SSpringpring 220101 5 + WWhyhy HHistoryistory MMattersatters 12. TThehe HHistoryistory ooff JJewishewish StudentStudent LLifeife aatt UUCC 18. UUCC QQuadrangleuadrangle PPastast aandnd ffutureuture 24 . CONTENTS SPRING 2015 fFeatures eauc.uttoronto.cau/alumni res KEYNOTE 08. Principal's Message CLASS NOTES 12. 18. 38. FOCUS REPORT News from Alumni Why Bother With History? The History of Jewish BY FRANCESCO GALASSI Student Life at UC BY FRANKLIN BIALYSTOK NOTA BENE 42. Campus News 24. CAMPUS Quiet, Green, and Orderly: The History of the UC Quadrangle BY JANE WOLFF 32. CAMPAIGN UPDATE 04 — UC ALUMNI MAGAZINE Leading by Example BY SHELDON GORDON CONTENTS SPRING 2015 MASTHEAD Departments Volume 40, No. 2 EDITOR Yvonne Palkowski (BA 2004 UC) SPECIAL THANKS Donald Ainslie Alana Clarke (BA 2008 UC) Naomi Handley Michael Henry Lori MacIntyre COVER IMAGE University College, Junior Common Room, c. 1965 Courtesy UC Archives ART DIRECTION & DESIGN PRINTING Flash Reproductions CORRESPONDENCE AND UNDELIVERABLE COPIES TO: University College Advancement Office 15 King’s College Circle 10. Toronto, ON, M5S 3H7 University College Alumni Magazine 01. is published twice a year by the University College Advancement departments Office and is circulated to 26,000 alumni and friends of University College, University of Toronto. IMAGE 01. 06. 45. To update your address or David Secter on set CONTRIBUTORS DONATIONS Our Team University College unsubscribe send an email to IMAGE CREDIT Donors
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