
t City Edition . -------------------- ■ ACVVUA'I ASSbciATED^-PfiESS-NETVSPA P PB R -igftOWPLBTB ~ -------r - WIN FATJS s u a i\TLY^ N E V \ V O L .-17. NO. 100. ■ ■........... .... Tw:^VIN FALLS, IDAHOi THTntSDj MORNINQ, AUGUST 2, 193'9 3 4 • '^c^SSSS.rl^'’ • lo; PAGES,'-:-'B - I BILK OF m i . 1500 New Orrlearis Police “ CHiCELLORlGESSiVmMPliS Hitler] Asssum es Gjrerman I ^ ‘ Ready For ‘War’ - Huey , GOIS DOIT Cliy. • FIGHIIiGlllTNilZIrCdlFMCIUI -EnesideiLni^LJQpxM: I OF ilEftPOLIS ops^DiESTttrobtlize^lElSSllSTliniBDTTIKTS' Governor 0 . K. Allen O rd e rs!; Soldiers to Scurry Throughoutiut O f P aull l Von H irindenburg Withdrawal of 700 Troops •In i O ltyand Uncover Vice:e; Direction df Guards- Government Enemy Hangeded Department Chops Total of ----- terpreted-ln-Somo-fluaiv _ Three Hours After Re-le- 2H Planes' From Recom- — - — ----------------- t-to-Senator-------------- — 86-^ar.O ld-ttead O f-RepubUc-SuccUnibS-At^ Ri -----u ters as PresaginB Earlyrly --------- celvlng Death Sentence;ie;l mended List; Force Now j E state; N azi Chielief Immediately . .,f« ' {By T b* Aa*wx!lat.d Pm .) Aide Reveals SecretsitJ Consists of 1,000 Craft j Ending of Martial Rule NEW 0BHAN8, Aug. 1-As Malayer T. Semmes Walrasley mustered T akes O ver N more men and guna thaa Seaatorr Uoey P. Long In their poUoe-mllltUi t u r New Duties 1 if. Flemhig unoonoed tonight that <(By Ttw A»ocltt«d Prea) Adjotaat Geaeral Raymond >»< By WADE WEBNEK By DOUGLAS B. CORNELL I ball of the senator's national guardrdsmen were being demobllixed. MINNEAPOLIS, Aug. 1— (Associated Press Foreign Staff) <Cop>Tight m i . by . BERLIN, Thumday, Auk. 2 (/P)'— President Paul von ZI -Neartjr 1^00 diy police nnder MnUyor Walrasley, am ed with pistols, V IEN N A , Auff. 1—W ithtn The Associated Press) r W ithdrawal ol moat of the . engage tbe gnardamen If an attempt Hlndenburg died at nine o’cloclclock this morning and immedl* rinea and riot gons, were ready to i the hangman’s rope, a scn-in- WASHINGTON, Auff. 1— >; ately Chancellor Adolf Hitler at national ffuard troops fromom was made to nsnrp the New Or-i r assumed the presidency.'Von ' tence of imprisonment andnd The naval high command waa ’> lllndenburg .succumbed' at 86 ti firfnneapotis, where they ciN FoUowlng tho governor's procla- 6 tb a complication of diseases- ^M j/un?”aem ^ Fleming, from a r - empty pay envelopes, the irov-iv- disdoRed authoritatively to- aggravated oy the infirmitiescs of< age. Hitler's elevallon to m axed a week of m ilitary rule ° mation, which declared partial mar- hU headquartera at Jackson bar*• Ual law here, the new order dlrccU:c u cmment of Chancellor Kurtlit nlgnt to have determined on a the highcfll posl in the rcpubti(iblic will likely be viewed w ith IKe ruks where SCO militiamen were ti , in tbo truck drivers strike ^ Adjutant Oeneral Fleming and mill-»i- Scliuschniirir today pressed itaIts sharp reduction in naval avia- , suspicion by other powers andnd fillsI the future with uncer- w ith two raids today on strikeIke under arms, said he tuul dismissed“ .tlamcn under hU command to a . f 'h a l f o t th e 900 m en called out" fight against the defeatedcd tion construction. :! It(alnty, obscr^'crs here declared.ed. headquarters and the arrest ’ *make'a survey and investigation lo X” becausa “they were not needed.- determine when and where red lightKht Nazi rebels of Austria, Present plans, which may «' The beloved Hlndenburg pastpassed away at hU Neudeck ■ of pickets, was ordered to- to- “We are. Jtist going to keep as districts ore operaUng wlUiln ' tbthe e Freidrich Wumig, a Nazi,ri, be altered, call for 274 fower :■ ceestate. First indication of hisi dcdeath came to^newspaper cor* nftrht by A djutant General E. m a n y men on duty as are seces*'• dty of New Orieans under and pur- lir* was hanged at 8 o'clock to- respondentji when the flag*—f* ~ - ir- ■ A . W tU h. sarr." he said. “We can get tbe* ouant to sanction of elty aulhorl- ^ planes than the 2,184 which • night at Innsbruck, threa hours sf- I. 333J. swerved aeveral times toward ‘Thft order tending m o m 700 trooptopt otbers out at e moment’s notice,s. ties, • • • t the nnvy had decldcd would bo . 01outside hls home was lowered. ata. ter hc was sentenced to death for chaos. But the lroQ*irUled octagen* a iia -'iei Tta r - » £ _r,ttninm If U./iftllaoUng frnm [” ,n fir,« a rv ,» n rta r ih.^ V lnsnn h i l l . ; . p«til »r>n Hl^idenburg. to O rm ans ^ dty more men go tomorrow." force o f BbQul 300 wlUiln U»e d ty the InhsblUints ot tho said dUlrlcts Hlckel to Uist city last Wednesday,^ authorizing a treaty strengtn savy "Der Alte" or “grand old mao.'' was ^ me Orders War On TIee • • * snd to determine where, b y 1042. A thousand planes now ' piled UwdUolpliae,adapt4bUlty and proper, w m interpreted br to the rest of the world a rock*Uke’ faU^ ierir. yespeaislhUltjr t h a t b a d Ciurd offloer* u tfta forerunner Q>of Oovemor O. K. Allen at Batonn when and by whom lliere are beinging Wurnlg, tha third Nasi te die ^oo comprise the navat air force, and j; ot the gallows tn two days, ootlapeed bubulwarlt of German union and a^ made- him beloved by the aatloa the Ufttnf of mlUlary rule. In effect Rouge broadened hla proelamaUonn operated within the city yimlU ot ^ plans Iiad cvtiTved to buUd th e o th e r, ^ of i^ ia l martial law and ordered eas *’'hen he was told ttiat clemeaor force for sUbUUy when the post*; toi_ worU war dayi and, bU eootem- ' here ene week. New Orltaaa and adjacent areas } 2 t,tSi In annual fas(a»menU. ' & waWOT republic loitered on the brtok „ the soldiers to scurry Uirougbout theB thereto mUcellaneous gambUng.*' was refused and had to be carried ‘ porarlea tesUfled, dU more tbaa aay Ceofereaet HeI4 ,p . to th e gaUows. lUgh OfflclaU now have chopped J of dvll war and dUmemberment. ^ city and uncover, “without the usee Tho governor returned to the eap- ^ down the total lo a teoUUve figure 1 o th e r one Individual to bold togeU wr Q enenU WAlfth** snnouncem.„4 ent of any force,’* asserted evidences of — Although his crime occurred^ (it UIO planes as adequate for ■ Bnerglng nrom retirement afler aI UunaUoaote3,OMmth ^ - (ConUnued on Page TooL 4) Jbllowtd • Jengthy conference be- vice, gambling and graft. about the same time that Chancel* peaccUme navy requlrementa. Ttia I mimilitary career tbat spanned mores Ttie twelve m o n th s b e iln n ln c wUb twtea hlnuelf, Ooremor Koyd B. _ lor Dollfuss wss killed by Nazi^ tota] may be eut sUghUy agato be- I Ul:lhan an ordinary life time and to** February,fc 1931, w e n e^w laU y erit> . Olson, Colonel tim er McDcrltt, prtK — putschlsU. It had no direct connec* clleluded two of the-great wars.of hU-■ leaLlei At tbe start U was pcoposad (o Uon wllh tbat outbreak. fore a final one u reached. I vo«t manhftl. and Q ranl DuniK, one Ttw reduction toeludes 3« craft E toilory, bo undertook the diitles' ofI makem von Htodeabunr pretidant for of ttae itrlke leaden. ReveaU Kasl SecreU - whleh would tiave been asalgned to pnpraildeQt of the releh »)}en he wasI lUe.ui twt tbe aged cxscuUre pat I t ^ FIRES SPR]F A D IN G I N FAUL VON UINDENBURO oeartogne the age of 7B, served bis fuU1 aalde.aa Oontendtof poUUeal facUcoa A bloodlecs Tlctorr was the na­ Aa alleged aooomplice, CbrlstlanM •‘ proposed flying deck cruiser wtUcH Uoaal guatd's after a dar of actlvltjr f f ^ nsvy has decided not to Uy s leiterm of seven years and then won1 keptke Uis country In a ferment and Meyer, was sentenced to 30 years’ re-elecUoo to AprU, 1M3. (or a see*■ at one state von Hladenburg wU In which tho MtoneapolU army ot Imprisonment, receiving demency..It ' occupation In tbe trvek drlTert'I NORTH WE!1ST FORESTS ond term. reiready te restsa. Bruaalag, Oatboixa— waa reported, because ho had rt- Flgwts TenUUve ^ ' centrist, was cbaoceDor and ia Oe> ■ atrlke aelaed headquarters of .lead-Id* ---------------- - S• vealed Naxl secrets to the gorem- Greeted first as a forerunner of ; tober Um preatdsnb demanded tbat era. harassed pickets, and arrested B northern Idaho. The tWrd flre' In m e n t “te cadeayortog to vrive at an III rcstoraUoo of the monardiy, he ^ — ! ? ° | fM .ujgduate peaeetlmrf prcMn-am oT eeo- __MUROERGIGES : more instT« scorffTJTpenona.--------- menace dung tenaclouily toTffios This" region, dl HOl 'apring: nmved a' sUiinch consUtutlonalUt he Operations of tb# mlUtary started a o o ^ proporUons. we have ar- ^ bU tiiinost to preserve a parUa-’■ rS??tnnlMirt*h” KS Northwest’s forests tonight Five) Montana, in the Cabinet forest, waa i hU flnt Ulk with BlUer al thla soon before Jotm Betor, a picket major flrea were reported raging5 reporied to bo “troublesome** Economic pressure against NaxUlU ’rtred unuuvety at UiU figure of . mentary «o»ernment aad accepted b" sd. W li," ooe auUiority said. -W* are , time and teamed tbat tbe naUenal . wounded July 30 wben atrlkera^ mit-OLcoattSl,________ __, _ ____Cheerlilg news came from BrlU lo government employ waa ordered. < TWFROiinOUTHlthe virtual dlcUtorahlp of AdoU Hit* ^ ; soclalUt leader wanted fuU power — clMhedwim-poUM-ann«d-wlth-*hots^ The giant Curlew confO^aUon — —The-aalarles-«f-aU-per»ons-to thehe imerely endeavDrta»-t®-wodt_(ait.a.
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