Medical Imaging Cloud Scenario White Paper Prefacepreface

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Medical Imaging Cloud Scenario White Paper Prefacepreface Medical Imaging Cloud Scenario White Paper PrefacePreface Medical imagingMedical refers imaging to non-intrusively refers to non-intrusively obtaining internalobtaining images internal of imagesa human of body a human or body body part or forbody medical part for medical treatment ortreatment research. or research. Medical imagingMedical is imagingarguably is the arguably most important the most clinicalimportant diagnosis clinical anddiagnosis differential and differential diagnosis methoddiagnosis in methodmodern in modern medicine. medicine.It is one of It the is onemost of important the most phasesimportant in phasesthe medical in the process. medical Currently, process. Currently,70% of clinical 70% diagnosisof clinical reliesdiagnosis relies on medicalon imaging, medical and imaging, image and data image accounts data foraccounts 80% to for 90% 80% of allto 90%hospital of all data. hospital data. Medical dataMedical is growing data israpidly, growing and rapidly, hospitals and must hospitals invest must enormously invest enormously to expand tothe expand storage the capacity storage of capacity their data of their data centers everycenters year. every In addition, year. In most addition, hospitals most still hospitals use images still use within images their within local theirarea localnetwork area (LAN). network The (LAN). data The data volume is large,volume the is transmissionlarge, the transmission speed is low, speed and is the low, data and is the not data shared. is not As shared. a result, As this a result, important this dataimportant source data is source is not used effectivelynot used effectivelyand becomes and liabilitybecomes rather liability than rather asset. than How asset. to store, How retrieve, to store, and retrieve, fully apply and fullythe massiveapply the massive image dataimage is a challenge data is a challengefacing each facing medical each service medical organization. service organization. The applicationThe application of cloud computing of cloud computing in the medical in the industry medical will industry bring it will into bring the datait into technology the data technology (DT) era. Medical(DT) era. Medical data in thedata cloud in canthe cloudnow be can shared now beacross shared regions across and regions medical and institutions, medical institutions, allowing more allowing patients more to patients obtain the to obtain the medical resourcesmedical resourcesthey need. they After need. medical After images medical are images uploaded are touploaded the cloud, to thecloud cloud, computing cloud computing and cloud andstorage cloud storage technologiestechnologies can provide can rapid provide data rapidretrieving, data retrieving,network data network sharing, data and sharing, application and application expansion. expansion. This not only This not only provides doctorsprovides with doctors more withconvenient more convenient clinical image clinical data image services, data but services, also supports but also big supports data, Internet big data, of InternetThings of Things (IoT), and (IoT),artificial and intelligence artificial intelligence (AI), bringing (AI), wider bringing application wider application space and space value. and value. Medical imagingMedical cloud imaging has cloudbecome has an become important an fieldimportant of cloud field computing. of cloud computing. Chinese and Chinese international and international Internet giants Internet giants including Alibaba,including Tencent, Alibaba, Huawei, Tencent, Amazon, Huawei, and Amazon, Microsoft and areMicrosoft working are with working traditional with traditionalmedical equipment medical equipment and and imaging companiesimaging companies including GE, including Philips, GE, Siemens, Philips, Carestream,Siemens, Carestream, and United and Imaging United to Imaging explore toand explore innovate. and innovate. This white Thispaper white describes paper describesrecent developments, recent developments, business opportunities, business opportunities, and network and SLA network requirements SLA requirements of five of five applicationapplication scenarios scenariosbased on theirbased current on their development current development status and status national and policies. national It policies.introduces It introduces these sce these sce narios andnarios explores and their explores development their development background background and value, and providing value, analysisproviding and analysis suggestions and suggestions for future medicalfor future medical imaging cloudimaging services cloud development. services development. Finally, thisFinally, white paperthis white serves paper as servesa reference as a forreference the medical for the imaging medical cloud imaging industry cloud and industry contributes and contributes to its to its development.development. Huawei iLab Huawei is willing iLab to is team willing up to with team partners up with in partners the healthcare in the healthcare ecosystem ecosystem to promote to the promote the developmentdevelopment of the medical of the imaging medical services. imaging services. ContentsContents MedicalMedical Imaging Imaging CloudCloud Overview Overview 1 1 0202 1.1 Background1.1 Background Information Information1 1 1.2 Solution1.2 Solution Overview Overview 2 2 1.3 Solution1.3 Solution Benefit Benefit 2 2 1.4 Application1.4 Application Scenario Scenario3 3 MedicalMedical Imaging Imaging Cloud Cloud DevelopmentDevelopment Trends Trends4 4 0101 ApplicationApplication Scenarios Scenarios of of MedicalMedical Imaging Imaging Clouds Clouds6 6 3.1 Cloud3.1 Image Cloud Storage Image Storage 6 6 3.2 Imaging3.2 Imaging Cloud Application Cloud Application12 12 3.2.1 Imaging3.2.1 Cloud Imaging PACS: Cloud The Eventual PACS: The Form Eventual of PACS Form of PACS 3.2.2 Cloud Image3.2.2 CloudReading: Image Making Reading: Diagnosis Making More Diagnosis Efficient More Efficient 0404 3.2.3 Mobile 3.2.3Imaging Mobile Cloud: Imaging Viewing Cloud: Images Viewing Anytime Images and AnytimeAnywhere and Anywhere 3.3 Cloud-based3.3 Cloud-based Medical MedicalCollaboration Collaboration24 24 3.3.1 Regional3.3.1 Imaging Regional Centers: Imaging Imaging Centers: Resource Imaging Sharing Resource and Sharing and Hierarchical DiagnosisHierarchical and Diagnosis Treatment and Treatment SummarySummary of Medical of Medical 3.3.2 Remote3.3.2 Imaging Remote Consultation Imaging ConsultationCenter: Optimizing Center: Connections Optimizing Connections ImagingImaging Cloud Cloud and Improvingand Medical Improving Quality Medical Quality ScenariosScenarios 51 51 3.4 Cloud-based3.4 Cloud-based Medical MedicalEducation Education38 38 3.4.1 Imaging3.4.1 Cloud Imaging Teaching: Cloud Most Teaching: Widespread Most Widespread Medical Medical ApplicationsApplications 3.5 Cloud-based3.5 Cloud-based Health Management Health Management48 480505 MedicalMedical Imaging Imaging Cloud Cloud 0303 RequirementsRequirements for for NetworksNetworks 53 53 0606 AppendixAppendix 55 55 AcronymsAcronyms and Abbreviations and Abbreviations55 55 Medical MedicalImaging Imaging Cloud Ecosystems Cloud Ecosystems56 56 01 Medical Imaging Cloud Overview 1.1 Background Information Driven by factors such as medical requirements, national policies, and the applications and maturity of cloud computing, the medical industry is entering a "cloud era". Policy drive: The "Healthy China" national strategy is a core driver of the medical imaging cloud market. National medical policies require implementing regional collaboration and hierarchical diagnosis and treatment, including the integration of medical resources, mutual recognition of medical examinations, and medical image sharing. A region's imaging center, ECG center, and pathology center can now collaborate to implement remote image diagnosis, driving the development of medical imaging. China's State Council issued the Opinions of Promoting the Development of "Internet + Healthcare", accelerating the pace of medical cloud development. Industry trends: Continuing to develop medical imaging cloud technology is inevitable. Some important applications include sharing of medical image data from the hospital level to the regional level, rapid retrieval and sharing of image data, and extended image applications. Hospital requirements: Medical imaging plays an important role in clinical diagnosis. However, there are many problems in clinical applications; for example, diagnosis results being not mutually recognized, repeated radiography for referral, the lack of historical image data, low efficiency and accuracy of image diagnosis, and difficulty of sharing and using image data. Patients face the following problems: difficult and expensive medical treatment, excessive number of examinations, repeated radiography for referral, image consultation difficulties, and high misdiagnosis rate. Doctors face the following problems: heavy workload, low diagnosis efficiency and accuracy, difficult service communication, and insufficient educational materials. Hospitals face the following problems: difficult image management, low accuracy and efficiency of image diagnosis, poor patient 1 experience, and many medical disputes. Uneven distribution of medical resources in the medical management department requires that hospitals explore the value of image data and improve the medical level. Modern hospitals have established a Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS), Clinical Information System (CIS), Hospital Information System (HIS), and Electronic Medical Record (EMR). In modern hospitals,
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