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May-June, 2013 may-june, 2013 Help! (Photofest) Spectacle: The Music Video3 SonosandVEVOpresent: 4 TheDirector’sStudio Sonos Playground Deconstructed4 Play This Movie Loud! 5 Hip-HopintheYouTubeAge 8 SPECTACLE: PLAY THIS TheSoundtrackSeries 8 THE MUSIC VIDEO 3 MOVIE LOUD! 5 Sightseers 9 Fahrenheit 4519 Sparrows 10 Sandnes 2160 10 New York Polish Film Festival 11 The Kick 12 Epic in3-D 12 See It Big! 13 NEW YORK World Science Festival 14 POLISH FILM React to Film 15 SANDNES 2160 10 FESTIVAL 11 EvanRoth: A Tribute to Heather 16 DVD Dead Drop 17 YoungRewiredStateNYC 17 Behind the Screen 18 FocusontheCollection 19 WorkshopsandCamps 20 BecomeaMember 21 OurSupporters 22 HostYourEvent 23 DailySchedule 24 WORLD SCIENCE A TRIBUTE FESTIVAL 14 TO HEATHER 16 Museum Information 25 2 THROUGHOUT THE MUSEUM Spectacle: The Music Video isthefirstmuseum exhibitiontocelebratetheartandhistoryofthe musicvideo.Fromearlyexamplesofmusicinfilmto theworkofmusicvideomasterssuchasDavidBowie andMadonnaandcontemporaryartistssuchasThe WhiteStripesandKanyeWest,theexhibitionreveals theenormousinfluencemusicvideoshavehadon contemporarycultureoverthepast35years. Throughover300videos,artifacts,andinteractive installations,theexhibitionshowsthechanging landscapeofthemusicvideo,highlightingitsplace THROUGH JUNE 16, 2013 attheforefrontofcreativetechnology,anditsrolein pushingtheboundariesofcreativeproduction. Spectacleexploresthetrajectoryofthemusicvideo fromprecursorsthroughtothepresentdayacrossa rangeofmusicalgenres,andshowcasestheinnovative workofcontemporarydirectorssuchasMichel Gondry,FloriaSigismondi,andChrisMilk.Original propsandartifactsfromiconicmusicvideossuchas A-ha’sgroundbreaking“TakeOnMe”andOKGo’s“This TooShallPass”arepresentedalongsideinteractive experiencesfeaturingworksbyRadioheadandBjörk. Inconjunctionwiththeexhibition,theMuseumpresents a f rangeo relatedpublicprogramsforaudiencesofall ages, includingscreenings,hands-onworkshops,and exclusivespecialeventswithpersonalappearancesby musicvideodirectorsandmusicartists. Spectacle:TheMusicVideois organized by the Contemporary Arts Center, Cincinnati and curated by Jonathan Wells and Meg Grey Wells of Flux. Exhibition design by Logan. The exhibition is presented in partnership with Sonos and VEVO. Additional support is provided by Adobe and SOL REPUBLIC. Wax“California”(1995),directedbySpikeJonze.Courtesyoftheartist. 3 Sonos and Vevo Present: The Director's Studio THROUGH JUNE 16, 2013 In conjunction with the exhibition Spectacle: The Music Video, a series of intimate and in-depth conversations with creators of music videos. An Evening with Mark Pellington An Evening with Fab 5 Freddy and a screening of U2 3D FRIDAY,MAY17,7:00P.M. TUESDAY,MAY7,7:00P.M. Fab5Freddyisaculturalpioneerwhoplayedakeyrole LosAngeles-basedfilmmakerMarkPellingtonmade inbringinghip-hopculturetoaudiencesaroundthe hismarkasoneofthemosttalented,inventive world.BornFredBrathwaiteinBedfordStuyvesant, directorsofmusicvideos,collaboratingwithU2, hewasagraffitiartistwhofamouslypaidhomageto BruceSpringsteen,PublicEnemy,NineInchNails, AndyWarholbycoveringasubwaycarinCampbell’s TheDaveMatthewsBand,andmanyothers.Hisvideo soupcans.HedrewtogetherNewYork’sdowntown forPearlJam’s“Jeremy”isoneofthemostpopularin film,music,andartscenesanddevelopinghip-hop history.Hedevelopedanambitiousnon-linearcollage cultureinHarlemandtheBronx,andwasimmortalized stylethatreacheditsheightwiththegroundbreaking byDebbieHarryinthelyricsforhersong“Rapture,” seriesBuzzforMTV.Hethenbecameasuccessful “Fab5Freddytoldmeeverybody’sfly…”Hewasthe directoroffeaturefilms(Arlington Road,The Mothman starofthe1981filmWild Style,andthefirsthostof Prophecies),andtelevision(The United States of Yo! MTV Raps.Heisalsoaprolificdirectorwhohas Poetry,Cold Case).Pellingtonwilldiscusshiscareer, madedozensofgroundbreakingmusicvideosand PhotobyEricHarveyBrown showinghighlightsfromhiswork,inaconversation commercialsforartistslikeQueenLatifah,KRS-One, withChiefCuratorDavidSchwartz.Thediscussion Nas,SnoopDoggyDog,andmanymore.Therewill willbefollowedbyararetheatricalscreeningofthe beplentyofgreatstories,andgreatvideos,inwhat IN THE NAM JUNE PAIK ROOM / HBO PRODUCTION LAB spectacularconcertfilmU2 3D. promisestobeanunforgettableeveningwithFab5 Freddy,whowilldiscusshisremarkablecareerasa SONOS PLAYGROUND DECONSTRUCTED U2 3D centralfigureinhip-hop. Presented in Dolby Digital 3-D THROUGH JUNE 16, 2013 Introduced by Catherine Owens and Mark Pellington Alsoaspartoftheseries,onApril19theMuseum presentedAnEveningwithChrisMilk,theinnovative Sonos Playground Deconstructed (2013)isasite-specificinstallation,designed Dirs.CatherineOwens,MarkPellington.2007,85mins. musicvideodirector,andonApril26AnEveningwith WithBono.Aquantumleapbeyondtraditionalconcert by Aramique,RedPaperHeart,andFakeLove,thataimstobringminimalistartto Rich+Tone,musicvideochoreographersforartists filmsandtraditional3-D,U2 3Dimmersesaudiences lifeasanimmersivemusicvideoenvironment.Sonos Playgroundwasoriginally includingMichaelJacksonandMadonna. intheexcitementandthrobbingintensityofastadium installedina250sq.ftshedattheSonosStudioatthe2013SXSWfestival.At concertbyoneoftheworld’smostpopularbands. MuseumoftheMovingImage,thedesignersofSonos Playground Deconstructed TICKETS:$15public/$9Museummembers/freefor havere-imaginedtheexperienceusingfivedetachedwallssuspendedabovea SilverScreenmembersandabove. reflectivefloor. VisitorsareabletoselectasongfromaniPadandwatchavisualizationofthe musicprojectedontothesurroundingwalls.Throughmotion-capturetechnology, visitorscaninteractwithandmanipulatethevisualsthroughmovement. 4 Gimme Shelter(JanusFilms) MAY 4–JUNE 9, 2013 “Thisfilmshouldbeplayedloud!”isthetitlecardatthebeginningofThe Last Waltz,Martin Scorsese’s1978concertfilmfeaturingTheBand.Scorseseraisedthemusicfilmtoa cinematicartform,withtop-notchcinematographyandasuperblycraftedstereosound mix.Othermusicfilms,suchasD.A.Pennebaker’sDon’t Look Back,offeramoreraw andspontaneousexperience,capturingtheexcitementofliveperformanceandthe candidrealityofbackstagelife.Andsome,suchasRichardLester’sAHard Day’s Night, putarealbandintoafictionalcontext.Thisseriesfeaturesallthreeofthesetypes offilms:concertfilms,véritédocumentaries,andfictionfilms.Whatthemovies allhaveincommonisthateachonefocusesonasingleperformerorband… andallofthemaremeanttobeseen—andheard—inatheater,playedLOUD! 5 The Beatles in Help! AltamontconcertinDecember1969,itfelttomany SATURDAY,MAY4,5:00P.M. thatthespiritofthe1960sdiedalongwithhim. TheMayslesBrotherscapturetheeventsthatled Dir.RichardLester.1965,92mins.35mm.WithThe uptotheconcertaswellasthemountingtension, Beatles.WhenRingogetsinajamwithanevilcultover unravelingnerves,andlossofcontrolthattookplace asacrificialringandsomeredpaint,TheBeatleshave afterwards.ThehauntedlookonMickJagger’sface tofindawaytorescuetheirfriendwithoutsacrificing ashewatchesthefatalmomentregistersallofthe themselves.InpureRichardLesterstyle,Help! isa loss,shock,anddisappointmentthatcamewiththe fast-pacedmadcapdelight.Chasedbyeveryonefrom passingofanera.Amesmerizingandelectrifying cultiststomadscientiststoScotlandYard,theFab véritéclassic,Gimme Shelterisbothdisturbingand FourfleefromSwingingLondontotheAlps,tothe enthralling,anessentialrockmovie. Bahamas,andthroughWorldWarIIre-enactments, Head andofcoursestillfindtimetostopfortheoccasional performance. Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars The Monkees in Head (PennebakerHegedusFilms) SATURDAY,MAY18,2:00P.M. Don’t Look Back (PennebakerHegedusFilms) SUNDAY,MAY19,4:00P.M. David Bowie in Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars Dir.BobRafelson.1968,86mins.35mm.WithPeter Tork,DavyJones,MickyDolenz.Psychedelic,stream-of- Introduced by D.A. Pennebaker conscious,andsurreal,thistour-de-forcecapturesthe SUNDAY,MAY5,7:30P.M. bandTheMonkeesatitsmosthilarious—andalsoits Dir.D.A.Pennebaker.1973,90mins.35mm.WithDavid most reflexive.Head managestobeutterlyself-conscious Bowie,MickRonson,TrevorBolder.Throughtheyears, andnonsensicalatthesametime—theband,awarethey DavidBowiehastakenoncountlesspersonas—Major areactorswithinamovie,attempttobreakfreefroma Tom,TheThinWhiteDuke,AladdinSane,alongwith Quadrophenia dictatorialdirector,butfindthattheireveryactionisalready manyothers—buthisroleasZiggyStardusthasproved preordained.Filledwithsightgagsandslapstickdrawnfrom themostenduringiconofthesinger’smutability.On The Who in Quadrophenia the atmosphereofthedelirious1960sculturallandscape, July3,1973,ZiggyStardustmadehisfinalappearance SUNDAY,MAY12,5:00P.M. Headoffersatrenchantcritiqueofthesocialclimateof attheHammersmithOdeoninLondon;theenchanted theperiodbeneathitsveneeroflightheartedadventure. Dir.FrancRoddam.1979,117mins.35mm.WithPhil performancelivesoninthefootagecapturedthatnight Daniels,LeslieAsh,PhilipDavis.Thebattlebetween byrenowneddocumentaryfilmmakerD.A.Pennebaker. theModsandtheRockers,alludedtoinAHard Day’s The Harder They Come Bob Dylan in Don’t Look Back, The Beatles in A Hard Day’s Night Night,isplayedoutinQuadrophenia. Youth,motor scooters,music,rebellion—thesewerethevisible with Daybreak Express SATURDAY,MAY11,2:00P.M. elementsofEnglandinthe1960sthatbeliedthe With D.A. Pennebaker in person SUNDAY,MAY12,2:00P.M. restlessness,disillusionment,andmalaisefermenting SUNDAY,MAY5,5:00P.M. Dir.RichardLester,1964,87mins.35mm.WithThe beneaththesurfaceofcivilsociety.BasedonThe Dir.D.A.Pennebaker.1967,96mins.Digitalprojection. Beatles, WilfredBrambell.“Areyouamodorarocker,” Who’srockoperaofthesamename,thefilmfollows WithBobDylan,AlbertGrossman,BobNeuwirth. RingoStarr—playingacharacternamedRingo—is anangst-riddenboywhofallsinwiththeModstofind D.APennebaker’slandmarkcinéma
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