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t-A'i - (oeCHtMaiFACTO)/:;*^iBceiaipiB^^ ■ :r:.''S-'jy-/: vdil iXllva208. , ^ . . ,. „» ' ■■r.--i--‘- -in v-n ■ ;-, -. •. I- , , v-'-.jj t r. " f * . camera sTUDnas OP W A L ^ ' ^ t ' A i"<

h f f o td For ActiM, Mm i- NAtwirsEDrroRS SfATEATFY.NQONE b e n I m I ThrNij^ ham MEETPRESlDEin' After IlaihA >Efert To 0 Beboce Ae Bi^eL PMfe Tbeaedres To Hdp NEW h laprorim Cooditiois ICajr 36^(AF) — aet teettty R d ilim Aire ^ T* T dk Coannittee He Hade 110,000 h One TnnncH i#: *jroj I I ‘lI s M M l Tl^ iw ott rtftoged tb« ten p«r eeot Tbrea^Mot tbe CoontiT. m etffl the Mayor] Bve eoM a t a la tUm ym y ttA os oomoticf osd toUot ortidoi. to tabT of New Yorkr OfO.^ StB edtide. and 126,000 In Another Widumt Polling Op Anf to tio roPMUM bin todoj la a drive i . to •ddkServ fgade to tbe buffet bel' Waridnfton, May M.—(AP) — RddcvOle, May 28.-^Thomas P. Honey—^Tlns Besdes tte (2^1)00 Hade On HB ; aadaf leglilstloD. ffaflfftil by fiedgeB of aid from lead* nOTSttEMCHG Noons, state’s sttoniey of Tolland WttUo a t m adantee after •re of tbe American preae, Preiddent county for the past fixteen yearp, Panl Hod[ Inresiment—WIm^ Hemiiq Sessiim Fil-^ T” **"****^ MeoBuaeaded re> Hoover today looked more bopefuUy SAYS U. S. MUST BUY la critically 111 at the BodrviDe CSty etoratios of a bateb of eadsa levlee toward a epeedy untaagUng of tbe hospital. His miditioo Is siibh that MOlniAMCmESUa teother, John Noone, of New carrl^ Iqr the Bduee bin bat not to eongrewlonal knota that have delay­ cd Wik Fireworks As Democrats Clad WHi RepdbS* the ooBieioadae lenate aieaeare, the York City, remains constantly at bis Seaate iigan etrytag out the pro- ed budget legislation. FROM SOVIET RUSSIA bedsldf. , cans—Mayer, Angry, Shoids “It Loohs As If Somebody c n u a. ^ The ^edgea came voluntarily in SlBoe M eaiay Tbe cceawtlca aad toilet from numeroue membera of 89 lead­ Bmger Hareben Loot Ur. Nbooe, who is 56 years of age, tioaa lovy era# pot back la the ing newepaper publisher# gathered was taken 01 Moodqr at the Rock­ Were After My Life.” Ithoot ewB a record vote. laat n l^ t in the Preeident'B study Bead of Amtorg T d t Bosi- AVTOHOHIEIMW ville Hocne, where he ban Bvsd since 130,000^ la reveane to tbe for a conference which lasted tmtil Stoiw asd 15 Wougdeil toe death of his mother imveral y e a n ago. His Illness was not con­ after nddnight. Apparently there New York, May 26.^—(AP) — ¥ I ffctM w approved by tbe com* was no concerted program of action ness Men Preset Confr WEATHEXED SKIEM sidered serious but he was removed COUNTLESS KINDNESSES I were eetinated to produce subndtted or a g r^ to, but from By P d in Rerohrers, to the luMtyital yesterday. L ast Angrily charging his gzarrilnation MAYOR WALKER HAS HAD IM ^ . 0 0 0 of reveaae. some conferees' came conflicting re­ lions Are Too One Sided niirbt he suffered a paral;jme shock before the Hofstadter l^dMcttve llw 0eaate wee la a mood for ports as to v ^ t bad taken place. on the left aide and deep concern is committee was a preliminary to By Assoeiated Frees Berlln, May 26.— (AP)—The fd t over his oondtiloit ’Tve had countless Mndnesil- actim aad la a deteradoation to DIaagree On Soles Tax seeking his removal from office. ralee taxee. To Haye Trade Conlinned. Reduced Sales MetBy Better bloody diaorden in the Prussian Dmioeratto Del^iste es,” Mayor Walker testified to­ TIm tax caused some of these Attorney Noone was recently Mayor James J. Walker today con­ day to toe Hofstadter legislative T ea Ob Jew rtry disagreeing reports. In one quar­ Diet yesterday were followed today Quickly the tea per cent Jewelry named dfieikte at large to tbe na­ tinued his recital of "countless kind- committee. ter the discussion was Interpreted Management ^ But Six by news at riots in three German tional Democratic ^ecmvq^jffl^'.ft Among speMficatiooa gl'^mn. iax,wae reetored to the revenue bllL as meaning the President considered Cleveland, Mav 26.—(AP)— The miaJ B**iftoWn him as mayor of toe * tfbampttone of tooth paete and dtiee. . C^cago'iMKt^mcath. > the committee yesterday and . to- tbe general sales^'IsK not onty not United States mflst buyYts wdl as country's Metropolis. iiaaoiHBw voted oy the committee dead, but available now to clear Ceai Shrinkage Reported. In Hamburg, where, thousands of WSTBe from tbe toilet article tax were away tbs delays in Congress over seU if it w ants to enjoy a profitable hunger marchers batfied the pdice Today’s session, tbe second at (246,652 from a joint hrMcbr- ■booted down by the Senate. business with Soviet Russia, innml- last night, d’sorders. were raaomed Which the Mayor has occupied the age account wito Paul Block, for balancing year's bndgeL witness chair, began with pleasan­ It alao tefoaed ta aeeept noaumt' ■ other .'%oa^r(ies donied - this nent Cleveland businesa man were New York, May 28.—(AP) — Al- today whra-a crowd of Communists SH.VER QUESTION whito the mayor put up no (qu i^fwwiwttiT********* to exem pt S ta r' tries an exchange of courtesies money. ______stronfl^y. 'Riey said that a reported ^ told last night, in an address by j thous^ current earnings of automo- and Joblees men b^^an plundenng a Uof enver from Jbc. Jewelry tait shift of lentiment toward the sales grocery store, Police using their {between W alker and S a m u e l'S ^ - (10,000 profit on an investment-. % fast was the Senate' owWng I H ^'* IhembOT I Peter A. Bogdanov, chairman of the | companlea are low, there .are pistols wounded fifteen Y>f the men. bury, ebtarf counsel of the commit­ made on toe mayor’s behalf by; that leaders on bott sidw ^»^e* ^ kill It, had been dted by Amtorg Trading C cr^ ra^ many hanking leaders who contend One pdieeman was Injined. TOBEVDTEDUPONtee which for 14 months has been Esmond O’Brien. ikially abM ft»r_ order to find out the President merely as an lllustra- "It is obvious that trade canwt that the Industry in the last two ' Hours after the outburet the au- delving into toe city’s affairs. But. acrimony soon burst out. and (26,100 from a pool in Cosdeo ,whsit^< was agltion of n^d changes which the TOm be a one-sided aifair,” Bogdanov years has furnished an unparalleled -thonties were busy putting down oil. Tbe mayor put. up no money.T _ plexion of Congress has undergone, said in the principal speech at a din­ record of efficiency in coping with smEdler demoqatratlons in various toe ma3Eor gave way to the an^est the House tax ner given ly the B x p ^ Clirt) the reduced sales. outburst yet ■witnessed in the cham­ Ite received b o i^ from J. A. Sto-' the nmate NStoi^on Bseebanicd ^ re- pointing Inferentially to tbs need for parts of thp city. Senator to, hankar. of flvs .per a stnmgor led public opinion. Cleveland Chamber of Commerce. Final figures for the flret quar­ One policesiaB was. Injtired and ber whlck haa been the scene of I , Ottaerwlae SOent Russia spent (85,000,000 in the ter of this year show that tba Indus- 22 men wezb afrcsted in an unem- countiess shouted exchanges. tax pn Mr. HOopfbr; these pubUtoers said, United'Btatea in 1029, (114,000,000 try had a g g i^ te net profits o t (6 ,- Demand Showiown On the After His life did nahtoiMmit himself for the sales in 1980 and (104.000,000 in 1931. 427,000. This is about 77 per cent (Oentlnaed so Page Twelve) *Tm here as a witness,” the posit boil but said he did not tax BSf dM bn sound out the edltprs Bogdanov said, and then compared below the figtoes forlhe correspond­ Money Probknn. mayor exMahned after saying he the box jointly wito Shdrwood^ Ha L*> on the iasue. BeyontL^toia, the these' figures to American Imports ing period of 1981 when .tha 'ndus-, recognized the antagonistic attitude said toe box was takep temporarily It. would start (IQ for araft newspaparaen were reticent to dis- from Russia, amounting twonly try reported net profits of (98i678i-' of Seabury^ *Dut it begins to kx* in hto name to.kaep some papers Ad over 2B feet, ’ to a nsaxi- a.^](|Alker cUe^t ynijkB toe mayor' Is over 200 cuBs th eib e etin g . . >. . (13,000.000 In the latter year. Washington, ' May 26.—(AP)—^ as though'aptoebqdy were after, my mum of 2200 The newspapermen sponrof con- ‘ Col. Hiq:h L. Ctooper, American Neverthdeas, the net worth of fife. ' practliBihg-.--lHgF-.i ;; y y ■ ; fe e t the AtofTlW Bapati>f nooiqjueudUtlpn I dKloto In their own oommunitito dealgMir ertb ft "It U» Tpe ifiro-Sttrte^ pialHt Ab thileiBroetro^ a a m t o i ^ ^ Jnii exatotoktion to ‘ aewng fw '5tto lie of Ole vax - RuBHli, shared-apeaktng-" KEDMOF ktt idh' jtoli^.thft tlist K to pMliflitoOty to of bTueoc (ObattotoU to ; in tarnTAiPitnbd in detafi 5HF u,. toto*, free cohmge of sltydii^Mlt ihA. ratio <%arges wito thk (bvanKh from thd'%ouftroom to toa atiMt (Contliiiied on Page Tweil^ showed, bn this balda, combined net of I6 ito il w ith gplifc; for my renidval.*" . \ formed tddsy an .hodr a JIMf the adbaintibsatlott. ^ too, aug- He urged his MB d m ^ debate Seabury beca^ juAt u angry as geated pieaas of alleviating condi- worth of (1,147,999,000, or only 8.2 befora toe' hou|r set for M ayor'^inia per cent below .the. .previpua 3»f* Stage AU N ^ ; Rattle In on an'amendmentyto toe tax bill to to® mayor ’ and denotoced toe lat- J. WaBea to taka'toe stond agato ^ tlona. when ‘ iilg u re ' atpcA a t ( l,- exclude silver from taxatloni That tdris statement as "a Mteap political M ense of his administration bafbre NEED MORE WHEAT BatUer, the puhliahere gathered at stump speech,” ___ ^ __. _ I ,, I a meeting of tbrtr own. At a din- MAH. PLANE SAFE; 330.480,009. " - y - toe Hofstadter le^slative commit-, ftnaB Shrinkage Rmne On ProHenr, Amer- Senators from-toe,.stiver " *“ "• producr The session began with renewed! tee. ( m other words, the asset vsdue of tng states led by Seiiator Thomas I ferei m a joint brokerage, ac- There‘wera more -than twice _ FOR NEAT WINTER the combined companies of the in (R:,(Rl, Idaho), said tha tax woMdwould ^fur- count toe mayor testlfirf y eato i^ many notice oh duty today,to bahdla News, definite auggieattonB were SOS CALL A HOAXdiMtry suffered a ahrlnkage of only ica’s Views. toerler depress stiver aiid would drive ke had with Paul Block, publteher. y^iecrOWd as tfiere were yesterl^y made for rally^ the press of the 6 cents to the doUsr although their a nMl in the coffin-of- silver. mayor put nothing into the betv. e«a 600 and 600 peraona nation behind a diive for a speedy income w as reduced to onW■ 28 cents Senator Oonnally (D., Texas), count, but he took mote than (246,- courtroom, which waa. built Rome, May 26.—(AP)-—Tlie first said toe tax would have little effect 000 out of it to accommodate 300, fthquently Red Cron Head TeOs Proa-1 World Congress of transoceanic on toe price of silver. It is at a ten “What do you think waa toe rea- kroke into the proceedings wito era today came views that little hopedFliers Arrive Al Boston “ ! W hat is regarded in Widl street as fliers ended early today after an alt per cent rate. . son for Mr. Block openkty the cheers, hisses and booing, dent 40 Milfion could be held for a revival of the a particularly Impresalve feature of Sttiator Wheeler agzM with count?" Seabury asked. . „ It was said yesterday no one viim sales tax . Sa; Their'Radio Was Not toe Indwitry’s ahUlty to carry on as night battle in which there was a fvtwT»Tiy and pointed out that "I would prder you ask Mr. ^ ke admitted to toe building With- it has, la toe fact that until recenUy sharp national division, over "free^ Chairman Smoot of the finance Block,” toe mayor replied, launch- ^ but ippaiently toe phtioe Most Be Profided. dom of toe air*’, with a v l^ to fu­ committee, who was opposing toe Ing then Into praise of Block, long ^ ta ll waa not large enough to kS ^ Working. (Oontinoed on Page Twelve) ture competition in tians-Atiantic commercial aviation routes. silver tax, had. not obtained action hlf close friend nod adding that he tke crowd out Today passes we|f( B^FOR REVENUE The lineup in toe battle was in his committee on toe sll'ver had been toe recipient of countiess scrutinized by toe police thrb* Washington, May 26 — (AP) — Fimnqe and Spain against toe field, monetization bill. otoMr kindnesses. times—at toe entrance to the bufld- President Hoover was. told today by Boston, May 26.—(AP)—Wire- Otoer Inveatments |Qg, in toe middle' of toe rotode» (;nS DEATH BLOWless stations akmg toe New Eng­ WAKNSFARMERS IndudUig toe fliers, from toe United He said he had participated in no ^nd at toe entrance to toe cw tld^ John Barton-Payne, Chairman of land coast listened through toe States, Great Britain, Italy and MANIAC KILLS CHHJ) other joint accounts—"not that I leading into toe E^urtroom. ^ the Red Croaa, that 40,000,cloo more night for a repetition of toe S O S Germany. It mded with a vote in riember.” ^ Bamuel Seabury. as yeatard^ busbelB.of wheat would be neceaaary cAiiw that sent Coast Guard craft favot: of toe resolution introduced by ICavor Walker acknowledged, session drew to a dose, was to feed the needy next winter. ON CCWERAIIVE(Seneiral Balbo of Italy and Wolf­ caevdand. May 26.—(A P)—- A howem, that he profited (10,000 by tioaing W alker.about fix>MCl|iA Payne jvent to the White House No Chance of Ptssiiig gang Von Gronau of Germany de­ mddao brandishing . knife attack­ an In’wtment made for him wito transactions In which Bussell T. German fliers sped toward Boston manding that all governments leave ed three small girls as they were op at about toe same time Speaker to ^ airports open to traus-Atlantic no expense to toe mayor by Esmond Sherwood, the missing ^tness wjp Garner wasNtelling newapapw men without knowledge of toe aeareh. todr ^way to sehod today, killed O’Brien,CBrlraTa _ man aot previously men- kaa been deaerlbed as toe meyorA the (2,100,000,000 relief program he The plane arrived at toe Boston as they leave todr seaports. one end p ro b ^ fatally Injured toe , State OHidal Snspidims o f | ^ ' Bitter dashee tioned in toe Investi^tion. buaineas agent figured. f a outlined last week, would be re^dy Airport at 5:40 p. m., E. S. T., yes­ others. .* And he told of a dinner in Atlan- On a tip that some OmamunM The French and Splaniah delega- .Merle a demonstration durliM ^ for tatroductton tomorrow and that ate Against IL terday and the pilots profeseed Ig- tioM refrained from voting. ‘ The *** a ty where he waa told_ a pod govenuneqt o0riala would appear noamce of toe SO S calls. A New (hrgaiiiiaiian — Past Parker* ol’ stock which It would ion, tour membsrs or tin r baL^e cm toe floor of toe congress bemre toe ways and means commit­ shortage of fuel brought her. to was.inarked^by Mtter clashes be- were Im s ID s Senlh M coat nothing to entef, "because .. lee radl( tee next week to give their •views on Boston. She was to lie flown to New MaMdn; S«'nicoats of an of them le courthouse sad atatl< W ashington, May 26.— (AP) — Efforts ProYod Faihires. tweoR General Balbo and Diedoime toe stock had gnne up" Mnce toe it. York today. were o a t nobl was opened. Later he was in­ rotunda. The Red Cross chairman said toe The beer fbr revenue Idea has taken Coast Guard Aota Coste, toe French flier. The who pctice said was Today’s session was alow getting, Goete objected to toe reeeflutton as formed toe pool had been clMed and u n d e r^ aad by the time Seahuiy; 40,000.000 buabfia of Farm Its death blow, for this session of The Ooaat Guard deetroyera Mn^ Jake Gknrd^. 40, was overpowered he was given (26,(W Oi wheat supplied hia organization sev­ Dougall, Shaw and Upahuir wera or­ "pMMcal”. He wee vigoimuiy sup- by Fetrolmen CLarlea Mlschem and his atotf arrived toe oourtrom Congress a t leaust. Js^^^E ^^A ^oultw I ported by Lottl Igleaia^ Spdn. The whole morning session yrn was etareedy jemmsd oxiA nyeiM eral months ago would be enough dered to see to search for the plane after a terrific struggle. flUed w ito fireworks. Democratic fqr relief purposes toie summer. A This insistently advocated project SnB udtingham looks with con- Harold Gatty, American round- —^to legalise beer containing 2.76 when the -eSUa were received yot»- The attack waa witnessed by proposal to' xnake another aimilar terday, remained at ;^^~hdiM I oeto on toT proj^ of the scores of pedestirlans and motorists membm of toe Smw31 toe'sqSMvylth^^ ptisoo amount available already has been >er cent alcchbl as to swell toe na­ ^ toal norators of toe Fermers National, tion isying that *an American com- that if Walker on wStoti wurtoouse fronto! - tion’s coffers without Imposing that some ship m i^' on their way to work. h e would be re-elected Mayor Walker arrived at the introduced in toe House. WeSSS sETS toe G c! I ^ :Srwich to organise toe panyls now eecuring a monopoly on The pounced, on toe first girl Needs Information severe taxes—came once again be­ iftm nw 6onntoticut''and of allltoo'nortoera air route, by way of eat popular vote ever courtoouse at 9:43 a. m.* Eastern fore toe Senate yesterday and tt without warning and piunged a one V erity member to ou^toat Garner said he had deferred in­ knife into her, then attacked toe troduction of his relief measure un- was voted down 66 to 28. a co-operative' organise-[ T|iere was hint that toe fierce ar- Seabury had hem After a tow mmenta fielsy, The proposal cax&e up this tlxae determine Whether a hoax had been I rivertion'toat'they into might better demand guinsnt was based on French end others. ael of toe committee by toe w pu^ Walker took the stand. tU the ceasua bureau could supply perpetrated. information regarding some of toe as an amendment by Senator Bing­ iiRyjiEr prices for milk and other itsUnn compstition. for oontrd of a Uean state chairman before »• going to. adto for, the re«- ham (R., Coiin.), to substitute a two Ldeut Blankenberg, pQot of the eoimnoatiea. future air tine from Europe to South TREASURY BALANCE Qommlttee waa formed: lord." Cbainnsn Hofstadter Mi- building projects it would propose. Europe’s plane, / and Lierri. -Karl Secretary Mills, Charles G. cents a pint tax on • beer for all toe Isfoea Waning America when Costa meii^oned____ toi _ Washlfigton, May 26— (^ ) — The mayor hlm______s^ seemed ger^sd, "that you’re ahead of excie levies in toe billion dollar reve­ Kiregoff, radio operator and. QO-ld- So ciltioal Is toe oommisdoner of xioreb Inttois oonnectioa. Coste ~ Treasury reoeipta for May ready to start an argument ot ^ » D av^ prudent of toe Reconstruc­ lot, said their radio was out Of or­ tion Corporation, and representa­ nue Mil. A few votes were gained __, toe proposed organieption be Und Balbo shook hands when toe (8,188,679.18; oneand at one point'baited Ms tos- cheered, ^ <- by beer advocates above last week’s der and that they heard noi eaUa Issued a warning to all fnnn-1 mcciUng ended, 135.63; balance' (442,879,^04. to stare at toe counsel table mayor took, tha stand h t t'A t tives of President Hoover are ex­ The plane was Customs duties tot- -84 days • ------of MayniHUMv ^ — the tune kp pected to testify on the program Senate vote, on an attempt to use catapulted ^wt of Connecticut to obtain com-1 The aviators agreed their next \it ^ c h he eald eomemie was minutes. before beer for enatiHwBr a public con­ toe Europa’B deck carr]^ olete information. relatives to toe m eet^ will be held in New York. I were (14,276,809(8. ■Bcering at him. , « had been notified. I« ,»pw . Meanwhile. Representative Crisp, sacks of mail and headAd for New organisation before becoming of Georgia, acting chairman of t^ struction b o n d ^e. separated "You’re very sensltlvt today, re- Motlen , way8 ADd maaiis ooxnodtteet to)d from toe latter controverted eju^ York. The distress calls, heard •* n^ynbera of toe organisation. He Seabur" Assemblymen X^uie CuriUer.. tion, toe new vote whs W toe Castle Island Airway radio stai' dedares' that toe experience in In Ms testimony about toe Cot- Q^^ce a motion to atrike d«t all of newapaperm«i after a conleren<» tion about two hours later bore no at toe White Houae he had informed Senators on both sides as toe lUst Ooimeotieut has been that efforts to den stock pool Mayor Walker s ^ Walker’s testim ^ yestei^ toe President he, believed “some word. call letter. organise farmers unions have been Pershing Calls Dry Late ^the dton«‘at dinner at w wMch U di^^j> toe pool y^W firri | walker Walker smiled mas ®Chatniis».^ m * ™ * * * ^ ■ form of relief program “must be econominally unsound, and history was mentioned was attm ed by J. | atadter denied the mottdn wito tte adopted before Congress adjotuna. has proved them to be a failure, and A. SistOi a banker heavily U te r^ comment: CMsp believed there was hope oi, he urges, all dairy farmers to com- Basis ■ of Rucketeerihg ed in one of New Y ^ ’i Lwge tmd* *T doift oavk that would even W • a.compronfiae between toe reliei munlMte with thslr farm b u re^ cah oompany*s, ^ t it was not Sato fal^ to toe wttossa" ^ . the extension aervloe of the Cw- vtoo sufgeeted hia partiMpatton. •hd mayor program Suggested ky toe President Women Hurt in Crush nectloht Airicultural college or toe each other as CovUlllr «wH those from vsrioue Democratic racketeering, booUegglng Vetoed toe BDl ______State department of Agriculture be- Faria, May 26.—(AP)—Qeneral^andsge, •Tt there is eny innuendo that oontinusd to ohjeet to jOadUff thav sources. He declined to say, how­ I fore Investtg money in toe venture. | and gangsters ^ fdung to vote tfie ever, what form he belle'ved toe To Attend Spicy Trial J0hn,J. Pershing declared today proper men into office. Slate tried to bribe mev” *be m ^ I mayor’s tastisMny in the Pr<^bsttl4MR that- prohlb'tloa In the United said, "I went to say that efw the ibmry’w sat to the. compromise might take. The propi^ to oiganlss, as It ap- "It la a crime they are commit* were deUvered, an ordtnenoe joint toakerege aoooi peart'to the oonumssloner la fitatsa is toe basia of rseketeerlng t'-if .against themsrives sad their bonds AUTp STRIKBS CHILD Inside, spicy testimony, started sovarnment" he ssld, “Bow osn .Was pesMdJSSSi toSSSU n i*wi!wty^ ^ eertoin nOto OhssrImAlco Uoe got bontfol .looksd toe ed' by pihieoutlon qusstion% ti^ ^48d D l^ o n Avtafidn, doors of I^iay lock- geMSml purpose of vddoh waa.;v,m | )ona sd o a t h u a d rs # i biw3r«vni Us denial. |l?.KOTL«RN?ERS

the aum,' of |WH.- B m '. KMitliif Ptiter At AUontie city, hotel hew Wtth khn sidt. Judgment Txviuimi Church June 11 due to the Oeoorattoa Day who bought a IlOyQOO letter for the fcpttsdt' ."X did hot" week end whioh made it inoon- UMishtWtog him a iB iri: V H w At Hartford Seminary to, 19W* Mayor Walkef T met Mir. Msto in Atomtle Oty toavyow stgiaturt? ef JemM’s o o ^ u ^ to d y en lat.lw a » e to nttend. Ben •p48j^mt,ht htjir In at a oonvontlen M Taia^ ‘ "nontty It to. - add aeeidheratf their omiBce o e th «d that the isttet iMfmmmous P io y ^ Ho was toe __ ^ jo dhurto and oareteker'^ After 9Mf. Roy L. WtoUn. who h a being enmunwed to go on ^ ____ fT to a t eenvtoee you, it gamsys ciNnsury, disd «t stio 'Itom 'WtMiimia' iiwsRn’ ■mb tht pwtor at tht of crelS pIM himstU tnduood to sM u too brUhtMtt*. KsnaetoN, «ad Qeoigf and Inipeot tte camp. W u t ^ BMaBhera c3 thf.parw, law ef Bldnty Kent,; vloe preetdent a ^ w at J the M»* yr. . T - a^w - tost Qtto^n^^‘ end«< pals, JudM drtou4’-''r.. i n i ; # ■' •widlah lAithtraa ehureh h«rt lor eondt^at may be avdtable for Anotoer ptesent J m J. Mo* M Puase^VFameua Piastre. tobfpltal after a short ' >ths>% M W to Joreeloaa e judf< Bupsitor Ii# v9d - m p u t two years, graeuatoO frCn iwimming by June 11. Jamee mo* Keen, who according to teatlmohy A-**It d oll not. pneumonia. He wi IMl Oaw, Jr„ la chairman of the ocm^ ’tS vm io*fuset Of honor at a Q«*Kow do you aoeouBt tor your to theMepltal Tuea^ ___ switBen dated..May_8, Xjtot on m to tM sW'fer tht Hartford Stpdnary FoundatloB w earner witncfsee, dOUvered I36.« dtoner with n o then seerttuy to aifnaturt betog on tola appUeation- w u at hto idam ef work until SSto^8 »S%wd 1Read and Rus* jMttiday with the degree of Doctor mlttee in ohaqie. ^ . 000 to bends to the from J* eeU atreeV The Leadera Club he)d Ita Bud A. Bie^ a banktr. mayor was the PresidMt, Oewga ■JuSg.’Amrsdn. We A * - ^ bon WM taMBUSBverar* Thursday. SS3S of FhUoaophy, obtained on . the spring mMtihg Monday jMgM not asksd about this transaotlon in both e p ^ at the dtoner.BBOr. It uy to atere aome valuable pMtom Jewder. w 89X l|sln , street, bs Oeais. "Joan Caspar Btoever. Junior a__ hot-dog,J^og roait at the Troop Hwe hie flmt day on the atand. iftor toedlthe dtoner X nmt ito, tteto.’’ Mlongteg to a eUmt ef ndm, when e m a m to 1908. H s % o rS r^ Matthew Wior, atoe a Jeweler, ef; tl707-.l779), in the Colonial Boy BebuBobut---- cabin m Bucklond. - ^ Sec* ., Beabury suggested Walker met X Wu eSb with tM tawdna.” Ooltfa Patent Firearmi eonmany to MRS. SUSAN F. KEENEY 999 Mein atreet. Judge HUr Jtodl Lutheran Church of Pennsylvanilb” reiary W. Harold Petherbridge, or­ Qneetlou Begin Mfue w muttof. Har&nrd before bceomtag " ~ a^MBQuneed bis dsOtotoB Rev. Winters was also awarded an ganiser of the club, givm a *’Havf you baa the banefloiary ef "Plsaai, Jttdfi,’’ walker said, “i TM seaM^ then addresaed the nexton. Durtog the tony exchange feUosrahip and wiU atudy piin ahd pencil set Mr. Pother* any other funda or aoeounta «net shsM hands with a graft nwny peo­ oommIttM aeadng: M had bfm itoftogim OniEN NRTRDAY PARTY ^^mer WM rapreautod by Adtok^ further tnOeroany. bridge leaves the YM.CA.. ths | i ^ ple. I can’t peeslbto resMmlMr them "Xf t h i r t ^ My queatton of my 8 t James'i ehureh M had am WtUa u J. Bhu and had u . During the time he h u been ^ of June. aU, but plMSf den't ten them about m uttof ^wlth Btoto h a ] ^ aiv aeij^ t u a l tMt maim Maneheeter wltaesees'his wife ud sistlng^v, P. J. O^meU in tte The North ' Beys* Oinb held bearing W tM taxioab iltuaaen, if N ^eate made a MW ef oheektog Rtaclifs 78tli Amitversaiy Wlttkofsky of lia AUtiuBB local church, Rev. winters h u their final mcedng under . Leader *Tve had eountlssa ktodnesBee,” A number vt thou who . attended thsra.to any tonundoi . ^ t Btoto tried their e l ^ and wetohea. He ym Y estord^-^ranfe , Honors Jeffs waa repreeanted by ; made a host of Mends among youx» Edward Wilson T u c s^ night and Walker replied. tM dtoiMr later met to a private to hrlM mc Wier ef n ittto f e« toe graduated with the Bachelor of Pi- teruted to Ooeden oH. at obaaee for Mr. Bisto or awbody New York City and Mre. .7dhn ent, including relatives from Cali­ dews of Die itore and yihity degTM in 1835. He obtained Miss Margaret Bbfeban; of 337 An argument developed between He did Rov any wM invited him else to coma te me and try to to* Oeaon of New Jersey; also few fornia who- are en a trip Bast. A punch in the post. if his B a(^or of Baered Theology de> Oak etreet will be married Monday BenatM John J. MeNaboe, Demo- into the pool. fluepce me if .they had wanted to." brothers, Joseph and Robert of pleasant soeial time followed end eontlaued. ‘ A heated e at Philadelphia Seminary of morning at 8 o’clock at St. James^ eratto minority member of tbe oom* Seabu^ asked Walker, if he w u Tbe mayor then read to the com­ PNston. England. WUUam and.Frad atos, Keenm wae very happy visit­ lowed, in udUoh Jaffa S Lutheran church in 1938, later e b u ^ to James Brogan of Buek- a^tee and Benator Bamuel Hof* offered a ehanee to buy to tM pool mittee a transcitot of the statement of New York City. ing with taejruests wM came te breakiaf two teeth u i hto stud^ng for his Doctor of Philos­ Iwd. atadter, chaimwn of the oosamittee, u d If M said M couldn’t afford to. M made to the Board of Aldermm The funeral will be Mid at 9 her party.'’ Warn it oame time for ophy degrM a t the H a^ord Theo- over the propriety of tbe Qum^ Walksr said M did not say u y ' at tM time M vetoSd tM bUL o'clock Baturday morning at Bi logical lem ini^, one of the thru M^aboe objem to Walker James's ehureh end burial wUl ba in refreehmento * bury, Beabury gave me that 8o G rait Hbb Ba«i, RiBpnnBf amtsd with a rsmsasbcaaN la honor taUettf to BM on tbe pboa on this 000 worth of stoeks-raad paused. To V iluff Offfftd Proprin* of bar blrtbdiy, also a boufust of 1 ••;l' gjSseL" Farmatoe DISPUYS RATTLESNAKES Q—“You nMsa you're not ' 10 latomptod (OTB D eddf To Hoop On TMb flowsrs. at tM elou of tM Qrangs Weirntoge MveMvi been toai on said u M flatobed r e e ^ tM state* Msmenal pregrana Mrs. Ksary CMrlesesOHffito, . state fire , The CosmopeUtM elub will have you didn’t discuss this suMeet ’’Are you being totorruptod,” Isa* m at, "at tMt tlnm had lAOO taxi­ Week. Lowd, tM to e^sr, preNated. thq tost toetoe eonditloiItlon ef tbb , ^ IN STORE WINDOW HERE lis annual e u ^ tomorrow at the & tolspbotts with Hsrrtekt bury asked. cabs on toe streeto of New York. Jf * to Tfotbsr KssBsy„’ u sM la bruab tonde are very dry add I s Tavern, Bimsbury. Mrs. nsitbsr on tho^lbons ^ ^ or to “x am being intemipted,” Walk* X bed passed tbet bill, to# FermelN eallsd by Mr totoads. A permlte for fires wuf be uiitodtmtll _ K. Burnham is ehalrma psrsM did X evsr sayJ Rsd tbs or repUedr staring down at sems iompuy would Mvs profltsd I lAOO,* TM Bmarjt Bhu, ceaducted by tM hinshson eomndttas, Ut§, 0, Roclrof didn't bnve to.toe otoy ^ OM at the eeuneel table,”*and alto tr with retoesbnMBts fd* toe BMasN of foreet fine h u been CbUIi Midi In Bssi OjutoR* ■ tor OOOMOfOBS .ys_.. Ruth and M)idrsd Celui, to lewsd. TM Kssasy faitoly to a radueed by rainfall. > TeeP Elmors Wstktos Is arrsogtog ysrsatfen X ever M wtto him about toe utmtot dtfoeUrtoiy. I'm n eon* TM Merum raessssd for luneb at boldtof a rs-orgaatoatlen salt tWs large ene, and. they Mva always tHfBMB Hook AAd T^itilir ^ r y Ir M sneliM tfr Plumb* ths surprlst prorsM s ^ Un, the itoek wm when I tdd him aeloua ef a ineer on tnafaet ef m Raymond Oeslee m to m rgirgs i of 13:18 p. m., Bastm ' ftaadard Tims. week and eo great b u been tM re^ bean ftMaeb supporters ef Man* Ne, if reoMtotod te a still atorai tor iR f br4 Anp^y Co. Window* etoek wae put aelto^and be eeuld tnwieyN ef dto ftato of Mew Terk.” Thsre war sems a p p l ^ m ^ fpoBN to their efferlagf that a new ohester o reap . At prseent It bee a fire to weeds aff Oeeper JBH transportation, buy It If he wanted to/’ ^ ^ m t* u n tod*r/ ' nm street at lilO p. fa, iMbury h a i ^ a deeument to msyor walksd out tweugh tM eupply ef steek w u nMHiaiy. Mlae aheut n deaiB mmtoeri eff tM Two live rattlesMfces to a ^ neatmlT' •curt bouse rotunda, but no demea* Run Oeha uiterday made a but* Keeney fantty en ite reeter, NfS. hftog breufbt by Leuto tH mayor and aaked Mm tf, to " ^ m net eeaeltlyf/* tM mayor Stratton s j ^ u M rteHysd yojf _.itar FlumM aad _ ICatbia Marlow agatost. nifopH to a subpoena, ^ had m Hod trip te New York City to feeura •uaan Keeney to tM widew ef iy stora wtodow to^ay attri TM eiowd wm sueh small* new merebaadtoe tor thto eale, IfarintoeB H* Kraifi* who died ifv* Bfotbsic WM duo tor trial duea^any ether reeerdc’’ tor tbe '*&nator DuaBtaffaB durlag g i pottos etIB iteed to Uns TboN wM have takoB a d ^ ta g e 4f*i yeasa ifO; MANCHESTER SWETERI M. lb i d p ^ Cdurt today, but bm argummt mat fepowed m g t d BtoM to toe etreft. by. Tbsy cams town • ^ causs ei an agfstmsat bstwam tbs **<5 toJt*eSl the reeerde a M tor of this lale expreie lurpitoe toal twslvs saptasd iMt W > never eMited,’’ Walkw railed, •eabuiy w u appMatod eeuneel tot tM f B»rt fhop eaa offer eueb us* AS MERCURY H IIIh M, ffau of East qiactobw ^ a partlss it was costtousd ubUl B «t toe eommittoe V Mliigffhml Maey, usual veluea to mafUsaAse tMt PINEaURSr TO HANDLE wssk. Btoward PUlon, §r,i also bM ’There are no r e to ^ R^bliean state enalama, ”betore parto wblsb todudsd F. T, MMii a case bctorc tbe dWl side of the snelal traneaettone usuiny to earrtod only to toe most I f « of Maoebssj^, ^ , toe eommittoe WM amelitod.” •xdunve dtp shops. xtwutMla* TM toermemeter rsM midW8y is lupcrlcr Ccurt agitoct the Jebn •AHob fmlth, llite^ Walker said toe ell etoto peM wm tmttod ef the Omb sisters to een^ FRESH, LIVE LOBSTERS .Mascecli Mutual Life Xacuraacf dlieusaed at Attaatif City. Me wm toe elgbtlee today an MailiTliaitiif Ms bM Dempifiy, c tg M f an unpaid ,bill VSSJi^SS’lMSS' elude tM ssto , sarUer hut tbsir paesed through one of tbwwarmift told about toe jmel and aeked what patrons have diewB sueh as totsreit Walter Oermas proprietor ef dayi of tM early anauBm MUjto> A an Infuranec due nlm. it would eeet to Mu. He wm told, wtoshalfalmeffsrad that tM sale flaeburit greeery today amKWineed M eald. It would eeet aetotog to Only three aemberf ef toe DraM witf be eeatlBued, fairly brim wlad prebideTldtoe Feet a A. R.>ere able to attend toat M had . made arraagemmto eemfert. oito Main btreet tbarale- Xn order to secure funde tor club llo MkSi&m moye> whoro ho Join beeauee Cm m d i^ hM gene with hto Boetos fldi nuulMt .to erad meter regiftorad 88 degieie at 3 aettvltlei. the Yeunf Feeple’e Dem* ■VAJL up 18 jelnte flaeb toe jodi had nob tM annual Memorial Day aeeeiBbly him toifb far Friday tomo live o'deek toto afteneeo. eeratln muh ef Maneheeter wth five whieb' wae held thie Mtemeon ab lehetefi, Mr. Oermas eaye that M ' Maseheatar h u bem favored vrltb ------‘ BeltoB,%* Sr&T' *’ ^ la te r, M said, bf wae netifled toe Mgh ifbee* ball. 1M aeeemUjee SENATE SPEEDS UP b u noted an Inereaeiag demand to eneellent weather fbr eeveral ^ & peM wm eleeed, were to tM hande ef lilie Mary L, town tor tohetors and M leamad cemve days but lata ,__ twb Ftoally, M eald, M aeeepted Me Burke, teacher ot Bngliih to tM threuito a tdephoM eoBversattoa predt la bonde beeauu ef a short* Freebmm huatonf, and tM partial* REVENUE MEASURES wlthTae Beeton beuN yeitorday thuade. oap USiSIf^ Will furnish the musie. woikf aito ____7&wwndjiot ± aertoweft i indtoatles ef hut didn’t,” foa* age ef meuey. paiM were etudente from her that M could get. some with hto a poaelbto atoRB ' by eve* iM00» NEMOMAL Ha mM Jeto J, MeXeon brought mphemere and Freehnwn Bnglish (0iBltBB9< D m F iji On ) refttlar WNkfend deb order. Laet BiBg. Farmeps d a k i wetoeato A trudk owBod the Mow tn*m to him at Me m a r ^ ^ elMiee. Xathertoe FIM ’18 J w u to year at this time lebeton wera seat* rein which bra bem V w plea* ifitliml ef ”X gave them to Mre. Walker,” toanI If toem tM ten per eent ton lag SI eento 6 peimd whelsieto. New SERVICE TOMORROW owlpdd too guard rallf of a outrort doto wlto you,” M laid. WM aeeepted. they art letaifiaff at toat pHee; tiful toto mento*^ ’ BttorBOon.eu Tolland ”gM ftm bM them.” •enator Cenaattr (D» Tanulc do* . IB dtoeuMlBg lebetora Mr. Oerman near too D m Form, A JtriJS h r,,*. ieabury read from toe reeerd a Fiih ’88 B, Muito (ehemi) aa ar* manded that eterfing ellverware M aald that M WM surprtoed to loam Maneheeter Lodge, Ms, Ml too tlo >ed or too oarwmw ,wMvwm paeeage todleatlBg MeXeen' had raniemenf ef ”Thii Vacant Chtor.” taxed, that lebeters are emt late thto ecus* MODERN AND^OLD al Order ef Momc, and Manebefter too § tm of too ao d tet, arjvnsfsUwM teeUded M Jam to# bonds to WMk* Thle^wM dene under tM direettea •m atori from toe weetera ellver. try from Canada to graat quantl* toRd^wmlmon llaymoBd in^toom ^---- produetog etatei aaierted toe tan ttoe, TM iwlytothewatorah^ FASHIONED DANCE Gbaptof, Me, m , Wo m of M ^ or to a tanieab. H UiH B, Marton Derwaid An would eesMlete tM deetruetloB ef aheutf to praetieally Mbaueted.; toe booH, win bold a. ^ * ^ * * < i ^ IttVI ■8 MM H WM erigtoal MMy u tltM "Memertol Bor by CoRroy bb4 KtBy •ervlee tor deeesood m o i i ^ at Om TMf tof icayer denied. At XX(X8 Day—or DieerattoR Day” w u reM tM dtoer Induftry. > UPltod ItotM ealy ei^plylag 30 per Home Club os M n o rd F l ^ to* Tbp wlnadfiowmaemef toe MtoaobjiaMi s a w a. m., Baetem dtaadard Time, toe f tM autheiv Bferitt Durkee ^ TM MW' exetoe rate were getog emt of Iti own eeneumptlen. Mi merrew sventag at •*•0 jFeleeh. hohitoMAtaita tto e Had Mo Bushiu i Martog took a reeeie, Satteo Do glaieBf ’18 B read the back toto tM fwenueblhtp ottm LUkwuiiia HdUt Gelway B t fooler Fact MetMor FraMi, A, roann btmi&ig^ were m Gueotlonsd by isahuiw about MU There wm a good .deal Of an up­ poem "Reiiff Beuduet” feUewed by toe leeFef about IfOAOOAOO teeult* iUOOBffl WAOB OUT Maptle 1^ be m a^ tltonmen^ The high two iforof }7#i iv^ve^a huftoeiitfan ^ roar «rMle toe mayor told toe etory Tapi” eeua^^ by Raymend Mas* lag from tM eommittN'i daetoton to thim dar, M tr 24 •Bdwttlbe aedited to _ttoU^ Oanadoi^ 1tlo tor n « rtlto XM WOPS came mayor la X93i, Walhsr rs» ef toe 838AM ttHendf., or '88 A, Aaetlier erigtoal mmy, ralra tM eMmptlen en Norwalk. May A Jekn F, U m eilek^^ Fact qieta* Mfi, aranadlo, Mm, I , AndoiMOi iubitaatlaily Me etory wae tost Our Ffifimt DM v iip o M Me* to ttoketo of 90 emie. reeemaMBdatlea tor a X3.T peremi)t Jtomiy < M u ^ , Fremptor tors Wlttlom D, Womoeb and Jo* laot pdN 10T, went to David Had* ^^^MTs are no reeerde, X bad np it ffliimt have bsm ”aay on# at toe tnorlal D f^’ w u read by Betty TM eemiMremtoe MH‘oHgtoally pro­ out to tM salaries of all elty sm* fofb ObleolM, ^ _ dMj ooMotatlon wm wen by Hugh bueffeie,” Atlantic mty party” fiM told aim ^larvey '18 B and ssaitorto Howard vided tM t all tleketo of XX em ti or ph^es wU. N atade by Mayor MBBBYMAXBBqi 0 B C n m 4 TlM ssfvlee h u been v n m A by im t u b . There wore X# laMos in, i Ot/iOu mm with Walket about toe ooel. but toat to toe beet ** B» mere M (amd. Sxareld L Nasb, aao a ty C em pw afl atlho fitting, laldMliMJiad Levy On •perffng Oeede tor f tepben Oekua te » « beard ef OauiagfNmf tot David J, Otokeen, FaM .and ef Me reeelleetiM It wm net flito, Bong iltoete eentaiatog tM war estimate and taxatten, at tM next Fainuale Attoelll, tfuitoei o f l ^ aetoMf to e .M After M bad^betn ieM M peel .uflgr of lll f were dtotnbuted and AdmladMf Ledtoa He* Ointo He eheeter Lodge, M memhetf ef M The louto U u iS m tn ftH Fub* Mete, not .fitoy WM eleeed, M ’Terget all about IV tM aaiembly jaag them at varioue "•asM ftK 'BJgjJ iwffting of tM beard on June 8, 't lodgii are requeoted to ottood ptii llaUbraiy and too WoH gldo were n ia k R. Fageel WM reetered to toe btU. w u aaaeuaesd today, braneb wil bo dosed all day Men* OTfefil, both baekew; , ‘ f able iu e Oempaa wbi^ * bouitF W, 0 ,1. V. Aorum eteo remfted tM 10 gw onH ..(w, adtimaie reduced tbe rchool depart* fraaeblu bore wWeh Mayor walker "Oh, It WM alter a baaqueV’ M TMrt were-998 easayi/n’flttm to on dfdafme, sheM aadeartrldtee,im BMBt budget eo. that tM sebool sigaed^toe day Mtom^ eald whm feabury aeked mm how tM high eehoel thto year., and be* veivlag I3g00j)00. beard wae forced te ilaeh 19.7 peb* MSW iWEMDUMO OAMl Apiltoble agent, bouikt toe letter M bad hippmed to forget about tbv eidee we esaayi whleB wen county AerTel eemeru were eaempted cent, from toe 1M3-88 ealwy P e n o n e l NoUc m pool. "X lutt forget it, tM fi all. prisee an sward of one d^lar was from tM XO per cent levy M eam- ^ e d u le of tM toaehera. Mew Londa, May e ^ h e ^ g ^ rjimembm Crowd If WaiMi prsemtod to,tM foUowtog pe^le to eru M thto tan waa revived Day 2 5 c ^ Pellu bore are ecu ____ As :tM ' bfaftog w u rssumed, assembly this efteraeom, Bealorai Relmpeetof tM metah tarn tM BTRUGK BY JAVELIN CARD OF THANKS - mm who ewlndled MlfliM Fried* Mm toat gave Um toe M lrsm Mofstamnr saidi , ^ Dorothy lorttle. Juniors:. Bfdle Cope* Benete ouitM rata from four, to MARATHON auw, a greoer out of 1849. The "If to i^ s any merp aoiss, an toe land, Anna Kotsob,- X ^sisy two orate a thousand on wooden fud MIddletowa.' Mey I We extena euf hesrtfeit tbsnhi te pair, repreeentlag themedvM u reeerde there, are of Me staadeu to room will, M euf gied tM rate at one half eent e Oeerge Ooukoi,* 18, or tM, high - DANCE - ieli eur frlende for help end Mmfert doilera In haitoropi enerehandlu, ______traasaetiens, I, WalMr eald. eluded drat. TMn. tf toore'a any I paper matdMS. stood track team w u atraek in tM 18 COOPI.B8 liW T -. tin ear recent bereevement, toe deetb "eeld” Friedman a quutlty ef gre* are cheek etube la Ms law offles. Hs mors a ^ , wo will clear toe tom ’ tne oendy tax, tM eheit by a Javelto durtog praottoe Be there at the Mih« tl- jef our Mleved end pifler. Jfre. eerlM at bugato pneu. premlssAto smd tor thsm, Walkerritum# to toe wltneu Fresbiamr Betty Harvey, Benttoe ______rate toom dve per Neterdey sftarnoon: He had beet trent be long newt rdmnl# ^ sn e . W$ eepeerslfr ihsnk They oersuaden him te allow Livtogstea, Jadt Bellimy, Fred aa provided by tM House te two line Lediei Aid foeletr ef tne Oon* tbsm to tSoofM S to om envelope Tantaabwa stand altar tM raeeia. ^ . . warned to get out of tM way of leerdliii ebureh: sleo ell who. lent Beabury toon aaked Mm If M im Hs said M gave tM bonds to Mrs. Best, Bdward AtkisoB, Pstcr pun* eent The lower rate wee * Jobs Baetwood. who Wm Jhrewiag PALAIS ROVALI Ibeeutifol ifcrsl trlbuter or lesned •ad 9X8 to another, the lanrer cum brose. to yield 88,000,000, I their eeri. to pay for the goods when dslivsred to the Board of Aldermep WalkM..tb4 day sftsr they were de­ the Javelin, but moved to toe wrong CAPITOL PARK atoiafF/X9l8^ a Mil .fffulatl^ livered to Mm. , „ Morae enertaanashorthand ' awiurdfawaruf were lox Chewlnn 0am 'dlrfetloB. to about u hour, and too 918 to — ' ^Walker { eald ha Walker eald toe beada w erq^v* m ad#to...... tM foUowtog... ■ people who ' T M ta x r a iM w ^ i^ w u MIXABL XOTIOH. pay thi truok driver. After the sred to Mm to DeMnibtr, Xtl9, or wfbte et tM roeed^ 80 wordi a at two per eut toitaed of ^ Sve ' ' ■'■III I I J ■! !■ ...... men had left Frlednum beoame .’lito dlMfn/* M eald. ” wu. to January, 1980. ^ ,. ■ - • ntouite:•: BMe »*■•* «*«▼«<«,Nevera; ««u«»Ruth^udem, •■^uwmhi osnt rate; prodded by Idouir opened tbe drift a b to lM t would follow the Smis^ found that the om eui "Mra. Walker or Mr. iherwood Alma flaketouskt. Della M oi^, Friday Friday Quality Grocariea report of the taxicab control eem* Walker laid, ’’M ^ te d to q e o m Minnie Kotehte, Flotonei Hunter, .enata eubetituted a Bemae and eontato 8645 w u flUed with etrips mMsion that had held severU publii to tM bank. M ^ r ^ Helen Begewlto, Theodore Mek- tax on boats and yMhtator tM and N ’ S A.'!'! ot newipaper with a dollar bill en hearingeBariMe on tM aut'a u b ^ t”. did. for M tranaaMidliU bw huel- weU. Kouat t u per eent levy. The new Matnrday Saturday. For LeB$ tbe outeide H the pile. Wilklir lato M wisM to call to neoe for ber--depemtod m t o i imld eobeduleitoen a ^ u a M aeal Ofwndaled Bugar, m tbe attentlen ef toe eemmittu top bull, and 10 on m M did tor me.’^ 88oa en 10 lb. cloth bng ...... 4 X C WOULD RIRMgTATE BRODRB fact toat Ms MeNaboe toterrapted hera, de­ Brown Bugar, * 0 A A qusstlensd. manding to know wMt "to tM mo* ’1 rseognlu,” WalMr said, ’to# ttvb b ( ^ toto Um ef qumtlcetof 100 i b . ^ ...... M ^ (A P )- aatafoMsBe attitude ef' Mr. Bear Harry Whittle. Of, ef 48 i7o|f SoheddinM ^tf SrtWSg ^ Ro^l OlohOtagtr Ait, attorneys today i t the county bury. I’m here u a witness, hut it Walker and Beabury w U to e N ^ nvmiad a llfW of 1J8 OMIS a naUOtt ^ bottle ,««. t«I., ^ _ dimad a pratlea. betas ' itMt during the argumaat. Once s|m t, mod at top hoepltal eulate

GROCERY ‘ •to'iMhf i *r/ - ..:■ ►fmrty to 'to l _ ^ 1, Nutlahd s v ^ t St. jQbtfa : "ohtu^ *1>awBlbg',:andiAm; ^ presented .wlto ah. Ammcan kvenue ihc«rfljf altev'8 -a duet AUUber with liSxu. Gerticude Specii~ lai Vbcal n h____ ih ^ ^ telU cbota .Mid o f .‘Tiet .toe Rest tendered by the Le0oh Legfon . ''qUa^t Uh Rariowta daaa are ' o f the W brlgQ o'fi^ " ‘T don't Kitow General .OTpers " WiU be read by attend toe aervloe. Ik e — J I>Lw tbu Like I Do" ' was Doris ' T'riahihah ‘ hhd . Tlan 4era offerittn .made uit FUG TO WAVE DAILY <-Bstoer Weber.' Fields by Mtab Ntary 9Wbe. ‘ toe churolMitopei wiU- b«,. Th^ehtirt caet WM dresiMd like The chairmian of toe 4 ^ wiU .M. tbta time, Tbe.ch0dren irfv Dr. M i^ llli Lodd P«mIc Kortien Rwrt« To Pemiiwrfc holkM;ahd toe etoge setting feprir Theodore Palmer emd toe Marshall, church-WiU have he auih S e m d 'lR 1^11^ INROCPIUEFARK aent^-'a'hoinDV ■ ' Robert E . Hyde; The address of the ite g ift A^ipeolal feature of toe program day wlU be deUverdd by Rev. Joseph Note* 'Fortiand, .Valhe, To Be Used — Work Now H. Sieberman of SomeryUta. Mtaa Qladya Carlisle of Manohea- th%* ^ynM M!Iep Qlwli^'Chiarhele^^u^ lation of the fuil striidgto AlderaiBn Who Made Orig^al ox, her banjo, glra'from Mantow LMt Meeting,Of Circle ter was q e guest of her stater, Mrs. d i^ ^ tke flFdiriltiinuMtnc. Yankee qv^on^ow '' IMer Way. Motion Moves Tor Resdiid They ritodem severfil selections. *ihe ComeUa Circle held.lte last Filter lyihbo bf Sprikig street on It wa* repotted • yeedw ^ tbit Pre'^ous Eobhomy Measure. lere was dancihg In Red Men's meeting o f the season' at *thq home WedniMtey. ttibuted tortughout 't&* Nevr many dog owniio afiiLl kail until ml(lnight, while those not of Mrs. Oscar Leonard on toe Tol­ The , Past Chisfs Qub of Kiowa laiid Btatir'and btoeir pbft* of-tb* vafittf* of the(;iBoeulation Old Glory is to wave every day 'baring^* to dance lidayed cards In land Road on Thursday. Many mem­ Copncil^ has discontinued the puWb country—^ta being underttikbn by. toe Maiioii**tsr . dog owners are gUr< ment 'eddoh ttlewi.-the tiNRted d q i R U f^ , N. D., M*y 86.— (AP) - r tForertera-Btall. Refreshments were afternoon whists for toe season. ing the Iboid JBodrd 'of .Health excel­ to run ,at laPM toUqwlai a '81. da^ toeiwlse toe exercises >^1 be held but to aU TD' m«n to'm ake' kitoWn The chairman of toe town Board Mayor A. E. Waite presided at In HaU. ^ The presentation was made by Mrs. newly-constructed de: " toslr whereabbuter ib d to'aU -'ibiii of Health has ‘ issued: notice that over lodand and between that and Harry Smith, a member of toe inga was named in ms hinor, aU by other countries. the meetl^, vdiich was of short The line of march starts from knowing of the proposed oonveplion dogs must not run at large about duration. Oouncllmen Walter H. arb\md Central Park, Main street,' Circle . way of oslsbration of the Washing­ to advise their "buddies" of toe toe homes. The intent bf toe quaran­ He said he negotiated with offi­ Refreshments were served by the ton by-centennial. cials of the Danish governments, Drycott and William Rogalus were to East Main street, to Grove World War days. tine order'll to keep aU dogs apart absent There was one permit street and GroVe HIU cemetery. Fol­ hostess andi a social time was en­ President Mlklas, American Min­ Through toe medium o f toe prels and this wlU not be possible if toe • bod tiM i obtained permission to begin surveys ister GUlchrist Baker Stockton, toe and experiments over Greenland, and granted, that to Mrs. Elsie Srott- lowing toe exercises toe parade wlU jo y ^ . Mrs. H* B. Ohnstead, it ta toe hope of toe regimental dogs are aUow*d to roam at large although Parliament was not in wick for a garage at the rear of her con ^ u e .^tiurough Hale street to dent, presided at he meeting. The mayor of Vienna and other notable* leaders to reach toe maximum num­ in toe vicinity o f toe home. During sesshA in Denmark, government home on King street ^ East stib^t to St Bernard's ceme­ m eeting wiU be resumed in Octo- attended toe unveUlng, ber of survivors of toe Yankee Di­ toe warm weather it 1a possible for d n g giit - representatives promised to recom­ It was vot^ at the meeting Tues­ tery-, where graves wlU be decor­ "Vienna has take toe occasion of Mrs, Edward Huebner this aiihiversaiy," toe president vision, and toe City of Portland runways made of ohloken wire to be mondod Dr* mend a franchise. day night to accept the German ated. offldaUy ta asking toe ooK>peration bunt 16 that toe dogs may receive Troi*8 Bllrir ti U Judge Grimson said eight expedi- cannon offered the .city, by Frank tiaklng part in toe parade Mrs. Elizabeth Huebner, 62, wife said, "to honor a great American bf toe newspapers of New Ikigland. their exerotae. These should be built BIO MfiM Itttt, will set out this summer to ob­ Badstuebner Post, Veterans , of For­ aisbemble at Town HaU at 8:80. of Edward Huebner of 41 Elizabeth who la known to toe world as one of toe most notable human beings in shady spots wherever poaaibls. serve weather and landing condi­ eign Wars. The Public Works Com­ A. Lh Martin la marshal of the day. street, died at ber home on Wednes­ The handling of a suspected dog tions along the proposed route. mittee of which Kerwln Little w He WlU be foUowed by toe color day, foUowlng a short Ulness . of and a shthihg example of true dl- SU8FBOI ABMB8TBD mocracy." and toe.treatment of a scrat(di;or It to tiwfitlogiil ai itiiitlvte . Next year, he said, it is planned chairman will confer with the P

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D ress Up^ Y o u r

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y ' Put that gay/awnmaiy homt ' ^ with these attradtive ST^iBga ra porches aM wisdowg. Baautffnl painted m ilt e d in t^do aaeort- ^ meat of colors—mounted on atni^y iroin frames—cua^ tom buiit tp; accGtitote siiM npatiy taltored. Wa supply thew made to ortW alid^qoote'iMl^ ^aM la* ,. italled. I aiid^Hdghi tteouired . -j'


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MANCHESTBR JigPBNmG HESUtijS^ THUBWAT^ M A X ^ 1981,. ---- 1 ——I. „i-'.A m I . ' I, ■ ■■„ , i,,. . , l ..,,,.« i . ", - \ ' | I I II , l^l■^ l .a . |,’■.■I.■4■■I■ ,i..l. ' , maDim p ' wur be hsfibra 4lw Al>t 10 RONOR YOONO } -■'-sriviipa, ‘Tht^aMsr' COURISGAN^p V BJtnaunnisE HRS. inbnwhila. told Ssery ISjntb* ^ South Band, Ind., May SO.— (A P ) . Chairman Robert B. Foote and ftottgy'’ a t CHastqabnry wsrs ;SnB» WAR ON DISEASE I nGRECONCBOS —^nw'.Rov. Gbaries Xa ODonnell, fAHOeS AyiATRK ^ viriUffs at thf htoM of Mr. and preeidiBt of Notre Dame lira. Foote attended the hearing on Mrs. N. C. dphnste... ^ ' rm^ t -...-I ■ Univerdty; annoanced today that •pedal aid from the state, hrid Mr.' mm Mis. Ldnutod B. Horton DlREaOR AVERS I Owen p. Tdnng of New York would Tueedey afternoon at Bacon Acade­ >k"fi famtty and Mr. Md Mrs. Wia» RuitiDity'o lagniBty form > If you pMCor aot fo prtokttw apd receive an honomy Doctor of law throp Poitm and .son Idlton were, Medical Examination ^honld M ty riopd ttM mgtaost mind; degree at the OMunencement exer- Talks W iA Any Johnsen, of my, ColidicIlBter. Mr. FOoie rq m - o f eggs i ...... J U n lio iiits Do Not E id n te dinner fuesta on Sunday at the .Be Required In Certain But when the heart to nobly warm, vent tlm dsasilime AM r. Young win also sented the intisreata c f the schools, home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur V. of the town. As there are a nunfi>er Casea Some Judges Now In­ 'The good~exeuM win find. them to eoM water firs t deliver the commencement addreee. Great D ritainHobkoI Linde to.Hartford. P v ^ l e ^ ^ ooCd, oauttouo rriea «< Orer H u To Ph; At ^ Others to reedve the same de­ cf hearings still to be hrid in vari­ Mr., and Mrs. X^ester Hohenthfil sist On It. ous parts of the state, no dedsiona Warm fhrvoor may overtook; gree are: Marttn H. Carmody of and M r., and Mrs. Emil Hobsnthal But qiafO poor ■enaibUity Just Unagtoe the temperature ia. New Haven, Oonn., supreme grand By Aero Gab. can be'made at preM t as to aid of Manchestar were oaUtrs on Sun­ Local poUce courts to the the 90’s, and you bending ovek a ? North EmI. to be reorived. It was represented The u iigttU ^ harsh rebuke. knight of tbe Knights of Odumbus; day at the home of Mrs. Marietta* Of misconduct and other ' .similar \ —Robert Burqs. steamtog tub or usUg a Imt ifop. Ssfhis P. Gtaoe of New York, Slec* that soiDM of the formerty prosper­ Horton and Miss Marion G ott Tbe burrors o f Just queb a wash jh iy trteal expert; the Rt. Rev. Jamea B. ous manufactiiring towns arc es­ caaeO; to addition to- administering can bo olimtoated I f you pbone 10ZK ’ The dedsioii of the Chamber of London, May 26— (AP) —Amy ------1— ■ ---- \. 'pn^Nf punishment have a greater To protect yoursrif agatoat tha Cassidy, DJ)., UihQp of Fan River, Johnson, Great Britain’s noted air pecially needy thla year. One town and seiMl the clothes to. tho Row (pommerce to eponsor the oommunlty ' was cited vdMre lOOO men had been reftoonsihiUty to the public. health annoying and harmful mSa and moi»- Modri Laundry. They will' bp fe- woman and Mrs. Amelia Eaihart aiid should riM}uire medlcri examina­ q u lto ^ try Flyosan, a new and <1 eoBcerts for the third suocee The graduating class of 000 stu­ Putnabi, America’s woman trans- emidoyed, where now only 80 or 40 turbed epic ^nd spen. , dents Is the university’s eiidity* are working ih the-milla. The fami­ GILEAD tion o f the accused persons to order odorless tosectMld(| which you may. tlva year, voted at the all*meiBber> Atlantic flier, met today tor the first to prevent the spread of the diseases purchase at Magnell’a doditb. Frande J. O’Malley of din- time. lies are still living in the town and Sliced bananaa always mahb ;a eldp meeting of the Chamber at ton. Mass., with a four>year aver­ the schools are as crowded as ever. ^ t h . which the majority ^ those to* Miss Johnson, accompanied - by Mrs;' William Hyde and Mrs. ]^yed are afflicted, Dr. H. P. Tal- very ntee deeeert, but i f yOu wlOh the State Trade school last night, age ot 90.4 per cent will be vdedle- her fiance, J. A. MoUinson, famous It waa also brought out that condi­ Add a Uttle sta.'oh to the . Water in ^ meet with the opposition of the Eva White of Manchester were m- iK ^ . director o f the' Bureau r i Ven- when Washing mirrors, wtodowt and to give Just a Uttle different and torian. British long distance flier, went to tions have greatty changed in towns ereil Diseases of the State Depart­ delicious flavor, pour over them .a Salvation Army Band it was learn* the American Embassy at Prince’s like Hebrtm with re g a ^ to high cent viaitnrs at and Mrs. Ben­ all kinds of glassware. Ibis re­ id totey, should the Chamber per* jamin lymazTs. ment' o f Health, declmnd today to moves dirt and gives a lasting oup o f ptoO^Nfie JuiOe. Gate to see Mrs. Putnam. They school expenses, within fifteen or the department’s^weekly broadca^ sist in its desire to hdd the con­ twenty yearsi Where thwe were Kenneth BUis, WiUiam and Olive priish. chatted fbr a long time and posed Warner, Stella and Alex Spak, Mar- llie re are some courts to the State, Hale’s have a large and vtotadried .9i ^ ' certs at both the north and south for ^otographera in the garden of perhaps five « r rix high school end o f town. B R O K E R n n m joila F ^ t e and Lena EUis attmided Dr. Talbot said, where the Judge re- A ll roada lead to the Depot Square eortment of ehUdiwb’ ond the Embassy. pupils to be financed^ |er tuitlone the m e e ti^ o f the WUHmantio ires that the results of a toe Ohurria was inconvenient, and that residents tivity, but heretofore had been able Ktaivtog through the center, and lO l^ M uf W ethenflrid avenue, of the west side and Manchester with aU sincerity that when the out to satisfy the CKunmlttee that their book of aviation been fuUy writ­ there are no speed lim it signs post­ H a rtf^ qwnt the week-end with .Green are as milch entitled to the baa operations been proper. ten the name o f Miss Ehukart wlU ed. Mr. and Mrs. Gttfford R. D eny. concerts as the north end. I t was Several months ago, the Stock Mr. and Mrs. Myron Peat o f East stated that persons Uving on the stand out in letters of gold. Robert Pinckney of Uew Havou I T>ar toPe L wriimifoVimhMii Exchange toede dedstve action de- who is recovering from a recent 111- Hartford were vlatora at Mr. mid west side and at Manchester Green riipted to prevent ’WdHng the mar* A. H. Ptod’s T u es^ .. after- kave as far to go to Center Park as OHANOBS HER PLANS nesa, is spending the week with his ket down,’* that Is offoring to sell Paris, May 26 — (AP) — Mrs. sister, M n Daniel Q. Horton at tha Special For Thursday and Friday the people at the north end. sfaM* short in snhstantial volume at Amelia BiaAart Putnam has chang' Ib a Kitoabeth O ils ia dovdy re- Ontslde Bands Horton bungalow. covuing from her Illness. lower and lower prices. For some ed her and wiU not come to - fi . CSiarle^ Hfldtog and Miss Another point on ^^lich the band Mitm, aU selling mrdere sent to the J. L. Way of Hartford spent the may rMuse to contittmte its services France from London until next Ratoie Adams a t New York City floor have bad to be labriled as to week, it waa learned today. She weric-end at the WeDs-WmiP Homs- ABpaFajpiK 3 at all has been brought iq> by its are at the HUdtog country home for stead. members. The Salvation Arm y whether they wwe tor long or rbott wlU meet her. husband, George the summer. Richard Hubbard of New Yorit Band has eontzibated its services, account, and spSdaUsta have been Palmer Putnam. New York publish­ Earl 'Tucker o f New York City City spent the week aid with his free of chazge, time and again but fofblddsii to aocopt shost sales at er, vdien be arriyiM in Cherbourg has arrived to Amston to spend the mother at the home o f Mr. aad Mrs. when special ooeaakms arise,., the prices lower than the last preceding and then wiU come on to Paris. summer with his mother, Mrs. Car­ Hart E. BuelL Too’’Won-Ort” to so sale o f long stodk. Ambassador Walter BL Edge is rie L Burnham; Mr. ’Tucker is de­ * A benefit basaar by the QUead town has gone elsewhere to secure aftlHwy aboard the 'French liner Asedier dsm bcokeo — Cooldnk s w U GRANT fOr vdilch payment Is made. lighted at being oiit to the country Kill echoed WiU be hrid at the lo­ on her leet a taiooteJoogerl ^ ' Roddand. PhiMie 6370 An outstanding example, the mem* Paris June 1 but he w ill be repre­ again. cal hall this evening, opetong at Kskhsak V^etable Gnnponod alwsTt bers point out, was the oecasian of N0 H0RE(»ESSW0RE sented at funettona in hbnor o f the Several local people attended the 7:30. Program at 8:30 p. m., D. S. relieves crsaips. Try it next mootn. the visit of the Lord Mayor of Man­ Mr. and Mrs. Ofoyten EOSa qpent ed as one of the finest in this aecOoa at Main and Haynss strssta Among them weiv Mr, and Mrs. o f the country, and the members-feel The system, known as ’'Texaco a day reoentty a t t M r ebCtoga at Sherwood Rasmaond mid famUy of Point tyWoqis. that an occasional concert, where Certifled Lubrication,** includes a Bridgi^rt, May 26.— (A P )—^Blrc New Britain, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert the band is mdd for its services, complete line of Texaco oils and at 3:22 a. m. today swept through Whitney and sons Willard and Ver­ 4-year service plan would asrist considerably in defray­ greases speriaUy developed for an- a- large frame tenement house at non, of Springfield, Mass., Mrs. Em­ SBPS HttlrO » AMEMCAN ing this expense. The band f e ^ tomohile lubrication, toother with Pembroke and Hsllam flreets, driv ma Leonard, Mrs. Thomas Blake that its wilUngneas to play without a system* o f dbeckiag, employee ^Ing right famines to the atrect, and daiigbtma^the Misses Jime and Moscow, Ktoy 26.—(A P )~ An­ compensation at other times should tra ilin g and special e ^ p ment. causing injury to sn asristant fire, Annetta, at Middletown, Mr. and other Amerelaa wan Mflond for is your mutrantee o f lowest- cost refrigeration influence its choice when special oe- The use o f tke new Texaco CHEK- chief and one other Jreman, and Mrs. William K. Raymond and fami­ cemtributtag to ‘Vott/sUst oonstmef casioDS arise. CBJLRT, prepared with the aesist-. the tenement andfunirii- ly o f Westchester, Mr. and Mrs. W. tion** today whan* the Grder df Umfai To Sponsor Concert ance o f every automobile ibamrfac- ings to tiie extent at $22,000. Brown and daughter Arlene o f was awardad to L. Swa4Jtofl, a De­ At last night’s meeting, the CSiam- turer in the Industty. imfures com­ A delay o f several minutes in giv­ troit. sflgbiear who ..arigned the her members voted to sponatv the Rockville, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mor- p ete and scientifically correct lubri­ ing the alarm, caused by a man riU o f Manchester and Roland T if­ Stalingrad and Kha^mu traetor hand concerts and the president was cation for tbe entire ebajele and whose inability to open a fire alarm fany o f Windsor. idants. authorized to itypoint a committee motor o f every American-ouflt pas­ box at the comer where the fire ras name appeased op a Hat of 41 to make arrangemente, the commit­ Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Coatas of senger car. occurred, gave tbe flamee unuanal Bridgeport, and their son Ynnflrid workers, one « fham a rionan, who tee being limited to an expenditure wrie decorated for,oirtataadtac wwk beaKhrsy most o f the fire-fight­ Coates and famfly were visitors at o f |20, TU s committee hae not yet ing iqipamtue of the eeet elde wae at the Kharkov fwtory. The plaat been amwinted and the Salvation BRdERS SUSPEND tbe boma o f Mr. and Ytyp, Ames W. itself, recetyad" aa a p ^ lo r ex- Anny Band has not yet been an* needed in -the battle .of more than Sisson, to Hopevale, on Sunday. en hour aad one belf to control tbe U¥ IpIII IHIw proacbed eo it ie poeeiUe tbst the Charles Jehason of Manchester was out 100 ttaeteoa ri ' dtffereocee may be ironed out before Hew Yorit. May 20,—(AP)— Unxe. also a visitor at the Slso&t home Mr. SwadJiafl's ribftloB was ” for tbe middle of June, when tbe eon- T.—iUny commodity exehsngss here One fireman, overcome by smoke, Saturday and Sunday. axdurive. onargy -kr psflJaottnaL' ia d certe are eebeduled to btyJO, were nottfled today that tbe-firm of waa^ traated at tbe aeene aad re- Elder Oscar Snipes o f New Lon­ "Tag^drii.^______Tbe membere aleo voted in favor Hornby, Hemriiyyk of Liverpool euiaed the fight, while Aeiletaat don win officiate at the Hopevals A t present h« is cM if eoflialtffsrsp- of a half-day outing tUs year fii- had snqMnded ptymsnta. Fire Chief Arthur T. Platt, in Seventh Day Adventtet jervlees Sat­ gtoeer o f a H g amler yfamt pro­ etead of the euetomary aU-day out­ Tbe sewntary of the New York ebaege of East Side Am fighting urday, at 11 a. fit. Sabbath school ject. ing, bdd in other years on Merw Cotton Exchange read from tbe roe- forces at night, wae stmek by the nr^ll)UBOOSrOfANYUfll«BAT(» chaste Day, the third Wednesday In tmm of that market tUs message BOflile o f a hoee, that rilppod from X IftteflflrdaM pfkp^Ino whatif COM foom tbe firm: the heade o f hoeomen. A deep geah July, The president was authorized CO km p k opetsiuf fteodib dto Tears. to appoint a committee on arrange-^ *7tegrft that altbongb solvent wae fifliefed over Uc rliht'eye. He mente which win indude tbe dt^. fril our duty to sutyend pay<^ r flialned at the . aeene . till the fire RoEiintkdoo to a ismeis fosennse go on Tbe outhm will be held at soN* mSBts,-’’ ihw hrooght under control. attar day, year after ftat^ widioitt care, jdaec in tms vidnlty. Msmbsss of tbs Nsw York CojBse tboflfltt or actaotfofl. Fine S q v » and Sugar iSxdiaage were ^also TWO BDRNEDTO DEATH I T S T H E il Tbe Trade sebod entertained tbe nottfled o f the firm’s deeisioB. Dmieville, N. Y „ Ifay.flO—(A P )— Yonr flMMC iiiraotttflf coafldtratlao fo membere of tbe Chamber royally, Cotton pricss reacted on recript Two children were tanned to death BEST CAS SOLD satoftiflg a taCngeraior tochafltoAsnins starting with a inlendid roast bssf o f tbe flaws, today in a fire that deatroyed meet It represaiiti 70% of jroor fovastffloat. sitypsr, topped OB with strawberry Hbcfltty, HSmslryk aad Co,, Is buriaeee eeettoB in the Liv- If tfto flsadiacitott yoof refti|nK8 tbe meeting afijoumed for a four of mtmetim to oof m>iciia«fwE. ^ canflotriHUft ll^'' -- - tespectioB of the bufldlag. So sue- ceedid aad interestiag was tbs V."' Common ttmtem of tronUa lii.a$btr lafttgir*,' mesOiM that tt Is poadUe tbe visit loR I|$' afofiF tut-ritoriimtad'lo dtoGatiieijal IhcKfo i msy be made s a animal sjfstr. yem cm H uiNi'-dM -T u p n m p wHIi a A U T O TOy PS ' BOomrBff nnnnrs i m : Cflfc AS- Jfew Torit, l i ^ aS -(A P ) —Gov­ ernor PraakllB D* Boossvelt return- A L L . $ t ^ B E L sd to flew Toffc this morning ftom « •oeeaMipIflEaflSi. RATbA vneaiiea spent at fefs oottage at A h Warm riitAHCR i6 :y ■ was mat at tbs Hopr Mnlf flOOML ^ A « nmm h m railroad ststkB ity bis Made-fD- -'1 t ; ■•'.V','

ilANriUBglBK ifiJVBl^ING HBSa LD, SQtilTb llAHCHSjflil^

V - natloa^:|toM8ttm, ^mbre than 700,- New Tork, whiia tbs„daiics lovan would r n t W|i ,§ t t ^ W n . OOfi fommea ivbo are living on MlEDimnHG V of the MeM^dto '/uid patroolae Charity.” Bierdc’o too , tet -tbit d d s ip o p i^ baltouom^.ndgglsd and he would rwftmei to-.n- sqiitmned to their peppjr, eool-eto- mttal to teiUKiy:,- ;Xrs/:Rp«f^' r ^ refraiha. I fu ifa a recoird that New ^yem tlity. /Jl.— lng:is a«ltt pttw ' ^be an ttra of im other colored ostheMra has ever mmig^to” ^-” F * i^ ^ w fo* ler chljdfeh^,'’ ' . ■ ■ j .been a i^ to equal' eight yean, on; 'tf>' giibQf^/to iUOTATIOI Hartford, ' 4 ? , Attcn^i^ OehiiM .Ptotehpr ; H e m itn ^ styled thp Roiadway and in one spot. For two contentfii# dutrauter wltneiies terete jOplered %ng of^ to be held forth' at Connie's Neto- ^ t y s t o ' - t o * t o part of the Inn in Harlem, and he did pack Nassau, -Bahamsr Stoto Vizier ' Wtoi ’ apps(W''at'^f|^ : B «!^ hla brids.'. "“‘"r day, Juna lA fto .ilto W aM Si Haifi Sitter Tdb )e piaoM cip .timistahq‘ 1; i i ^ them in., wonlfig's dujnuw'tt'stae^ ; ■ l",., V •'V,’ There la geqeral realtoatton ttot F l^ IMy. Tte T*oeii8aatkBi#ai .May 29 and May 80, , the fampua has baeu' r c fu f^ ...... ^teal 9rer Too KHms fUtowf: Broadway stars, the Amsttosn apmetl^lig most be done before Cte* Cwrt Her Dn^dor Nmr bom in M ontgos^, Ri;, 68 ' yaiurs leave Itoaeau,- grese ailjctons; that the next "A m o n g our Nattonal bottdiyi^ Beauties Revue, makto its bow at dty, on IPw ground Flag Day stands ant aaiiA'^jniid ago. Her. m ai(^: name was.Fraii- tbs Sandy Beach PavIHmi, and will winter Win be urgent.. ces Victoria Hartrand that .ahe pad quota She axdj^. —Senator Joe - Robinson, of An* unique as the one typiflto the LlMkaBriik. a b ro & r, W- 8. Hhtt, a,movlei star no^douht be w d l recMved to its en­ fityr to n e llaumm Mlimdf whole of the Nktlaaal bab^. The and two iM en, one of b « ' Mstors, tirety as they left an exedjent toip tog their Wedding laipt month Fourth of July is tte jummeeanr c t Mary imen.Hs^.how preeeion last season, with tb d r S u m , Fla. Washington, 26.—(AP) — A The holding corporation and an the Nation's birth. Manioital IMy wonderful dancing and entertato- Bridgfeport, ICsy 26.—(A P)—^ICn. owns pto^erty in Wes^ort» tonapr* Friends of the tta/ra ap­ | 2,8pa,000i000 'Democratic bUl for the ndxup of toter-company relatkm- is aacrad to the memoiy of theae ment features. They come here un­ unemployment relief and revival of who gave their lives ttfit the tia X k d Frances Victoria Bierck, of West* ly the home of her toothbr. She pealed to U. S. 'Semitor Hiram shipa, if allowed to exist at all, said toat htf'mother'died in V^pst- der the personal management of Bmgham for aid. MeMfoline, .Dr. litehistry was laid today beford the ou^t to be brought into broad day- might live. Bfith faith iipdlnimad 8 Stanley H. Wfllia, the lad who has port, sister of William . Hart, tlie port after a residence there o f 20 Nugent, a diiroptaetm’ *b * eetot- Senate wtih the approml of the HghL to the pernmneoee of our eoiintry, ito movie star, declared in angry tones years. iwfiA* il poaaibie to eXhiUt this fa- ant clerk to the City Court, baa .in­ copAtoed Democratt: steering and —^WiBiam Z. Ripley, Harvard safety and aedirity, and w ^ fin today from tiw witness stand she She was married in -1687 to Alltort .inoua group of beauty contest wto- dicated he win return to New Ha­ paUpy committees. ecooomiat. abiding confidence to the aodal nera. They win ^ng, uiey will dance The bill was introduced by Sena­ never bad seen her , on behalf Certainly 120,000,000 free people, to accordance with the etatute, at habeas corpus . proceedinge tive and bad been with the Balti- S c selection of Mr. and Miss P«- of the five Democratic Senators who after 12 years of ex]^ence with the designate Toeaday, the 14t t d brought by the daughter, Mrs. Bea­ timore A Ohio, the Northern Padfle, ■ ■ '■ '////'. 'A'- 'aonallty wOl be conducted at the ckaftoG it. He took issue with Presi- grMtest social expmhnent evw tried June next, as F l^ Day. Iroc over trice Hogewoning, against her ‘^uUp the Long Island for .28 years and for ban room on both nights. doit’ Hoover's objectiana to a bond on such a. large body of people, are a centuryfcand a half, the flag has k ^ ’* husband, Abram Ht^pewonlng, eight years as general comptroller The Flotilla Orchestra of 12 issue for public works, telling the entitled fo be heard directly. been a livtag sywIbtA to ^ttidi In to ^taln custody of the two Hoge­ and vice president of, the Riding pieces wni play for dandng both Senate “there is no merit in the —A>Ito J . Raskob, chaiTman, Dem­ these days of strieaa aiU strain we woning children. Raihbad. Sunday *"d Monday eventoss in Preatdent’a criticism . that public ocratic Naitkma] Committee. must dedicate ourselvea anew in Mrs. Rerck, who had custody of emmection with the Wg Beauty Re­ works provide but transitory em­ confident hope of peace, plenty, attd the children when Hogewoning is vue. ^ ■»' . F«r the poor ahaO aera ployment, surely transitory employ­ Girls who wear nuurnish tdothes contentment. a ll^ ^ to have abducted them from 17 WWRSilA WPJJCTl ef the land: thceefpr r 1 ment is better than none. to imitation, of Garbo andvDietrich " ‘One flag, one land, under the leadership of Sas«. nesses for Mrs. Hogewoning. conseicufive years Henderson’s boys said to unison as firemen wearing Nyan, vdio sorrendered last Deema- To can WKaesses. casualties were sustained by the g!gg niAnioi crept to to tom the thing States, died.today qL bto home here. Labor there are to 123 cities, hold­ ing” on Us associates at a recent tdew their saxes and tooted thdr ing less than one-third of the liquor conspiracy triaL her. Attorney Silverstone said that he guasdia. horns at the Roseland Ballroom, off. He was a native of England

• * t t / i d d


V t. t

'H E N Nathan Hale on the scafFold u tt ^ ^ those brave words, what was , / ; the ebadition of the country? 'fr It had entered upoin a life and death struggle for Memorial Day—'A h a f^ wed&ttidfiddle A FEW OF THE MANY long summer days wffl soon be Ittro'-diinty PATRIOTIC SHRINES 'dilklten. — pfrewnfin i its independence. Before that struggle was over, IN SOCONYLAND la Ttmori. bedtimfcCjwmtryjClobGinggFA|dgigeajii^ its soldiers were ^barefoot and almbst naked.” Its ☆ for thia the touch diatfs needed to briiditea eyes, Visit them on Mem&riaLD^ atriugfaea drooping figures, ai>d bring mirilea currency was so d^perately inflated that a pair of ☆ to every £ace. Ilfa one thing on your ahoppibg list diat the whole hunily geta« *1dd^ oat ofi shoes, cost I ICO, a bushel of corn ^ pound Bunker HiU . . .CksHwttum, klm. TUa window Pi^rimMnrnMm^tFrnnimeftnimMsSM. ■ '■ '!-Ooiuwr' famemUHnU. : s : : Butmt Mnst, it'a ahivays on faand vditt yon want iL V a of tea I90, a biarrel of flour $i;575. ☆ There Memnrinl Hntt : s D*wfi*Ut Msst, PfymwOb Rtek s ; Pfymmtb, Mnst, ^can bay so refredbiA& ap 4dicioMa,:ab.gioad» were inany ^wise” people who predicted that CuunrdBridgi : ; : 'as imre qiailding CoonlrylCInb Gcdaea or BmUUMnmnmtnt ; N> Y» Pale Dry Gingtt Ale. the bankrupt colonies would never win. History WasBiagItnrsBdg*. NcwfcwgA N. Y, This is Country Club Wade fiw tboomiiida. PortNingnmi . Ymmgttmnth S. Y. w** Jrut a case ot < has forgotten the names of those wise people. PtrtTiemdengn.TitnmUmgt, S, Y, ing list. Gntnft Tmnk .: s s • Nfiv Ym^CHf Sebmykr Mnumm « s AAnny, N. Y, ☆ But historyNathan Hale and Battl^UU, : : : : s SenOtgn, N. Y. even EtbnmAJUmStntnni Mm^nUtTfVt, George V^ash-iiif^toi^n 'and John Adams and Bnttl^ieU t t . a BnuuagWn, Vt, QU CmUOntim Hwttt. Wmdwr, FA Benjamin and the others who never WeksWPsBirtl^kwn. Pmnklkt, N. B. i^atunng Qxy\m Stnri Pnri m • Atowfoifcr, M A 5> ceased to battik to hope. ☆ Let us honor Jbri CtenritariM : N. A !.•> .« . 1. t I PnrtUyiU l i i i PwOnmltMnimn jc.N.iTMAi\-^ALL ■ their memocy iPli Memorial Day. Let us motot Pnrt Wtstwm s e s . Amgukh Maim .Whctt you order yoto' hoBday cate of Coimtty ChAIMig*' t tbmxMMmtkmix T IiM riia, AUdw tto a fotter flavort. There ere TnanoaE, TJm<--- -• « -----i- BUck Mwfttim « s POmwA, Makw Chocplate, Root Beer, Serpeperille end a ,d to the sp6tS| vwhich their made sacred. GwffGntmttHmw ,Ctmmtfy,X» L Totfll betuipriaed at die variety. AH aie aui^ fiolBLake;! RtgwWaUamsSpriag ; PrmUtmm meiit triioletoaae and cliofccri- iaded ^ Baoney can «hoy> Coantry Chd> bpvaitaflto Wat: Let us renew pur courage by the memory of OUStntnOmsn t c . Snspmrt, R. L only taate good -- they ateii iraOaaBMiesBmw.OmmarhCmm their struggle, so much more 'desperate than ours OUSSmnBmw a ,Gai(fwACmm Pntmm Pw i i i . ' Grrmhkk, Gnha littwi to Win Shtrplae and hit Ofiigw WsA wwA AAtmmm z : : Unrtfwd Boyt, WBZ.WB^; . can: ever be. -Lotvos be worthy of thp codntjy . r . \ 2 3 ,0 0 0 o' Moo. & 1 5 P. M. - Wed. Ajo,lP.M .; , Socofqr' dwiars thtooghoW for which they gave tiieir all. New Yott end New Ea^and ere Country Olnb leadStonffbkwyaecikeaadicpd WDRC - laetdey gdoUfJ’lSL. act your car med^iodndiag SMoop ‘ 7 GaaoIiiMiSocociyEttylGaacRMaiBd the New MobUoO—dtoiaeetpre* acts thst ffloaey cea makaor bofi .N,'.

‘ A

GtNGLltdfiil 'V v ^ v '- >i' i i -V » -v.'Vv .ta. ■ i’J. .i'w •K> .Pf’ J." c&A^^Td^Tm — ■ " A- vV.4 ■ H I*.- > -..VfJ \’A r ) •i'S.-.' 3:.;v; ; >i .si-"' 3 m 'k 'T 'V ‘ V K-' «> fV •:vr^ 4. '■ f ' ' \ % 4 .'

4 ' PAOB MAN0BB8TBR >, BocTB MANOBaarfea^owM., tn cB sp A S .iay' m H itee

•I 1Mb aaaltmg John BartiyMiB. hi btoont duooiA never deaa a tap if-B oik to ^ Ufa ir.. . Thai tlfde 4)iw>tten Mtui"l. Tht Utaat BNBh nmws la that hi or aamad bla ttvlBg fbr a mlnuU may )olB with a group of vdtm dryi, •V <) rUBUiUlib VI .^ f.. la any ether eipaolty than that of *^BSBALD PlUirnNO oom pani. in a eroB to tb i «itaBt of itaglBg a bolt a pnfeaaloaal prohlbltlob agitator. u II n m u T teatb MMObMtOT, Oobb. from tb i parly, te bttUr oppoiltloa Mra. Sabin did the wltoh doctor THOMAB rSHUUlKIN to Bay mditinlng of tbi IN I poal- too much h e ^ by npeetlBg him *r OMtrBJ liBBBBM tioD of tbi RipublloBB BBttoBil plat- to underatan^ tb i quality or avan . . . ,'s ., PooaBM Ootobtl li INI foraa thf nature of her rabuka «' PdbUibN Bv«nr avsBlBi^ ■SMBt „ ^'lundari and Belldaya. ItotarM aBt ti« TMtirday Biaater Bingham, la , o * A Peat Offlea at Beuta MBBObaatw. dibati OB bli amoadmoat to tbi •VBAL D u v o u y * Oenn., aa B^oead OlM Hall Matter. • I.. BUBBORlPTim lU TM tax bill propoiiiig a tax oa 1.76 pit All that the HofstadsijHofatadipOo OommlttsA One Sear, bs mail ...... ••IM f ooat biw, Biadi a eoaipliti amakiy hearing needed yesterday, when *^Per Month, by nutU •.••k.**..*.! >11 ’ OOPtBB a e a a a • • bMB •• • • • • bbS i8l of tbi ailgbty Borah, who took tbi Mayor; Wallm was on the stand, DelIvered, one rear ...... lA O l floor to quBib tbi Oonaiottout maa was aa prohestra and the .lUtlaf MBMPBR OP THA ABSOaUTSD but mtt a Torltabli Darld aad was strains of T r a DIavolq*' as an obli­ PllIIBB The Aaaeolated Irena la eielaalaair tboreugbly boatoa. gato to the pat and trenohent Unhs eatltled to the oae for repablloatloa of Mayor Jlsuay. Ferhaps a berlM of all newa diapatabea eredtted to It Now Borah la not tbua to b i boat- or not o tb ^ le e eredited la tbia boned steeple hat, a sash with- a long taper and alao tha loeal newa aab* whin hi la at bli baat or any- »ll flahed herein. whoTi BMtr hla bMt Ha oaanot bi knife stuck through It as trimmings All rtpbta et rapablloattoB at to Jimmy’s Broadway oostume apeolai dlapatebea berola Bre alao re> fluatiTid and b i cannot b i lift aerreA apMOblaaa with an empty grin on might have added aa artlstlQ If Publiaher’a RearoaeautlToi The Wa fiaoi, when hla heart la In hla somewhat suptrfluous touch, but' Juiiua Matheva Bpeetal Arener-«Neee the soene did rs4lly need the Tork. Chieapo, Detroit and Boatea. oauae. proper musical' aeoompanlmeat to Wberafore the old queatlon again Pull aerriee elleat et N ■ A Bar- the bandit-hero worship of the audi­ REM EM BER - - yloe, lag ______popa up, "Za Borah plneere la tbla ence. It cheere<^ Jlinmy and When you oompare Norge Alaska model with ottsr Member Andit Boreaa of OIroaU* diyneaa, ao auddenly/become mill' refrigerators that (l) It baa the same freeriag unit tlona taatr” From the exhlbltloa Blag booed Judge Seabu^ with all tha as the LABCW9T Norge refrigerator (iTAotnal fervor of a chorus of villagers ren­ The Berald Prlntlna Gompanp. ino.. bam made of him It la reaaoneble to food storage epabe is 4.8 euUo teet (8) Only t mov­ aaaumea no flnaaolaJ reapeaalDllltr dering homage to its favorite outlaw ing parte in the exclusive Rollator oompreMcO' (4) for typosraphloal etrora appeartna la wnolude that there la considerable adverMaementa la the Haneheater and rasslng tbe notary. mrranged if de- Bvenina BeralA doubt about It end (6 ) This la the deUvered-to-ybur-home Jimmy admitted—more correctly price! THURSDAY, MAY 26. he proudly announced—that through A COMMON EBBOB a broker’s account for which he put The back-to-the-fsrm Idea meets, SWEATSHOPS up not a nickel he cleaned up almost r ■. State Labor Commissioner Tone at every turn, the following argu­ a quarter of a million dollars in two I.- . having diaoovered that there are ment, in this case embodied in a years of his mayoralty; and the NORGE d" many scorea of aweatabops In Con­ letter written by a New York state crowd was as delighted with what necticut employing hundr^ of woman farmer to the New York it heard as though it had been workers at extremely'low wages. Times: banded the money itself. Governor Cross la of the opinion that One reads everywhere that the “At-a-boy, Jimmy!" was the bur­ solution of the coming winter’s $ 1 3 9 - 5 0 “something will haVe to be done' unemplojrment is to get this job­ den of the song of that part of New about i t less army onto the land, where it York’s populace that managed^ to It would' be interesting to knpw will be partly self supporting. jam itself into the committee DELIVERED There are probably enough aban­ ju st w h a t doned farms in America to take room. BURMA PROMISED So far as shown the Connecticut every slnglr unemployment vic­ Of course there were many, many sweatshops conform to the law. To tim, bis wile and offspring; but in times as many New Yorkers outside H U O H f ^ M W K E tbe name of mercy and common V M u i k M b C w t the committee room as inside it QUICKACTIONFOR 'W Anm . be sure there Is no great amount sense. let us hope that such a o f lav/—^merely statutory provlsious hegira will not come to pass. But tbe folks who got into the room for cleanliness, proper ventilation If farmoi's brought up on the were the kind who get into the BREAICWITHINDIA land make such a mess of things offices, into *the politics, into the and so forth in such tenement house as is happening today in our cir­ HSSSEBEKiSiE BUT A POPPY—Honor tbe Dead—by Helping the Uvtag. quarters as are used in the manufac­ cles, then the largely city bred conduct of affairs; who establish the Rangoon— (AP)—^If ^^m a votes next fall to separate from India and. ture of the kind of commodities imemployed, no matter bow dili­ standards and the morale of the to become an autonomous state un­ gent, rimply would lose double d ty . gT E u ^ G , BBYING, PTBBLESS ^is heated far above this point, it is they make in sweatshops. There 4X)08ING TEMFEBATUBE hardened and shriveled end its di­ der the British crown, tbe govern­ the doles it takes to suppor1«them ’The rest, because they are a lot of ♦ ■ - are no proper regulations as to the in your cruel breadlines. gestibility proportionately lessened. ment expects to have Burma’s ntyr number of employee per cubic air fish, don’t count Stewing meat differs from boiling Heat applied to dry starchy food constitution ready by April. 1, 1984. The trouble with this view, almost in that it permits the juices to pass will convert it into a soluble form This declaration is made by (3ov* content, as In the New York kfW; universally held by tbe farmers of into the water, and, since the jmces of dextrin, and when applied to wet emor.McInnes, who added that if not, as there very well might be, the country, is that it enormously and eaten with the meat, none of the starch cauMs it to swell and burst tbe people of Burma decided ty natrition is lost. The best tempera­ the cellulose coverings Which sur­ >JC^ATBaNS BROTHERS, any absolute prohibition of the underestimates tbe ability of not flV NEW YORK secede from India, the British pari^ Inc. ture for eteiring meat raimes from round the starch granules eo that llament would templets tbe necM- \ r carrying on of numufhoturing enter- only thousands but millions of city 140 to .170 degreM Fahr. It is bMt tbe digestive juices of tbe saliva and { prises, employing other than mem sary legUlatlott Ity the summer of dwellers to take care of themselves to allow tbe pan to simmer maly in­ pancreas may more readily pene- 1983. ben of the owner’s family, in any Shadows Behind Spotlights stead of boU. Very Ifttle water trete. Even this proe— of break­ Funeral D irectors on thO land, b o c a ^ it overlooks the should be uMd in stewing, and tbe ’Ibis would' enable tbe electionfc , tenement bouse. New York, May 26.—AU-too-true ing down eellulOM may occur at to the legislature under tbe new ESTABLISHED 57 YEARS other fact that these thousands and true stories . . . Stay-at-home bue-^ saucepan ebould be dosely covered temperature points below the boil­ But even if we adopt such laws "You must avoid too high temiiper- ing. 190 degrees Febr. to sufficient constitution to be held in Novem­ alllionB are quite fresh from the bands usually become mythical fig ber, 1988, and make possible sep­ it is extremely doubeful if we shall, atc^ if you wteb to»obItem tbe best to break down any starchy struc­ CHAPEL AT 11 OAK ST. rO-.until reeentiy weis) iirss in a Broadway world that a) food flevt ThV,vteod may be cut ture. aration from India by April 1, 1984, get very far in raising the standardh, 4 'maintain tlwMselvM^ Iowa a mocking s p ^ g b t to attain into small Meeee to reduce the cook- Fate are 1— affected by beat than Although many Burin— hdvb ItbilWt K« Anderiion Pfac^rOANllti of the sweatshop worken. iittdev much greatN dUBoultles than Ing time, Tbls'ls quite adaptable to tbe proteins and etarcbes, but it to fought against Burma’s cutting its FnnsnU Director bypmitic powers. Thousands have mooring to the Indian empire^, Residflbet 7494 'The whole question, when all la any Amndcan farmer now alive been drawn to it, miataking this the cheaper cute of meat, and al- true that, when they are subjected waya seeulte/in.a good flavor to tbe to an excessively high degree of asserting that England wtohea to said and done, flgures down to a ever imaglped. By far tbe greatly Impersonal light ter tha moon. - Th$o ttsre airs othsrs, alreanoe Over tto floa^ ptoyed getttag demmwtiaWy madder Wbat tha eonaervatlire.Wotkttj ; of tbe sweatshops is a fruit of un* Tbo old ann ebair to front of ttn to thaoouatty are thtobtogof I telfo into oonoldorntlon Me brttglng eaoiott to wonder over m o o ,, , be eeeked to Iom time tten meat (Wbat MahM Fccpic Bitypyf) sad even ah offlrial apohasniaa of dosed doors, to their maritog employmest, It is made pesstMO by op. It may be remembered ttet Time and again, I'vo seen Mno< FrlN .flih if'th e hardest te dlgoet; Queettoai Jmtm B. writec: ••tbere flroplaco to about tto boot moans of tte ooneervative Amerioaa. Fedent- eoenonflo distress, It is p ot«* Bott in plaooa wbore tto spot* flsb oookod to tto ekto to moot oaalty to sometttog ttat ccte m eto tttok- travel ttoro to. after all. You never tton of Labor wamtog of ravrit If aad to e re rr ona of tt— OOlvla siiUd tto vromon, 'liko tto digffted get Mselck, ttere ere no peeeport balto there to a very good . tialissd by O s fast that tbe people Ufht plays nlmott always with ing and X weifld Ukc to k s ^ your ttere to no federal e ^ It to natural drunka^ wtwm ttelr program wit} lie of the show world. ' Bffbot of Tomporataro optolon about Wbat olfftoultiM and the expenM to neg­ ttat they should et least make a few tetfon of Midlers to tbo tote war,'I wbo work in tte sweatebops oan preduoe, would teko p m Mm off tto About tto time tto pondlag dl- Te ooek property it to necessary people happy? Is it health?" ligible. they fed to o n Utteriy about it t t ia / get no otter jobs. They take wbat to hav# a elear unamitaadtog of tte Answer, y m , health to one of tte flo, If you're an erm-obelr trav­ tte rest of tto aNmbera, Xh | 7. •yoe of tto doad ter tto eako of voreo boeamo puMlo property, I eler, you^ be fled to leem about TUttoUt trytog to eettnate tto etatee, to reeeat weeks, X hare ad­ they OM gN in preference to bi^pened to sm bar at a gay effeete of heat on various foods. For things ttat, makM pecyle happy. rigaUtoaiioe of tto aonouncod tmpo* lairin g booM," opening at Weodmaaeton Inn In tosteaoe,' vegetable and animel pro- Otter tMngi are eacesM, aohtove- "Ten Tlioueeud Ls m u m Over the tienM of tte A. F, o f L., oae mty dressed aad teas of thduoNdo Btarving or going on tbe d ^ , Of eouTN, wbon you aaalyM that tetoe kfe e o ^ ^ te d at a tempers- nient, and love, but It to dlffloult to " ty William. Albert Robinson. of hungry b— and wo—BWhn — fit tte compaay ot a well known Mr. Robinson to young numan wbo eey that it mdriy ekoolied aome ,Oovemor Orem is no mere d^« aontonoo it doesn't mean very much; judge. The plaoe was paoksd tore .of<.l7fi rase Febr., ter be­ reallM htyptt— through any of gaots here wbo aaouaad ttaCorgan- to know why tbla owdltlda la dUniP' low tte'bO l^agpotot which to 212 tb— urn— lone also ‘ enjoys good found bimMlf with $5,000$6,000 to naire.. ed to gb on. tressed than the rmt of us about (b§ but its intention to bodaoulting and Witt Broadway’s oelebrities ap­ (Thto, ity tbe way, w m soma ttrM — d tabor’s pottoooe. ww taexbeuet- plauding Rum Colombo’s bend. dsfrfMFahr,'Fehri'Wtteu a piece of m«*t heeltt. iUe. "As ter aa X ala intrusion of the sweat-boM into Con* defamato^ is obvious enough. At years ego.) flo, for $2,000, be bought • • « nalty 1 amaoit- And eMee ttty were ttildren of e S2-foot keteb-rigi^ yeebt, end be neetieut industry, lie seems to have all evmte it filled Mrs. Oherlee the epottfht, the dreumetance Voteee< Revolt Feared. moro before thiol ^ litMe naore idea than the rest of us ter, all save tt— who day. A vote on It wlU be taken to put the rMt aside ter travellM on* rdtof. w» ton,-|ay»/i,_ • a ^ national chairmen of the wee not finueual. . . pen— , end he Mt out to 4 * the Ed MbOriUtyk wb» bee b— legiO' end wbat to do about i t We bavS not Itiof. (dally ItopertenCc 1988 when the Gtoaerel A— mbty tatlvo agent tor tte tederattoo on tienoo wo ofllht lot woiBien'e orgaalaarion, with amese- But to eertato^ ptentoeot Now convenes to Pittsburgh to oelebrate world. ^ other feltaty baa— it dal seen him quoted as recommsBdiag A Broadway fliddlgbt First be eelled to Bermuda. Then, Cepito]il Hill for yearw, and Usually ment that a "gantlemaa'' should eb Then there wee ttet eftameen Ymk c^bth you might, have ob- the 76th eaalversary of the church. hiring a Bermudan to set as .orew, eote as ei Its spokeOmen at oougree- dble for what or even considering a minimum •ciwod telir ^typical nottcrc. - They Next year the Preeltyterian CBurob beca— aomotttoff-1 exproM Mmeelf. Mra. Sebiu’s ex- lest wMk when tbe lest of 'tto he dropped down to Panama. Thence- atonal hearing*, aotoalty told tte Le- pen." wage law. If there is any otter perlenee with the Oolvla brand obvi­ red hot mammee sat In her betel •at at tttototoir wheeto; they darn­ o f the U. fl„ alM will ballot on the be ariled to Oelepagoe, where bO Fritatte-Ooengen eub-Obtomlttoe way of prevantlng employers from suite going over some new torch ed eooki to Wtodows; they set at proposal. found huge Uzerds that n e t at him, that if Congr— afljmiriiad etm ously Is teo limited or she would ttelr tetttog-wMte^halred end pa^ng wages that are not even aa numbers. A knock came at tte The Rev. Cbertoe C. Ctolend, pas­ and where be cetigbt a honey bear ianertog the unemployed ha. person- never thought of Unking that person door end tbere stood two police­ graydtolred, Mttemed after the tor of the fleoend Preebytortan ter a pet. eby, would ’Vk) abNtog to ri— the apology for real wages, when they and tts word "gentlemaa.'' men, holding a nwst bedraggled, porteaite ^ old-feehloned mothera ehurob of Philadelphia, was elooted Then he sailed ter Tahiti. Hto doers of revolt IftMllarte.? A oiore Equity found ' them, , . are the kind of employers wbo will OolvlB was bom la Ohio and had frightened end hungryy look!ling moderator last alittt, doteaU ^Dr. crew left hiiu u d he hired a Ta^ Thero Is no great fiiiar here ot a pay tlmt kind of wages, we do not Four nhariicter aotreaeoa who O. E. Baltt, of Loe -AniNtof, for the blUan (male) to trite hie place. Ha vtolmt revohtttoni kdt t— o to touch greet nfiefortime. Hie parate It eeemed that they bad found hadn’t hadjekq for asoatt on cad, office. Dr. caelond hae b— secre­ loafed about the flouth flea Islands I— of a veterri naait Memorial'd— fityto know wbat it is. Neither, we fed MBit Mm to a very oUriofM plaee to Mm about to leap from tha new 4 AQjWttNatetiiraaflto awttohf tary of tte Board of Fordgn Mii- fee a long ttyM, findlng->«npng Otlw Moorady to » toM 4M «tdr tatritt- et tte Oaoter ' ^ e , does the governor. obtain hie preparation tor Ufa Tbere Ceerge Washington bridge into an of thorn aottors eloae for 80 years. er odd eheractere—a bearaed old Ugent frilew, erdiadilty 8 ordodi^ D, fl« tte Hudseni. . . l i e had eeld he •noh riedvod |X0 reprobate who lived on a lonSty to uttoranoe, who haa-tlm' ifOPoetJof la in Harrlmen, Tenn., an inetltotion ' work. The Rev. JemM A. McDonald, of island, all ty himself except for a cemetriYat BOBAB’S “SmCEEirY” knew flophle Tucker. . . Youngetown. O., altemete for tbe moat member* of^ Oaqgii— aa well poat Mim that itself the Ametloan Uni- fld there he wee, Inoongruoudy IT flWA^. harem of. two dozen South Sea fo r a good many years after Sen­ late Mbderator, Dr. J. Knox Mont- maidens. ae ttoae toteiMitNtto^Nw Ha ts cha^-aad.^ varsity—in bis "Who's Who’!’ sketdi propped in an open doorw^, say* goinety. opened the sessions. an- ex^ridler.. H i i— fifty return­ ator Borah came upon tbe scene out m Then Mr. ROMneon sailed for tha' ed ftoto 0 tour t t i .o m tty , re­ critytofl out Oolvln It the "Amerioan Tam- m g :/T o n remember,, MI ‘ruoker, Fonowtog the e le e t ^ Btohop Indian ocean, slipped up thh Reff al of the sheep ranges of Idaho there wrance Univerelty''—where they sbodt six yean ago 1 had a hoUM Edwin HOtt RughM of the Cblcago Sea, got teptured by pintee thrM. porting growing tyariitto— xtoong A was never any question about his te tto ooimtiy .about a Uook away area of the Mettodtot BpUioo^ huBgty men end . train the sons of ignonmt oraoker from you. < times, pasMd through the MedHN*; , unusual ability but a vary great deal ehurob. MidKe, deoiartog 'everythkig canean, and finally made his wity; and middle west parents tts pro­ •epht* rdmmbered.. 'The oopa coneldered, tte ohurph is doing quite honM via the Atlantic. Leaders.L— I about his ainoerlty. ^ that man fession of fundementallet .hdUneee eama Ja. They ell eat down and Well to the jureeaii flnendal condi- He has written , a gorgeous bqeki "The toed— o f ] Borah is slnoere he’s a great,states- heard hfa iid y . Be wee up against tiSM.” too— t to ttto and prohibition job bedding.'''That's te. W ^ what did he P0.4 ^ y 26,-(4p)- about it all. It to ettongty reteto- man,” was the qualified opinion ex- where Oolvln got hie knosriedge Dr. Olittuul today was to dellvfr mended to all arm-chair voyagere, j of want to do? . . . Be bad alweys the memorial addrfoe with a report Tbe.'book .to pinliehed ty Brewer; I pressed thousands Of times tlufough- mankind and mankind’s dvillsa* thought of having ah ice nnitc In of the tbth. amMvewary committee Wetten and f^Rdam, Inc., and ooiete tte t d d ndt^ttorhoedi . . Sophie I out the countty. b more r e ^ t Njcwu' ^ also to be given. $SJSI0. yean hmdi lees'^ hds' been 'hiasd Manij^Mni an loe wagon and he’s Atl—mMy today. Wlbin he emerged tern the . Ugh in burin— at tMemom en t. . " on a ptypuNl Borah Culturalmaohinety Cd J ' \ ^ i • \_ * ^ '..••'**►* ». . •• v/,-.vs- : :^;■ ■ • MANCHfiSTBR EVENIKG HSRALD, SOXiTH tH tJ R S b ^ , MA '^J^'r-'-

! » ■ . • i CmUlREN OF NARY 'I '’?*?*?;/-'- Ir il i S t n SPONSOR Manchester s SHOOID BE m ^^MMielth. Tha (tail# m , IN SNAPPY MINKIREL - — of the Date Book nijr t t ^ DENTAL HYGIENE TDUFEINSCBOOU Sydeny. N. M.' W .^(A?)— An be ' * OeimMl Over 700 See Fine Show At Itelian immlgrraL Jiranssaed wttb ! *lBy8, Refreshnifiii^aB d Xhuic- C tillE Tom orrow High 9^ool Last Night— a liorse, Is looking after the plough­ iog To Be On ^ognun; To­ vaa g i i l Friday.-Mi^ S7^EntertalnnM|it ing on a fhtm just dbt of town •hetf 1 the Pr^grraiB. morrow Evening. j ______iif*'?.,' at Crater church by young people’s Tnde School Execsthre Ad­ while his partnra holds the reins On ^ jMn jtohtag na Edncational Members Vote ra d om ekb Btoihwh groups. An appredative gathering of A varicKi program at ratertain- in any maefilKeecnMi cani] Mhhaaaf RJtBa" '.if the Now rest of a youth who claims to be The other ^ay, “Three Pills in a we dUnovervdiat youth is best qual­ “Matrimony,” Muriel WllUama; Tsarevitch Alexis, heir to the Rus­ Mrs. James Irvine, treasurer; Miss Ej-jvard Conference Luther League Bottle’.', directed by Mias Nettie Anna McGuire’s term as secretary ified to do and give him the train­ song, “My Mom,” James Brera; sian throna oriio is wandering at Swedish u 4*hei'an church. ing to do it with the result that the Gypsy dance, Gertrudie Gardner; Miller, IS a favorite for amateur continues during tne coming 3^ear. through vlltegw of south’ Russia production and is by the pen of A revision of the constitution of youth la better off to himself and to comic song, “Rhymes,” L. Brera calling upon paaraats to “throw off the communl^. Vocational guid­ and M. Cordera; Finale, “Spring is Rachel Lyman Field. Billy Waldron the club was made, and adopted. the yoke of Boilahevism.” has perhaps the heaviest part. The Under the new constitution, the fol CENTER SPRINGS PARK ance is a part of the conditlra nec­ Here A |^” and “Good Night Reports from Minsk say he is Sweetheart” by ratire chorus. others will be played b y Bernice •> lowing comnalttee chairmen were essary to make a community eco­ traveling with an “entourage” and nomically sound.” Livingston, Herbert OUqmhi Mary elected: Mrs. William Thomas demaadtog the restoration of the Alice Andrews, Catherine Wilson, . Sm j^, child welfare; Miss Catha­ GREATLY IMPROVED “It is the aim of the atate trade m onarchy. eehobla to produce good dtizens, Clifford Braitbwaite, Jean Wood- rine McGuire, program; Miss Hul- DAWES HAY APPROVE niff, Dorothy Belknap. Piano music dah Butler, press; Miss Elizabeth who wtU be eelf-supportlag in the Work Emergfincy Employra«it iirait of an tnduetrial trade. A1 will be furnished by Mias'Mildred Krapowicz, membership and Mra Sutherland and Miss Lucble Brown. » Fred Carpenter, Christmas seals. GroQp Did Show To Best Ad Sougb they have not auccaeded, all GARNER RELIEF PLAN ST. M A R H GIRLS PLAN worrawUle aohoqie are making, an Miss Hrira Viertel and Donald d u - The offices of chairmen of the vantage In Snnunei:. low will l>lay the rioJin. and constitution revision attampt to produce good dtisene. tniOffTA TOURC— But when the prime purpose of ed- WEEK ^ IN CANAAN nmtirntmd committee were left vacant to be During the first half of this year Washington* May 28— (AP) —In- considered by the board of directors the Park Department has made ucatira ia training for life why many changes in Crater Springs should the schools give experlencee dlcatioaji adndaistrktion drdes are GARNER NOT TO RUN for later action. looking with more favor on parts of Miss Hannah Jensan To Be Welfare Work PariE. A park drive has been con ­ that ar§ rot compatible with those to be found in life outside of the the Gamer 33.100,000,000 reuet plan Hostess At Holiday H ouse- During the past year,^considerable structed, a shelter house built fOr AT C m G O PARLEY reached the House today as the welfare work for the children el! skaters, and a large playground schools 7” Ten To Make THp* DBOP la at a ywtmnwt air aaiiM back Voeailonal Tralnliig Speaker began checking over the Washington, May 26.—(AP)— Manchester has been financed by cleared for use of the children living home*"" and trhal yowialf to a pai^ The speaker aald that he was legislative d ^ of his program. Speaker Gainer still has no inten­ the Educational club. The following north of Crater street Deadwood Miss Hannah Jensen, presidrat of gratiflsd to find so many represen The Texas Democrat probably tion at throwing his baf Into the fact .lata aahek* H*a a bowl o f amounts have been expended: < throughout the entire piark system the Girls’ Frira^ society of St tative people Intereated in vocation will defer for a day the Intiranotion prosidratial ring and la on record as (al.i-31100 for food and service to has been removed. l^ o g l^ a Coant with.aalQc and al education. “No educational aya- of the measure in order to go over Mary’s Episcopait church, will he the hoping for a Democratic National t’ Open Air School in the Efighth The work has been done in the yniUn by employees of the Emer­ tam ia worth ansrthlng unless the details with legislative d ra fts ex hostess at Hobday House, Canaan, convention “harmonious in every a bit o f Cndti. DaUejbnal Eacjr to db D istrict gency Employment Association dur­ reepooslble people of the communi­ perts. ^ for the wera-rad and Memorial re sp e ct” (b)—3336 for milk divided among gact. Halj^ yan daM? coonte. liM ing the late winter and early spring. ty are intereated in education. Peo­ Either Acting Chairman Crisp of In three brief letters to Joseph H. the Lincoln, Washington, Hollister I ^ and leave for that place The Shelter was constructed ple engaged in education are in­ the ways and means committee or tomorrow afteraoon. Other mem­ Leib, at South Brad, Ind., all writ­ trj it inntaad of coaialliiiif liaaTyt street schools and the Nathan Hale from lumber given by Cheney ched to drift away from realities, Representative .Rainey, of Illinois, bers who will attend the senior ten since the Gamer rictc^ in the Q u tH iy Kindergarten. Brothers secured by the raxing of after dealing Ivgely In the intangi­ the Democratic leader, will intro­ house party Inolifile Misa Gertruda California, prlnm ry, M r. Ghumer h ai (o)—3300 ft>r food to the Nutri­ the Open Air School near the South ble, and they are toerefore in nee< duce the measure tomormw. Uddon, Mist I1o|^ce Madden. Mies reiterated hla prerioua declarations, tion''Class of the -Nathan Hale Methodist church. Approximately of constructive criticism. I believe Gamer’s proposal to tocmaas Evelyn Tedford, Mis$ Dorothy Rus­ but has added no further statement mchCLoti 31,000 was spent on this project by that a reasonable amount of eheck- from 32,000,000,000 to 33.000.000,000 sell, Miss Hasw and Miss Evelyn respecting bis candidacy. ... XdXrl.463 to the chest cMnlc of the the town, and the new building, con­ taqp up on public employees is valu­ the Reconsimction Corporation’s Robinsra, Miss 'AUee .Mtken, Mias As idvon to the Associated Preaa Memorial hospital. structed of Bolton stone and woo< able, for it is the people who can capital for loans to states and poli­ Edna Cordy, Miss -/Umie Summer­ by Mr. Leib, these letters say: (• )—.3125 for dental extractions with two floors, will be used during tell if things are runn^ right” tical sub-divisions for productive ville* and Miss Irael Maddra. On May 7: ^1 am, of course. in the Ninth District the summer months by Boy an( Mr. Hall paid a tribute to Super- rejects is understood to have met Saturday ihralng, the foUowint ■n (f) —360 for filling of teeth of theGirl Scouts and next winter by the intradrat of Schoola Fred A* ver- Ele approval of Charles G* Dawes, girls from 8 t M uyg will prefrat Nathan Hale Nutrition class. local skaters. planek, saying that Manchester “ia preslaont of the corporation. two short sketohes; Miss Ihtelyn (g) ^26 for( dental work in The park drive, designed for the very fortunate to have a man of his The Texan advocates removal , of and Miss Haz^ Robinson, Mips Alice charge of Mrs. Miner. park system by Architect Desmon< ability at the head of the schools.” restrictions en the corporation In Aitken, Miss Edna Cordy rad Miss (h) —3176 for correction of eyes,toaverses the entire length of the Not Going to Dogs order that it may use its own dis­ D

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DAILY RADIO ?*r’T - x ‘‘ fs ** ■mm THURSDAY, MAY SS (O nfnI uid BM tan Sfssdtrd T lq ^ • v^- Presnune raiUMt to eiiuico. P. M< UMfUctit ttoio on* aoor latMD - i. rTOFigil •r^fw-teuteBid PowurrAiN^ 'fladi aoolatlim dadBNa .iBndeiids . cn ooa^ iB t Tk0 49*09ta*^* Pnm) Cant. mon^ and peeferrod atoNB. 6:46—irtE-Merteii Downay oaat At Last Miiite Gsoeral NBC*WSAP NETWORK 6i0l — 7M —The Cnib—niMo; Organ. Boatoh-rHeer BoMiad maaufto- ' ^tUtl^J^^^^^traiit turars,- aeocMtog te New BuMaad < BASIC—CMti vM V ^ IL kT ^ L S S 8:16— 7RO-4ijrnMn Oreh.—Baald; Mu* viw wtas "tLTi aiear Album — Olxla: Cummmaf Anid Was Munsd For Council pop, stand T to 1 to lavur WMO woi# wtMm win wiai; lyeweeu Olron.-^ait o f the manufseturara* aalea tax. wiiisd lid woe*ifho wow woof 6B0- 7B0-Mdta Smith—Bute n o r t h WEST A CANADiy i - WfflJ Fan Blvwr Miaa>-rChariee Kade, wUm kotp. wabe w d u ktrr ek»w « w 6HS—. yflO—Angale Patrl— eoaatt War IKiuder Post Ghss6& SOUTH — nra wptt irwno ^1# ^Sxetltorm Sila^.rizb Worcester, daotod tessldant of the wme wApI 7B ^ SXB-ColumbbhP-o to a _sv. wOS- WBiiii #lod arab aram Stl^MHto Brothara Maatedmaatta RefciM ^ Qroeera and w jto wamb kroo wky wfaa kpco Provision DaeleiiL . aroal ktba.ktba 7B 0— Sin — Leva Drama — Baatc: MOUNTAIN^^ M Fu .nybenere—Mxla; Hamp'a Orch. Tokyo, May 26.—(A P)—Japan’s BoBton»Detectlvaa aaareb Metip-; Tha Dewey-BltemBB. PACIFIC C O A S T ;^ —want ndUtaiy policy in Manchuria was poUtan .dlatrlot fo r Harry "Rtp^: la- Showing a fine kbgkpo kaca kas kjrlcca kfad ttar k f« SXB— 8X)0- 4 hllkrat*a Orch.—o to a different ateps 8|ig» sHo-FiMt Fralght-Alao OUto more 0rm>'’ -entrenched than ever Fleisher, member of the ttotrolt Cant. Kaat. 8:30— 8if0—Arthur Jarratt—o to c "Purpla Gang," to conneetton with making of fine ^ 1KI0— 8:— SXX^Homa Cieoratloiw — Abo to operate automobile races at the continual *u8e waa very annoytok EA ST A lO CANADIAN ~ wng wph aontb A araat afternoon In the presence of Em­ wibw whac wlba wfaa woro etrb okao 8:10— 3:16—Navy Band—Abo waat Roemngham speedway June 26 and and like other forma o f fenses graw , D IX IE — w8at wfaa wbro wbt wdod SX)0— 4X10—Marimba Band peror Hiorato. July 3. Both dates are Sunday. Improvementa have been made. H a knox kira wrao wlao wdan wtoe krto 3:30— 4b 0 — Singing Lady — oaat A The post of foreign minister was Swampsoott, Maas.—Ralph A. present day Ful*vue hi-tocals rep*-' wrr ktrb ktsa waoo kfjf wqain wdbo ooaat: O b Pappy—mldwaat oidy left vacant to the new Cabinet list, wdao whig whaa wtar wdhj wflw wwja 3:40— 4H6—Orphan Annie—aaat only Wheeler, Worcester, eleetM high resent the highest produced. M IDW EST—wbcm wabt' weak wmbd 4X10— 8X10—Paclflo Feature Hour and Admiral Saitr said he would outside sentinel of the Massachu­ A small machine demonttrates ta wUq wkbb kfab wlan caej wIbw kfb 4:30— 6:80—Old Bongo of Church assume it himself until he is able setts Catholic Order of Foresters. one the advantages of Fw-vuvue M- m nt wnaz wkbn 4:46- 6H8-Tonlea Tn Brief — aaat; to todUM one o f the Empire’s senior MOUNTAIN—kror kb koh kdyl Orphan Annio—mldwaat rapoat Lynn, Mass.—Firemen Aghtlng focala, it to tlttw with three P A C IFIC C 'A S T -k h J knz kotn kgb 6X10— 6X10—Amoa *n* Andy-aaat only: diplomats to accept. blaM to vacant two-famUy houae itok, Ultex and Ful-vue. Tha ktro kol kfpy krl konnnnj kfbk kwg SIngIna Lady—mldwaat repeat The new ministry contains four stumble on badly burned bo-HaiTlat Lea of the louse nt Peers and three naas. Baaida it to a .piaoa^ 6:16- 7:16—RIn Tin Tin serve noUoe that beginning June 1 8HO- 8N0—Hall*a Orch.—4 to 0 6:30— 7d O -B . A. Rolfa Oreh. men designated as “imecltlists.’’ they will reduce interest payment on green to color, used years < to tea 3:10— 4:10—Tito Quiaar—c to a 6HO-'TH8-Siataro of SMIlat laeirists D arted state and municipal accounts. making o f lenaaa. 3:30— 4b 0—Protoaaor A ' Major—oaat 7X10— 8X10—Sandaraon and Orumit Although a national government Tha frame vtoloh holds* 8:46— 4NO-Movla Star Ravua—Baale 7:30— 800—Thompkina Cornara — a New York—Mayor Walker, testi­ 4HK^- 6X10—InVI Exchanga—e to o to o ' was formed in conformity with a fying to Seabury Inquiry, adimta ra- has also made many lm| 4:10— 6:10—Rala and Dunn—ooaat ont 8XK>— axis—Dance Oypaloa popular demand for a strong buper. oeipt of 1246,692 from Joint broker­ tea' Ful-vue retHreaents 4:30— 6:80—Jaok Millar—eoaat out 8:30— 8i3IP»HellywoodNt8hta ekmatruetion, Ughtsaaa, and 4M6— OHO—Joa Palooka—Baaio 8H6- Si^Pbkana Matlatara party regime to the face of the age account with Paul Block, pub­ ■HIO— 6X10—Myrt and Margo — oaat: 6HS—10XIO—Slumber Mualo — Beale; .growtof reactionary and hyper-pa- lisher, to wMch mayor had made no at Una are its .dtottofutaddiig taiR Adab Vaaa—Dlxlo turea. Tha hasp o f M m | e* M trtotte tandendes recently shown, over investment S:10— 1:10—To Bo Announead party leaders said today the fact THREE COL CUT HERB Speaker Jack Garner holding the gavel wlUi uMoh he prertdpa Washtogtoa—Senate Ihaders plead Tha window ehomi teat\.mBBT a n 6:30— 6:30—Sylvia Frooa—Baaio; Four lOXIS-lliOO^Barl Hlnaa Oroh. Congress Is shown to tee doseupat rl^ t on tee speaker^ stand In ^ Honea of RepieaentattveE A t wearing tela newer atgde o f toamto* Eton Soya—Oixl* 10:31^11:30— Larry Funk Orch. that Admiral Salto enlisted their teslr o f for non-partisaa action as threat­ support for parUamentary prtod- tee le fta re Garner and Mrs. Qaner,vteOhaa hero Me aeorefaiy fo r many years, phok^rnq^hed ened coalition breakdown imperlla The American Optical Oo. makera ides was a setback for the reaction­ Ace. tax bill. o f raU-vua framaa and lanaaa ktod^ ary elameats loesdy called 'Taa- Washington—Hoover and puhUah- ly loaned the Dewey-Rlohman Ci^ data’’ vdildi have bate damoiftejg BiaiOB’S N Q !^ TMa Is the era confer on governmental prob­ tee manufacturing parts to tea dto« from tee standpoint o f hia boom, tog last tea country -cdU^aa or play. Aa one atudlaa tea dtoplm fo r the abandontoent o f parUamen* ooad o f tsvo BfarleB on Speaker suffered wont of all. Partly be­ something. lem s Jack Garaer a t a jmaldSBtMu pos- Washington—Senate rMusea to one can not but help being <^«er Tud$t$ taxy forma. ' cause he had an Impoaslhie Job and Lately Garner, has been promot* prtesed by the great cam neeM to WTIC Both.GsDaral Arakl and Admiral of a aoiteret six on raurtly because he foiled to display tog a purely. Democratic substitute tax on 2.76 par omt beer ThA ^ lg Three tB'tee Demooratto for exclM lev|ea to revenue Mil. tee making o f Ful-vue and TO^n T TrsTslen BrosdoBattiig Ssrvies hi Day’t N«wt Okada pronuaed Admiral Salto thiqi ms qualitlea of laqdertey> a time the chief foatiiraa of wMe^ aside lensea aa mads today. H ar t f ord. O o b b. wiii> enforeo atani dlsdpltoe in the Barm ** ' when that was generally expected footo the tariff measure tod the CMcago—BpsTd o f Trade aumenda 00,000 w ., 1000 R. On s m m . army said navy. They alro iBnied a o f him. PMUppines tod^pendCnoe bill wMoh UpMka, Grain Company, subsfdlaiy atatamant pladgtog full punlihment By.JRj(HlN^ DtTCHVB ^ he shot through to a rush, are tea of tha Farmers National <3rato Cor- A Pittsburgh protonor haadgoi - •NpA>(terv^ ;WiWer He pormtton. totad vitamin ^ itelCh can’t be aatti Chicago—IVa all rtg)it to oorraot o f the 17 aimy and navy cadets ae- bad Goidsborough price - atabtlisatlini Thursday, Blay M, lOSS bill and the Steiq^ bill for guar« w a s h in g ^ — Hoover appoints with tha mteroaoepa. ^ o e r t a iit e wrora in gianultor, hut bg oaretul oused Of tha tarrorlam May 18 the. uny G. Hamlat peirauahdant o f would ha tough OB Mm tfro mlMaii B. D. S. T. ^ t t t picking exsBiplea, says Aaaiat* vditeh raaultad to the asasMlnatton let the House foke.ita ;COd#e to- antaHhff bank depoalts. ’^jjHS^HMihLhOfliE de- Hag gtoetai pMUon en\Yaii4U8 Qaixd to tea lata ant Corporation Oounaal.AppsL In a atead of totateaiAjgp unto ^ffhteral Frederick C. BtPaidi' W n O and WEAF-S60 k. 0.-4S4J m ^opfd'.wlte B rubi^'-‘'lid ed it was aU over. s ' cunint laluki miy be 4:16 p. m. — w n c Synchronised school book wtltlad "Ooinnxin Er­ Beaver, Pa.—The Rev. Chailea 8. by a gdkeraUSr ..ic^^on' o f his aa ftoowa: CSeland. at PhiladetoMa la alaotad with W E AF on 660 k. c. (Sea rors in Bnrilah Oorrahtad," he WAPPINC PRGHI&TTON; Voted WEAF for Program). spotted a Seatence ■aying: "Neither leadwsMp to tee It seems unlikely that the Deipo- moderator of tha UMtad Preahy- WAKE m Then it roao'to a ESghteente Amendment '^oted terlan Church o f N orte America. 1:00 a. m.—Silent. gangatera nor murdarera are mo­ crata wttl nondnate . him in Chi- for all enforcement measures. lested ven^muoh by the Ghioaga W ^j^toff Grange hdd th dr annua^ aingte day un Whi^ the icago, even if Roosevelt la puteed Chicago—Ward C. Swalwell, for­ police." He Mdlted a letter'to the House revolted bote the out of theqiiotuio. 'But hwmay yet Supposed to believe that proMbi- mer aasiatant atate’a attorney, la ac^ Children’s Night meeting last Tuato tion should be handled by the LIVERMK- puhlleher saying eomethlag ominous day evening, at m Schod hall, Oemooratio and HRihhUcan leader­ regain some o f hia iqiparent for­ ^ tted of Mdnitotog Mrs. Georgia about libel. ship, refuaed tovtoapoee a sales tax states instead of federal govein- Geeht * which was w d l (Uled with children, mer strength. Hia general record mtot. Failed to vote, as speaker, Minneapolis — Raymond Johnson, parents and Mends, The children on the oountcy as reoommehdsd by is excellent for a ' Washington—Prospecta of a vote WITHOUT CHLOIKt 13, mads a good o a ^ Slid theijahy teo loadeiB. nominee, despite his two main on the Beck-LtotMouin resolution, on the nomination o f Judge Jamee WDRC mresahted the foUowtog promm: but j^bahly would come but for Aad TiB*l J u « CM ei Bed i» saved a ‘life. CSanottg^up, he aass A Ttie Snt was presented by the Wap- The Oaniar boom- has revived handlca]to- We fiLOt that he is the H, Wilketaon to the Uhlted States 326 Hartford, ibnn. ISSO baby roUIng o ff an aAmruneQt houae aomewhat' itoce his uhexpeoted vic­ man who couldn’t control the House re-submission if nomtoated. Circuit Court dim aa Judge aenda (M M B i^ liriB*tBGB i Center schod, a vocal solo by TA X A TIO N : Stresses paramount word he cannot attehd committee roS . He cauid^t tM child as it fell, ICuroh, hwmontca aOlo by Ed­ tory in the Cailfomia primaries and the fact that he_is a south' and was knocked to the ground. over Governor Ri^bOeivelt add' A i • need of maintaining hation's heading for several weeks. win BCSBOiL' a dance by Gladys Giles, emer. Los Angeles—HMen Lee Worthliut Program for Thursday, May S6 The baby suffered a poaalhte Skull smite. It doesn’t Iddt neatly as Ahandal integrity, believing the M arjoite' ' Custer and Eleanor The speaker’s name is not ex< method of secondary importance obtains divorce from Dr. Eugene C fracture but doetora said it woidd Threshar. ,a ..vif»a] nolo by Rase! husl^ as it. did hetorO’tee sales tax pected to Agure to any^ more pri­ live. Has fought fo r maintenance of Nelson, negro physician. 4:00 p. m.—U. S. Army Band Nektf!^Wdfttr, accompanied on the vote. And teo r^Wit House rebd- maries. Mostr state prlniary laws Shanghai — General Yoahlnori 4:30—Young Folks Pr^ram. DiUon, N. c.—"Just watch me piano b^ Richard Ndderwelfor. lion agatntt tee ommbus economy estate taxes and has favored wham this one." said Attorney W^ insist on some' declaration from Mgher taxes oh high bracket to- Shlrakawa, Japanese commander, 5:30—Mirror of Fashion. Rroad Brook and vldnity schools, biU han’t'h6!lp^^\t ^ut G4tflw ris airaone who e n to ra ^ d Garnqr Ifoa dies o f bomb injuries. 6:45—The Flotilla Five. C. Moore to Henry Lucloua. whom redtatlon, Anna May Turner; Moth- expected to htte- te «; third h^fgeat comele. Accepted Sales tax Idea he was showing how to play golf. rtfused to consent to aoythlng hut “reiuctantly." Rome—Italian government in­ BtWUIciiaM_. 6:00—Internationa] Program Ex­ VC Ctoose Grange Rhjrmes, Elmw number o f d d ^ t e s oh tee Aral a completely passive attitude. His structs Ambassador De Martino to g-reiTOLiMm change; "The Great Unlicked,** Wham it he did, and the ball sailed Whltj^use, Agnes Whltehouse, baHot a t Chicago aind it is too emrly UNEM PLOYM ENT R E LIE F: Op­ away from the tee Uke a tt|(>t But friends say that he ls aerpug to some accept proposal for ten year period Carleton Kemp Allen o f Rhodes to count Mm c ^ ^>-' t posed to "dole." Fa-vbra federal Lucious wasn't interested hi its E a e^ Whltehouse, GUnton' White- states Which are aendtog uhlnatrudt- to inake payments deferred by Oollege, Oxford. house, Geraldtoe lialohey. Bei^ Through tehW^.tqpe and downs ed delegatloBa to tee convention,-so assistance, if any, through appro- Hoover moratorium. I w 4 7M iMl 4c«a I W COL 6:15—cWman Folk Songs progress. He was iyihg on the Garner haa^not a word or lifted .prlations for highways and public ground witlL.a.fraotured Jaw. After Burnham. Bene Rau, and Ijeona he may have more votes on the Arst Rome—Police seek three men for 6:30—Jack Miller and Orchestra. Rau; redtatlon Iqr Betty HaaW: re- a Anger ip todtoatei Me uhqueetion- badlot than the 90 pledged to Mm workx Supported the vbttog of exploMon o f bomb near the Pit 6:45—"Joe Palooka" hitting the ban,' tike chih hit him. 40,000,000 bushels o f Farm! Board LRTUI UVBR ______.Tohnsbiuy, V t —Robert De­ dtation, Goaldtoie Maiop^; Tit for able hormhl deigHro.;fhr the presi- from Texas ahd C ^ o n w dM PopMo. 7:00—^Myrt and Marge. deney. The sumk^ he haa had ha* wdieatTbr the unemployed. mers, star tvdrler of the Fairbanks Tat,' by CUnton and Agnes White- Ever since the -1930 election It Tokyo—General Sadao Arhld, Na- 7:15—William HaU, baritone. h o u ^ Pleasant 'Valley school. coma^wlteptoiua asekli|g. V7.4R DEBTS: Opposes canbellation tlonaUst leader, is given • plate la vocationid high ' school nine, won't had been common opinion that this and caused House Democrats to 7:30—Chandue the Magician. win any more games this season. He America, an; redtatlon, Esther A true piotura eTChutier’s career new Cabinet. _.B e 84ie*>phii>lliBjtti itolwniraijsV! 7:45—^Morton Downey, Anthony aa speaker to the last Ave months session o f the Houae, woi4d he tack onto the moratorium reeolu- told p ^ c e two men waylaid him, Cnistos; redtatton, R o w ^ Birtc: chaotlo. After Garner had Jumped Indianapolla Harry Cdx,, auto Woos, Jacques Renard’s Orches­ Washington song, B8va Johnson and iiMWrjiwii hie prestige ■ tion the declartoon that Con­ race mechanic, is kffled ha'teat run and belabored his pitehing arm with the preliminary hiudlaa and tee tra. a club imtU it was bruised and Robert Skinner; rotation, Ctatoe and hto dtoncen of’nomtoatiou may gress opproed any crocellatlon, on apeedway. ^ 8:15—^Abe Lyman's Califomiaas Grant; redtatlon, LueOe KO^ylan- have suffered , moae than they de­ House began to function smootMy, reducUoa or favortole considera­ swollen. mostly on U-partlaan measures visiting N. Y. night clubs. Buffalo. N. —Casper Schiele, skl; song, "The Wind", Genevieve served. Oitemv ajftW oil, has been tion o f such a policy at any time. 8:30—Quiet Harmonies. ' Odanis, Helen Crudns. W alter constantly' to \UW8foteght, rls^t sponsored by . tee admlhiiitratton. GO'VBRNMBNT REGULATION wherever he is, wlU be glad to know loud cheera canto from -all aidee and AUTO RACER mite N e w 8t45—Dr. Angelo Patri, "Your that his mother has found out her Parks, Cslvto Chqpman; redtatiop under the ^gii^ WlMe. oflier Demo­ a n d OWNIStSHiP: Favon reg­ Child” by Grace Ung: redtatlon by Rob­ cratic preddntlad^ppBsSiitttieB have Gainer waa hailed- as aonMthtog^ of ulating puhUo utilltiiea of all Portables mistaka Last November she a super-man. Indianapolis, May 96f—(A te) 9:00—^Alfred Kettledon, tenor; A l­ chargad him with ateiding 8200 from ert Sktonw; redtatlon by Made been subjsid; to niq^stteh dangere. kinds. Inspired enmity o f "power A l l ^ bert White, pianisL In oxgahlstog tee J>emocratic trust" hy -kard work for Muscle Tossed from an Ul-fatad cqoa ow as her and he left home. But she has McCutcheon; aoqg, part o f Grade 2; It is perhapav-tMa, to guess B iakM 9:15—The Mills Brothers. found the money in an old shoe and redtatlon by Francis McCutoheon; utoetber anothm man could have House he avMded ,a bad Internal Rimiiin and Bquldeur Dam leglsla-' it hurdled the outer retatotoff v a il 0:30—Story Hour. remembers hiding it there. redtatlon. Barbara Nevers; redta- done a.hettor-Jqb- tean. Garner, but ^ h t which had hero psedictod and tloa. He is credited, however, at tee IndlanapoUa motor; apaWway, Wa eaay aten 10:00—^Arthur Jarrett Washington—Vhn. .Rogers would tion hy Albert Roae; redtatlon by the matter ia to argument he persuaded the Democratic memr with responsihUity fo r recent m n y Cox, 28. riding ^xaBohiale, 10:15—Eddie Punstedter, organist Uke'to a c ^ t that invitation to um­ Luclle Kohjdani^; aong. Third here as a sodd’grbup to .answer roll passage of the House Muscle was; killed, and Boany BeaMHM,'S5, w^.8Maap r-, quarteL pire a bail game between House grade. At the dose of the program The theory ;ti^^4iay leader could e*u«L He handled [hto sitaatlani to- Shoals hoi which is unsatisfac­ driver, waa injured SpeciBl RsBtal Ratal 10:30—Music That Satlafles; Bos­ IDemocrats apd R ^bU can s, but he ice cream was served for aU. Games control a hoihNr:"hf OongreM at telUgrotly and Armly ahd evoked tory to friends of the Norris The men, both at well Sisters. can’t make i t "Say. I sure would were jdayed and dandng fdlowed. all teles.' a sklinpy majority iqqdause as he put through tee measure. ere making a praetioa M S 10:45—Jay C. Flippen, comedian: like to see you felknra play ball." he Mrs. Rose Petoreon and intent at Ave -votee : wipni8’ . adghtiy ten- rules liheraHaatiqn to d speeded > tha f a r m R E LIE F: Voted for all such paoiag to try to qualify tor Spitaln^s Orchestra. wired .the:captain of the Democratic dau^iter, Elva Jane, returned to tastic. M to^ty LMder Bert Snell reconstruction iroasures. . .. measurto incluMng. equahsatioD mtfe raiceto he run h «B 11:00—"The Tariff and Unemploy­ nine. “I have seen srou fellows j o y ­ their home here from the Manches­ has had to mewe hKlrc(»itroUtog He performed, a'fflneiilt. deli­ foe and export debenture plans. As'teqr emerged from tee-BOUtei- 763 Main St, Phone S68d ment," Howard Cullman. ing there in the Hmtoe hut I never ter Memorial hospital last Monday his Retoihlkauiir th ii year than cate task when he lined up hia Believes ultimate solution lies wear tarn at a modargba n S ttt the 11:15—Columbia Sjmaphony Orches­ saw you play outdoon. I can’t gat parto,' with ito, narrow ma|orlty largely in co-opermtlcn. aftMnoon. Garner hap.h«t viitli Ms Democrats. left froat wheel gara ^ sy, T* tra. anywhere under tUa Romhlfean ad- Mr. and Mrs. Gtexence Loomis and Re^hUehni to fonner years have and dlvtoonq o f pitedto be a TARIFF: Favors "reasonable pro- the speedster out' ed ccatrel a t a 11:30—^Noble Sissle's Orchestra. mlnlstoation but I win m at next fam ily o f Brooklyn. N. T.. are. cose- controlled'the'Houae j^iy by virtue tariff measure .wMdi purported , to tectiun" which wfll not be a bur­ spot 200 yards from whara the year’s game. tog to the Henry Loonda homestead of large majorities aiM 8rm repres­ keep party pled^^ and was Greet­ den on pow jieople for beueAt at same car was wiedrad where they O ill spend the week-epd sive rules. Oaner mupiestionahly ed at the gtoeial'ay>tem..of high large, proAtaUe coiporatioiDS. trials last yoK. iJttl 0| Prepare Your and Memorial Day. could ha^ deplayed greater politi­ protective . cfotles without changing and eSarence GroVSb me , were mKERSON^NOMOiATION JOhnny Rnkus, son o f Ifir. and Mrs. cal eagadty to «|hdltog' the tax any spectOc rates. -- N e x t ; The Aret e f two storlea an kffled in that mtaiiap. Cemetery Lot WIIPSEYNOTlNmESlEDMiohael Rakos, of the BucMaad and eoondipy. 'but. this year ; Other ns^unifi|8, liavn been-ac­ tte Al Smite of today,-l^ Dexter rebuilt for BeqelWd td^dMIra; ISNOTYETCONFRIIED roadC .has returned to hie heme here congresenkto ara fi^ t e n e d about celerated under 'aqitor."JeadentoP> Tbed...... Bow Sndte has a B..ii in MACntmHESAYS after staying at the Manchester their Jobs and upueitolly subject to creating .a- p n iiew ortey ptetere the eUhdon teat often bel NOW MemariaAlio^tal for several days, outside preestue. which aceentiwtto tea ead eflept cf fented oahdldateo, vteat he far following an operation for the re- Garoer’s' tailr haa. hen ddteate the salea tax and ecanwiiy. Motchto- Is-nlano for Washington. May 26.—(AP) — Gisrner,'of ctoree, was unqueatkm- San Fmdaoo^'llay 36.—(AP)— nwVal oc Ms tonaQs. and he has usoMly avciitod taking Fnmi I l i l l i i P For thb session at least, it is now Wiqiptog Center schods edehrated strong pulMe , aU y reqKtodMe fox the Ways imd Memurni ■When and i f Jack Dempaqr marries their Parents’ Day with an exhibi­ Means Conuniftee’a ^dedslaa tto PABHHOUSB BURNS unlikely that the Senate wUl eoa- a g ^ the neac llrs. Denquiqr wffl I t ajsojts: #toUFd^tiy.Ma MetoU, t, 2 tion of their year’s wcaii, and a Ana to oppositeaL to te* teeoiy tltot tirlhg the ealm'lto-toropbMl before ‘.-•"'X 1 Arm the nomination of Judge James not be an actress' “not while she the House. Yf^ndsorf May 28.— (A P )— T ire H. Wilkersoo to the Unit^ States program wMeh was held on the Ganisr' has flopped mieerably cn is In the profesttoiL" achool grounds. The program was o f undetenutoed . origin did MQOO, Circuit Court the Job, that.he hap been no more The fonner ktag of heavyweights as feOofws: Gkade L Health aoug, than a vieteB; MS. Ma traditionally As the House went- todit of damage tiUa, mointog -when tea Sentencer o f A1 Capoae, tbs gang made tUs statement to the Asso- DpCk soBg, Saail aong, by the dam ; breath after tee aalaa . tax Aght dweHtog honee on’tebtatm o f Jto a k on lord, WUkerson has been under Are DemoeraUc' pdii^ of liberalisation elatod Press here todsy fonowing a "Have You Watch^ the Fdrlea?", of the Hoase-nM . and wondared.wliat to do-next Gar* SiMte to tea Htom ood' dlaMet flCf of labor organ! taD one tor past de- report from Los Aageles whieb paem,'by Edith Wllsan; a poem^ ay By uae o f a jn B nile, the moat luer took tee HooT' '/for a mefodrap ^g^HodBor homed. Some o f teo .boaag- dsioBe thqr regard as unfair and linked Us name wltli that of lina Luei^ WeDea^ “ Ratotag": "B ow Do matic, paMoUe appear which' he luAd furniture and tereh large basB*. oppressive. The Judiciary subcom­ able peiilaaeehlantoto hare feel, the m Basqnotto, aetress. You Do, My Fartner", a dance by Donocratid. Ieademilp> could - have dtoMawl by uigtor tee, B o im to stanMng hear tee .house waTO- atoed* mittee which has studied the nomi­ DempSey denied an attractive B ifo e atod .pB^t^^mvMtBntlMi. of Group: T h e Turtle", poem hy CMm ; J— both teq fBjtor-tax and tee The loar la partially covewd by ti^ N oo -V-’' nation all through this sesrion. Anal­ to jnette he eeeerted to a dance and Chradee 11 cad. II, Liuty Style Show; eodoouqr hte.! te^iw t^ttbh balamiinr ^ _ suraiaca. ^ .00.,..our I ly asked the Jtmist to appear far s baseball "game h m was 111m Baa- Grades m and IV, Toothbrush eong, The B o ito . .ahtoa^-altocto v to>ito persooal ststwnent on his past aeta queftts. Tha Loii'Aageise reports tuns I t f BoaMe’': HeMth May, old. Hepiddlean entixpty- T t ftos;i.Bieiavto £.three and-i I and vlswB. quetad----- “ ‘ ■ Heipara’^,OradM Viad ite^eeBtrol. . (tki tiie Hs advised this groi^ /estsrday and assiijtant to Jadk !H e n G nde that his win not bS;Btito' to «Mbs for ttipg DfifiqNiM miaaiar, as sayinf Oaac^’, ovary rastotol'^ m a a g'vn a y MEKfS;$9UBS up to |80& ott$ several weeks bscame of -E kog and Bsavywaiglit dianqiloa “Amettea" and SaMte to-be.Yrqrty- importaat oasa aow h^on ; Mm, hAd-diiij^ta^ masked'interest tn. seenrity Membam of the commlHBe Indteat- iMli ^ers. - ^ ed they WBQldaot. vote ob tlM aaml- had “Stotar ndM.^idjiph. ;-(AF) jQnittn MMhdiy tea ito j r. • — I Bo t e l tsa »=T1^> i-V'Ay^ - ' v< ■


.'V. I*'

jjpir>>: ;s^ ^ ^ ^

•1A •.; -V .> iJL • ■» _j1 ^■■‘»* < t^ THE SEASON’S F IR S T BIG

MARY \ cw« f/minCT foi»{^« thftt will kcfiD Milady** owiipleidcm dcaT BOd beautiful during th^ae month* of sun and tH|id*. jfimi wm ftoTtortSi^IrNJdtatoSto^ to »0vi« the treetm«.t for year re®re q u ire ^

”* OU» STAFF OF SBAUTICIAN8, MARY B. SBSASTRAND. ALDEA PBTITJBAN. MARJORIE CHAMBERLIN. ARLTN BABBITr. MAY KTC. MARIE ZANK8. aohUK,.* I HH KH.AI M Y NL i»-»u •♦“Li IgiOnV : . . « n n . JUST IN TIME FOR For Mom^ial Day Flowers Fbone aoao teas spedhi rataes for holiday wear. we forget tt on owlsloiislike this, Memorial^I^^^ ttat we pause to remember departed dear ones, to place SAILORS AND PAN AMAS MEMORIAL DAY m e tidien of unr^tted lore on their last restiar place. $ 1 .9 5 - ^ 2 .4 5 G arden UOBr WBfdBI FELTS fans tlMt win saFplj dMiee Moodm thiooglMeft SUMMER INTERWOVEN P lants Cnt Flowers tfeei UNDERWEAR - FANCY HOSE Good News \ 1^ $1.00^ 35c. 50c FOR IISA, Camatfams / Snapdragons KnidBm ...... ft.50 Geraniums Plant ComMuhtlond l^nft'Bdts ...... $1 Every Motorist Petunias , Plant Bash^ Stock Sweet Peas ChSfH«M$LWi9 ReadOnr Adr.fai Heliotrope Ageratum SeSS eeMe sea psttr—^ Siasta Deiqr .Caps FRroAY^ HERALD Dracimas Fochlas D ns^ Miller Steens IlM e aai m itt Eei Vinca Vines Coleus Ivy Ceme1«iy Urns Filled Veebeps ; $L00.tL9D spoRTswEAT^ rt ...... aU »42.W CHET'S Anderson Qreonlionses Sjndi^an!a Men'a Shop FILLING STATION PHONE 8636 Oaldand street 153 ELDRIDGE ST, *At the Center” “A Royal Treat” Special Values For FOR MEMORIAL DAY MEMORIM. DAY —AT—

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t o Rg rasourceful hostess chooses for h « ** 1 0 / 8 9 / T evening refreshment thrilling, CQoUng, deUdous ROYAL ICE CREAM. “A Rioyal T re a r te in s ^ J o r l^d those who indade ROYAL ICE CREAM on t h ^ 5® ^® : TENNIS BALLS RIAL DAY aaenu, A new and delightful mnlti-flaTored brick w fflje cspedaMy prepared for this ocqisioB. ■ t ! 1 0 / 2 5 / ' Place your order with your lo ^ dealer NOVELTY DISHES or neighborhood store or phone direiet to us. BASEBALL GLOVES, FiEKMOlN D A IN I^S BALLS, CAPS ETC. Delivered in legless Containers O N dPEcut onnsR BASKET LUNCH EQUIPMENT


TAKE PtCniEBS MEMOBIAI.USB VBBICHROMB»'THB WMBE' AIli-WRATMEW FlU tt ^ WE HAVE To u r s iz e f il m in sto c k . KODAKS $5 and up BROWNIiO %% ::.aiid, V-x,y.y * ■ RENT A STEW ^T-W ARNER MOVIE CAMERA FOR THE WEEK-END. Rate:

I .1

I , I-! !' BMOY HBBB TODAY ------DIXON, pretty, 19, nuttier ihe la gelBf to a I sopsbhto'to aa eieb aaeattny bat Inatoed maeto DAN .N A fp m , PHILLIPS, reporter oa the WeHtaf- . nu;- kasw that drled- tha warblMp «Dd ton Newa. C b m s haa law friaato ery . 1!^ toihi'wdmen get tveiy AwakMWd baoanae her wealttiy pareata oonald- [ •ammer. weu, the elements ^ sijilnpa, and to* ar BBoat of the other yoonf paoj^ . It favors the smart blue and white i t you don't watoh^ o u t .‘,1 am In By July thMS littts tolfe of the town aodally lafarlor. She vogue. Crepe tub silk made the A women know the value rasjd^beitf'.ia htods hfwa soator)'w fll ha iaa beoonM acquainted with m uipa original. od^a ag(t hmlal oU. There’s not a varied htrda {we 'die not sae at tha daap foraata to kaap. cool, wlttiont her parenta* hnowledge. 'OsVdt 'them wlth-a good eomidex- home. ■ won't ba aroPnd auhiuha and She and Dan lunch tosether'and And incidentally, it is appropriate I ^ t‘v^o uses some Und, I nofnr kno#> the m n a t whtatla of casaihla woada as thay ara now. are about to atart lor a drive In for town or resort AmeiieajD women go^ heavily for the ,;i^ versatility . It ;to the time to^sdiaka. thato aii: of the, jpbdktoN the thrihfi^i. Cherry*a roadater uiiem another re­ Ootton*t yon know what’a ,BuV you ban ha:n>anhg by sl^it,'kuLiatosi oaapot nasMl . would leva, to go'lfisd ~ ^ . happened T” And you’ll be thrilled with the wlto them and they do ,haVa a way This btxfi, however, I did not You ha'va laid forto, bents bO ttia NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY easy manner in wbleh .lt is put tq^ of ipienetratihg the skin land soften­ know by eight, paipe or sopg and tobla for Bob and go tii gather and of the ultimate saving in ing it and preparing it for the sun’s it WM far bejrpnP|imyihtog-1 hpd the soovias.. Why Pot ask thaol V CHAPTER n ' cost AttShk. that to wonderful. ever:htoril ^ v tM li. I haver bean ^floma fine Sptprf;^ tt ttiay wotod Cherry could not hear what the There are aU kinds of oils for all nmrping tiyjng tp Ident ha^pfillhig to spei^ it-la two men were saying. Dan had Style No. 2699 may be had in slses I stiU’hear him pOifoviBitog api swimg around with his back toward 16, 18 years, 86, 88, 40 and 48 inches yohr skin. If you are jgoing trav­ stead. And you go along. ,^A Ut( her. The newcomer—still short of ^ ' X bust eling this summer, especially if where. T bad' 'thought there ' w m ' picnic lunch would I>e nfoa. breath—seemed excited. He clung \ you are heading towards a Dude nothing lovelier thu the oribie. Out of town for thb day ta m i to Dan’s arm and bis gimlet eyes Size 16 requires 2 %- yards of 39- RaniA or an auto drive across the This was still lov^er. An angel under ttm trbea In some quiet place I flashed eagerly. •V. . inch material with % yard of 89- cOuntary, you will need an'oU that cryiPg over; the sins of the world and watch the birds. “But I can’t!" Phillips objected as Inoh contTMting. iai a sun protection first and, fore­ and calling mieouragexpapt Of course thara must be no oUmh-v> he turned back to the roadster. He most In the last few years ’ there We lived in a real city, hpuse ing around nests. A wsU-bebayad "^ put one hand on the door. “I don' ^ ' ' I are' many of these on Vie market when 1 WM a. little girl. Birds in audience never disturbs the actors. ^ M anchester Herald I They protect yOu from auhbum, my small world, consisted of spar­ And let me ,bag that,you wofl’tsay know where she Is and besides I’ve and'let you tan, if you want to. got a date and can’t break it!” Pattern Service ' rows and an occasional robin. jres. to their plea to '^ust break oflT^ *3 “The Boss’ll be sore—!’’ If you are eta^ng home and yet NotUng else ever visited the' two a'few blosaoms to take home.” ’Thay ' - “Yeah? Tell him to jump in the For a Herald Pattern send 15o your skin feel^ dried and tired sumacs that Struggled through will be dead before you get thetjS lake!’’ in stamps or coin directly to out, try a rejuvenating oil. Get the the brick pavqment in front or and it tneans fewer n«t year. '* S The stranger hesitated. Dan Fashion ftireau, Manchester Bv^ 10M .that, sifits. you.. Cream your nested' in the sa<) old poplpr. In the I think the children will, second stepped into the roadster and olng Herald, Fifth Avenue and ' faqe ttod get it c|< ^ . Then ap^y back yard. [just a littte of this oil, and mas- your idea at once. It to a j;k slammed the door. The other tume<]> 28rd street New York City. Be Twenty if a day, before I knew thing to be able to “appre^te” and disappeared through the hotel’s sure to fill in number of pattern toge ' your face briskly, pull up one bird from another or one tree the cheAu, pat up the chin. anything and to appreciate Nature t Smith’s girl friend." you «’'slre. from another. A.city girl! is the greatest gift in the world. 7 “Now then,” said Dan with a sigh . Tf .you are like many tired wo­ ■asbi And now—weU. Til he getting Nature la the best school in the "Z' “that’s settled. Where’re we head­ Pattern No. • •••••< men, there won’t be any oil left this article back with circles around world. ing for—Steward Road?’’ ’T lease'let nu cornier* Cherry begged. Lfo^ you ‘ to wipe off. For the skin the *Ta^’ (as opq columnist says he Cherry looked at him inquiringly. Prioe 18 Cento I Uterally eats it up! But your skin Children are quite .too . material- does) ; if . I don’t stop talking about istlo these days. It' is largely our . '•to! Instead of replying she asked, “Why Name WSl.relax after .this treatment It mjrsw. didn’t you introduce your friend?” blankly. I t ' was all completely utes. Fifteen minutes. 'Twenty. Oh, »eeeeeeeeee |*wm be softer and feel better tooJ own fault The moat real pleasures i:? , It’s Bird Month are often the cheapest ones if w e' W- “D iz^? Oh, say, you wouldn’ meaningless except the ' fact that w hy didn’t Dan come? AddfeeSa••oaeeeeeeeeeoeoeeeeeee want to meet a guy like Dizzy. He’s Dan wanted her to take him some­ She was not'ufraid. She told her­ Spring . is: here. June is bird would only realize'It the office nlt-wlt.” where. Somewhere in a .hurry. self shew ouldn’t'b e . ’There was ‘eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese**** Cherry bad started the motor and The-motor' was throbbing--now; nothing at all to be afraid of. Sud­ the roadster drew out into the The roadster was-off. Qi'erry. in­ denly Cherry Dbcon gripped the uj)- Woman Place the beginning of ahx one of a num- street. Evidently the answer did not creased the speed, driving eo^ortly hcflstered seat at either side of her. her of infections or irritative 'diA‘ satisfy her, for she persisted: with the skill of -'ong, practice. Dan; Phillips, the man she loved, was In The News Daily Health orders and should always have care­ “Does he work on the News too?” They cut into Broadway, w i^ .tbor in the house and something had gone game'we'fh^i^^our goodnight cir­ ful attention 1 “Thinks be does. Dizzy’s a pest! ougbfare of eiEi^t-bouhd tfs^nc..- ! A fWrpng. It was almost half an hour cle and sahg"t>i^” A good dentist not only protects' There were several minutes during business district less piniqwrQua 'Miice^he had left her. Something— Scribe—Faith Qallnat First Woman Honored Service bis patient against cancer of tiie which the business of making head­ than Twelfth street TralDc llghtg something terrible had happened! Troop 6 Doris Stevens, the former Mrs. Hints on How to Keep WqU by mouth, but knows w hat to do. When .’-V way in the crowded street absorbed were with them. The roadster whs Whil^faced, ^Jie girl sllp]^ from Some of. the giris worked .on com­ Dudley Field Malone, has been nom­ by World Famed Authority there is pain, a loose tooth, a guin- '’iP the girl’s attention. Phillips seemed making, go^ time. the roadster to the groimd. She boll or a swelling of the jaw. pass at the'laet meeting while oth' inated for membership in the Amer- ______I trying to affect a carefree maxmer. More.tbkn once the girt glanced made her way across the street to the d^r of the building. Firmly ers confinui^ the .training. of their lean Institute of International Law. He was not quite successful. at her companion but PhilUps’ eyes tenderfOota,:Sanga and games made She will take the place vacated by SKIN m a y "Know what that sap wanted?” were on the road. His seemed-sc^ce-' She g r a q ^ > the ■ knob, pulled' back DEVELOP INTO CANCER the dodr and went inside. . up the rest'of the meettng. EUhu Root when he became honor- M U ^ WEAR BLOOMERS he dememded a moment later. .“Sait iy aware of her. l^ y didn’t< be Serib^Hrien'Adamy. a^r president The Institute hM five Bates expected me to go to work plain where they were.going?, Whpt (To Be Conttnued) BY DR. MORRIS FISHBEIN ....Trpop.7. . leading international publictots of Can you beat that? On my day off! they were going for?, each of the 21 American repubhes. Editor, Journal of the American After I spent half the night chasing “I don’t know where 'Taylor ave­ A blke to Hill’a Grove WM tbe ON CHICAGO BEACHES J feature of the meeting May 16. Oh Miss Stevens is the first woman to Medical Association,' and of those kidnapers, too. Well, I won’n nue is, Dan. rve never b ^ / ttiere.*.’ 'Tt is conceded , that one of the be' honored by a position on the Hygela, t|te Health Magazine do It, that’s all!” “K ew bn until we bit Be^inont the way we . played a nature game, board. “He seemed rather excited.” road. Then tuni left. TU teU world’s greatest and most success­ arririhg about 6 o’clock. Ftrea were Chicago, May 26.—(AP) — Doro­ ' e-ii Dan’s answer was monosyllabic, He snapped out instruetioiu as ful experiments wm the harnessing started and Itoue LaChance and Dr.. Joseph C. Bloodgopd of Balti­ A Hoet of Hoots more, a leading educator in tbe field thy Reeder who is what many folks almost a snort. though he were a coTrim^diw:. offl' of boy power in the Boy Seoul: Charlotte Smlw passed fire Ughtliig. would call a beautiful girt! wishes, cer. Instead of being oiScqded One glri frqjh each patrol took Mrs. Kate Griffith Hill and her. 11 of cancer, remarks that no beautiful 'They left 'Twelfth street, turning Cherry caught the cofit^iiQn of his movement and no less successful charge of the inking. Each girl children, all twelve graduates oi woman suffers from cancer of the to know what she can wear-on a into a less crowded thoroughfare. earnestness. Something exciting .was hM been the experiment of harness­ Knf fK. I Cajrthage College. Carthago, m., will skin because she. pays Immediate at­ Chicago' beach so she had herself Again Dan broke the silence. He ahead of them. The girl was sure ing glri power in the Girl Scout tention to any sldn blemtoh. arrested. movement She appeared on STbeach yester­ said in a tone that tried to be casu­ of it! In addition, we had buns, oranges thbre. There is evidence to Indicate that al: A red light stopped thefii at an “They are great games for the cancers of the skin may arise, from day attired in one of those ultra-jtf and obbkles, and water to dripk. modem swimming suits mid asked jQi “Duke Smith broke out of Jail this intersection; Not ui^',thb!p did-the SWEET POTATOES, OABBOTS, boys and glris who' are in them, for (Charlotte Smith passed table set­ pigmmted moles! warts, and other morning,’,! yoimg. man volunteer! IT; t ^ I BADjSHEg- — TES AND BEETO they help them to develop good conr A, .new evening colffurb-hM small t y ^ of sU b blemishes. Cases have a policeman if he would jflease take o h iEf oGARDEN/ ting and b^tfa. Doris Co|e and curia standing up liks a diaf|em her into custody because sbe wm “Who?" niow where Ii^ is. '!Ji^ bt'ttie •PS stitutlons and a Ukhm ^tbpse •Ortoe iNgpihpe’passed the reoahflng been rqported of cancer of the skin “Duke Smith—the guy who robbed tip. She's liable , to ^Ipave fniyn. tbihgs that are banhr than we are, about the face and a few emaU opes oven tbe Dosa due to irritation of the violating A law. £ . 'This to the tmijh of a series of paH of stopalMg..Ii^day, M ayWcurled j^ down tight to the tne forehiihd. f— """ sldn there by glasses that pressed! 'H4r Idea WM to make a lejpd test the Wellington National. He was in uts thoiigb. That’s ^ got and which, m tba gbodnesa and the troop^v^ invited to the homo The upstanding ones are lacquered the county jail waiting to be sent to h u r r ^ ’ exdusivs arlielesvon vegetable beauty of them are recognized and too tightly. ' .of a 1910 d ty ordinanqa' which ■fardaplpg prej^ed for 'NEA of Virkto|a, Armstrong, one of our | scariet. says; v down to state ‘prison. They only There were a dozen, qt^tions on appreciated by us, tend to influanes membm.'.'tb’hrip celebrate her 18th Evidence indicates that cancer sentenced him Monday. Well, an the tip of Cherry’s ;teicvub*?^ 'A ey Berries and The Herald. ua to be like those better things does not begin- in a normal, healthy "WomM mM wqar blouse and hour ago be made bis get-away!” struggled for ‘ expressions bpt she ourselves. This to ‘ tha germ of blrtbdky;;Qnmies ware Played.' and a Skfith Mas. Psnninlton, who won skhi. Before tiie cancer begins to bloonmr a d ts wttb or without stock!<>. “Was that what *Iiat man you B. BEATTIE buffet Itpjffi'/WM stovOd -In tlie a 1^1 ‘Miss America” title, bM ings, provided that tbe blouaejlHa held them babk.'; ’The 'th r^ ' of-.hfy- thought of both the Glri Stoutp and dixiingir(x^7,Whlcb WM decomtim tprnsd evangelist: Spa conducts ser- develop and grow rapidly there ^ one-quarter arm sleeves, or afeii called Dizzy told you?” ing a paH in sdpibthjinig..rei^/ex^ of Flapt Infiustry, U. 8. the Boy Scouts, and its evolution in rices Jn.tbs Neiw York temple Aimes pears a scaly roughness, a dis­ Phillips nodded. Somehow the citing-4K»pefh^; that would witb>'tKX)|;>______hiked_____ to Capip Mrs. Jane Craig Gray, who bM The old law to tha only om tba lessness. "Bates wanted me to see wordta. po,^toes, radishes, of tbe. most b o p ^ signs in the iu- proper attention if tbe i^mearance dt}* hM M a resutt of a parila- Inez Malloy,” he explained. “She’s Cheny did not eiten . i^ttM . the arspips, salirity and Nortim. (juK trau'tod us. throuS I Jupt^i**“ *^ Birthday in of cancer to to be prevented. turs of this great and glorious Re­ the wo^ ,.‘Wi**" we siw many B. C., am her mentaiy nfixup in tbe CRy doUn- Smoth’s girl friend.” change that bqd, arahkokfi. in a£^ of our public of ours.’’ Doctor Bloodgood luggeets that “And they wanted you to—to tell Half an hour ea^arbs hM'sw^ Foftimatsly,. we'have all (Signed) JOHN H. TRUMBULL. such arsM be wMhed Immediately 3t ------; her he was gone?” he wotild let; CM News and -the nP^.,pf :tksisi will riris;- riitb!'ik^« nature projeota I ^ y with warm Natsr, soap and a clean Phillips smiled at such innocesce, Troop L / ' May‘18''qw'’ii^ !|^ opened with Malloy story go^bang; Now nqtb%: jgenldr Dtrliioii Boyal Oardenar cloth, then .rinsed with alcohol and “Well, not exactly. Inez in the wbnd seepaed to m ^ter to :ars'.aa;!im] the hoystt^ after whisn, covered with a little safe ointment Rcdnced 30 P e m ri knew all about it before It nappe him except'fhidiiw Inea Mallojf.'; Instead of tbs rifUlar meeting we bi^ '!a‘/ftotoal opetfing;' .Mix. V "Tbs queen to in tbs garden” these in order to protect them; There’s a chance she and Smith are Ninths May 16, a Hiuw and Hound chase days in England; but not "hanging They -fsahhed' B|fikqeot:j,ro^, .,..,7...,. Nancy C ltoriee';0^^/ four. eomnMrioner,.| Tba oifitmsnt may than be cov together. Not likely, but a chance. turned. I^ips' begap to di­ WM brid. Tbe trail, ending at High­ and Mj^^bwtfKawbw'tvtoited opr itpL tne . ctomei.’’ Queen Mary tuu sred wttb a small bit of cotton or a NererFekM ar» • Anyhow the papers will be tr^ng to Are'ipost; eom- land Park, wM well planned by tba MnKmally luperintended laying out ctions. Tbiy -wwaiig intp, the .'but you often find troop. Tbs’fibiaW piece of gauze'fixed in place with get her to talk, Cops too. ’rbat is, wrong stre et one#'- and ' tbS-';; Hares, Ruth Martin and Merle ing aiid:'s^uilSdg* Esther Pitkin me-Bpolongbam Palace girdCM tuif a(Uies|ve straps. if they can And her!” man cursed rouiu^y. - ' b^^asbioxuid lOaorgia Shorts. Many Intoraating incidents Whan these blemtohae of tbs sldn Safe Way TX Leao Eat “But, Dan,” C h tn y interrupted, took jfiaea a l^ tbo trafl, but the wL to w a rs ig ' I rows of shabby b o i^ , . oil SI TUI. # • , tatmiOialUu gmr nd «M - « « are braught to this attention of a Take the case of Mtos, Mkd«kxM “if it’s so important don’t you think dingy stofss. ■'A-.Icn'. ¥ most amuring opa WM on tba way cloeed tfts Jtnfi^ig; with M----- n----- g { physidan trained in handling aneh you should go back? Our ride S ila home, when a nabny goat Woman Air Fnraer Crowley, for bistaaet; wtto'ltvM/|s ound wBbto bu^bbflf s bind .iNaa' and eongfu Tbe m totliif^of May 20 woe driseta, he knows many matltoda Little Rock, Ark. Just'-^fead/bto doesn't matter. We can go some m down. It was an ugiy, i tha down Porter street.’ Tbs held Ws epened ‘with a Fraulsln Antonis Strassmann, for removing them saatiy.. Tbs other time,” erisbed part ■WitUojfian grow ,^;/dfy‘ girls rstUTBsd boms tirad out hap­ dapgbtor- of Professor Straasm mstbods include tbe use of tbe letter: of .ti^Ierssy eonn^\gxmlEri1i|ob WM woo by "i have M id Emafriwn Salto far Phillips shook his head. “It’s my Cherry h^d never-sSeii .^ofe. Si py- rxvfowsd aU of %illn, to aaatotant puraer on X-ray, tbe use of carixm’ dioxide day off,” he insisted sulkily, "Let had not known Scribe—Clara Wray. DO-X.' She to tbs only woman mem­ ■now wUeb freezee tbe lealpn kiul OM year when 1 atanedJ of tbs Sara,Can^ tbs meet­ 140 peimda-MwTw)B|gh.]| some of the others work for a .-t,' /. s Jtnay.varia- Jmiler Divtotoa ber o t tba ahip’a crew, and the first cauaez tbe wart or mde^to drop M. change. Besides I don’t know where 'The In tM middle Wo hold our nm O n g Friday night ing witb/ring^: songs and taoA woman to-hold euebsv a positiOD on an Sometimee s t ^ e a l itolurXal Wh|& and aever frit bettsrila my Inez is now—” bOr-Uoria Bran. atoalfip. is properly done'leaves only' a 'tlnjr Tbat’a tbe big r^ao^ a boat .oC dreary add less r at tha Jneoln sehobl m usual. Aft­ 7!ixe«p9 "Do you know her?” suddenly it . toMt a '___ , . „ I,Vplfsty of << baat, and er the opanliEr.ws worked on tha sear. men and women trice loriadien’to “Sure. She was one of the wit­ ter. On> e it^ 0<|e jau; ww- help dwslop braealats which wa are making. ‘rjbs.mestiiEr Nx# opened*at'seven ^ev«l Srintlen Sines women bayc taksn up tmdF* loae weight—M the fat gpea yon nesses during the trial. I went to three andfbtirr' ' o’ckNk.-Qji^l^'^vto told ua about ifig there is reason to ,ba)km that gate in beritii—rifia cleirii yrn Soma of tba girls passed their ob^ M ix.; Berika OrteU, of. St.;/Faul, fro# hrigbt—aetlvity reriaoeario- see her a couple of times. Inez is a peared.. NSat* tbs iMdtng' varied serration and compasa tsata; .;agWotoee and If biM a 1600 mantaf# fee they will suffer incrsajingly witb smart girl all right,” mgs with, curt cancer of tbs mouth. Up to reeaot doiencA • Seriha—Maddlne Ball. M A'aratidn to two problama—de- Take 'one-half t•anoonfifi<^of. “Does she—does she love him?” much alike;: , and' Troisp f t|mss cancer of tbe mbutb wis “Smith? Oh, 1 suppose so. She seemed more prosperoua. N ^ L ^ ' a r a two "other geod’varis- prlmsrlly a diseaae of man. Kruadien in. a ’f!lMa^cf b o t.x testified for him.” A hara and hb i^ -# to plan­ eveig. morning befoca Taylor avenne,' ■ y, ned for June 4. Tba haraa, ara,:7to Doctor Koodgood'pointa'oat tbat "Is she pretty?” “Almost tbwe,!'iltow “ 1tr7tol, _ up a little so 1 cbn'w i^ t^ Cantor strsata at 9 a m.,* and tbo tbe tr^ , AC • ■'5 * Tall111 and Mvk. Sort of Spanish Si bers.’! >. - to it^saenpgnaeaiefinr-'tojpit In a 8 o'd^we^^ttizM to tbe abd^ ReHatry of motorboata In tbe of cancer, became , abe kaepa bar coata but aitrifla toata 4 .looking, Obiedently Oberry.,jrt^ed the cfir. ___ of, siMd, anA ttisn' tUn bounda at tba aama place at 10 a baB,\wki^ Wa were entertained United Stittee for 1981 ahowa an in- taetb dean and'^smootiw aad when |t at J. Hi Qidnn A Oo., “Claiffls she used to be on' the It WM bstors.ppsbefMe.ona.of______tA.m.mors prs- ita.'to an Ikeb or two apart m. <3u1a ara raqntotad to bring w ith ;p t^ 'M lp a and a tap

BIANC^BOTSR b V S N ^ iqONN, ’ipifEi^

*. r /vd-r-vCs

Sblonrocks Victoriou

Over Bon Ami iStur KrifiA Wanaa Golfar Not Eatwed h Phy At "Watbed Up”; RatiMOisi: ffiti Roinr; T. E C. A. Twilifh LeafM TRADE DEFEATED New York, May 28 — Jpe M^AGrimala tallied:9 and Danowiki won Ghuiky and Johnny JahlA Fprd- the discus throw. SMaoheater High (IS) , ; Saaatoa Tomonow. City College took only three of Edfe^idyn. Bci|(k Tw» Tri- Gum Goes Extra lanaf; ATWWR LOCKS jhain't pair rf for toe out­ AB.R.H.FaA«S. toe fourteen events. Kerr, ss 5 1 2 8 7 4) door Intieroolleglataa in CaUf onUa la McCSuskey’s chief rival to two of By The AsMdated Fieea p t i ^ a Smlthi 2b ...... 6 1 3 8 8 1 Errors AccNiit For Two Satmtott, North Devonahlrs, May JulR scored 84 points between them toe races was Marvin Stern, Qty Mahraeyi i t ...... 8 3 0 1 0 0 College's ace distance runner. They Loses 9 To 3; Wimers Take 28—(AP) —Sasmton Sands, where as toe Maroon swept Its dual track Burleigh Grimes admitted from Luplen, I f ...... 1 Q 0 ® 0 1 Mrs. Glenna OoUett Vars, Helen and field meet with City College, 78 met first to toe mile, two events (or Menial Mere Tor O'Leiary, Sb-p ....4 1 2 0 1 2 ofWimet'sRRiis;Wallett- to 48, yesterday afternoon at toe minutes) after Mcauakey had cap­ he witness chair three days ago Hloka and other hunlnarlea' of R. Smith, l b ----- 2 2 0 4 0 0 Adnmtage of IGs|ria;s By Lewlaohn Stadium. It was toe first tured the two-mlle to 10 minutes that he was just about "waahed up’’ Lloyd, lb ...... 0 0 0 6 0 6 Goddc h Ktclmrs'Duel America'a gbUng conttngant will I tinm In three years that toe Rama 9 8-iq seconds, lo a i^ throughout aa a big league pitcher, hot he nerrow AHeitoeD. Fischer,.rf ...... 8 1 1 1 0 0 toe race to win by more than a lap Mandiester Team. start play tomorrow in too 88diole lhaa been able to turn In a victory would neyer have gotten away with August, rf ...... 2 0 0 0 0 0 I oualifying round o t tha Brltiah I over the Lavender. and a half from his teiamma^, John Rautenberg, cf .. ,2 8 3 1 ® 0 . ■ — . . _ ^om en7open golf dhamptonahlp, Mcauakey, Intercollegiate Indoor Hogan. It had the S t Louis Cards been tit- Manohesier High’s : undefeated, Tht BhuiYodui nosed out the iQ-the mile M cauriny and Stern Rugustus, 8b ....2 0 1 O '2 0 Haadxeeter Trade School basrt^ . of toe most Isolated spots fii «nd outdoor two-mlle champion and ting to judgment basebali teAto swamped RookvUle tathaveok. c .,..8 1 0 7 8 0 Bon And 8 to Ito » very weB played team traveled to Windsor IhoWet of national Indoor and out- dogged each other for four rf the The Red Birds were ready to YJUOA. twfflfht league baaehall Testcrday and lost to Wln^r ^ ^ ^ just i door two ndle steeplechase tWea, five laps, Stem to toe van by two swear today the 88-year old spit- High IS to 2 at the Henry stfeet. : Icabert, c O O l O O he feet The Qty College runner tried laUer still has planty rf jrfts left diamqad -to . RookvUle y^erdtijr; larger, p '...... 4 1 2 1 0 0 nm e at the north end playgrorada High school by a scow rf » to 8- ^ summer houses and- a few [ competed in bis first meet since Bentley, c f ...... l 0 0 0 0 0 SSt night It was a P»tch^^^ The score was tie ^ to t^ toum vUlage foto. It's seven brolie toe American 8,000-meter to spurt before toe bdl lap, but Mc- n his aged right arm. ToUtog fo r sfteniooti to ipiluok ItA tentk viotito atee^eehaee record At the Penn Re­ aui^ey hung on. Leas toan 150 the Chlbago Cubs, be set tala eld between Jack Godek and "Woody* i"SF;5S?wiSSi ^ BiisSja. ^ - A t > rf a most fruttfui seam ; Tbmorro# In toe flfthW lndaoritar^ ^ America’s are staffing. lays Just a month ago. He took yards from home toe ^rdbam cap­ comrades down with seven scatter­ 88 IS 12 27 16 4 Wallett with the latter having a afternoon Meridra Hligb comes, hern RookvUle High (2) ^ 22??' The Saunton Golf Qub la two mllea tiuce-first places—in the ■ half-mile, tain started toe sprint which carried ed nita and abut them out 3 to ®- **^a!chteain scored in the Md toes^w lto a tri^e raUw atatioo, but usual- mile and two-mUe—^winning the two him to toe tape twenty yards to It was Grimes fourth start for the anxious to avwige a recent 4 to A AB.R.H.PO.A.E. aetbaok and Manchester Is not at all Gessay, ss ...... 4 1 2 1 2 6 there were no more runs until the “^ 4! k «r. c« t. blT«l ter th. longer races within twenty minutes. front rf Stem in 4 mtoutM 24 3-5 Cube and his third vlctoiy. seventh when each team rep w ^ Janis, a place-winner in toe In­ seconds, three seconds slower than The triumph enabled tha Cube to certain of keeMng its sUte olean for Surbtoski, t f ...... 8 0 1 1 1 0 For the Bon Ami In the seven^ cured 13 atrikemits ^ purely natural aea- door interewegiate hurdles, scored the tra^ record set last week by stay within eight per centage points •the cointog Im p o rta n tB ristel series, Oiristopher, o ...4 0 0 18 0 0. Carter doubled and scored « F. l9 points,' placing first in toe 120- Frank Crowley, rf Manhattan. rf the pace-setting Braves. The which wUl decide the C. C> I. L. Tyler, lb ...... 4 0 0 8 0 0 Ste?niffl«r£veraa « m S ^ h ? k !p t^ admirably oul^ to Thompson's single. For the Sham­ enlng «lll®sr^ei _^e^ umw, toano uSs womtow to length, i-Mfth. 66936893 yards.vards. Par yard high hur<^, toe 220-yard low Stem aoee Up In Eblf-MUe defeat on the rather hand nearly pennant. Aahlahd, rf ...... l 0 l* 2 l l rocks Brownell singded, stiM sec­ toe gairie. ^.In 22 rfJovce hurdlesb u r ie s hadAfid the pole vault vau lt and tying The half-mile, a half-hour • later, tumbled the Cards out rf the-first Ray Berger pitched four, innings ruhr, p ...... 2 0 1 0 0 0 ond and scored on Marshall Ttomp- well' scattered. Manchester was I Is 74. to the a ^ c e j» f Joyw was much more keenly contested. division, leaving them a half game Lentocl^ cf .....4 0 0 2 0 0 weak on toe defense and toe home Wetoered, captain of tlm ^ritlito A teammate, Walter Grlmala, for 8on’s error of Spencer’s grounder. I first place to toe high jump, where Stem was content merely to keep ahead of the fifth place New York Teniistedt, 2b ...3 0 1 0 8 0 t«y»k advantage of their aUpeiteam In lart week a InteiMtional Yhnke, 3 b ...... 2 0 0 0 2 0 The winning run came in toe Sdm XthO T^t Uatches and g^rally regard^ M he ttoned to 6 feet U^toches. McQuskey in tow for toe beat part G iants. ctehtti. Za^uidka raced to tolrd of the race. A lap from the finish '^homeson. 3b ....1 1 0 0 0 0 Soencer and Lennoo were the the peer of aU wom«i golfers, McGrath Sooree 15 Points Bobby Brown, the 20-year

ach Tom Kelley saved B u B alo Is 10,(W0 ahead r f la st Berg<^ for poitinUe reUrf dfty 'to 81 "g T 24 9 0 Kujxvffle 8, Atlanta 1. iyaartotignras; ^Moirireal is ACWOO- seven postponed B ob Ami ...... 10® ®0® • O lftr-2 - ..... i., . ..1^. .432-.73-8[ MdntihlA 13, New Otkafia 4. ' r . ! • ■ ^ SHIELDS MAY TLAT the Meriden' gaxne by sendiiig to Sbamioeks • .... 10® ®®0 Oil—8 Wtohsor L H S ... 100 140 08x—8 Chattanoogaa 17, Nashville 4. murd-Basernan Jimmy O’Leary to Two base Uts, Carter, Keller; Mandiester Trade • 101 010 (WO—8 1 Texas Leagoe. finish the game. RockvUle nicked stolen hases, Breimaa, M. Thompaon, xBatted for Wippert to 8th. Dallas 7, Tyler L IN DAVIS SDifiUS him for only two.runs and four hits Hewitt; 'Carter, . Zapatka 3, » po^ - Two base hits, Lennon, Rossi, Beaumflot 9, Galvesten 1. in the remaining five stensaa. • n ; doUMa p l ^ . Brennan to Hraln- Bazhsri; threo base Mts, Spencer, Longview 4, Fort Worth 2. Philadelphia, May 26.—(AP) — Eric Rautenberg, leading batter ard, Keller to McTsmkWln; left «r,r 8 1 2 N a w a rk ...... M C a m sia ...... 4 0 4 0 ^ 8 - 5 . 2 5 - ^ 9 7 4 8 3 9 .1 0 B a ttim o ra ...... 38 A23 Two aaml-finallats to the men’s 7-6. 29-5.25—19 3 7 .7 5 3 9 4 3 M flobaal ...... M A lO a i n i ^ rematoed t o be decided to- I 7 4 9 9 9 4 5 Buffalo a a oaaa a a aaa a a a S8 ^ day,! Flay in tba.man’s ^ doubles 80^ 5.25-20 JW8 bPNMd yeataidw and the mixed $ 8 .1 5 3 9 .7 5 R od iestar ...... 21 31-5.25-4^1 I Toronto,...... 14 ' doublaa. were sSediile^to start to- S4ial 3 8 4 5 3 1 0 4 0 Bigfor---- .^1 29»5.50—13 I Jaraey city 18 Ltfatim e Gaanw tM d 29<*5JM^19 3 8 4 8 3 1 0 4 0 VRsadlng ...... 8 ti. F. Hayaa rf TTals reached the 3 0 4 J 0 ^ 2 0 3 8 4 5 3 1 0 4 5 . senU-Mwls yaaterday 1^ defeating 3 1 0 4 5 T0D 4F3 H31IB8. IL Hopklna rf New Haven .6^2, 6-0 GOODYEAR 2 9 4 j 0 0 ^ 1 7 3 8 4 5 in aithisd reund.matcfa and by de­ 304XM—18 3 9 .0 0 3 1 0 4 5 feating J . U. Mooriiead of Yale 6-1, 8 1 4 i)0 —19 3 9 .1 2 3 1 0 4 5 Anastown at Hartford. 6-4. vHyte defeated Kh^dmi Jack- SPEEDWAY 82- 3.00—20 3 9 4 8 3 1 0 .9 5 Naw Haven a t Brldgraort son, NaFrBaaan, 6-0, 9r7. SupertW itit Gofd Norfolk at aprinilMd 83- 3.00-21 3 9 4 5 911.10 In itba ’'WoUMn’a stogies, Mrs. Richmond a t Albangr. Gh^m Nhchad the; aennitoals by 34- 3.00—22 311.60 A. Lliioflto rf 35- 34W—23 3 1 2 4 5 Naw Yaik at Waahliifton. 6-9 6-2 and Mias 29- 3.50—17 3 1 1 .7 5 Cadeaco At D aM t ------1 of New York, In .Ill* Ollinttn su n SU m -B U D i, 3 1 1 .0 0 3 1 2 4 0 Claveiand at tit Loula. • awdMhifdf'GdUbnneadi it tba ax- 30- 3.50—18 PhUadalolda iat Bostonj ' 3 1 2 4 0 peaaa aC U n .. Virgtoln CkUUIfrd rf 31- M 0-^19 3 1 1 4 3 '^IralliM l faagu I fe h r BSMin.^7rbovnto defaced 8 ^ , y«u thn im portant a^vantas#. I 2 - 3 J 3 ^ 2 0 W f 3 5 Boaldu-At PhOadiitoltfe. M .- ' ■f ; 8 2 - 7 J 0 0 ^ 9 3 1 2 -7 3 ^ 4 4 0 Brookjy^at Na w Ya^ 1 ^ 4 4 0 Pittabursb « Chiefina o f rngOnl^iM ly tpm poiroi' •kovinf, 38-2.33—19 O rltf ganiaa aebadUlad. U 4 j m ; ^ 2 0 4 U 4 5 3 M .9 5 NdOHjOyilL horrfor thoi c a n s f j m t i k e U tm M m a tid J M ^ Bett2r-4vw Slf, JSSU RntoH^Oila, m M iL' 69 ' titiWSl Htteil Is iTItiiJ. Qliuli. It

■ ■'‘t »~•-'.A V ■ - ' - ; ; ■ I /• • •

niL {>* . ■ ■

* • * -v/il T w x c m • • -V *l4

APJ^mtENlB^FLAIlB-^ & Vi LOST AND FOUND REPAIRli^G 28 SAYSO. .'.J t e n e m e n t s $S LOSTV-THURSDAY a. m. haadbair. UaynUBfi j3HARPIS»nSD. koy mak­ contaia^ motorcycle goierato, ing, vsemim deiner. lock, gun, FOR RENT—4 ROOM t^ement iltndiester between Maachiaiter Greea aad ^ elodi rqmlttaig. Brsltliwatf^ 53 with finished room hi attic, all FROM SOVIET R IP A "'V V Center^- Fladar {daaae';PhinM 77M. Peiarl street...... iqbdern h ^ ro v e n ^ tB Inquire 14 t J^roiiir^ H erald ArCh street (dqntia^ frefo fngaoiaal . (n iilklal jf l b y jW iM B i' ft- Ox) Alr- I'* e*b*e e"o*o'eV"U'** e •• a^ • ■ In the'h^foim jsti^f^Yiiiilfo to- ‘^^bm^asd sbbrevMoy Academy of Hairdressing, 693 Qq> N at M iftd T..3 0 0 JLni 'BiivB' • • • • •»e • • •'« d»y there^«MS^ht|rtik«|^^ «««Bt M • wort aa4 Ford’ 2H!ioor cedan, for lot or rteco made to sdid' dght- k^ "h Colin. River- .....^..'450 -U. A m ,vlfo^Stt)i4 • • a.o.Ok.0^0 • .....3 % I •• two worto> lOBiBiiun ooot is kbd^^lrtreet, Hartford. ' FOI(t RENT—4 ROOM tenement in American bushieaa On; gn. d rti^ e d tween dommuiflata and fonowMa o f :t* of land dlong 'the highway, w ri^ excdlent conditioii, ' Middle Tiirh- Htfd.'Oenn. Trust . . . . — TO Ani -SjPWitt ei ■ .6% Adiflf .iOtleis SeVrtal^ peraoflh'Wera of thro* Uboo. Boot X tn eare of Herald. tour ot Russia tiiia summer,-wltii fltrrt Natirtw] 140 I66 ratM por tejr Cor pdke Wert, new garage, furnace^ a view of improving trade rdations Ain ,T T • •-• • • rr-V.. V. ■injured and maiqr were aneated. iknd Mte ai^ ‘Htle-.. .^ — 16 , WANTED-rMALE 86 large garden, rent 3«3. Inquire- W. between the two countries. He . said ''H ie Prnsaian Diet was the scene - ____ Chargo F. Lewis, 11 Vine street New Btfc'Tyust . — 180 Abi' . v^Tui'. o.o ySaterday.'Of a'hand-tohand battia AUTO ACCESSORIES— Msar WANinD t o e s t a b l is h July 1 bad been set as the:dste of Wert E^nrtfeM T i ^ . . — 200 • , .•••ooo*e*«*eo ^ VO Daya ssl&ig. .. ♦: between'Ifotiaiifid Socialists tHitler^ jr'- ! ro Days d SSSuS URLS and cc^iiict Rawlelgh d ty busi­ FOR RENT—THREE ROOM Suite, ' b rtora M Sioolte..' .^L^c^SboO'''' •••««•••'•-*•'ooA****' 26' IteS) and.Commiinlsta- uupedeedent/ new jQhnsoD. Block, all modem The Soviet msrlut,'the Amtorg r • • • o > a e .w.a • • • ness inr aties of Manchester, Hart­ Aefoa Csinfldty ...... 15 20 ed in Ger'rnSajfr'a -gariiamantary bia- :* % SPECIAL THIE SALE ford, New Britain and RodndUe. improvements. Phone 8726 or jani­ diairman said, "offers . .t j ' MMa} tMoa for loaa tana avary 2 Tires For Price Of 1. Details At Reliable bustler can start earning tor 7636. Aetna>mre 14 . -ig 'The ball was. wrecked and about ___ _ ^vaa apoa raqaaat. ing to aUeviate the current depres­ StfoTft. q . MANCHESTER TIRE CO. gS^Weekly and In^ease Rapidly. Automobile: ...... 7 . 0 half s dozen members-teare-dnjured Center and Trotter Sts. Write immediately.'Ravdflgh Co., FOR IUENT—BRIDGE street, four sion.’' rooms,* first floor. All improve­ Soviet Needs Credtt G aursl ...... 26 29 Cap Pae ■ when the-Hitleritu swept tbs' Com- s Dept. CD-36-V, Albany, N. Y. Hartford Fire-...... - 21 23 'munisfs- fronr tim-foaiaabei!.-. Tba-- •« *p p w ? ments. Inquire 71- Bridge street However, the Sc^et stlU 'finds‘it .Gsitef (j.- L ) .... ^ “ at tba rata aaraad. l»at T^ephone 5977. difficult to get favorable financial Na^onal Fire — 17 l9' C e i^ -De- Pt^KO . figbt arose from a speech by.a/Com- or rafaads aaa ba nw y BUSINESS SERVICES Hartford/Steam Boiler M 29e Chea snd‘ Ohio .. munist deputy who asserted that ado atoppad aftar tba POULTRY AND cre --S ASHES REMOVED by load or job; without garage. G. M. Cox. Phone Pnblie UtilitleB Stocks Col*; Gas ...... ^1 wtU Bot ba raaponalbla FOR SALE —ROASTING ducks cess*^ of the" Soviet's first f^jrear also light trucking done. V. Flipo, 5578. plan. 1 Coam.:B2ec Serv"'.‘. : . 36 C^ml; Sd'V . aw ators ***f»» oaa laeorraet lasartloa 116 Wells street. Telephone 6148, 28c leased; alive 22c; also baby C^ns Gas ...... UNEARTH LCrpn^Y f^ G ' aC;amr sdvartiaamaat ordered for ducka B. T. Allen, 37 Doane FOR RENT—FIVE RQOM flat In contrast, European coimtiieB OoniL 'P ow er...... 26 tban oaa tlma deal with Russia on, an' “ac<%ptel:fl'> Greenwich,-WftG, i^d. — Copt dan laadvartaat omlaatoa of laeor* street, telephone'8837. large rooms, all Improveihents, 219 Corn Prod ,.. . . New. Haven, May A ablMUlea of advartUln* wJU ba basis,'' Bogdanov said, adding, Hartford FSeC' 35 Grand Jiuoris heating -vvfoia the BUILDING- Siunmit street Telephone 5495. Hartford Gas ...... XJi.' lig- * ' Id oaly by eaaoaUatioa of tlM "there is no reason!; to hco^t in­ Du.Pont;,.. .^...... v^raticHL.of an alleged lotffHcy ring ^ Bsda for tbo aarrlea v’endared. CONTRACTING 14 HOUSEHOLD GOODS 51 FOR RENT—6 ROOM tenement ferior terms in this\ He .do, ,pfd 39 was ordered , today l^ .'jEt^rmond advartlsamenta moat ^ntorm S N E T Co ..... ----- 88 92 Eastman Kodak yla, oopy and typography wltb with all improvements, screens, pointed out that last year, ^rm an Elec s^rMus' 1% Devlin, assistant rity attpneyf fol- . -^'oaa aaforeed by the pnbllah- BUILDING C0 NTRACTIN6 , Stone FOR. SALE1--LARG^ .Wlncroft gas and storm windows. Apply 97 sales to the U. S. S. R. re k ^ ^ 'th e Manufacfuiliig Stocks jslqc.AtdorTjte ... / '9% lowing the arresl of two men on ■M- fbay raaarra tba right to mason work of any kind. Stone range, also antique bed.' Riquire Ri<^ street record total of' more than 3200^196;- Posv a n d . L t r : ’3% charges ; -> ef > possrasing-- lottery ' ravlaanwm orwr rajeet muwany copy ooa-- Am'Hardware ...... 14 16 m a - _A fl ^ __ _^ a A fire places, cobble work, founda­ 227 So. Main street, or telephone 000 . > ' Am Hosiery ...... 18 ,‘Fox- Filin.j..... , 1^^ tickets. ,y , - >j _ i^ r^nRft^UaaasIfled ada to tions, rep^r work. Mason work of 4449; FOR RENT—FOUR ROOM flat ^n (h'edlt Barriers Arrow H and H, !<»m .. — Gen~ ^5Lec 11 . ^.TheterreSts wrte*made artSr Sam­ 1# peMtobad aame day mnat be r^ any kind. Work by day or contract. Ridge street rent reasonable. In­ Bogdanov said th^ tlnited States do,, pfd...... ■GfHi Floods.- 21^^ uel'Shia bad cpmplained fo rt-h e 2fvad by II o'clock aooa; Saturdays Big or small job. C ^ le s Ander­ FOR SALE—KITCHEN, bedroom, quire at 25 Spruce street i f ^ a. BL ___ and living room furniture, all in discriminates against the importa­ Billii^^and SpencOT>.. — ■ G^ni MotcUrB 9 had been nnable to coUect 32,000 on * ( 1 son, 1016 Middle Turnpike, E. TeL tion of Russian products. ttapBg^ d^llette ...... ,.«.... 7.. 12^^ t e l e p h o n e y o u r excellent condltidn and priced low FOR' RENT—556' MIDDLES 'Turn­ Brtatol & as8 ,.. a.wiimjng tickrt* punhased last 4978. for quick disposal. Call at 10 Trot­ artificial as weU as c r ^ t barriers, do, pfd ...... ■Gdld-Oiistyr.--*.7V.,c.. »'»c ;9%r S^tember:-" WANT ADS. pike Elast half a house, modem, and that “untfl this prplflchi Ire- Case, Lockwood and B — Grigspy 'dlrunow, ...... 56 Frank De Mertino,'. wtao 'polieu* ^ % ^da aaa aacaptad ovar tba talapboaa ter street. garage. F. R. Manning. Td. 8146. Int-,^Iarv ~..^...... 1551^ at tba CHAKOD BATH givaa a b ^ ceives a satisfactory scfiution it ^lU Cbllins 15 said agreed to pay-Sliia 315 'aavertt ag' a coBvaataace to advartlaera, bat FLORISTS—NURSE*UES 15 FOR SALE—CHEAP, . SPECIAL 4 DAT SALE, ending an modem improvements, indud- Johns'* AfanviOe ...... v -10 5A* kltCheD heater. Call 5529 or 50 ihg garage 324 month. Appfy^28 between tbe two countri^'* Fafnir Bearings.*;..... — held in 32,000 bonds-Am) f o i lfitter. ■^soin ea aa or baioira Oa aeveath May 30tb—Tomato, pei^r and Fidlez^ Brush, C|siBS A . — ...... a... 8 M o # io g tba drat lasartloa ot Glenwooid street. Cooper street "If oiir busihess is desirable,' and in 3500 bonds. 0t .(MMrwlsa tba CHABOT cabbage plants, 8 dozen for 26c. I beUeve that the - thousands -^ef Gray Tel Pay Sfotion.' 20 If 5 PoUce said f o ^ had f l ' arlll bo ooBaotad. Mo respoaal> Also annual flowering plants, such Haft and COoley V . . . — Kr«]g,and Ton . I.* a ae.a • • • ’ C6r m ors fa tatapboaad ads FOR RENT—« ROOM FLAT, down­ AmeriCBi^ firms with irtibm we have another complaint' of the non-pay- as asters, zinnias,, cosmos, calen­ dQTu. busiBrts tn the past.^few years Bartmaim Tob, com; / — Lrtdgtu ‘Val .Coal . foerit of 31,500 on V ticket. ‘ ba nr**'*'*^ and tbatr acoaraay ROOMS WITHOUT BOARD 59 stairs, at end of Walker street Leldgh^Vid Rwy . . f bo gaaraataad.' dulas, petunias, marigolds, lupins, AU latest, improvements. Available are con'vinced that it'hi, then we do, pfd — and t^der plants, 3 dozen for 25c. FOR RE37T—SINGLE Unfurnished Inter Silver 18 Ligg wad Myers B INDEX OF June L Alexander Jarvis. TeL must be given fuU opportunity to .do, iMEd...... - ' 30 Loew*s- ...... Britaki is now. u - Potted plants such as geraniums, rooms. A suite of Z ..unfurnished 4224 ectaomy do, dans -B .- ..:..: — Mont ••••••• States^ ■ , , •E«oV«90ldd»=«DD«»«.M ^ hundred, ornamental flowering rooms, 88. BisseU street AU mod­ F(Bl BXINT —FURNISHED room that cannot be ignored." New Brit, Mfo. com.. — NatjBipotdt .'.... a. j *. 0 a# • o • w • ^ Shrubs, 12 for |L00 Evergreens em improvements. Newly papered do, pfd ...... •...... - Nat Cash,R^ .... ThSSlM •••••cf•«»jD:ijiD-4n. ® 25c each. McConviUe's Green- in private family. Inquire 18 Wil­ and painted. Inquire 86 BisseU. o o wowwdCDSfVtGlWbW ^ liam street or telephone'3879. North anid Judd ...... — Nat-Dairy F # «# • ooggbWWbdCDDWOdr X bouses and Nursery, 21 whule- FOR RENT—6 ROOM tmement holes Brtn Pond5 Nat Pow and.. Lt . ____ _ DSBXS o o o o • a# ai J mere street. Telephone 5947. A U B A I f M E ^ Pefo, Stow sod .Vnioos: 1 N Y Gfotral ..... a a • • o a * # o O a o O ■ O • • • « O M i * adtA. aU improvements, 24 Haw- APARTMENTS—FLATS— Russfo Mte — 1 ^ NH aind Htfd . One Sectmd riiuid ROWBOAT, ibilas for Side 4 FOR a*T.ir. —MEMORIAL DAT tbomp street 'j.'deidione 3048. Dlo^th':Amer .... flowers, made up pots and baskets, TENEMENTS 63 HEEIS 2ND DEFEAT Sopvill ...... 15 for Xxcbanga ...w • Stanley Wculm 9 Noranda >teaaaaaaaa#4 12 14 f t 4 3 - B f 4 be »rlaa>-Tlres a ^ o a « a « a • FOR RENT—FOUR- ROOM flat nntiiiai, perennial and rock garden Sfopdard'SCnrw 23 Pafoard Ef PiSiDtlWW * idants; also v^^table plants in- FOR RENT—5 ROOM flat, near with- finished attic room,.aU im­ ryaswifoblel ■aaaooaooaaaaa ac9 ••• do., piCd., guar; A... 100 Center, an modem improvements. provements, heat fumidied, gm- The Sub sec­ •>• **•!•*.* hr Trmtk aaabawd d u ^ g peppers, tomato and egg fopythe MfgPo. — • • • s * * * orMli. ^ .7 i;.; B l n Idants. All at the lowest prices. We Telephone 6200. rage. Apply 4 ^ Center staast ond game of-the' jreair but night at T^pgflor .apd Fenn phila R<3dr C and^I TTuAft Up floral designs and wedr tbe C3iarter Oak strertf flrtd t o foe i'TctlTtaig^totL. "... 29 {s •«• • «••••• •*« V • • FOR RENT—5 ROOM- tenement, Wert Side Eh^les.. . ^ \ .. Astw—Mdton^tise Hiiig bouquets. Krausa Green- aU. .,',;improvejnentii^ shades, rent H O U ^ FOR RENT 65 UhdeewUdd M fg'Db;w. 8 •••••••• a* • V mM 621 Hartflnrd- Road. Phone AjginF^rthe nhifo rta s^ foort Urtoh — ;Vgs^' 131 SummeB.>i4iket. rYfilephqne ^ en Antonfo was’emu^ OfiTfok m O Sm n m .•••••I 8982:' SUN paiior. u ;H. B ir n w ^ oqip,/../ * __^__^ StFRCXiMW oaaaaan## modem, nearly new.-oU beat flowsr at' foiid. SChuiti was 'The T M3 do^ pfd .,...... 8|SSl^t#*1XWTB®FlRS #aaaaaaaa««a HARDY AND COtEENHOUSE FOR RENT—UPSTAIR five room garden and pooL extra land, sticker -for the West Sides while Vaedar fow t . . . . i .'... ^— R w R u lid- • • • • • «-• • • »'> ■;i3A' CMFDCEOTB aaa'aaaaaooa«*« plants, porch boxes, cemetery urns Johnson and Sartsr hit^y^vfor the R ^ . T oB B m • *'• • a • a a Edw ird;]^ — ------eiom^lBr—Boofles — flat, ''SU modem improvements, garage, good location. Cbas. J. Whitlock OeO ' — flUed. Luuel Peroinlal Gardens, garage. Inqu^ 38 Woodland Strlcklan«l. 168 Main street Phone Aipineers, JH.wn*ma Go. nV par 58 fioAwclc • Fa • Ovferd Ml5 Ibda St PTRDMWWR twy aaoaaaaa Station>39, Burnside. street. Phone 6349. 737A Wert Side Bagleo (7) SOOCiOy Vnto aaaaaa eaa-a'eaaaa . ':;.\'-/Fbo^'6dl4 ___ lig>—Tfnektog Sto ra o ••• AB R H^ PO a a a. * a a a a aaaaaaaaa '.6% P|||gtlB||"^RBpSrlHS aaoooaaa-a a-M PLANTS AND FLOWERS for l^ e y , c f ...... 1 2 1 1 - BXVU&dS': a a a a a ate a,a * x.a «.a, XO. ' yiWli^3o®Sl OBFVlOES vaaaaaaaaxm f o r RENT—JUNE 1ST., five room Memorial Day; also a complete tenement, with all improvements, SUMMER HOMES Schuetz, s s ...... 5 2 4 0 AOTWOnfotRADE i St Qtm a a a>*-te4*a te>a^aK a a- ■ dU Hni» of flower plants, evergreens, s i Oq GSil . xa en te. •; te. a a a aTa..- l7 ^ ••• steam heat: 'also garage. Inquire FOR RENT 67 Rudeen, 2b. 5 0 2 1 00#4B SSFVto® aaoaaaa shrubs, violas, daphnes, rose bush­ J. Bruno, p 4 St J a a a a a a a,a a a a a a a a a a BeFTIDR m:« d • e • ~ 92 Russell street. WEATRERED STORI es, bulbs, and iertlUzer for your FOR RENT—COVENTRY LAKE, S. McCwrma^ e 8 TjflC \ OOJTDPP ’ aa.a ,a_a a aa.a .a a'*a*« a a,na>^ a ate^ate^te • a a-a,a -a . JOj O ' FWes - ecHDA 'rtthout 'lA ifo gardens. Ruffled petunias In full FOR RENT—4 ROOM FLAT, all attractive fumlkhed in Fallon,' I f ' ....-V• vv* 3 aqaaaeaawaa X2^y j 4 f o h g . • ilUA'ytei to tpOElOB aaa^a«*b«ee bloom. Burke The I^orlst. TeL 714, improvements, gara^ if desired. Bdvlew SpctiG9,;we«k.!qkd8, Swanson, 8b..^..—A ___^ t t b S y l C p l • • • • a -a a^a a a • m T g ' ; L ri^ ila ^ yUSI.- a••••e ae•#•*!#••# wo88®A Rockvine.--- -. Apply at 132 M i^ e street ly or mont^. .AipilT 58 HoU W. MoGuni’tL' H>>3 O iu rtlid o a'a a a a a'^a'a ft a'a a V ~ X 6^ ' your fundturer Your home? aaeaaaeWaba* ^8 1 a a a a a a a a ;a .y a a . T itftf' TDHtrpctlim a • a a a air# a a a 88 street oy tdi^mhe T18S. Angelo, r f 1 automobUea warn regarded largely W Jfo ,a;.{f!W. 9fo|A:esfo dsy wfo. FOR RENT—4 ROOM tenement J. Sullivan, i f . . . 2 aa lindiry artideB. Today, howew, 'X ftlitt * * "Uy 'a a a a'a a a'a a a a a a' * a** ' A buy a go^ 5re hisurance policy. Cortgngea St MOVING— TRU CK IN G - ■ all improvements, 93 Charter Oak FOR ItENT — COLUMBIA. LAKE, Im p .V a a a a ...... a • V 1 3 % RAmpfobex! we eaxmot insure your fOpportaaltlea .. 1. street Apply Sam's Shoe Shop, t h ^ come more definiUDy ua^to TJ ^ X ^ d A lW U lO l 'a a a a a a a a a a' .to Loaa •.•••••*. s STORAGE 80 ' 3 acne w^«k>tr6nt 8 rpom housB Totals ...... -31 ; 7'^ 9"^24 C 9 .2 goods after tbe itare starts. 701 Main street running - Weforj deetrldty; td^. „ . —Sub A^taeA* €# (5V£ .*‘ - th » haadinig qt; aaCBiwity articles ; ...... • *. $% TTiatrt Temnlt ...... W ^ A B R H P<>'A B PERRBTT ft GLENNEY INC—We phope, ilfoplaoe, ^50 per month. fFOTMT '4USd ntit a a a a aaaaaaa>*■ WaitOd—Mnlo aoaaooooo #Km 88 will move, pack and ship your FOR RENT—6 ROOM tenement CaU WimA^ Khoila, Mancbaiter Enrico, 2 b ...... 3 ; ]6 6r "2 -1 .1 rweafbd—MnlowrFoawlo .. tT second floor, all improfyemepts and ! Alfred. P. Sjban;;iHidd#t of G ^ S ^ C t aaaa a aaaaaaa, aaa. ..X>; . /; ,16i8M»iiA;. .3 /. Waatod • oooooaooooooo'We St-A merchandise qulcl^ ^dnd econom- 4181 w 4879i , . Mistretta, 2h 1 0 0/ 0 I- 0 garage. 27 Starkweather street eral Motora, |n hia currwrt report to _ [Pn aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa -X'^ ;Bert.TEiiAatA fliesnwhip IktartB > Waatod—P nanlo ...... IS icaUy. Fast dkly . express service Antemio, c f — 3 , 1 I - 3\ 0 . 0, rteckholdarii/ again emphaidaee Ms ' nnd a a a a a a.a a a a a ^ B^aatad^^Malo .•••««• IS Sartor, 3b ...... 8 ■;! 2 • 0 1 0 st Agaaolao 4S to and from New York. Connec­ FOR RENT—FIVE AND SIX room LOTS FOR SALE 73 opBviction' foa t "tha-wond ia in -no a..aa.a..'a.aayAV'JB%*'^ >TAM ea tions with fast brack aarvlce out of R. Sturgeon, lb .4 0 1 8 -0 0 sense llhlifliad in K » huBdlw." Sev- tenements, with aU modwre im­ Johnson, 88 ...... 8 1 3 ''g . 1 -1 —Pata . « 4tNew York going south and west. provements. Inqinre at 147 East FOR SALE- BUHiDlNO LOT. 'errt'-tbiMa m foe -paati -abtahly In ■ ■■■ y Agents for United Van Service, Lovett, « ...... 1 0 0 .0 IkM, foe miartion whathrt tba auto- aad Oappllaa 41 Center street or telqibone 7884. Arvine Road, Lakevlew 75x150 at Frailer, I f ...... ,2 0 ,^ 1 ^ — Peta—Poaltry—Stock 44 one of the leading long distance a vefy low )nrioe. Chas. J. Strick­ moiUla iiiSdrtty. hka raafoadva mmdng companies. Phone 3063, FOR RENT—6 ROOM flat with J. L. SidUvan, rt • J ' ® ^ - 0; .6 Mdiiiatloa . point has been Idea for Sal* ..... land, 168 Mi^^^street Phone 737A J. Stiirgeon, r t .« 1. .0 0 1. 1 0 aad AeeaaaoiAeeiaoeriaa 8860,8864. garage, on Benton street Avail­ foit, a|wAya fo e khawac has been imMatarlals able June 1s t Can J. Sargent 78 Smitii, p •«•••• 2 ; J ' .|®i i 5 aUiiw-increaft^d iidrt a f ^ a -Watehaa—Jawalvy .. CARLSON ft COMPANY Bbepress. Benton s o e e t Dial 7498. Stevenson, c *... 3 .1 .1,1® ®;. ®: pOraty hill in the "IpdoatryTi pro- Appllaaeee—Badle Daily service to Hartford and Feed .41— n R S T N A W L ’ S Totals ..2 7 '5 -'8 Y i ’ 7 2 : — Fans—Dairy Fredaets I ^trbogfield, and aH Oonnectlcut, SEVERAL GOOD RENTS both^L. From production-of 65,000 cara in jalfl Goods I and Massachusetts points.. Loads Bngie and two famUy. ranging West Side B ^ e i .... 0202.0261—T 1908, the krtuatry atqpiied imc to liliKwy aad .Too l s ...... I or part loads moved anywhere. from 120 to 360 month. App^ Ed­ Sub At|dne A . C .. ... 2000 0102—5 48^000 cara tn. 1918, to I470,00ftin . lasf^aBMats •••••«•*•••• I SALESDCCESSFUL tad S tan Bqalmaeat . . . . I Furniture moving. Telephone Man­ ward J. HoU, telephone 4642. 865 1918 and to the aUpfona pahknfi O,- a f tba Storaa .«•••••,«• I chester 8624. Hartford 2,6229. Main street 358,000 IB 1M®> Appanl—Farm ...... I Sprtngfleld 6-039L unusual th fou i^ u t L o r t M g A f V itad—To B y FOR RENT—8 ROOM FLAT with New B n g ^ d ia npovtad by aalea FRANK V. WILLIAMS— General Baataaraata garage, 17 Walker street Inquire executtvea o f Ftzat NatkBuu Stores Without Board...... trucking, carlot distribution, fer­ W. Manning, 15 Walker street TeL to the five and t^B cent 'sate hi'the lara.^FaBtad tiliser and tobacco delivery a 7628. company*a 2800 atorea thla week. It PbUsd^Shia-r-Brnmy Bsart tOijQa- Itry Board—Basorta...... spet^ty. Rates resaonsMs. TSL is declared-that this flrbt aala Of its delphla outmltited, HaiQr D^BIj^sky, l,yesfoer. I I E C E 8 ^ ^ # a a a a a a a a a a a a a e ^ B n B aU inqsroycanenta, and garage. In­ pound of lard, a can of beans. A B u r t ^ Grimes, Cabs^-Shut but Baaort Frbparty for Sslo s e r v ic e s 28 quire at 24 Eldridge street dhne c. ci singles helped sink XanekmatL Nurse, Hartford 7-8500. 168 Oak street Ttfephdne 824L ing power thqy have tod^.** ment o f the war dahts. /

B 9 r f r a n k B E G K GAS B U Q ^Peek-a-B oo—I See Yoe ralDad/* righf hibk: 5 g y i- I starL wtfd'Slng, but J fm W *xame, mop, just: in me and setu^ I SIMPLY rYmfye .told ut of-JUli sou can bh. n w i’r o f o MUST HAVE A W fii. we ak must dqfojiBj MAID, HEM OKEV? TEte^^b-s - SEE IP YOU they'F CAN SET THE /yr^ M telAIH voiCcMv riBgv. EMPtOVMBNT R - A - l - e dttbfr afo'W rt' aaeocY! thbl a Mo a "Gur. UNE^ BSB4 |>'V LONG RNB. ^ W -'. BUSY ALL CENTRA 01^.1

5 P » - i l S V. •t- r f ~ • .-rj v :i^ u m n : I ..A,#,' Vi**’ •V/' >■ K* * aoUtoOKsiio saig jjM&WWSEN^ GIm A him - . )• V -< i. isiMii .ii I jia ii^iiisiwisienmi i '^r •' 1 ^ ’• f t lw aflar tha .ii.Oaa ilaa to fei^ tlia dHoWcR eHAMsf vmeuear aY tHc neiiinsfiM. 1 ’ ■- i .-f" o - Md >ba tollavlaa aaethaf , 4 . w - baHdpr M m thaHaatoy ______.«..A aliftB toraft la a viaaa itoaca tot haad af 'Ii6vai of *tai «»tg r. ■etiartli. ^ ot«R tir e»<^ uir(VtriH^«aciMow4 voat^ oC* [laB^aagar MAM > r »ice o€ toafavHjr* Host ■waat lalHa^Iinin ma Uha thay do to tha Bwvies, henay daar. • Clf If-. 7 v-HL ^ paashmate Paul— AS right; gat WIIHa i.TWd llMniias A . Mlaaa ready to be swallowed. aMka the diat aMCtonc, daddjr? Dadisr-dfOk soa. C M aiada tha drat OM hot M m b apto tha dnit one that could be ahut ML Huabuda Deo^ Xattar: If a atar* Had wQaaan eats ooieaa «sa be anttar ana iba'a atffl in lora wtOi fm ha n jrotWiig dF troepe wars rapmiad oonomteatiw hdar TlbratMa which attaaet aaah an ^ OiaaBto dan -Dames sector c3 other and baooaoe bamcadoiuly the western front for their third p argad tetoji iWb choff of aon* mayor afrendra ef tha yesr, - tact** A foM p a a j paopla have an* pyendi foraaa oppeotog tham had / Jopad Watoy wHbeat haofwtar what haan reinforead, hot

gptoaab has aouain Pop agathar ~ hkw fram n doctor, #ho hMata Ha good food for rabbits oaty. That, * ■*t». howavar, win not dfaeodihco thoo' aasda who rsaaon that It nMoa so had It most be haalthfhL SHATd fllOM TBS JAOMM; A wlao wife nerer qnarrala with har hoobaad otttn afbar pay day.... Tha eld man are looidng no yaung thaae daya that they aO aaaai to die bafora tbalr ttma... .Paepla who a if too old to loan bars onthrad thair maftihiaas— Jvat how for " : W vVfmffT* i yon gat to Ufa Amanda an whalhar year H U CIn In tM wHhbana, tha toarhona or tha haakbono.. , , A pU l' Hdaa thtaka of tha nant ctoetian, a WASHINGTON TUBBS H By OaiM OUT OUR WAY By WOkaiiio atataaoMs of tb# anat gi amtlen . . . ,11 oartato^ would to a ji t r H woman ooDagaa had fdotbaO taamo sad ths gUIn bad to fSan aa nmdbf tog,,.,ltofortaaatity a g u i dannaft eeem to ippredet# 6 n lata haotond imtil too lata.,«,A lot of ItaM la - -- . M ^ waatad trytog to thtoh tp wayn to Ahetotoggirl gif# W9Wffm> ifiMK eoooifftol \ aars It,,, .Mantoffa ara Tory BMMh dofopy fAd tfs*! 1 ACT AdM/. FRBtXUto AND HIS FRIENDS BrBloMer t \ M j i n

HM ir.dddic? \ 'Leilas B fH A fM I jonoM iMdOnwi wmo ) Mtor s eeur.,, fO C kld tH t 00 AW AWHWAW < Mddtd If Cdkl/AMO vautr AMWMl, VMAD iOM l » AW~- - W iTNtNM i p i u yu ' oowM H0to Mowofyuoam^x U fT M d im totowf dCMtOddHa AdP

dtoOf Atoonaqifdf

vm u.1 XM dOlMd nan ip X CAM ptwp nor ^OMAT rrid„„fgyffG r i T f WAOK IW Mdnv»«x ddd rrj? mg mo^UMd a uoM/AW'rng ny«f aon LonwiM' HiaHT tot# BORM ThiBW y a w s TOO eoow -• a w

SALESMAlil SA ir Phriiis Sefet to Sang.

U)M» W W -M M a Wi«r !• \tAH»MAHAAj2 rrwAf a U a H a Ha MAttoSlifP pyodWidd H* ihiueoiMiy luto moM AOTATr OP fm m rr V A orr om

X - Tiwi . ft 'if ' m r. J .* Vj. •v,v'f;, lOak-^ ■ « ew ^:li!Ay TO I witt ' fi:? ,‘7^ v art 'ittporUl ITutaplti w OfV ^ wUlTwldlti ff' iby Club at 10 „^imraQoiie liur m Odd a it to . rW>th§ MtaiM hava rMortad T v M O i^ v ^ ^ HAD Kin ntteodbqea at the an- 1w . wUl bt • dibBUMwO .(0r ^ tovia'^Wlni^< ‘ ita*^HIglitmBalona. Homa. nAS|a,hi0|IMaa>-si|i|j^ •t4t« ooDvtatloB htrt on J\m ^ JU|I|kKI fbr;on ■eSjed^At;ttmr.clcth'et-.— •M nftor On buOiwM thOro will bt Tba.iatanqtat'jbciaA a card aooUl for mtmbtn. which WtUlnm J. BuMis I • P M o f SATIimYM, . DenoDdnk ftiw tlmr haai nlana.'unnar.'.w Tomorrow erw hift m S o*dodt benrmimvn to ba. and Brown, iqdge hall nlnf' and not tonight ‘aa rtporttd in • loriM of iwuhibor 'oKipi^ nt the ntBD TATUm , Pronvtior*^ hall, the a b aad.aat Tataday'i paptr. ohuroh^JuQtambb If tbo wimther pe Tha Bupklandv.SfilMol hald.< opan SSi;< :ofthaa aanpan. TQnly iblnaibatt, 'Ckpeb' mlts. '^|B(Wtf'^wUl'UUdude‘i ^ houM laat night tor paranta pad ma -Whlat ww playad. Tha IS; KnQbta there. pmr^irmtt*u !• e»rO «rf and bakod bbanl^. brown bread, ^ A well ohUdren’a oonference-w(U olaaiaa- held ragular aaariona from 7 pltdUaa, ^oake ihd oofme, all a t . a take place tomorrow afternoon at 8 to . 8 o'clock. Aa In \tha othar moderate , prioaa; . ' o'ol^ at the Memorial Hoivltfd aohoola In tha Blghth and outlying a lOr <*o PM< •# annw. dlatriota, ho ragular adiooL entaiv The awt|imtiigiii<^^ the Bobool • talnment program was plaanad. the parehta o^rvlngsbaervlng tha children In street R*5 5 5 5 B,<3enter wUl not be A fallowahlp meering for 'SaOond open tooli^t on account of tha lack .me cigular cigi olapa work; Work done Oongragatlonu ohuroh attandanta during , the year waa op diaplay la ^^EW il]i$&S#lk. of ohlorihar gda;^X!b-lb anpeotad' the will bo held *hli evening . at (he pool Witt be r e ^ for the glrla* tha rooma and dom eatlo^eaoe and home of Mr. no Mre. Harry Rylan- manual tralidag pridaota ware oh 2 Main .St, Tel. 5125, ^ M iit^ester Jntt at anti'pertplrant after bathing—it won t awinunliig pexMd tomorrow after- der of Grove atreet. The hour bae noon at f}80. p " * dlcplfky In the lunch room. UQTJIDS did away with drea irriute. bOin ohahged tr 8:1R to parmlt > Laat hlght tha Intarmedlate thoao Who dealre to vlalt the 4 8 shield^ to Pkbstik it now AD department i t m w d Mra. Arthur Stwkwaather apd grade! of tha North wwe In ■ Lamber- Ma on*s Supplies Mrs. Theodore Falrbanka will be In sohoola, parent!' night laaalon end tha primary gradea of here to check under-arm druggitU here are ohaige of the fdod sale at the A. A the.Holllater atreet achoq .demon- Otl—Cool' perepiration even more Pkrstik. It it the ^ of the P. Depot -Squire market tomoarow The Ladlee* Aid eoolety of the atrated to parenta work done duripg dficiitly. town. To the fattidio^ w^ afternoon at S:80, Iv the mlaaloaSary Swedlah Odigregatlonal ohuroh Will the past 3rear.' Gannel Coal for Fireplaee Use* ' aodetlea of the North Jdethodlat meit tomorrow evening with Mri. Tbnlght the North School prim a» Pbbstik it a pure white man there is nothing more ohurOh. Albln Peteraon of BUlngton. grades and the Hollister street mid- ireateleet trick, in an attrac important than the pre* Mwaeap


ITH E V l ItPE CTdWU N P lk » AR.M > FROTm CTi V I J. W. HALE COMPANY SALE! New Lovely Pure Silk

Q i i f f o n H obo >2 PINEHURST IQ (2 for $1.00) Including $6 and $7 Grades- F resh a They look like hi^ priced chiffons— LOBSTERS 3 8 c lb. from Stock. theyre so clear mid riteer. All pur­ Live est silk <^UfOn with picot tops. Fdll- $2 and $3 ^ fadiloned: French heels. Buy a half A Correction! doseq now for summer wear. Take FRESH MACKEREL IQc lb. STRAW HATS them along over the Memorial Day In last night’s Herald we in­ Speciall t" 'wqsk-end. Whole Haddock > .lie lb. Sahnoh advertently adverti^ Silk Hose, pair Btitlirfish Boiling Cod ... . 1 2 */2C ib. ^ur regular, every day Eastern Halibut Thrifty sht^pers Who want style at a 88c Quohaug Clams modest price will shop for frocka tonight; low price on, ailk stock- M FDet of Sole Opened Clams at Hale’A . Here are darker prints and Snippy little models lifjnostiy lags that are the “talk g*^x l ^ dark, colon; few. green, ahd *of ■ tbs' town.” Sheer Haddock FUets Conn. River Shad navys travel' mid {mipidlate . wear beige. OUll and ahlny^ strait I, that were formerly 86 .mid |7. And chiffons; long-wearing In both trimmed and turban ser^ce hose. P a !e D ry light'prints end pastels fdr summer ooca-. styles. Large and small head Fresh &eamy Cottage sions. In new, clever styles that you simply can’t resist ' Woipen’s and ndss- sizes. Homery-^Main Floors right Cheese...... 20c carton G in ger A le es’ s li^ WeD-TaDored Little Girls’ Pinehurst WiD Gose AU Day Monday, Memorial Day Frocks—-Main Floor, rear. Pickled P n re FnU t RiEiyoli Undies Beach Pajamas Apples DiU Pickles Grape E a ti^ or Herring Cooking Qt. jar Bevm rages Fruit 10c Clearaway! $i6.7^ Ih $19.75 3V2 lbs. at $1.65, Price Regular |1.00 11.00 Last 4 for 25c 19c Quality. White 25c 3 for 25c should have read Year. Pick up a few' Cunning little Fabric Gloves Shredded Wheat...... for c now for stun- beach ^amas 2 19 $ 2 . 0 0 ^ (Uaiiisd ^ I 1 : ■ (Dark mor days. Cool in sturdy cot­ 49c. to wear„.easy ton prints. ^ FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ^ (Pine ease and bdUle charge) Numbfiu)_ qp ■ colors) . to . latmder. White gloves for summer] ' /•'' ■ '' One • piece In the clasUt; 44mttoB.l , 18 ^ y hlSb grade costa to cloio-out at |10. Mostly in the P a h t i e f , models. Colorr They’re as smart as they dft Country Club Ginger Ale^ Quarts * ^ dreaiy xm m eA stylM that are so smart this season. Black, navy bloomers, and faiit. 2 to A expensive. And they krtsB vesta. Regular well, too. , , " \ < Golden PALE DRY 2 and b iii^ Bvmy coat formerly 116.76 and 119.76. Not all sizes. and extra \*JV C bottle Shop eariy-j^ best atfection. sizes. Blain Floor, rear. Blaln fMbr/right;)' Pi 2 ”^ " 25c 2 ““^ 35c (Oontento only) ' :^o;aBd $49 , $1() and $16.75 Main Bloor,'. ri| ' ■ ' •'i. -r, r-- dozen Enjoy thf putdoorg ih $ 1,49 $2.00 one of theee Bottles and caeei^eatra. COATS COATS Trtmmed Steamer Chairs W A X B E A N S ...... 2 q t i. 28c SEE THE NEW $ 1 6 . 7 5 $ 7 . 9 5 A limltad aaaortment of dross With Arm Reats RADISHES ...... le per bunch Anpthai^ ff^ p of high grfde. Silk MAJESTIC ont For Fresh Eistsm Halibut Stsak 29e‘lb« CoBtfort F^jhMadsFIflstrfSoIe^^^^^jj^^ Hslc’c VciisI High QasUtjr Mesh Girdtss fiontlsff Fillet of hfackerel to fry or to boil, Mskei at New Low PHccc. apecial ...... 10c lb* Cortebriss: AT OUB BAKERY DEFT. >'19*14969 Ciyitri Glasi , • r • $ 1 .9 5 Water Boils, spscisl ...... 12c dogsn *1.00 *1.95 rMao sflasDV oot- For sports, ^busl- Rhubarb Piss from natirs rhubarb ...... 17e sacli n m i ,t ^ and ro- 1 wataF^pMi^ ' 9 lea tea ghMoa m Homs Bsksd Beans ...... 10c qt* John i. Jamw tonsfornllday WMT tbara if Stnffsd and Baked M ick srsl...... $0e sash 10 Dspot 0q«U!8c PhaM 88M and only $100* All aothlsf snurtfr nad 6 iwitir gliiiai^ 9 eoeirtaU ^ fMhtoaed t tom htwar than cotton dflcs Open Ttaisdsy lad^ Caksa 20c dozen hnvo.a , $sturdayNigkts7 to 9. - 4toono, law*. "Wg v”WW™ Uoo on whin Land o’ Lakes Buttsr ##•##««## 2'lbs*40s you wtnr tMfo TsUe TnSdftnv...... r - . StricUy^^Frs^hjB^gs ^icdozen fhic tsMa twHblars in naat panalad pattani^ J\ avary dBjr.ttas.'< '■ / Nathan Hals Coilss, spscisl ...... 82c.lb* 1 •-/' '.i'-MU. Fancy Fresh Green Peas...... *. . r.S qlirii* 28s w m m i*-' snappy tta-' IV Native Radishes ...... > »'•»vls^^0liF'hVliidft ^ aiotustVi adHfffe w ^ so lti. sporty at MsHt wmfboot ood. ro- pdihahg ttaow. Ia»- itonndTOy^y SyW-vdlm. dioor Fancy Fraih Oraan Beans ...... *****.8 qtiu-for lfsh Wtatf Ftash Nattrs Spinach *********...... 10e paA ;• '^3 ; niuikF; i- Nfw Fotitaaa, latfo afzt *....*« * * *,* * * *'.. ^>v .8 Iba. 20e y >^vr'J- f -'-jC ■;! i ■OUTH For Quality and Price Dial 0111* '’M:
