Surnames of Inhabitans of Lidzbark District

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Surnames of Inhabitans of Lidzbark District PUBLIKACJE CENTRUM BADAŃ EUROPY WSCHODNIEJ Alina Naruszewicz-Duchlińska SURNAMES OF INHABITANTS OF THE LIDZBARK DISTRICT (1500-1772) Olsztyn 2009 Reviever: JERZY DUMA © Copyright by: ALINA NARUSZEWICZ -DUCHLIŃSKA All rights reserved ISBN 978-83-61605-16-4 Cover design: ELSET Publisher: CENTRUM BADAŃ EUROPY WSCHODNIEJ UNIWERSYTETU WARMIŃSKO -MAZURSKIEGO W OLSZTYNIE ul. K. Obitza 1 10-725 Olsztyn Print and binding: ZAKŁAD POLIGRAFICZNY UWM W OLSZTYNIE ul. Jana Heweliusza 3 10-724 Olsztyn Distribution: CENTRUM BADAŃ EUROPY WSCHODNIEJ UNIWERSYTETU WARMIŃSKO -MAZURSKIEGO W OLSZTYNIE ul. K. Obitza 1, 10-725 Olsztyn tel. +48 89 524 63 47 e-mail: [email protected] CONTENTS: 1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................... 7 1.1. Aim and objects of the thesis ............................................................... 7 1.2. Chronological and territorial scope ..................................................... 7 1.3. Historical outline.................................................................................8 1.4. Effects of historical conditions on the anthroponymy of the region.. 13 1.5. State of research ................................................................................ 16 1.6. Nature of the sources......................................................................... 19 1.7. Classification of surnames.................................................................20 2. LINGUISTIC ANALYSIS OF SURNAMES .................................21 2.1. Surnames from anthroponyms ......................................................... 21 2.1.1. Surnames from given names .................................................................. 21 2.1.2 Surnames from nicknames.....................................................................26 2.1.3 Surnames from (proto)surnames........................................................... 31 2.1.4 Surnames from armorial names.............................................................32 2.1.5 Surnames from ethnonyms .................................................................... 33 2.2. Surnames from toponyms .................................................................34 2.2.1. Surnames from topographic names .......................................................43 2.3. Surnames from names of occupations...............................................44 2.4. Homonymic names............................................................................49 2.5. Vague surnames ................................................................................52 3. FINAL REMARKS ............................................................... 53 4. LIST OF SOURCES .............................................................. 55 4.1. Manuscript sources ........................................................................... 55 4.2. Printed sources and source publications ...........................................59 5. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ................................................... 60 6. BIBLIOGRAPHY ..................................................................61 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. AIM AND OBJECTS OF THE THESIS Although the anthroponymy of Warmia is not longer a terra incognita , it still offers many cognitional possibilities. The aim of this thesis is to present and conduct a linguistic analysis of the surnames of the inhabitants of the Lidzbark district (Pol- ish ‘komornictwo’, a jurisdiction of a ‘komornik’ or chamberlain) in the period be- tween 1500 and 1772. The term surname is used in this thesis in the awareness of its conventionality as regards the material from the period under examination. It results, first of all, from the fact that these types of anthroponyms were not sub- ject to strict legal protection in those times, and their linguistic forms quite often did not have any stabilized form. Although rules for using surnames were not regu- lated by any legal acts between the 16 th and the 18 th centuries, they still functioned as official personal names. They were placed in official documents, where they ful- filled the function of a proper name and revealed features which allowed them to survive as a permanent description of a family. They played a similar role as that fulfilled today, even though they were not yet subject to formal legal requirements. This thesis will not present definitions of a surname, which have been repeat- edly formulated in the history of linguistics, since the aim of the study is not to re- view the onomastic terminology, but to present a certain system of local an- throponymy. In the excerpted material, surnames were defined as official personal names occurring next to a given name, created for the purpose of a more precise identification of a person, which was potentially deprived of emotional marking 1 and subjected to the process of inheriting. Anthroponyms obtained from historical sources were subject to etymological and morphological interpretation. Each name occurring after a given name and revealing features which permitted recognition as a surname was subject to philol- ogical analysis, both in the synchronic and diachronic aspects. Linguistic methods were applied to identify and to describe anthroponymical structures occurring in the function of a surname in Lidzbark and its vicinity. They helped to identify models of denomination functioning in this area and to determine the functions, features and etymology of individual names. Historical and geographical methods played an auxiliary role in constructing a linguistic commentary. 1.2. CHRONOLOGICAL AND TERRITORIAL SCOPE The subject of the research concerns the surnames of inhabitants of the Lidzbark district from the beginning of the 16 th century. 1500 marks the beginning of the Middle Polish era, when spelling and grammatical forms became fixed. When es- tablishing the chronological scope of the study, it was also important to note that the 16 th century was the time when relatively constant and heritable anthroponyms emerged, which can be regarded as (proto)surnames. The other time period is 1772, when after the first partition of Poland, Lidzbark was placed in the Prussian parti- tion 2. The new authorities abolished the statutory autonomies of Warmia and changed its internal territorial division. Former districts were transformed into 1 Usually, a source context was not elaborated enough to be able to definitely state whether a certain name at the time of its recording in writing was emotively marked and played a role of a nickname. 2 Warmia was subordinated economically, militarily, judiciarily and fiscally to the East-Prussia Chamber in Królewiec, see e.g. J. Jasiński, Świadomość narodowa na Warmii w XIX wieku. Naro- dziny i rozwój, Olsztyn 1983 , p. 16-17. ~ 8 ~ demesne regions. New administrative units (counties) were created in 1818. Four of them were created in Warmia: Braniewo, Lidzbark, Reszel and Olsztyn counties. This division proved stable and lasted until 1974 without any major changes 1. In the period under examination, Warmia was divided into districts (‘komor- nictwa’) and deaneries (‘archiprezbiteraty’). All seats of districts were therefore seats of deaneries, but borders of both divisions did not always overlap 2. The Lidz- bark deanery grouped parishes situated on both sides of the border dividing the diocese into an episcopal and capitular part and a monastic part 3. The surnames under analysis originate from the centre of the district – Lidz- bark Warmiński, as well as from individual settlements and villages belonging to Lidzbark, where parishes were located: Bisztynek (Bischofstein) 4, Blanki (Blanken- see), Runowo (Raunau), Ignalin (Seiberswalde), Kraszewo (Reichenberg), Rogóż (Roggenhausen), Żegoty (Siegfriedeswalde), Kiwity (Kiwitten) and Sułowo (Schulen), Kochanówka (Stolzenhagen), Wozławki (Wuslack), Stoczek (Spring- born) 5. The excerption of anthroponyms depended on preserved sources. An at- tempt was made to obtain onomastic material from the area of the entire Lidzbark chamber. 1.3. HISTORICAL OUTLINE Lidzbark Warmiński 6 is situated on the border of the Sępopolska Plain and Olsztyn Lakeland, in the bifurcation of the Łyna and Symsarna Rivers. Because of its con- venient geographical location, this area was being used as a defensive point by Prussian times 7: “Lidzbark był już zasiedlony w pradziejach, czego świadectwem jest kurhan z epoki żelaza datowany na przełom er. Pierwszymi uchwytnymi mieszkańcami tej ziemi byli bałtyjscy Prusowie”8. Warmian administrative and set- 1 See J. Jasiński, ibid., p. 17-18. 2 See e.g. A. Szorc, Z działalności kościelnej biskupa Andrzeja Chryzostoma Załuskiego na Warmii (1698-1711) , “Studia Warmińskie” 1967, IV, p. 36. 3 See A. Kopiczko, Ustrój i organizacja diecezji warmińskiej w latach 1525-1772 , Olsztyn 1993, p. 164. 4 Information concerning the history of the town can be found e.g. in the following publications: L. Czubiel, T. Domagała, Zabytkowe ośrodki miejskie Warmii i Mazur , Olsztyn 1969, p. 99-101; E. Sieniawski, Biskupstwo warmińskie, jego założenie i rozwój na ziemi pruskiej z uwzględnieniem dziejów ludności i stosunków jeograficznych ziem dawniej krzyżackich , vol. 1-2, Poznań 1878. 5 About this centre of the Marian order, see e.g.: V. Rörich, Geschichte des Firstbistums Ermland , Braunsberg 1925; A. Triller, Zur Entstehung und Geschichte der ermländischen Wallfah- rsorte , “Zeitschrift für die Geschichte und Alterumskunde Ermlands“, 1960, XXIX, p. 312-321; K. Sarwa, Kult Najświętszej Maryi Panny Matki Pokoju
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