FINAL REPORT for APN PROJECT Project Reference Number: EBLU2012-02NMY(R)-Takeuchi Critical Analysis of Effectiveness of REDD+ for Forest Communities and Shifting Cultivation, based on Lessons Learnt from Conservation Efforts in Laos and Thailand - Making a Difference – Sciientiifiic Capaciity Buildiing & Enhancement for Sustaiinablle Devellopment iin Devellopiing Countries The following collaborators worked on this project: Prof. Kazuhiko Takeuchi, UNU-ISP, Japan,
[email protected] Mr. Luohui Liang, UNU-ISP, Japan,
[email protected] Dr. Jintana Kawasaki, IGES, Japan,
[email protected] Mr. Oroth Sengtaheuanghoung, NAFRI, Laos,
[email protected] Dr. Narit Yimyam, CMU, Thailand,
[email protected] Prof. Krishna Gopal Saxena, JNU, India,
[email protected] Dr. Shimako Takahashi, UNU-ISP, Japan,
[email protected] Ms Alva Lim, Seeds of Life, Timor-Leste,
[email protected] National Agriculture and Forestry Critical Analysis of Effectiveness of REDD+ for Forest Communities and Shifting Cultivation, based on Lessons Learnt from Conservation Efforts in Laos and Thailand Project Reference Number: EBLU2012-02NMY®-Takeuchi Final Report submitted to APN ©Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK OVERVIEW OF PROJECT WORK AND OUTCOMES 1. Introduction and background Covering about 30 percent of the world’s land area, forests are home to around 300 million people around the world, including many indigenous people. More than 1.6 billion people depend, to varying degrees, on forests for their livelihoods, e.g. fuelwood, timber, medicinal plants, forest foods, income and fodder, and for their cultural and spiritual identify. Forests sustain critical environmental services such as conservation of biodiversity, water and soil, and climate regulation.