jai,>j7»» -v’-iw ■S' J. h r*" — Bt-^J-fCV.- --. V ;.v^^ t-A'i - (oeCHtMaiFACTO)/:;*^iBceiaipiB^^ ■ :r:.''S-'jy-/: vdil iXllva208. , ^ . ,. „» ' ■■r.--i--‘- -in v-n ■ ;-, -. •. I- , , v-'-.jj t r. " f * . camera sTUDnas OP W A L ^ ' ^ t ' A i"< h f f o td For ActiM, Mm i- NAtwirsEDrroRS SfATEATFY.NQONE b e n I m I ThrNij^ ham MEETPRESlDEin' After IlaihA >Efert To 0 Beboce Ae Bi^eL PMfe Tbeaedres To Hdp NEW h laprorim Cooditiois ICajr 36^(AF) — aet teettty R d ilim Aire ^ T* T dk Coannittee He Hade 110,000 h One TnnncH i#: *jroj I I ‘lI s M M l Tl^ iw ott rtftoged tb« ten p«r eeot Tbrea^Mot tbe CoontiT. m etffl the Mayor] Bve eoM a t a la tUm ym y ttA os oomoticf osd toUot ortidoi. to tabT of New Yorkr OfO.^ StB edtide. and 126,000 In Another Widumt Polling Op Anf to tio roPMUM bin todoj la a drive i . to •ddkServ fgade to tbe buffet bel' Waridnfton, May M.—(AP) — RddcvOle, May 28.-^Thomas P. Honey—^Tlns Besdes tte (2^1)00 Hade On HB ; aadaf leglilstloD. ffaflfftil by fiedgeB of aid from lead* nOTSttEMCHG Noons, state’s sttoniey of Tolland WttUo a t m adantee after •re of tbe American preae, Preiddent county for the past fixteen yearp, Panl Hod[ Inresiment—WIm^ Hemiiq Sessiim Fil-^ T” **"****^ MeoBuaeaded re> Hoover today looked more bopefuUy SAYS U. S. MUST BUY la critically 111 at the BodrviDe CSty etoratios of a bateb of eadsa levlee toward a epeedy untaagUng of tbe hospital. His miditioo Is siibh that MOlniAMCmESUa teother, John Noone, of New carrl^ Iqr the Bduee bin bat not to eongrewlonal knota that have delay­ cd Wik Fireworks As Democrats Clad WHi RepdbS* the ooBieioadae lenate aieaeare, the York City, remains constantly at bis Seaate iigan etrytag out the pro- ed budget balancing legislation. FROM SOVIET RUSSIA bedsldf. , cans—Mayer, Angry, Shoids “It Loohs As If Somebody c n u a. ^ The ^edgea came voluntarily in SlBoe M eaiay Tbe cceawtlca aad toilet from numeroue membera of 89 lead­ Bmger Hareben Loot Ur. Nbooe, who is 56 years of age, tioaa lovy era# pot back la the ing newepaper publisher# gathered was taken 01 Moodqr at the Rock­ Were After My Life.” Ithoot ewB a record vote. laat n l^ t in the Preeident'B study Bead of Amtorg T d t Bosi- AVTOHOHIEIMW ville Hocne, where he ban Bvsd since 130,000^ la reveane to tbe for a conference which lasted tmtil Stoiw asd 15 Wougdeil toe death of his mother imveral y e a n ago. His Illness was not con­ after nddnight. Apparently there New York, May 26.^—(AP) — ¥ I ffctM w approved by tbe com* was no concerted program of action ness Men Preset Confr WEATHEXED SKIEM sidered serious but he was removed COUNTLESS KINDNESSES I were eetinated to produce subndtted or a g r^ to, but from By P d in Rerohrers, to the luMtyital yesterday. L ast Angrily charging his gzarrilnation MAYOR WALKER HAS HAD IM ^ . 0 0 0 of reveaae. some conferees' came conflicting re­ lions Are Too One Sided niirbt he suffered a paral;jme shock before the Hofstadter l^dMcttve llw 0eaate wee la a mood for ports as to v ^ t bad taken place. on the left aide and deep concern is committee was a preliminary to By Assoeiated Frees Berlln, May 26.— (AP)—The fd t over his oondtiloit ’Tve had countless Mndnesil- actim aad la a deteradoation to DIaagree On Soles Tax seeking his removal from office. ralee taxee. To Haye Trade Conlinned. Reduced Sales MetBy Better bloody diaorden in the Prussian Dmioeratto Del^iste es,” Mayor Walker testified to­ TIm tax caused some of these Attorney Noone was recently Mayor James J. Walker today con­ day to toe Hofstadter legislative T ea Ob Jew rtry disagreeing reports. In one quar­ Diet yesterday were followed today Quickly the tea per cent Jewelry named dfieikte at large to tbe na­ tinued his recital of "countless kind- committee. ter the discussion was Interpreted Management ^ But Six by news at riots in three German tional Democratic ^ecmvq^jffl^'.ft Among speMficatiooa gl'^mn. iax,wae reetored to the revenue bllL as meaning the President considered Cleveland, Mav 26.—(AP)— The miaJ B**iftoWn him as mayor of toe * tfbampttone of tooth paete and dtiee. C^cago'iMKt^mcath. > the committee yesterday and . to- tbe general sales^'IsK not onty not United States mflst buyYts wdl as country's Metropolis. iiaaoiHBw voted oy the committee dead, but available now to clear Ceai Shrinkage Reported. In Hamburg, where, thousands of WSTBe from tbe toilet article tax were away tbs delays in Congress over seU if it w ants to enjoy a profitable hunger marchers batfied the pdice Today’s session, tbe second at (246,652 from a joint hrMcbr- ■booted down by the Senate. business with Soviet Russia, innml- last night, d’sorders. were raaomed Which the Mayor has occupied the age account wito Paul Block, for balancing year's bndgeL witness chair, began with pleasan­ It alao tefoaed ta aeeept noaumt' ■ other .'%oa^r(ies donied - this nent Cleveland businesa man were New York, May 28.—(AP) — Al- today whra-a crowd of Communists SH.VER QUESTION whito the mayor put up no (qu i^fwwiwttiT********* to exem pt S ta r' tries an exchange of courtesies money. ______________ stronfl^y. 'Riey said that a reported^ told last night, in an address by j thous^ current earnings of automo- and Joblees men b^^an plundenng a Uof enver from Jbc. Jewelry tait shift of lentiment toward the sales grocery store, Police using their {between W alker and S a m u e l'S ^ - (10,000 profit on an investment-. % fast was the Senate' owWng I H ^'* IhembOT I Peter A. Bogdanov, chairman of the | companlea are low, there .are pistols wounded fifteen Y>f the men. bury, ebtarf counsel of the commit­ made on toe mayor’s behalf by; that leaders on bott sidw ^»^e* ^ kill It, had been dted by Amtorg Trading C cr^ ra^ many hanking leaders who contend One pdieeman was Injined. TOBEVDTEDUPONtee which for 14 months has been Esmond O’Brien. ikially abM ft»r_ order to find out the President merely as an lllustra- "It is obvious that trade canwt that the Industry in the last two ' Hours after the outburet the au- delving into toe city’s affairs. But. acrimony soon burst out. and (26,100 from a pool in Cosdeo ,whsit^< was agltion of n^d changes which the TOm be a one-sided aifair,” Bogdanov years has furnished an unparalleled -thonties were busy putting down oil. Tbe mayor put. up no money.T _ plexion of Congress has undergone, said in the principal speech at a din­ record of efficiency in coping with smEdler demoqatratlons in various toe ma3Eor gave way to the an^est the House tax ner given ly the B x p ^ Clirt) the reduced sales. outburst yet ■witnessed in the cham­ Ite received b o i^ from J. A. Sto-' the nmate NStoi^on Bseebanicd ^re- pointing Inferentially to tbs need for parts of thp city. Senator to, hankar. of flvs .per a stnmgor led public opinion. Cleveland Chamber of Commerce. Final figures for the flret quar­ One policesiaB was. Injtired and ber whlck haa been the scene of I , Ottaerwlae SOent Russia spent (85,000,000 in the ter of this year show that tba Indus- 22 men wezb afrcsted in an unem- countiess shouted exchanges. tax pn Mr. HOopfbr; these pubUtoers said, United'Btatea in 1029, (114,000,000 try had a g g i^ te net profits o t (6 ,- Demand Showiown On the After His life did nahtoiMmit himself for the sales in 1980 and (104.000,000 in 1931. 427,000. This is about 77 per cent (Oentlnaed so Page Twelve) *Tm here as a witness,” the posit boil but said he did not tax BSf dM bn sound out the edltprs Bogdanov said, and then compared below the figtoes forlhe correspond­ Money Probknn. mayor exMahned after saying he the box jointly wito Shdrwood^ Ha L*> on the iasue. BeyontL^toia, the these' figures to American Imports ing period of 1981 when .tha 'ndus-, recognized the antagonistic attitude said toe box was takep temporarily It. would start (IQ for araft newspaparaen were reticent to dis- from Russia, amounting twonly try reported net profits of (98i678i-' of Seabury^ *Dut it begins to kx* in hto name to.kaep some papers Ad over 2B feet, ’ to a nsaxi- a.^](|Alker cUe^t ynijkB toe mayor' Is over 200 cuBs th eib e etin g . >. (13,000.000 In the latter year. Washington, ' May 26.—(AP)—^ as though'aptoebqdy were after, my mum of 2200 The newspapermen sponrof con- ‘ Col. Hiq:h L. Ctooper, American Neverthdeas, the net worth of fife. ' practliBihg-.--lHgF-.i ;; y y ■ ; fe e t the AtofTlW Bapati>f nooiqjueudUtlpn I dKloto In their own oommunitito dealgMir ertb ft "It U» Tpe ifiro-Sttrte^ pialHt Ab thileiBroetro^ a a m t o i ^ ^ Jnii exatotoktion to ‘ aewng fw '5tto lie of Ole vax - RuBHli, shared-apeaktng-" KEDMOF ktt idh' jtoli^.thft tlist K to pMliflitoOty to of bTueoc (ObattotoU to ; in tarnTAiPitnbd in detafi 5HF u,. toto*, free cohmge of sltydii^Mlt ihA. ratio <%arges wito thk (bvanKh from thd'%ouftroom to toa atiMt (Contliiiied on Page Tweil^ showed, bn this balda, combined net of I6 ito il w ith gplifc; for my renidval.*" .
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