragalus Milk vetch 21 Axonopus 22 Azaderachta Neem 23 Bactris Peach palm 24 Banksia 25 Basella Ceylon spinach 26 Bassi a 27 Bertholletia Brazil-nut 28 Beta Beet, Silver beet 29 Boronia 30 Bougainvillea 31 Brachiaria Signal grass 32 Briza Shivery grass 33 Butyrospermum 34 Cajanus Pigeon pea 35 Calopogonium Calopo 36 Camelina 37 Canavalia Jack bean 38 Canna Arrowroot 39 Capsicum Capsicum 40 Carpobrotus Hottentot Fig 41 Carya Pecan 42 Caryocar Souari nut 43 Castanea European plum 44 Cenchrus Buffel grass IP/N/l! AUS/P/3 Page 24

Plant Variety Rights 1989 No. 131

Column I Column 2 Column 3 Common name of the genus or Item Genus or Species species or a member thereof 45 Centrosema Centro 46 Ceratonia Carob 47 Chloris Rhodes grass 48 Cichorium Chickory, Endive 49 Citrullus Melon 50 Clitoria Butterfly pea 51 Cocos Coconut 52 Coffea Coffee 53 Cola Kola nut 54 Corchorus Jute 55 Corylus Hazel-nut 56 Crambe Crambe 57 Crescentia Calabash 58 Cucumis Rockmelon 59 Cucurbita Pumpkin, Zucchini, Gourd 60 Cyamopsis Guar 61 Cydonia Quince 62 Cynara Globe artichoke 63 Cynosuras Crested dogtail 64 Danthonia Wallaby grass 65 Darwinia 66 Desmodium Desmodium 67 Digitaria Summer grass, Pangola 68 Dimocarpus Longan 69 Dioscorea Yam 70 Diospyros Persimmon 71 Dolichos Lab lab bean 72 Durio Durian 73 Echinochloa Barnyard grass, Japanese millet 74 Ehrharta Veldt grass 75 Elaeis Oil palm 76 Eleusine Crowfoot grass 77 Eragrostis Bay grass 78 Eriobotrya Loquat 79 Eriodendron 80 Eugenia 81 Feijoa Feijoa, Pineapple guava 82 Ficus Fig 83 Galactia Frijolillo 84 Garcinia Mangosteen 85 Ginkgo Gingko 86 Glyceria Floating sweet grass 87 Guizotia Niger 88 Hemerocallis 89 Hibiscus 90 Holcus Yorkshire fog 91 Humulus Hop 92 Hyparrhenia South African blue stem 93 Hex Holly, Mate 94 Ipomoea Sweet potato, Kankong 95 Jatropha 96 Jessenia 97 Lagurus Harestail IPlNllIAUSIP13 Page 25

Plant Variety Rights /989 No. /3/

Column Column 2 Column 3 Common name of the genus or Item Genus or Species species or a mem~r thereof 98 Lansium Langsat 99 Lens Lentil 100 Lepidium Garden cress 101 Lespedeza Lespedeza 102 Leucaena Leucacna 103 Lotonosis Lotonis 104 Macroptilium Phasey bean 105 Macrotyloma Lab lab 106 Madhuca 107 Manihot Cassava 108 Manilkara Sapodilla 109 Maranta True arrowroot 110 Melilotus Bokhara clover III Melinis Molasses grass 112 Mentha Peppermint 113 Metroxylon Sago palm 114 Moringa 115 Morus Black mulberry 116 Mucuma Velvet bean 117 Murraya Curry leaf 118 Musa Banana 119 Nardus Mat grass 120 Nelumbo" Lotus 121 Neonotonia 122 Nicotiana 123 Nipa Nipa palm 124 Notodanthonia Heath grass 125 Oenanthe 126 Onobrychis Sainfoin 127 Orbingnyu Babassu palm 128 Pachyrrhizus Yam bean 129 Papaver Poppy 130 Passiflora Passion fruit 131 Pastinaca Parsnip 132 Perilla Perilla 133 Petroselinum Parsley 134 Phleum Timothy grass 135 Phoenix Date palm 136 Pimelea 137 Pistacia Pistachio 138 Poa Winter grass, Kentucky Blue grass 139 Psidium Guava 140 Psophocarpus Winged bean 141 Psoralea Woolly flowered scurfy pea 142 Puccinellia PuccineIJia 143 Pueraria Puero 144 Punica Pomegranate 145 Quararibea South American sapote 146 Raphanus Radish 147 Rheum Rhubarb 148 Rhynhcosia 149 Ribes Gooseberry, Blackcurrant 150 Ricinus Castor IPINIl!AUSIP/3 Page 26

Plant Variety Rights 1989 No. 131

Column \ Column 2 Column 3 Common name of the genus or Item Genus or Species species or a member thereof 151 Rorippa Watercress 152 Rosmarinus Rosemary 153 Rubus 154 Rungia 155 Salvia Sage, Chi a 156 Sambucus Elderberry 157 Santalum Quandong \58 Sapium Tallow tree 159 Sauropus 160 Sechium Choko 161 Shorea 162 Sieglingia . Heath grass 163 Simmondsia Jojoba 164 Sinapsis White mustard 165 Spinacia True spinach 166 Stachys Chinese artichoke 167 Stipa Bamboo grass, Needle grass 168 Tamartndus Tamarind 169 Telfairia Fluted pumpkin 170 Teramnus 171 Thaumatococcus 172 Thea Tea 173 Theobroma Cocoa 174 Trichilia 175 Urochloa Sabi grass, Liver grass 176 Vaccinium Cranberry, Blueberry 177 Vateria 178 Verticordia 179 Vicia Faba bean 180 Voandzeia Bambara groundnut 181 VUlpia VUlpia hair grass 182 Xanthosoma Taro 183 Zingiber Ginger 184 Zornia

Schedule 2 8. Schedule 2 to the Principal Regulations is repealed and the following Schedule substituted:

SCHEDULE 2 Regulation 5


Column I Column 2 Column 3 Act, service or occasion in respect of Item No. which fee is payable Fee S On lodgment of an application under subsection 15 (I) 350 for plant variety rights IP/N/lIAUS/P/3 Page 27

Plant Variety Rights 1989 No. 131

Column I Column 2 .column 3 Act, service or occasion in respect of Item No. which fee is payable Fee S 2 On making a request under subsection 19 (I) to vary 65 an application 3 On lodgment of an objection under subsection 20 <. I) 180 4 Giving a copy under. section 21 of an application or an 60 objection 5 For consideration of an application that has been 1200 accepted under subsection 18 (I) 6 On grant of plant variety rights under section 26 235 7 Amendment of the Register under subsection 31 (1) 120 8 On making an application under subsection 35 (7) for 700 the revocation of plant variety rights 9 On making a request under subsection 39 (4) 120 10 Giving a copy under section 49 of an entry in the 60 Register 11 On each anniversary of the grant of plant variety rights 235 to the grantee . 12 On providing copies of a publication in relation to plant S7.00 for the varieties first 10 pages and 50c per page thereafter. 13 For the undertaking, upon request of a person, by the S60 per hour or Secretary or the Registrar of any work required or part thereof authorised under the Act and for which a fee is not prescribed under any other item

NOTES 1. Notified in the Commonwealth of Australia Gazette on 21 June 1989.

2. Statutory RuleS 1988 No. 62 as amended by 1988 No. 369. IPINIl! AUS/P/3 Page 28

Statutory Rules 1990 No. 151

Plant Variety Rights Regulations2 (Amend~ent)

I, THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL of the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council and in accordance with subsection 13 (2) of the Plant Variety Rights Act 1987, hereby make the following Regulations under that Act. Dated 23 January 1990.

BILL HAYDEN Governor-General By His Excellency's Command, JOHN KERIN Minister of State for Primary Industries and Energy

Commencement 1. (1) Regulations 3, 5 and 6 commence on 1 March 1990. (2) Regulation 4 commences on 1 February 1990. Principal Regulations 2. In these Regulations, "Principal Regulations" means the Plant Variety Rights Regulations. Interpretation 3. Regulation 3 of the Principal Regulations IS amended by omitting subregulation (3).

10372/90 (S.R. 19/90)---Cat. No. 9040479 lPlN/l/AUSIP/3 Page 29 Plant Variety Rights 1990 No. 15

4. After Regulation 3 of the Principal Regulations the following regulation is inserted: Prescribed genera and species of plants: paragraph 12 (1) (e) of the Act "3A. Each genus or species of each plant is prescribed for the purposes of paragraph 12 (1) (e) of the Act.". 5. Regulation 4 of the Principal Regulations is repealed and the following regulations substituted: Declaration of genera .and species of plants "4. For the purposes of subsection 13 (1) of the Act, each genus or species of each plant is declared to be a genus or species to which the Act applies. Prescribed purpose: subparagrapb 22 (2) (b) (Hi) of the Act "4A. For the purposes of subparagraph 22 (2) (b) (iii) of the Act, the purpose of market evaluation is prescribed.". Repeal 6. Schedule 1 to the Principal Regulations is repealed.

NOTES I. Notified in the Commonwealth of Australia Gazette on 31 January 1990.

2. Statutory Rules 1988 No. 62 as amended by 1988 No. 369; 1989 No. 131.

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Statutory Rules 1990 No. 201 1

Plant Variety Rights Regulations2 (Amendment) I, THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL of the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, hereby make the following Regulations under the Plant Variety Rights Act 1987. Dated 26 June 1990.

BILL HAYDEN Governor-General By His Excellency's Command, Minister of State for Resources

Commencement l. These Regulations commence on 1 July 1990. Schedule 2 2. Schedule 2 to the Plant Variety Rights Regulations is repealed and the following Schedule substituted:

SCHEDULE 2 Regulation 5 FEES Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Act, service or occasion in respect of Item No. which fee is payable Fee $ On lodgment of an application under subsection 400 15 (1) for plant variety rights 2 On making a request under subsection 19 (l) to vary 70 an application

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SCHEDULE 2-continued

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Act, service or occasion in respect of Item No. which fee is payable Fee

$ 3 On lodgment of an objection under subsection 20 (1) 200 4 Giving a copy under section 21 of an application or 70 an objection 5 For consideration of an application that has been 1,400 accepted under subsection 18 (I) 6 On grant of plant variety rights under section 26 250 7 Amendment of the Register under subsection 31 (1) 140 8 On making an application under subsection 35 (7) 800 for the revocation of plant variety rights 9 On making a request under subsection 39 (4) 140 10 Giving a copy under section 49 of an entry in the 70 Register II On each anniversary of the grant of plant variety 250 rights to the grantee 12 On providing copies of a publication in relation to $8.00 for the plant varieties first 10 pages and 50c per page thereafter 13 For the undertaking, upon request of a person, by $70 per hour or the Secretary or the Registrar of any work required part thereof or authorised under the Act and for which a fee is not prescribed under any other item

NOTES 1. Notified in the Commomvealth of Australia Gazette on 29 June 1990.

2. Statutory Rules 1988 No. 62 as amended to date. For previous amendments see Note 2 to Statutory Rules 1990 No. 15 and see also Statutory Rules 1990 No. 15. .

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