t City Edition . ------■ ACVVUA'I ASSbciATED^-PfiESS-NETVSPA P PB R -igftOWPLBTB ~ ------r - WIN FATJS s u a i\TLY^ N E V \ V O L .-17. NO. 100. ■ ■...... Tw:^VIN FALLS, IDAHOi THTntSDj MORNINQ, AUGUST 2, 193'9 3 4 • '^c^SSSS.rl^'’ • lo; PAGES,'-:-'B - I BILK OF m i . 1500 New Orrlearis Police “ CHiCELLORlGESSiVmMPliS Hitler ] Asssum es Gjrerman I ^ ‘ Ready For ‘War’ - Huey , GOIS DOIT Cliy. • FIGHIIiGlllTNilZIrCdlFMCIUI -EnesideiLni^LJQpxM: I OF ilEftPOLIS ops^DiESTttrobtlize^lElSSllSTliniBDTTIKTS' Governor 0 . K. Allen O rd e rs!; Soldiers to Scurry Throughoutiut O f P aull l Von H irindenburg Withdrawal of 700 Troops In• i O ltyand Uncover Vice:e; Direction df Guards- Government Enemy Hangeded Department Chops Total of ----- terpreted-ln-Somo-fluaiv _ Three Hours After Re-le- 2H Planes' From Recom- — - — ------t-to-Senator------— 86-^ar.O ld-ttead O f -RepubUc-SuccUnibS-At^Ri -----u ters as PresaginB Earlyrly ------celvlng Death Sentence;ie;l mended List; Force Now j E state; N azi Chielief Immediately . .,f« ' {By T b* Aa*wx!lat.d Pm .) Aide Reveals SecretsitJ Consists of 1,000 Craft j Ending of Martial Rule NEW 0BHAN8, Aug. 1-As Malayer T. Semmes Walrasley mustered T akes O ver N more men and guna thaa Seaatorr Uoey P. Long In their poUoe-mllltUi t u r New Duties 1 if. Flemhig unoonoed tonight that <(By Ttw A»ocltt«d Prea) Adjotaat Geaeral Raymond >»< By WADE WEBNEK By DOUGLAS B. CORNELL I ball of the senator's national guardrdsmen were being demobllixed. MINNEAPOLIS, Aug. 1— (Associated Press Foreign Staff) Tight m i . by . BERLIN, Thumday, Auk. 2 (/P)'— President Paul von ZI -Neartjr 1^00 diy police nnder MnUyor Walrasley, am ed with pistols, V IEN N A , Auff. 1—W ithtn The Associated Press) r W ithdrawal ol moat of the . engage tbe gnardamen If an attempt Hlndenburg died at nine o’cloclclock this morning and immedl* rinea and riot gons, were ready to i the hangman’s rope, a scn-in- WASHINGTON, Auff. 1— >; ately Chancellor Adolf Hitler at national ffuard troops fromom was made to nsnrp the New Or-i r assumed the presidency.'Von ' tence of imprisonment andnd The naval high command waa ’> lllndenburg .succumbed' at 86 ti firfnneapotis, where they ciN FoUowlng tho governor's procla- 6 tb a complication of diseases- ^M j/un?”aem ^ Fleming, from a r - empty pay envelopes, the irov-iv- disdoRed authoritatively to- aggravated oy the infirmitiescs of< age. Hitler's elevallon to m axed a week of m ilitary rule ° mation, which declared partial mar- hU headquartera at Jackson bar*• Ual law here, the new order dlrccU:c u cmment of Chancellor Kurtlit nlgnt to have determined on a the highcfll posl in the rcpubti(iblic will likely be viewed w ith IKe ruks where SCO militiamen were ti , in tbo truck drivers strike ^ Adjutant Oeneral Fleming and mill-»i- Scliuschniirir today pressed itaIts sharp reduction in naval avia- , suspicion by other powers andnd Ifills the future with uncer- w ith two raids today on strikeIke under arms, said he tuul dismissed“ .tlamcn under hU command to a . f 'h a l f o t th e 900 m en called out" fight against the defeatedcd tion construction. :! (alnty, It obscr^'crs here declared.ed. headquarters and the arrest ’ *make'a survey and investigation lo X” becausa “they were not needed.- determine when and where red lightKht Nazi rebels of Austria, Present plans, which may «' The beloved Hlndenburg pastpassed away at hU Neudeck ■ of pickets, was ordered to- to- “We are. Jtist going to keep as districts ore operaUng wlUiln ' tbthe e Freidrich Wumig, a Nazi,ri, be altered, call for 274 fower :■ estate.ce First indication of hisi dc death came to^newspaper cor* nftrht by A djutant General E. m a n y men on duty as are seces*'• dty of New Orieans under and pur- lir* was hanged at 8 o'clock to- respondentji when the flag*—f* ~ - ir- ■ A . W tU h. sarr." he said. “We can get tbe* ouant to sanction of elty aulhorl- ^ planes than the 2,184 which • night at Innsbruck, threa hours sf- I. 33 3J. swerved aeveral times toward ‘Thft order tending m o m 700 trooptopt otbers out at e moment’s notice,s. ties, • • • t the nnvy had decldcd would bo . outside01 hls home was lowered. ata. ter hc was sentenced to death for chaos. But the lroQ*irUled octagen* a iia -'iei Tta r - » £ _r,ttninm If U./iftllaoUng frnm [” ,n fir,« a rv ,» n rta r ih.^ V lnsnn h i l l . ; . p«til »r>n Hl^idenburg. to O rm ans ^ dty more men go tomorrow." force o f BbQul 300 wlUiln U»e d ty the InhsblUints ot tho said dUlrlcts Hlckel to Uist city last Wednesday,^ authorizing a treaty strengtn savy "Der Alte" or “grand old mao.'' was ^ me Orders War On TIee • • * snd to determine where, b y 1042. A thousand planes now ' piled UwdUolpliae,adapt4bUlty and proper, w m interpreted br to the rest of the world a rock*Uke’ faU ^ ierir. yespeaislhUltjr t h a t b a d Ciurd offloer* u tfta forerunner Q>of Oovemor O. K. Allen at Batonn when and by whom lliere are beinging Wurnlg, tha third Nasi te die ^oo comprise the navat air force, and j; ot the gallows tn two days, ootlapeed bulwarltbu of German union and a^ made - him beloved by the aatloa the Ufttnf of mlUlary rule. In effect Rouge broadened hla proelamaUonn operated within the city yimlU ot ^ plans Iiad cvtiTved to buUd th e o th e r, ^ of i^ ia l martial law and ordered eas *’'hen he was told ttiat clemeaor force for sUbUUy when the post*; to i_ worU war dayi and, bU eootem- ' here ene week. New Orltaaa and adjacent areas } 2 t,tSi In annual fas(a»menU. ' & WOTwa republic loitered on the brtok „ the soldiers to scurry Uirougbout theB thereto mUcellaneous gambUng.*' was refused and had to be carried ‘ porarlea tesUfled, dU more tbaa aay Ceofereaet HeI4 ,p . to th e gaUows. lUgh OfflclaU now have chopped J of dvll war and dUmemberment. ^ city and uncover, “without the usee Tho governor returned to the eap- ^ down the total lo a teoUUve figure 1 o th e r one Individual to bold togeU wr Q enenU WAlfth** snnouncem.„4 ent of any force,’* asserted evidences of — Although his crime occurred^ (it UIO planes as adequate for ■ Bnerglng nrom retirement afler aI UunaUoaote3,OMm th ^ - (ConUnued on Page TooL 4) Jbllowtd • Jengthy conference be- vice, gambling and graft. about the same time that Chancel* peaccUme navy requlrementa. Ttia I militarymi career tbat spanned mores Ttie twelve m o n th s b e iln n ln c wUb twtea hlnuelf, Ooremor Koyd B. _ lor Dollfuss wss killed by Nazi^ tota] may be eut sUghUy agato be- I lhanUl: an ordinary life time and to** fcFebruary, 1931, w e n e^w laU y erit> . Olson, Colonel tim er McDcrltt, prtK — putschlsU. It had no direct connec* eludedcll two of the-great wars.of hU-■ leileaL At tbe start U was pcoposad (o Uon wllh tbat outbreak. fore a final one u reached. I vo«t manhftl. and Q ranl DuniK, one Ttw reduction toeludes 3« craft E lory,toi bo undertook the diitles' ofI make m von Htodeabunr pretidant for of ttae itrlke leaden. ReveaU Kasl SecreU - whleh would tiave been asalgned to praildeQtpn of the releh »)}en he wasI lUe.ui twt tbe aged cxscuUre pat I t ^ FIRES SPR]F A D IN G I N FAUL VON UINDENBURO oeartog ne the age of 7B, served bis fuU1 aalde. aa Oontendtof poUUeal facUcoa A bloodlecs Tlctorr was the na­ Aa alleged aooomplice, CbrlstlanM •‘ proposed flying deck cruiser wtUcH Uoaal guatd's after a dar of actlvltjr f f ^ nsvy has decided not to Uy s termlei of seven years and then won1 kept ke Uis country In a ferment and Meyer, was sentenced to 30 years’ re-elecUoo to AprU, 1M3. (or a see*■ at one state von Hladenburg wU In which tho MtoneapolU army ot Imprisonment, receiving demency..It ' occupation In tbe trvek drlTert'I NORTH WE!1ST FORESTS ond term. reiready te restsa. Bruaalag, Oatboixa— waa reported, because ho had rt- Flgwts TenUUve ^ ' centrist, was cbaoceDor and ia Oe> ■ atrlke aelaed headquarters of .lead-Id* ------S• vealed Naxl secrets to the gorem- Greeted first as a forerunner of ; tober Um preatdsnb demanded tbat era. harassed pickets, and arrested B northern Idaho. The tWrd flre' In m e n t “te cadeayortog to vrive at an III rcstoraUoo of the monardiy, he ^ — ! ? ° | fM .ujgduate peaeetlmrf prcMn-am oT eeo- __MUROERGIGES : more instT« scorffTJTpenona.------menace dung tenaclouily toTffios This" region, dl HOl 'apring: nmved a' sUiinch consUtutlonalUt he Operations of tb# mlUtary started a o o ^ proporUons. we have ar- ^ bU tiiinost to preserve a parUa-’■ rS??tnnlMirt*h” KS Northwest’s forests tonight Five) Montana, in the Cabinet forest, waa i hU flnt Ulk with BlUer al thla soon before Jotm Betor, a picket major flrea were reported raging5 reporied to bo “troublesome** Economic pressure against NaxUlU ’rtred unuuvety at UiU figure of . mentary «o»ernment aad accepted b" sd. W li," ooe auUiority said. -W* are , time and teamed tbat tbe naUenal . wounded July 30 wben atrlkera^ mit-OLcoattSl,______, _ ____Cheerlilg news came from BrlU lo government employ waa ordered. < TWFROiinOUTHlthe virtual dlcUtorahlp of AdoU Hit* ^ ; soclalUt leader wanted fuU power — clMhedwim-poUM-ann«d-wlth-*hots^ The giant Curlew confO^aUon — —The-aalarles-«f-aU-per»ons-to thehe imerely endeavDrta»-t®-wodt_(ait.a. —------^ ------j-leruV It. whim th,. CtgTTnan •» > Ish Columbia, wjiere more than a of nasooable balano* between ships, ^ iT B o o u n g r ------^------' ffuns. died In a hoapltal to bring to In the Colville forest of north cen*• thousand men bave fought hu^e• public employ who are suspected of i people voted for oenUulUatlon aiding or cncouraglng the Naxl re* i two ttie numtKr of men who havei]'® tral WashingUin was reported «* p«rsonnd and planes, and possibly Neal Nl Myers, 21, Is A ocu^ power,SS , wins rou-Ceraend Eleetira » biases since Saturday. Scattered“ volt wUl be wlUiheld, ia further smaU downward rtvUlon d ied In th e p rese n t strike. tlM sec-, spreading oefore a -heavy wind, ad-‘ rains vUlted the area last nlghl and ond one hers this year. Tro men Tbe suftpecu will be denouoced.hJ. iwill be m ade. . ‘ SwUt Change* Mark HU Term* Von B todenburg opeaed 1SS3 wtUi ding hundreds of blackened acres> m ore w tn In prospect of Slaying Sweetheart,- ' were killed and scorcs injured In the . the order says, to the nearest policece *>it stunild be emphasiaed that the HU two terms saw the dedtos of *a New Year'a appeal for dlsanna- lo ISJXX) or moro atreadj' cover­■ Strong winds which have defied m eat aad world, paaoe. Ha tffed bto , May -^Ikout. ” station, and wlU remato wlUiout pay^ 3.184; airplanes contem plated tm der Marian Mills . Uie u>! social democrau who, led by ^ ed! ’The flre Is In Isolated country,, the efforts of tho fighters to hold until Ihelr cases are tovestlgated. < eouatrym en ter Ib e lr d o a sM te - Seek Break la Deadlock however, a n d Uves a n d hom es th u s' the fires wllhln flre lines moder* tbe Vinson program was. the total ______Frlodsrlch Frl Ebert, flnt presUtat,- aet ^ f ’ The order recaUed that 30 federal'»• worked, out to brtag the navy to full . up (be repdbllo under tha Wtlatar: ^dU f«r^ftutooyw »^»,l»ta« Federal mediators, the ReverendAd far have not been seriously men­* ated today, removing temporarUy employes were reported to tiave i be bir«flUB|bM* w treaty power, not Uie figure deter- , »NORMAN. Okla., Aug. 1 m eoasUtuUoa: ^ tbe rise and daeUae tcrxim'. Francis Haas and E. U. Ounnlgan.an aeed. the danger of deslrucUon of the cried "hell Hitler- when the Naxl , Neal Myers, ai-year-oldCniversltyof ^ i t Hfoif'aaottoar. te q a . b « .a ald , ba 'jV M • Three fires lo tl» torest.aervlee’s ~ mined on as suffidcnt for our oe«ds nci Uw eentrlsts under tbe late 0ustov. planned their next moves In effbrta > settlements ot Salmo and Orand puUchUU seized the chsnoellery last I Oklahoma student, waa locked In a lit. No. 1 region stm wew out of con** Forks. In time of peace." Ok W ednesday.______| -L In n f r . M»unty P^‘ ^ , cr and employer durlne ths quiet t Tflfcugtiouc tanuii faa- aouUi iSl ~D*elabm Held Up tUcular toterest In quarters that had 5“ • :na i , ; B a a ' M i i ~ w ja t t i jitsl f e - 'i: t t » t foUoKCd In th e wake of m areh* fighters h o i^ to coatrol them by' Idaho and Utah tba Hrast serrtce iQ. tonight or iomorrow. BatUers con* U- The dccUlen as to aceepUoce byIn ahown* aome concern ever Oreal ^lered hU college aweetheart. Marian ^ ot MltaP* ^ ^ lng men with nfles. machlne guna ■ reported faTOrmble w eather condl- MUls. to a purported e ffo rt to d e fe at ^ centrated on flames In the westi UODS had aided flghter^in eohtroU-U- the new govemment of Fran* r mJO BriUtn's 1 aanounoed IntenUoo to UU Uett;' or.-,jieiM daAu*, tetweea M ■ and bayoneU,-wbo nlppad In the bud *dd-«P-«luidn««-to-ber-tfr-towe,- n a tem lty ,------r ------the scheme ot strikers to hall ^ all fork~of~'nt>ut'emk'ln the CabinetI ln g all fires. ^— Papen as speelal Oerman mlhlstnS i rtnStH^tmrUffUrarttw^rBrtoar |« ^ a tolftl of 800 aew^ptaaea. v trucks by foree today. naUona] forest of westera Monanak Tt>e Trout creek flre to Mea*la* w as held up today. i Myer*. wbo gava .hlmseU o p last pol and In tha Oreat Meadow region on al(bt after autborlUes had '.aouSbt d« Plodding paTemsats in the gray I . (C onttnuw l on p ag e a; CoL 4>. Jlght'of eariy-Jnomli^.-I0» mea'I ihe-Kootenai oaUonal forest. .Jn S la for t h i ^ weeks to eonmeUoa Inet'after to< cabtoet feO. "it waa aaid In govemment elretesH : ' 'u n c tn e n n g ot ^ hera to enfo^ mUltwy ntl* which S rfth Uw death of the eampus beauty . i/9ta.gaia « auj(*ftr br.lea .«K» a- c h ^ " ' I ~ that it U expeeted nottitoc will beM lowed^ a sutement In which Secre- auelueen, pleaded not guilty - when ■ ba ^ Oermany, burdened by world war ball h . of Ctt per eent. la the iua*ott. BtnketB defied, went to headquarters done during the uneertatoty withLh taryt Swanson'told Japan—and the ^ reparaUons. groaning under an to- oo ^ AprU 10.'ba defeated\BltIer by -■ of lhe driren. Troopa arrested two ras arrmlgnod today. ^ respect to President ron Htoden-1- vworld-today lhat while the United *'l " h ^ to get o u t I couldn't stand ereastogiy ^ heavy load U taxation »aearly. 0,000,000 vote*. rlngteaders. conflKated 40 automo* and then* sorely stricken by.ttw ■ burg. tSutes might favor a slasti of 30 to0 thinkI of ths scaodal and Oisgraee ^ ' Oa M afW von Btodeaburs forced biles snd dlspnaed several score oc* er per oent in naval armamenU, it world-wide economic crlsto of U3»- HFmLiOlG''PRESINTTOVIEW The seml*otficUI newspaper r t would bring on my family and on resignaUon -Of Bnienlngita cabtoet. cur>ants. ie would oppose vigorously any realign* A ’'Weliblait.~ summing up today the t darian’s family." he said today to — ------anand named Frana eon' Papeo - L Naxl rebellion In the provinceses t ment ot exUUng naval raUos for the ixplanatlon of hU night sifter Miss Procrew Beported I J w hich foCIoaed th e soixure o f thIB e principal powers. ym celtor. Recurrlnr naUooal .parUa- t lliU’ death. IU mentary elccUons showed HlUertsm SA K FRANCISOO, Aug. 1 (>T)—. CIPAIGNMS; 10 BIG PROJECTS^ chancellerj' and the kUltng of DoU*1* The secretarj- of lh* na\-y said be Countyq Attorney Paul Dpdegrmtf, Misfortune Trails ™ gaining sUadlly but to August v«t Procreas towards formulation of a . - ' . fu-v. reported lhat the majority otot rgave onl}’ hLi personal opinion b u t ^asertlBg s c tbt youth's only nwUv* for q . the rebeU were peasants. h Hlndenburv refused to give, th* definite program listing points to tilgh naval officers surrounded him fj|.;light was lo eacape prosecuUon. de* J dianeelloiahlpdl: to Uw naxl llader Cruiser Houston, Weil Ahead>Q Others, said the paper, were put>- ^aa he spoke and apparenlty he lakl Three Balloons in be arbitrated waa reported here to­“ Millions o( Men Expected lared :------•< and Uie Utter declined a poit aa lie OfflclaU. policemen, poelm astcrs.'*• ^down Uia ponltlon of hU depart* -j night by WlUlam J. Lewis, district “He knew tw was wanted. tTader J vloe-chancellor. president of the Intemallonal Long- To Get Work Repair- Of Schedule, Nears teachers, customs officers and phy*f ' r,menl—If not lhat of lhe admlnlstr- ___ National Air Race siclans.. a Von Papen gava way to November ahomneo's association, whose mem* aUon «^U nued on PagTSrCoiJT) to Kurt von Schleicher who tosU- . lng Homes Portland Ju.1t w h at p rr cent o f th e public^ "I take the some poslUon I al- berstilp ended their Ions walkout emplpyps will be affected by the _ ATANTA. Aug. 1 (A V -T hree ©f luted JJ. a rigid regime, .but to the fol­ Tuesday by returning to work. way* have." Secretary Swanson ------tt the balloons to Ute naUonal lowing February hs asked tbe presi­ . anU-N«l drivt wllhln Ihelr ranks“ aald. . -TTie naval powers m e t to liOn* O fficers of ttie 1. L. A;. LewU said,^ WASHtNOTON, Aug. 1 WV-The PORTLAND, Ore-, Aug. l OT) — could not be establUhed. ' - ellmtoallon race came down to dent to dissolve tbe relchstag and - don and dUtrlbuted naval strength A Oeorgla today while lhe remain* will present complete data on which^ federal housing’ Bdmlnlstrstlen's; Plans , ouUtned by Franklin D. Police execuUvts denied a report ; met M stem a refusal that be rts- _ they based their strike demands ^ aa they thought Just and -right, i lng two entries- were repurted sUU J)!: tuune modemUsllon snd repair Rooeevelt more lhan two years agor® thal Dr. Anton Rlntelen. pro-Naxl " DDITIES s igned. T«-o days later HlUer~*M ' to the air making slow progress to employers by tomorrow night. for the de\'lopment of natural re-^ former mtolsler to Rome, had **con*” Naval strength Is reUUve. ■ named, but with ven Papen as vice- ,, csmpalgn Is ready to sUR and; to a southeasterly dlrecUoo. “ j The-, announcem ent by Lewis fol* ; sources In the Pacific Northwesi wUl *‘lf wc abandon the rallM there ■ chancellor. within 15 days will bc in full mo:,; U no telling where we stiaU go.“ 1 iovrd a d a y o[ blekering o rtt" tton throughout the nation jj[ be .“w n In fhe proee/w ot fulfillmentnt (^nBniifd on Page 3 .CoL 7) li — o f L if e The landtog of ihe Goodyear chaigcx o( discrimination Involving Holib on Throagh BevotaUen 'by the chicf executive upon hU re*e* ■ — ------I V ni near here st 11:30 a. m. was boih sid

f wonada received; la aa attempted thilhat Clark iUy with him -fer Jnst stw io, W . ito o r U u i h« i i i in n o . I IRSS SPREADING IN bank bolihip. • ' c ' - onS i m m botUe Of beer" g a v e .o f- teal NORTHWEST FORESTS .Clark wat sutprlied. as ba was flofton uae to reach the apartment ofolV I r.'S i.^oi.S S .ig'S ' nifvnDffi IDR0I1.MIIV n rsOESPEfiHOOBIlGK- 5 a pa y i^ t^^b^ ^ ^ii^gJSt.the. escaped ooaTlct. ^«« tMifui.' mmaor.. ■ f n TOWKOAST FOE TODAT AIW eaptured before he couki ose a pUtol CHANCELLOR WAGES . J TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY ^ T K W S I i l T TOUOBBOW—Idaboi FWr T t o *ftortliTIITIOIl liIjtaDa WM r^>orted. to ba btimlag be carried wrapped to a newspaper. C r day aad Prlday) ae change la Um* flerMly tbls aftamoon, but onwa Wife PrevcaU anaptoy figh t- againstlnazi—" j: . of clvlUan conserratlon o o ^ iaem-" ' J — 1Two womea, wbo gave tbe aamea —pantiywomaarpgi b o u l ’ “His VKas a Great Work,” _ Persistent Dry Weather Re-i6 * bers had oeen abla to wore thetrtt Jim Clar^, Last of Esc^ed ^U BaUle Johnson. 94. and Ooldle REBELS OF AUSTRIA = ' Bagb aad low (amperatures yes­ way around to tbe *bot‘' ead of tbe rohnsoa. 19. w tre w ith hUa. O fflcen Says Postal Chief te rd a y w ere M a n d <# d e g re « j: duces .Surpluses at {blaze to buUd flra Uata, 7%a blaseu Convicts, Sunirised by . u■aid Ooldle was CUrk’s wife and (Oonttoued Prom Page One) ^ tbere w u a southwest wind and the ' was reported to bave a.perimeter of ^ t she gnbbed hU ^ad pre* _ • In Utah Address sky waa dear: Larometrlo pressureI Rapid Rate seven and a balf jnUea. Offloorj at Tulsa venrented blm from wben they fessed” (esi to Uktag^art la the putsch. , a t 6 p . m . w as 3fl.0« a n d tb e b u - main ad e th a a rrest. Sbe probably wiU \ oDr. Rtotelen. who was wounded Schilling _ mldlty amge. 99 to 31 per cent of ■ The latest r e ^ to come from » brougbt to Kansas tafaeecljiUggL ^t«piBf}g m r ppmmaTBttrTicw*-»*"* "W eltharT yeaf a^WM-partlyr cloudy with J0a-6 t an inch of pre- ” clanged a b u t te h to d Jim Olartc. 90- ^Cansu stiRa prison, was located at pCONSTIPATED n SO YEAftS inocn, Portmuter Ocner»J J«BM ^ ) fldals to consider relaxation of vtr*tr* hold a mUe and a half of It. Strong I/s delicate 'jfiavof ' A- clplUtloD nnd temperatures of t t S >-ear*old Southw estern desperado, {he " TuUa apartment house after he , nrUy. OUM to owh to ^ . ly ever, were making control dlffl*'1. lu t name off tbe Ust of It convlcU ' wbo broke cut of tbe ^^rlaon oa latroL ULion. or Souring food from .stomach ' . , Cootnrj to Ujb «ppeal rf fup-fo- Fair Weather Rules cotton. cult. ' ^ Memorial day. i m . SUvertbom said he speat t^x choldioked me. Stoce taking Adlerika I *".j)ort«» of a rt« l candldat*. th«[" Throughout Country OffleUls said, however, such i a nghUng the Oreat Meadow fire * lonths gaining the confldenee of amim a ncw peraon. ConsilpaUon U a ” TMtmuter teneral endorsod. S«n> • ,sUp.w6uld ho tsken.only If.the aaxt » Of the 11. three have been slain. Clainy^j^aas^tes. who^toe^l^M Itohtog of the past.-—Alice Bums ^ > . a to f W Ullam H. K liw . w no l»~kebli^ A broad an a of low pressure cov-■ several weeks brtng no bresk to theha were attemptwg to ccntroi t ^“ iThe'oihm are to prlson-roae ;*CE aaJeillc'PliarBffiJyrr.-TIincimbcr.- '...... c - rc o > » ^ .. ins the Demoeratie nomination fer ' dry .siege itti^ 'le reducing sur-ir* ‘Kout creek blase. aof tbem bUnded as r ^ t of bullet Uu lt night. Slive^om 's Insistence lyy aat Stowe's Pharmacy.->Adv. ^ • j’. - n>«lectloo. Supporten of Herbertw ers tbe middle suias with its cen- u o te r over Iowa. A nother low. pressureI pluses at .a rate - alarming to thehe ------^ B. Maw. of Balt Lake Olty. alM I meo who aimed.their program »t at ------> aeeUns the nomlnalioR. bad tele* center Is charted over Arizona, with Hn an arm extending northward over■ paring the depreiulon accumulateded ' . graphed a request that he refrain the pUteau. Areas of sUghUy hlgb- mountains of farm products. , Xrom e a d o riln f anyone. - • t’ Not a eu reetralned. tba Oemo>ui, er pressures appear over th* north* It waa explatoed offlclaUy. how* ^ em Rookies and the Eutera states.’ ever, that removal of restrictive A / n i ^ ■j- cratlo national chairman eadorwd^ Temperatures are normal lo several .. n o t only S enator K ing a n d the Z>em> regulations would not mean any ocraUe reprwenUUTo. but put i_ In degrees above generally, and fate bute ehange to control plana. Nev* a word tar (ormer Senator Reed weather prevaUa throughout .the' ertheless farmera might tw aUowed ^ country, aave for showers In east- ' amoot, who was on the stand wltb ’ to p la n t full acreage in 1038. Aa of* ^ em Colorado and sprinkles of ratn '■ the postmaiter general-In Salt Lake fleUls . explain it, they .could re* ^ lo th« Ulsslsslppt valley. Mlva govemment checks as at pres­ city when he dedldated the poit-**: MlB. m e. Wlhf. pfflce here. ent for algnlng contrseU that would - ''A . n s e S»'..'=-:=S S S SIS pledge reduction ln ’199d. UT th a t be-r GREiA T E s f i n -Z am rer> happy lo be on thaf * s s s r j = s s s s.*EK eam* necessary. . sUnd with (former) Senator Smoot,” Roptog for a break In the drouth, Parley said. "Hlj was a fine Krtleelea u ' t & * c ry :the farm administration has drafted Ntw T o r k _ _ j e u . .ee a « a r , and a great work.** F o a ltlto _ ,._ M M .M a e a r , UnUtlve , plans for next year which In a leecsM address delivered hereira «« t t ,M Clsar Uulude. ‘ amaUer reductions thanI AUiiGusT n — —m rngBfruieriwrted-ibsf^Hw 'n'« 7”^' e was no crlttcSim of president or measure of restriction nevertheless. hi* policies “imtU aa election was T b tt (entaU re program embraced a imminent and tbe oppoalttoa partyty BMtUe ______TS ss .ee ctenOy ualform i contract and several bn> moTEai^\a\hsl ~ felt tbat it had to do something te proremenU on the conoededly some­; -Offenf Hundreds oiASetUaUa. Justify' Ita esistanee. or had to goj ; s S B ; I what cumbersome machtoery aet up o u t of tnutnesf itseU." ZWTTSM. Ito handle programs now uader way. P'arley. nbalrman of .the Demo­ ^ e chief concem of the farm ad­ ^ GsMsliUt , cratic coDuolttee. aald the ministration Jiut now. outside tha t S \ RkhVcetorad I’ ' uctlcs of the oppodtlon eouU bard* I actual ravages of the drouth. U the ly be called crlU eUm '“/a r lh a t lffl> I . \ . Lumorith ■ pesslblUty of a psychological reac­ jO \ compoillion. f f W W pUes a dfflalteness of complaintiCODEliDICE tion- against eurUUment over the j o « » » ^ and ought (o Imptr the offer of country st large. d u a i m i b b o b aome luMtute for what U com* plained of.- . ' “ .policy o o n iB ' . *^hat wo really get from the op*>- 9® ' nnwMwoT** O potlUott." he. said, ■‘is a claaoror — I . J B ^ Accufote ond f as vague In lu Import as It U i Idaho Beer Tax On noisy Ul lU utterance. Tbe presidentU Chief of NRA Field Branch 2,617,499 Gallons to^accw<^«^mi^g duda^i^g Addresses Session of Brings In $150,075 •4M ^ \ \ . . U t, On* iw m iiaeM ideoe and fidoUig ts ' limply ezercUlng the authority Un-“ Westem Directors SOIS*. Aug. I M>-Slne« tbe Ida­ poeed in him by aeu of congress in 5 5 * J — T T f f th« gnactmgnt nf ■hifh ■ jmn. _—BAN-nUNCUCOr-Mt’-l-m -A h ^ o btfT tax !av became operative on5 _ ^ portion of the RepubUcan sena-I- policyi of do»im* "M brcdlT u June 31.1933. t5el5trha8'coll«tcd ' ______tors and reprwaUUvea Jotoed." pOeslble" j with the problem of fore* a * 8*cent-a-gallcm levy on 3.617.499 IT tng oomplUnce wim code* was out* gaUons of the beverage. Miss Edyth lined here today by John Swope. Wade. ^ SUtUtlclan In tha Idaho de* BULK OF NATIONAL . \ partment of law enforcement, an- ir e s f i g a t e 'W K t eemA^V r Chief of .the NRA field branch In P ■f ■ . ; ! GUARDS QUIT CITY Washington. ' noune*^ n today. ToUl revenue up lo Posting of labor provisions of the August A l; she u ia , wta I190.07A. A m a z i n g OF MINNEAPOLIS codes c In stores aod factories, and Her ' flgutta. tacludlng revenues re­ inspections of business firms by ceived ei up to today, showed lhal the ■ . ‘ fContlnum from P i.. One). fleld I aganu ars a part of the pro* gallons .. aold during Ju ly totaled 39.* iA L L R o a d H / a z a r d .S gram..Swope told a conference of 7, 348 a n d th a t: th e sU U ta x prodUMd . themselves wttbout arbitration. O. J <^^tore and executlvw a»« Jj A. U8UUB|.'b^'^mkasman. aald. 1 censes and retsUera paid $90 for dls* ~ VntU a deftnlt* program Ustingg * ^ e whole poUcy ot eompllanoa ^ j- a a n u e ^ penstog permits, " ^ \ j the potnu to be arbltrat«d baa beenn with i tha codea Is evohrtng." Swope ^ 7 24 Months on Super Whipcords»fds* 1 ' r formulated, board-members m W.L explained, * ■<^<<|ng that: ToUl coilecUo'ns between Juno 3t.1. < 1 9 4 S f 1933. a n d A ugust 1. 1934. u n d e r tb e . 18 Months on Western Glcnt*-Its— 4 P ly o n d 6 P ly « ; r .. ;Mtoal aitltratlcs cannot start.z -our poUcy aow U to deal at j 2 Months on Wear-wells* (AfUr.Besalona'bare. otbezs.wlll baM broadly^ as possible with tbe enforce- ^revenuo a c t am ounted to 1190.019. beld to other ^ t o coast potoU. ment | probUm, and to proeeed by 'Tba>gaUonage ^ tax aeoouatad for ' l8I^BBLSkry$iS A$^n»t Infttry to Tir*b-o CotSSMli h y t ^ seeking to get all buslnessea nnder t|130.g79: brewera paid 11090 to II* at least general codes they wUl Uve ooenses; wholesalers* license* brougbt C u tt. Blo>w OuN Rim CuttCut S te n « Bm ltti In 119.390; retailers ta th e sU to paid FEDERAL HOUSING ' \ up to. rather than by dsaUng with 1> Under UHatioii Individual grtovaneea.” 13840 f: fo r p e m lts . MUceUaneous l^aulty Broket Bruls«t U . CAMPAIGN NEARSS ^ NRA officials atundlng tha con> siaourccs accounted for 953. ,Whe«li Oufof Aa llg lig i n m e n t ference. wblch ends tomonow. come At the present time there are 1930■ • IN PASSOKia CARR SERVICCSO , (Contto(ied from Page One) }frora Arlsona. California. Colorado. rcUUerst\ opersUng ta the sute; 103 IncemrMTclot and bMlrtna eor Mfvtct.euarentMentMd fbr on*4ntf eOovt ptrtod. - IdahoAlonUna. Nevada. New Mexl- wholeaalers « and three breu-erles. - ganlatlana. chambers of com* | O X " : CO. UUh. Washington and Wyom* T he m sU tax brought In 11601 In 3 0 l 3 h 0 . 2tX4.40.21 3 0 xIJ0-2t 4 j0 2ez4.75.19 29x3.00-19 29x4.40.2110.21 29S4.90-20 30x4j0-2l mcree. elvle clubs. Ubor groups.•• Ing., Tbey toclude J. O. Bretherton. j o( Wui.wiii. wuK-wm. Wui-wiJI-WtlL WCAR-Wttt. WCJUI-Wn-L WCST.ClMISuwT Wmt.Cwkt WuT.CUKT buUdlng supply dealers and con* j July; the total revenue coUected on Boise. ______It since the m slt tax act bfcame op* £ 4 4 5 4| 9 0 $ ^ 5 5 2 0 9 ^ 5 0 « g 7 0 tractors wUl oonduct the drive. . ------fl J |33.o . , Rules and reguUUons under which ' eratlve on July l . 1933. was «33.373. ■ 6 « .tbe government wUl Uisur* 30 per„ 'Moffett aad bis aides are ready to Missa W ade said. cent of all loaies Incurred by tuuiks„ *start the second phase of the pro* _ ? gram. ThU Involvea loans through - making modemUaUon and repair, * goremment mortgsge InsUtuUoni loans wUl ba maUed to (tMO fl* ' q / s e a t C O>VERV*Special ^ iai'B attery^ nanclal tnsUtuUons wltbln tbe nezt for ' new home construction and the w reftoanclng of existing mortgages. BftCAKFAST 6 P*ti— 13 ftoe few dayi. As soon as equipped with ; ON THE SIDE rules, banks may begUi lendnlg. Tn ' this operation the government ' MoXfett M Um ated lh a t 18.000^0M *wiU guarantee loans up to M per T h e qulclcMi m eal of the i $ 3 4 5 homes were tn need ot some klnd.y' cent of the appraised values of the day can b« more pltaisnl U a coty breakftut nook Is of repair and lhat already a Urge ' | | M irllfc v l i b^ttUrT numlxr of appUcaUons were on fileI’ i i""""- ______handr to the ranee and other ■ wllh the banks. Tbe Umlt of a loan.n kltehen equipment ^ i r A splendid oll>new« Ik • supply the place and < Uod*r______S J 9 r moterlol batlery for to an Individual upoo wblch a bank liehtoorsuiJnoNo. I tlte cote. n a y receive Insurance from th e gov* we wtu supply the msterlala . Duro.o*ihown._« 1.51 S3 e m m ent U 13000. T be average toanS E A T - A .\t Hollvwood.-.— ...... 2 .J2 4 Is expccted to be around glOO. q v A L m r f o o d a t a n u c E • 1 ^ BOU.YWOOD »«XUSTO] Seot Coveti— S ' “WASCO”;i " ^ x . • 4 ’ i H A deluge of appUcatlom for Jobs ;ry value for light paugr.con. In the housing admlnUtratlon, Mof*i* T O D A T ’ f r ^ S c A mode to otA»r . _.^ 1 4 “P Aplendldbcttefyv fcU said, had delayed tbe stan of[f S P E C l O . HOME tbe program. , Chicken Pot Ple The SUta organtntlons of tbe fed­'* Kgg Dumplings L U M B E R & C O A L C O , eral emertency eouncU. set up Bresd. Butter. Vegetables months ago to further tbe Rooa»- Oemaa lltau J k i s s j E *■ . Poutoes. Health Pudding Tfit rfcoTtry (Wve. wtU be tempor­ Coffee. MUfc o r Jeed T ea - Tiut PABMER-S FBIE;0)LT ^ AUTO TENTrt MANY OTHER ‘<2 arily lent to Motfet lo direct the A Treat tn SUre Por T m Every SUPPLY UEADQUARTEB8 CAMPING NEEDS > housing campaign ta local eom* mtuiUles. PHONE 34 O N S A L E ! J No permanent tu u housing or-1 BUHLER'S cm LL CATE ganliailons »U1 be created untiltu 1 WXUON “OCTA OLAM’ -■ I* ©W M fe-d GOGGLES

Full 7 .7 fe«f witfi 6 -6 rldo" end 3 . foot well. While mate-V. 2 9 ® - ^ ^ i ' X riol___ w ith < £ 8 8 m Octoc=n rirm. Adju»t«*le *or ^ _ s - r s ...... ^ y r j ^ - n SBDVDWO o pn tf r r r 7x7 KhckI W attr* g « * 4 8• piaeo. Fituxol or dork tmt*d S proof AutoTcnt.ctis « eonvcn t» m o . ^ ^ AOIO n FOLDING COT . PJU P_ . -buFFt^^^A G - • A m r - - LUNCH-KIT^ — C 0 M B » A•T T I IO H k - — ^ Includes vw uum type Velv*Gfif $ ■ 0 0 er. levartyp#Vol*e Lft,r. -Gei ” G H ndl^ CoTTip. end Sprir M Hcrdwood «.. . lO-ouTK* n y " I V i a pimt ■ ^ doiV eov*f. t l I ^iii V .> I5«30 in. hrsw brow rteorfvatrt» Gold Mxtol Cet. KhcVi eovef, ^ ciif BcuU ____ V '^-TaaocTfaM D— wi>K~»rn:no ^ rS ^ rT f^ T T Ic fe All Metol.'Bloeli - - B ^ p 1 ^ 0 2 rtwVn eciy to fiil. block top df» ” aig.- ^ c.„$a.95 end postage cl cKCtted iondi C*nuin^ '‘CoUmhW' > g M j a e a — a I Luggag*' Carriers CAMP GbI d _ VACUUM BOTTLE 4 . I . J . . ------______— . H'Chcrod*. _ff ^ C4»T: = 3 S c ^ - - 3 buto, t«s boieerits.' oA^ - ^ r a r 6 Z e 1 1500Fr.Se«i;----- > t u S 9 V.' PoW down flu* with rwning OIL SAL Y lOHinOM CABLE \ beerd wf>«n nol In ioe. 1 Cofnp Grid l3V 4*i2 eisi-52« 9 G a n g ^ i i l II C nisfM LONG RUN T ™ r [ G R A P H IT E Mare Tlun EO Scotti In ttw § CyBndef O»€vrolet.s»«4-— ^ CUP CREASE til o n . 11. , ______- H I / “Hok-Up” PUEB 1 2 cB l

be«* needle-noM— just i “■ thlr^fwpWunouppemthetc ^ TOlN FALLS, IDAHO 7j» hgrdwreodi. TMat k oforcohH t. AU£ VSSZiarJ»LLS.OC.OEIBfi K lNCTtta-.u*E«»»o«ttftaa dkeoed ^ Lm M cCsnj Pret«ct»b>o»feodlono»r. » G alloaB S^E.50 .. i Modem oil for tmsdam use. On>v < 100% wvttem cnjd* reined M 1 ef mott efficient nwthodi I ) .'}^i • t w in f a l l s d a il yY NEWS, TWPT FALLS,. roAHAHD; THIJRSDA'Y.MOBinNG. AOiOGUST’Z. 1034 ■ ; . when stock'reeelpu are large. ' ' tfln'ftvhtlng.Hrrtca la tba statali iMANY PE O PtE Trio C!onvicted Oh 1500 New Orleans Police Meanwhile, some 400 stilkebreak.* i lS.OOI>,oOO.aere« of naUoaal forests. fleady for ‘War”— Huey e n ' quartered In Pullman can ln> i * , NEWlSTORElPptlG^^^ . BUliOEiELl Kidnaping Chargej S i i m T ; PEK M iiiD r;ilde tbe big yards. hai»Ued tbe Ught' f be- 9hserTed., -v - Long's Troops-Oemoblllze shlpmenU unloaded Into the pens.I. ' Beie for .a short Ume coordlnsU cmCAOO!, Aug. 1 MV-Threfl of !" Twln''«UIs'''*o4/.Ttdktjr’.tJimedr''-ii r There was no tradlns In thee i Ihg 0 0 0 aoUvtUea'and federal for-^ ook.ia^ fcroa yesterday to attend --f (QontlniiM Ftom Pa«« One) world's biggest U m t ^ market,:, . estiy men and egulpment in an at- t ‘ GHiBEIISGDiENE » lyELIEFWORK " . iichiciigosikwim; only about 3.000 head of com. f t- the epenlng-of tbe new J . a Feonejr-. v'. N ry . _____ ' tempt to reduce the chanees ef'dls-I- stos n a t tha'earner of Main: aveaua .v' clothier, were convtcted by a Jury lUl at Baton Rouge, leavtns tO'Sen->en. - — nmerclal catUe recelwd.-aU consign- ^ " —‘ m ight-and ~ acnteneed • to -to -^w i ed't05«;»-packlnr houses.-:— ------s- -asttfnia-Umber-flree^^klsseB-MldId .eaat.jtfd,jgft»Bcljtre«tMut}k.R*^u:..;.•* -rr S'StooIcyardrflanaieSm BOfi ' when tbe • buml.dlly of a forestgt Robinson,{ manager of the store, es> . r ; Tentative Plans Laid for In the suto penltenUaiy. .The” Nearly ^8,000 Persons U'l on The first ot tbem were called out a Umated last nlgbt Uiat orer 10,000 fourUi, Edward Oreenspan, was ac- nlgbt They earrled out the dropa below 23 per oent we're od ‘ ^ flclals of Company j ths-danger line." I t toaa been eloseM people< had visited tbs stora dor- . Completion of Highway1 qulted. '■ FERA Payroll In Idaho,t senator's orden to seize (he regls- „ ing the day. ^ Tbe convicted men were Allen . tnU oa office In U>e city hall 16,000 Prepared {to that mark for days, rising from Slegal, Arthur SwSy and Rudolphih Official Announces' - where tbe Jiamea of persons* eligibless; ' » Get Together ■ approxlmalely IS a fu r Monday'sr'l Tbe opening displayed Mveral new ' - • Between Two Towns featiirea and departments tb at.ara Plsanl., ,• to toU in the September congres-res- _____ , For Fire Fighting, Istorm and receding again today. t t,iy slonal primary are Usted. new to tbe Twlo Falls Penney store.— BO ISE. Aub. 1 u n -A p p ro x lm a u ly CHICAao. Aug. I (;p>-8tockyatd$ BU H Ii.’ August 1—A t » meetlnstin g . • fIn Tbe soldlen. In uniform and car- Opening ceremonies were held at bondlcrs and offlclaU of the Union ___held-hn»TrKlftr«Tuln8-at.UUL,We9t UOO persons vere employed lo Service in State ^ — taahV-dtglng- July - on-rellct -proj-rol-- tyln*-arms,—were—blwwackad-at 8loekyards-and-Transli-«ompaay - I AyXA-BOOSEVELT DALL------_ ..»..©:clj»k.* jest^ a y ,m O T ljM _ 'S 6 .W _ ^ End Country club wlllv-Auatln- 8iu>- 's22 Jacksoa barracks. The>. pollcemen.nen. weje iirotight together In ncw peacc LEAVES BENO FOR EASTm MayorJ Duncan McD. Jobnsten-un- ' ects sind reeeived'ah'lAcome '0^123 locked the front doon to tbe n ev - V ■ «H er. Arthur N. MacQulwy and E for their part-Ume services for the pistols and .riot guna ready, wereB at counclU tonight. BOISE, Aug, 1 (/0>AlUiough aU1 BAN PRANCISCO. Aug; i ‘ O. Commons. rcpre«cntlng the Wen­g i G i K i r e - Lant headtfuarters. Leaden of both aides ” store.' month, C. £. Ooraoson, asslsUnt iw As a result, federal conclUaton wasw quiet today In the South Idaho> 8 Secret servlee offlcen here said to- deU. Chamber of Commercc, and Iht n administrator for the FERA in lda-Ida- said any overt act would brUig appeared sllghUy more opllmUtlc naUonal n forests. D atu Parkinson ofI a night th at .Mrs. Anna ’ Rooseveltit ------; ' ■■■■i.j • ■ iUfi^ora and tho wcretary of the H ho. announeed today. Wcrk was bloodshed. that the eight-day strike can be Ogden,q assUUnt regional forester,; C DaU. who was ttlvtfrced at Mlnden.n. -- BuhVChamber of Commerce prc«ent, II dono In all,of tbe 44 counties. M achine ffxms were train ed o n thetne terminated. sisaid tonight "an accumuUted hu-. I Nevada, Uonday from OurUs B. jjlanl were mode In rejarc! to receW-I COiESSEDSLliyER BC,. cily baU by U»e troops, .Tha police i DaU. New York broker, left Iteno th e ------T here were o e arly IB.000 p er­ As they did untU midnight last midllyxt deficiency ot close lo 3S C iDBftedenU aid In the oUing of the were ready to fight It out If Ujo sol- night, Uie sUUtert and. their cm- Pper cent** warns foresten that the) t to d ar en ronU Bast with her two road from Bubl to Wendtll. sons on the PERA payroll In Ida- Assistant Prosecutor Says/S ho In Ju ly , 10,300 o f them rejslv-jjv. dlen appeared at. police headquar- ployers were disputing. It was re- "i"red demon" probably lurks JustI c ChUdren. They did not reveal the Action WOA taken Monday a t the Ing direct relief In the alx districts■icts ^ers. ahead. ddesUt^Uon of the president's daugb.; Covey regulKr luncheon meoUng o l Uw loca.IflS Robert' Edwards Admits Into which Uie sUle U divided,ded Mayor Walmsley had been in>.in* y.!i'k ” ln ^th “y* ^ - . chamber of commerce by dccldlnif U □oranson revealed. Tbe 10,&0(> per­xr- formed that the Long forces might e i have a delegation from Buhl. Weai Girl’s Murder sons who .did no actual w^V wouldjuld make an attempt to uko over the — ...... - Polnl highway dUtrtct and troutrom have been given employment In police department at noon todayHJ*/ use of •’quack" remedies In a n effort Wendell to ha>-e a m eetU r Oor-30T------:• ^ cases wbere they were physicallyaU, when Uie new poUce commission.” ?■ to defeat motherhood. em or O. BCQ Row- ImmedlaUty atteiIfter WILKESBARRB, Ptu Alig. l m^ fit on approved proJecU If FERAaiA created by the recent Long dwnl-?*i: Mycra Insbled he bad asked Mar- MOWER Auffurt 15 a t BolM re«ardln« the roatroad J. Iiarold Flannery, assUUnt dU-s- funds h a d t>een available and Insur-nir. nated .l«lsloture, was authorised' • to lan ’ many times- to m any him. He ADTO GLASS I coutnictlon. If they are succeaTuaful Ulct attorney, tonight sold Robertrt once troubles bad been straightenedned uke oftlce. would not K)y whj* she refused. REPAIRS SPECTAL PRICES in'obtalnlna.lhls'ald. It wiu msatuao Edwards. S3, had admitted killing18 out, the assbtant admUiistratorItor Obtained Reslnlnlng Order„ ”1 asked l»er even before — even Repairs and Parts for . tho completion oC the Clear l«akaAfcea Freda McKechnle. ae-year-oldJd commented. . Tbo Walmsley faction previously before thU trouble came up.^ he Od Ante Door Glass and McCormirk. Oeerinir, grade, which conitrueUon worlc waiwas church* worker, whose body wns Those who did not work receivedIved had obUlned a resiralnUig order^n-« In satd,-Even on the lost day." Wlodsblelds. No Charge started under the CWA and fCERA IU found in llarvoy'i lake^ relief mnglng frora $3 upwardsm u court to preveni the commissions On the advlco of his altomeys. for Settlag. Get Ow Priees I John Deere, McCormick- and which for eome few weeka . hajh a s T he j-oung engineer fo r tb o K lngi-** weekly, In som e Instances moneyinev funcOonlwr. The mayor aaldJ jz he Neal wUhhcld much of his venlon Deerins. Moline, been discontinued on aeoount ofr In­In- ton Coal companysald In a state­ inrf, would enforce the court'a order Covey being provided to supplement funds ot tho death of MUs MlUs, daughter Adrianre, Daln, sufficient runds. ment. Flannery announced, that he but wim armed pollco If Long's troops lhat the persons were eamlug bul „ L of a univenity professor. Mllwaakee, Emerson’ G as a n d O i l C o . Plan Gcedede Surrey h it th e gtrl on th e head, wllh a black- which wero UiadequaU lo meetneet appeared. Noon possed with no move “I knew sho wns deod." he said MOON’S by the Long forccs. and Osbome Mowers. . Shoshone and 4th So. ' Tbe chamber of commerce recentlj.q Uv Jade and then pulled her beneatb their needs. before he entered the Justice of tbe Palat and F m llo re Blere tho water lo the spot, 300 feet from Tbe mayor’s forces alao were pre- EreryUiiag fer Ihe Boom OPEN D ^ AND NIOaT reeelred a letter from Bay J . Lyman " The esUmated number of per-[***■■ pared to'resU t the Uklng overf ofg{ peace court toom for arraignment. Boise, In regard to having a iellc shore, where her body was found aons on Uie relief roUs In.district Iind “1 suyed wllli her as long as 1 K re n g e l’s latg Tuesday. _ a an.1 city hall by- (he troops, who hnd four' Titflctttn^^^Tin^^r»l**cJ the Twin PalU tract. kno»-n aa th(the hnd maintained, th>ough tualiy work durtng July follow: Iffht. ______houn of questioning, that the gtrl entnnce to tlu haU since last night. Snineau projrct. which later coulc District 2-Butte, Lemhi. Custer ITiree of the guns are mountedj In in ------:------be devldcd Into Tarlon* Irrlgatlor.Mnn drowned while on a swim m ing party,■y. Blaine. Camas. Cassia. Jerome, Un- (ten ______• thnt Edwards was said to have been side windows of tbe city voten prajecU. Tentative pUna are- thnl “ coin. Minidoka. Twin Palls udsnd regUtratlon office. seUed by fu. with the girl Monday night. 18 hours the thU .will Uke place in tho near fu* « O o o d ln g - J353. 1207. F , O. Thomtnp- p- troops Monday night, and anolherther before girl canoeUU found the bodyjy son of Twin Palls Is the acuna ad- tu re .' . In four feet of water between .Sandy 4d- gun pointed -toward the entrance Jy m ln lstn io r. from a hoUl. window a half biKk>lKk - M M Reporta wera given In regard to the bench and a bathing dock. reconstruction of the American Mar­ away: A fUth mnchlne gun pointed B H V # i . m M • -ir foi''*; 8^* apparenUy out of a front window of the regls- ket slaughter house. ThU was nol was beaten and tossed Into theS PRESIDENT TO VIEW f / M m large enough to enable them to taktu s e v a ic r. iTis eare of all the relief stock and slnct They said Edw ards first told U>em TWO BIG PROJECTS>TS ' tho chamber of eommerco reporteC he and the girl donned bathing sulU this to the offlelals conatruction work^0^* in his car and went Into the water« (Cootlnurt F n m P n g , One), MURDER CHARGES has been done and tliey can non Monday night. Driving rain and — CONFRONT YOUTHITH J take care of from 30 to 33 headd ol chilly weather forced him out andUS ^ of his official famUy began con- UT ARTKULES!! ^ b cattle twice a week. verging upon PorUand. I PALMOLIVE jSr* LUX I Miss McKechnle wenl Uj alone and «iy (Continued on Page 3. CoL 1) Tha aecretary had written to UuUie a moment later disappeared, be toldM Mra. Roouvelt, on a lelsurelj jSS^d ORUCS«nd’t Alcohol **«•< . . . the fln t of August or latCT, will Issueijuo in flvo ■ m o n th s . ______n'SS tlally “resU on me.“ - - which the waten of the ColumbU Soap wirti 2 ' C re e a r n s ------h m T a l c i Mi H i i — half year licenses after July l..Oie.O ld • ■______' — ago "I was a stem, strict father. 1 ca n that are not licensed for . 10341034. ' — _ carded a colored pathway yean ago A h au l o j SebedBle told my boys I expected them to sU■ w ; 4 “ " if the owner transfcn that car U «-cU outoftrouble.lse«mymUUkenow. another party the secsnd party can­ Aboard th e cruiser Houston, wei: "19c I 25c 2S55* 12* 17c’c L «“ Los Angeles City a head of schedule, th e president waJWM I should have told them to do every- not buy half year Ueense plates. I Udy E s t h e r _____ J A D I swlfUy n e arin g th e Oregon shoreI foilor thing possible to avoid trouble, bul After several business motlcr dU- nnt I 4.Purpo»* RUj rtified Baye - cusslons. Stanley Webber, president“V Fathers Ban Dogs5 the conclusion of hU sum m er voyageage. if they gol tn trouble, to come flnt t u s s i a n U s t n i n e C e r til Prlday noon th e vessel wUI doejlock U me." i S A L T S I adjourned the meeting. '■ I CREAM l l r i n (Candi nsid) I From Beach SandsS aiainst Portland-s seaa-oll. to be meimet Evldenee* of OperaUoa A i n e r a l AjitiMptic iililcn“S41. fb^SJ? A.^ by Mrs. Roosevelt and. perhapa, bjby U pdegraff dUcIosed to d a y a n ln< .. thelr ton. James. Two olher sonsions, strumental pperatlon had.preceded Oil ,«ou~» xodUil LOS AkoELES. Aug. 1 (JPt-MUn r L 3 7 c j ____ considenble dUcusslon Involving pic-g. John and PrankUn, Jr.. accompanleenled M Us^^b^^yMh^July^lO^^^W FUNDS SOUGHT FOR jjC t ha pr«aldon t.. ipY nickers, dogs, dog neas. .sand s-39c| 59- \z^ IRRIGATION SURVEYt ' and chicken wings, the city councilHI A long special ti«ln with aira tr- ______paued an ordinance today banUh-u cooled can. ImmacuUie and filletllled ------^ . (Continued Prom Page One)) ing dogs from municipal beaches. for every convenlenee of the preslresl. BBB dentlal part>-, wUl m eet M r.,Rooseo se- " KOLYNOS I United States Seimtor WlUl.im : -E. T he council was divided Into two veil at the BonnevUle dam site ♦ ■■ ■■iB H Si •SsCsapaattAaU i,„;u.irrlng factions loday. One groun c 40 1 Meham'sPnh....Ue lL 4 U iJa |B Borah who for (he past yeur hits miles up the Columbia river fronrrom W n m k ^1 TOOTH iSS.'St I ♦ NaHind’aUcisn..^ ovaltineI lent hU influence toward construc- : defended picnickers with their chlc-c*, Portland;- - Al - BonnevUle PKda; jken bones at the beaches. Tbe Olher » d s r lm £/7TgY ^^nfW i^ Qon of the proJccL " a fte m o o a th e president wUl sosee iW M m § mT ■ ^ P a s t e s s s ; |I- | ^ B k H | | lie InsheAtoWm V i k 14 Ouncot I Senator Borah read a message I quibbled aboul th e dU ference. bo­^ w hat p ro g re n h a s Jbeen m ade on lii I n t l a m a c . i m m ’ H .. from Dr. Elwood Mead. Unitedlted i ^'^'^cn dog flras and sa n d fleas, ” u m am m oth $31,000,000 power ani 3i»e. CosM Oovrmor C. Den Ross, now In He will speak briefly Uieix aro TroQbIr and Cbronie Head Celdi e n - tence. • U n lv n ■rvw nle - eastern Idaho, telegrnphcd hU en* will conUnue by train to Spokanea n e Can Be J ^ I vnHi ■■■■a iM kplt In dorsement: C ouncilm an R obert S. McAIIlsler,sr. and Uienoe to the site of th*rX7s lety and that If doss ore a nuUanco:o capltol. • « e B #s tt' Toeth Paste. .SSc to the end lhat every farm tn tho nl the beaches Ihey ore.nulsances ev. BL’HL PHARStACY BoLse valley alU have nn adequato riywl)crr and should be abated ev- — B ahl •M...JN Ma LJ water rignt." -tiie Bovcrnnr mes­ erywhere. ____ KfSfBERLY DRUG I^I^ALMOLIVE saged. •, Kimberly im i i|LMiir | Thonki r r i e ^ ef proiect Some olher councUmen said they KANSCN MERCA.NT1LE recel^-ed com plaints th a t doss» | E A T naasen .. . The meeUng voted to extend an iinatchcd chicken bones from ple- e- QUALITY FOOD AT A PBICE:e r e x a l l d r u g s t o r e I B expression ot apprrcJaUon for pastpast nlcken. S i . I efforts in behalf of the project to TODAY’S 25c Jerom e Senator Borah, Senator James^ pP. After prolonged debate the eoun- JEFFRIES DRUG CO. Popo and Oovemor Ross. cll adopted the ordinance by a vote SPECIAL Goodlag In addition to Senntor Corah,„ i, 0/ eight lo seven. CouncUman Osy Chicken Pot Ple WENDELL DRUG CO. those attending today'a mecung in­In.' then aald he would defy the ban and Egg Dumplings WeodeU l i l ™ : J cluded Windsor Uoyd of Nampa;- E. beach. •Bread, Butter. Vegetables If Tear Dealer CaMot Sopply W. RUlng. Nampa niayor; J. ■ P P. . ------Poutoes, Health Puddlnc Yon, Write -or Can Oray and Leslie Oray. abo of BODT FOtWD Coffee. MUk or Iced Tea COKA GREEVnoW . Nampa: w. d. Rlner. president of A T re a t In Slaee J w You E rery“7 Prreatx Dlitribntor I Fae# Powdtr T . , * « « « « _ j a t g s ttie Caldwell - Chamber o; Com­n n - CLEVELAND, Ohio. Aug.' I 'tD — ...... Day. ^ -■ Offiee Nfit le Orphewm merce: W. Antrim of Wlldt-r; Wal­ ' I Foidhft I Ck*« B'H LAVORISI ,'al- The nude body of a man who hsdd BUHLER*S GRILL CAFE^ n « 8 n I t« S p . M. t 19c 89c S I' ter Lockwood of Bolw. feeretaryt to been fhot three times ras found to­ » I PERFUME : 9 8 c Senator I’ope; J. M. L.inipcrt.w n . 'tny in a shallow grave near a>Jon.n. (h.»orchw IiiSm M «t ^ Boise Jawjcr: W. n . Mltehfll and a sub-jrb. and wa* Idcnti.'kd ten*1. ■ - K*iTr, dsriM* y “ **■ a Ernrst Anderron of P.rnra, J.. V. K. taU vrly to n lsh j oa that of Frank M M ..H . bVv.I.yV.m..'! • Mitrtln of Kuna nnd Wllium E. T. Joiner, repuled slot machi.-.e bar­ 79« I WeUh, BoUe river aatcrmaatcr. on. who disappeared Janua-T 3. J J Bottle ^ s s a S T r a SI ‘KWICnON W H G i v e n ■ Make Your• Home I Sparkle O C O L D I H U rg tS lf l + c / s s " S M O C R E A M I ■ PIITOWAT^ Berlha E.. Cannpbell’s With Cheerfi•fill Colors. . . H i . 1 r A S S X . p 2 ? ) - — CIOAM. IW 2 0 * / Oeanen <6 V.... rv ,.,\ w.-. ; 6 f o r 2* NU-ENA.MEL workss like1 maf^ic. Y'ou. yourself. - ■ ^ ' * 4 9 ^ 5 riTrt. r*. t*« a pkg. » > !025« I.M 2 9 c J l ~ ean quickly chance an;any “junt-an-ordlnary-room” Be««(■*.*.i->.nTOBflCCOS:^^vi » I. D R E S S T ! h o p p e (or autom obile) into on*one that exprexsefl happinesn tnd Kood cheer. A daadash of color here— another color there— docji thet trick.li No previous painting . m ■ expfrlcnce'm 'necessary; ---- Offers---- i r y r ' ...... '■ claTabMs.Srsl7e ]6H 1 M ' 500 r«r««ctlM CW««- CHECK oTcr the roomoms of yoor home. Do they . b l u e ™iJe C ltw ...... C7e ' V TlM M t...... MAR-041L I sparkle w ith cheerfulI eolom—«et r are they- nad and ' A complete slock of ta r's Pm s...... U« . ' i m I ' fl A ■ ^ CfMi-. frttklf.1, Soaplm B of ncw ?oa fall drc«c.«, arc the piidsfiirt aMt* ...... — Come in andnd visit our store. ni,ie»J-a.....»e o 2 r ^ , Ptyfpr^r.ptet.^ AH Tek .... ccntcr of attraction in this ladic.s «hoppc. A . 49c sirs; 60« H««t DeaOitety.. I COcZanHa>Ha...... Oe

------^------fc------TWTO FALta PA ar-WNEWS. TWIN m M .' PAHO.gQ. THIJ^AT-HOgNINq. *1 2. l a w - _ f e " . .------pilot would sot proceed oxccpt in a calm. “In ' \ VAN BORING f l t S , ” . ByTishTaah h ^ d rlv . oolj with Uidr paittag 1 >^CWIN-PALLSBAILYNEWS «any but the most' tronquU weather,” the Guiding .Your IIA j New Yorker “ V,-V ...... ■ - - • •------^-----, t daace, and tbe floors aad' lounges' otbjUier nlgbt, -I obeerved an elderly “taow about toe Uw and woa willing 1 wer* filled wtm member* of oU ma:naa approach Ui^bar and order ”to , w aU damagea. But ttia taxi • suBSCBtrnoN b a t e s ■ ««*. But though most of tbem knew two;wo_mtnt Julepa. When ttae froatod ^driver gruffly taavercd that • ■ By Carrier DANGESOUS WEAPON / r g : ______J ■fSolt Lake Trtbui^e) one another, con^twu 6H ^ n o)d driiIrinka were piaoed-befor* him; ha ”««-all rtgbt,.t}»at-hI.-ca^^ - 1 _ PajabJe In Adraueo • oad young were ao" slight as to be pld>lcked U«m up and carried-Uiem ®*of denu anyway, and he woulda't Whch the American Bar ftssoclntloa m eets'la Mil­ ^ One Tear ------almost negUgtble. and tbe general outmt to Ahe street. Pfpreaa any chargea. The oop ex- ' Six M o n th * ------— ------^------t t - n waukee, WU;o^i In, next month, tt a'HI receive a recom-' Pualed by auch , a moyemeat, I ^pWned about Um parking u«hu’ — T^Thro»-MooM>» I / ------'tDcndaUoii'Yor'»-iag,-M standing by the Times \— - r4 r.,“r.aan''T .g'a,p".a- ■ ^U .docted WIUI. instances of peraonai umbriige being cenoo py lhe yiltflj cnacs.-MTe sijil:quare "sul)nar - statloB atolr the- Deed; jUla j. n m to T. p. wibh' ■ herein il«o reaerred.______' eajconverted to contempt orders for no other purpoee given up the struggle aad settled otbether night somewhat uncertain D DI2 lst. M3, P t NW NW a s 10 10. gback, to bridge at hoiae and paying whlirhich tnUn to Uike to get . to the -. c n meani AiMCJated Pre*aT^ ~ tiulhan.to aUesee a crlUcal press. Tbe recommendaUon i duea 'Xor tb e lr chUdren'a dance- CoU^olumbU university atop. ' • '.Deed: P. w . Snow to T. F. High. • ■ — uIs port of a program for reform la crlmlniU trials. I floor. - ■ FlFinally, ahe made Inqutrtea of a D Iat, 150, P t S W S S 36 10 1«. Mnnber Audit Bureau o( Clrculatlona. whleh Includes, among other things, denial of tbe W bea tbey a re Ifl or erien younger, youioung man aUndlng nearly. After Deed: 8 . W hlto to T . P . High. Dlst. ’ NATIONAL nEPRMENTAIIVXS rl* the ChUdren are allowed to atUnd atjpiippl^ng her iritb the information, $25. r P t NW NW 31 10 17. right ot the, Individual to avoid seif-lncrlmlxutUon Deed: O. J. Ward to T. F. PRUDDEN,. KINO AND PRTODEN. New anl the-««UbIUhmcnt of less tban unanimous jury i Jl- stba dub dances and Join la tbe bee i added: "rsee jQtLXalk wttb a . York. ChJcajo. Saa PraaeUeo. Los Angelei. tbthrdiig which elbows tbe eldera off drairawL You must be from the south." Diat.,r $ l.P tN i4 N W 32.10 17, Dr :her train, he hurried after and High. DlsL. lie . P t NE 28 10 17. Jurisprudence. The powera ot tbe prcss,^ the main, the naper U at fault a correction of that part J" proacbed from Uiat angle. The lack whli•hljpered: "I don't want you to -,,7Deed; S. H. Beals to T. P Hlah. ’ ef the tdnrtliement m which tha enor occura haihave been given to decent Ideals and theN^umph of of conslderaUon for oUiert produces tblnUnk I'm getUng freah, but tf you Dlst. I37J0, Pt N 4 NW SW 2110 wlli &9 niiMUhed without charea. jmJustice. They haj-e spurred lagging JustlceVto action -A i avent got subway fare, Xll be glad — a narrowncsa ot ouUook and a pro- have . All nottoes reQuUvd bf or by order or raoraore often tluin tbisy have meddled with thp funda­ ' Jr. rlaetalily dUflcult to eradicate. Af- U>ilendlttoyou." le ' • . ' court et compeunt ]urudicUon (o be publUhed meimental-rights of the courts or th accused. The aeU- ^ t* r aU. Uie d u b belongs to Uie p a r- ""Thafs I qulto all right,- ahe as- enenta who pay the lees, and thelra la «urAued htm. "I hava my fare." **£imer Didn’t Like jssirt.ctcum roke| ."Elsie” «: Has Eyes of Blue.— ______• 11 li aamctlmes dou complain when the ends of JusUce WASHINGTONN CLOSE-UP ' aldered S before Uie youUi w ho can plenienty of tlmea up here." ' gj daooe all week long. She’s His Weakness Nowl THE PRICE OF PEACE are diverted by presumption in Judicial procedure. So By KIRKE SIMSIMPSON If tt U posUble to give a midweek Fm the most part. I've always ^ With the cndinff of tha San Frwcisco it “ JJU that Uie proposal of the Amorlcoii bar Is fraught dance for Uw children alone, tt founund New Yorken helpful and Kith difriculty, for there la no ulllng whero contempt . ■ “A WASHINGTOlSr■f IBYSTANDER” might SJ be a good Idea, but if they cour)lurtcous to fltrangtn. But, this is — waterfront strike, differences us between tho proceedings mlglit start or end. TI)o wider use of __ - mustm i go Saturday night, Uiey shouW a paradoxicalpa: dty. ^ be loid expUcltly, and mado to real- X i maker tbe obserratlon that New | . strikers and tho employers to bo settled by contempt com poAvn mlgbt easUy be converted to on ^ W.WA5H1NOTOK — Hop. th a t tall,;allatlon because o f t u th re a t to non- ^ “springa eternal'' rather than aay comt:ombaunu In or near the war zone. i»be, that It ts they who are receiving Yorkorkers are polite, and then I hear arbitration, the thought suggests itaelf that atie,attempt to gag a free preas. In which «rent the evUs a favor aod that the adulU are the ofa a happening like this. A man who I q If A T leeson of experience must have die- Therhe same thing applies lo atr bomb- » i QUALITY FOOD AT A PRICE had this arbitration programma been accep- or J-the reform might for outweQsh lu bcnerita. tated. the Baker aviation com- lngng i mids. benefactors who confer it. camcme here recenUy from a small 1 ^ — — townwn tn Ohio waa riding on a crowd- { tcd in the first place It would have resulted Not all ne«3papers are moUvatcd by the same ideals, mlttjmlttee’s platnUvoly voiced wlah TODAY’S 25c but the majority of them are committed to mica ot that Ita findings might “be accepted i Sixth avenue elevated train one 1 temoon. A young woman entered, | SPECIAL in a saving of millions of dollars, much suf- decency. For every one that encroaclwa upon tbe “u the basis" of a 10-year plan ot llll army air development “and thus Unf SEiCES HELD FOB' sid. as there were no vacant seaU, Chicken Pot Pla fcring and a human life or two. righi Egg Dumpling* rlghu of tba oourt or the functions of the law Uiere terminate tho conUnulng aglUUon INiALFLfllRSiW S' e Ohio rlsltor arose and offered ' Only the stubbornness of tho opposing are a acore lo tbe aupport and perfection of theae andim d uncerialnty.** I :r his place. She thought he wna Bread,. Butter, VegeUblea rtlag. slapped hU faoe, and threat- Poutoea. HealUi Pudding forces stood In tho" A rbitration was uutltutions. The trouble with the contempt propoaal The Th former war •ecrela'ry aad I VICTIM OFMENTiJ »ta commltteo colleaguea noted that ' 'CLOSES WHAHDS ened«d to call the guard. Coffee. MUk or Iced Tea Is thal It doesn't distinguish between Uie gooo and ‘ A Treat la Store For Yen Evecy practicable from tho very first. Nothing will “ they were doing tba fifteenth major ------TThat h genUeman from Ohio, and ^ the bad an dthreaUni to go.loo far. possibly suppress- ' ALBION, Aug. 1—Funeral aerr- quiteilte undentondably, probably weat b« settled by tho forthcoming conferences , job of aurreylng JuUonal-defense _ Jl lng an influence lor good when It only means to ra- nvlativlatlon lli Iho last 10 yean. _A ad,___ JEROME, Aug.-I—The fifth an- lees leu were held Tuesday afuraoon la backek home with tbe Impression that BUHLER’S i* GRILL CAFE ~VrhIch could not have been setled Just as well movimovo 'an eril/ which sometimes'embaraiuea the court' even9veh' as' lhat waa written, the aix- nualruiaI“ fIbwtr"mmlaslon. as dlsU nct from th e Man; M r. G ray waa bom Ju ly 0 , 1S89 la hisI .automobile, nnd. arriving in — ^any displays of flowers featured Albion.. . t He was the son of Dom Manl n o w BRITAIN HANDLES DRUNKEN DRIVERS jurely war department-sponsored thehe annuali event. anhattan at night, kept on his deflnlto than one which might have been M.-Robbtns and Charlea O ny. He itrge (Salem CapltxU Jo u rn al) in^uln^ulry by Mr. Baker, et al. ! Th rge headllghU. Aa there IS such rcached last May. jjj, The winners, arranged In flrat spent spei hla boyhood'days In Albion aaal1 abundanoe of street UghU 1^ New R uSm U M. Brooka of Salem, American counsel at andind second order, were; Balsum. a and n d In 1916 waa m a rrie d sto Edna vorkark, the law requlrea that cars Cogswell’s Tha usa o f forca in strikes, os In w ar, really cureCuracao, Netherland West Indea. .for many yean' Y«lYet. thera Is enry reason to an- Mrs.hlrs. O. V. K ennedy; e a lllo p a lirsisf Danner Dnt ot Albion. HU wUe pre- - = WASATCH GOLDEN EAGLE settles nothing. Calm counscl and mature dc' suti»trowUig menace of drunken driving Ui Oregon, clUea ^m e sight depot by tho CharU* N. lams point In propoalng a fu n d am e a- Dudli>udley: cosmos. Mrs. Leona Burks; broUier, bro boUi of CaUfomla. > camiimpbell ^^uce^M mpa ^ ,^ |wal about ft aatiaffttetery settlement ef anyeogt^- •Mr flritv u-M Inntantly Hllwt ^ ' Ub sutea that when a driver la Intoxicated, hla lioense' purpilurposo of the air forcea ts concern- virgi/trgmia .^McAiSeyi^aUardUiI Sot!Saturday eventng at e o'clock whea It week for 09 cenU per hundred roversy than a resort to anni. Probably in icAuley, Miss Pelton; larkspur, the GRAOEI \ a revoked for a period of from tbrte to five yeata or id aa did ihe Baker committee or McAi Uie car Ul which he waa drivlag t,„,vIk. iny of lt»-M predeccasora.-^ha-dom*-Mr».-drs.-McAuley;-naattirtltmis, double, pimplunged off Uie highway Uito m ce- ^ th e - cas«-of-'thfl-long8horem en “and •allied" perhaps forever. •trs. Burks, Mrs. Sara Burdick; niet WUUam Trelber and O. L. Jackson natlflg factor for the United SUtes Mrs. nent abutment one mile north of Paul, p, C. A. Jones, Ed Julllon and .v COGSWELL'S ^ unions a peaco will be concluded which will In lo the United Kingdom, Intoxication b la each In- u th Ingle, Mra. McAuley, Mrs. C. V. a IW TIBE A SERVICE STATION s that tu ocean fronUen form ' a <^ngli lUblon. Joe Cook, w ho waa also In itUelb Schenk of Rupert were tbe itaoee » mattac for the exsmlnlng phj'slclan to de- bulwilulwark agalnsl air as against any Cennedy; pansies, Mrs. Sara Bur- thatha car at the time of the acddent, m U aln E ast last a long time. At least It is to b« hoped so. lick: petunias, Mrs. Sara Qurdlck: ^ ; owera. tenntermlne. Mr. Brooka saya; •ther form of atuck.. • olck: la 4tcovertng: at his .hom*. here * "To date no typo of airplane haa PWei>hlox, annual. M rs. McAuley: phlox, fro;trom mUior uituriea. s= I. I • I " • -A "A d riv er IhTolVNl In a n aecldent la U ken to tbe wen developed capable of crossing wrennlal, Mrs. Roy BhUUngton, Puneral p servlcea were held at 3 NEW INVESTaiENT poUopoUoe SUUon and examined by a doctor. If alcohol thaha / Atlantic or Paclflo with an ef- te l. M. A. Bishop: p ln k ^ Mra. o'd,o'clock wllb Earl Phlppen offlci- :aa be amelled, hls condition Is thoroughly examined, fectlvecllve military load, attacking Meanwhile, a busineas writer obser\'cs, a suchlucb an extent thnt it would not respond to.the ex- Sec tcConnell: perennial, Mrs. Shll- EarEarl Phlppen: speakera were Pro- V // _3 V yv Secretary Dem made a peculiarly Inston; aweet niltan. Mrs. M. A teutessor F. E. Howard and Earl ffe- good many orders are going in for dies and >s«n<«enclea of a n occo&lon. In other words, if a m an h u *ultatiilUble selection In naming Newtoa ilshop: Unnla pompom. Mrs. Rena PhiPhlppen; mixed quartet' aang V i taken only one glosj ol beer and the ex'wnlnaUon ). Baker to head Uie Inquiry. Mr. IcConnell. Mrs. Burdick: giant "So"Sometime We'll Undersund." VI- , machine tools for the automobile industry laker haa e»ery reason to recall In- w u, Ihows that Umt h u w slowed up his menUI facultlea tlmat< tlss Mary Mogensen: best high ola Perrins. Hubert Sharp and John an d others. This is In a vital area of business, Imately several of those previous It kouquet.. ™ M rs. D udley.M ra.M cAuley: Ma:Manning: benedlcUon Mr How­ :hat 11 resulted In lhe mental rettex being retare mounting list ol casuaJtle* caused, by drunk- The Idea ot hurling skies fuU of teven.t. Mrs. Julian Rlckeiu: rose LEAVE RUPERT, PAUL _ Jho only things they know anything en a omblng planes at Oermany never (n driving. \Vhen they are. and It Is fuUy rciUsed that bombi tr*. Dudley. Mrs. SU vens- laven- 'about any more." poaxjoaseaslon of'an sutomobile by a drunken driver U ot anywhere despite the eco.nomlc Sar. ? ' Mrs. Dudliy; assorted. Mra. R nd mechanical resources ot the al- Du^ji, RUPERT. August" I—Flnt ship- I Thua plants aro renewed and got ready the:he poaaeaslon of a lethal weapon, drunken driving *”5 J rudley. flnt and seoond; dark red. merment of this season'a poutoes from H ed aad associated power*. Prob- mt*. for the real progress.that moat people believe rtll be mlnlmlMd and ttie highways become fairly ably I lr*. Dudley: smoky. Mrs. Kays: MirMinidoka county left tbo freight H bly tt never would have gotten aay ^ndnd singlei spike, Mrs. Dudley, flnt yaryards of Rupert and Paul the lut NEW FFORD * fe. place will como before long. If it docs coine, thoy lace even had tt proved poulble to ^ndnd second. i day of Jnly, ono car each of Bliss The great dUterence betweeo the Americana and im 'out the planea and train tho _____ nill be ready for It. If It doesn't—whnt good j J>e B ritish U Uiat Use b itc r eiUorce Ih elr laws w ith a rew*. W ith President WlUon's ef- then would their Investment be In anything? ruul )rU lo draw a line beiireen the rwult of a minimum ot oftenses. whUe the Americans oermlerman people and German na- m r. doJo nni o t enforce th eir.Ia » j. and o ffer eTer>- opportunity tlonal.onal leadership. eerUlnly Ameri- Knm! Bring Y oar li V-8 TFRUCK »n policy would hardly have per- CANT FLY IN A BREEZE ' 0 evade tcoacrlbed penalties. And this applies to e\ery « n j; P a l T o d a y ! I >rfense from homlodo u>' vIoIaUon of trafO: laws. iltted wholesale bombing of ciril- ___ in population — Another thing about those Jopanese, lOE-K SAYS:- Enda Today; The Stronges^, StSturdiest, Most ^ Nature endow* each maa wtth brought up by the rather spectacular Amer- ___ .nrE,v* LOT Lelhal Gaa Preaeribed ,a cirUln amount ot meaness. As Icon flight to Alaska and tha talk of estab* Nor U the Prasldenfs air policy proof proc of this Just notice the men Econom ical Ford TiTruck Ever Built ll5hing a military air post there—the Japs BREAKFAST FOOD ommlsslon any more apt to think hereHere In Tw in Falls, th e r e ' U “STAStBOUL Eve's In1 tcitettna of such air av-uiulu cun meane&s mea wrilten atl over their . Q U ES T- lOr.JOe FEATURES themselves aro really not so hot In aviation. ’----- •a* the B aker com m ittee. .Natlcnal faceracr<). Black, red, w hite, pink and SEE THESE NEVk BETTEU UC T B U n irV L - I t h , ollcy now proscribes, and has Coro yeUow. rell« E h w hat? A nd stUl It will NEW.FLU. tUUllNC -With their own shortcomings as flyers, they . Ue told hU wJc a tib or two. so aln Geo. Brent ^ V-STRL’CK-T\ PE E>t;i>C 1 alnce the close of the war. um of pay >-ou to keep faith with the REAR A.XLE. might naturally get such a scare from a And thoastj they *eemed to. cool ker, lethal 8 0 b(M epo««r a t low opcrat- 'thal gaa ^ weapon of atuek. ' Oood TUacs lhat ore now here- ' t o m o r r o w : De^p in hi» h fa rt th e tmd m an kriew______iIt-rauld-be t | employed only la re------AT JO E -K ’S ------__ Inf cost. -_____ - . ____ ClC rM irr •tr r n fth . Axle »hnfta -harml«»»-litti«-lj>ci11 ■DE>1L A>q> THE D E tr* NEW WATERUNE chologlcal, dcfect Some raccs have a large p:*i:^:at:ons7~ m b 0 w ith epevds. Mere mUee per THERMOSTATS percentage of •'bird-minded" Individuals. —------lOc— 10c TOMORROW: _ 2 5 c ^ Dick Bvthetmes n a^er—"You surwd In- to raise chlcXeas, dtdnt • Ana Dvsrak . Control engtn* Jap an hns a vcrv sm all pcrc«;ntAp» NEW ECONOMY______f ------‘AlH^LARA.’VCg ------If was chicfly with thi.<5 fact in \iow that a M rv U om burs—'Y e s. ■ ba t ‘now I'te fotin’i s »-*y STARTINR SITNDAY! *' Low rr ojwTBlliij cott* [ ihink I can make more money and tlu'.s to raise o f nrwly alBmlnam Nrw N radiator. ehremUm- mllitarj' authority not long ago said In a war * i:i.e a Ie«ut QiiKk. B H In a WUd B o m L O W P- R R I C E S ^ Corroborating testimony comcs irom an IS it ;>roveV. B.I M « and rather ludicrous In nature, it is signifi- •scl.'U ced: - | E S *Mr. KllXlns, has r o t a n e ffo rt beea n u i e to ir.duee 1 ■ ' C«»mmfrrlal Car Ch*«lJ ill:' W.w. B.) ...... ^ cant. He tells of taking a commercial passen- .jw,0-j :to tell a a triad 'bout as hard aa aay of "CA WH' •ALLS" ottijr ft mild bre«M to the American, But the j -CARTOON- TiEWS- lUDKIDDIES ICle -> ADCLTS ZSe ^ TWIN' FAI B-=.- ■ ; • — , J- ^ J ------1— ^ ------■ ' *1 • ,D. .THTmSPAY WOROTTfg,.'AUOl^

n [ M AKE THIS MClODEL AT HOME Party ^ ‘Whispering* ■ ISEF Campaign’ Ciiarged j5 S G C I E T V CLUBS )aily News Pattern By Gem State Solon I - SUMifiPfiOJECIS me 32 D 0 y o u l ik e TOUR SUPS ’WASHINOTON, Aug. 1 MP)-8en- H H S ator Pope (D-Idaho) satd In a 6KAD0W*1?R0:P»______SUtement J u today^ the .RepubUcan ___Jdaho Tomorrow M MYRliA LOY STARS IH — Mink-Otitllnes Work-of Out­lut- I— ------r— party was conducUng a •^hlsper- chalrm^. presidents ot the lORPHEUW'S HEW F I L * ^ 6 MARRIAGB TO TAKE^ ! Uig campalgtt.** Ul addlUoo to a n standing Smith-Hughes• PLACE IN ilONTANA . I DemocraUo Womea's Clube ot Mur- open a tu c k o n ttae admUiUteaUon, Ulss ZeUa Slbbett left yestudaylyluugh. Kimberly. Filer, Buhl and In ^ e t ^ lo undermine the AAA Agriculturalists ------for galltpell, Mnntnna. where hae r , th e Salm on d istric t wUl compose the recepuon comnuiwe. romaaUero: team la a n latzlfOltts aad '-r.: marriage to-Barvcy Michaells, for* The senator decUred RepubUcaa -- ' .... PUty-four membera ot tha.depart-" J:- nwrly of Kimberly. wlU Uke placeCO Mrs. R. E. Morehouse will' be exciting tale o( _ ment of Smtth-Hugbes asrlcuKurtIture s,turre pu^ M r.-and-M r£-M lphflw w r^ 21K Belton, Montana; whero the bri*- crop reducUon, control of the AAA. school training by eootfuqtlng con­ groom la employed with-the d ep ^- tended to aU DemocnUc women of fUm'ahova Mlsa Ley a t ber beat a a d v the counly to attend. and the mduaUlal supervision of tinuation projects on ib e lr hom< njent of the Interior. prorea tbat ahe caa carry * picture farma and keeping a com pleto sei NRA with that catastrophe. without tbe aid et a atar or two. aa o t records cn Uieso p ro jec u . 0 . 1. FAREWELL COURTESIES FORMER PASTOR AND sbesb baa aiwaya done la tbe past. Pet* - Mink, agriculttire Instructor, sale GIVEN FOR URS. WIGHT ^yiFE HONORED AT SUPPER Thero are only a few thlnga tbat ^ SISmlth'a Oooiy Moviek and Para* > yesterday. a o t M n- NeweU. 8 . W ight;' wjjo, isI. T«i-o hundred fifty'memben of we can count on In thla tunny eld Tennessee Voters mouat News compleU tha program. Sorae ot the most outstanding oi In tba Methodlst .rsplscopiil Chuich ------world,-but,onc or-Uirm la.that^o JJ .Tomorrow Damoa Runyon, attthor these projects a re u {oUows; , leaving soon: to make her. home in Boise, was entertained Tuesday eve-e - welcomed ReV. a n d Mrs.' CeeU F . < woman ever’ has enough slips In —To-Name Candidates acneXowgin. a Utter ot 13 puttt- 4 Rlstow. Eugene. Oregon, al a picnic forto a Day":' brings another, of bla • bred; Spotted Poland Chin* hwt)op nlng ol bridge by Mra. Thomas M. ^ the summer Ume. she Just geU aU at supper last evening, served on the ^ set when along comes a new frock NASHVILLE, •W nn, Aug. 1 (ff) — great human Intereat stories to the - ilhe Robertson to m e ^ Ninth Ave-s r tp c clguit ■IttTO' ttt-ltic-coun try' h om e Orpheum acrten, 11U *Vldnlgbt All* ton Utter contcst. .. « and the whole business bas to bc ' NonUnaUons for governor, two hode nue North. A guest prize was givenm Ot. Mr. a n d M n . Oeorge Bice'. done over agsln. WlUi this pattern j United sutea senaton and two bl." starring Richard Barthelmeaa U o n tird A rrington. 1500 B bodi »t Rav. Rlstow, three yean ago if.fr>! lo tho honoree, a n d h l g h ^ r e . a t r, • she ts prepared for any emergency, slate nn raU road com m isslonen wiU b« i and Ann Dvorak. I t la replete wltb Island ncd chickens which aro somi ^ pastor of Uie local Methodisl ' tbetb ^'alangstm'* and Broadway chat* ot the best type stock in Idahot«tiA contract b r l^ e w ent to M rs Jam es fs It U no troubte io make, flU beau* made X tomorrow by Tenessee Demo­ a of H. Harvey. Oarden flpwen werere Church, spoko intormaUy. Ue was cnU and RepubUcans In sunuiu- ' actera that Btmyon kaowi'ao weU. Leonard also hus a nice (leld oi preKfltW by Dr. WllUam Basil g -tIfuUy, and- il-ls-sh a d o w * p ro o f — ~ belp used as decorations, neous state wide primaries Candl- Berbert < Handln, as tba Londoas I — . com whUn he Is growing to belt ^ Yoimg. Slh^ng of familiar songs \S Just about all any dress can ask *emocnUo g u- <_ to death In home aear sale and has fitted 70 head of ramiram si — — H IntersUte oommeree commislson to- ~ » m - GOING TO UTAH FOR StVWMING PARTy I ------Ulbematorial oomlaaUon for a two- h,day extended lU order of June 73 ”toalght by two baadIU, who nibbed . lor other nheep men In this com­ r PRECEDES SUPPER munity. He ts now trying out. iOT\ELABORATEfoi CELEBRATION year term, and In the contest be- reducing: freight rales In drouthk »hlm’and two other penwna la tbe The freshmsn girls ot the Meth- 0 Send FIFTEEN CENTS (ISe) In tween ‘ Senator Nathan L. Bachiflan stricken areas to Include VaUey, rtsldenee of jewelry valued a t 11900 tl;*. union Pacltlc scholarsftlp ancand! Mr. and Mrs. H. H. fitokea and K coins or stamps (coin* preferred) for pu _____'ifltnllg Bi-r Ira rtn g Rundav for and Repi:c*enUUve Oordon Broa-n* countyea of' ' u and 17 te cash. I...... tha-4marlran. E^rmer-rtCgKCi^,- F thli Anne Adams pattern. Write , Howard Annls has some spotUc>tted,gan, Utah, lo altend a three-day iiut'of'H unUiigtfuu fur Demuuuuu •'“ Thf-mftmiuidB Hiia“muMiumg —itg— - f tBod lu eatatSti lu a u 'auto« ■ — PoM nd C hina h o fa a n d a SO-ar.’t ^ nlng al the home ‘of Miss Maty plainly name, address and atyle num* nomlnaUon th to the senate for the reUsfn measures were necessary to0 mobUem atolen from B li^ b u m ■acn Qoiden Wedding anniversary cele* ber. BE 8UBC TO STATS SIZE. u, farm for nls project. On the 20-30- bratlon for Mr. and Mre. O. 1*.r Bndley. Atter a swim In-the pool, two yean remaUilng ot the term (or avoid av -loss of Uvestock aod to pre-- KiI ^ h t of Lexington, nephew of- the acre farm }to Is growing onion seediced. Packer, parents ot Mn. Stokes, the group cooked aupper over ah Tbe smartest warm weatber faah* vUwhich CordeU HuU w u elected. reat re geaeral sutterlng. sli potatoea. beans and oats. Howardn ra Both Mr. and Mrs. Packer ara now;« open fire a n d hiked home by moon*- \ Ions, the newest fsbrlcs, a n d tb e Sum - be light., ______has made appUaction for the stat(lUte officiating In the Logan Temple. ; mer season's ouUtandlng aeeessortes ye farmer degree. Mr. Packer, a former bishop al - sre-Uluitrated and described Ui the tw Don Stivers has 87 head of Dur-3ur- Preston, Idaho, and Mrs. Packera CLUB MAKES DONATIONS i ANNE ADAMS PATTEBN an oe ;Jeney a n d H am pshire hogs whlclihleh have been life-long worken In the5 TO LOCAL CANNING UNIT , be Is preparing tor the'Ogden Uve­Uve* L atter Day S a in ts C hurch. Tlis Kimberly-Road Club was en-> VOUIt COPY O F X n iS nE LPFU L no stock show, as a car load lot. Festivities will begin with a tertained oy Mrs. A. P. Oslund yes* .NEW SUM M EB BOOK. PRICE O F tw Maurloe, Capps has a Utter:■ olof largely attended reception. A housele terday attemoon at a garden-party.t^ . towns are invited to attend. WomenJ I BOOK nFTEEN CBNTS. BOOK W» purebred blnck P oland CblRM hogthogs party In Logan Canyon will, occu*1* RoU call responses were currentent memben «f Uie Twin PaUs Orange AND P A T T E B N TO QETUEB, . and Me)vlng Eblers hns purebredbred py the next two daya. Fifty mem-1- evenu. Memben were asked lo haveave are requested lo bring cakes. I TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. “ It Isn’tt the Colorr ... . ■ ■" Duroc Jerseys. jben ot the Packer family, Includ*!* th e lr donations of tru ll a n d vege* Oeorge Wlison Is getting a startitart intf children and grandchlldran.'WlUm Ubles tor the local canning kltch*ch- The Young Married People's clask.1 Addreaa erden to The News. Pat- of the Ohrlstian church.wUl meet _for J em DcpU TwUi FaUs, Idaho. In beet cattle and Oordon Cathrcthro be present at the house party. en ready by next Monday mom-m - to&i some Whlto Leghorn chlckenikcru ------hig. The Parent-Tcacher assocta*:U* a pot-luck supper th is evening a t th o ro- homeofMr.andMra.Rona]daraves I V s tth ] e R e f i l and Hampshire sheep.' ' . GIRLS FROil BOISE . . _ Uon will deceive a ahare o t th e pro­ n i n g Many ot the bo>-s are conductlni:tln« HONORED AT PARTIES duce.' M ri O. P.'Blrobeck was wel-rel- 1(91 Ninth avenue east FamUlea at-~u n I son. They wUl a lw Tlsit a t tb a Jam es erop projects such as beans. po< u comed back to the club atter a pro-ro- tending a n requested to bring theirago Shields home in Buhl. 'Mr. aod Mra. • P®- Mitt Helen SuUlvan: and Miss Es­ !si- owa lunches and teble service. j Ketcham a n - former r6sldenU of tatoes. wheat and com. ther Hicks. Boise, house guesU of,f longed absence. She lold UiMresl- Ingly ot her trip East. Mn. Oa­3a- ' — ■ I Twin Falls, that malikes a Good GarasoUne Miss B«lh BothweU and Miss ask. » ____ prances Jtbland*_KcrtJlonorjufcrta.ts lund was assisted by Mrs. Ray Per-er- The regular meetUtg of .General at a cleverly appointed bridge party sontns In serving refreshments.------— ^.sughton-AuxiUaTy-Number 7 wUl-for Battery Stolen—J. A. Ohristopber- be in the American Legion haUtho son, 323 Jackson stre et. Infonned Tuesday moming. followed by VELTEX GasoUnillne Is E xtra-Ite^ed to mal^la!^' It pure and PIO EBBU llLlir luncheon, thlrty-slx guests attend*U BRIDAL PARTY T h u n d a y evening a l 8 o'clock. res ' police yesterday tbat a battery had LEAVES FOR UTAH at--been'Bto!en'from hls ear. parM is crystal-clear. Wrd 6i don’t w ant to spoil th at crysiy s l a l - c l e a r p u r i t y [||C *°Mlss Helen Banbury and Miss„ Miss Ora Lee PhUllps, Twin PaUs, eir front of his residence, sometime JlJ-bnnaJe Fait. Buhl, were also pres* and Jesse O. NuiWll, Provo, Utah, Tuesday night. by coloring it But3ut'those w ho like fancy colors,rs, can Iiavo their DIESFBMmiLySIS nn leaving thla morning for Lo- enl from out-^of-town. At cards. b color, and still Stic]iic k to eood. reliable .V ELTEX - Miss Virginia Smith won the prUeJ gan, u u h , w here Uiey wlU be m| a r- R€VIT1€Srai Admitted (a n ^tal-U ra. B. O. 01 ned August UUrd at the Utter,tcr »m-Llndrrwla-FaUs.-has-eat«r^-th* — BUHL. August 1 - Mn. Clani' tor high score and Mlsa Carol be rarenU ot Son — Mr. and Mrt. ^ Smith, low. A color scheme of yei*1.1 Day SalnU Tem ple. They wiU be laU hoepltal as a medical paUeat iotlow- ' M ethven. S5. died a t b e r hom e one* Mr. John Calder an parenU ot a son , low and green was featured. accompanlrt by her parents,' Mr. jlng a minoe automobUe accident halt mile east ot B tihl a t 1:49 p . m. ^ and Mrs. J. A. PhiUlps and MissUas bora yesterday a l theU- hom e. I « 3 ' ySi. Audr«y mni^e em erged Tuesday. Mrs. Faul Oonway, Throe ilBt Ash street,______| Creek, MUs Edna Savage, Kimberly, She had been confined to her bome T NuttaU,- sister of the bridegroom* J I Ralph Cowblll, Porcupine Springs since _November. for Miss BuUlvan and Miss Hicks. . ^ Tha -guests later -attended the,• elect...... _P are^ et -8on-Mr. and Mr*.% CCC eamp, and Mlsa Esther Lacy, Mr*. Methwn, the wife of John theatre. Miss NuttaU and Jesse NuttaUtaU Rsymond WlllUms are the par- Buhl, haTB-enlered aa surgical pat­ P. Meth«n ot Buhl, was bomI tn ______- arrived here Monday aftemoonJon ents ot a son bom Sunday at thefr; I Suppose you wantta^rSngasoT' & ^ ~ Columbus c ity , Iowa, Ju n e 19, 1S69, trom Provo.. The brtde*to-be tsI a home, 361 A lexander street, r t . ■ ' I j line VTith a lime fla^ K MERLE ALEXANDER ool. — — Elaypr._ J^you'. a n d «-as m srrled N oxcm ber 33. 1B86 H’E D S CALIFORNIA GIRL graduate of Twin FaUs hlgt, school, i g I ■ Hear Fariey 6peak**^Dan J. Cava- at stockvUlc, KcbrBSka..2hey clasa of nineteen hundred thirty, • Here Freni I’daho FaUs-^Mr! and I nsg^. D^yOCT^^ coiinty j^ alra ^ j y " ‘neM do, is Tjuy a'1 lilime-llavbr^' to Buhl In ItKW settled-on ^the Merle Alexander, son of Mr. and two. Lost year site attended school Mn. Balph K. Alexander, Twin ^ M n. Harold Holden, Idaho FaUs. ar- lollipop and swishlh 1it aiound in' site ot the present Methven home. 2 In Salt Lake City. FoUowlng thclr•f rived here Tuesday for a brief vUlt FaUs, a n d Miss E das Stone were' marrUge the couple wlU be at lLelehUte” ^ l e n d a l e : H a n y W . Bar* She was th e m other o f 13 chUdrtn. ” wllh Mr. and Mrs. Maurlee Robinson.J»-ry, Buhl, and R.-P.-MaUoD,-tbe latter — the gas, until Qie CTlprsmtBypp. eight ot whom are Uvlng: M n. E. M. married July seventeenth at Satftaf home in Prm-o. Monica. California. Mr. Alexander. Miss PhllUps was the guest of • . two being candidate* fo r a u t^ r e p r e - F arlincer, .Mrs. M ike K am brlch. M n . ;«ehUtlws, and lUrold Yeamana, H. E. Wucbbcnhorst, Miss NelUeSfl? formerly of Twin Falls, U aaso-^ honor at a mlsceUaneous showerirer On Farit Trip—Mr. and M n. O. A. dated, w ith’the Douglas Aircraft BuhL seeking the DemocraUc eon- Methven. Pcrrj- Methven, Pred Monday evening. Edwards and grandchildren. DorU 7*, Company. The wedding took place . ■ gr^lonal nomlnaUon. attended tho Methven and James Methven. all ot and Ralph Leighton, are on a vaca­ al the home of the'bride's parenu. nd meeting at Pocatello Tuesday eve- If ytw want a copper-colorefl sasolxioUn^ s™i eS 'lt* Buhl, and Mrs. Anna Pearson. Se­ CLUB CONCLUDES tion trip to YellowstoDS national Mr. and Mrs. Alexander are al home ir- ntog for Poatmastet Oenenl James tho desired effect by addioff g li attle. .She is also survl\-ed by a f\ MEETINGS WITH PICNIC park. a glass of Coca Cola, ' * tn Santa Monica, foUowlng a wed-'* The B and T Club tnembcn en­t a - — — s it A. Parley. - A fter the Coca Cola soea throuffhtigh th e carburetor* brother. Fnnk Lehman. Eustace, ding trip to the mountains. JIL , —.1.1 , ■ ^ Nebraska, and a abler, Mrs. H.• N,N. tertained thelr families at the an­in - D epart on Vacation—Rev, a n d Mra. ’ Ii t m ay ta k e y o u r c a r a lo n g timme e 1to **aaap back to Brown, North Platte. Nebraska and nual picnic Uut evening at the homem e J . B.- W akem a n d aon. Dale, k f l oorm ai,” b u t you'll have a p re ttyty tgasoline, ' YOUNG PEOPLE of Mra. O. M. Hall, .TenUi Avenuelue Tuesday oo-a-vacatlon trip lo Port-A. Senator W a ^ e r Of four grandchildren. . REHEARSE PLAT. She was a member ot the Metho* East. ThU wUl DC the final meet-c t- U nd. SeatUe^. Spokane and YeUow-," New York Injured dlst' Episcopal church. ^ “Passen-By,” a ' three-act rellg-> Ing until September. Supper wasvas stone national park. \ ^ lous play by Penelope Dickerson, served at small ubles on the lawn. ifti ------Funeral services will bo held Sun­ will be given by the local Baptist day at 3:30 p. m. at tho Buhl M. E. ‘I The program, presented Indoon lal*“i" Breaks Ankle — Mn. Lawrence ^1 i W ESTPO RT. N, Y.. Aug. 1 WV- Young People's Union at. the fell'I, rr._nrranee(l,l)y_Mn, n, T, ninkn I Sa-erving his autom obile to aVold ______I f y ou Ifk'e a re'ddisKtf gasolin^foTlKga e ^ -Ma rp h y. Twin PaUs, muu> 3. Svll^fs, ’ hltUiu; a truck, U nlt^ BUtes Sen- otriciaUnit. Intemient wUl bc in.irRAiiy lh' Misr. wptcmiwi HujiiBTl.|'ana M>»r“A rii. ualley. lncludeir~a' * Tuesday at her horae and susuined i ~ nsupposed purpose o of f m akihgrig24 ’ “ Leading roles. wlU be ta k en » M ar-’- guessing contest. Mre. D. R Church- ator Robert P. Wagner of New York Uuhl cemetery In charge .of the Jorle Sweet, Tracy Olpson. M. C.'■ lU wlnrUng lhe prize: n u m b e n By a a broken ankle. She w u cared tor,It. was injured when the' machine model automobiles do 1934 tric^, Evni^s and Jolm son m ortuary. ^ by D r. C. A. Ernes, who pronounced , Ballfnger. Arthur Patton. Denhamn (]UArtet..Mrs. Churchill, Mrs. Hall, L. plunged oft an Adirondack tnoim- then we suggest youu adda some pink Patton. Jack Dulaney and Jeannee Mra. F. & Bell and Mn. H o w - the, break as a simple fracture. : ; ulni highway and Into a brook near O'* rhis has the added' Robinson, with Mrs. Oeorgr War­- cll. accompanied by Mrs. Blake;, hera today. - after-dinnerminta. Thii berg directing. The cast Is cowpoa-- Mloa, M n . HoweU. accom panied by: DUmlsied From tIoiplUl —Dls- I RepresenUUve Annlng S. FnU of ndvantage of makinging the gasoHne il John Dillinger, Sr. ed ot tu-enty-flve members. n*. missed from the county hospital, suten Island, cn route with_Sfha. Mrs. BeU. and community singing. more palatable in caselase you' w ant to ' Receives Permission Mrs. HoweU waa assistant yesterday were M. R, Atkinson.'JJ'Tor 1 wagn-n- to a f5filng=ciminn’ — ? PROGRAM COMPLETE Mn. Churchin and Mra. S. ft a Twin FaUi, Mrs. L. A. Brunner,,« Quebec, waa-more severely hurt.' u se i t fo r a b ev e rag e . '* To Move Son’s Bodyiy FOR nSMOCRATlC TEA Splen>arg were the committee .ooOQ Ooodlng, Miss Ida Zalegci. FRcr.^ O ne or two of S enator Wsgner*s ' Twin Falls Couniy DemocnUcc arrangements. surgical psUents. and Mn J. J. ribs were fnctured and Represen- • Women's Club has arranged a tea f Winterholer and baby daughler. ; Utlve m il has a compound -free- INDIANAPOLIS, Autr. 1 (;T)> — for Saturday aflemoon at two Twin Falls. ture ot the lower right leg. John DUimprr. S u today obtainedned o'clock at the BapUst Bunsalow. 1 - ______J______from the stote boiird ot haalth per*>er* Csplaln J. W. Porter will dUcuu• Coming Events HUnols Vislton—Mr. and M n. M. Yoiou Want Mileage,'e, Power mlulon to disinter the body of hls laws governing the primary election D. Ketcham and aons. Bobert and bandit fon but he said he was un* and amendments to the constitution, Jamea. Pekin, Illinois, are the hou.'«‘T. errtaln whether he would disturburb Mrs., J. D. B a m h a rt wUl resd aa Twin Palls Onng* wU sponsor^ a guesu of Mr. and Mn. N. P. Ander- and Ec6n(aomy for Your CaOar— then the younc man's remains. paper on "The New Deaf Mrs.I. benefit dance and loe cream social J, . T he fa th e r s.-ild he o btained th e NelUe O strom wUl sin g a solo, sndi al the Legion M ^orUI haU tomor­JT- - - ■ ------— ^ permit for exhumation ot the bodyody will lead the community singing, row erenln* at S o'clotk. Onngen ; e . . . . after communlcatUit with some per­ier* Mrs. T. M. Robertson, eountyy and friends from the surnmndlng We S ugg'gest You Use sons In Chlcsm. He decUned to ______w*nal^|L ^ . nsme these persoM. In maklne the appUeatlon tor ththe e — T»rm;i the father »iated no reason for wantir.5 to Uke the body from the ground. ’ 3o B y R a i l _____ to.tht___ :------e l t e•X: - F o r t H a ll Centennial G A S O L I hNE 7 JCATELLO, IDAHO * > ----Im.-* «t-»^ . _ August S^6-7-a bJess you! Your car Is here for little money. ^ C R Y y IK9 Ford Coupe ______.tlZSOO / j S 0(1 Speciciai Reduced Rates 1928 C hrysler C o u p e ___li:5.00 1931 F o r d J > Coupe ___ irto.oo = p i d H g i i ^ 193L;W. K. Coupe - - t 9gOQ , ------C------fl a niant a r—tful-d-»eoBogJeal------VELTEX Is a FI’lJt^T-GRADE Gs^Iinene — ECTRA-_____ j ____ * lo trcrrel bby raiL Eoley relozotiea on 1938 Chev. Coupe ' « rs.OO ■ REFINED, andid absolutely free from hiharmful for- ] THE Onni'HEE—an ‘old \ the way tltber* and bock — oroW aQ IMl Ford Truck ______J3C3 00 :es. Ifs mighty re liabble, li ahd sold a n d hono.*ed nam e, o ld , txansporlotation wotriM. 1937 Chev. T r u c k ------i :s o r eign substances er.t>-jsh to h a re a chlered th e 1938 C hrysler S e d a n _____ t m op INSTALL A PUJIP . through home-o!-owned independent dealeiilers. The next mecdllness. china and . ‘ U n u su ad l «ntertaiaxnept awoiU y w . 19)0 Whippet Coach ____ IlMOC. comfort that eome with Spect oculslor Psrodca . . . Son 1930 Ford S e d a n ______t!5000 . TH IS YEAR I . time you fill upip the gaa tank, get -VELI[LTEX. It has *_ " years of senlce- D a n c e {Ihr 1929 W hippet Coupe _ . lUSOO ir»« days bogbming July 31) 19J0 Pontiac C o u p e ------J K i 00 the power. It wiiviil give you the mileage.. YYoiircarwill ; Yft The Owyhee la young ...... i C a bI t :Pcgtga ti . . . RoUgious and tn spirit—In appolr.Saents. 1910 FonUac Coupe _____ »:93CC • Aassre yowwlf of ao ad e^ e j perfonn at its hibest No gasoUne-caiTEiV'five yon-morp;------riu-.d modem adrantares. ______. Histerico] Meetioga1 . . . T)aWe-frf« vlee and appointments. * iPlan to Roadster ...... ;______JTMOO ■ »«Tne«. Y o w nelchber prt.b*Mx F le tfc h e r O il C < o - « • Falrt>ank«.Mof.e etrtfit— I I : r « h Ji popaztievtes ••• yM t local . a r t h im how b e Uke« It—he mVL . Oldest and I jouxcst jp INDEPENDENT Pctrvtetnt m UNION MOTOR • w ttb ra t a daobt, r i t e a a ra> COMPANY I thaaUaUa cadaraetBefit at thr fa th* KcrifcirMft T ev FOBO Dealer tlapUdly. atordlneu. aad pad- • U N IO N IPACIFIC Twtn Fans. Idaba ^ Uve *etton of ralrh»Bk«-Mor>f •» » te r aystem. A.ik tti for U ln l prieea aad aee tbe new modrts al e«r atara. KRENGEL’S HARDWARE P h o ne120J , • . ■ TWPj FALLS DAILY NNEWS, TWIN FALLS; IDAHO,ao, THURSDAY MORNINg AUGTGUST 2, 1M4

ix‘ V' ' ------_____.

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77 ^ ^ "X" 2SC«S()r»:F>r*—

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/ ^11 llap|iM^^S* ^ . . t h e m co s t im p Ojrta i n t I l i H I I^ tt M V r o o m i sy t h e k i t e: ] h e n . . ■ i M - l i i

!- Why >V ot s t a iirt Now To Malii e

Y o u iR K r f e m ^ “J(VLL- ELE JCTRM G ” >

W o mlEN. of today are no longeiger compelled io slave keeps a supply of hot w ateter on hand, ready for inStaitant use any hour of the day or night. The electric their lives aw ay doing houatsew ork by oId>fashioned mem ethods. E lectricity has ic refrigerator, autom atical!ally, m aintains an even em ancipated them from diJrudgcry nnd the confiningng duties that form erly d ry cold, preserving foodsis perfectly and aiding in protectingpr the health of :------t h c f u m i t y : ------^------tied wom en to thcir kitch)h e n s .

Num erous sm all appi The kitchen has becormte the m ost im portant roor)om in the m odern home, pliances such as the percolcolator, toaster* w affle It is here th at science andd invention, through the apiapplication of electrical iron and food m ixer, areI alsos valuable servants in theth A ll-Electric K itchcn — cnerpyT-has-ffJven-women-tl•the-wftys and-m enns-of-do•doing-housework“ >nih ------f o o d s . little effort and w ith creailiter convenience and m oroB e«econom y than w as ever before possible. N othing you can doI iiin the w ay of im proving youryo hom e w ill m ean so m uch as thc.ncquisilion-olftf nn A11»F1pffrtr Tvifrhrn-a-JY hr..not begin now? ------The-A H -EIectric-K iifchhen Is'ft-m arvel—of—cfficierlen cj^aijd - -clertTfTint^^t.— — V isit your dealer or Idahi i c beautiful new models T here is no sm oke, soot, diiirt or dust to bbckcn utens;nsils or walls ... no iho Pow er store and see the in clectric refrigerators oi ilectric w ater heaters at open flam e to rob the air ofo oxygen. It is a cool, attratractive room where the on display. Sec the new ele< your nearest Idaho Powei business of housekeeping isi carried on w ith the utmo:nost sim plicity .m d ease. er store. •

Install an ,\ll-E Iectri ; or begin on the stcp-by- The throe m ajor ser\aan ts... clectric range....electric el refrigcraldr... ric K itchen all at one tim e o step plan. Buy one of thehe m ajor dec trical appliancinccs now and add the clcctric w ater heater ... aiire on the job, constantly,, p

------1 ■ — . • ------X—------I r ’ ; r*-

Twm PAq.Y NCT E g g . _TW1N: f a l l s , IDAHO.'ip. 'TmmsDAYMOtoroio, APSuiUST i!. fO M • ^ G ianisi Cop Dc>uble-Hl i l d e # ;;TigeiiCM To T »Oregon Pro W ins . L_.SJraJgkt ^ J O i!to ri:_ ClaiMmsnLtCLjMltfdJsw.e!ght iss.jncCmaoi«U)n*.Jht«JriK=:. JflSJossiftinisLCodokslianldjSuhi:^ l U HOME BC^ndTSCDn ------id to 7-Struggle I —^Strengthen-Lead Over Tommy . imeoa .br th* Bar. A. W. Vixfi- . ott, dlaata ------!------^------* Throne Works Oul at ™har^ supsrtatendeat of’ Msrlon : 'dues :Theodosla Smith , : C ram er. AUUeUft,,,:, ------J , San Franoisco ...... iconeoualjr pubUe ■abo6lt. ' Mel O il’s Two Homers Dom­fl- Schnmacber, Olinti n « IBoston fames Yanks 7 lo 4, I FREEPORT, N. V.. Aug. I W - ' Aft^Hml Battle; . : . . Hafey, Beda------1 Johnny Rlsko, heavywelgbt trial 0 ' ------■■ hi inate Glanl Atlack; Paul,Ul Snako. ..S e n a lcn ------J , Pushing New Yorken to horse from Olerelaad. tonliht BAN PRANOIBCO, A ug. 1 (iP) — w ' J pounded out a closs 10-ro«nd^ded- ’ ' t * • (1 * SASASTBAMPTOH, >(. T.. Aug f . Manuih, Senaton , ; . Emory Zimmerman, Portland » ickey WaUter, oace undUputed l ||| WV-.’The.seeded.u*tan raa-Jate • — -Dean Limits Cubs fo Fouru r W erbcr. B ed Box...... —i------^ . Second Plaoe; ChloagoDe- I _ slon w Tommy Dwghraa. ftiUa- H m gins ?iiCT K crff U lfglna. AtbleUe*.:------:------r - J e Annexes Title ByTJe-. 'detpnurviU K B , oe io re . ft cniw d uf, ■_« < md round rt tM-Blntn -uaim -Hlls In Shutout 'ContestS t CroaotU, YaBkew.,,, ------1 (eats St. U uls Men Twice 7000 fsns. who packed th li UtUe 0 Utle. ha-iqult. defending three m lAaldstone .club vomea’s lavltaUon Owee. Tlgen , , -« feating Johnson town's stad^, far out .on Long on ago, .ahovtd today, he stUl . I «nnla touroatBeBt proved to se Of- Troaky. Indiana------;------J Island. cann '"make tb* velgbt,” • To 1 Replace Myatt EIloult thso'ttts fink : NATIONAL LEAGUE BoBva, White Bor,, . ^ AMERICAN LEAGUE m ing a leaf from Xoughiao-a STANpINGS . rbe fccmsr RuBiaoa buUdos tested STANDINGS TBE LEASERS , B E x m x . A W . 1 m - T a m r bookk Rlsko ripped Uiroi^h Uw.for- 1 ,weight .oa . tvD toalea. Oa one • •' ._____ ^ ■ Jcsepbla* J oi Ortdclubaak of - Tntm— WoB Lost .Fet F « * . AibltUm.------M Teasw- Wos M r e t: , rimjnermaa. Portland pro, won theI m mer llgiit heavyweight chasutfctt's he wiweighed 180 pounds evea and on tea. csiUbmU, top n a U a g * s b 7 . D e tro it______61 37 ..Ctt1 t Washington state open golf ebam-. gv guard KlUi a series of le ft Jabs to th es 4oUier l81H pounds, a-pound TOn•ormer Cleveland and'Wash- Once th e v lU id ra v a ro t C arella B ab- “ » Otlirtr. Y .1H.C.------—M New YoA • Ita *7 MS * ; plonship today when he defeated1 tli tho body In Uie e arly ro u n d s a a d a nd ia h a lt over th e UmlU »ck fM a.tbe Ungres. had-to play ' ”cZ^.-r=^ S S Cleveland _____ L— 54 43 J57 S ut hour and a half to eUmlaate tho I 1 ; BUly. Jo h n so n , T acom a pro, by th re ei Ui then stood off a belated. rally to waWalker Is tralzilng for a 10-round , Inbton-Baokstop Wili S ? t i t T i . t r " ' - B o s to o ------53 47 MD f inseeded Angeles player« Ttie------i; s z Berger. Bravea------:------^ , n strokes l a a doublo playoff m a tch , eceom Uie unanlm ons dedsloQ ’o t th e boutut bere August. 14 vlth Young n ttt b u r s b ------45 49 .470 W M b ln g to n ______45 63 .459; In ths fln t 18-bole batUe neeesal-. Ju Judges. CorbiQlphla; Na 4 player, vaa.forced C Isc in n ftU ------34 6S . J54 ® ed all square w ith 73’s, ono u a d e r p a r,; triumphtr over the PhUadelpblaa. NevV York boodng commission and iirougb three long sets befon de­ ^ A m e ric a n ______i------^ wg, former aeveland and Wash- NaUonai ______i------—4M sending them on to an extra . nine) alteraf Loughran had taken.|b« de- UuB KaUonal Boxing assoclaUon Berg, feating-Florence U BouUUler of- r >VEDNESDAX'S GAMES WEDNESDAVS GAMES ?boles to decide tbe contest. In that, cijclslon in the flnt three of tbelr five Iqaglg ago acoepted VUice Dundee Ingtoigtoa. c a t ^ , WM, algned today by westSVesUiury..Mev York, 8-4. 8-8, 8-3, Kew Yotk U'lO; Borton 2-3 Detroit 10; aeveland 7 “Zimmerman scared a 35, two undert matches.°> < ' . a s mmiddleweight champion. Walker tbs.Us. Cleveland Indians .to nplaoe andIQd Virginia Rlee of Boetoa. No. 8. T otal______I------Boston 7; New York 4 * BL J /n it 4; C h ln c o 0 par. WhUe Joh n so n took 98. ^ Ihere was ao question' h to took3k up work .as a heavyweight in ilexm M yatt, w ho Is o u t fo r-th e ^ntt thwoughly. puA^d laibeatlnc PlttobnrKh 8; CtnelniuiU 7 Chicago 10-4: S k U ola 8-3 ^ Rlsko's (uperlority. Ptom the start 1031U :but now vanta.hia mldlewelght Vane Page of Wayne, Peniulvanla, WashJngtoii U t PhUadelphla 7 - natlnder of the eeasoa with a rUlidelpbU 4; Brooklyn 8 T l* 1 1 |LT - — * . he csrrled, U« fight to the PhUa- crowijw n back. 1-3, 3-8, 8-3. nikea ankle aad -dislocated knee delphla boxer aad wlUi the excep- Corbett arrived today and went broki O nly M rfc DoroUiy . A n ^ _ c f : lU nks-A ces-M — I ------Dwtrelfc etn O tt m ade bis 25th an d 26tht h „ , . PoundinjT th reo ' Cleveland Uuew hU tights and left continually 3twf Harris of Kansas Cltr. seed-. pitchers for 17 hits, tho De­ MERICAN ASSCKHATION »«Berg, vbo vaa given.hit uneon- ed.si4.«lxth and seventh. voa-M t ^ home runs of the season and I lUonal release br the Senaton a plea*•leased. Mrs. A^idrut conqaered . drove.in flcven runs today os« Eastern Toumey itroit Tigers today regained5 In PennsylvanianL round), Loughran three aad fcored MUMUwaokee t; IndiaaapoUa f. . weekeek ago. came here by airplane Cath:atberlnfl Wolf ot Chicago, 8-3. the worJd. champion New:W _____^ ^first place in the tight Am eri­ ______^ " . ththe third u evea. St*SL Pan! 1. CelambBS t . toda])day t« don th e THb* uniform . B e 8*9,1*9. <«-3. aad Mrs. Bairls eUmlaated York Giimta took a double* can league raee by troundng Rlsko velghed 109 pounds a a d MHfawsapoUs b X. Tcklado 1. vUlU l reUtv*l Fraakls PyUak. Uie oaljr Marl■tarlanne H uat of Los Angeles, 8-9, , L buthran 1S3K. . Ka;Kaasaa City S-4, LeolsvUla l-T. otbeitbet ttdlaa neelTer. 8-s.I-S. , . ■header from tho'Braves be­t Bell, Mangln Pull Oul Vlo-1the home team, 10 to 7, asI KartI Kauffman and Bob Mill- ^ fore & crowd of 14,000. The • torles In Meadow '' Boston^ defeated New York. , er Eliminated Frora scores were 11 to 2 and 10 to ^ Trosky, tho ladlans* star Club Play • young : flnt basemaa. waa knockedJ Pittsburgh Event unoonsdous la .tbe eighth tnmng o tt b«S8«d 1x>^ homen off Fred­a- ___ ■ when; he was struck In tho head by dy FnnUiouae In the Mcond Bsme, SOUTHAaIPTON, N. T., Aug. 1 OP) IGoose GoaUa's double. He recovereda BOOTS PAHK, prrrsBOKaH, ■' tbe fUst circuit drive with a mate^ —Bgbt seeded teams came through ,and remained In the game, and nextt /A^ 1 Tumlng back two op- on b u i lo tbe nrst Innlnir u d two? two rounds of match play without ittme at bat connacted with a doublee pponeats ^ .decisive margUts, Al- Want 4;3 ‘/i) More Miles o f ent, and the seeond In the third, anyopeettodayasthedoublesfleld |for his fourth hit. He previously hadd b ts t^ B c U tf CampbeU. tbs youngI meal; ^ irlth two gone jmd none cn baae..;; o f 53 pairs In tho M eadow club’s 1knocked a home run. as had Owen.I. BBeattlagolfU j* genius, today advano- S l Btortlcltirortdominated tbetwo- 44UiannualtnvltaUon tennis touma- Detroit ] ttUna-has«man___;------_t ed-WlULia.feUow pub«p.Unk*.a9«r-_ ISBrtune-pipcrani. He mftde A'-slngle, !rJ ment was reduced to eight quarter Another casualty was Umpln- fen Into the thtrd round la a day of V double BJid triple In Uw opener Mtdu l flnaUats. Singles play voa suspend-. < . torrid play that aaw two former drove across four ru n s, sc a rlp s tw ice Oeorge Morlarty, who waa hit on ^ od.' ,. ( ^ champions blasted out ot th s n m - blm self. m Kddltlon tQ h is tw o hom>T tho left foot by a foul tip, and had ? 2 ; The top seeded pair, Berkeley Bell to ( leave the game. Brick Owens re- " CIS In thb seoond game, be d ^ Jed CsmpbeU, playing the asms ipsrk- ^ ef New Vork and Gregory Mangln placing , him behind home plate. ,, cU Bobb7 SmlUi io tbe seventh tod ot Newark, who are out to retire tbe - Ung game that won blm medalist ioored three times. - - - B H E° ihonora lo tb e SO-hole quaUlylng doubles troaby this year after vtc- D ^ e t r o it------030 331 030-10 17 0 J rN O irMT TflFEl T h e O lanta m ade a to te i .ot 30 hits. „ round, f l n t cUm lnated MUce Cesr T r r torles In’ 1 9 » a n d 1030. got o ff to a Cleveland , ----- 001 010 330— 7 14 0 ^ good atart by winning a pair of tone of Newark, N. J.. and tben ad- (Oontlmiftd on Page 8), Battcrtts; BamUn, Phmips, Rowe t straight set matches. e ministered the same tnatment to Fraakle Parker of Spring ZAke. V. ‘ ByroQ Bunt of Columbus. Ohio, ' (OonUnnod on Page 8> \Both went down-by the same score. — - 4 X ■ - J., and hta partner, Bryan “Bllsy" O n a t of Atlanta, also won In straight ------^------. 85 a n d 3. The two ex-cbamps bealea were ■ seta.. . . . ( Earl Kauffmaan of Pittsburgh, oaly Yankee Net Squad Slatkin A rtists ; I .Other survivors included Benry I man ever, to win Uie pubUc Unks l ^ * W . Prusoff, Seattle, and Wllmer Hines. t e ; ~ W Columbia, a. u , aeeaed.uurai HOD« " I MlUer of JaeksoavUle, Florida, tbeI M i S a C Lauds Conquerors0 ert ‘’lefty* Bryoo. Chattanooga, and Q 1633 UUs holder. Jaek M cDlarm ld. F o rt W ortti. Texas: In Flashy B attleC ‘ Kauffmann lasted uatU the sec­ the naUonal junior bhamploas. Gene ond round and then lost dedslvelr Mako of Los Angeles and Donald « to the smooth stroking Lomlae SlaUcin softbaUers'got the scare | v-'> Challengers ExpectBritain•n DijdgcofOaklMd. Cat „ Young-of Son Antonies.-Tttns. 8 of a Ufeltme last night before they and 5. MUer faUed to survtvtt the ToHoldirojiW '’fi)r''' ■ flnaUy garnered a S to 8 win overU ! Speer’s aggregation In the secondI flnt round, losing In the biggest “ upset of the day to J. C. Jewett ot Several Yeare; gams of the second half ef the dty Qualifying Opens isoft ball .circuit. filaUOn's outfit Oary. ' Indiana, 3 and 1. LONDOK. Aug. 1 WD^Toikfl Ittro m tumed tn an undefeated card for , s ^ill lin t place in the fin t hall standings the Uoited Slates Darla cup team, which sails for home Saturday5 For Buhl Toumey iand tho lowly ©peermcn have aot I yet won a.game. ^ Misplays Defeat •mptr-handed. the chances ot anyny ______3 nation takljif the InlcmatlonaJ ten- A rejuvenated Une-up under the nU tropbjr tway from England to In Clear L a k ^ Club Champion- {management ot “Red** Hutchlnga , the next few years ore very slim In­ took Uie field for Speer's and fromE San Franciscans f . | E deed. the opentag pitch kept Hagler. stel­ ship Play Scheduled jlar Slatkin hurier. In hot water•r I ■■ A pon of Sidney B . Wood. J r , F ra n k throughout the contcst. Hagler al- < X Shields. George M. U tt. Jr.. andSd For Near Future ] I; Seal Infielders Hurl Ball a o ______Ilowed 10 h lU aa did D on H utchings ’ Letter Itollo Stoefeo. the Americao of Speer’a. The gams was nlp-and- qnart«t which played grand tenats. BT7HL. Aug. 1—Q ualifying rounds Ituck from the atart artd at the end5 Wildly and Missions b u t could win only one m a tch agaitist for the annual club champlonahlp iOf the' third fruno stood three' all. the British In the challenge round, i - Win 5 lo 4 Here it Isl The amazing newn ------rinedTo'wvfflrcwirthe'Bitmmcr of club nre now underway and oon- i h — _ ■ a hope that Uncle Sara’s present crop fUth and onoe each In the fourth ■ ^-----Goodyear-**i'G = 3*»-ls-scor#ii|f i g ~ a o f p la y e n c aa tu m th e trJck. ^ tcaianla will bo given from now untU tand sixth to win the game, althougbh -BAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 1 VF} - Sunday evening, Auguat 13. to com- ia ftre run Bpeer. rally In the sixthh Tonyi Baratb and Jack Fenton. San Tbe problem simmered down ^ to plete qualifying, Otto Parry, course inearly tied up the score. jFranelsoo inflelden. UteraUy thr«(w,r, nation-]-wide success eae play the toumey on a handicap ibatsman, however, and the final outIt f right field. Dahlgren kept right on; -as this new Good)dyear“G.3” AU-W eath< ny“ A ustin w hen he’s playing for thlat a t basis. The tournament will be held iwaa accounted for when tha flashyy rrunning and made the complete clr- cup." at match play. Ihiirlcr stopped a faat line drive forir ccult with the winning counter that ] Mattera were not made nny more Titular and runner-up awards are tthe end of the game. Rgave the Elusions a 5 to 4 vletory as' | Goodyear took twor o years to develop it. G a' checrtm-whro Lott.—thr-^Rock of being exhibited in tho windows of Hagler wns Inconalstant andd IFenton picked up the t»U and loas- j a i b m l t e r o f th e la at Uiree team.-», the Duhl pharmacy. ^walked seven men. Atkins led Slat-.. eed it into left field. , ' months of grueling>g tests to prove th at it £ bald he waa through wllh cup play. kin bitten with three for four. ThisI, Tho score- R.H.E. ' *ThU time next year,” George said mark was eijualled by -Red- I^ulchp,p CSon Franclseo .000 003 011~4 13 5 • *TU be seUIng m in ls s m achinery a n d in n and Mompower.of Speer’a iM iss io n s______000 101 3 0 1 -5 13 4I 43% longer non-n-skid mileage. letting someone else tiy to lift.theS Tournament! Score by Inninga— R’ B EB , Balierlea: Gtbaott. StuU and Mc- a u g .“ S latk ln ’a -•_____-310 14l '0--0 10 3a »MuUen. Woodall: Daglla. Lleber aod' And that means TN O N -Sklb-nght in But in the bm tb he said ^ho Now Underway on |S p e e r s ______301 003 0 - 8 10 5S *Fitzpatrick. m ig h t be Batterk!«-Habetween Val Toolson and Paul Lelgb- Ue t w ith Uie Sacs. ' I in the tread—more'e tread against the grou Should Lou hold to hla Jlrsint headlbg the lists. ' ttoo. Thescore— R.H.E.I ; I p a t e n t e d S u p e r t ww ist in every ply, to s( ^5 Mulllna took the count orrr Don —Ths-consolaUnt> round of ths meet 2S a c ra m e n to __ 033 000 001— s 10 5) i v e a r ______« u ja DO Hfl without a foundation „ W U a lld ____ 310 0 0 x = 1 7 n n T oa Toolson to the tuna o fa 7-fl »;ore ^wiU open today with Don ’Toolson m [I up under the hu; — on Which to buUd a wln.-\ing uskier, heavier sbourd:S! | s a 4 ng and White managed to noae out Ray playing . Butler and Thomaa mixing_ ^ Batteries: Gregory. Hartwig and BuUer on the 10th hole, Shlpmaa ,with the loecr of tha Val Toolsen-“ ®SaUield; Caster and Cox. A nd the test fleet proved:dthat S peec» d w a y Leighton fracaa. ===^^= ^=^= ^ STABS 9. ANGELS > •ar*,w«bm« tlthis new “G -3” w ill k e e i m seoond round matches MuQlns 5 LOS ANGELES. Aug. 1 M>-Bol3j-- a t th e s e lol o w p ric e s pU ys Wy e ^ d S M p ^ ^ ^ iMt ye^ s ^ . ______GOARANTEE ggrip i tw ice as long a sI ttires ______—Henn^me-Aga .* yood_MtiarTd the “civil war" sertca \ raiit-Tops-List-iqualU len w ith a n 64. wlU play th e with1 Los Angelea bere lonltht. de­ feaUng the Angela B to 8 ia a free ^da«t*'ra«d* ' t®tested against it. ■winner of lh e T oolsoa-Lelghloa * bat (a additioa • li/ttlm* 4:50 x " lt ------. . * 4 .0 0 clash. *scoring extra Inning affsir. Of Coast Let Big Sm ead JoUey topp<^l off a ------$ 3 .2 0 eague Hitters ■ ol B atcriU aad work- W VI Hat a tirel A nd the - ■ ------, , r =r Fperfect evening at the plaw in the B^(>.Witlitb«qaalitr ^ ------5 3 . M , ______t/>T AW O^-^. Auguat"' 1 ffl _ ■ eievralh e hmlna br Unln? a hdrne new s o£altis ii costs-no'nt^morel ------f g ; g O — 5 ------Prank Demaree. Loa Angelea out­it- E^hi^t!*iSS«r*cittSidfr/=''*ho nm 'tato the eenier fjeld bleaelien' ll b ^ ^ C has Ifd tho league Jor three years. * to (tve the Stan a hard.«amed vic­ C om e in and see it! 125 X S l ______1 .9 0 .8 0 • fielder. haa regained flni place tn ~ t tha tm offlcU l batO ag an:rag«s w]OiS Eekhardt hit at a J77 pace. foUowed tory and square the serlea at one ia a»d M« e i •betil i(. by Jo h n n y Baaaler. HoUywood gaae apiece. i a 48S percentage. I vif^>rr*rooRP€RM r^ * atcher, whose average waa JTI B H E>:! . • — ------*------Ths clouting outfield star aliolao E an e y o f HoUywood had 30 '^t^*-rBecoA.L—vaiu.^ iLes Angeles 000 340 003 00—8 13 1 hammered eut three home rsmina fiolea base* to his credit ita a lead ro u PLfiKSe \WrT£WA«H IHoUywood _03 3 300 000 0 1 -< 11 3 ' dartn* the last wrek. to boort'hlaUs In Ihena. The Angels alao held the Batterln: Ward. Nelsoa J. Camp­ loop .leadlcs to ta l to 35. f a r ou t la tTSOlTUjO M 'r. ___ J ^ ta leacue advantage in team hilling g M O K f c ■=beU and Goebel: Hebert and Bassler. treat of hla d(»e3t rival.- with a average. INDIA.VS «. OAES I Tco lodlsg rcgntar plaren U»t^*ed wfc* have appeared in tw eoty five ar more gasice: SEATTLE. Aug. I VPh-The I r - Ftayv' wul c fa ^ O AB n HB SB Pet dlass' drtw toward tbs league lea:J. i c a K n K O e m a m . Lm Ab««1«* — ------4SS X17 XS a .SM gave thea their elghttj win In the Bekhartt, Mtelon ______„ n » 4C3 i ; i 4 1 X 7 , last nine games toalgbt aa they bat­ Baadrr. noOyweed ■ ------30« 77 0 2 J7S ted out a 8 to 1 wla over Oaklaad. I f Alaula. >nnl«i ______------^121 C l m 1 12 OSS, them ln(o a seeon4 place ‘1 M A G E 5 L A U T O► l M O B I L E HONES40 Stats, taa A nrrW ______-■ — • ______l u 4S2 m 4 21 J I 7 , BaUerles: Hald. Conlan. Bego and I p . lUXey, M l a l o a ______------>JCX. 3S3 m 13 4 x s ^ Raimondi; KaUlo aad Bottarlnl. j V' TWIN FALLS DAILY' MEWS.H T w n r m i A m MHO, t o THUBSDAY MOBNING; AtJG

[ stock M arket Averages ■IMIIHIIIIIS I ; GASOUNE c M IJE r-^OiJTKPg At J ir s w TORK. Aug. 1 cn — Stsek >v- ' erXM. (eoprrtabt. 1934, SUniUrd 81*- „ » » III IIIII mil III V lllliij : I I M JT CLOSE= ind’U lun-di vui’i Tou) . H 5 L ,j y ^ B , MB. WALLEtTI vS ■ ~ . . . TOToday a3M xiM sv.eo 11.10 r 1 VOO, MR. rACTBS <3006 Pr«V d a j r ^ 79J0 30JO S7J0 M.W *• I ■ ' ' m vou'pe A COOO / W«»K ago— 83 so 39.10 fflJO 13.10 T . J " Soaring Grain Market C aus-1Maatb a c o .. ST.eo 44.SO' esjo t7.w> / / V kv.V I eyBm eocpy.t y Year a ta __ 81.90 47.70 W.lO SI.40 T r- r l ( ^ /■ ;. .esBuyingFlurnon f; .SiS ffiSiSS . ' Wall Street ffi a a a ------' ' Ur ■ i IHI s s ; ‘S c S s s , ! ! i s s s L o ? r M.IO 13J0 Jl.M 33.00 ” ^iito-Inde* of RalUes; areclftltlM hi I*15 atoplo commodity prim , (De­ cem ber 31. J931.. equal 100; lUM 'itrlK^ iistu m f c ^ e l « n excfian8ca:-*” Q u lc t:' '■arerajo'eqinilB y MOJi?------— T oday ------1 * 4 . c tie m tn o v . ■ ^ i f Cotton: Higher: unravomble " ■ • fttcUy wettthor; W»U street , buy- wS T ro ‘“^"zzfrzT'dSi Year agoli::: ------434Jt '"luffar: HJsher: trade buylnc. JOJ1034 h ljh ...... — 14tS = Coffee: lllBlier; Brazilian buy- stead)-, 85.25: several lols packing i l l j lETROIT OOTSLUQS WO m i Sri.— . " S N E W YYORK S'.sows steady at $3.80 to H lAf I WORLD CHAMPIONS 10X3'in i low______78.7 Cattle: RecclpU 400; roost Wds | | | CLEVELAND TO WIN ;; ^ CHICAao: i”1533 high------—103J V SMASH. BRAVES TO Wheat: Btroni;; world wide u d ssles steen> a t week's 35o to 1032 low______7M 35c decline: aha stock weak to { IO T O 7 STRUGGLE STRENGTHEN LEAD drouth. (Copyright, 1834, by Moo.ly’.) Com: Ulaher; heat wave thrent- 25c or moro lower for samo period: * (Deeem ber 31. 1031. u U ken a* 100 few loU medium 005 to 038 pound \ ClllDR. •a fBCKW _ (Oontlziued irom Page 7) (OontlntMd from Paga 7)' in compntlng the above priee level steers >5 to ISJS; some held at . MMMUm No llyealoclt m nrket; strike. an'd Ihe following. eommodlUes, with W b . I85.50; good under 000 pound long - — a nnd d ICochrane: HudUn. Bean. HUde- Jack Salvesan, lyoeatly traOM . (Bjr Tbe AiMCUled Pren) .NorUitm ,No Pacine------17U IStfc ' lltfc *5.! the approximate pereenUge value lllsn tow CIoa«lt>» feds quoted $eJM> or above: com- p,Ja| rand and Pytlak. from fram Montreal, rtarted ttaa {bat Dy. FBEDERICK GABDNER of the hole Index assigned to eaeb. AlllJiltd Otiam it Dt^.S3S 123 13S lESsrATrrrSu iPm ?• 3:“mon U>- medium belfers »3i0; helf- 1oes Advance Sharply, Re- "H;Summary: Two>base hlt»—WUte, ganvgame, aad waa reUeved hy Oarl -•, .Aisoelsted Prta* Flnaaclal W riter- tIU Chalmert------I3t; l i n I3)'«il^i a re used: W heal 13. cotton 13, hog* merlean Can______93% M es & Pn " s ; g " B = . a erlsh cows 83J0; medium coa-s G : «hrlnger. Burnett. Oodln. ‘Itosky. HubIHubbeU In ttae la at Of tb e sixth w b e s > NEW YORK. Aug. 1 - S tocks ,13. 3, ateel aerap 10. sotrar 10. wool 7. Are Pullman inc------:— 4«U 43 «}4 cutc u ttcr to conunon 81.50 to $3.90; spondlng to Drouth wen. Home nina-Owen. Troaky. Now New York bad a lead of 9 to a. . Joined co/nmodltles In an ndvonce copper S. hidea 5, corn 4. rubl>er 4. Am ‘S’‘ ‘SSite odd bulU to 83.90; la te yesterday lolen bases—Wblte 3; Averin. 8ac- Hal Hs Schumacher leglsteitd bla today. alUiough bullish exuberance ,ui, m l/x»moHv»------IS is .1 8 l u R e p o r t s ^ ■Uk 4, coffee 4. lead 3. silver 3. cocoa ID nodutor______ll>« 10*4 IM i Re;Rojmolda ^ b n ___ 4S\i 43U 4Mk two cows 690 to 738 pound In ter- flees—Voamlk, Hamlin. Double 18th 18th victory of tbe season In . tba In se ^ ty marketa wos restmlncd. 2.—E d ito r). Am Ba/eway 8 lo rM ...._ 44(i - 4S)i 4«)k m mo ountain yearling feeders 84:79. -■ ■- playslt^«-Knlckerbocker to .'Halo to aecoisecond game and drove hla futh wwiir>-fw aitrlbiitfd gtrength In W an. nxM.l)UC>------SS*. 34*1^ 38>i r«1 Hj j q 0^ Bf)I7flHAH atwU ^ le ^ ui iecRnlcai uum- •niONET lBuSI{«.i.“ ‘c S Z Z 3 : lOli o fl lolk nomriot lnaly quoted $5.73 to $8iO. aosusodated< Press Market Edjtor DingLng pitcher-Hamlln. Loalng pitch- bleatbleaehera off Frti^ouse In tba ences. TTte buoyant tone ol graina B m ew idi»"S> ^f™ I lojJ iW-! floconvOk Vacuum -^— MU i3f« I4U Sheep: S RecclpU i535; market not qIHIOAaG. h ] Aug. I — Aggresalve er-£<-Hudiln. secoiwcond Inning. helped to »Ur up spcculatlvo Inter- NBW « YORK, Aug. 1 m — Call lehlMn T A: a P__ S3 so siU south Boi Cal EdUon— 13% 13% .13% full m oney ateady; 1 por een t all day. niSi fully estobllahed; four decks me- gpeculculatlve buying, for which world ------Flnt Fix game: R B S c st In olher markeU-?. UUmore A Ohio— 1 n 13 Boultieni 5oi PaclKC— 17% Ulk is(ii dlum ^7,„ to good 64 wootod Callfomlas , Time loans steady; 00 dnya to Bensndix Avutlon.— 1 1. in « I2«k su sta n d a rd llranda.:-----10% IS% . 19]J dlUj lo reporU of drouth damage sp- . RED SOX 7, YANKS « !Iew Y o r k ____430 013 030-11 10 1 A.1 whent «onrcd about’3 cents a * ilhlehrm 8te«l_____as>i ZIU 2S;^ Btandard Bta Oa. fc Eire s 7% 7% 15.40 15.4 straight. ______p c a•red « , largely responsible, awept the . „ aoatoa ------IOO oio ooo- 3 » i six months li lo 1 per ccnt. BUndam oil ClU--- 33% 3I]i 33% bualjel and corn 2 ccnt*, mtlng De- «« iirrouRtu Ac1 . ]|^« ll^ i » u Icago wheat market up 3K cenU NBW YORK. Aug. I MV-Dusty Batterlea-^alveson. HubbeU and cem ber w heat In ChlcoRO nbovo *Prime conimcrclal paper ?•. c»it>l» iS cklnR ._____37« 3S I 40 ? Tex : S “c i S > 3 '' =5 Hogs:° Receipts UOO. Included 230 d l- th e DUnited SUtcs com belt added day to give tbe Bostonians the ^Second game: R H ■ broadened lonicwbat. bank, t'i per cent. cmrrro da Pa»co______37 33^ J 37 Tin ilrd game of the aerlea with the ------Cbo3W di 43U 43 ■ 43 Tri ,rccU; San Franelseo packers 758; to buoyancy bu of all grain values. tW™ ^rew Y o r k ...... 311 001 320—10 14 1 Adrancea Itecorded ■ COTTON 0^^M Bt J> A P pr__ 4 !i' 4 { ' 4 ^ Un: butchers 15c higher; packing sotvsi Whealleat In Chicago rose to the top- Yankinks. 7 to 4. Soston — .000 003 lOO— 3 11 0 irrsler Corp____ 3S<« SSU 33 w s;scf.“ai^= Uni ;!’‘ sf A four-run rally started by BIU Ba x a colik______1301^ 13«(S 130 ! i;nIon tin: r*cin&.___103 iioit 103 35c4ip;.top$5.J0; 35c. bulkgoodto cholco mostst point since the beginning of '. -A 1 Batteries: Schumacher and Man- Many plni of 1 (0 4 polnta were ^NEW YORK. Aug. 1 on - The Cocl erber's home run in the' flflh set- -™q . seneral cotton market today clai- g?[>>1118) Oaa Xl B«e__ 9% »U 9 i United U>» Alrcralt-._-_ ISti 14% 19 \ ISO180 to 230 pounds 1441010 85.10; pack- Ju nle. e, and com and lye’hero each Werb :uso; Frankhouae. Sm ith a^d •cored by acWve stocks on th e c x - ,8«ni .m Bolvenw_____ 17*1 I?” 17 * Uni ing soa-s bulked $3 tb $3J5; light outdlt^did the season's htgh -prlca -rcc- tied!d th e gam e a n d . also J o h n n y a,v>hSpohrer. tension of tho rccovcry from laat ™cd 1steady at net advances of 3 to con3m U e tiU isrD _ _ i>« t% 1 k u t i f Jf! I”!! . Wheat at Liverpool and wheat Broam Produeti<______fl3>^ eo*w, a '« varV a n a d iu m ------ISli 1S% -18 i ' f., led the season's - prevloua top anyly furtherf< scoring after Lary found ■ FOBEION EXCIIANOE m laa w nght_____ 3% 3% 3 k. WMt«m wei Union T e l_ 3S% 34 33 ^ C attle: RecclpU M9. Included c«Ued rhred-base talta—Watkins, Beiger. > scored’ substantial advances. Tho drouth direcu 311 cattle, or calvcs; Quotattatlons, wilb particular notice himm .1for a double to bring tbe rally lome runa-Ott 3, Schumacber. cluxaetef of soma of. the stoclu n:NBW YORK, Aug. 1 liTi — T or- g«*ll de lludaon._____ 40ti 40U 40 b WntiDSboiua Wn Bec__ 31% 30 ^ .31 • droi iPont de Nem...l_-SS!. a«U ss . Woolworth Wo< Co_____ 48% 47% 48% Los Angcics market 148; drouth dl- Ig Uken of severe reduction- of to a climax.1 »uble playw.JaokBon. to CrlU te tYiMt In ilfmwnri Inrtlm tea th n t jlgclgiL-fwhango n easy; Franco dc- But«tman Kodak_^ 90 H 90 recU to .Portland 889; generally In yields both In Canada and - RHE reny. Loalng pltebeiwPrsnUwuse. tradera wera fltrtlng with the Infln- marmand flJSO.'cablca 0.30; Montreal neeM rew * U t ------4ii -4 4V. ^ ~CURB MABXET tralia. BostoiSton ______in 040 000-7 9 0 n N ew Y ork 101.63'.*, New York In 1» R n ______13 13 13 N steady; a few good grass steers 84 to tlon Idea again. n > reatona RubtMr__ l4Ti I4ifc 14% k ket 7®wUUo5l flMrl-*^ “* 14.501 common to medium steen and fheat closed strong. 3Mo to 3Ho Nowrar Y o rk _____300 030 000—4 10 3 Tlie Standard Stfttlstlcs company MorMontreal 98J7'4. a tameral B ecuic____ is% is k Ami ra yesterday's finish; com IHo BatBaturles—Rhodes and R. PureU; CARDS 4 CUBS • average tm CO stocks rose 2J polnta — — Oanmeral POoda_____ 30>> 39fk Central Cen StatM Bagtria ------1^ / g helfheUers $2 to 83.50: bulk good cows Cltlea fitrviea------, I k >383 tto I3J0: few ouutanding cows ITio up; oaU Ho to Ko ad- Brooc■ooca. V on A tta a n d Dickey. CB to 71.1. Volume expanded m o d c r- . AlCTAL!! afO'■nerkl kfoton....,__as'a 37 H Clti sed and provisions showing Tc Sun CmoAOO, Aug. 1 »V-Paul Deaa Klectrlo Dond and S h a r e . . . 11 . »3,75; «9 7< common to m edlq;n $1J5 to Summary: Two-base hits—4Saltz- ruUaated Jim Weaver la-a brUliant ately on the upturn but totaled only NlNEW YORK. AUR. 1 M^-Oopper: SoS, r " D , . t = s ’‘ ! i) s .-’‘Weetne S S ^ n d and Sbare pf______44 i lOo gain. gaver,ver. Reynolds, Lary. Three-base pn,« MatNational tn r ta to ^ '. 'Ictory for St. Louis over tbe Cuba. . eat Nortnern Ry vt I J 'i I3’i NatNational rew rr and U sht Qa pf__ 47 « tolo I 175 twund vealers 83J0 to 84.25. n marketa. which hiave been berr. CCroeetU. Stolen bases-ClsseU 2. spurted S polnta. WIImh A Rained TlTin: K.i.sler; spot and nearby and ornr a t W nilem .Busar 33>> 33 % Naa Naw Bradford______3 « lually edging upward more than werbt i to 0, a n d even tb a serlea. a t ona all. Sheep: R ccclpu 11,736; D enver 5 ^ ® “ crber. — Lary. Double •!<],, 2 H and the preferred more Uian 3 futuuture *51.70. , HupipP Motor*____ :.. 3(^ 31;>t Niai Niagara Hurtaon rewcr______4% o ' cs here, received special atten- tjlav- The younger of tbe Dean brottaera iDoU Central——J. 18ti ts(> % fltaisu n d a rd Oil of Indiana— 2s% markel mar 587, Idaho feedert 82J5; few f,o„ . ly—Lory to Clssell to Morgan. bUo-Jlowed five bita, oo two of tbem In point*. StrenRth In raw sugar at- Iron: In Quiet: unchanged. I itarrmtvr.__ _ 37|« 3SU V* Bwlft and oompany______16% jocs: , today am ong w h ea t trad e rs. r,»iTlnteing pItcher-Broaca. SJj , traced attenlloD to sugar issues. LeLead: Steady, spot New York 13.- tntt NIeXM__ ■ 34 Amut(atner]r War0:=:r33?i'—.aa«i U BaeBaetrle rewcr and L lsn tJ = = n j7 ------PORTLAND L IV ESTO C K ------noth weakened after two were out - . rose 3 potnu and latcm atlonal Hni;- ver■cr firm: . U lilRhDr a t 4 0 S . mou■.lot w nrel______7% 7V« ‘a ConCom'wtalth Bouthem warranta...... % __ 'h lt.a; a'homo’nm'wltb'Hopktaa-oa - moth vester. Scars Ropbuck and Deere .. i«i> U etf>ra^___. I4>« 14 u Dnllunited Oaa wananw ______PC PORTLAND. Aug. 1 (ff) (U S D A) se. • inn theth« eighth aod oonsecutlve singlea It CMlj^let, A-__ M S 13?a CogCorperaia Truat Bharta.— _U.M —He » « ? £ !* *'**'* y Martla. Rothrock. FriscJi, a ^ were up more than a point. U. 8. OOVFJINMENT. BONDS v —Hogs: RecclpU 300; scattered early s«n old oi«i-% 103% lo n j i03<;.t; m e first game, a wUd shigfeat tn by lil Smelting. American Smelting, Cer- N EW YORK , Auk. 1 m — B ond N*tIt rew a i 'b g d l Z s(« s ij % Aub sales about sUady; good to choiee Ntw lich the locals collected U blU MedaIcdwlck followed a pass to'so^ra i ro de Pa*co and other metal Issues IW York C « n ira l_ 3 tli 30 3 'a 10 to cemtrm b e r' 1.83; Ja n u ary 1.81. Wd: light llghU $4J 5 : IlghUy so rte d $3.65. u v ^ 77% 78% 7«i; 71% 3 ^ TetepJione. New York Central and 1 “ Cattle; ReccipU 35; calvea 10; oit*. Jatterlee: l^ons and Shea; Had- St.t, LouULi _____ 000 000 0 4 0 -4 6 3 lh 4s 33-3B c!tJ...... lOlJl H e;c; sprlnjr dticks B to lOHc; old 7 lo MaiM areh 1.88; M ay IJBI; Ju ly 1J3. other old Hnr leaders picked up " TKEASURY fle* icattered-early-aaleaaroond-ateady; oia^4M8ifc «J4 4Sji 4«|4 Jey.. N Newsom, Andrew*, McAfee and ChlcaIh lc a g o ______000 000 0 0 0 -0 S 0 gainn of moro than a point. : spring gecM 8c; old 7c. bid.bid. trim B a tte rie a -P . D oan a n d Daffla; >;* 47-S2 ...... ------113,3 R efined w as unchanged a t 4.75 for few grow steers $3JO; low cuitcr i>« old o|. 47% 4S * 47% 4 r J moley. B«t Rblng coDimodlty priccs. espe- U utier: Receipts 0200 tu b s; firm ; ^ and cuttcr cows 1125 to $2; bulla 82.- NewW 47%.% • 4S 47% 48 * Sec‘cl.ttvQ 'in 40-511 ...... 107.1 0 ,)) ' 23’i lo 2 4 c : f lrs u <88-89) 22U to i------1------;------aj, Uya—Durocher to.PWsch to Ool- I 'i * '40-43 Ju n e ...... - ...... - ...... 104.10 Shoap: Reoelpu 100; no early n»w S : S “ “-baatterles:SS Eamshaw and Madjea- playa- new developments abroad or In tho c; .vconds (88-87) 204 to 31Sc: iis; Martin to Durocher to Ftiscta. j \ 8 4 3 .4 7 ______104.11 !f„ : »I qs. market quoUble steady; good ^ Knott, Andrews, Hadley and Uns; dot»e&Uo business altuation. ^ andard* (90 centralized car lota) iambs eligible around $533 to 8aJ0; Miy* ube. «elng pitcher-Weaver. U. S. Sterrs arcond-quartor re- J S s 41-43 M orch ------IW .IS !|‘“ V ™ !!i= \ c . pomomes aIlaughter ewea quotable $1 to $2.251. nuirjitr— Sumjummarjr: Two-base hit—Orube; H;.n 41 ...... 104.17 'V ; port, showlntf the first enmlngs for Jli-i E kiti; R«elpta 4728case3; flrm.ax- ___ oar r obove.al me run—Bonura, Stolen base— j the prclerred stock hince 1D31. was w"* S 22'^ 5 - hom o DODGEBS t. P^nXIES 4 \ nr!ii.i to*i to 17 3-4c; fresh grad- ms. Sacrlflces-Oonlan. Boken 3. __ better than had been expected ccn- ’’is 40-49 .1______Zrr.l - l - -10a.l8 108 ANGELES POTATOES #3% ™ !_ «I4 Buma BR OO B aV N , Aug. I i n - r T b » firsts 184 to 17Sc: current re- DENVER SHEEP M»y ___ J Z 2 z Doubliuble playa-Slrango to Bejma to cralli'- However, oilier steel new-* ^ lpt.i 14S to 18c.______!,(_l,O S _ A N O E tK S . Atlf. 1. (^> ------^ m a :- A p p tln rto P okea t e Donw lolliM for irhJuT ^ay and defeat: .. ------s9 D A)—Potatoea.7Bc.ta.SOe-cwL.lor- she« c n i t i A a d c a s h g b a i n ^ Loelng pltcher-Hadley. A?e reported Mrel opcmilons .had rnnrRALT.ARSi m o r t c x c e ------Bheep:- Reeelpu. 5300;-aaUva-Umba — ^ d tlw PlilUiea 8 to 4. Tbe Dodgen p artly g raded loeal w hite rose: fair cteam iA DELmiA. Aug. 1 cr>—I7w Score sco by Inlnngs— R H S dlnary small." ls.\liA ■^3 ...... 100,8 nuiter m and eggs unchanged. r noc: NO. I mixed $lJ3 m -0 4 H . isbingtOQ Senatora evened the phUaitaUadelphia _ 0 0 3 010 OOl->4 10 3 Weekly electrlo power figures Chwr: Flats and tripleu ll«lc. . CBICAGO POTATOES jheep steady; fat ewos 8338 down. Oomwn: No. 3 mixed 7lc; No. 3 yei------c: — — low 70« ie» with the AthkUca. pounding a Brooktrooklyn nan 100 04x—6 11 0 Bhowfd -another Rain, returninn cnic.iG o riiODCCE ------CR C fO A O O. Atur. 1 (;F) fV 8 D A ) - 70H to TlHc: No. 1 wtilte 73Hc: chera fo r 14 hUa to win a n 11 to Batteriea: B at Oolllns and J. WUsoo; th e to ta l alm oat to th e 1934 peak. CtCHrCAOO. AUB. t (,T)-Poultr4: PoUtOMl BecelpU 88 earioads: on « ST. JOSEFn SHEEP No 23 7white TSHc-He. LOR ANGELES PBODUCE Potj ST . JOSEPH, Aug. 1 (/P) 4 pounds Uc: p--,oduce exchange receipts: Butter naker; nppllea moderate; demand i, laon- Higgins. Suaka and Manush j.. Mooram 3. Frey. Strlpp, Taylor, te a tt s cf J per cen t Use prctedin* LeghLeghorn hco» Oc; Rock f r y e n 10 to ly lower: talking 88 and down; gen- Rye:re: No. I TBc; No. 3 77*40. 8,000 pounds; cheese 51.400 “ind 4 tndlne mederato: Cobblera, •rally asking steady or upward to Bark 0 talt taomera. TluM’btee-basa bit—BarteU. winning week. IteSo; : colored l 1 n ts IM S; Wlaeenain Trt- OMAHA RIIEEP ------BSatterlca: att Weaver, RuseeU and •dliim it.-^ndards 2<'c; smalU lIM c. «in|lDmpbs U. S. No. 1 g: to n.30; Idaho oiOMAHA. Aug. I OPi (V BX> A )— PORTLAND GBACr • BoltoiIton. Flohr; Logger. WUshere and OnrCINNATL Ang. I WV-Jump- ElnaaeU U . S. No. I $1.75; barr^la. sh e e jg oa threa pltcbeta for four runa Tb* Tvtn r*;u B4n«t rw- I'fullry uiichaiiscd. Rna 3heep: RccelpU 7000; lamba uneven; POR3RTLAND. Aug,.L.W^ — Wheat M foyo«». — ___ VlriVlrxUiU Cobblera U. 8. No. 1 tm - . „.U> iSamary: -Two-baae hUa — Me- la3 thttae sl*th.'tbe ClndnnaU Reds i mU\-o a round 15c low er; o th e r lam bs c Io«:e: September 86c; December Bva not to tbo frcBt to edga out Pltu- | V orth C arolina. R .10: Idaho R t i^ U «s««(Iteady to 15c higher; advance con- ®®‘»c.e. iOaah; Big Bend Bluestem «9c: Nalr.lr. Manuah. Home runa—Cramer ahot 1 UtmtM k TIME TIBIES " . S"October S1J5. fjnK:ined to fed wooled lambs; bulk sort- c h a rd w inter 13 p e r c e n t 92c: 3. Higgins. B li Suska Manush. Stolen burgh«rgh 7 to 8 today. „ „ . L h u tfam tl VI «RehedniM , of Paaaenrer Trains and nNEW: VORK. Aug. 1 ( n — P-xw Score br iaalaga— R H E ^ U».T7 W1U1.T., 51-). - U.- r.O P0U.1J* D M ... ------adNt n a tiv e lam bs 88 to 86J 0; W e d c hard^ winter II per cent B7o; baae-le—Myer. Sacrtfloe — Manush. Sco 1,-nr «raa quiet today, b u t the lK ghT_JM ^00 00^13 3 r*cW es icn», Zyi _____ »jj,o Motar Unue* Paaainx Ttuvogh Twin ______rang uble play»-Fo*x (unasaUted); Plttab no oT« firm and refinera urre r“ range Umbs up lo 8833; fed wooled whlte. weslem white, hard win- Doubl. Cincinnati lOQ 114 00*—7 13 I t'scScmelsht tiu^Oirv tii-inu «J.U Fatli*alU: • »t U, Myer to Susko 2: Cronin. CmcU v-t*. w ’•» 1^3 pciincj____ u w O ltrO O N SH O RT L ISX sliovo«[nc more Inierest at the last I a m b s 86.40; fed clipped U m bs $6 to northem ni spring and western Travli Batterlea—Sflft. Chagnon. Smith 1835: fed yearllnga $3 to $335; range frd.av$3c. Mi-errer to Susko. Winning plt^ier— Bat Eailbonad caldId prices ot 3.20 for spots and nd Oraoe; D*fTinger, Johnson and reeding Umba mostly $335 to 83.65; OaUa U : No. 3 w hile 839. W oavt»ver. Loalng pltcher-Flohr. . and < (rrr-c ;iv c Ju ly 10. 1934) 331T for later shipment. 'LIVESTOCKNUfie \B Lombom bardL V «I ------I.'00 IOM J.. etrca'Wta up to 8J. Car^ r e c e l p u : W heat 64. flour 1. ' - r ra ln 5M !-“a v M ______3:55 a, m CcConUnued flnnneaa tn tbo spot __ — oau 90 , .. , - SuaSummary: Two-base hlu — P. e . r n , ------_ l » : o ^m j n 377 j e a v r t ------J:18 p. m. martrket and a growing belief that traner, Grace. L. Wanar. Swift W ritbocnd « duty on C uban su g a r will be SAN *• FBANCISCO LIVKSTOCK W OOL _ _ POBTLAND HAT liree-base hlt-Traynor. Home run PiintlfT PORTLAND. Aug. I ( ^ - H ay T h m r ra ln S7l i f n v n ------11:00 a . m . \owr*Tred acaln when the reciprocal S,SA N FRA.NCISCO, Aub I (,n (U BOSTON. Aug. 1 <;P> r a 8 D A)— ------POI -Hafey. Stolen base — Vaughan, i.-r.« ______r~ Tnvl Buslneu was very dull on moat llnea the gr ; Tralrra ln SD3 ------:----- 1:J0 P. m. tmide d apTTcment wllh that' coun- 33 ID A) — Hoga: Recelpu laO; greaae or 75 to 77 cenU scoured steadyady. tmchanged icrihoe—Comoroaky. Double plsys ------WKU.S BHANCH- - . ----- IrvI.. -_!■ W...W r T'P ''h*^ ifi biittbvtohare-UrealK-lOe-io-iSc-loxcr; "of greasy* domestlo irtjol. An oceaa- basLiL ii«1 amall quanttUesjniaahort______lonal aala waa cloaed In" Ohlo“ an^ -V~6ei Uitocfu '1 ??!>-. - . ScuJhbonnd ff'rr fitfther advances In luturrs.; praip ractical lo p 85.83 on sel--fted 191 *?“ cubing fleeces out of atmllar — ^------W -A X ~ ------lubr tft* . f o a ------Tnrrnarr-c: •l-ti- t - I------t f tiH * .m .;. ______J 0 ;2 3 a .m ' thniE~~G nnfrp s~ ~ ju s'!Tr^^-STM PTW ^ . K u (u - iu u ii ' ,\ntvcs,\n t — S;50p.m. j E « t ------— -•— ------Lc»i Lcarrs p n- “ A inves ------1:24 a . m. ^ D**n« Z' YOU. %W OOl^ COME r VOW CAM PUT » . IN T H E n S H B O*.- M47k>t ____.... ______l:50a.m ! V ki~oF~HiRB~TNXl P. m M- ■>.. >l a ______, _ ,_ur«»tft#oi»d—■>______Ll \__LoLD _TI^A £R- \ . • _ LTX E_«i^aoN r WMSMEM WSHlMe» l%_ E A B Lt TB r A T T ^ toiSi w f.' m ” *''! ■ ______0:23 a . c t . ' \ I MOW ARE y \ ^ 0 0 0 - t o o M U 9 T \lE POR ' **9v IMdr AND to » iJ L._____ J. i n l .'JO , Lea-Lcavra - - 0.30a. m \ T H O S E - V 4H A T DID D» YOU DO- N .vrr;-..-.*.______^ ■ S;37 p. m , I ^ \ ,. , CATTCW S I N A / m u t ud StUI Ptm L r iv M ------7:07 p. m .; _ F r « . lnrkp,v^r.<1 In-. ______JI n n r. :oo-^uai '"’■^^"1 ______” Arrlvra ______l:lO a .tr. . . ______1:15 a m -“ V;: •• Ntmrn siur s t .%o e s • . Jerom.-. W.-edrll and Goodlax 1' At t iv m ______10:30 a . ta. 1. . V 'f» rr-cm L ^ f.r- ______7 :1 5 p .m . , Hra ciOTW---- 1___ — liooo OTItrn STAGE UNES , Twin Filh-Ketcbma *■ M jOI Ptv«» ^ ______llT fO a.tn-1 P-- ______f l;3 0 p .0 ! O rie«m e->t»n , , , ra : to • Twin raUi-W«Ua L «ttu^. prr (£ tOc ______i _ ____I0;30a.«a. r«mrtA. **-isct______.- V -VnlTr. ______TiMlp*. e-Jtrn >• .VOUnmWTEEN STAGES . ------lr Ca«tboun _ _ 3 ::a r- a*-• ll u k m ■ a u / _ (< ■ fe TTOt FAUJ. niAHOHOTOtmaDAY M0RMN0,AUG1fGUST^g.'lflSI - C

m^.-.'ABd lt 'iiM;ta BoM isetei'i# % SiPITIE w Uiat abt'eoatideied tb«'loeel!iMa '.'-‘% ttiafc wM .eenlac and .ot-vhat th* ^ couldS do .to Uitot«n 4L-.r.'^ : S h t towv tEToM;wi>«flf:'-fliaiif .-:£^ n Utft titat) . ’ ' UaUate" vere lott to: her. S h t thought . '?•:' . ' . ' pelperhapa the vould take up eonSac. - SYNOPSISt Wbea Bob » v e o the Poven* house; ttw amaU paek- —J•>Mn. povtn* .doetor ta ld - tb t dUooven that hla metber bad ont^< eUets, vhloh were “presenU for bad t>a a genhtt fer tt — aod go Into . y . • »a rev montha to Uve, he asks his mother," mc held close. The wind v u mtone> ChUdrea'a-hcapttal,. her c ra ft' : m I — ' ■ ’ ^ w;wife, M anba, Boi'lo get the dlvoroe keen fce< aad It vtilppedthe color to her learned. lei Aad peihapa. Caring for m Used Radios .■ ^ . .For.-Sa'le M iscenaiw ui" , For Sale— Automoijiles K I NEWa WISHES TO-MAKB' I ^he Jtist h u demanded. Bob geee to chcheeKt. Sbe loved the battle Of valk-. cbChUdrea. t t e vould net have to D l , dream tobuagrU yof h e ro v a ’diU> ____ 5DPERXINE-PER.1B1SER-1 R a O N O T O N V=>^A U T O M A T la d -WBOT^ TRublC -3o^D ~iSASK.n aUABAKrEro.;Sra^0E-3^RKIX i-< it elear to reader* of tht'oU ssi-- Mexico to ilalsb b^..votk.there,. Inilag... faoe to gale, but vithla five dr •50. a » Van Btntn.. * Radio ficch..Oppealt« nm etA,cIocic.ttrucJt.aad,,iat.Mea;jtiia,;___ _ _ ,'.ibulb«.’ P ^ 0186-R8. o e ft p r t t l i c a , ads." that Is. ' adnrtlatm enu siSbe la taking an aftcnuxm eft. and “ ‘•““"•'■ -rzr— ,*— " raa dovastaln a bit later to put tbo -' A BrA4«-M Bfi Bfl O tf lm d J p r a r 1' JotandOKonnor ■-W ant^MiMellanebiai-_ J .slgned-wllh a-bo*.number.ln car* ..^..W m et by aecldent.the man vhe 1I Shei paid the chauffeur, UppedI «smaU presenU o s M n. Povera* • PORTABLE REMINOTON o{ tbe Nen.-.. e-U8 BD OARa. WfrPAY« i \— . .— QeoTfrer« Tarleton. She ieUs him boibold drtvihg: and abt ra a up theI «AN ON DIAMONDS. ------:;~ LASrpARTtNO IlUlufohtof Charge.— ...... *«shoaa to Hannah tb* -JovelytWiw ------^ . For Rent—Fumlshet! T FA2RTIMO,- K A L S O M IN IN OO. . j watebet, Jevelry. guns, radios, , . my daughUr gave me last veek. • FOR SALE -ONB TOUMO3 1090 Ford Foidor aedan 8108M - 'paper hanfint. & L. Shaftar, ph. Marsha laughed almost in the ^3 b A R P . 318 and.Wo.' Salmon tract I must sell my'bard^ 1934 Dodge Coupe. 830.00 0484-Jl. '.. . •- wash-clotht. They-would be admlra- Yet. *e eveiTthlag bad gone veU, but- “Ob.' Bsnaah; ao mueh, Baanahl — or mUk CQii^-.Call M .'R . ClartL Ph. ^ 1037 Cbevi rtedtter, 88SM. _ For Sale—Lumber- ble ” tor minnow fishing in ttae Seine. MMrs.-j Povera had uklng for• ^Do you see har oomlag, Baaaah?'* ROOM AKD MKALB. J»a-7M-W.• 0397-R3. . , . ...:. WANTED FURNrrURE REPAIR- Is it nUnnova?- »«her until Hannah yp . -Not yet, Mrs. Povers.** - 1034 Ford 'eoiipe; t38«0. ' inr. upBoltterlng, vindov 'abade4 e T V ^ PMUiS USED liUMBKR ^ *'Drav a chair to the vindov. It "1 think to,** he answered. He sUnd bt the vindov. APAR1MEWT..PHOMB JtfO-M. BANQE. WASHINO tiUCHINE.^ izti.vora eoapc. 933X0. work; Crass A Bruley PttmlRSv Co.)Co.) Nev and used m aterial n i ' 'I l l go right up," taid Maariia. ^you likt, Hannah.** . — chairs,'beds. 2.dres3era. radio, rup. I Ph.~888. 18l> andB t;E ast. ~ ' '— -.Sboshone south, phone 843. dndrummed the Uble vlth his fingers -I‘d not be comfortable titUng In ■ ROOM a>3^^7TH~AyE. HQ t'P H . 891. ^ 1938 Pord p ^ p . 830M. for a aecond: acovled a t the pot of ^A moment laUr and the caUed'a daybed, oU-store and -household warm •‘D arllngr from the door-. your^ presence, please. Mn.. Powers; goods, coK-s a n d c b l ^ n s ; 180 L o ls S~ t Wtnt to buy teveral light cars err WE ARE-ALWAYS IN THB MAR-R- j i ------: ^ .tea tei the a-alter had broiight him. ” . and no one valtlng for Mn, Rob- . ' RpOM.'CLOBE P?. <4<,3m:gAOT.:. ‘’M anha." she Jteard. She prompted ^way; then ahe ^tU ed by Uw bed- — So- P h. 1804...... I your equity, for eash. k e t fo r v h e a t a n d will pay prem iumr POTATO MILL SLATED -w side to hear the h l s ^ of that long■ ^e r tt oomlng oould be tin d . Mii. RO O M S CLOSE- IN / -838 4Ul 'ATO. — i on wbtal deUvcred to ut. See-ut be- , wllb, “Yet.- "0 ARBENA'TEtJp LEAD FO B ORCH* afUrooon. «Powera.". . . I f o rt seUiag, P h . 808. Id ah o E g f P ro-?-■ FOR FALL OPERATION “If there'a ever any chance for < -No. qulU true. You'U stay vlth t ' __ •• -ard Sprayln* in,, any ^uMtlty. | Mrs. P ov«n v u glad Maraha ^ - — , m

hcyaagtH Sraf-afr. W .. X. t / L v ~ p 5 • SCORCHY SM ITH- - ' ■ INVITAlATION ACCEPTED.

T -Y by UN&eiHTaMp*. A u rrrui r u TMM urm4 jE C H H Hooe« t UTVR —A t -TmE ) $ ta a e iy . tM q tg P ty CewfW£ ^y p i Tty W T > fp Her \ 0 P5W TWC i^ueef - T rt a t J TW w ucp AhT» I'U mm fle iM OM tv,(Hi* IWrt«pvi*v», J X «>6»T’ fr -y—' — ------• (. ^ «iM Tb cati^g^SS i W ofiofy, to • AVou w

i f e SZ * ] ~ ^ ^ * - 1 ~ ^ ^ i *

’ s , , p ------I I P ^ ------^ 5 5 ------• v i o n H 2 llk yi_ \ . ■I ■ •'V t NEWgi TWni-gALia.-.IDAHO • '' = = - ^ = Motion Filed In ' T Court To Set Aside F W ilUerilBs 11 FAIEIS LAY BEAN f FUTURE FAIERSTO iOljllTEailCKS: 1 . ¥10,160 . J.ud(^eiit AfiEmPLAi,) AttonMTf Ior Hiuton TroUsi«.; HEADOEMEiflS ’ IIIFIJIIIiKIIIIIII fUed a motion in district eourt here . yesUrdsy to set aside a Judgment of B 110,160, granted Mtas O onn» a t t f fr CExhibit^ Planned at Filer m m J Huiit Addresses Labor .Meet- Meetings Scheduled to Be Jfrom Trollnger May 0, IU), on a complaint of aUeged aeducUoa. - ‘ FalrfTo Seni Teams to . Ino: Martin and Other ' Held in Twin Falls O^ellation ef tbe Jadgment UI ! Logan Judglngs___ m Candidates Speak _ __ 1:— And-Buhl------. asked on tbe gTotmds'tbatTroUager ' FAIXSriPAHCr - was a minor at ttw time tlw Judg- AH memben of the'Twln F«^ MQbtlflgi te f^mUiarUa tb « T M n. ment” was entered, and tbat aU pt»-; ebapter.J of Future Parmen of Amer- ■ Ototw W. Hunt. po»Wo. t^ - “ oeedings in said acUon wen had .-■dJ various race prognms and Judging i and in the Buhl city haU Saturday7 Trollnger ta represented by Ja m esI contesU.co; r . elvir iTsUm ai tha basU for bU talk. About aoo penons »tteode ^Uie Twln.Palls-PUer highway .two _! almoet stole the show when he re- prellmlnaiy to the pubUc hearing oa^ and. three-quarien mUes west of giU, horse; Howard Annta, swine; ' quested that he be allowed to "make • the agrcm cnt which Is stated to be° Twin1 Falta on the S. Waal farm:, L eonard A rrington, poultry; AmU a short UOk to explain a few polnU" held In the Twin PaUs county eourtt Newv selections ol Oreat Northem Annta, ^ dairy catUe; Oeorge WUson, to tee group. MsrUn’s t*lk was to I house August 8-7. A thorough study; bean*,t, new/jo^ses of Uie Red Mex-: »»beef catUei Oerald Askew, farm ■ support of tabor organliaUons, coJ- I ta to be mode .of the proposed* ican and Oreat Northem beans and crops; on CecU Dowyer, novelty; Lake NG I lecUve bargaining, liupeetloa of In* .| agreement at the preUmlnary meet- ^ ENII biCLELMES i ; other new and InteresUng. features BitBtack. weeds dtaptay; Galen Sanner. dustry. workmen's compensaUon and Ings, Hale said. A represenUUve. of , Judging contest: David Carter, races W l * will be exhibited., Jut payment thereof, social jusUoe, tbe general crops secUon of the® Two sessions wlU be held, oae a t V*'and polo; Orral Lee, dogs; Marx child labor law* and a few odser AAA will be In Twin PaUs lo pre­ Joslyn, rabbit. prominent campaign Isnea. In aQ. ' 10 a. m. and one at 3 p. m. AfUr r EXCEEDMyElIRSside over tbe hearing. ^Uiese sessions a trip wUl be m ade Leonard Arrington, president of . , Uartlo occupied Uw major part of>' > _____ • Urged le Attend ^ the Twin Palta chapter, has called tba speaking lo the Floyd Neale farm one mile ■ Hale urged all' bean growen eith-- southsi of KnuU to see a companUve “B »spectal meeting for Saturday night. Otber speakers were Uayor Dun*I; ■ County Assessor £ ftoctseed snd poultry Judging teams ■ The Silk Value of TheTh Yearl ‘ strlngfeUow. Pocatello; asd W. B. keting agreement it ta ptanned to « ------pipush tbta work promptly te com-: FUNERALS rto Logan, u u h , August 30 and to se­ Barrls, PocateUo, member of tbe lect superlnUndenta and commlllees Jdaho NRA advisory boarl . Sales of Uoenses for motor vehicles P'pleUon so that the crop lo be m ar-. ^i lec A IX S IUI s K taUd^ thta ^ m * u p1 “ w v rrT -W im /rnl servtfM for W . H *0r H untrnffiufnertfitiru necea- S TO ^rw alrt"'^ f Meta, yiler. wilf be held at 3:30 P*® sazy for tba government to Issue a Bambart,E eouaty assessor, who yes- “th ta b earing. , . ^ o’clock thta afternoon at tho White venllon of Putura PJumen of Amer­ greater supply of money. “We waatit t4 terday abnounoed the flgurea for tbePleld day meetings at bean ex-. mraortuary chapel. Rev. Mr. Olson. ica and further ptans for a part * pastor of the PUer Mennonlte Breth- w wh hich the c h ap te r wUl ptay in the ■ Printed ( Increased wages, cheaper money, f] perim en tal ploU wUl be held T h u n - pt Crepe r, first seren months of tbe j'ear. P< cut hours aod tbe moaey roiumea T o d a te U U s'y e ar 8107 vehicles day, dj August 0. PloU are iocaUd oni nran in Christ church oftletating. tUsMagic City jubilee. Inftated." be said. He esUmated the0 hhare been- lloensed; compared wtth - publle d e b t a t 133.000,000,000 a n d s, S.038 fo r tb a sam* period la st }-ear. ~ the nation's print* debt* at |143.-- a AulomobUe* reglsured this year 000,000,000. ^ e s e wlU n e re r b* u c • to ta l e,7M. com pared w ith 6,088 la st 49c p a id ualess wo g e t e b esp e r money,** year. « Olher divisions ara as foUows; the candldat* announced. TraU ers, SS6 for .lB3'4, 631, 1033; ^ Every woman who aewn willill t want some at this Mayor Johnston urged that rotera> chauffeun,h 31 and 4;. motorcycles price! It’s c sood weight fortr a great many pur- register Immedtatety and annouaoed 3130 a n d 10; dealers, 33 a n d 18; oom- that be faroxvd tb* old age pension „ po.-!e.s—and you’ll find It in scorscores of lovely color- m erclal trucks. 143 and 33; truclo^ « W A ■ 3 I and also was going to do his beat.; 113811 a a d SIS. I ings. It’* 38 inches wido-^9c9c yard.; If elected, to put Twin PaUs county' Total recdpU to oat* are «133.0tt back oa a first claas ntlag. "It U• ^as compared wilb |I0)J«3 for last Plain Silk Crcp« 4 4{ 9 < yd. a dlsgrac* to gtv* tbls eounty a ^ aeoond clasi rating," Johnston said. ^ I DRY GOODS DEPARARTMEIfT The mayor alao stated Uiat be fa- . Tored meeting federal granu by ap-; Iuiipodlfliinsto Rose(ivlst strongly urged em y worklttg m an to Join aome organisa­ tion affUUted with Uw Ameriean; HELP« EWES I t’s Your Chance To Savel PWeraUon of Labor. “lAbor was at one time denied th* rlgbt to organ- Harvey 8. Hale, Twin PaUs eounty MEN'S QUA£UJTY . Ise. Tbe demand to organise was1 extensionci agent for the staU de- met by buUets, Now tbat you can or-• partmentpi of agriculture, announced ganlse, tbb only thing for the work-• lastla night that the oounty lamb pool tng man u> do Is te support can-. wouldw assist sheep growers in buy4 S hirts or S h o r t s dldates who faror tabor organlia-• inglc ewes. Uons." he tald. *Tarm flocks of aheep hare been ' nU m . atringfellow gar* a abortt oj one or the moat proflUble things on ta fk ^ behalf ot Zra Masters, fitack-. oi cur Twin PaUs eounly farms and » Each looCDemoctaUo oongRatfDna) can*. U tha ouUook for tho next aereral dldat*.!^ aald that *Mr. MastersI yi yean ta rery favorable. On most of I9c haa Uia support of nearly all type-. U tbe farms a farm flock «U In very grapblea] workmen In tb* sUt*.”• wsUw wllh our farm program. We i ' ■ • Q qality T h a t Will AmiAmaze You! ^ -- Mast*n u a former-Twtn -PaUaI must;harem more-Urestock-on'this - and Pocatello newspa per pubUaher.•, tracttt if we expect to keep up the Men, here’s real ncxt-to-the-ski-skin comfort! Swiss Hunt mad* Uw most -itirtUngI fertUltyU o t th e soU." V' ribbed, combed cotton shirts!rts! Smooth! Trim! sUtement of Uw erenlng when h*I , “TO mak* farm floeks a profit- Plenty long—won't sneak up oor r bunch1 I F a s t color, announced Uut "ao ttany technol-. ableal enterprise it Ueswnttal to hare striped broadcloth shorts with wit deep 3-button oglcal ImproremenU bare beea, goodv ewes and to assist in geUlng made sinee tbe adrent of tos de-. theaeU the lamb pool has made plans - yoke! Bend, stretch, twist or• reach—nothingrei cuts pression Uiat. eren U Uw deprea-. to help In financing and buying of or pulls. Sizes 28 to 42. ston ends today, SS per' eent ott yearilngf' ewes or ewe lambs," Hale • MEN’S DEPARTSITMENT Ameriean womnen would stUl beI said.** The agent staled that inter* unemployed. Be also spoka brieflyf ested" parUes should see either one 00 the accompUahmenU ot tabor or-. of th4 iamb pool dtreclors oe in- ’ gaalsaU ons. qtq u in a t hts office, The meeting waa preaidcd orerr =1 T,______. ■ .. __r by James D. Whetan. special dU- m trict organiser lOb the Idaho Fed-• Twtn^ PaUs RoUry club held Wed- Here’saGenuineiteGoodyeaiWdt eraUon of Labor. • nesday. According to Dr. Oasin work ta going forward on an exlenslre scale .Weighing Machines "a n d large quantities of fOMDtied ce- W o r k malna of fish. repltiM, birds and ^ SSHOE Ransacked In Three antmalsai are betnit, unearthed and ^ / i " Washing- g South Idaho Towns ^ ...... to r ------work Is the wide variety of the _ V \ \ o n l y J . 9 8 - Southern Idabo .law enfaneorat-U bones£ aiicovered. In one particular I M oftlcvn am on ihe\ lookout for aI quarryqi an entire herd ot prehistoric B q u a rte t of you th s w ho aUeeedly e«m>■ horsesh< apparently perished whUe at | ^ Yes. a fitorm welt.It. {too! And its cnsy- mltted a series of burtlari«* Tu«-• otherot points In lhe hllU and alons I flc.xihjr, chrome: lcleather solo.s nnd day nlirht. Pour weighing maehlncaI theUi canyon the rtmalns of bearer. ‘ hecl.t we.ir like iroiron! Resists wjiter, In Tltn nOb. Buhl and Burley wen• olt/*r.ot t>eccary. Hon a n d m any v a - ' crocked open a n d th e eon(«nts r e -. riellfsrii of n»h. reptiles snd frogs ar« ’ ' barnyard ncids, oil, grea.sc. bni.«h and moved. bd V anI PriorP> to the opentn* of th^ present I W 3 k Man, whnt a vnlue!luc! 6 to II. Enwlen.fc Hood st«i» In T»UiJ excavations« the last work performed / PWU and a Barley store wport theI wa.1^ In 1631. I SHOE d eEPARTMENT p ; lo » of b e t m n ^ 0 a n d «40 each. A number of non member 'guesU I In aU eases Uw machine*. «vre were'present. Prank 1* Ilaaih presi- I broken into by prying the backs otf. dent of the cluTJ presided. M tbe machines wim a screwdrtw. - The ftnt due lo the IdenUty of . j R r e w - _ th a thiew a v m reached in TJurJer 1-nATED ■When* four youn* m*n. dicsee^ tn BARGAIflTBASEI■MENT - overaJIs. w .-e sens lotUrlBc near Uie machine Jutt before tt was robbnl. Pohce ChJef* Sam Dfod of Twtn 'W "NT ^ k. You ' know w hen you ■ / > PaJU. Art Parker of Buhl and Ster­ order Blatzz CO ld Heidelberg Beer ling a ark of Burley are eo-operaUn^ . Jn the sejirch for lhe culprlU, y • that you are gettingi n g f u l l y ^ a ^ c d b e e r . Fast Color Dreress Prints . .

■J Every bottle ef BlatrlU 'O ld H eidelbe^ teHa It* Scientist Tells of f own age — the exacfr a c f dMte o n w h ic h i t w *s Hunt for Fossils in hrtwed is plainly priair ia te d o n every nect J a M ^ your positive guanuarantee and pw f'tH at’it Marquisette^Cu’urtain^Panels-, Hagerman Locality ia fuUy-aged. Dr. C. L. Oaxin of the 8mlth*on- , 39eE a^ lan Irwtltuilon, now connected with • A fed beer la goodd .1.beer. Order BU u Old thf excav»tln« work now brlnj: car- AIX METAI, Heidelberg and youiz willw have beer of proved ri<-d on br the InttltuUon ta Hnen------quality and-ag*— wii 60 Pr. Ladies’ COxfords (Close-Oul ' tr.an VaSpyr-w cue« speaiir “al THINGS ' CAN BE^ f -witb-A-roh-iUvor— witb — — - the nxulAT weekly mee^lws of the full body and satijfyiilying strength. lut) $100 pr. I " I WELDED Rctncmber—only BlatJlatz Old Heidelberg Beer is Brew-Dated. Order BUB U u Old Heidelberg today, Dress Sox . . j -Ow arrtyirnr and elrctrle arc — Jlen ^ Ep q l J)] We Are In Markel For .wridltic turhlne« are rrady at Di-strihirihuled Uy sR Umn U*prerapily Uke rare .• ------CLOVER AND of y w r repair wor*. .-^ O iip r Dells Difttribtribuiinir Company If a p a n of any maehtne ALFA U-A Phone I \2 Twin Falls, Idaho I brraki Jt i« nol iirrrMiry to Fast Color Prirint Wash Dresses SEEDS •iratt« dan sraltint for aew parts. M i r t s s 4077 SShoshone SU So. Time b monr? and oew parts arr Wheat, Oalm H«rlcT, H»y ’ fXMtly. We r a a (Iz th e b r« k m es 4 9cea. I and Stnw. ppart and hare It new wllhio tbr bear.Ii WrUtng (top* waite. All Silk Full-FzFashioned Hose . GLOBE SEED j; HAVE IT WELDED! & FEED CO. . 4 5 c pr. KRENGEL'S rfaane tti S4 P*«1b Arc. 9 a ^ Grey Enamelwisvare . . Tw in F a lb . 210-220 2nd Ave. So. Phone 1202 wmmP 2 5 c ea. jj

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