BIBLIOGRAPHY Editions of Novels by Patrick White Used in the Thesis
192 G. D. Cains, M.A. (Hans) BIBLIOGRAPHY Editions of novels by Patrick White used in the thesis White, Patrick Happy Valley, George G. Harrap, London, 1939 The Aunt's Story, Eyre &Spottiswoode, London, 1958 (1946) The Tree of Man, Eyre & Spottiswoode, London, 1956 Voss, Penguin Books, Ringwood, 1986 (1957) Riders in the Chariot, Penguin Books, Ringwood, 1964 (1961) The Solid Mandala, P43nguin Books, Ringwood, 1988 (1966) The Vivisector, Penguin Books, Ringwood, 1988 (1970) The Eye of the Storm, Jonathan Cape, London, 1973 A Fringe of Leaves, Penguin Books, Ringwood, 1985 (1976) The Twyborn Affair, Penguin Books, Ringwood, 1979 Flaws in the Glass, Penguin Books, Ringwood, 1983 (1981) Articles by Patrick White used in the thesis White, Patrick 'The Prodigal Son', Australian Letters, 1, no. 3, Apri/1958, 37-40. White, Patrick 'Credo', Overland, 111, June 1988, 16. Books Addis, William E., and A Catholic Dictionary, Routledge & Kegan PaUl, London, Thomas Arnold eds. revised 17th edn., 1960 Arnold, Armin JamesJoyce, Frederick Ungar Publishing Co., New York, 1969 Beja, Morris Epiphany in the Modern Novel, University of Washington Press, Seattle, 1971 Bliss, Carolyn Patrick White's Fiction: The Paradox of Fortunate Failure, Macmillan, London, 1986 Buckley, Vincent Poetry and the Sacred, Chatto & Windus, London, 1968 Bugden, Frank James Joyce and the Making of Ulysses, Indiana University Pmss, Bloomington, 1960 Cirlot, J. E. A Dictionary of Symbols, trans. by Jack Sage, English Translation copyright Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, 1962; 2nd edn., Philosophical Library, New York, 1971 Colmer, John Patrick White's Riders in the Chariot, Edward Arnold, Melbourne, 1Si78 Conway, Ronald The End of Stupor? Australia Towards the Third Millennium, 193 G.
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